HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1957-03-20, Page 6IL ALAN WILLIAMS Optometrist , Patrick. St.,, Wingham Phone 770• hit ii ROYAL CHICK. HATCHERY AT WINGHAM OFFERS YOU RED x -SUSSEX LEGHORN x WHITE ROCK Cobb'sPEDIGREED, RED x* ROCK ' Kimberchick's LEGHORNS of California - MEAT TYPE -- ARBOR ACRES WHITE ROCKS VANTEES x ARBOR ACRES • mita; 11111111r111111i IIlllllllllllllrlll .... • 00000000000000000000000000 000 o .... ........ 1111l11'Ir1", on DEBENTURES and GUARANTEED TRUST CERTICATES NUAON t EA1E-CARADATIta for 1, 2 and' 3 yars Head Office - London, 'Ont. District RepreSentatives CRAWFO D HETHERINGTON, WINGHAM; S. W. BUSIIPIELD, WINGHAM 3. N. WYLIE, WROXETER wmpHAS moToRs., . Wingham Phonf; 139 BOILER SKATES I DUNNE'S OutluSts all others '$2.45 $4,95 ED .4,1?1* aSTr, WASHING MACHINES Thoroughly rebuilt, all refinished in gleamy *White enamel. Look and perform like new. Connor - Beatty - Easy • . $69.00 Sale Price REFRIGERATORS Good dean boxes in ,good working condition. BUY\ ii?"2/'--- SEEDS FARM GRASS & CLOVER, SEED MI No, 1 Government Tested Seeds Per Bushel TIMOTHY Comnion .. $12.00 TIMOTHY Climax Sall.$29.00 ALFALFA -,Can. Grimm $32.00 ALFALFA = Einar - $30.00 ALFALFA = Ranger . ,• $30.00 ALFALFA Vernal .... $44.00 RED CLOVER - Ontario $31.00 Yellow Sweet Clover • • • $1.0.00 ALSIKE CLOVER - • • • • $27.00 "We Sell The Seeds That Grow') ROODER & CHICK SUPPL, a n a ELECTRIC BROODER . 36" canopy 500 watt heater accommodates 200 chicks ONLY -$22.45 Brooder HEAT BULBS 250 watt SPECIAL 75c N •=- BROODER THERMOMETERS ea Spring Price . . . 4 UUC 11-1 • srop, qANNIBAUSill Hen, 'SPECS:. $4.80' per .'"hundred cAnnioAnn • CHICK GUARDS 18" wide, 42 ft. long Spring Price STARITON HARDWARE AN D FARMERS SUPPLY HOUSE- v lil cIASS Git REPAIRS AT MOOCIRATIK VAIM'S ;Alp to lack of. Space, a POO to .centine My repair to Watches only, :i.George bins Earl; in `,..MASON'S STORE ura mcsilVedneadaY, DIArch Ax. UV! mission-na nd IRETIRINO" RESIDENT 1 Tea and Rake Safe How ors 8.aturdap:' Met on Tuesday. METER WROXETER-The 13141s. of RECEIVES RFT WBONET.A.B7-4 St, PatrieWS The Tuesday Starlight Group. promise Mission Hand ludd their tea and bake sale held in the Vni,, . united -Church, will bold then' •weioeit. in the United ..Church hail, noon attracted many • local women, Karel), Meeting' en-Tuesday" March FirSt vice-president, Prian •SAncler, 'The ehurcb hail. was attractively 28th, At 8 P.M. at the: home: of sea was in the• chair and 4ave the plecorated, .gach labia WAS „Centred Wes Reim el. "X"''1. W. 4' V. 41441' eall p) worship, •The _children .inin. by a Shamrock., non. and Mrs. G. L. Dobson will gci in ,ailoing, the hymn je.sup, The tea was conveyed by Mrs, be in charge of the programme,. Wants Me for a Sunbeam", follow-Eldred Gathers,. Tile home baiting •• Mr, Lyle Hart, of Toronto, son table variety brought :ready sale., • of Mr, and Mrs. Wm. Hart, of At 8 p.m, .the president of the Wroxetor, has taken a position Tugaday, 'Starlight Group, which with Harvey Xrotz of Listewel and sponsored the event, Mrs, .grawr Mrs. Hart and daughter Patty will ford Gibson,. welcomed the visitors, move there in the near future. Mr, Jim. Sanderson, Rosetown, spent a week visiting his brothers, Ross and Mae and. other relatives. dim flew down. He purchased a Car and drove home. • , regular 'Meeting en •Tuesday: at 4. it.e.d...chnreh hail on•§atnrdaY After. Vir1ROXETER-The March. meet- ing of the Woman's Missionary Society, 'United Church, was held on, Friday 'afternoon In the church school-room, The meeting was ranged by Mrs. George Gibson, Who Presided, • od by repeating the .Mission Band 'Purpose, Gail chose for the, Soripture lesson Acts 3:1-94 Jun SharPin led In prayer end Pavid Grainger received the offering, The hymn "Jesus, Tender ..$11e0,, herd"„ was sting. Leone Earls re- cited a poem entitled "Marchk". A !story "The Man ef the Varri- ily",told. of a „Korean boy having lest a leg in an err raid and hew he received an artificial 'leg, it. was. told by Mrs. Stuart Higgins,.. it was taken from the study book "Dright Pathways". Twenty-twO: members answered the roll .call, The hymn eGed Sees the Little Sparrow Fall", and the benediction brought an interesting meeting to a close, Today and 'Tomorrow', "ill RE grs, Gibson gave -the .'call. te worship and the opening hymn was "Lead On Q King Eternal", Mrs. Jim Peig- was ,pianist and Miss Hazelwood chose for the Scripture reading EpheSians. .0:1-2(),. -"Mrs, Anaes Sanderson led in prayer, Mrs. George Gibson :gave,, the Sc ripture commentary and Mrs„. D, S. Afaellaughten reviewed a Chapter of the study book, dealiKg with Formosa, Mrs, Stuart gave highlights from the Mis, sionary Monthly, "Evening Prayer" was the title of a poem read by the leader, "Fight the Good Fight" Was the second hymn , chosen, 'President Mrs, Ken Edgar pre- sided for the business, during which Mrs, J, H, Wylie, secretary, read cards of thanks from two life members,' who had received gifts, Sunday, May 5th, waS the date announced for the Easter Thank, offering meeting, Rev, Mr. Petit,: crick _of Clifford will be the guest speaker. The hymn "Stand up for Jeans," and prayer brought the meeting to a close. During' the social hour that 'fel- lowed an address was, read by Mrs: Ken Edgar to the retiring presi- dent and Miss X. Hazelwood 'pre- sented a gift on behalf of the rrieni bers„ Mrs. MaeNaughton has been president for 5 years. rdit00, Note . . . This ,bi-weekly Article series will „contain interesting fact. $11011`ffOURSE :IS: About hospitals, is Published -.as a public service by this ,.newspAper co;..operatien with the Ontarin hospital Asse, HELD BY ,INSTITUTE _lemomm!mmi YOUR CAR WORTH MORE THAN YOUR LIFE? YOU should have regular a. 'checkups; too: Make an 4npointnient, with y o u r doctor NOW. '"For tree literature write NILS. JAMP.IS CULLUM Winghain, Qat. t retar of Win and ills- Sete g *let branch of Canadian Cancer Society elation, , ' "The bed" comprehends our whole R life ,for we Were born init WROXETE-"Treasures from li ' we Your Attic" was the t. o subjecf a ve in it,. and we shall die in it." short course conducted by Miss So wrote MaupaSsant, in his work Armour of the Home Eco Jean n- 1•I'The Bed", And, what about beds, !miles Branch, Dept. of iligricul- , bOsPital beds in particular? In turn and sponsored by 'the local Ontario, there are over 28,600 act- Women's Institute on Tuesday ive treatment beds in cur puhlic afternoon, I and general hospitals, Prat perhaps ' By lecture and ' pietures the as equally important as theit num-speaker gave the history and value .... luer is their, 'wide variety, with of old furniture, china and glass and gave valuable hints for restqr- ing preservingueaiseryvas ,same, .introduced by Mrs. Herb Patterson.. A social hour was held, with. Mrs, G, Howes, Mrs. Allen Munro, Mrs. Wm, Taylor, and stretchers, for certain broken Mrs. H. Timm and Mrs. D. S, Mac Naughton in charge. Twenty bone eases' 'Moo there are special ladies attended the course. electrical beds that arc used' for ' shock treatments in seine typos of mental illnesses, Partitien beds that, break at different levels sal that best support can be gained for an afflicted arm or leg is still another type. finished a specialized: course with A recent innovation which adds the Canadian National Institute fdr still another type of bed, to the the Blind in Toront000ll arrive in hoesepettty d,W s'ivbaerietYh, iieti an s canbt used -tYPe, London March 25 to bike Over the m , post of assistant field secretary. in the labor :room as a delivery With headquarters 'at C.N.I.B.'s table, one of the important , feat- Home for the Blind, Landon, he ures of the bed is that it can \ be will be assistant 'to E: F. Wheeler, , . tilted at an angle to prevent post- district field secretary. . ., Mr. Carroll, who is 41, is a na- anaesthetic cases of, aspiration in tive of Ottawa and has had im- nausea. paired vision since birth. He has Anothei type of hospital bed is what is described as "guiding vi- made in such 'a way that the pat- siciAna' accomplishedonly tient can ,be packed in ice or im- pianist, he is a mersed in cold running water,' graduate of the. Ontario School for These, are usually used to reduce the. Blind at Brantford,. where he the body temper tare of patients teught piano for several years af- ; _ . ter graduation and for the Past being readied, 'for an operation. number of years he has worked in • The "eleyator bed" contains a industry and managed CN.I.B. motor to elevate and lower spring cafeterias in Toronto, He left this and mattress; making it easier for work last fall to take a' special- a nurse to bathe, turn or .atterid ized course for field, secretaries the patient in any other way, with C.N.I.B. ," Mr.„Carroll succeeds.'' Joseph` Car, It has been estimated that in the iite who iSi now district' field ,scq e_ course of a lifetime the average tary at Peterborough -3,1r.„ida,rroll person spends about 'one-third of will work in London, Stratford 'the time, or about 23 years, in bed. and St. Thomas, as well as the en-, Since hospital patients spend an tire counties of Elgin, Huron, even greater portion of the time Middlesex and Perth. in bed our hospitals have made a Mr. Cari011 is married and. will ' real study f this very important make his home in Lendon. . 4 , Mrs. Ito, McLean spent last week in London with her daughter, Donna, who has been ill. Donna's many friends hope.for a speedy re- cOvery, Mr. arid Mrs, Geo. Gibson, Mur- ray and Giennis and Mrs. W. 0, Gibson were' recent visitors with, Mr, and Mrs. J. D, MeGillvray, Paisley, Mrs. W. G. Gibson remain- ed for a longer' visit, Ron Higgins, of Sirneoe public school staff, spent the week-end at his home here. Mr. and Mrs. _Earl Baker, London,. were Saturday visitors at the Iliggins home. Miss Beatrice Rowe suffered a weak spell at her borne on Satur- day and was taken to Wingham General Hospital, Her brother,'Mr, Merton Howe, , was called to be piece of iloSPital,furniturc„, with good results in speeding patient recovery, ..•popippippi ,,, llll !ow lll ll l • ll l l a r ii b :14 S with his sister, Mts. Selby Foster and daughters, Marjorie and Jean were Sunday visitors with Mrs, D, S. Mae„Nau- ghton. Mrs. Frank Forster was a Saturday visitor at the same home, Mr. and Mrs, Allister Green and daughters, Lynda and Janis, Wingham, were Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. George Gibson, Wroxeter South, • each specifically designed to meet areal' patient need: Some of our modern-day hospi, tai beds "have various attachments Such as pulleys, heists, weights e. P • T Appoint Assistant To E. F. Wheeler • Leo Carroll, who ;has recently undo to our lot . . . and see the best DOG-GONE •-1 used car values - in town/ Prize Winners At Card Parties WROX.ETER-S.S, No, 2, Turn- berry (Kirton's School) held a euchre party in the school on Fri- day night to raise funds for the coming , centennial for Turnberry Township. Ten tables were in play. High scores were held by Mrs. William Dettman and Harvey Timm. Consolation awards *ere won by Mrs. Gordon Greig: and Elaine Kirton. Raymond Elliott won the lucky door prize. 0 - 0 0 Ten' tables were in play on Thursday night, when the Wrox- eter Women's Institute sponsored a progressive euchre party. Wom- en's prizes for high score, Mrs. Thomas Vittie and Mrs. Tad New- ton; men, Boyd Marshall and Wil- liam Taylor. The special bingo, a copper picture in floral design was made and donated by Mrs. Lloyd_ Magee and won by Mrs. `Thomas Vittie. tl 0; lv 41' r, fc IT a n 84 ti 04 ialitill111111111111111111111111111111111,1111111.1i1111111111111111111141111111111111111111111111,1111111.11111111111111111i1111.11111111110t11111111111•11•111111.:11111111111111116111111111111111111M11111111111 111111101141111111iiii1411l1111111111111111111,1111111(11111111111111r1101111111i111114111.11111141116111111Hl01111111111111•1111i11111i11111110111•111•1401•11111,111111111111111.1111t1111[11111111111110111111111111111111111110111111iSlri GRADE 'of Wallpaper Kxeck BROOMS • finest Broom Corn THE SPOTS etkiP” 3 7 V4 tAPOP' TOP Sale, Spring ) , i i CLEANING' SUPPLIES . ., $3.95 . $1 59 , 0 Cedar Finest bUST MOPS 6 1", 7 Bedroom Patterns 4 Kitchen Patterns Lamorene RUG, CLEANER SAFE AND SURE • $1.60 $1.85 $1.95 • 4 , I. trr-'41' OUT OF THE SPRING rt FANING JOB 29c SPONGE MOPS $2.99 ' $3.98 x$6.98 Chan• PASTE WAX 69c lb: SPECIAL 2. lbs. for $1.1.5 Single' Roll • 11 • WI. $3:99 $4.50 NEW NYLON MOP $4.95 FEEDERS BROODERS INFRA-RED 36" Heavy Galvanized ... • $1.55 $4.15 24" Heavy Galvanized $1.0 18", Heavy Galvani▪ zed . 6'9c0 • $12.95 $10.00 • 26.25 Glass Jar, Plastic base . $1.55 Metal base ... • $1.15 •Leonard Spring Sale Price • • Gilson Spring Sale Price McClary. ,Spring Sale Price SINGLE LAMP v TWO. 'LAMP' FOUR LAMP SIX. LAMP ... .139.00 . $89.00 $149M° •: • • • I •e• • •• • .:0 'ate Fountains 1 • .i'I .0 SMELT 'FISHING SUPPLIES Seal Dri' WADERS $9 95 Cheot High , - . _ 15-k SEINE 'NETS ,,v e it 'with floats and leads - 9,DU. low SEINE NETS $4 45 with floats and leads „ . „ WIRE SMELT D1PPER$ AC , ,NET SMELT DIPPERS tie) tn ',18!' hoop , , . - «Ds.P.s/ .11:11 (lamps extra) SYRUP MAKING:,EOLMWENT • FELT STRAINERS' • A' • THERMOMETERS SYRUP CANS ,ver.,fictititto $2.50. $44.$0 $38.00 f • 1.2 WORK ROVES BUCKETS SPILES , each 40t , . . dozen 45c I # o' owolooho, otthittot Reg, 1.50 SPECIAL, • $1.00 0:. • • • N81150 HEAVY BARBED WIRE 00 • • PHONE 30 WINGHAM Approx. ivtiOt10.116, * 4 point 4 * per 80 rod spool ..„. .. „ . ll •