HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1957-03-20, Page 7•"' • ' • " ,e , • -•• -
'OUNG AND OLD jam' ~bbance-~Gime
•WIN.61t011,.GNTAitfii;''I;VEijilAtSPAZ. NAM* *a, MOT
..HO.d. at Meeting 11,11$11,'.C.ONCRT . AT.
Aubion .,Hoyt cultural Society . 'W4WAN0311 'SE110014
AUBURN—The Auburn Hortl- Sean Was- opellometer assisted by
Mre. Oliver Anderson, Winners
Were Bernice McDougall and Barr
tiara Sanderson lo the junior pee-
tipn, Chorales Were Presented tp
both girls;
()there taking part Were, Lorne
Dace, Hans Bakelaar, Sharon pall,
Berhara, MaeEay, Linda Andrews,
Chrieteea Torrikowlez, Ruth Sch-
neider,, Lynn Bakelaar, Kenneth
Heakinge Shirley Brown, Anne
Merle Schneider, Joanne Iloogen-
.boom: A„ duet, "'The Fairy Tailor"
was sung by Mary Kirkeennell and
Eileen Schneider, '
lefrs, Delman MacKay and :Mrs,
Wes Sredriocit were in charge of
the arrangements for the contest.
After the national anthem was
sung candy was served to all,
cultural Society net Met Tuesday
eVepiag In the Orange Hell with a
large attendance. The president,
• Mae, Gordon Taylor, apened the,
Oneeting by the• singing Qf "G
The minutes of the previous
Meeting Were read by the- Secre-
tary, ;Mies Elma 1Veuteat and ap-
proved, The earreepondenee Was
read by Vire, Ell, Davies, Dr, Me-
.Master Seafertb aecepted,"an
invitation ergot the society tp
speak on April 2, The treasurer's
.report was, 'also given.
Mrs, Arthur Grange gave a read-
lag On, "!Wealth"', A piano duet
"The Merry Dance" was played by
Mrs, Duncan 'MacKay' and Bar-
bara. Aecordion selps were Played'
hiss Rena MeClincheY. A two-
song, '`"Night Song" was sung
by Bernice MeDeegan, Jeeepie afid
• Leo Hoogenboom, John. Arthur,
Sandra Ware and Shirley Brown,
The feather attraction of the
evening was a spelling bee With.
Pupils of US$ No, 5 and S.S. No, 9
HUIlett taking part, Mrs. Maurice
er was.chairman for thb program
Presented at S.S. No. .9 School in
East Wawanosh on Friday evening
when ,the building was packed to
capacity, The ladies of the -Glee
Club opened the prograte with
"Tipperary"" and Wfy Wild Irish
Rope" and sang several other Irish
numbers during the program. Mur-
ray Coulter played "'Galway Day"
on the Pleide #cad prPricla and Lin-
da Coultes as little Irish girls sang
"An Irish Lullaby", Douglas Coa-
tes played- Trish Eyes Are
Smiling" on the Plana accordion,
Five school girl's sang "peggy
O'Neil". ' Mrs. Alen.Robertson and
Mrs. Gordon MODerney sang' "I'll
Take You liOnie Again •;ICathieen"
and -Fred Deacon delighted the
crowd with hie mouth organ enlee-
elem. Barbara Coultes sang "Peg
0' My' Heart" and "Did Your
lefother Come from.Ireland.?"
Doreen Pattleori played a piano
solo; Ruth Taylor and- Ann and
Currie sang "The Rook and
Roll Waltz'",; *Joyce- Walker and
Sharen Reavie sang "Open up Your
Heart. and Let the Sunshine ia";
Lillian Smyth, sang "Galway Say"
and "0, the Days of the Kerry
Gordan MeSurney and' Alex Rob-
ertson played Irish selections on
the violin and banjo, 'Eight young'
Men gave a humorous rendition of
"MeNarnara'e Band" and "Clancy
Lowered the Boom" and John Me-
Gee sang "Danny Boy" and "The
Rose ^ of Tralee". Readings were
given by Jim Taylor!". Lilian Smyth
and Mrs, J. D. Beeereft. Joyce
Walker and Brian, Greenway tap
A lively skit, "Now Virouldn't
that Jar You?" with Murray Shell)
TWo-year-old Sendra Moore acts as model for Mrs. Gibson Gillespie as they try out bats during a break in
the three-day course in hat-making held at Whiteehurch.--Adeeenee-Times photo, . AT BOX SOCIAL
a George Term of Owen Sound
spent the' week-end with ids Pak-
wits, Mr, and Mrs, Robert' Ross.
Mr, and Mrs. Mel Morrison were
able to bring their baby, Marvin
James, borne from London HOspi-
tal on Tuesday last.
Mr. and 'Mrs, Gibsoa Hamilton',
of Lucknew visited on .Setpday
with her parents, Mr. and Mrs
A, E, Buckten. • , • ' A 'nor Mrs. Musgrove and Mr, and herr,
Stewart Musgrove and family Of
Wroxeter spent Sunday • whit , MO.
D. Willis and ,the Aides boys. •
Mr. Cordon Fisher etartnel to
work in the Toronto-Detinittien
13ank, Wiegnarri, lost MendaY,
Mrs, Harry Tiehbourne
rich spent the week-end- at, the
home of her mother, Mrs. David
Mr, and Mrs. Harold Currie have
been visiting for the past two.
weeks With relatives in Detroit; and
A very successful sale 'was held
on Wednesday last at the farm of
the' late John Case of the 2nd.
of Cuirass,
Mi. and Mrs, Ezra Seitoltz visit-
ed on Sunday at the home' of 'his,
mother, Mrs Dennis of. Blyth.
Mrs. Walteh, Lott left last Tues-
day to spend a few weeks with her
friend, Mrs. Ed, Browning oe, Tor-
onto. •
Mr. and Mrs. Hugh David Mee
Donald moved on Monday fropa
Duff first vice president, Mrs, T Iber hback -
• •
WHITECHUROK— The folks on
the ninth.concession of East We-
wanoelt held a Ito & 'social the
.echoel on leridaY evening, when a
good crowd gatheeed and played
ereltinole. James- peeeroft and
John Eckenswiller' were high; and
Mrs, Roy Robinson andeAlbert
man won the low prizes,
4 Clerence -Channney as auctioneer
goe good prices for the hoxes, for
both the grown-ups and.the child-
ren. 'Ragee Bieman was chairman
for a short 'program, Albert' Bic-
men gave mouth organ eelections
and Gilbert Beeeroft gave violin
numbers. The echoed children pre-
Kneed several numbers and also
their rhythm ,band numbers, •
Lunch was served- end all enjoy.
ed the evening together
By Mee 1f, Buff
Mrs, IvIathers, teacher of S.5, No,
10, in Kinloss, and the pupils bave
made plans to show moving pie-
tuz•ea of the St, Lawrence Seaway
project and other Hydro films, In
time memorial hall here on 'Thurs.
nay °veiling, March 28th at 8.30,
The Proceeds go 'towards the ad-
nue' bps trip.
Mr, and- Mrs. Ross Sena and
baby, Kathy Lee of Torontp, spent
the week-end with her • parents,
Mr, and 'Mrs. Russell Chapman
and .with Turnberry relatives, and Mrs, Howard. Walker"" taking
Mr. and Mrs. 'Robert Sirinamon, part, was well .preeented and got
Wingham Spent Sunday at the many laughs from the, crowd.
home of his sister, Mrs. V. W, Beecroft,,, , aerie. Robert Arbucklerear?a
Mr. Chas. Martin was very ill special number of the old-time
Jour al pulling• off good jolterover the week-end with flu, m Rev, and Mrs,' Robert Watt of on m ost of the 'families in the
community: Mitchell visited on ,Monday with After the national an-
them lunch was, served and Gore his parents, Rev. and Mrs. W. J.
Watt, ' provided music her :dancing, with
don McBurney and Alex Robertson
„nee. George Fisher has been Mrs. SidneY Thompson at ethe
hired by the West 'Wawanosh piano. The folksdecided to meet
School Board, ,to teach for another again in two Weeks 'for another
year at Fordyce School, euchre,
Sparling Johnston; rtecoad vice-
President, Mrs. Stanley Darling;
secretary-treasurer, Mrs, W. J.
'Peacock; assistant secretary, Mrs.
M, L e Aitken; district director;
Mrs. Carl Johnston; branch direc-
tors, Mrs. Mel Craig, Mrs, Frank
Stamper, Mrs. Elmer Sellers;
pianist, Mrs, Carl Johnston; as-
sistant pianist, Mrs. Alex Corrigan",
auditors, Miss Emma Johnston,
Miss Margaret Curtis; nominating
committee, Miss Emma Johnston,
Mrs-.• R. A, Brook, Mre, Chas, Bos-
Conveners of standing commit-
tees; Agriculture and Caeadian in-
dustries, Mrs. Alex Carrigan; citi-
zen and education, Mrs, John
Wiekstead;historical research,
Mrs, M. L, Aitken; home econom-
ies and health, Mrs. dos. Horton,
Miss Margaret Curtis;, resolutions,
Mrs. Harvey Robertson.
• ^ t• • " '
• From Wingham' Time!, , •
Miss' Jane Salter haS returned
after a lengthy visit with' Hartle-
ton friends, •
Miss Minnie HaYee has returned
after, a two , menthe! visit in Ar-
M John r.Fortune.. had a very
successful Weed bee on Feiday.,
Mr, Chatlee Baker is moving to
the farm which he purchased from
MMr.riVr. RthealpahL,/e/etealf hap a colt, .21
months3nib, s old that tips the seale6 at 1
James Gallaher has been off
work for a few days, on account
of his employer's Illness.
Mr; Edwards and family have
moved thick pew Koine: The
house firer, left is going to be
eupied by Mr, Peter Terriff,. who
. ,
j. T. Larnoney -were in Brussels
on Monday.
61:E -N AN° "N"AN: 4
Mn, Jas. Scott has sold his driver
to Mr. Geo. Louttit at -a fair price.
.Mrs, Gilbert 'Stevens Sr. .
moved into one of Thomas Gil-
mour's housee,
Mr, Hugh Gilmear of MciOse •Jaw,
N.W.T., is vied:Ng his ladle, Mr.
Thos. Gilnenir this week, •
1V1r,‘John Hatton was away this '
week to Gocierieh on ehe jury.,,
Mr. Thos, Weir Is engaged ,with
Mr. Richard Wallace for the sum-
We are sorry to report that, Mt'.'
Breen is very 'sick again, butdiope
soon to hear of his recovery.
Dr. David Etielle had a very suc-
cessful wood bee last week, and as
usual a dance at night.
Mr. John Hamilton of Winghaire
is engaged for -.seven months- adth
Mr. Peter Hastings,
Miss Watson of Sunshine; who
was visiting her cousin, Mr. jaines
Fleming, returned twine last week,
Miss Reid of Paisley, is visiting.
Mr. Thomas Altkins this week.
A number of pedagogues haying
been relieved frem duty for waster
spent, a few days in out. midst.
AmOng the nember noticed Were ,
Miss Clara Fortune, Miss Aggie
Sadie and Mr. John Gilmour.
Miss Reideliottee, our popular
teacher, has returned to' take
charge of our School after spend-
ing Easter vacation at her home
near FordWich.
0 .4-0•
A very enjoyable time wee spent
on Empire bay by the Minds and
parents of 5,5. No, 7. The Object in
view Of the leacher, Miss Minnie
Higgins, was to Ineulate the spirit
of patriotisin in her pupils for',
this proud Dominien of ours and
to commemorate the ;birthday of
our noble Queea, Who by the grace
of God has, been spared to reign
longer than any British Sovereign.
Mies Liezte Higgins, eister of our
teacher, began .proceeding by
playing "The Land of the Maple".
The needle sang "The Red, White
and Blue and as they did so
waved Union Jacks. Marry other
patriotic :80140 elloWed the ability
of The Zetland &Pile, •
L. 0
One of otte ,Oldest residents died
on Sunday in the person of
Augusta, Wife of lilrilliaiii Johnston,
in her bflth year. She came to this
township in 1804 with her POMO,
the late Me. arid Mrs. Chrrsi Mott
(ContirktrOcl p1 Page pitted
BELMORE In the early days was
next in size and importance to
Fordwich in Howeek Toweship. It
le partly in the northeast corner
of Howick and partly in the north-
ettet corner of TernberrY•
In 1879 it, had 3 genera)• Stores,
two hotels, steam mine and tele-
graph office, and the newt" number
of minor mechanical establish-
ments to he found in any thriving
It had daily mail, facilities off
Mildmay, the. nearest station on
the Wellington, Grey and'Bruce
R,R. division of the G.W.R. 'Rail
GletiNANNAN was the name of
the post °Mee at. the Wingham
Road Station of the western divi-
sion of ,the K 8e B., R, there
Was no Village at this place merely
a store and post office kept by
William Anderson, an old settler
in, that part. of the township, He
eiVaa•ealso tee: :sea:tied 'agent And;
he gave the "lies): office its name
from his native place in Scotland:
MORRISBANK post office -was
located - at the Junction of 'Grey,
Morris and Turnberry Coven lines
on• Lot 1, Concession "A" Turn-
ZETLAND was a, post village
Previous to 1879, but was absorbed
post office and all by Wingham,
which had grown up near it and
developed front a forest to a live,
The great railway facilities, sup-
erior highways arid exceptionally
fine water privileges which Turn-
berry posseesed, were among the
Many adjuncts to 'its material re-
sources, which have had hereto-
(Ore contributed so surely to its
healthy clevelopaleht and had ad-
vantages 'second • to none in the
again to be heard amongst usa
1.14VV_14 i;11rellasiset
e emiee.is
Mews. D. N, lefeDbnitild- and
BLUEVALEL-The play "They
Went, Thataway", .a three-act Wes-
-tern comedy, was presented in the
community hall by players from
the United ,- Church, Clifford • on
Friday evening, It. was sponsored
by the Woman's Association of
Bluevale United Chur,ph.
The setting is the Bar-13-Q
ranch in -the Rockies t Two young
women decide to open a lanai as• a
tourist resort.: Various amusing
situations develop, ending with the
arrival of two underworld char-
acters as•guests. Finally comes the
satisfactory ending, when serenity
is restored through the efforts of
the eheriff, the cowboy and Indian
Joe and his wife.
The cast consisted of . Charlotte
Pelham, owner of the Bar-B-Q,
Betty Holtem; Lii 'Bower, her
friend, Irma Eckenswiller; Sheriff
Jackson, Thomas Pritchard; Fred-
dy Buck, cowboy, ,Archie Holtom;
Joe Chitekwagon, an 'Indian, Don-
ald. McPhail; Princess Ono Blos-
som, his wife, Lucille Amoneit;
Spring, a wealthy tourist,
Martha White; Waxy, a shady
character, Maurice Murray; Slug,
another, Rev, Petheriek; Sue
Castle, a Hollywood Star, Jude
Between -acts Misses Kathleen
and Mary Craig played piano duels
and -Miss Marie Johnston sang
Irish numbers, Mrs, Carl Johnston
was abcompanist.
The Worneres Ihaltute met at
the home of Miss Mary Duff on
March 14th, the president, Miss
Ruby Duff, presiding. '
A donation of $10 was voted to
the Mental Health fund, and ar-
rangements made to buy some
supplies for, the kitchen in the
community hale_
The secretary-treasurer, Miss
Margaret Curtis, gave an encour-
aging finential repot:t which show-
ed a good balanee and indicated
how the organization had donated
to the eornmunity hall, chairs, a
kitchen stove and had Installed
heavy electric Wiring.
It was decided that the 'Women's
Institute• prepare a float for the
Turnberry Centennials the com-
mittee earned being Mrs, Alex
Corrigan, Mrs, John '114 ischer, Mrs.
W.3. Peacock, Mrs, Carl John-,
'stop and Mae, Harvey Robertetent
The roll call sins answered by
naming a -fainoute musician,
The. historical eheine, "The "Life
of Stephen Foster", was well taken
by' Mrs, Harvey Roherteon, who
described his early life, his strug...
gles and success and his tragic
death; He had written more than
200 songs, many of them familiar
To illuelnate the theme, Stephen
Foster music Was part of the pro-
gram. Mrs. Carl Johnston ,hayed
"DOMAIN' Dreamer'", A group
sang '3earile
the Light
Brown and an impromptu
orchestra rendered "Oh Susannah"",
Mrs, C. 13, Hoffman, conducted the
singing of "Old 3leek• Joe" 'by
all the members. ••
This being the annual Meeting
Mrs. Alex Corrigan reported On
agriculture and Cariediafi indus-
tries; Mrs 30)10 Wiekstead
edeeetiott; Mee, d. 13, Ooffmait oil •
heeith, and Mee, Eldred Nichol ,on,
liublie tedatiOne and tot/natality
activities. •
The folltatiing Slate of officers
Was elected; Presiderit, Wee Ruby
Alex MeCrackin celebrated his
75th birthday on Mareli -15th,
when Mrs. McCrackhe entertained
all the members of the family,
Mr, and Mrs, Harry God and fam-
ily of Beigrave; Mr, and Mrs, Clar-
ence Goll and son, of Morris; Mr.
aidMe rsa„t Sitaotirileey, Moffatt and son,
of Ttemberry-Morris boundary and
Lo-i iu,
The robtus, blackbirds, 'Crows
and gulls may be under a delusion
that it is Spring. The Maitland
has been singing its spring song,
but not with the rampaging that
we sometimes see, However, don't
let us put our overshoes away yet.
Ex-Reeve 'McNabb and sari,
Graham, of Grey Township, were
visitors with Degald &rectum last
Week, •
iAt'J. 'Presbyterian Church on
Sunday Rev, M McNabb Used the
topic, "Good and Not So 'Good,"
cfolr.osi1,1,0sermon, He told the story
of PatrickSt, for the children. The
choir sang "The Old /tugged
Jack Horton,. RCMP, Ottawa,.
was home tor the week=end.
Harry Darling of Toronto ;spent
the week-tad with his parents, Mr.
and Mrs. 8tatileir
John Khemiela Of Oteditoie,
ed Mr, and Mrs, C, S, X'loffman an
gilt at lidltiteeeittreh Mee Catolitto •Sisider,, of Tote:eke' extreme left of , picture, shows the , hct, part of threeeday course which was: carrie
tidies of the Whiteelitireh WO correct way to adjtiet finished last week,—.404ftee-tints photo, ,
Young People See'
Colored glides r
wkiniparimou Laree P"er,
liter presided for a einiet worehip
service held Mast Tuesday „eVenirill
in the Presbyterian Chtlreh, when
the Yening people entertained the
young folks of St, Helene; and,
from the United church here, Mhos
Ruby peC:n4ynlet ;,
rad,I.the Sxogrorit 1peutr;
, ledin
Rev, A. NIMMO of Wirighain
then showed Ms interesting' and
beautiful eolottred slides of their
trip ;last yeat" to Florida, He Wee
given a hearty vote of *Keel,
ation from the group. •
Miss from Foretet was in chtlega
of the recreation period and •eolit.
Net. Lunch was served arid 41.1
enjoyed the social time togetker:
rifitial PARTY
YOlancr71101e-farriell. *Of'
(4ttA '4111100 odelleiliOr atiel..•Phaire Men of th 'halk committee" was
etlalr044. 'On Friday evening- for the 'program presented in, the eom-. paunity:,han, here..04,0' St,' .1ratrieh's evening, 'Victor Vmeroon'tOK
the :sun), of the We pf ..st Patrick. ]Mir-s,,Toraes. -atonA,Impoon .,40100
Heard the Volpe :0 .40,stls, Say" and William WAT,It'014704 an' Xt:Ish. sel-
ection .on t the yiolta—'. • .
Barry Tiffin4nd -Donald Gaunt
sang "lefarbealtee.444.•_"StnglaIg'Pe
Sluea";-Martha.' niaile4 ,
mouth. organ seleetton.so liteAsle
Moffatt cave 4 ..reading, "When .
Father .1410 .the ,,corpot- -On the
Stahel"; ',Italy Martin and .1.4oniae
Martin danced aeyoral, Irish dances
and Roy.. Irwin played an 'Irish
nhiaher'on the 1/40.1tro. Joan and.
1.1648. Forster .sang. -"When Irish.
ryes Are-. Smiling"- Garnet Far,
vier played "Turionra-lura". On the
WallhOneHand . th' song.. Phyllis O -d' Barbara -Steer eang.
'`MY` HaPPlilefie•".. 'All enjoyed the
short -playe "Adietteor .(eperatien"
Presented by the ladles of the
Winghtem Women's Institute end
the young' folks entertained with.
d. square dame, with Jack Coultes
calling off -and George Venn ate the piano, • e. r
After the 'national aptheni music
eor dancing 'was provided by Gar.'
net ,Parrier, Wallace Conn r and Ed
Wacidel. ...Duriag" the dance 'the
lights wept . oat, but a lamp was
procured' Band the merry-makers
kept it up till .closing .time.
A peeked house attended the
Friday evening Irish concert, held
in S.S. No, 9, East Wawanosh
School, with Mr, George Walker,
acting as chairman. beck h011)q DR the 10th of East
.Wawanosh to Milton, where Mr,
McDonald will he employed by Mr.
Guardhouse of the Abersteady
FarMA, We wish them success in
their new venture.
*tee 'Margaret eleillan. of Luck.
-now, and Mr. and Mrs, Ben Me-
Clenaghart •and 'Care, visited on
Sunday at the 11020q Mr. and
1Mfrs, MOWN McClentighan. of 'Kit-
chener., •
The ladies of the Presbyterian
Church, congregation have been
busy during the :past. two weeks
.redecorating the manse. Rev. and
Mrs. Marshall and family, from
Dublin, Ireland, are .expected here
in another month.
Mr. John Congrain, Wingham
had charge of' the service in Chal- . mere Presbyterian Church On Sun-
, Miss Marjorie .,Currie of London,
is spending her, three weeks' vaca-
tion at the hoine••of her mother,
Mrs..R. J. Currie.,
The Mission' Band of the Pres-
byterian Chutehi -met on Friday
evening at the' home' of the leader,
Mrs. Earl Caste*, 'with eleven
present and 'with the. president,
Alex Craig,. presiding.-George Conn
read .the Scripture lesson. Mrs.
Dawson 'Craig. had, charge of the
Chant& ^in •the 'study book.
` Mr. Gordon, Smaly of Toronto is
visiting at the home of his nephew,
Mr. Ross McGieger. Reiss is hold-,
,ieg a sale of his farm, farm stock,
dillelatieentae and grain:eon ,Ttiesday
~nezt •
A sale is being heid, for the es-
tate, of the late Mrs: Gillies 'this
Satnrday,oa the farm west of. S.S.
No. 9, Metes& -ea
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Ross and
Mac' left, on Feinay 'to spend the
week-end With e ,,relativee -in Tor-
onto. . •
and Mrs: ;Gerald. Watson, of
Forest-,' ,'who:' spent the past five
weeksein .Florida, spent the we,e1r-
end, with her, parents, Mr. and Mrs.
pgtipon: • . •
N.p.t.f4411.:•Clihtele • Hoppital, on
Wedeeidaeri Mardh 13; to' Mx. and
Mrs•JaSPer Snell (nee Eva Dow)
' of !Ease WaVranash a eon.
coi:opi.03,Piesented- -
At Fordyce ''Sthob.1
played eathre last Wednesday night
at the FOrdyee School with the
teacher, Mrs. George Fisher, in
charge. Mary Fisher and William
Rintoul held high points and Mrs.
George Webster and Arnold Woods
held loW points. John Boyke re-
ceived, the prize for' the' most
euchres, fourteen. •
Before lunch Mr, and, Mrs. Hugh
David McDonald were called to
the front. Totnimy Robinson read
an address and Neil Rintoul and
Douglas Gaunt presented them
with a tri-lite floor lamp and an
electric kitchen clock. 'Mr. McDon-
ald thanked his neighbours and
spoke highly of the co-operation
and kindness they had received in
this community. Lunch was served
and the folk decided to hold an-
other' Michre airs two• weeks.
Thomas Farrow"settled iii Turn-
berry in the Year 1854 and kept a
small general store:Later the Same
year betook up land , in the Ad-
joining township of Morris and be-
came a faerner, ,
Mr, Fairow was the first teacher
at the initievale School, a small
frame 'strueture In the village, He
was interested in politics as well
as edltleatinn 'and' in 1)172 entered
ledminion, Parliament as the ten-
resehttiteee of korth Huron, He
continued to represent the; con-
stituency for nearly, fifteen years.
r. :Hears Story
Of Heniy-Ford
11,P.II met in
the Unitel thateh On Sunday Oen--
ing, when POtiglasriechee" had
charge of the Study Periled after A.
deeetlientel period 'led by the presi-
dent, Ulna JoYee Roffritan Kath,
leeeh• Craig _read 'the Scripture,
(Afford Dreveer -gave the topic,
""Henry Pot& the Best IthOWn
Mad the World",,it study of in,
dtlatry, "
• s
These Whitechureh ladies were busy last week taking part in a ity hall on Wedneedy,
millinery course.. .They were pictured, at the. Whiteehurch condinun- —Advance-Times photo,