The Wingham Advance-Times, 1957-03-27, Page 2DEMOCRACY
On . Iturda•y 'evening it was our.
PleaMi•re ,to .aiterld the annual awards
aliquot at the Ontario • Agricultural
( llliel'"ina Guelph, the occasion, on
trophys '
t axld prizes are handed
to those scholar's who have (Hs-
,• activit,are publiclyrecognized.Iliguished
themselves: in ivain fields
urin `the evening we met only .,
g g tet not only
t rade* .hers of the faculty, but wally of
°t~like students,as well,
-.An evening at the O.A,C, • is an
experience one which we would
like to repeat as often as possible.
Pervading the atmosphere is an airy
of democratic tolerance and under -
'standing which is hard to describe,
One of the contributing factors is, o f
course, a rS
e. the t e fact that the student
body is international in its compos-
ition. The attractive : couple :who
.occupied places immediately 'across-
the table were an American: strident
and a colored girl from the Iiritish
West Indies. At the head tabih•werc
two colored boys,,: whim.
one of is
the president-elect of the student
council :For nextyear. Chairman r
y fo
one period ' of 'the evening ,was a
young Haan from Holland •
One cannot denythefeelingthat
here in tht heart of rural Ontario is
a living, example of the ;volution to
inter -racial problems.. The three col -
-At the risk of becoming,ruonot
onons, We world like to ••deal again
with matters, which concern the
• Wingham Public School Board. Last
week The Advance -Times 'reported a
board meeting at which considerable
diSSatisfactjon with the ,architect's,
P s was expressed. Since that time
the architect and his engineers:'have
conferred with the board and several
of, the points -which were causing'the
_'1C1C1,.'s't cbxlcern. were � ere thrashed. atit,.
Board members are not as -worried
as they were a week ago.
rirst of all, it is good to know
•at there is some likelihood thatfilie
costs •O
of the addition toh
t , e SCIlO,Ol
not run asfar '
over re the limit as
aright have been expected last week..
Neither the board'.. members nor -the
taxpayers are anxious to see increas-
ing expenses.
Secondly, it:shotild be made plain '.
that the board was not wrong til ex.
• pressing'its deep concern When there`,.
appeared be indications that
weaknesses -existed in. the o1'iginaf.
"plans for. the addition: • Citizei s --of
the community Wi l' ttmders`tand : "
Corrie what may, that- the ,board; is
-doing its level best :to•; secure full
value' for -;the tat dollars -w heli are
going into. the new wing.
In all fairness to the architects
:the public sh'ojild .'understand the
significance to their answers to the. •
board's charges, The firm which
drew the plans: for the addition to
the school contends that it is still
'too early to decide that the heating
system is inadequate. A pump re-
mains ' to be fitted to the present
heating plant, 'which,. according 'to
the architects, should' provide proper
distribution throughottt the school.
Other difficulties, they : contend, are
of a minor nature, and should not
affect the eventual value of the
Colne what may, the bear'd's
questions about the new structure
will not only reassure the public, ltiit
will serve to guarantee close atten-
tion to details by thf i'nspectars on
the :building project.
It is to o be sincerely
hoped that
the architects are perfeetlr
. cdr ect
11 �
in their stand that all is well at the
school: But let us not forgetthat
the board's s vi111
n es
s to
dertlililli r
the best for. this coMmunity is pre-
cisely what we 'should eitpeet from' a
uhlicly-elected rott...
l� � 1 lt�-:
Wingham AdVa>nee 't>tffits
Ptiblieh$ at Wiitgli!sji�sh •O tt stet
Wettger Seethe* Pubitehera,
W., Birlr7 Wenger, lgditotr
Meflfbet Audit Beretta of C1rcul tion
'tied 1m geeond Cleat ]il`git, Pot office ` tt
IltsMlcltiPOO* /WO One telt 1100, 1 itt Menthe
$1.00in i‘taiee
tt It A. KW iter liter
Pomo *lite $4i0 Oft Ott
tOtritlli( *it* ' •i ;
leges which Boake up the centre, of
learning at Guelph provide proof'
that it is the human mind .and spirit
which are of paramount importance,
" ,,� e could see no' indication that the
• colored people or the ones'with "
:. pl.t for -
reign' accents were pt -
any less cce .. a
able than the students' who .came
from Listowel,.;Streetsvi llie or fiari-
Most universityatherin s have
g �'
about them an air of unexpressed
snobbery that we,
personally, find
hard to swallow - but none ,of that
spirit is evident at the .O.A.C. Per-
haps because we are countrymen at
heart we are anxious to believe
that it is. the "farmers' background
t which of he colleges in. Guelph � bleb has
ledto this unusually happy state .of
affairs. Whatever it is, there shatiid:
be • more of it, all, over the world.
a:. A^• t
One of the most cor n end b
projects,we have heard about in: a
long time is the proposed water safe-
ty course which is under discussion:
in . Hownck Township at the, present
time: The Gorrie branch ba the: ked
Cross Sijciety has led the -way, arid\it
appears likely that the youngsters of
H.'owlek And its villages will benefit
;froali the opportunity.
A survey 'of the hundreds of .
drownings each Sitmnler -indicates
that Most.. of the • tragedies occur
When a non-swil?nnnerg into. diffi-
C diffof
culties, Oncea periaon has learned
. not only to switn, but to feel confi-
• dent. of his ability tolook after hin'i-
self in the water,: thereis little dan-
ger that he will ever lose his life by "
drol;ning, In fact most drowni
are the result of unconquerable -panic
onthe part of accident •victfins:who,
have never:, learned to understand
that water is not Y necessariithe
enemy of humans.
,One of the most admirable fea-
tiires of the program .in Hawick. is :
the'fact that sse s
leaders share..
realized that a fancy'swimming pool
isnot a requiretnent•for the teaching
�f water safety. • They -propose to
utilize the waters ofthe:;Maitlana
• Rover right in their own e.onllnutli'ty.
Believe us those who' Iearti7to swim •
Oldto go, to the . aid of persons- in
difficulty will do so just•.as well•in
the. Maitland as• they •. woiid: *in a •
$50,000 concrete tank. Out e:part-
inetlt of Health has a fine idea in
listing uponthe most striagent
regulations: for public •'swjtrinling,
batt Somewhere along the line
have all overlook we
ed the generations
Of: yotingsters.who exposed them-
selves to the dangers of infection in
our rivers and streams = have lived
to remember the good old days.
(Meaford 1 xpress ,
Now that Spring's, just arotind:.
the corner, the get -rich -fast boys
and girls will be spreading out to the
smaller communities in .the province,
'You may be sure that 'they''iI have a
rainbow tinted story on how they
can save or make money for you.
• It may be a girl or supposed to
eP. ..._g i
h . veteraxl selling a Magazine, It
anal he a reputed law.i selling
y p officer selllna
a police booklet. It may be SOnieolie
selling fancy ehimnrieys,fire-
. g
places or .insulation for your home.
It may be the,,...
,yP og;rapher, who
will do a picture of the children cir •
enlarge aria, frame Otte of .shine deo
parted dear one: w'T1te tough, and
that's what it is, may come in many
wars You maybe stare of flattery
er. y
.and the fact that yott'lli save money :.
There sonly one
g to rerhem-.
ber and that is no one can sell goods
or service witht at a profit and that
the best ha
n todo it frryottl
local tradesman,
supply hint o, syr
merchant. They are 'prepared to
baekc'goods and service with- „,
p dabie guarantee.
t1ONS ANM �IAU'::^:..5
The third „annual hockey, Aigni9
hetv!reen the ()Marie :(";
Ponce and. the Goderleh Lions
°Cho is scheduled for Friday,'
March 29th, at :Goderich arena at
8,30 p.m. This .game will be the
one that counts, as .both eiubs have
each 'wan one,
As the result of the two gamee
played the teams have been able
to hand aver to the Welfare Gom
nits es $3000,00, all of 'which 'ht
been used for the Care' .cin reedy
children in the Moron County area,
. There' are more. than sixty door
prizes ;which.ear. be Won by pur-
a i
ng an dm ssio n ticket of
Wenty-five cents. Some 'little
low. will be chosen to face-off,' and
there will be grand entertainment
between periods.
Tommy ()'Neil, formerly of Tor..
Onto Maple Leafs will act as ref-.
eree-in-chief, „kith Angus McLean
and Gus Bosche, two O,H,A,, refer-
.ees, acting as linemen. Members
of the Goderich/i{insmen Club are
assisting by performing as clowns
before • game time. These fellows
really keep; the kids on their toes.
The Goderich Pipe Band; which
is the only Pipe Band in the world
to do an illuminated drill, will pre-
I sent this..drill 'between the second.
and third period. Miss Doris John-
Ston will' entertain the crowd r liy
plaiting'' her marimba •between the
first and second stanzas. Thia.
young aemarvei.
The 'Players. en both, teams' have
been working out,, regularly .and
are inlgood. condition. The teams
are 'made up of mem" hers of the
force and members' of the club:
Possibly . a couple of old pros will
don the gear for the third period.
Corporal Hank Sayeau is the coach,
of the Police Club and Bill Robin-
son , of the Lions Club.
Figure Skating Club:
Financially ySound
For Ne
ext Season
The Executive' of the , Wing hanii
Figure .Skating Club- met 'at the
home of Mrs, W;. • W.•' 'Gurney on
March 21st 'with all members' pre -
. 7'iietreasurer '112rs. 'Wit
vievyed the':receipts and expenses
for the year Ssnd reported that
the 'balance from'' the carnival was
sufficient to ,rneet'.the . known out
standing accounts, with • enough'
balance to warrant :the club in
planning to operate • • again ,next
fall. This was_ received with deep
satisfaction and • gratitude was
expressed ,for the splendid aiidi
ence as well an' for the unpaid lab-.
our' which kept costs at a mini
inum.: .
A •
Mention was made of the many
fine posters made by the senior
pupils of the Wingham Public
School. It Was felt that much of
the financial` success of the Carni-
val was due to the efforts to Sell
tickets•• in. advance, also, . that the'
skaters. ,.performed ,remarkably
well. As a further -economy, it was
decided to dispense with the usual
supper' and 'annual riteeth g corn
turfed, and 'urge parents "'`of pre
sent or future skaters, to'meet in
the ,council'`eliamliej5,;on. Wednes-
day,. April, 3rd, at• 8,15 p:m,, to ex-
press their .views -regarding the
club and, to elect next; year's execu-
tive, Mrs. -Gurney and Mrs.. Mac-
Lennart were appdinted to'"forth. a
nominating • committee, •
The secretaryr• =reported 'that
judges of Preliminary' and Bronze
tests and• dances have been Secur-
ed Mr Wednesday, March 27th:.
Practice ice with ROss Bmith in
attendance is available from 4.30
onward. Vests will begin at 7.00
p.m. All skaters and interested.
spectators are Welcome, but your'.
cooperation in keeping it qUiet
asked las not to distract' the skaters
who are trying testis. Td'o girls are
beingtaken to• Stratford for a
Senior Bronze dance test.
It was .agreed to close'this season
with a skating' party in. the arena
on Saturday, March 90th from.
9.00 to 12.00. A11 present and form:
e.r' skating Members are invited to
join in the dancing find free skat-
ing. Het chocolate will be served
Ito bring your own cup, •
A ck
. Lb r#dge±, pada president of
the .club; paid tribute to the fine
worn of the president, Rod, Mac-
Intoslh, both in • the club and the
community, 'Humorously, he retail-
ed iti>Yrise to top petition (Alt and
keit Used to tad- the instructor
froth Clinton bub depot, When these
•two ten began the figure Skating
claeee here 'sixeare ago, .o
Y , life
baht that Very beat 'Mabee for suc-
cent and bappines* would go u •ith
Mr, and hires, littleItitosil and fatn-
fly to their ate* home end en✓
deavoi l itt"' ?Milton.
After the triedti'rig the hoateite,
graciously, betited Cookies end
Helen Puffier, dal'ghta, of Mr.
and Mrs. J, 'V' 1101064 R.'R, 4,
Wingham, was featured a,s Sopa)
Queen in Molsday's London The
Press, Outling her :ideaaon what
makes a ,good horriemaiter, liele>#
said the woman is like the hub of
a. wheel which holds the home to,
gether and around `which all the
spekea of activity revolve, 'Most
important talent of the hameina:k..
er, 'according to 1.8 -year -31d' Helen,
4a cooking:.
Helen is secretary Of the school
LlterarY society,. was',editer last
Year of the s$hool yea book• and
won the highest ;mark' for vocal'
solos in the 1956 God.eriglr Miele
Fireman Shown
Films • of West
The *Firemen held their monthly
social 'in the fire hall last Wed,
nesday 'evening, .J, D. Beecroft
was present and showed moving
pictures of their recent trip to the
West coast;
Mrs, Harvey Aitchison and Roy
de Groot held high points, in
euchre, and Mrs, 1Kenneth Forton,
and Norman "Cronkwright • held
low points, Lunch . was• served and
all enjoyed the social , time to-
Accident Victims'
Injuries Treated
Treated for injuries at the Wing -
harp: General Hospital this week
was Jacquene Montgomery, the,
9 -'year-old daughter of Mr. and.
Mrs, Harry Montgomery of R.R, 4,
Wingham, who on Sunday had fall-
en and fractured her collarbone,
After a splint bandage had been
applied at the hospital she was al-
lowed home.
The only other accident victim
admitted to the hospital this week
was Marie ,Hastie, 18, the daugh-
ter of Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Has-
tie, of Gorrie, who received a,shak-'
ing-up when she fell downs a flight
of concrete steps, 'She was treat-
ed for injuries to her back and.
left ankle. After a cast had been
applied she was allowed home.
In Bermuda
Mr. and Mrs. Jack 'Gillespie,'
former arfillcrest residents, who now
live in. Sarnia ,• are holidaying this
week in 'Bermuda, Where they are
the guests of Simpson -Sears Lim-
ited, Mrs. Gillespie's entry in the
second birthday • celebration sale.
last November was chosen 'best
and the awardwas a free seven-
day trip for two. "p
The couple left last. Sunday
fro 'L n
n airport
g, .. do
m o via
Trans -Canada airlines for Harrill -
ton, Bermuda, where they are stay--
.ing at the famous • Bermudiana
Hotel. . .
New Students Enroll
At Win g ham Hospital
Thefollowing newstudentswere.
enrolled at the Wingham General,
Hospital last Wednesday to begin
the 10 -month nursing" assistant's
course, Wilma Brodie, Bognor;
Betty Ann Danhousen, Southamp-
ton; Shirley Ruth Dodgson, Owen
Sound; Mrs. Clara 'Elliott, Luck -
now; Dordthy. Sharon Guy, Wing -
ham; 'Janet Isobel McRae, R.R.. 2,
Allenford; ' Diane \ Nancy . Schalk,
RR. 1, Denfield; Marion June
Shantz,; ` R,R, 4, Ripley. Joanne
Sutherland, R,R, 3, Mount Brydges;
and Betty Lou Vassela, R.R. 3,
Goderich. •
Winnitred Carter. Auburn
Miss,; xcutcy Winnifred: Carter,
daughter of Mr, and Mrs. George
Carter, R.R. ii, Wingham, and Mr,
Robert William Carter, the son of
Mr. William Carter and the late
Mrs. Carter, of R.R. . 3, Blyth,
Were rharried on. Saturday, March
18th at 12 `o`clock',noon at the Au:
buret "(hilted Church manse by the
.Rei Alta. .
The bride wore a ballerina -
length gown of nylon 'net and
chantilly lace over taffeta, and ,a
corsage of red' roses..
The matron -of honor Was Mrs.
ken Carter, London, who wore a
ballerina -length gown of • pink
'nylon net over • taffeta:. The
groomsman was Mr. Gordon • Car-
ter, Rat. 3, 1#lyth, a, brother 01
therootn. .
A reception was 'held at Gode-
rlch the young couple spent
'tiler honeyrnoon in ' the United
States and. Will make their 'home
flea' ,Ellin.
Kincardine rne'VVo;man.
Injured by Car
.Mrs, X. E. Rowe, president of
the Kincardine Legion Auxiliary,
received 'compound fractures of
both legs ep Sunday when she
walked tito the path 01 a�ear driv-
e bDouglas
n. y Brosvts, Titneeirdine.
Mra, JteWe, Who was returning
to her home in Eincatdinb after
attendinganauxiliary function nt
-Wingham, had alighted from, a car
at a dottier and did not* see the
oncoming vehicle,
Admitted to hospital In Kinear-
trine, she Was removed to St, Joy
seph'S hospital, London, for spec-
ialized treatment,
1,tts. Rowe hi also president Of
the Sentlt Brie Women's Usti'
tide. April !l.
The induction of > ev, O.,4. i¢fal
Cebu into, the ,pastoral charge .of
Knoi Church, Wroxeter, took place.
on Thursday afternoon. The day
was fine andthe church was tilled
ter the ceremony, Rev. A. J. Mann,..
of Bruaaeis, ;n'iode' for of the
Presbytery, presided and. inducted
the Mister elect, . Rev. Jas, 1,
Graham, of W:hiteeltureh, preach-
ed the :sermon, . Rev. Ora,yford
Tate, of Bkuevaler a4dressed the
congregaon, . nd , A.Ll: i-
day, Walttion, daeliveredRev, the#t c,harge
to the minister,
. .a . Wg'
hamItiTownthe Councintentionil toof :putthea intasgc
on cats, the towr's, being overrun'
by them,. at present, Furthermore,
after ,March 1..5th, all dogs without
tags will be shot,
A' letter from Lance Corporal
John I{. Anderson says they have
been in quarantine for 28 days
from rflumps,''He had received his
parcel of wearing apparel' .kindly
forwarded to the lads'overseaS by
Beigrave people and wishes to
thank them for the same.
A. kitchen shower was given at
the home of Miss, Emily Mann,
Edward Street; on Monday even-
ing, for her friend, Miss Dell Mit-
chell. •
0 0-.0
Mr. Saniuel Young has disposed
of his blacksmith shop on Joseph-
ine Street South, to Mr, Jackson,
of Hamilton.'
Often we have heard of the
baseball player's dream, hut last
Saturday in a local cribbage game,
Harvey Shane meld a' hand to the
count of 29„ ,Many local' players
have never seen this hand which is
three fives and a jack,' with the
five of .the• jack turned up:
A meeting of the Women's Insti-
tute will be held in the council
chamber: on vt'hursday afternoon.
The hostesses will be Mrs, J. Is-
ard,, Mrs. R. Johnston, Mrs. C.
and Mrs, . H. Currie. Rev.
Sidney Davison. will be 'the guest
speaker.. ,
Friends of Mr. Dean Scott will
pleased to know that he is able to
be about after five weeks confine-
ment with a broken:ankle.
An open meeting of -the Red
Cross Society will be held in the,
work -room of the town halls on
Thursday. aY
The 'meeting '
1 be
addressed by°Mrs. A. Manning of
The March meeting of the Wing -
ham branch of the Women's Insti
Lute will be held on Friday after-
soon. Mrs. J. H. Crawford, con -
eerier of health and child welfare,
will be 'in charge of the program.
The hostesses are Mrs. E. Webster,
Miss K. .Pringle; Mrs. W. 11. Wil
Mrs, R. Oke and Mrs. J. Raby.
The game .,,at • the Wingham
Bridge Club on z Thursday night
was a five table Howell match. The
results were: 1st, Mrs: G. H. Ross
and .,Miss N. Dingley; 2nd, E. M.
Snell and Gordon MacKay; 3rd,
Mrs. H, Campbell and Mrs. A. E.
VanStone; tied ,4th and 6th, Mrs.
Gordon .'MacKay' andH, ` L. Sher,
bondy , Mr, and. Mrs J. Ii Craw
fork, "lith; Mrs,". Bert o Porter .:alai
Mrs, A.' R'' Duval. ' ,
Mrs, Leah F'itZpdtrick, 'of:Wing-'
litunoannouncess the, engagement.of
her daughter., " Catherine Gene-
vieve,, to Mr. Edward John Rich,
on o£ .Mr, and Mrs. Benjamin
Rkeh, Winghamt!'
An enjoyable Brite •was spent %p
the Brussels town hall 'on Thurs-
day evening, when' Mr, and Mrs.
Alexander ;Brewer,, of the 4th con
cession of 1Vlotri township cele-
brated their 25th wedding . anni-
Regular 1f!e" tum .. ..... ....... ...... ......... ..... ................. f.1'
o eg
.Q •
0.4. -' .Ili z., reg. olio............„„........„..........t.,..„,,.,. . , .. ....,....39c,
Evelyn Howard Theatrical styli: ,, 1 Ib.,, ares!. hfle,
Colgate Dental Cheam
6_ h 8
93 -31r. tithe's ..�.BAtlei•
Ore tube F'QTt ONLY
Regiilc►r elle, Sal
�.Q a: �Ru� saroa
Agency for—
Dulliarry,' ;Hudinnt,' end Rev..lon .
Phone 18
Complete •
Animal` Health.
`�I�Ill�lll�gl/Illtiif I f/Illwlll�lll�ll trill/III�II I■IIL�IIIN!II�III/(Il�lll�lll�lllrl(I■Ill�lll/
.0- L /QA . TRADEMARKS: Inc, I:.•
_� •
L, •J%7 .....1 CHEAP ,
i a i
We "vi11 build you a New Pple Barn
40' x 60'for $1,920.00
Forestry Club
Meets at School
On March 1301 W'ingharnDis-
trict Nigh School' Forestry Club
met at the •High School With 18
• mettibers present and with John
J'adkson, the leader, taking charge,
Vernon li In
g s tided as chairman
with the 'sec.=treaS., George Sear:
sari, reading the minutes.
'Because the invoidds for the
trees bought by soine'of the Meth -
hers s had arrived, this meeting was
of some irrsportance. '
Mr. Jackson handed out three:
patiiphtets entitled °ntwig Fea-
tures,'.' "Care and Planting of
Tr'ees" and "Key to Deciduous
'trees in Winter'. He dxplained
these pamphlets to the members of
the club at the same time.
In closing Ur. Jackson warned
the club members that their col.
Iectiont et: winter twigs .Should be
co fete
mp d soen, as the spring
weather was tepidly Approaching
and the bode Would be bursting
on the trees.
The neat Meeting aiiil. be heM; en
a,t -
.K N S
• w,,:
i 711111li/Ill1lli111111i11l 111111H.111.111.111111�11111
ut's :burc
iUg jar
, The F'mtrth Sunda..,. in Lent
8,30 tt. .1 o1' ttCot n ,
11.00 Sermon
tt.1i'1. , . ,. r.
l�:ot 1i11�g Prayer &riYori,
,�'�0 p.m.—Church school
7,00 p.m.—Evening Prayer
At Sermon