HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1957-04-03, Page 5r
:i: . a
.. pert and practical
for Sports and casual
wear ..t, , far walking or
driving they're always
ready to go , . tailored
of •cotton satin , ."wovert
Tartan 1ini_n9s.
Sizes 12 10 20
A=•Qf Water repellent cotton -satin Chino — cord.
espy trimmed —joggle ,closing woven cotton
beton• linings. Bales, Rets or .Charr<aal, size; 17 •
fa 29
a--Ot e,mericon Chino twin ((cotton sotin) four but=
ton front closing 2: ilnp .packets woven
, Tartans ocetgte linings, Beige, Red pr slue, Sizers '
12 tic 2o.
IJnited'Church News''
GORRIE—The'Mission'Eand wilt,
meet in the United • Church'hallqui'
Thursday afternoon • after four
Tho Men's `.•ssociation , is• r rang=
Ing a panel discussion tobe held: in
-Ontario Street United • Church, at
Clinton,'on Friday at 8 `o'cleeli;-s
, The' 'Worrian's'Missionry Societ
will' e t the omef
`o Mrs. Go"
mye at . h. .r.
don Edgar. on 'April•: 4th at .(3,15
a.m.,. Program committee,
Brown, Mrs. "G. Galbraith, Mrs: R
Ratan, and Mrs,,'•C Taylor •
Mr. Sturton • Ashton, Iiamiitor};-,
and Mr,, .and Mrs'.; Ernest Radford
and- a cousin . frbtn. Clinton colied
on.Mr,. and Mrs. Hilton Ashton on
Sunday • afternoon:
•Mrs Harold Edwards Miss Val-
eria. . Raun "and Mr..Bruee 1v,IcKeri
ny,_of.Port"Credit; ;visited With Mr,
and Mrs. ,Fi -,H, .Strong .and with
Mrs, Frances ,Strong in the 'Wing_:
ain'tHospital ton Sunday
Mr. an5d Mrs Don Ireland arid.`
family of •Teess;J;ater,-visited, Mrs.,
Harry Ferguson• ori Sunday.-
.Ms.C.. Gregg,, who has .spent'the
winter months •with :her song
George; In' Sarnia, is spending this
week with her friend," 1VIrs. ;Situp -
son,. at Hensel], and will return' to.
her home here next, week.
Mr, and Mrs Bradley 'Galbraith
and little daughter are moving this
weektheca tarin near Wingham,•
Mr,• and Mrs) Bill 'Strong (nee
Jean Lohr) were honored at a very
large . gathering : offriends on `, + ri-
day';evening.: in the community
sols "when they were presented
with' a purse of money, a floor
larrip and'a°chair, Bill Black read
the address, The `evening : was
spent ,dancingto the music of
Sarigster's orchestra,
r r u
POW2 Plymouth
A.. Smartest looking new beauty
Sma g Y
That ever dressed up a driveway
or caused a flurry of ekcilo-
rnent in your neighbourhood!
`. relics seem to agree' that
' :Plymouth's really g ,honey this
year—for looks, performance,
riding comfort' roominess, safety!
And "who are we to deny it?
After all, Plymouth does have the,
highest standard horsepower of
You're, always a step ahead In cars of The Forward Look
the low -price field. It does happen
to be the lowest pricedcar with
modern proved in -use push-
button driving , revolutionary
• Torsion -Aire Ride, .. Arid new
Super-Safe,Totai-Contact brakes.
Don't accept less for your
money than this fresh frisky new
Thrill -Power Plymouth has to
offer. Come ate us soon .. and
learn how easily you earl own one!
Clitysler£oreoration• Of Canada„Limited
-See us' about getting your new
Thrill=Power Plymouth today!
It's the Lowes -rice - ' . �
lowest da;alr
in r;anada With
. Flight -Sweep '57 styling
• V,-8 or 6 Thrill -Power GO
• Total-Contnei brakes
' . Torsion -Aire hide
t Advanced Chrysler quality
• ,..and push.bUtton Torqud4l fel
automatic trcinsm)uion
HOWER OF STARS, Thursdays . 8.30 poin:,, over Channel 8.
MRS,.0E.0„11.. a.BEATSOI
QORRil ..Many friends will loin
Wi .in best wishes to Mrs, George!
Rohertson, who is''.eelebrating her
92nd, birthday .Wetly at the home"
of her daughter, Mrs, Glad.rdgal
With whom she resides, on. Wed•
nesday, April
+She was the former Angeline
Greenwood, of Gienelg, Grey Coon,
ty. i'n January, UK she 'married'
George Robertson of Molesworth,
who passed awd ry, 1939;
Mrs, Robertsmi haul had wonder-
ful health and ein.7oya company, al,
though she is confined to w.heei
chair these past few Mentha. $he
has a very bright outlook on life
and a very pleasing ;personality,
She has two sons and ting Baugh-
torn Cameron, of Strathclaire,
Man,; Birks, who lives near 'Tees -
'water; Mrs, Cordon (Annie) 'Edgar
and Mrs, Glad (lyfabe)) Edgar,
both of Corrie. .She has one ,sis-
ter, Mrs, John Robson, ..of near'
Durham. Her only brother, Will
Greenwood,• of ,Durham, pnssedV
away in February last year, ,
GOR.R•TE, 'Gordon Moir, ,chair
man, presided at a meeting of
those interested in the Water Safe-
ty and Swimming ' Sel'vieo. He
stated that in reply to the clues-.
tionnai're sent out 271 children in-'
dicated that they would take the
course; This Seemed to be a very
encouraging response.
Dick Carson was appointed trea
surer, and,the following committees'
were named: Park comm., Norman
Wade, T, L. 1VIoInnes, DavidNeil-
son, Lionel Johnston and Irving.
Toner; personnel` and finance, Geo.
Beattie, Ken • Edgar; Harold Pot
leek, Ewart Whitfield and K. .T„
Hueston; registration comm Har-
old 'Pollock, Harvey McDermid,
Jim Wylie, Stewart Higgins, Tom
Edgar and Mrs. Leonard Sander-
son; publicity, Mrs,. Norman Wade,
Mrs. George Brown, Mrs. E. Moore,
Mrs• D, S, "MacNaughton and Mrs.
Wm. Sothern. •
Each committee may add to their
numbers. Transportation is to he
arranged by parents. Several oth
•er matters pertainingcto the course
were discussed..
The next ;meeting will be held at
•the community hall, Fordwich, on
Friday •evening, `April 12th at 8.30"
This meeting is for the committees
and all in .the township who ,are in-
terested in this project for the
ehildren of Hawick. A good atten-
dance is hoped tor.,
GORRIB—The Gerrie Red Cross
branch has shipped to headquar-
tors at Toronto the following sew-
ing; One quilt, 50 pairs boys' over-
al1s, 10 pairs men's pyjamas, 16
layettes, 2. pairs boottees (extra).
Knitting: 3 sweaters, 21 pairs of
boys' socks and 11 pairs men's
JVfr. and 'Mrs, Lorne Wbods and
Donna.were.week-end visitors With
Mrs. Robinson Woods at Kitchen-•
Miss Margaret• Miller was home
from Stratford for the week -end:'
The ladies are reminded of the
annual meeting of the Women's
Institute this (Thursday) after-
noon at 2 o'ciook, Mrs, B, F. Green
will ' be the special speaker and.
the roll call is paying of fees and
the history of your farm. •
Mrs. W. A. Humphrey is `con-
valescing at the home ' of her
daughter, Mrs: Roy Robinson, Bel -
grave,.. after several weeks in. Vic-
toria hospital, London.
1Vliss W. D. Rutherford and Mr,:
and, Mrs, T, J, Salkeld returned
on Sunday from a five-week .holi-
day at Lakeland, Florida.
lat Wdziis'illtil iisge ne t`iirt i 10kaM
Special Statement
Phone 'til*
Mrs.,, Thrifty Qusewith.
Fridary 1004Apra 5, 957
3 -piece Knechtel BEDROOM SUITE
Beige' Mahogany, Double Dressers
4'-6" Bed, Chiffonier, extra large•
bevel edge plate, glass mirror's , ; r ,
,3 etVsi
hop Frida:
Give Your ..Full Suigoort to The Boy Scout Finance Campaign
Mr; and. Mrs: Norman Wade vis-
ited Mrs. Wm,`Wade and Miss Iea-.
trice in. Fordwich on Wednesday;;
when • Mrs. Wade celebrated her
85th birthday.
Mr F. E. itussell and Mrs. Geo.
Beattie accompanied. Rev, F. E,
Russell to T.ond'on on . Thursday
Messrs, J, H. And George King
and .H: V. ,Holmes spent Friday • in
Mr. and Mrs. Norman Wade visit-
ed with Mr• and Mrs. Arthur Miles.
in Islington on Friday,
`� Messrs. Percy,, George and Hil-
tontthe funeral of
1 Ashton attended
In the olden days barbers 'were
Surgeons as well as hfiir cutters,
and one of their chief occupations
`oyes blood-letting, a means of cure
munh indulged in by people of a.
Couple of eenturies. ago.
In this operation the patient
grasped a smallpole for the pur-
pose of .retaking his 'auris tense, in
order that th+e .incision in the arm
might be more effective, When the
;pole was not in rase it Was,set up
in. the'window, entwined' `with a
fresh bandage of cloth to be used
for wrapping arrund the arm after
the next operation.
This served 'the purpose of
Sign to the public and after awhile,
instead of using the setual pole
and bandage for advertising his
business, the barber contented
himself with a representation .et
then by ,putting up at his door .a
red pole encircled with aspiral
Stripe of White paint, eitinnu:hted
With the design of 1t NOM,
Clifford Hobbs of Monkton On
Monday afternoon. Mrs: Hobbs is
the former Beryl Ashton.'
The Brotherhood of Anglican
Churchmen will meet :at' Trinity'
Church, Fordwich, on Tuesday
evening, -April • 9,' A good attend-
ance is hoped for as two important.
business .matters are to come up.
Mr, and Mrs . Percy '7iioip'les, of;
oxbow, Sask., were recently guests
of Mr, and Mrs. Bradley Galbraith.
Mr. and Mrs: Leonard Rattan
spent ,Thursday . and Friday with
Mr.. and ,Mrs. Arthur Ruttan of
Mrs. Leonard. Sanderson arid
baby visited Mrs;. Sterling, .Bervie,
last Friday.
Mr, and Mrs:. Bert Abell and
Janie, Listowel; and Mr, and ;Mrs.
Ted. Newton were recent'visitors at
the home of Mr, arid :Mrs. Gerald.
Mrs, W. Dickson and Alice, Mrs.
Gordon' Dickson;- Bobby and Bet-
ty, of Teeswater, spent Monday
with Mr. and Mrs. Russel Rattan..
Mrs. Buchanan, Mrs, 'Alex Taylor,
Mrs, E. Whitfield, Mrs,. John
Strong, Mrs. O Galbraith, Mrs.
Glad Edgar, Mrs.—L. Ruttan and
Mrs. 1✓yie Watson attended WMS
Presbyterial on Wednesday. In Wes-
ley -Willis United Church; Clinton.
Mr. and 13/4/Irs. William Smith,
Erick and Linda spent the week-
end . With Mr. and Mrs, Ronald
$rooks of Ottawa. •
Mr. and Mrs, Albert Dustow vis-
ited, Mr. and Mrs. Holmes of
Molesworth on Sunday.
George Brown and Archie Scott,
Wingham, were on a bus tour over.
the week -end, sponsored by The
Hotseless' Carriage Club of ;youth-
ern Ontario, to Detroit, where they,
visited Henry Ford Museum and:
Mr. Barney Pollard's 'Old. Car ex-
Condition .of Dr.. L, N. Whitley:
has been very serious for the past
week, Mr, and Mrs, W. Moon',
tain, who'spent, * few days at the
Whitley home, .have returned to
their home in )L.ondesboro,
Mr. Harry Dane, Wroxeter, War
dot Harry Gowdy, Harold Pollock
and W, It. Whitfield, were in Grid..
enol 'Tuesday of last week at an
Aesesaot's` Association Meeting,
Mrs. Bradley Galbraith Was hon -
bred by the neighbours at an after -
Imola tea .a.t the home of 1Vfrs Ger-
ald Galbraith on Tuesday, 'prior tel
her departure to her new homey
she Was the reoiiient of a ',ordure
.brill R tr11y. -
LITTLE COST . •�.,..
'.1.11111P. ..6.1,1410111111110111111111410111111'''
.Phone -1:39. Winghm'
To All Farmers:
Milk prices for •mai i faettrring :porpoises have 'been the highest-
ighestrecentlyin relation to cream prices that they leave been ler
years. The outlook is that they will: a continue In remain high
compared tc cream for the next few years.
The thief reason is that consumption of skimmilk powder la's
drastically increased he the last few years as people Have been
educateal to eat lower fat meals, Therefore,. eon$Umption ;of
skimmilk solids not -fat should remain :at a High level.
Sirimmlk powder production and stock§ are the lowest in nears:
If you are milking a. large number of 'cows and feeding the
siammilk to the pigs, you should. seriously •consider sellit►l; ,year
Milk and supplementing the slcinimilk in ,their feed With -other
vegetable proteins'.
We have been buying milk in Liras lllarrlston district isinee 1937
and endeavour nt Tsil1 times to pay the top price .foir milk for
manufacturing into lee Cream, critter • a•nd roller skitnmilk
We are in a position to pick up your Milk —.tans to be Supplied
by ns. 1)o not consider switching from Shipping (anent to
shipping Milk unless yen. will have at least 2 full eaanis during
the grass leealeon,
nesse Contn<it.iia promptly if yen are` interested tir3/4 altippinK
milk so that We can arrange oiir milk .routes to ineiade your
I-lar'rieton O unit
Manufacturers of York
Phone 4. 20 F. T . Chitt + k• 11 ,' .. er.
. ate ntpia� ; Superintendent