HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1957-03-20, Page 11II 111111411i111 II a I N i ti • f i • Ei • is •.--- i • i N ii. = 101.111111011101110111 111 4101110111111111111.1111111111111 voliolltuatoolowsusioloun woompoisio ist111111111111 ill 111.111 MORIfIiPlll 11101140111404101110111, The Wilighnla 4:901411,9fattMO Militiaman C. Ow Of the Wingham 421.1 -171011, Hof the Wingham Battery takes a reading trom an stoLl nutuies,. Noting the findings are Captain R. P. Ritter and "hot-spot" in the floor ergeant-Major R. Sinrm.- -Advance-Times pheto. Course: for itiamen Points'. about ...11tiodorii, Mom grim hop from the inur•sery flo,er to the battlefield was graph- leally"illustrated In a -dramatic) .version of the childhood game of "hunt-the-thimble" played by .mi- 11tiornen. In the •Whighom armour- les on .Sunday afternoon.. 'The seekers used electronic .maasuring deviees—the "thimble' was Atomic radiation'. . This atom-Age game has as its object the safety of the nation. and teaches the soldiers how to trace the ,source „from which .the rodi, ation stems. • - Bach of the forty- officers and 1,T.0.0's.' taking part in the ex-, ereise wore a fountain-pen-like radiation measuring, device to •en- able en instant check on Ui amount of deadly rays to which he wfls exposed,. Spread at Intervals -over • the: floor of the .04142,prleo were what lepked like 4 nurnbOr..•of 'careloss-;. ly•dropped, sulfa,. tinder an •,P41-. known number of . the sacks. lay deposits .-or .:Mdto-activ4 material. The soldiers, •equipped• with hand, held gamma :survey meters, were told to find tbe atomic "hot_• spots", to cheek and record the amount of radiation being given off and ta _report to.a control .centre- .established in The armour- .ies as guichly..as Possible, At . the 'control centre other soldiers .checked and ce-ordinated. the findings .and platted them to... the safe areas. from the, danger zones. • i. • chage, of Sunday's atom-oper- ation •-:- were. - three •:fully-trained soldiairs, etktff (*moults )31 and Stewart, o London; at X. O. Saatinggl, Wix1011414, Qfficers q,pd KCA)1,,liF9 13attery, Walkerton, Battery, Listowelf .anal Battery, Wingboro, took pa the. eXereise. The main purpose of the:14,R4fril anon, was the (Joining of men in determining how long.atomic raqittt atien lasts In a given area :.P°4 how soon the area can ba z occupied. Sunday's atomic training $fitir was most successful. aceOrdinir•til WO Bastin s. I-Te also stated that further atomic exerei8eg:r would be held in Wingham as goon • as special equipment becomes available, .7. . • -- - i 1,; EVERY WEEK MEN FROM WINGHAMJ,VCKN9W:TEE§*ATER, BELGRAVE, BLUEVALE AND:: SURROUNDING MEET AT THE "WiNGHAWARMOURIES TO TRAIN FOR THEIR PART IN 'tftEe:titt:E;Not OF CANADA.. YOU CAN .ENJOY. THE FUN OF WORK, IN64iTil THEM'. U a Social activities, Parties, Sports, i. Dances, are also part of the pro= gram for you as member of the 99th Field Battery RCA (militia) TIME FOR SOCIAL ACTIVITIES •= i 6 = i it • , i s i F....- F • i ' 0 4--i.--... ..-- WI • , . . . Mr. and Mrs. riArner Purdoli of Willililflillill(111.111111111,11,11,411111111111iiii1111111111111•13111111111111,111411111111,1111 1111111,411,111411,1111111111,111110.1111111E1111110110.111,111111,111111111141111111111"111111,,IIIN Wingharn, tpttit tutida.y at the a i U N a a I U a SUMMER CAMP • " rT You will learn how to handle: -Artillery, to fire Field Guns,-to enjoy the 'thrill, of • wdrking on a team AND • GET PAID SIGNALS Operate Wireless Sets! Survey your positions! Dririe military vehicles! you learn how— AND GET PAID If you want to do your part in the de- fence of Canada en- joy the companion- ship of men WEAR YOUR COUNTRY'S UNIFORM PROUDLY Apply' at 9th. Field Bty. (R.C.A.)-(M.). WINGHAM 'Armouries Any Monday Night "agWgialaii. • 8 10 U w. a N N to N N U is :1 • • U N i a • U U ~~ Mr, and Mrs, Pitoy -Laidlaw and family spent Thursday last at Len- don. at the home of his brothel', Mr. Xentieth Laidlaw, and with other London relatives. Mrs, •Tae, Laidlaw, who had been .,visiting there returned home with"thern, Under an -unknown. number of these sacks :spread )n 'the armouries floor, soldiers pick their way 'Flare* fully as they measur.6 atomic radiation. It looked like a grim game of • hunt the thimble! —Al. phOto, tr'control-centre;, set up in the armouries, soldiers check' and plot the safe and unsafe 'section's of the area. 'Part of a -Sunday- afternoon's test exercise held by members of Canada's citizen army. WIIITECHURCII • home of his .sister,. Mrs, Crilvin Robinson: The Whiterhureh Varna reOrtnn Met 'On Monday, evening' at the hoine 'of Mr, and Mrs. Russell Pur- don, with 10 present. Two groups discussed the changes in •eominun- ity life, and considered the impor- tant activities the lac of the community to be the 'Church, the school, institutes, Rotuma, young people's, farm groups, and the so. vial get-togethers, 'Whet is teeded to make an ideal community to (IV... - is to have good leaders With. high ide.lis and to have mere people With interests in churches, and the -wel, fare of, young people, who will operate, with a right • spirit of • .neighborliness, •and to have . More prosperity.. Mrs,. John 0 1,4tOoe and" Coal loniconer held high 'MA tits euchre. The group decided to ish the winter's torume :next 'week - with #t poll-leek supper At the home of Me, and .141114,.. atria •Fil,106015. •