HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1957-04-03, Page 3OPPORTUNITY 'Tirt S ARE:
oKohouom to P9$0,90 *mail 10001140- posoie by PPOildliont loge
voretp:4449ayni winql14.4.0:dppoY 44.41414,04t IliPlisralytt47011; roma oroixtv-triptl*Alitoukd.w,-
it iou b410.1uphs. No nxperienee oto,monory as Wot 414 1.Yuilii•
Phither4 Of the Ititoinew sod .no loth prosoog.
pit*Atiod, *to 06 seitin* your eaS .10; rotkatrod,
41"ni "":".50oo. 471 schs atglik4wr #41.
.•2.. Spare 9 to 10 1010t1ril Monthly
Min$hnim of *),900.09 .001/4 ittAitti/rOil
•• • Witkh Is Puny secured :r
If you Stan meet these quidifiCatioos mod slesifu intervietw
With, Clotopiuty Xxeouttve in you*, area.,.answer: ON MI 11001104.•
lately, ' •",
ridlise 40 not gnawer Wks adilertiliement- ludess yell are cltifeit-
itely Interested businesS offt a high piano,.have' ike siecessikey
itofbitto. decision allot you him* the foots, as tit9tis Spirmked will
eash tiVidishle, sad are a person Who post .rolotto sOrn
be apOoint4A ithotodiutolY. '
This-is a mice a lifetime aimoiluisity with a IVrataskeat
I rinior""Ipt,'Ipeitiltroilisialle.'1'sitorview•la your area, Write Jolly About yontraelif
hiehtdo phone mumber, to 4. W. WEBB POlvit'ANT, PE VA
1f149 Ot, thiebee.
Did You Know This
About Scouting?
THAT the Boy Scout Move.
Moot is- 50 years old in 1957?
Tkuim-Weald Scouts are to
commemorate the Jubilee 'of
Scooting and the centermary of
Lord Baden-Powell With a
. World Scout Jamboree,Scout,
ore' Indaba and Rover Moot at'
'Sutton Park, WarWieltshire,
England, in 1957, and that woo
Scouts Will take part?
THAT Baden-Powell tested
the ideas on which ScoOting
was to be based at an exPeri,
Mental Scout camp in 1907?
THAT in the world there arb
approximately 6,500,000 Scouts?
THAT the Chief Scout for
Canada is the Qovornor-General,
the Rt, Hon. Vincent Massey,
THAT in Canada nearly 2b,000
men and women voluntarily,
give up much of their spare
time acting as 'Scoutmasters,
Cubmasters and Rover Leaders
without payment?
can put you on
frpit Of:45;0.00
• 'AbOtit, a week invested
" irith'us Is guaranteed to lead
:yOu: along 'tile trail to $5,000
',cash In 15 years, Talk it
-p,o-Or...y.Lith an rInvestors repin-
entative ':;your best friend
fiiiiirreiallY."` Call or write;
7whi No sp.; J.! 41:Nd n.
.4ohn -W: Waines.
Phone 1942
Investors :
OPPICe: WIN litIt C..' orrice: Herm Mellaat.
it Takes Two
' Report any new or•
unusual symptoms , to
Your doctor
For free literature write
Wingham, Ont.
Secretary of Wingham and
trait branch of Canadian
Cancer Society
1 Optometrist
Patrick St., r Wingham
Phone 770
(for cuts, scrapes and scratchers)
with a complete-
$1.25, $3.50, $5.50, $11.00
▪ tx, • a
ice (cgoSaY
"WHERE Yarn \1 ,
LOLLAR GOES \ raarseco- --- •
' ' 4t etc, Orsky.t.t, 8 J
See Hydroff)lip:;.
esentet : *tit' Gift
. wArrookny . ... 7,-494101, , 0014.: , 1,57.41 .:V-4.#1*,ial.. 44-•:The teitutli
dents 'in S.$: No, •10 tii4 Otheep0M,, tion lahld..lti Ebb:SO.000 Hall Ore
mineity' folk gathered • in the *0*. 400,0140 OVOI0/./ Jor'• Afft• ' 'd.
mortal go • laat, thuraday,„ cfmking Mrai',", GOrdo`n ''WelW:004 01t• .'Wing-
when the • tgoiberi. MIIi.. Nilo•tbVsi, P4t9i,NW.M4. well *401/464, : A.fatot
showed pictures. 4:st ii4topF lin1•:Aartt 'ff4tTi g4110i : i!4hioetTret400ttowitb4t1sfi:3pli; ,t40Irot:,R0ss :t
W; $, Hall Win hare, ,calor' to44.
•Ogac mind *ett4004$
>0.04, 43ilile,
rescue Wtt4, the 41.0.., AckOal ,4 m4.7•". flitchAtt •::#0Sented tiMM .Witli, a.
chine, ' 'Pley.slihw,c51 the OOP .$0,r: Pllire• .gyr. money, Mr, „Vi/e1WOod
the new fx Lavittcne# 'oo".44y,, 0.10 ,b,ftfik#:,<T,*,tb01*.;goe thoire hind an,d
the trentendous.:Wcirlt ;that ,is. 'h6,1 5 th04.04100. kg.k .,'''..Failliee$ - Orcit-
ing done ' creating ;$.0!t;,P4,1-00 for 'cstrg lir61604:'•:00•P' 00f-AlStOCJOki .
ghownri: :,$,..rip1,74•9:0:11. 04 q'F', .111,1s:vt,_.i, eP :17 41ln e .ro
, , ,. ,... ..,,
need for more. hydro •fteink•Ili* 1117' ::, '!': : •
' -
otqylOg IlOhleif,;•ti.Oft '.era.4ing llOW,
agPra •fraied4 .11,d 'i''.0•It:1401PseVii•E • 0'1 9' seno• ,
0 thi:e:..
tails tlia(*pre ,C4Cglit4tel' Ili l, (Pre' ''YVAIrr4CAIWKM' ''.-:: ;V°4141'
Warmtng etncl, li,i9r4101; ,on,t' of : OP-, '.,,, ., '1!`i -'•' '', 4 . ' , '
the prO$Cat ' Wag: worked, out .4e :.a.,. ti.a.moii',playg4;eirelii•q ht ,s4k NO. 0
satisfactory ppn.qlfsbini, . Sbr el-;n %Priday:eve. en erns'; with:
The f the otbbtoery , lifr. and . Mrs iaroli
congiain And
and obstacle;; can' ricareety he ,un 7Mr, land . Mra,••;:-ROlit.: 4AbliG41 11:11 t
derstood, these lifige 'prOieta. are charge,' Ttrey. cthige ',the April'Tociol
being 4)lannoil. , for . yeare ahead, In nillidere, "Pi .59.;;' arid' Wand'Aboise
different *WO' as ' tho:0,6•0'. ;OF' OM •:.liad '''.the l'0040 - number ,54
more hydea : power- •developli ins tipii}t ivOri . *fiS'... George OirtOr,,
more distant,: aiiirreCtrratid areas UM ,itoticri"•Purdeni ceind ' bind& •
i iiiiciker p9,0,ionots., ItionoiliA, ,Tri;c,Cleciou let:re4101,,,,
Brucefield visited on Saturday it, Mrs'.'• 3..4% PPOctoft.,';'1•enti.glii :Was
of our country,. i ••: • , ' , ., , ; CiblvU.; 1,lit:61.i.Eh whileeasrielso,rii,.0 ;for Iota::: ,:ce 0.. 0. ,,,,,:ligolt, i:t s`e. .smi::; it0:10:4,,Q , rf,:ticinek ,,,'
Mr, and
,Mr: litofirt.;:i'aesPo. Oti '*elit'to "hot tight hand ',
, • -.., • ,. .
serving . !ittpcnee,: witli.."accumidated•
itistinodt a; a:du: - theeyi, 4. planned itili to; 'heel cir
served At; 'Onimittee' was, 'h.anicti
to ,,,'!i1,r1eCe* Chair: and Vie prize
Warren Callan, who is chairman• of
the. Scouts' group committee, Other
members of this' committee are:
Frank peWitt Miller,
'Andy Lunn, , Herb Fuller, Frank
Hopper, Ross Vogan, John McKib-
ben, Jim Hamilton,' W, B. Conron,
Des Broyhy 'and Rev. 'D.' S. Mac-
Rae,---Advahf-e-Times photo
fair play and Clean 11V.,
Ling, easily adapted to the needs of
lunnan..soc.iety, • •
tinkles ,and. 1.$ row '
It would he unfair in an „article
about Scouts and Cubs not to in-
elude something about -the "sister"-
Organizations, the Girl Guides and
,the Brownies, liere in Wingham',
both 'Llid$0. Orgarlizationa ,,are heal-
thily flourishing' wider the ,careful
supervision of Mrs, .0„, gender-0011i'
Mrs, X, Davis, Mrs, (3„ Canieron,
Mrs, K McPhail, Mrs, N. Elliott,"
Mrs, H. Spry, Mrs. C, Chittiek and
1-v11-8, I); Cameron, The groups arc
sponsored by the Kinettes anti the
Ladies' Auxiliary to the Canadian
Legion. ,
Standing behind. Guiding in .
Canada is the Canadian • Council,'
Its ,tnembership numbers one bun-.
Ored and fifty • arld is eomposed. of.
Women. „f„roM all .over ;Canada, The
great game of Guiding began In.
England in.,1909; when- a group 'Of
girls, calling themselves • Girl,
Scouts, * joined. members .of the
aowly-formed ',Boy Semit Move-
ment Who had gathered- for a rally
at"- the Crystal Palace, Under the
direction of their .fouritler and
chief, Lord Baden-Powell, •
• In spite of 'efforts made to dis-
courage - theme the girls insisted'
on having a share. in the fun. The
Chief gave them another name,
calling them the Corps of Guides
after one. of the most famous regi-.
ments in the _Indian. Army, dig-•
tinguished- for its courage .. and-
hardiness. , -
Soon after the forming of the.
Guides, the younger girls also
wanted to take_ part,' and they be-
came the BrownieS,,•Guiding 'is
now active in .35 countries this
side, of the "Iron Curtain".'
Li t of hicf .Stionts!
A. list of Chief Scouts' to' the
present day is as follows: The Earl
Grey -(191.0-191) His 1.340,1 High-
ness the Duke of Connaught (1911-
1910) the 'Mite of Devonshire
(19164921) Lord Byng Vimy.'
(1921-1926) 'Viscount Willingdon of
Rattan (1926-1931) The Earl Of
Bess Borough (1931-1935). Lord
Tweedsmuir of Elsfield (193571940)
The Earl of, Athlone (19404945)
Viscount Alexander of Tunis (1946-
195.2) The Right Honourable Via-
Cent Massey, CH (15152-)
ipluxenvneu .---1-The!rewoltte
mOntjiltr., and annual 'meeting, of the
Woinen's Institute Will.'be-postflon-,!
ki'''frdrilt'*.'ne*t • Tuesday, iii order'
that this jnatitute' can;'Accept' an:
invitation to "§t., Heleria;ivilere 'they'
air ititktug.ia;•#,PeofalA4nntionstration,
on 'hot"-and cold sandwiches:
At the.: meeting here,- :!Mrs.!,
mf'4in of:131,140),i Will
oftesOltitionei;:therewill. be'An
changenf:ibullis.and:•slilis of plants
Archie Gowanlock of Walkerton. has been one of tiru most and
popular district commissirers in charge of scouting in this,area.
----Advance-Times photo
In doing ! a goad deed every
• day, Scouts carr!t lkeij> but 'learn to
loOlt after others as well as them-
* "IVes. 0.11 'April alb you are gbirty,,
-to get a chance to help the :Scouts.
On that clay, the Winghum :Scouts
and Cabs will embark on a finance
campaign, the first public canvass
the organization here has ever
made, The only largo source of
reVenae, to the 1000; lads has come
frcn the annual Apple Day cam-
paign, and frankly, it is becoming'
inerdtsingly difficult, because of
laelt of funds, for the movement
in Wingham to continue. Organiz-
' log *eating and. Cribbing In the
WWII involves heavy 'expenses for
equipment, books and other ernes,
Each year the Wingham groat) IS,
required to pay an ai$Scesment
more , than VON to the•Provinelat
headquarters, Part of Una amount
insures the boys in case of fled,'
Vent, and while rho Sooete and the
Cobs are chcooraged to pay theii
own way at camp, there are always
certain summer camp expenses for
which the Association ;must foot
re hill.
A pamphlet, put out this Week
by the Wingham Boy Scouts As-
sedation, explaining the reason for
.this financial !campaigni.tells par-
ents just what these boys' activi-
ties stand for,
Scouting teaches leadership, civic ,
responsibility,. duty to God and ley°
of, country. It takes Your boy Off
the street corner anti tear:J.)0s' him
Wholesome outdoor activities'
camping,' hiking and explaing.
Along with home, church' and
school, Scouting is steering your
boy into upright manhOod. These.
are only a few of the very good
reasons given• in the pamphlet for
encouraging. the' movement right
here', in Wingham, and if those
reasons are insufficient just hear
the Words of the pledge Made J)y
every youngster wild joins the
Wolf Gob movement: promise to
do my best to, do my duty to God,
and the .Queen, to steep the law of
;the Wolf Cub' pack, and to do a
good turn to somebody every day,"
The junior Scouts, or to give
them their official title "The Wolf
Cubs", were founded in 1916 by
Lord Baden-Powell, ,the founAr of
the Boy Scout Movement. An-.
nounciog iris plans for a Wolf Cub*
'section in 1914) Baden-Powell said
"It Will meet the •\i'low of. .a large
number of Scoutmasters who have
been anxious to take boys under
eleven years of age; it will open' a
number of , elementary schools to
Scouting; it will givd a groundwork
• of Scout knowledge to boys before
becoming Scouts such as will help
to raise the standard of efficiency
while reducing the inStrtictional
work- Of the Sdoritmaster, It will
bring boys under Scout discipline
at an earlier and more respective
Baden-Powell set 'to work at
,'once on a handbook for the young
• bunch. He sought the assistance
.of author Rudyard Kipling; who
had already shown Iris approval of
the Boy Scout Movement by writ-
ing books for than.,
Using the background of Kip-
ling's "Jangle Books" for the basis
of Cub character. training, a Wolf
Cub's Handbook was drawn up. It
will be 'remembered that Kipling's
jungle books contain stories which
encourage, an interest in nature
and outdoor activities and that the
characters portrayed, have a strict
code of behaViour' of loyalty and
40/11c• of 'itheir • :aiiiiit,"••Mire. ••Pavid•
Kennedy:, . !;1
Miss Grace Turnbull and Mr Lee
lie Turnbull stc,keeiii• on Sun
day `with Mr anti Mrs Fri nk
Ttiriss land with other- relatiyes,;im
.'"`Miss : Marjorie Currie - left on
:Sunday 'for tOlaion after spending
three ;weeks' vacation ,With„her,
`.1:'durfie, iha other
relative ; in tknls.,'distria:b..
•.L4iI the school :pupils' in South ;
KinlOSS. and : Liinienow s !ScheOlal
ceived ett 'the
the home 'of Mr:c• e:nd Mrs, •gilberti:
Beecroft. !t; •
Mr. anci'Mrs.'hoberf"Plikidon via-7
ited on Sunday's he Mime" Of 'her
sister, Mrs,
gannOn. • .• ' •••
Mrs. Gilbert .13eecrof•t; Mrs, 114Y-
Pattison,:,Mrs,..iGerdon L McBurney
and Mrs, NorroaniClinites •from the:
Brick Church W,M.S,.•ittended the':
W.M.S,' Presbyterfal,;:hiClintOn`i
Wesley-Willis 'Church on A...We'dries-:
day last: ,Mta. Millen ;Moore; MO.'',
Ezra Schnitz, Mrs, Albert Co.tiltes,
Mrs, licaberiLaidlaW" aryl ,Mrs. ,
D. Beecroft abtenclecl,, the „Meeting;
f Wilftechbrtli' pnftest ,ChOrOb
W,M.,S. -and called on,.:,MiS, 'James!:
Cornelius :the Hiiedn eetPitY;
: ,
Mr. Iloss..144,,r09,..!10,. ': ,a NTC5'7
successful sa)61ss4 vtreek f Ie saki
his farm jo'Mr Win. O'Brien ofi
Whalena •:'
Mr. Albert:. COUltes:',•itarted,• out.
last. Wednesday ".b.if ,work: nt 'the:
cement ..contriieting He is;
putting lit stables lor-lifr;; Alex;
Inglis on „Highway:" 86 , west; Of.
Whitectiureh. • • .
'Mrs. Charles'Robinson•• Wal 'very-
ill with Virtia flu! during ^tare past
week. ' Mrs Garnet" :Pyrrier
Janice were 4vith" flu d'itr.:"
ing the viecliesid.;':.-;. •
Mr. and :Mrs :" Harti 'Mok and
familY, of plattsVille,: and 'and'
Mrs, Win Parker : family
Briidefield visited On"-SulideeNVithi
their parents Mr; and'Mrs . Ben.
Prettired receiving an award at' a jamboree' last year are members of the Wingham Scout group including,
Scoutmaster ,Alan Cubleadets, Don 'McLean, barie Cameron :and 'Assistant Scoutmaster, Alton
Adams. Advance-Times photo
si 9 ,
caetqced afte NO 7aa
coming to
.17 noon to 6 p.m.
This man can give you
. delivery of
an iliternatioaal
daily litwspaYier
Housewives, businessmen,
teaChers, and students all over
the wodd read and enjoy this
international newspaper, pub-
lished :daily in Boston, World-
faMous for constructive newt
storill and Penetrating editorials,
SpeCial feature's for the whole
family, y
until they came to
Downie's then all was
well. Service and satis-
faction always await
you here,
MeCienaghan. - -. • • t ' ' (reereation.. centre;. "Liicknow, "on'
Mr. and Aires; . • o ay : orni gL, . . .,-, t• . d ,GOrcion Elliott vib--
ited on 'Sunday, fit!*th home of;, 144 .,;,and; Mtjs, 'Robeit !Mo-u'teMtn-.
their al:in, 1 Mr. Mttcliell• Elliott,- Of ;cry '„perit Sunday, at the hOniie, of.
:Ailsa Craig. .,, ' : !.' „" '' : !. Mr.. and ws.,. Archie :Mobtgarifer3;,
Mr. and, Mrs 'Russell Roas And, ,Of piyfa,:. ,.,,'• :J :- ' .:' . ,- . '
children spent Saturday in:Lend:41:i ,2iMr IRolie4 ;.kiMititge-:•i;f...i...ohdO'n,
Larry 1-Tenderaon, son of, Mr-and: 'Spent' the lyeeit,nfici'ilt Ihe.tiOnie Of.
Mrs. Robert Henderson, ',Caused, 4ii i.iitiht7'lkirdiilOhn. .,Vfplitirbiy.'
quite an alarra at g.A.,,No, tp,.'xin- " , .4 . , _- ,,. it,-',. i.: l' : ' f,' • `:
fainted in class.' :1 . r''''''''',. ..",oinhil:7i.lirotkriati,,,ii;mrivit• tlir'.ItirtPciwi Mli64;intd.:b •
loss, , last ` Wednesday,:, when he , ' 7.4i • 41!,Id ilYris.ill'AiriaY':•246DOY"ll.
Mr. George Roes nr•)Wee.,(Soultd,",kgitrgid,: ' •• '• • '• •"`"'-'--. ••-''' • •• in
spent the Wee.,ic,,eack•Witii .-hiS bAii: -.-i N,.;',. . ,,.1..e• :';-....Ie. ''.' .',.
enta, Mr.?Abd grs.'1(Opert,tto*::, r; ..;.Mr.'',Xttartibm.lif:'ClintOn;::spbke‘
ChiVrildr.e.iinot titttit'eeviii:;liNqSttotta.ijOncl.:!4,,Ii:1°.:14:!;1.".$1;ilic)ti:11-,c)1,6nlireg'n.iii;''Vgill•4';
sufidn,y.. with.,.'"hel ,pa:rents, Ivfi.,.;;*iiid: Otir:%**IT:: /#1',00° ':;.rqiliire:c+1
Mrsi 'Gershorii,JObrisfpii.ii • • :d.OPt4a:t4esa,kr'ia,.,`,,.'.-
ens and Mr. • Ernest Snowden ?',;e're"
fri London on Wedritisday., Airs:
Mr.' W., A. Ciiiiiii i i '..oi St T 1. .i.-itif',.•:8:he-iftlk 4E616'1 .tiiY.' ii , pi ey„, ..„, e - .. ••„. -. • .::!! , , e i• 1 10 ,
visited on Slinday. with Mr: and
Betty, .Anni. and PieviiViit Hamilton,
'piiettdi,eirinitt.. lifts.14.r.,.Ca-anlvdin istRotsb.in;reians.
on Robinson'
: two
oo wthadolciseerin..a V
Hospital, and Mrs..:
had, spent a few days With. her ino-•: win? 24r, and Mrs. Ralph Cameron
§n9wd0i .,who„ 'and, children visited on Sunday
ther in London, returned home.; of :Ashfield..
Mrs. Thimphrey lhas' been staying • _ :,
at the Mime of her dinghter, Mrs.: Mr. and Mrs.;Russell Purden And
Roy Robinson, ' and' is making ,sC children • spent Monday at I, radon..
good recovery. : .
741,-, and. MO. Har Mr. and Mrs y Cook •and . Gerehoni Johnston'Johnstoo ' Austin and Mr.. -and- -.Mra Ray and Mr. atid Mrs. Cla.rence„Ritchie White and, children. of. .Brussels
and children visited.. last Wednes-, ._ visited, on Sunday with Mt, and day • with Mr. Mid ' Mrs. 'Kenneth.
Johnston of Clinton. • ' Mrs, Harold SlesSer of Glamis.
Mr. and Mrs. Willialik RiritOut ,,'"I;h6 Bienian 'brothers • and Cal-
and fetidly : visited on Ssitoi:4ay' vinAtobinson, who have been• busy
with her Parenta, Mr: • and Mrs. making Maple syrUp and who had
George Caldwell oi Blyth. Ann a gold run of sap last week, have
and Doris ithitoul Spent the Week= been' pulling the spites as the flow
end with Mr. and Mrs. ,the aar. of sap hciS boen gradUally drying
cliff of I3rossels.. • ' up ciiirizig the warmer tempera-
Mrs.Jnh• Morrison 'arid baby tiireas,
• .
Phllilr Adams, thyear.old Wingham Wolf Cab., has a string of badges
as 10/113- as his arfn. He is seen here with Cub Leader Bill Rintoul,
solVing a "knotty" problem while Cubs Jim Nasraith, Ton\ Ellactitt
and Glen Madill look on, 'There ate two• Cub racks 'operating in.
SERVICE R.uir!''h ,
Son returned twine item the Whig : ittle• W ham Hospital on Friday, 11.4anda MaSOn, datighter of
Mr. tkoe rieitook, who •ipeht, the gt. and `NOS. Kenneth Mason; Was
winter months „at die heine of :h is able to rbtiirn home 'from Witig-
Sister, Mrs. ,Allin POttisdn'arirl 1-164atiln"t'wek, after be
a patient there for the' last relatives this district, left On days. tin Friday night Mr. and Monday to spendfeW days with
his brother,: Mr. Richard 'Deacon; 14"' •c1:1 'Sirihnetof Exeter, Mu
of Guelph, 'before leaving his 1:sli4!! anti Mrs ,
atithitif ilioe,tenpctomana.
home °ironed, Sask,
Mr,'and Mrs. Fro moot6 of.Do' sons,- of Centralia, and litt: and
Mrs, ROriald bonbon, .8.11d .baby, lawate spent. the 'Week.end ,t4 the holm 'of Mr ,and William Linda, of Itirktoli,, gathered 01‘the
xotuiedi,. of -marnodi. , , . ; • home of Mr` and Mrs: Kenneth Ma-
Me. and Mrs. Reid. and Son tO..Celebrate ,two birthdays 'in ' • : the &Mika. The evening :was datighteri - Winghitinv and •her pat- ,.the
stite 1 : .1ti Sunday •W
on :Irwin, spent in 'erichrc and, contests:
tr ty,
Mrs. Edniund. Irwin!. of, Wifighanh,-..sihitod oh . iihtithday
livtlittin.. of MOO will :speak. with Lloyd lviontotek,
bn atteablittierie •at the, meeting';ei y
of the Warne-tea Institute on thup- • — • .„
day bekt, April 11, in the MCMOrial Mr., and Mre-., Itelineth Carrie
Ann here,. • . 1-• , and ivti, and. deOrte eikrier
and *Its, John Arid ':ittientled the' ' :HOMO :and' Garden
Sent ,*srisiteci on Sunday With Mr Show !IktinhdOh nh litti'Sa0;
and Mrs whoa, VriOge. Of %Unit; • ,1,10
La* 1406#11.14ijniOgiiieht
I F you feel
These Aye. most pebble work under
bromine, worry nano sleep leas: Thik
attain en body end brain makes 04iIket
fitness .6831010 lose—finder to Segaiti.
Today's tense living, lowered
oi.etWoritt worry—Hey of these msy .Acct
• ttotnnii kidney ittitin. When khineye get
Oat of order, eliceits acids sod. wester
.remain •lit the ityetetit,- Then hialische,'
iliiiturbed rest, that "tired-ole
Often follow. 'Theft ;the:
time to take nedite Kidney .Pilte.-Diihri,
catihtitiele' the kidneys to tintitiki lttititi;
Then yoti feel better-460
IYettet.Ask. fee thoilil's Kidney, :Pills
. drat ri004, 00
The.Christkih Science Monitor
Onr hicieisciy fiosten 15, Moss,
gind Out newsoopet tot the tith6
thethed, toeimee fled Ow check or
MOO Odder.
I' Vier $16 lj 6 hionthl $o'
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Aiifiress thn Week-ittlid ishi;thi4 IfOran '45! '.eats ilf4bPdfil .10.1/51
sou, .e'otge•Medee.• r,liboOtott , fiout • WA, cornrntoits.,
Mr. and Ur$,, attended ;the:
City Vino Stott
Wingham„ Paelt A Meets on Monday EcVenings and'Paek t eri Thurs.
day evenings, Cub work leads naturally to tie larger interests and.
responsibilitics of tulkledged scouting, anti. 190.., *no mts, Jos, 4,ifeefoskoy ,Held, :In;! LMFOstei : Diattiot Migh
,...Adyariee4inles photo • of Otii4111'04iteti• tbitAtithiay eft OW 1$.01fOo1 oit.rtNgt. AVP , illv ,