The Wingham Advance-Times, 1957-04-03, Page 1With which is amalgsmat ..Corrie 'Vidette land Wroxeter News
WIESDAY, APRIL 3;11, 057
High School Curling Rinks
ouned Assumes
Hy The Pedestrian, ocal Roman Catholic Cemetery
Wingliain town council will re-
ceive about 14,050-00 and the deeds
to the,cemetery and will take over
the caretaking duties' according to
the agreement and statement of
payment drawn up by F. Durand
and his cemetery committee.
al decision to do so was made. at
Monday night 5 meeting,
The council reached the decision
after hearing' a delegatiOn from
Sacred Heart; Church, headed by
Bev, A, R. Durand, who explained
the reasons for the •transfer.
It was explained by Mayor" a. E.
McKinney at, the MendaY night
'fleeting of the Wingham town
council, that for two or three years
thp torn has 'been considering
taking over the upkeep, of the Ro-
man CatholiC cemetery, The fin-
a .
Ingham. Hosp~~al Will
feceive $1:1,230 Grant
Increase In Connti Rate
The county rate for '.1.9§7 will be
increased OM 12 mills to 12,75.
The Increase has been 'brought
about primarily' by the changed
method of payment of atirninistra-
tion Of, justice accounts .and. the
per' capita grant to local Nnunicii
palities. A break-down on the
new county rate was. supplied in
a letter to the town 'council from
the finance, warden's and road
committees of Huron County Coun-
cil. It shows that the general rate
has been hoisted from: I mills to
'TM , and that the highway
rate :has gone from S to 5,15 mills,
making the .new total 12.75..
"1 don't think we,' as a 'Council
can .do anything about this 'in-
crease, The County decides how
much. it needs and then simply,
collects;" said the mayor,
Two 'appointments Mai service
clubs 'to tie community' centre
committee were approved by the
Council. Cal Burke will represent
the Business AssociatiOn. and John
Psttison the Cimadian Legion. ,
A resolution was Passed to pro.
vide'for eommencern. ent•of daylight
saving time' on Sunday; April 28.
It will continue antil Sunday; Sep-
tember 29,
It was announced last week, that
Rev, Alexander Nimmo, who has
served as minister of St. And-
rew's Presbyterian •Church in.
Wingham for' the past 12 years,
will receive an honorary degree of
doctor of divinity. The degree
thWrooulg‘dh 1.11aoslan bWeen. HraeLeltav,edM hPe,rPee,
that the Wingliam General Hos-
pital is likely •to receive a grant of
ills,s213001.7 following a decision by
tile Ontario Hospital Services Corn:-
This capital' grant Is in addition
to ti grant of $151,000.00 paid in . ••- •
relation to the construction of 'the
new wing. • • • •
Wingham ,and „District High School Boys Carlini! teats.: 'Seated, (left
to right) Bill Crawford and BrUce Lott. Standing, jim. Bain and Ken
Crawford. --Advance-Vimes 'photo.
Ne*: Co Op _Manager
Max McCarter has been appoint-
ed to• succeed Rad McIntosh as
manager of the creamery
and poultry plant in Wingliatn•
Mr. McCarter has been at. the head
office of the. Cooperative 'in To-
rentn, but previous to that time
was• manager of the Co-Operative
at Parkhill,
The newcomer, who is a graduate
of 'the Tjpiversity, of Toronto; is
married . and has family of two
childielf." He has already com-
menced hig 'duties here, but ,does
net expect- to move•this family to
Wingham until June. They Will
reside''in the%home, now occupied
by Mr, and Mrs, McIntosh, who
leave later this month' for Preston,
where he will be employed with grant has been submitted, to the
InveStor'S Syndicate. authorities at Ottawa.
The grant is conditional upon :try,
agreement of the Federal govern:
ment to pay an equal grant based
on the number or sqtiare feet of •
hospital space devoted-to auxiliary •
services and the training of nurses. ,
, An applicatien for the federal
. .:.• . .
..•, ions Plan Program for
Receives PrOmotion .
While in Egypt
' Two, former ' Camp Borden
soldiers have been promoted in the
field serving with the Canadian
Contingent, of the UNEF, it was
announced last week, ,
Appointed lance, Corporals are
Plea. Charles "Doll, whoSe twife• re-
sides at' Wingham, and . :lames
Hatt,' whose. wife lives in. Alliston.
Both are members • of • No:. 55
TranSpOrt Company, 'Royal Cana-
will he . conferred at the .Presby-
terian College in Montreal on, Ap-..
ril 30th,
Discuss PLAN
oRumftE4o ,sEit
:Mins to -hold a' Drunali4d
vice in Windham sena:dile in JU:
or early Jtily were' aired
regular meeting of the Whigh
branch of the Canadian
held last Timsday eireniAg.
The last such serviee - 1141d
in the town was, during the. 76th
anniversary celebratiOns, when
about 506 ex-servicemen were' On
parade, 'It" the branch''decides to
carry through its plans the nr-
nlouries or the arena will PrOb
ably be used as headquarters..
A letter has been sent .tO 'the
mayor and' the, WilikhaM town
council, by President, John Patti,
sop, asking that Monday, Novem-
ber be declared a public holi-
day, and that all „shops liu,,toWn
should be closed on that 'dap.: It
was suggested that a"Sirhilat letter
should be -sent to the igotincils ;Of
surrounding nnunicipalities'..•
Lloyd Ellacott offered' •to he.a:d
a committee, to• build Li:;! float for
the Turnberry Centennial' 7.eefel34-
tions, which will be,. had '; this
summer. He will be assisted
Ken Baker.
An appli•-ation for membershp
to the Wingham branAlt ,:yvas ac-
cepted from M. L. Foxt:riii.
It Was announced that C.cOia.cle
George Williams had safiere'd'.:a
heart attack and . the .sielt• • and
vfrfting committee 'was asked to
supply ,him with comforts.' •
The Legion will. contribute to: , the Easter Seal Campaign - ,being
organized by the Wingham. Liens
Club' and will buy the same num-
ber of seals purchased 'WA'
L. Balser, chairman of `the band
committee,,, said that the gioN,Pbad
now reached the point ,where'f'they
needed more, advanced instruction
and he asked if a new inaterketOr
could be , obtained. PreSident
Pattison mentioned that. all."" in-
structor from Clinton 'night.' be
svallable in the near future. •
BA'sr COME? EASY. po—What's
with an this 'web and 'lion Stuff?
After we Stich our necks out and
predict ,4 real splurge of winter
for the end of March, because the
first of the Month was so,,,mild—
What happens? The 81st vvaS, just
as fine, Not that anyone is really
0 - 0 - 0 ' '
WATER LOW—Things look per-
fectly normal down on the prairie,
the fact that most years at
his time the' whole area 15 under
three Or four feet of water. Run-
off this year came the slow and
easy way.
0 - 'o - a ,.
water wagon made the-rounds the
other day, apparently' just to .wash
the surface layer of winter's dirt,
and debri,s from the streets. '
O .- 0 - ^
FIRST GRASS, FIp.z----The first
of what is usually a series of, grass
fires got out of hand 9n Catharine
Street on Saturday afternoon, fan-
ned by a stiff wind, The firemen
; took charge and soon had every-
thing back on an even keel,
0 - 0 - 0 - ,.
Shortest item of businefis , at ,the
Winghain town council on Mom
day evening was the fixing of the
date for the commencement of
Daylight Saving Time,' which be-
gins in Wingham on April' 28th:
0 - 0 - 0
TIME TO GO—Cauncillor Bill
Conron skipped out fast at the
end of the council meeting, He
had to motor to Goderich where he
was presenting "prizes in a broom-.
,ball competition. Before he left
he, threw an invitation to any
councillor wanting to join him but
got no takers: •
0 - 0 - 0
MANY TiliANKg-Mrs. Whitney"
Cirose of the Hotel Brunswick has
been receiving Many letters these
past few weeks thanking' her for
recipes and table-ideas which she,
114.9.-,giv.,0,11, tozji.o.uSewiVes, through.
se,veral 'television appearances at
the C.K.N.X.' station. One grateful
viewer enclosed a •small beautifull',
designed lace handkerchief with
her letter of *thanks,
rontier Days- ,of 1957' , Northern Ireland, graduated from.
" Mr; Nimino, who is a native of
the Montreal ,COilege tin 1929, at,
Frontier Days' - this year 'will he' dress.,
Mr, and' Mrs. Carl Frieburger of
Bluevale, Ontario, wish to an-
nounce the engagement of their
daughter, Thelma Anne,' to Mr.,
Frederick Wickens, son of. Mr, and=
Mrs., Alex Wickens, of Bridgeport,
Ontario, The wedding to take place
in Sacred Heart Church, Wingham,
on Monday, April 22nd. - F34'
The Ladies' A.axiliary to the
Canadian Legion will hold a euchre
in the Legion Home, Monday, April
8, at 8.15. Good prizes. Lunch.
Everyone welcome. gab
Brantford Family
Moves to Town
and Mrs. E. R. (Ted)
Vaughan, former residents of
Brantford' on Wednesday , moved
into the Hardy house on Diagonal
Road. They have three children.
Shirley,. Gary and Lary.
Mr. Vaughan is employed with
C. Lloyd & 'Son as accountant and
commenced his, 'duties there in
February, He was with the Cock-
shutt firm in Brantford for sev-
eral years before joining the local
firm. '
Friday ,afternoon, Children's day dian curried, food,'
the parade and in the park Sat-
urday night will again feature the
popular CKNX Barn Dance,
All in all, it looks as if the Fron-
tier Days celebration in Wingham
will be new and different and
the best effort yet, The special
committee realizes that the only
way it can be successful is by the
wholehearted support and co-op-
eration of the townspeople and the
people front the surrounding com-
munity. Suggestions for the cele-
bration will be most welcome and
should be made to Whitney Grose,
Herm Welwood or John McKibben.
of duty in' Korea, and LiCpl, Doll •
served during the Second World
War in the United Kingdom,,
Northwest Europe,
ter which he served in- churches, diary .ArmY Se'rViee Corps..,-gr.v,„., .
Thursday, Fir day :,..a.nd,. Safxrday, „• ,Saturdays ,I41 4 IA ,;-.1, grade-- 'With AL'-.10rew"d,' Or t,, A h eball and' Doll is lie •former Rosie Ohm,
'Auklist'20th, 30th and 31st, These floats costumes, and general
dates ;were decided on at a special merrimaking Prizes for float; win -
Beaubarrieis, Que., before enter= daughter of. Mr.' and Mrs„ Fred
meeting of the Lions Club cele- he
the big feature this year. There ,rug the.chaplains' service with the
she is residing with her two'child-
Ohm, Sr., of -Wingham, with whom
bration committee members, held will be pries :for group organiza- RCAF .in which he served for ren, Patricia arid Suzanne.
last ;Tuesday evening. , lions, Odd Fellows, 0.E.S., Legion, three years.' He came to Wingham following his.' discharge from the Both soldiers are employed at
The events featured for the Kinsmen, Masons, etc. The Lions Air Force. ' • • the IJNEF supply depot at Ana
annual three-day celebration will committee Urges groups to appoint Friends throughout the corn- jobs entail: the
include, calf . throwing; greased their committees now to enable the mum y willbe pleased .,. . t to hear ° of Sitweir: Their issuing of rations to the ten dif-
pig patching and roping, Much of presentation5 to be ready in good the honor ,,which is being confer- contingents which make. up
promises to be new and different. Bands will - be featured both. at red upon Mr. Nimmo.,
the force. Among' their difficulties the entertainment in the park time.
are trying to 'satisfy the particular
gastronomical desires of the differ-
A provisional program has al-
ent countries, One of their tough- been drawn up by the Lions
Club. and outlines the events as fol- • eat jobs is. making Sure that
lows.: Opening, Thursday evening enough sPiCeS are available for
With a big night in the arena. the exacting requirements of In-
featuring a parade, and the chops- L/Cpl. Hatt arrived in Egypt on
Mg of the, Frontier Queen at the New Year's Day and L/Cpl, Doll
town 'park. Entertainment at the arrived on., January 11 aboard
park on this day will include calf HMOS Magnificent. Both have had
throwing and pik catching. previous service overseas, L/41,
Hatt served for two separate tour's Friday evening, waltz, fox-trot
and old-time waltz contests and
the, annual frontier costal-rip ball.
Many prizes arf being offered 'at
the 'ball for dancing and fancy Wingham and' District 'High School Girls Curling team pictured yes-
terday at the school: Seated, (left to right) Mary Anne McKibbon and
Joyce Hoffman. StInding, Mary Frances Currie' and Delis Button,'
—Advance-Times photo
,'Alf Lockridge, of Winkham;
manager of the W‘.0.A.A., 'says that
the Aiseciation stands "more than
a good chance" of havingjlii Ont-
ario minor hockey champiOnsbms
in; the "C" and "D" classifications
this year. „
Few ,folks should know the As-
sociation's chances better than Alf,
who • has been connected with the
organization since it was • founded
by W. T. "Doc". Cruickshank and
M. L. "Tory" Gregg, twelve years
"This I'd' say is the •-Western
Ontario Athletic Assoeiation's best
year ever," Alf told, us this week. •
The Western Ontario Athletic
Association has expanded its ac-
tivities every year and today has
clubs affiliated in hockey, base-
ball' and softball from the Bruce
Peninsula in the north; St. Marys
to Sarnia in, the south and Orange-
ville in the, east.
Florida Inquest
A reception for Mr. ,and Mrs.
Bob Carter (nee' Nancy Carter)
will be held in Blyth Memorial
Hall, Wednesday, April 3. IVfel
Fleet's Orchestra from Palmerston.
Everyone welcome. F3"`
Hunting and Fishing licenses
may be obtained" from Police Of-
fice, Wingham.—T. W. Platt.
F3 ':10b
. Mayor R. B, IVicKineey, Who re;
turned On Saturday after spending
a month _ln Florida had' ,rather
unusual 'experience while he WAS
in the south, On a Sunday morn-
ing two weeks ago he witnessed a
artificial respiration was applied
for 45 Minutes the victim failed to
revive, _
The faCt that an attempt was
made to reach no less than eight
doctors without Success 'made it
necessary to • call, together a
coroner's jury on, Which Mr. Mc-
Kinny was aalted to' act,'since he
had been an eyewitness to the acci-
dent. `
'drowning which took the -life of
Adolpg' Yocis, of Orange City Hills.
The, elderly man was swimming
Several hundred yards. but from
the beach when spectators and the
life guard saw that he Was in diffi-
culty. By the , time the beach
guards reached biin the man had
gone under and -' though he was
quickly brought Jo'. ta beach and EUCHRE AND DANCE
The Country Curling Club, is
ding a euchre and „ dance on
3 lb Bluevaie Hail Lunch,
s 'rued, Bruce's Orchestra, Every-
one welcome. , 1.43* inghain 'fropetti,Aiked,.‘'$ite
or Cream'' MaiiOfactuiill'g-Ptaot
bonnett, Sob Vitintyre and Ted WorMworth, get dOWn. to raining
daring an &ening 8ebuting at the United Chureh, hall this
week.--Advante-Thaes phdta
1. On Thursday; April 4, at 8,30
sharp the Wingharn Women's In-
stitute will held 'a, (mare in the
Council Charnbers, Admission 50c.
Lunch served, Everyone Weleenie.
Wingham Woman ,
Recognized by CLGU
Mrs, A, It, DuVal, captain of the
ladies' Section or.' the. Wingham
Golf Club, has received a Ryrie-
Birk. Spoon from the Canadian
Ladies' Coifing Union for carding
the three, Idwest scores (not. and
grass) for ladles of the local club
for the year 1956, !Ms assesses
Mrs, naval with the lowest
cap of the local lady' raernh'ers,
Also to, he congratulated are 'IWO
arler ineinhers, whose poided scor-
es bf last year have established for
then legal C.L.Cril, handicaps,
They are Mrs, Win. Cenron Mrs.
Elliott,t'f. Mrs, J,'Iterr, Mt:W. 8.
McCeoI and hirs. D, lVfaeRae.
An application for the purchase
of two town iota on which an ice,
cream plant Would be built, was
made by R.E.-kCousins, of BrtiaaelS,
at the town council "netting on
Monday night.
The lots are located south of the
Kerr Conatrnetion propepty on
Josephine Street, at the south en-
trance to the town. The prenerty ,
iS owned. by 'the trivvii at the
present time. "
The council agreed' that , this
building project should be en,
douraged and that negotiations be
entered into by. the Coattail. How-
-ever it was thought that the 264,
foot lot asked for is perhaps More
than will be available. Vie build-
ing, it was Stated, in, a letter to
the council fromlit. Cousins,
Would be 'of concrete and centerit FitStzaid lesSeins help SOUS become better ejtNens, Here WInghain
bloa, the front to litt of coloured 'treat °victim" Bruce Meehan, Cloalt.W180, in the piettire,
stone Wjtb, Platt glass'. llyttut -AdardS, Doug Lotitrldge, Bob Smelts) LyInall Jardine Patti
Stores In the town, of Wintlittrn
w'li remain open on Friday even-
ing of this week, Kit will close
At 6 p.m. on Saturday,. The new
shopping hours go in effeet at
least, for the balailet of this year.
Virtually all of the larger towns
in this section of Western Ontarie
have adopted the same plan, While
merchants in the *villages have ad-
hered to the traditionally Satur-
day night open ter ShOpping,
All precedents Wert broken in
the village of gellaaR when the
rherchents decided to reinain Open
both PriditY and Akturday nights
and ell dy,t Wednesday; but will
elOse their store$ 00 .Monday..
tuehre Will he held at ailmoUr'S
Scheel, Wednesday, April 8, at 8.30
pan. AdmiNsion 35c, Lunch served.
Proceeds for Turnberry Centennial,
LadieS' Auxiliary" to Wing-
' hani Oeneral Hospital will hold its
regular Meeting In the 'council
eliambers On Priday, April Sth, at
EtT011atil VAIrrit
Euchre party Will be ~tield( in
Binevale COMinunity Hall en Fri-
APril Ali, at 8.0, Sponsored
by ,function $dhOol Acetic,'" , for
Centennial Ponds. Lunch• served.,