HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1957-03-20, Page 12OW PR ICE
The New Tweed Pattern (not illustrated here)
ONLY $6.95 Square Yard
Jn 21", 9', 12' widths - for W all lo, Wall In-
stallation, Stairways, or in Rug Sizes, bound,
at these low rices-
6' 9" x 9'
9' x 9' ,
9' x 101/2 '
9':x 12'
9'X 13 1/2 "
9' x 18' .
$ 46.95
83 50
I It *V 93.75
„ 125.25
12' x 12' .. „ 111.25 1
12' x 13' ,'.. 125.25 I
12' x 15' 139.00. !
12' x 18' „ . 166.75
Carpeting 27" wide
Only $1.75 per foot
To All Farmers:
Milk, prices for manufacturing purposes have been the highest;
.recently • in relation to eremn prices that they have been .for
years, -The ...outionk is that they will. continue to remain high
00MINIred to cream for the next few years, •
The .chief reason is that' consumption of sichntriblr powder has.
drastically increased 'in the last few years.-as people have. been
educated to eat lower lot meals, Therefore, .censumption of
tikhninilk not-fat; should remain 'at •a• high level.
Skitioutilk powder Production and stocks are the lowest in years.
If You are .Militiag a large number of Cows and feedbag- the
Skinimilic to the pigs, ;You should seriously eensider selling Your
and .SoPplementing the slcrrauarillc in their feed with ()titer
vegetable. proteins; •
--We have been buying milk in the Harriston diStrict sinew 1037
:and -endeavour at all times to pay the top .price for milk for
manufacturing into lee Cream, butter-mid roller Skim:Air
We are lit a position-to pick tip your 'milk cans to be. supplied
by us. Do not consider switching' from shipping cream to
'shipping milk unless you will have at least ,full cans during
the grass Seasen.
kleatie 'contact-4s promptly if you are interested iva shipping
milk so that we an arrange our milk routes to include your
• Harriston, Ontario
ManufacturerS of York Ice Cream
Phone - 20 F. R. Chittick - Manager
G. Cain Plant Superintendent
,114111•01111.4,1.111,0411/.•11,00111•1141•11.11.M.1 mow° rimr-rrorrOtHreinri.1101,41011,1,4.1.1
Provided at Reasonable Cost
A succesSful bonspiel was held at the Wingham Curling rink on.
Wednesday when women from this area competed fora trophy donat-
ed by J. H. Crawford, of Wingham., Seated are Miss E. Batho, Mrs.
G, B. Beattie, Mrs, T. Russell and Mrs. W. S. Aitchison; all of Fergus,
Standing are Mrs. T. A, Currie,
and Mrs. T. L. MacDonald as t
lunch, ,
Mrs. W, J. Rain, Mrs. J, H. Crawford
hey take time out between, games for
-Advance-Times photo',
It Is rather natural to think or
Indian totem poles as ohpets of
great antiquity. However, totem
poles as we know them, were not
made Until after 1820, at:yarding, to
The Book of Knowledge. At one•
time, it is true, the Indians. record-
ed the experiences: .of their antes
tors by means of carvings ripen the
upright pillars supporting the front
learners .of their houses. About 1820
someone started the use of posts
' set apart from the house and from
that time they have tended to
grow harbor and ,larger.
Totem Poles Not
Ancient Custom.
you and the chap I met Said he
knew you well hut he , was sorry
you hadn't been , around _foe
couple of years. I remember buy.
big our OM two Ford cats frOM
you and learning to cuts in your,
Seeing Your picture in the Tele-
gram and the fact our daughter
Pat was born In Wingham lloS-
pit& 41 years ago today brings
back pleasant memories of your'
good self and the little old Town
you put on the map with curling
and Ford cars years ago.
I suppose' you arc receiving
Many letters from old friends anil
I just wanted to he in on congratu-
lating you in reaching your old
age standing up and having been
such a good, outstanding citizen.
• Mrs. Williatris and I, along with
two of our family, went there in
January 1015 and I took over as
manager of The Canadian • Bank
of Commerce until' leaving for
Collingweod in 1924, x have been
retired from the bank shied 1943
and live with the same good Wife
in the suburbs or, Toronto with
plenty of lawn and gardens to look
after and a stone's throw frem a rink, Also you winning a num.
golf course. Slime Z left tile bank bee of trophies each year, With
I have been frail time 'to time kept
busy with secretarial work with the
Provincial Government and St,
Samos' Cathecirpl, where I am new
Alex Crawford rece'
interesting letter fro
liam4 .Willowda
week , . Mr. William
manager 'of the
of the Bank of
-191$ to 1924,
those big rocks of years, lightly
sliding to the bottom time after
tithe, I think of one of your win-
ning rinks with 4.1m: Murray, Bob
employed', Three of our family are Currie and Sandy. ktowever, it,
settled down near here, 'ono hi didn't seem to 'matter who was on
LoridOn and another in Windsor, your rink as you pulled them along
We ,have nine grandchildren and to Win anyway.
all are going concerns, I 'haven't been in Wingham for
In 1065-51 and 1051-62 the Wife seine years but the last time: there
and I, With Ole daughter, visited called in to sea you for old time's
Clearwater: Morlda. On one oceas. sake, I ant driving &I...meteor now
loci I ealled hii at the bowling club and sometime soon the wife and •I
at St. Petersburg and ttsita for are going to take in your district
Mid Zook up old friends, ••
Mrs, Williams joins Me with best
Sincerely yours,
Reg, Williams
122 Yorkmiater Rd,
Willowdale, Ont.
March 13th, 1957
Dee • Alex:
The Andy' Robinson Trophy Ronspiel was played at Kincardine last Thursday and the winners were the
rink from the Wingharn Legion, skipped. by. Sy • Sco tt.., Pictured with the trophy are, 'from loft to Eight:
Jack Bateson, Sy Scott, Alex MacDonald and Don Adams, Standing are three of the Kincardine Legion
officials. Another Wingham Legion rink skipped by George Brooks won a.consolation prize.
..:_photo by Kincardine News.
Wingham branch
Commerce from
The letter reads as,
r: Reg. Wingham slapped in six` more Yery•interesting Bible study, which
e, (Mt:, last
Y.P.U.held its regular meeting on "
Sunday evening with • Blearier AND THE VETERANWalsh in charge. After the. adop-
tion of the minutes Margaret Wig- This month IS Red Cross month,
htxriaxi read a parable, DOnald is the time of ,the year when we
Don Lee and Gary Templeman Dow was in charge ior the- worship are asked to; give our suppoa to
gave Wingham 2-0 lead in the service :with Lois Coll taking , the
vcd • . a verY, first. period,,, In the second period iodic. Rill Coultes conducted_ a the Canadian Red' CrO$S, For some
reason or other we arc inclined to
s was formerly Fryfogle fired two ea
goals, Gary Templeman and John Was follbWed by reci-eation„rand forget the peacetime• operations of
eh with Hugh
Taps. „ o
the Red Cross becanse most of us
fourth goal of the game for Wing-
hain in the third • period, while
Dowling also sniped his second
'WINGHA.M: - Coal, Riehl;. de-
fence, Crawford, Fuller, • Shinn,
Henry; forwards, Fry fogle, Kerr,
TeMpleman, ,Spry, MacDonald,
Dowling, Lee,
MILDMAY-Goal, M. Sehu-
Maker; defence.; Kerrigan, Herd;
D. Schurriaker, Weber; forwards,
Morley, Cutschar, Ruland, A. Nils-
Sere, T. Missere, Voison,
First l'erioti
,Lee (fowling) 4.50, Templeman
(Kerr) 11.15,
No penalties.
Second Period
Templeman (Fryfogle)
MacDonald (Crawford) 0,00, Fry-
fogie (Crawford) 8.55, lorYfogle
11,00, Toriplernan (Kerr) 11.58,
Dowling (MacDonald) 13.00.
MacDonald and LaVerne Dowling
bagging one goal apiece.
Cary Templeman bagged hiS
Bantams Whitewash
Mildinay Team
The Wingham Kinsmen. Bantams
downed the Miidmay Bantams 10-0
in an exhibition game in the. Wing-
ham ar,ena Friday night. •
Third Period
Tempieinan 13,55, Dowling 17,00
Penalties- Crawford, Skinn,'
Y.P.U.' Meeting
Week of -March -
' Mrs. R. Seddon, high single, 245;
Mrs. R, Rowsell, high triple, 036.
Grey hounds, 58 points; SPanlels,
54; Collies, 47; Beagles, .36;.' Ter
riers, 28; Great Danes; 27.
Threemore weeks before play-
in Week of areli 33
Mrs. p. Campbell, high single,
231; Mrs. W, Rrown, high triple,
567., ' I
Greyhounds, .58 points; 'Spaniels,
58; Collies, 53; ,Reagles, 39; Ter-
riers, 251' Croat Danes, 27.
Lloyds It. St "N. Club
Veneer room, 2564;„, Shipping
room, 2584; Machine Shop, 2457;
Office, 2369; , The Doors, 2032,
High single, Cecil Yeoman, 258;
high triple, Cord Cupsky, 553.
usually aSsOciata it w kit war, Soa
when a war is over we toilet about
:tire Red. Cross,
POrhaPS we do the wono tIttag
about the men and WOrnett'Who are
Victims of War. Me peeple who are
forced to spend the rot fg their
,days and nights in the confined
areas of a hospital, How often.do
tea rOillerlaber these pals and bud.
rites of other days Who were net
Se fortunate WS li.icely that most
of as do forget the vet:
You can be sure the hospitalized
veteran is not forgotten by the
nod Cross, These are men who re-
call the mud and treneheS or
Rurope, Reside them are Younger
men who wore Wings to fight and
these •who bombed the enemy into
sithmission, There are those who
fought on the seas and have little,
interest in life than to tell the ta10, df the Men. who go down to the
seas in ships. There are nursing
sisters whose missions of mercy
came to an end when a bomb drop.:
pod into a hospital overseas.
These people are not forgotten,
by the Canadian Red Cross, The
veteran is one of its prime inter-
ests, Ask the man or woman in
our DVA hospitals and they ,will,
tell you what the Red Cross means
to them,
Theke are regular visits by.a
loyal band of volunteers. These
Red. Cross hospital visitoys Mean
distributions of small cenll'orts
such as eigarettes, tobacco,
matches, stationery, cards, games,
magazines and other items so
necessary to those who live re-
stricted lives. The hospitalized vet-
i Gift sets
071174 Will ialSo tell of bto taker*,
ht the Arts anti. Grata program
Roo tho pursuit of happiness .ouly
hebb' can bring, Weil tell you
too of the extra 'moneY his leather
work or wood carving brings hi
and' the therapeutic value is ex,
Pressed by the twinkle in his, eye,
The Rod Cross Film Service
means regular showings of tilts
current motion pictures for the
hospitalized veteran, Adjapent to
the hospital is the godsend of the
ambulant patient-the Red Cross
Irodge, Theta, at any hour he can
have his cup •of tea or' coffee or
find entertainment to Suit Ms in-terests, Visits with friends are
more comfortable in club-like set.,
tinga :and :there is overflight •tic-
commodatioa for. wives and rela-
Canadian Red Cross Corps dial the,
The yeteratit wili tell you of .the
way they make lire a bit happier,
Their automobile jaunts ,,tbe
summer time, their special
and those trips to hockey and,-
ftiothall :g ames,
'Regular Sunday Saville%
- Sunday Sehold. 10,16
ittenutinbering the Lord
at 11,15
tiosPet Meeting at 7.30
Each Tluirsdar evening at il;p1m.
Meet mg and Bible Study
Tafia ahows etteh niglitt
First at 7.15
Fri-, Sat., Alm'. 3142.33
1%4 Sinatra- WYM4
A cowardly young man who
td to capitalize on his bandit
- brother's reputation.
1104., Imes, weg., Mar. 35,25-37
•- Theatre Closed
ce,TiAtta gfeh: 1$i 7
Pillow Cases
Table, Cloths
A beautiful selection' of brand new
have arrived at Edighollers . . . you'll say
they're the smartest you've ever ,seen.
Bridge Sets
$2.9.8 $3.95 $4.95 $6.95
Linen Cloths
A wonderful assortment of styles 'soul beautiful shades in 'top
quality Shamrock Linens and at' slleil attritaive prices
Von cap tell at a glance-the superb quality in these rich Damask
cloths. Assorted, popular, sizes, and 'patterns Such its
themnin,,Rose & Fern .ands Hydrangea. • Some with 0 naps to
• '
ve„,,„ $7.95 $9.95111.95 $12.95 and up
1 you'Illind a Selection that is hard to beat 'White, 'taste] shades i
or White with e,oloured border,
1 Pee 1 9 : -' to $2.98 pr.. ...... ...
Whether your requirements tire for plain, hemstitched or firmly
A real attractive set containing one
very smartly trimmed.,
! Price
Neal, idtraetive printed rayon Cloths in the' stnartest of . 5hade3
and Patterns. Available in all
"P"Ir tu $6.50 sizes-and.:prieed from '
heat and tivo pillow cases,
$7.95 „I„i $8.95 ,1
The Friendly, Store"
:Odd 1.":his .Weekat.piTTISON. um fLEcTRIC[-..