HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1926-7-29, Page 4Ilm.71S.""tolarl•
.-.' .a
4--Thuraday. July 20. 1020.
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••10•0•40110r..410110011001(Ra111100011111110.11100u1Sele •
Men's Warm Weather Wear
for Holiday and Sport Wear
Flannel Pants, Khaki Pants, Golf Knickers, Golf Hose,
Fancy Sox, Outing Shirts, Hatchway no -button Under-
wear, Straw Hats, White Duck Hata, Fancy Sweaters,
Men's and Boys' Wear
Frank Jones is ludisoosed. At pretend
It In the Goderich hospital. We
hots. for ateopeedy recovery.
Mr. itert Fowler returned home to
thr West after visltiag Ids mother.
Mrs. HiL Fowler. We akre idolised to
Ionia that Mrs. Fowler I* domes -hat
ljuito it number from here are Oat,
fling to arena the Conservative con-
yentiost at Winaliata un ThuradaY•
Old-time Realdenis.-4n1 Monday (pi
this week some of our villagers. were
faionalwith ti mliort visit from the
Casn ell brothers of Toronto. whose
fa her. Rev. Jas. Caswell, preached
he erand in thnlerielt over forty years
ago. l'heie gentlemen were on thiltr
nay uo to thott jubilee at Ziiin chuntl.
12th ooloasislon et Ashtielii. Bev.
l'uswell °penis, that church arty
year* ago. The brothers are: N. F.. a
printer in Toronto; itev. W. It.. pais-
tor of }Ignition 1 niteil church. Tar-
anto, and E. S.. assistant librariou.
public library. Teronto. K. S. was !sirs
lit They called at the old
parsonage. where Mr. and Mrs. A:Abous
Her at present. recalling errata and
occurrence' during their boyhood days
there. They also aurveyel tile
grounds and surrotinikinga where the
old Metisalist church Faisal. which NILE. .1,1 v 31. -Miss Jennie nor-
ther held moat sacred. Afterwards qute. if jo ut'. spent a few days at
they made loirried calk to see Mr. B. home am! ling the funeral of her
J. l'rawft.til. Mr. Ail. Mather anti Dr. stepbrother. Mr. Elgin Rutledge.
_ _
home of hi r sou, lir. Riven. I
inaugauliO4. deceased ;vas born,
*evenly -nine ;roars mai, in Ireland. 1
coming to tins country in infancy with '
her Istresan, Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Cul-
bert Thar lived for * a Idle In the
tit We CrIlle1.00olOn Aish•
nclithbortl of Toronto and then
field. After their marriage Mr. and
Mrs. Inset .ived in Asia:kid except
fear It *Isere -ire -SW bye= ln Colborne
township. The last twossora Mrs.
Rivet hod :haat with her son in lonn.
gunmen. ni -Act. her win. she
one datight.-. sievls, of
Saltford. sea brothers sisters as
f"14-ns's; James Culbert. of ntinitoloi;
Thomas ao.! Abrahant. of,West
(MAI. ;And •eorg•% In the West : Mrs
8. Rivett, ,,t Aslitichl. and Mrs. Jemi
Cantwell; of Colborne. The funeral
took place .0. Thursday LA: 10 Dna
gamma. 'ery. the aervieem Iseult
conducted by Rev. J. M. Keyes pastor
of Duttgati ,n United church. The
pallbearers were Messrs. Thos. Stoth-
era Wild. McKenzie. gliiimats CU!hert
dint .11.flitb.(!!! Callwrt.‘
ST. HELENS • Calve. rettretclut they Mel not time at Mr. ('alt- Mut:edge la spending the%
MODEL THEATR ST. HELENS. July•26.-Mis. Hazel
Palmer. of Moostimin. 8a -k.. was a
- -
MEEK 01 .%t 61 sT 2 TO 7 week -end visitor at the hotus6Of Sir.
and. Mrs. John Wenner.
Quite tt number attentleil the golden
jubilee reunion at Zict, Smoky loci
t1nitiltt t-.
Mr. Charles DurnIn.
Miss W. D. Rutherfortt returned
from Toronto •011. 310•144304%, ---
Nils., Annie Chirk. of littelphwas a
visitor during last week with her
cousins. the Messina. McKenzie and
Miss Caroline Webb swat hist week
holidaying at the lake.
airs. Morrison and Mks -Madeline
Gaunt. of Chicago. are visitors with
the latter's mother. Mrs. Joseph
Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. T. The Late Mrs. RIvett.-Aa and
Salkeld on the arrival of a little resoetted resident of this section. in will favor the emigregation with an
daughter on Jule lebiti.
Itr. R. lone. of Toroato. (-ailed on
M.m.tay and Tuesday
111 it startling fa rt., oh ilia Wirt 11110 -
understandings. Taken from ttie
great Itromla ay stage rarreaa
rune comedy
W,tit.-ilay Thursday
Ernst Imbit-en pre-ents
MeAVO% and R0N.I1.1) tiOLNLIN
in lai• ataaterpiici . a flashing drama of
a dangerous am.' Matitiful wititin
Merin Comedy
',rata atm satttrany
in oto- Ilf the most absoridag....sjaallik.
prodttetions ever releaseiL This iti it
picture '.11 113114 11,1 8, -.-
Tuesday. ThorsdAy at,d Sat-
urday at 3 p.m.
This Orchestra will accept en-
gagements for garden parties,,
1st Vi--in-Mi--s E. Hunt,
." M. E. Field.
2nd V i• On--.11isi O. Whitely.
Clarinet -Mr. Clyde Carter
Saxophone --Mr. S. Palmer.
Piano -Mr. Ni. Gibbs.
For Tema address
-ME. ur. rARTEIZ.
Til. -pi 'ne:I
Special Clearing
Women's White Pumps
and Oxfords at 95c
Men's Oxfords, in black,
tan and patent
at $3.50
Mrs. H. Rutherford i. *pending a
few weeks at the houo• of her brother.
their divomni to make a more noir-
ongh visit.
alMases Nettle anal Clara Sproule
spent the week -end With their parents.
Mrand airs. David Sproult.
ueek with !, fathiir. Mr. George Rot
Rev. J. f'. Millian and wife. of
Was -Matto' and Mr. and Mrs. Ben
(4L of Inielas. are visiting Mr. and
Mr. Harold Sproule lett on Mototay Mrs. Atido-n Mililau, of Nile.
noon for Davidson. Sask.. where be
will tnke up work with his broth. r
-lin,. A. Courtney left on Monday f.,r
St. Tiialliti•. after spending a month
with her sister. Mrs. David, sproule. the "panne! with Mr. anti alas. C.ar-
- Mitasex-reau ertnip„ 1..rrrir•o,,,_Dottga epee 1.ioustos of
Powels. Ti0mais. stub Mildred W11- Miss taco.. Wilitrelifightun. and
son. from Coiderleh, vialted rola kVssars a
Jevo,and Startling Thompann.
tires 1111n week 111 DOIC
U•Ottoe. of Toronto are spetedluz a few weeks
Mr. T. lioaers left on Monday for with Rev. anti Mrs. White at the par
St. Thomas. after visiting his sister. -
Mr.. Mat Hoffman.
Mr. and Ur*. Paint Snroule enter-
tained twenty -tire relatives lit harlot'
of llarohl's birthday best Wednesday
Silk Broadcloth
5oo yards of plain color Silk
Broadcloth in all the good
shades. Friday and Qt1
Saturday OJC
Linen Towelling
16-irich all -linen Towellin„g,
colored borders. Spec-
value, at per yard
The Cash Store
Bath Towels
Bath Towels, 17x38 inches.
This is a splendid Towel for
your bathing party25c
Our price, each
Fibre Silk Hose
200 pairs Fibre Silk Hose,
several shades and all sizes.
We are clearing this t 1 00
line at 3 pairs for %PI
F. E. HIBBERT Telephone- 86
Mr. Geirg.. Currie and rioter. MISS
NtIuntel'arr.;,. of To. are riorontot!
bag relatih, in the conntinity.
Little ilk. Phyllis and Master Ter- Simmer School at North street
Coupe', .r it;t4.-ri..11. are spending church. Goilerich. on Sunday erentnat.
Miss Louie SIci1hinney. of Detroit.
is the guest et Mr and lira. Joe
The hayfield Fatality. -A very sad
owning ailialt occurred at limy
field. last ii",sineaday afternoon. when
Mr. Elgin Merle ltutledge. Reveal(' tin
Mr nod Mrs. Char. Havrldnx and of air. ifiorte Rutlethre of Nilewas
thitithter tty. or Toronto. are ;gait- overcome while bathing and sank in
Int Mrs. It. Sleilwain. of Nile. shallow water in *iglu of friends.. It
Misses Jeatt 'and Margaret Thomp- Is believed the young man wens diving
sou. who ..ing tsi *wet-tt 1 at Nile and struct a atone. stunning hlmaelf.
chilret, 'HST aun.iny •-ventnx. for he wax a' good swimmer and had
• been in the water about half-an-hotte
It was difficult to 'ovate the body and
some time elapsed before anyone :suc-
ceeded In -hihrsinit ttt� the aurface.
his 1101.14- Mr. .1. 11. Rutherford. latil
it eek.
WlilTE('ill•RtH. July :24. -Mr.
and Mr, Sam Westlake to .1 (laugh --
tor. of Hayfield, ?spent Sio,lay with
In sister. Mrs. Amos Corn. hos.
NUN., Snyder. of Sudbury. visiting
her 1.011'411. MIRO Mvra Tay I..r.
Mrs. Ihni McKinnon parse,: away at
her home on ihe :hut co: -sssion of
Kinlonsi on Saturday efenit z. alter a
long11 Ivteitit.
I Mrs. lien Mcelvainathan and Doris
spent tlw week -end :at tio. home of
Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Barbour. of For-
, VP.
Mr. and Mrs. Allan and baby
y with NI, and Ara. Mac.
We e gratulatc 1. o three pupils
from' 8.8. No. ha ,Kinloas-Ituaael
Moore. Clarenec Mceletinglian and
Eliza Waddell -who wpde on the ent-
rance examination. All laasstal.
Miss Barbara Brown. of Winaham.
and Mr. Glenn Philips: of Detroit.
visited at th.- bouts of Sir. and Mrs.
MSC. ROSS IA sit wl`Pk.
Mr. and Mn,.. John Falconer. of l'o'o
...747-811a Mr. and Mrs. John ralr0TIVr
Alit &witty nith Mr. and Mrs. Elgin
Mr. and Mrs. J. 1). Beecroft and
eitildren spent Monday with Mr. rind
Mr.. ttill Lyon. of litiitlesborit*, awl
1111. Ever aunt. Sirs. Baas Witiiers. itt
Alliertawho is visiting friends in
Jeanette B. Cottle. R.N.. of
Itramptoo. Is retuperating at her home
ben after a reeent operation.
the person of Mrs. Ellen Rivet. widow other election next Sunday.
of it... u -i-.- -Williatin Rivet. passIed- --A. needier -4 'folk from here at -
away on Tuesday of last week. the 1 tended the c',aing asission of the
Two doctors and four nurses who I,
were on the picnic grounds all did
their utmost to restore life. hut InI
vain. The lad's father anti Rey. C. ,
Mitt,:as netheNtim)die. ;raw: Nemb.iled-Ingtteiaarri'mphocupe
call andtirrIved at Baytiold twitch
the bank. After learning particulars
and securing a certificate from Dr.
Brown of Clinton. they brought the
hotly home to iit. The funeral ser-
vice was held on Saturday anent...an
at the family residence and amid a --
limit of sorrowing friend. and belidt,
horP the faintly flolloweil the remains
to thelast resting place in the Dun-
gannon cemetery. Rev. Mr. White
officiated. Illuan 1* surnivod by his
01- brother Calvin and a
half-hroltter. Wilmer. at home, hi"
neither haviag predeceiseed hint sev-
eral years.. Mall)" other relatives of
this cominimity and of Ebenezer. as
as from lllll re distant places. at-
tended the funeral. Elgin luid- befit
away frons twine for over three years
toiling on the Great Iokei until this
year. when he went to Clinton to learn
the barber trade. Ile tinistosl bit
course On July llth and nitsitt 1)110i•
Meg', in Clinton. He wa* wI.li liked
by all who knew hitt. saint in one of
th•• clinton choirs and Was takings?'
protasis -lent hart in the paint peoples
work In the church. 711e ionion:hy
of the whole community. 011i to
till' stricken family in their lops. and
DUNGANNON. July 2s. -Mr. and
Mrs. H. Ferguson and children. of
Andairley. and Miss Catherine Sle
Donald. of Kintail.'spent Sundae
11. Immo of air and Mrs. F. R..:
Mis. Amber Mt -Kenzie and Mb- E,
t.itt Strathroyare vkiting th,
rmltr parents. Mr. and Mrs. R.
Mrs.'W. Elliott find daughter Beryl.
of New Liskeard. are visiting Mrs.
0 'metier. Mrs .1. Ryan.
kinwthora-and eldiviren.
itt 4;ederiell. are visiting friend* here I
\Ir. Itoy Willis and Mr. ,Forest. et
1 •••irstrstfe-...711/41e11.113114"4
Mris. 11..1. Crawford.
Hey. Sir. Jamieson. of ,BIneval...
will preach itt the Presbyterian church
ne•vt Sunday animism at 11o'cloek
W.• ate sorry to r, port tt.ttt Mrs.
Herds Shoe Store
'Phone 43w
Public Notice
A co-operative Poultry shipment will be made
from Meneset on Wednesday, August I 1th, and
Auburn on Thursday, August 12th, under the super-
vision of the Dominion and Provincial Departments
of Agriculture. This is the proper method of mar-
keting your Cull Hens. Get your flock culled and
ship your culls the co-operative way.
Auburn Egg Circle
G. W. SNELL, Manager
Telephone Blyth 34-18 Blyth R. R. No.
These Values Can Be Obtained from
Friday, July 30th, to Saturday, Aug. 7th
Sumtntt Dress Voiles
Summer Dress Voiles now selling
at 33c yard
Cheese Cloth Dusters
Cheese Cloth Dusters. JO yards
for 75c
Corsets and Corselettes
Ladies' Corsets a n d Corselettes.
Specially priced at <15c each
Bed Pillows
Bed Pillows, well-filled and down -
filled. at 75c each
Brassieres reduced to. . 39r each
Table Damask
Linea Table Daipaal5., heavyatiality.
unbleached. Special 89c y
Crepe -de -Chine
Crepe -de -Chine, all shades. Regular
$1.75. Now $ L25
Silk Knit Bloomers
Silk Knit Bloomers, in sizes 3fi and
40. Very special $1.49
Silk Hose
Silk Hose, in sizes 81 2 to 1039c
and 89c
• Children's Fancy Sox
Children's Fancy Sox, in size, 51
to 711;. Reduced to 29c pair
Anderson's Scotch Gingham
. Anderson's Scotch Gingham. Reg-
ular 35c. Now 29c yard
Dry Goods
Ready -to -Wear
a ,
Ready -to -Wear Department
Clearance of Ladies' and Misses' Summer Frocks
Including Voiles, Crepes, Tub Silks and Canton
Crepe Dresses. All are this year's styles.
You Will Appreciate the Value of These
Reduced Prices on Children's Dresses
These values include childrtn's Chambray and
Gingham Dresses, Romper Suits and Pantee Dresses.
These are suitable for summer and fall wear. Now
selling at one-third off regular prices.
Pure Wool Sweaters and Jackets
We have some unusual values in Pure Wool
Sweaters this week. The prices are : .
Travellers Sample Pure Wool, Sweaters. $2.95
&WW1 -Wool jackets 1.49
accria . Pullovers 2.49
Knitted Dresses 6.95
Summer Dress Goods
Including Voiles, Figured Cotton Crepes, Rayon,
Crepe, Morocain and Broadcloths.
Many of our best designs to choose from are now
reduced in price.
See Our 19c Bargain Counter
Flannelette Bleached Cotton
Cretonnes Factory Cotton
Curtaining Linen Towelling
and other yardage goods reduced to sell at
19c yard
Remnants of Cottons, Linens, Silks, Woollens
Hundreds of Remnants at Remnant Prices
Flannelette Blankets
Flannelette Blankets, iatigetiEn, Rne•--
ular $2.75. Now $2-.39 pair
Pure Wool Blankets
Pure Wool Blankets with fancy col-
ored checks. Now $5.75 each
Linen Towelling
Pure Linen Towelling, same quality
as previously sold, same unusual
prices 5 yards for 75c
Linen Table Cloths
Pure Linen Table Cloths, good pat-
terns, good size, good price. $2.95 ea.
Bleached Sheeting
Bleached Sheeting, full 2i yds. wide,
splendid quality. Price ... 89c yard
Doeskin FIsnnel
Doeskin Flannel, in plAti1 MOTs for
Thildren's suits and dresses. Reg-
ular 55c. Special at - 45c yard
Axminster Mats
Axminster Mats, size 27x54. Regu-
lar $5.00. Now... ....$3.95 each
Wall Paper
Wall Paper, many designs.12crollNow
selling at
Pillow Cotton
Pillow Cotton, 42 -inch width, at per
yard 37c
Pongee Silk
Natural Pongee Silk, suitable for
drapery or lingerie. Special . .54c yd.
Cotton Lingerie Values
Bloomers 35c each
Vests 25c each
The S. A. Gray Co.
• •
ril„Ot ti i rul fa 1111'4 (
House Furnishings
Wall Papers, Etc.
• •
'1,0111.0411: -?4'.