HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1957-03-27, Page 4POUR LOTS for sale, tWo acres in • all, Would, sell separately or trade on small, house br good car, Phone 546E. 27b DOUBLE HOUSE and two-car garage on Centre St. for sale. Oil and toe' furnaces, kitchen cup boards and 3-piece bath in , each apartment, For further particu- lars calls Stewart A. Scott, pllone • 293, representhig• Robt, Martin, Realtor. 20,27;3;10 'TWO STOREY RED Bruck eight mom house for Sale in the village Of WroXeter, Aprhy to 'P.O." Box 50 or phone 811 Wrox- eter. 20:27b ;LOCAL PAWLEIGH AVAILABLE. Sear Selling eXperiend not required, Write at once Rawleigh's • Montreal, P.C) I BUS/NESS t helpful but Car becesSary,' for Partidulart. Oept, 27b• vice from all breeds of Cattle, phone the ;Waterloo Cattle It is strictly against our -rules Breed Breeding Assonfatitni I to diVtdge the mime ;address ing 2,3441. Or Mildrnay 130r12 be, 1 41:44:441,,riirOlgo "Vig. "I * urribet.. ticeen t 86 too 9,8o &AL We Please do net Ask US Or OW- haVe all breeds available top Information, assasseaoemeageneoonosioaoroottoorof quality at IOW 000ti* -28r* • , Hot Croon Out, VATERLOO CAT'I'LE Breedinit Assoolittikin ovvhote tato Bulls ratie,,inneeemoioesar,a4, I ' tioneae I Are ibied",, "Per artificiar In- 1 ,' Box flolcitte Nithietil twoinliettitiott inforMatian ;Or 8.0i.' -1" ' ' ' ' BE YOUR , OWN 'PRIVATE ' EYE' Learn to detect the ' warrang sigitails that MAY Mean Cancer. For free literature write MRS. IAIVIES CURRIE Viiingliatri, Ont. Sebretaty of *Winghatu aha trict brain* of Canadian Cancer 'Satiety FIN CING A CAR? Before you buy 4;k 'abed but LOW COSt. Finanting fiteryiert with eantplete irfuitanite Coverage, ' *STEWART A, $COTT Oliante Wifighain a!frrb' Day and Night Service PHONC185 min mi m um mr • .ci,o•ieleie 0)14 - •caossarr• rtwitrevo00.' • • • CPO SSEii 31010161 5,4Lig gLeV/CE 5 9 VICUNA p .. .... 440000 .... 00,0 ... . llll llll 0.000010holird EitIOTT REAL ESTATE AfiENCY Blyth Ontarip, - Phone 104 , GORDON ELLIOTT, BROKER " Fleming S„ Bellagh, Salestnatic Vidfor Kennedy, Saletinan,: Res. Phone;,5861, Wingbain, RO, Pholle, 78, Blyth .1" Larie 'Farm Listing, Dwellings & .nritinest property "'• :Listings and Inquiries • "WE SPECIALItE IN OWING SERVICEq'' l ll lll lllllll toh llll to lll lllll i llllll llllllllll i l iiti lll i ll I llll llll BUSINESS and PROFESSIONAL: DIRECTQRY CRAWFORD HETHERINGTON Barristers, Solipitors, Etc. Wingturith Plane 48 4'. IL CRAWPOIRO, R. S. HETHERINGTON, QM: A. H. McTAVISII 'mutton:, .scst Amon :and NOTARY PVHLIC TEESWATE* ONTARIO Tetephoine 2$ Teetwater WrOxeter*Eveti Wednesday atteriterni, 2-,44 Olt itppototorieo, J, W. BUSHFIELD Q.c. BarristOr, SaBeitat, Notailf Etti, Miley to titan ofilte-„Meyer wingiotio • • OYAL CHICK HATCHERY ;OFFERS YOU RED x SUSSEX LEGHORN x WHITE ROCK Cobh's PEDIGREED RED x ROCK Kimberchick's LEGHORNS of California — MEAT TYPE -- ARBOR ACRES WHITE ROCKS VANTEESS x ARBOR ACRES AUTOMOBILE INSVRANCE LET US QUOTE YOU ON OUR INVIDEND=PAYING POLICIES TERMS — 6 MONTHS or 12 MONTHS • Special Low Rates' for Farrriers," Cars & Trucks. H. t• MacLean Phone,115 Wingham rrb e1A-7/.17 ItWiNGHAM .......... Town' of Winghiam 1957 Takes Taxpayers may make payMetits on accotint Of 1957 taxes up to 80 pet cent of 1956 taxes, PREPAYINg..,7 • Interest ..at the rate Of Vont pet:cent, per antntm be,,alloweri on 'Stith, pre0ayments, • Prepayments: of' taxes Must. be 4t the . Town Treasatet's-Office,,Town Hatt A., GALBRAITH; Tteatui4t, Town„.of _ Ingham, 40#000000‘00i0046.0,000000.**OODH,f.66w0A60.A0fi,..6,,,,,00.0,.,,,o,deo Frederick F. Flomuth Carol E, Helmuth, R.O. Mrs. Viola Rilonoitli 010010.1totsti PHONIC 118 Haktristim, 'Ontario WELLINfiTON . FIRE Ifisttraitte Carapanx Att all Canadian CornpanY Whit* has. 'faithfully ootved polio* holders for OVer teritOrri Head Offieti tOrentd• Matteau tiounotte Agoiket • SALESMAN" WANTED " • .. • • " ' • • • Wiili410:004 4411110100-11101.0.*sWeitilertillIA1/"A AI *IA at 11/4 4 •• FOR SALE ft LEE'S USED FURNITURE, Buy • and sell, Modern 9 eu, ft. West- inghetiee refrigerater, 1. hall tree. Phone 185, 27b IS TAtiERT ?)EA Most inter line Of Even if your lif now. Of 'Rheumatism, Seiatica, *brier can be helped by teak-. Iti/A4AGAPS, Reearlihierided ‘..lhotItailat Of .thankful fiSeta, 0.111• ERS ,eutt average a esting income With guaranteed necessities. never sold: ; thing, in e." Write for fan details 600 belorinifer bent. 52, Mdiitreal, 277 PER: CLASSIC. COOK STOVE, Cheap. Good cdndition, Phone 41.3W, 27h CHILD'S CRIB, white tube steel; commode chair with tray; play pen and kiddie car. Phone 703.11, 27b LARGE PILE of well-rotted man ure for sale, Also 1951. Interna- tional heavy duty pick-up, Apply to Stan Kay, 13 Line, 2 miles east of Wingintra. Phone 642W2. 27* TWO ROOMS and bath, for rept, BuIlt-in cupboards, private en-. trance, possession April 1st. Not suitable for children. Apply to Gorden Godkin, Jelin Street, 27* FIVE. ROOM APARTMENT over Dominion Store for rent, bath- room, hot and cold Water, heavy duty wiring, easily heated, air- ponditioned. Phone, 413J, 2Orrb WANTED TO RENT, TWO BEDROOM modern apart- ment or house wanted to rent. Apply to Box 22, AdvanceTimes. 27* HELP WANTED TO CLEAN large business office. Apply to Box 23, Advanco-TlineS. '27b TEACHERS WANTED Morris Township School Board invites applications from qualified Protestant teachers for one-room rural schools, Duties to commence in' September, Minimum salary,' $2500• Applicants state salary, qualifications, experience and name and address of last inspector. Application* received until March 29th. Ralph Shaw, sec.-tress,, Bluevale,. Ont, 20,:27b WANTED TENDERS WANTED Tenders for the position of care- taker of St. AndreW's Presbyterian Church, Wingham, will be taken up until Saturday, March 30th. State salary expected. -Duties will commence at. once. Mail applica- tion to M. M. Rae, Box 263, Wingham, , 27b ' Township or Morris Tenders will be received by the undersigned up until 12 o'clock noon, April 1, 1957 for the con--. tracts of constructing and repair- ing the following drains in Morri Township; Murray-Lamb Drain consist' ng of 12,900 lineal feet of open, dr ain, Nichol Drain consisting of 2548 lineal feet of tile' drain and , 18 647 lineal feet of open drain. The Township will supply the tile, Plans, profiles-and specifications may be seen at the Clerk's office. A certified cheque for ten per, cent of the contract price must ac- company each tender. Lowest-or any tend er not .i nec- essarily accepted. ,", Geo. C, Marti Clerk. 20:27b AIIIRULANC SERVICE CURRIE'S AMBULANCE, Wing- ham. Safe, courteous .Service, Phone Day 51, Night 716, or 636. 13rrb DEADSTOCK WANTED ADSTOCE removed promptly or sanitary disposal. FREE pick- larger animals, reasonable ction charge for small ani- mals, Phone Collect' Wingham 378, Palmerston 123W or Dur- ham 398, Gordon Young Limited. 6rrb MISCELLANEOUS BEAGLES AT STUD; two regisy tered sires from Field Champion Ancestry, Excellent 'hunters, Phone N. Stephengon, Ethel, 34-9 Brussels, 27:3* (S YOUR TELEVISION' properly Insured for all risk coverage? For inforination phone 203, Stew- art A. Scott, Wingharn. 2rrb 11TEWART A. SCOTT can now sate you 15% on your car or truck in- turande. Yearly or Mx months policies are tiVailable. Special ratet iror farmers. For further haterMationi:Phone 293, Winter/ ii. 2.9rrb -SANITARY SEWAGE disposal ' ,septic tanks, cesspools, cellar*, pumped and cleaned, Well SerViee, elf work gtiaranteed, Apply Latila Blake, phone 42rd; BrusSels. YOU'VE TRIED THE REST, now try the best for spareribs and Satirkraut on Wednesday, Orrday and Saturday evenings. Com- mercial Hotel, Formosa, Cd12/57 CARD OF THANKS I wish to take this opportanity of expressing my sincere thanks and appreciation to all my friends and neighbors for the cards and flowers sent to me while was a patient in Wingham General Hos- pital, Special thanks to. Rev- A. Nimmo and the managers of the Presbyterian Church. — G. A. Schatte. 27* CARD OF THANKS. We would like to express our sincere thanks to all our dear friends and citizens of Wingham for the hospitality we received during our short visit. Especially we like to thank Mr. and Mrs. Tom Metcalf and Mrs; Matt Bell, of Wingham. We are leaving for 4 visit to Germany and Czechoslov- akia,' and are returning via Austria and Italia, Enjoying our stay, we say goodbye to you and Prank Schleicher. 27* SALE ESTATE FURNISH- STATE ,OF, 4, AT THE ORIA. STREET, PAIL 6th, 1957: LOCK d, Part •of Let No, xier of Vietoria an0 the Town of Wipg- property is sit.nated brick cottage, MOO,- edrooms, and-a garage; ell situated '• on a Goner ed• by oil furnace. Proper- be offered subject to a re-'', id. TERMS: REAL ESTATE-10% on t e date of sale and the hal-. ance within thirty days there- after. Further particulars and Gendi- tions of 'Sale will be made knoWn on the date of Sale, or may be had on application to the undersigned. There will be offered' for sale at the same time and Place, the fol- lowing bousoholci goods and furni- ture: 3-piece Chesterfield suite, Settee, Desk Odd dliairs, Small' tables, Lamps, 2 Rugs, 2 Congoleurn Rugs, Oak Hall Seat and Mirror; 3 Mir- rors, Dining Reem Snite;. 2 Bed- room Suites; Chest of, ,Drawers, Couch, Drop Leaf Table; 3-Kitchen Chairs, Frigidaire, Kitchen Stove (coal or 'wood); Sewing IVIaChind, Rangette, Washing Machine, Dish- es, Lawn Mower, Tools,. .0the't -articles too numerous to mention. TEFtMS; CASH. CRAWFORD &HETHERINGTON Solicitor's for the Executbr Auctioneer. I Wirigham, Ontario. • 27:,3b UNRESERVED AUCTION SALE of , Livestock and Implements "Ple uniersigned Anctieneer has received instructions from • ' JUSTIN A. WILL, , Lot 10, Con, 15, Howick Township On County Road, 8 Miles East of Wingham ,aind midway between .Wroxeter Knit 13elinore To sell' by Public:. Auction,- corn-, mending at-1.00 'p.ni;, sharp, on ' THURSDAY, APRIL 4th 1951 . . , The following LIVESTOCK--3 bows, due time 'Alm 19 9LAASIFi---- 5- YOUNG yo4g .4%11s, dne first weeic ApplY to. Claire 'VanCarrip, phone Brus.sels, 1.5r.18: ' 27b 8-430014 BRICK house for rent, heavy duty wiring, water, ad- jacent to highway 3 miles smith, . of Winkharn, immediate posaes- • sloe, Apply to Norm /iigginst; phone 32r9 .13russels 27t! REAL ESTATE FOR SALE 11h-storey house in Pleasant Valley, possession Can be given any tirrie. 13h-storey house on Jesephine Street, possession can he given op May 1st, 1957, The Seath 139 feet ef Lot 17„1Vfc- Crea's Survey, 43elgrave. IniMedi- ate possession can be given, For particulars apply to Crawford and Hetherington, Barristers, ate., WINGHAM, ONTARIO 27,3b CARD OF THANKS • * I would like to expreas 'my sin- cere thanks ,to all myspends, neighbors ancl 'relatives f gifts; flowers and cards sent to me while a patient in Winkham General Hospital. Special thanks to Dr, A, McMurchy and Mrs. Morrey and her staff df nurses.—R, A. Coats, 27b 7 SMALL PUPS for sale. Apply to Mrs. Hand, Arthur Street, Wing- ham. 27b MEAT FOR SALE, Good beef l;.)3, the quarter, killed under license from the Dept, of Health, Year- ling heifer; front quarters 310 and, hind quarters 39c.- Raynard Ackert, Ripley, phone 24r30 Ripley. errb RADIO-PIIONOGRAPH ,eombina, tion table model for sale, also 'baby carriage, Phone 5617, 27b SEED OATS, Garry, Rodney and other varieties; Seed Barley, Brant, Berta, Montcalm, All these grains are Registered ••No. 1.—Howson & Howson Ltd. 20:27:6:13:27b RODNEY- OATS grown from reg- istered seed, cleaned and treat- ed for sale, Apply to Joe King, phone 549w3. 27* LLOYD GREY BABY BUGGY for sale, Good as new, Phone 610J4. 27* WARRENER Electric brooder for sale, good working order. Apply to Mrs. C. R. Henning, R.R, 1, 13Iuevale, phone 13r4; Wroxeter. 274 GARRY AND BEAVER OATS for sal; cleaned and treated, grown from. registered' seed. Price $1.40 per bushel. AlVin Procter, phone 779J12, Wingham. 27* CT:1$701VL BUTCHERING, cutting and wrapping, choice young beef by the ,quarter or piece, fresh pork sausage for sale. Also suck- ling pigs. R. J. McLennan & Son, R,R. 2, phone Brussels 10r9, 20,27,3*, 150 BUSHELS PURE MONTCALM seed barley; Ida bushels of mixed, grain, Araweite oats and Monc- calm seed mixed'for sale. Apply to George Grigg, "V2 mile' west of Belgrave 27* REVOLVING dryer type clothes line for sale with 150 ft. of line, galvanized ground box, used only a few times and, in excellent condition. Phone 118. • ' 27b WATERLOO THRESHING MA- CHINE for sale, 28x42 with Eb- ersol shredder and feeder with high elevator. Apply to Elsthener Service, Gorrie, phone 35r7 Wroxeter. 27* ' LIVESTOCK FOR SALE APAR'114PINT for rent. Phene 329. 27:0h I THREE-ROOM upstairs apart- merit for rent. Possession im- mediately, heavy duty wiring; heated, Phone 3MT, 27* 30 PIGS for sale, Apply to Lloyd. MOntgomery, phone 74311. 27b TWO HOLSTEIN - HEREFORD heifers and one Durham-Holstein cow for sale. Also Rodney seed grain. Apply to Stan. Gallaher, DE phOne 5r6; Wroxeter. 27* f up on REAL ESTATE • vine IN MEMORIAM McGILL -- In loving memory of Norman McGill, Who passed away one year age, • March 31, 1956. —Ever remembered by and Stewart. IN MEMOR WEIR In loving memory of a dear husband . and father,*Waldo Weir, who passed away March 26th, 1947: Each flower and leaf may Wither, Each evening,-sun may -set; ' But the hearts that knew and laved him, Are the hearts that will never forget. --Lovingly remembered and --sadly 'missed by, wife and family. 27* Allan, Ines 27b MEMORIAM °, • YOUNG—In loving 'memory of a dear son' and brother, : Hugh. Young, who passed away one year age today, March 23„1956. His presence .We miss His Memory we treaSure,,' L virig"hirn, always ••• • Forgetting him never. —Levingly remembered -- by his Mother and Dad and brother Bob. • • 27b AUCTION. SALE AUCTION. SALE '- . Auction Sale of tWo-apartment house and large lot on,McIntosh St., in Wiagharn, for estate of Walter Wright, Saturday, April 6, sold subject to reserve bid. Terms: 10% day of sale, balanee in 30 dayS, when 'possession will be given, W. M. Pratt, Q.C., Solicitor; Gordon JackSon, Auctioneer. 27,3b AUOTION SALE .0f Farm Stock ,and Implements At Lot 5, Con. 7, Morris TownshIP, 2% miles north and 114 miles east of Blyth, on THURSDAY, APRIL 4th Commencing at 1 p.m. CATTLiE—Black cow, d Years old, April 23; Durharn cow, 7 years old, due APr. 7;" Hereford cow 6 yrs. old, due May 11; Hereford cow,, 4 years old, due April 15; Hereford heifer, 3 years old, with. calf at foot; Farrow cow; 4` steers, 2 years old; 3 Hereford heifers, 1 year old; 2 Hereford steers, 1 year old. PIG8-9 York chunks. POULTRY-100 Red Roele hens, 1 year old. FEED-10 tons loose hay; 200 bales mixed hay; 300 ,bushels Mixed grain; 50 bushels Buckwheat. MACHINERY—Interrietkinal su- Pet ‘. A tractor, good as ;new, 2 furroW ace-bottdm hydraulic plow; Fleury Bissel nianure-Snreader; 2 Seetleti* jnterriational spring. tooth drags, 2 years old; steal land toilet; Masrley-HarriS hay loader: durrip rake; grain drill; critter;' steel vvater trough; , steel-tired wagon; fanning ,mill; graVel bdrt; bag cart; Set of harrewt; num wheel barrow; set of 'scales;,; 12 steer postt; '56 cedar posts; stone- boat; Set sleight; hay fork, rone, 'arid pulleys; pig troughs; RenfreW -creaM 'Separator; neatlY' new;, ,other articles Mc) nurnerons toe- mention. 'VERUS.CA811. ReterVe—Ortrin It Sold lVfike ProPrieter. George lletbitt', Auctioneer, George PoWell, Clerk. 27b ADMINISTRATOR'S, FOR RENT MING EVENTS OF '7:ATA„TAK,E REIAL AND HOUSEHOLD' INGS OF THE Ei ANNIE 0, OLVE PREMISES VICT WINGHA-M ON A e at 1 O'C REAL, ESTATE Lot No, 67 an '66 on the Car Frances St„ in ham, On thi a six-reom ing three b and is w lot, Heat ty will serve of sale; 4 cows, clue hi. April; 3' cows in fall flOw Of.milk; 9 young cows from 3 to; 5 years old, all re- bred; 1, heifers clue in Spring, This ' is an outstanding Ilerd Holstein .Cews ' and Heifers, 5 ewes, due time of, sale; 1 imp; 8 shoats. IMPLEMENT,S-01i'ver 6 ft: combine with motor; Allia-Chal- mers baler, 'new; bale loader, new;• grain blower; 4 ton Ford truck with good tires and in good running order; Mc.-Deering 7 ft. binder; Cockshutt 'one way discL Set 2,000 lb. scales; Graham -Hdlme chisel plow, new; 3-section rotary hoe; heavy wagon with large grain box on rubber; fanning mill; new side delivery rake Chore Boy 3 unit milker, complete with plibig • and' outlets for 30 tows; 2 milk strain-;. ers; ,wov,en wye stretcher, 'new; good double.? bdarded brooder house, .1.0x12; electric broader steve- and numerous other useful' articlea Terms - Uagh •As ill health la forcing the propri- etor to giVe up farming--There . win be rig reserve. JUSTIN A. WILL, Proprietor EWA:UT WHITFIELD, Clerk: AR/VOLD DARROCII, Anctioneer. 27b Seeding Expected ' Early In Fturon According M a statenitnt Made this week .by Arthur Bolton, assistant agricultur,a1 representa- tive in Clin on, Huron County farmers are ,eXpecting :an early seeding this spring' beeause nf the unusually mild weather., Seed cleaning plants ire report- ed' to be very, busy during the past Month, Mr. Bolton said. It was also stated that many: farmert have found that the. seed harvested last year is in. many cases riot fit to sow and Gary oats and Brant barley, are irt great demand. 13rant barley is new extremely scarce and prospeots are that Gary' natg suitable for seed. Wilt else' be in short supply before seeding *tarts. Ladies Of the 'corinnunity don't forget the 'short coarse, "Some- think, to Wear" spcMsored by the WI. -to be held .'rhursday after- noon 1.30 ,to 4 .in the• corrirntniitY centre. ' ' • 1.11 pp IN, mi oppL :LEE'S TAXI EICRMEIR—To' Dr, and Mrs, I3rtice Eickmeir ef Hamilton (nee Doris Armitage), hi Hamil- ton , Hospital, . on Thursday, March 21, 1957, a Son, John Rea- ald„ MARTIN—In Wingham 'General -Hospital, on Thursday,' March 21, 1957, te Mr, and NE_ rs, /Samuel Martin, R.R. -1, Ferdwich, daughNr, deBOMR---In Wingham General •HOspital, on Thursday, -March 218t, 1957, to Mr. and Mrs. Dick del3oer, RR. 1, Bluevale, a son. MOLE—In Wingham General Hos- pital, on Friday, March, 22nd, 1957, te Mr. and Mrs, William Robert. Mole, Dungannon, a son. MeINNES—In Wingharn General . Hospital, ga Sunday,,March 24th,• -1957, to Mr: and Wits, George Mc- Innes, Wingham, a son, MORRISON—In Wingharn General, Hospital, on Tuesday,, 11.1arch 26th, 1957, to Mr, and Mrs. Jobn lVforrison, RE. 5, Lucknow, a son. pTED ALLISON -- Southanipton, on Monday', March 2,th, Mrs. Mary- Allison, mother ef William Ifen- demon, Josephine Street, Wing- ham. Funeral service will' take „place on Thursday, March 28, with burial at Shallow Lake, BELfiRAVE --At a figure-sketIng test held recently in Stratford, jean GurneY, daughter of Mr. and Mrs, W, W. OurneY, PasSed senior bronze- dance step succeasfully. and' Mas. Hugh MaXwell ef Chesley, were Sunday guests of Rev, and Mrs-, H. L, Parker and the former's sister; Mrs, McCurdy, --Mre. M. H. VanWyck of Mont- real has returned home after spending the past month with her sister, Mrs. W. H. VanWyck and' Mr, VanWyele --Mr, Russell Jermyn returned home on Saturday afternoon atter spending the winter months with his sister in Toronto, —The many friends of George Williams will be sorry to • learn that he suffered a- heart attack •on Tuesday, and is at present con- fined to the Winkham General Hospital. reMained 'around tong. • fro, th' e. 1.)a, 9,,k seat. • nfortunntelY, the cuStorners failed to sec the advantages of either the prick or the Oetoauto ,and , neither ; In 1913 another American produced the Duek „A car driven The car with the wheels placed in a. diamond, . pattern around the, four sides was made in Eng- , . land and called the Mabley (which stippose ' meant Mobley it will run and Mabley it Won't). It was. really -a strange one. The two .side wheels weren't oppesite each other. and the front ;Mid back Wheels weren't in line either, • • We have always felt preucl . Of the variety of cars displayed at our nsed ear lot,. but I'm begin.- .ning to wonder. Tlie wheels, with Ilieir good 'rubber tires ,on theM, are placed one at each .corner.,and • they all have front seat'driVe. *If 'that's what You want, however, everyone knows that the best D-buiymsarenyswohneerefor are on otir lot. LORNE *DONAL the road: A highway Patrolman — • beerinke suspicious when rho Saw ene et those .r-,.nrolrean. cars driving. along the road near here just re- centiy. - Every dozen. yards •or so She car' would 'bounce off the pavement.. a few inches without slackening Sneed. When he stopped him to enquire if anything was wrong the driver replied: "There's nothing wrong with' the . car officer, I just have tiw hiperrps." . . . WhO made the world's most 'elegant car? We don't know -for sure, bat a ear well tell you about next week must pome close to capturing that title. , • . Folk's! Want „To ,Buy a buck? . If some imaginative automobile laventors had had their Way, tOday's cars might have six, or even eight -wheels, we might have the driver in.the back seat, or the four wheels might be placed all around the car, one on ,each side. ,Thelsirf-wheeled ear made before the First World War was called the Sexauto (no remarks, please), had four wheels at the rear, like . many trucks do today. Later, the maker went Whole hag- anti produced a car with four wheels fore and four wheels aft, the Octoauto. Tun moTarat AitOTI174 Liquer manufaejairere are defin- itely out to capture the horn; In. beautiful full-page advertiSeraents one sees the mother motive Wed skilfully to break down sales' re, Sistance, NOt as, Yet do they have mother drinking, But she,. the' graciaus hostess, serve8 herNguests, .sebeer, wine, hard liquor per- chance. She probably gives kind- ly advice to youthful guests. "Yell had better be content with light wine. This sherry now, Yon can't get drnnk Ion sberrY2' - How Wrong, She is! Even natur- al sherry is high in alcoholic epn... tent, But "fortified" sherry' is something' eiseeagain. Sherry (leer tural) has 16 degrees of aleoholl content, (fortified) 'has 20. Clare has 10.5, cham,pagne 11, Port (na--•-: tural) 16, ' (fortified) ` '22. Youth CAN get drunk on sherry. 'Pew people do, perhans, for lt 114- 1. gaily taken In small quantities. It weuld seeni to be an ideal "first drink" wine for' young people in • that type of home Where mother -Servea beverages to her guests,- Advt. 27b • r • •• eeeeee isei•ilimil e • 000 000 I o IMS o 000