HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1957-04-03, Page 27
*UM Advance-ThneAgt WediavadaY,Apdt $r$1
Pamifl this.,community and dis-
trict haw Already received their
V•aster Seals, by maih and no doubt
there Are many people who have al-
ready dropped them in with the
• other circillars at the hack of •the
.sideboard. That may be a good
• enough place to keep them for the
inament, but—don't forget all about
In fact, it world be a mueh better
plan to get them out right away and
put your contribution in the en-
velope which is enclosed. Then, be-
fore you forget about it, put the en-:
velope in the mail.
just one:1110re thing use the
seals on your letters during the next
•few weeks. V.very time you do s:0• „:
a few mr,are people are remindest' of
the worthiness of the, cause for.
which they have been printed. Xot
only that, but yon prove to •the
world at large that you are support-
ing the Ontario Society for Crippled
• Children.
Very few philanthropic organ:4-*
ations in this •country •exceed the
Crippled Children's .S.otiety- in ina.g-
nitude of effort or in reiults 'obtain-
There no longer seems to he
much doubt • about the reality oi
- Friday night Shopping in pitted a
▪ 'qaturdav evenino.s open in the stor-
es, The plan has been tried out -in
moo' of the towns in this distritt and
the majority of places have decided
to switch over to Friday evenings
• .
t at least for the balance of this year,
* The move has occasioned a gOod
deal of feeling. between business
Elen, in the various communities.
*Plat our own part we can see the
justice of arguments on both sides of
,;•• the question. Certain of the business
• , people will definitely suffer:- a . loss
because of the change, notably
theatre owners' and Such other pro: -
II „„prietors as billiard parlor:operatOr.s.
„ In the case 'of the theatre men we
have every 'sympathy because' they
• are operating under grave 'diffictil-
ties without this added touch,
-- However, as in almost all human
affairs, the will of the •rnajority
bound to prevail — and the majority
are ,t-itilte pertly in .favor of clOSing,-='
•on Saturday nights. • Their -Argu-
ment is alscpsoun4, for they -contend
that help cait he- secured
• when work :on Saturday =evening', is
• one of the requirements. -
• As far as the bitying public is
concerned,,w4 have heard. little •coin-
ment on, thezmatten one-lway* or the..
other, It certainly does seem tnie
that the universal habit of shopping
on Saturday evening. is a. thing of the
ed, Only a few years* Ago ,A
capped child was doomed to spend
the rest of his days without hope or
means of livelihood, Now he has
every chance of developing a normal
and healthy mental attitude and of
learning some prefession or trade
which will make him independent of
the charity a the rest of society as
he grows older,
• If any of yon are at all Skeptical
about value of the work which is
" being done for crippled yodngsters,
we would recommend 11 trip to the
*Woodeden home at London or to
any of the summer camps which are,
operated for the benefit of these
• children. If you so there will
never Again be the slightest hesi-
tation on your part to help the cause
io the best of your ability,
. The public may accept ..rriday
nior:shoppitig without_ too much
• eOminent, but. there is a 'I1W -dodge, '
in the offing which won't get across
aS smoothly, Already there, is sorrie,
mention of extending the pelicia a •
daylight saving an additionahnonth
in :the fall. • • •
•, are•Well aware that we won't
be' popular for saying so but we
think that is a geod idea. 1. -Tow -ver,
Deco year _wife go sort of goefy
ktra, 4Qseph sellers, 0 ft. 4,
Wingharat fell P.t ber On
WedneadaY on4 froetured her right
head. A Past Was APplied at the
Wilighain Genera` IfesPital and
she Was allowed Milne, Ms. Sellere
Is $2,
Severe laceratiens, eaused whea
vaoght his right hand in a
0114 ;sent Geerge Underwood, of
R, 1, Wingham, to hospital ea
Wedeeaday. Treatment 1110110d
st)rSerY end the appileation of A
cast. Mr. Underwood is still in hos,
pia l bat Ms -Condition is deacrihed
as satisfactory.
Bruce ChaniberS; Of Wroketer,
had his right hand badly ertiehed
when it wiee pinned between the
back of a truck and a brick wall
on Wednesday, He is still at the
Wingharn General HosPitil1. and his
cenditien is Paid to be satisfactory• ,
Edward Whitby, #or Wingharn,
fractured bone In his foot when
he stepped out of a, truck- on Fri -
clay. He was allowed home after
treatment at the Winghem General.
aat thi8 tilne. ot .Yeall Mlite deea,
at tint I used to. be terrified Whe,n
I'd Mae .hone Awn Werk • Neale
ilitY and find :her atanding iii the
Pentre a an empty retina, rolliag
her eyes amend at the walls and
eeiling, 'and niUtteriag te, berself.,
But now I IttlAw it's 4ust .the
annual spring :renal' and it -doesn't
bother me mi4e11. I'M not happy
about it, but 1 know it has to run
its course, and nothing•-neithes
Appeals to rea,4011, • OM qt bank -
• , ruptoy, nor threats ef the diveree
court -will stop it Until the fever
is purged. . . g .
The moor is supposed to have ;4
POWerful effect on refugees
the loony -bin. 13utsits apring sun-
shine that drives steady, sensible
women haywire, •Ail it requIrea
a shaft of that YelloW spring sun-
shine striking the livingaroom
wallpaper, whieh was new lastyear.
The paterfamilias, or Joe of the
fantilY, 55 he is better Icaown in,
this age, walks in, all uostispecting.
after a hard day's work Iks been.
getting along pretty well with the
old Trouble aid Strife hiteii, end
Vieles life With the happy fatalism.
of the peasant who cententedly tills
his ftelda on the slopes of Vesuv-
All he wants is a good hot dinner,
5, pleasant exchange of the day'.s
news, a half-hour with -his paper,
and-acomfortable chair in front of
the alr. Not mach. to ask, .is
Fast things he sees is' his din-
iner, on e plate. One peanut butter
sandwich, with a thereb print right
in the 7niticile of it, outlined in piek
pint. The young, green husband
is liable to call his -wife and de-
mand to know what's the big. idea.
ut the • /Ad stager,', who's been
through ten, twenty, thirty years
of it, es much •more likely t� *put
My:head in his hands, an, stare
• 1 bleakly at the opposite wall, as the
we can also sympat tze wit 1, the
complaints • of the farming people •
who never become satisfied With
daylight •saving time in any
shape .or form. Our own suggestion
Would be that the period of daylight
gaving be „started a inonth later: in
the spring and tarried on a month
.later in the fall: •
During the 'month of April there
is •little that' can he done around the
yard or -the garden, but when 'day-
light saying'ends 'with the last week-
end • in'SePternber there. are a•hozen
and -9pe things waiting for the home-
owner who is attempting td
t ain•a well:groomed residence:There'
ateles 10 he raked; °tit egarcki *
• ,
-.he 'cleaned -up; More than lik.ely
- there is- still some painting to --b'
, done and of. course the storm 'Win-
tlow,s, need to he eaned and,out, c.
• On 'Ai other band -April is Usually
wet and cold and it is too. early 10
do:anything with: the lawn or the
b. •
rt IS'ACIO bad that daylighf sa.ving
ig an ificofnvenience to the farm peo-:
plei because it is a real boon to 'the
tbWnstrian particularly the labor-
er or factory than Wholvants all the
evening,he can get, after lns day'
work'is finished. The other folks we
fed SOrry for are the parents of
Small youngsters who can't get -the
brood to sleep until the it rays of
4 • '
daylight have faded from the sky at
• 10 Strangely enotte-h the wee 4
, .
ones get up -at the same time -in the •
• mornizig rregardless.
- 1
' horrible realization dawns the
ahe's into the spring r•edecoratln
. again.
If you think 1 don't khow svhat
I am talking about, drop Armin
to our house. We're right into i
This year. it's the dining-reoro
For a couple of years, until a wee
ago, it was a playroom fOr th
kids, mainly because we didie
have guy, dining -room •furniture:
They liked it that way 1 liked it•
that way. It Was a pleasant thornr
full.of hooks, tojta, broken recerda
Player,. rubber boots and great
boxes Of- things we 'didn't • hava.
pont for anywhere. else. It had
-character. •
, My son came home froith th
hospital after his operatiori, the
other oity.-t--4, headed seraigin for
theplayroem to,4.make stice his
siker hadn't been horsing Around-
George Glousher, R, R. 2, Wing -
ham, Minnitatecl the first finger
and cut the teadons of his hand,
while operating a circular saw on
Friday. He is Still in the Wingham•
General Hospital, where he was
taken for treatinent after the se-,
cideat. Ms condition is satisfae-
tory. •
Gerald McBride, 1.4 -year-old son
of in and Mrs. Elmer McBride,
Exeter, was injured in the hockey
game in Wirigham with the Ex-
eter Bantams, At the Witigharn
General Hospital it was foUnd that
Gerald was suffering from a frac-
tured left arm. After a. cast had
been applied he was allowed home.
The accident llaPPened on Satin --
Karen Penielly, the 3 -year-old'
daughter of Mr. and Mrs,..Gorden
Pengelly, cut her forehead in an
accident at the week -end. The
wound required several stitches.
After treetment at the Wingliamg
General Hospitel, Karen was al -
owed :home,
Forsyth recited the 23rd Psalm.
An action song, "The Wite Man
and the Foolish ,Man", was sung
by part a the older group. A reci-
tation in five _Parts was given by
five little ones, Jennifer Hender-
son, Ellen Cruickshank, Bert Van-
e* derholt, Charlie Scat and Gale
Gannett, - •
with his .most Ireaeured possess -
lens. He got such a .shock that be
started terr and 'demanded that
ii^e be tiiken'hack 'to the hospital.
There wai tl.a &ranged female,
upon a ladder, spattered with
paint, smeariiigaoMething Called
Georteen -ficse onto' the ceiling.
Great ...patches. of ^Surf Green,
Flamingo, ' end* Peacock Purple
adorned the walla, where sbe had
been • trying•• them out.
Personally, I'd rather hand a
woman a 'loaded revolver than a
colour chart. All she can do with a
revolver is shoot you. With a eol-
our,' chart t She an. ridicule your
taste; upset your stomach, and
Faye you're colour blind, in a
Matter of' minutes. •
At first, 1 used to be fool *enough
to alga "I „don't care what colour
y,ou paint ;it,. dear. jest go ahead,
and Pick oat oneand Tan'sure ril
itAll,-this proveS of 'course,
s that.you're an , insensible slob,
who, takes no interest in. the house,
and doesn't care "how hard 1,
Ifetinaciendt;e:arks im'at like:'
AV:if-defence, Xstarted ma
. king
'Yes, • dear, I.like the 'Deep Plum,
too. No, ,dear, I'4qijite agree, that
Stark Yellow is a hit common."
'This.of course merely- irritated her,
as it didn't leave any room for
No*, 1 have the technique Mas-
tered. it's simply a matter -of ac-
quiring e few adjectives, When she
asks how I like the Curdled Ceetim,'
I snort: "Good Lord, vvotnanl Get
some imagination, some sweep,
some life into the room. rd sug-
gest doing the Walls In the Vivid
• Violet, the ceiling in Pastibnate
Pink aild the woodwerk iii the
richnes:-P,"wailrrrnISieth, Vrtaltltit;11." 41" It
• She locate at me With afgraixture
. of ,hdrrof and tespect, mid .ereeps• ,
off into a corner with her colour,
, chart while I pick up my paper,
• and iti'Ve it a couple of good ertistic:
alia"kee befere turning to the •sports.
Truth tl the nutter Is that every
woman ft t an artist; at beart and
,should at discourage them.
• A song, 'All Things 13eantiful
Fair", was sung by some of
• ...be older members with Carol
McIntosh taking the solo part.
• Michael -Forsyth recited "Jesus'
; Was A Boy Like Me". Norman
Corrin and Terry Gardner ,sang
duet, *Can a Little Child Like
, Me". The Offering was received
with:Norman 'Corrin and Donnie,
, Rae as offertory ushers. Brian
Forsyth,led in the offertory pray::
• er„ Ai:father, song by the older,
group, •the Happy Children",
• was suag. The birthday song was;
• ifulg and several children dropped
• their money in the birthday cake.
• Peggy Rae swig a lovely solo, "For
the Beauty of the Earth". Brian
Carr and John Parrott said a reci-
, tatien, 'The SMall Boy Jesus". An
action song, -"Oh, Be Careful" was
sung by some of the -older group.
Miss Verna McLaughlin led the
older children with thei songs.
peorge .iVfaleolht - showed
slides and told the children of her
work with children in Formosa ,
Mrs. wm. Iliiiiert thanked the,
guest speaker,
What is known as ''s a f et y
checks" by Provincial Police officers
are becoming more frequent. As far
as the motbrist is concerned it is a
simple operation. At any time he is
liable to be stoppe4 on the open
highway by the provincial men; The
important safety features tut his car
are -checked to make sure that
rakes, lights, horn, rear-view mir-
ror, etc, are 'all up to standard.
In addition to providing a hazard
for the vehicle which is not fit to be
operated on the public roads, driv
ers are boning increasingly aware
that they must at all times be alert
and fully capable of passing such a
test. Knolving that they may be
stopped at any time certainly- should
tend to make most car operator
keenly constious of their responsibil-
ity when they are behind the wheel.
be Witighaet :Advanct4imes
pubootiotat 'tvAlitlioni ,otuteott •
1Weitignir Orethtti,
W. SOO Witkit6r,'Itditor
Audit Rikteini of Oreldatinli
AZOhntifiaij• SanOlati1010111•14110, Po* Office OIL
Sabeethotkok. Rite On. Ytir ttedo, ,Obt )11,61104;
;LW ita 14,tisee
$00.10or .yar
ramp 1st. 140 Put Isle
• fr
Th °ugh their ear struck a,hydro
polewith so inuCh -force that the
vehicle's frame -was split,: ,two men
escaped 'serious injury or death pear
Barrie because they wore safety
belts. This is one of many-illaderits
in which the value of seat belts has
been demonstrated. Yet, how many
cars have tbern? • ,
,Safety belts are 11(#standard
equipment on new antomobiles and
are not usually touted very hard by
salesmen as optional features.. Even
if a buyer has them installed, he
-can't be sure they w4l be 'effective$
for there is to governMent agency in
Ontario which tests SafetY *belts.
Vests in Sotne of the states. have
Shown that a Very high proportion
of belts -are of very little :use because
They have been improperly installed.
° The auto manufacturers .might
consider whether safety belts would
not be a mote :desirable piece, of
equipment than some of the merely
•decotative features that ,.are Pow
standard on most ,cars. Pot its part,
the government could' establiSh stan-
dirds for tropet installation of beltg#
base4 on the findings of rescathets
in the United States.,—Toronto
leve to make this ;filthy old place;
a' •
Thankolfering Held
By fritssitin Band
•taw :00jai Itenitof faring it t.
AndreWls Preabyteriesi
• '; Banat was'held in the Sunday–
Sehoet tooth: Opt MOtidaY
• Aft$-Stivert abaleered the,
t°111- Via) golldnlig 'with nel,*eril
• The Meeting ::tiPekiet *Mt live*,
ivtt, the ototioat ,tt•
. Rae attley 'led In lititiYet iota thol,'
,Itinjor 'aloft •tittp 'ON Otihit., 104
Mrs. Ted 'English read an ad-
drese and -Mrs• Robt..,Arbudide pre-
sented Mrs. Rod Macintosh with
a live membership from the Go-
forth Evening Auxiliary,
Hymn 729 was sung end the
meeting closed with the Miasion
Band prayer, Ann McKibbon saia
grace, and lunch was served by
Mrs. A Mowbray„ Mrs. T. Gauley,
Mrs. Wm. Hilbert and Mrs. L.
Phillips, lissisted by Gale HoVer-
son, Sandra Cummings, Helen
Currie and Maly Phillips. Mrs,
Gortitie Godltio assisted In the
1.42: Reminiscing
AVOW YEAlit$ ACx+1
The Silver Medal Contest was
• held in the town heiton Friday
night. under the anspiees of the
W.O.T.LI. Five young ladieS
ed, they were Misses E Rash, M,
PeCock, 4traour, IMaddiSell
Erakine, Rev. Perrle acted
;as ehairman and Enein Clark and
the Bev. Dingman ocenPied seats
on. the Platfarra
Those who tOgif part in the sing-
ing contest Were: Fierenee Pecoale
Velma Jcianston, Thelma Sander-
son, Madeline Walker, Hilda Cow-
ell, Charlie Donaldson, Irene *Day,
and Clifford Robertson,
.The topic at the Epworth Teague
•on Moeclay evening was ably hand-.
lea by Miss Annie Berber, Neat
Monday the topic will be taken by
Miss Turner and Mre, W. J,
Greer, ,
GaVin Wileon and son purchaSed
the 100 acre farm 'Fairview" from
Mr, C. J. laintoal on the Bluevale
Road. M. 3, Foreai Wilson will
;tiove to the farm, at once. Mr.,
Rintoul and family will •rnove to
Mr. J., T. LennoX, the popular
mail carrier on Route No, 1 wing --
ham started his fifth year in the
service on MolidaY.
0 - 0 - 0
The interest of farm boys is
sclicited in the forming of "The
Ontario Calf Club" which is being
sponsored by the Wingham Fall
Fair Board, Objective: to create a
greater interest arnang young
people in caring for, feeding and
developing cattle,
Miss Tena Reid, a, pupil of Miss
B. U. Gordon, A.T.C.M„ was suc-
cessful in passing with lst. class
Minors her •Iunior History` and
Junior Counter Points in thc
theory examination held in Wing
The Hydro -Electric PoWer Coln•
mission of Ontario tabled their an..
nual report in the Legislature
showing an inerease in reserves ot
the variotis systems of $7,165
Wingharn is te be credited with
the amount of $411.
Miss Eva Dolan, Toronto, h.
visiting her father and mother, al
their home on Leopold Street.
Mr, W. A. letcKiblion, of Wester
University, spent Easter with his
The Ripley Reclmen in an exhibi-
tion match on Ftiday evening- Iasi
pulled out with a tie of 4-1 aftei
having the lead all through tin
game. a
Miss E;T3rnclail, of the Wingham
Public School is spending the
Easter holidays in Guelph.
- - 0
„Rev. John Lucas has been given
a unanimous call to the Wing -ham,
Baptist Church where he will corn-
mence his ministry in, May.
Mr. Ludas. is at present studying
theology at Me'Vaster University,
Hamilton, and holds a pastorate at
Humber ,134..y, Toronto.
Arrangements have now been
completed for the 'Yin'y banquet
which will .be held in the armour-
ies at 7 p.m. cm ThUrsday, April 9
The Womere's Institute Will cater
and an interestieg program has
been arranged. ,
'The 'Aped& ,spealret*.for the even"-
ing,..W111 he the. *Lev:, :NfaxWell
Allan a the' L'ek4O'n"
staff. .
• A hearty welcome is extend& to - • •=
Mr, and Mrs, Douglas Lawrence
and baby of Toronto, who moved
to Winghank last week. Mr. Law-
rence is a saleknan for the We-:
tern Foundry. .
Two local stores have had a con-
siderablg work clone to the inter-
iors of the buildings recently. The
aaa,asaaaaaaket eeressesieseleresealetterearsessekleSeialereee.
Before you turn
them out to
and ovoid loss
oi time and
Visit our Veterinary
• Department at your
earl i,e s •Niportunity and
select your instrument from
our large stock of
Revolving }lead Tattoo units
Tattoo — Digits and Letters
Ear Notchers assorted de• -
I3ottle of 100 at regular pridi plus 8 Children'e Aspirin ou
...with Vitamin El - oz, reg. $1.00
Colgate" canle beat to keep hair neat" „.,. .... ......... ............ . .. 9C
• Dental Cream'
33e tube 11-/ for 66c 09c tithe for 9
2 c
EsapvesloOem: RegusA1113T0c b.ottle foe •only
1 (le
Top quality for medicinal use - 16 AZ, reg. 2$C ........ AL 110 No
Save 40e: Regular aileitiihe now f„,
, Heavy grade IDA brand,111„ 40 as., reg. M, Litl _
Agency for—
Dollarry, 'Hudnut,
Ayer Animal Health and Revlon Phone •18
Co$metic I WINGRAM Departmezt
i * ,
LL, 811116-1L-7:1-1011111 =
segq IC
: srocK
14//DE AND
1 VAR/50
•• ---
i • .
i„—,.., i
Wilkinson Wallpaper ' Shop and .
'Dation% Shoe Store are the two --'-
6ashtess places concerned.
On Thursday afternoon, Mrs, W.• fri
Henderson, of Wingham, gave ii.
an intereeting talk on ' Institute - .
work to memliers. of the Clinton li • • _
Inatitute, - 111111111111111111111111(111111111111•11•111111111111110111111111•111.1111O1111111111111111111111.111111111111111111110
1-14,42041, POCOCK,
on . • .
W 111Rim.a41.11 ln Open far .
, ..$1001101...1001E$S ;ASSOCIATION
OttiOtaoaN) •
The Fifth Sunday In Lent
Passion Sunday
• 8,80 Coimminion
11.00 a.m.—Choral Communion
210 ,p.m.----Cherch School
7,00 pan„,--44vening Prayer k, Sermon
'nuts, Apr. 4th---3.00Thms, 'meeting in
• the Parish Room,
A. 1.11-4.00 patt—tvening Ouild meet-
.ing in the Parish Room•