HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1957-03-20, Page 4eiVing)la AsliallaseesUlain,1444nesasq 114,61, '190 4 1;s 3.s. * 10sV4V,"'q"-- kts t';',.0 • ••• IL CURRIE-In VSfinghani General Hospital, on Sunday, March 17, lup, to Mr, and Mrs. R, John, Currie, Wingham, a daughter. CRANSTON-In Winghtim Gen, oral Hospital, on Monday, March 1$, 1907, to Mr, and MrS. Jere` raiah Cranston, R.R. 2, Lueknow, a daughter. . , , , WEBERIn Wingbarn. General Hospital, on Monday, March/18, 1957, to Mir,; and Mrs, Lloyd Web- er, R.R. 2,. Brussels, a (blighter, Ten RERTOG-In Wingham• Gen- eral Hospital, on Tuesday, March 19, 1907, to Mr.. Red Mrs, Ten Rertog (Bert), Bleevale, at son, TRUPPE-In Wingham Genera ,'' 0 „Hospital, on Tuesday, March 1. 1.957, to /VD,. and Mrs, Walter, Truppe thee Donna. Lockrielge); 23 main 5k, Lambeth, a clangh, ter. RE4L ESTATE FOR SALE ALBERIA Rik SWEEPS. TO CANADIAN TITLE BIRTHS FOR SALE LEE'S USED FURNITURE, Buy and 'sell, special bookcase and I iQMIN4 EVE NTS desic combined. Phone 185, I r--r--* 500 BALES second'-eut Alfalfa hay. for sale, Apply to John Sproal, phone 632I1. • 20* tle YOTJNE, TIVEl? THE REST, now' RED BRICK HOUSE, well ipso- try the best for spareribs, and lated, Oil heated, all modern con- sanrkrant on, Wednesday; Friday vonleoceo. Apply to Pox 21, Ad, and' Saturday .evenings,. Corn* vance-Times. ' 2015 merciai Hotel,1Fornmsa, Cc112157 CHILD'S BEIGE TWEED spring coat almost new, size 8 for sale, Also two spring coats size 6. Phone' 389. 20h IN 117EMORIA11.1 FITCH-In loving, memory of Mrs. John Fitch, our dear sister Char- lotte, Who ,passed away suddonly - March -Sadly missed by - Victoria and. et:give. ' 201) GOOD OAK ROUND, extellSien- table with extra leaves for sale Phan 492W: 20b JAS STRUTHERS & SON„Bel- more l will be shipping hogs to Montreal every Tuesday free of any expense to- the farmer, and on Wednesday to, the. Hog Pro- ducers' Marketing-Board, either. Kitchener or Toronto, ", CE13,26b REAL: ESTATE 2-STOREY HOUSE .for sale, 6' rooms, oil heated, hardwood floors, built-in cupboards, threes piece bath, good garden, good location. Apply to hot 16, Ad- vance-Times. 13,20b $IIVNAMON-In Wingham Gen- eral Hospital, on Wednesday, March 13, 1957, to Mr, and Mrs. John Sinnamon, Wroxeter, a son. THACKER-In Wingham General Hospital, on' Wednesday, March 13, 1957, to Mr, and Mrs. Harold Thacker; Teeswater a daughter, , CARDIFF-In Wingham General Hospital, on Friday, March 15, 1957, to. Mr, and Mrs. John Car- diff, R.R. 5, Brussels, a daughter, FtEINHART-In Wingham Gen- eral Hospital, on Friday, March 15; 1957, to Mr. and Mrs, Francis Reinhart, Ft,R, 3, Mildmay, a son, ROBINSON.-4n 'Wingliarn Gen- eral Hospital, on Friday, 'March 15, 1957, to Mr, arid Mrs. john Lorne Robinson, RA, 2, Govan, a son. NORMAN-In Wingham .General HOspital, on Sunday, March 17, 1957, to Mr. and Mrs, John Nor- , man, R,R, 3, Wingham; a daugh- ter. • FOR SALE OR RENT, 111'..1AT FOR SALE. Good beef by the. gharters killed under lipener, from the Dept. of Health, Year- ling heifers, front 'quarters 31( and hind quarters 39e, Raynard Ackert, , phone 240( Ripley., err)) DOUBLE HOUSE and two-car garage on • Centre St. for sale. Oil and coal furnaces. Kitchen cup- boards and 3-piece bath in each apartment. For further partieu•-• cars calls Stewart A, Scott; phone 293, representing Robt. Martin, Realtor. 20.27:3:10b TN' lilEMORIAM „ FULLER-In loving memory of , Frederick Faller, who passed away March 11, 1950. -Fever remembered by his wifd and family. , 20h BRICK COTTAGE in' the Village: Of Bluevale, for sale or rent, all newly decorated, built-in cup- boards, small barn, colony hew and one,acre of land, Few further particulars contact Mrs. f "or- once Smith, Blussels, phone• 28; 2011 QUANTITY OF BALED HAY for sale, Apply, to Jack Wickstead, Lot 11,Concession 3, Morris Phone Brussels 32r19. 20* ° LAND FOR SALE • • TWENTY ACRES OF LAND for sale in the Town of Wingham, including 20 surveyed building iota, priced to sell. Apply to Harry Bateman. 20* TWO STOREY RED ,BRICK eight room.• house for sale in' the village of Wroseter, Apply to P.O. Box 50 or phone 81, Wrox- eter, , 20:2713 :t ta SECD OATS, Garry, Rodney and other varieties; Seed „ Barley Brant, Herta, Montcalm. All these grains are 'Registered ,No. & Howson Ltd. 20:27:6 :13 ;27b HELP WANTED . Currant films are shown regular- ly to eiSliitallzed. veterans -,in 52' institutions- throirgh the Canadian', Red Cross Film Service, - • SEAMSTRESS WANTED-Plain light interesting work in uphol- stery factory., Apply at factory, Fry & Blackball Ltd., Wingharn, Jl mmoi041.14 FITCH-In loving' memory of Mrs, John Fitch, who passed away one year. ago on March 24th, 1956. She wished none a last farewell` Nor even said goodbye, She had gone before we kneW And only God knew why. Asleep in. God's beautiful garden Away• from all sorrow are pain, 'Someday when life'a. journey is ended, We know we shall meet her again. -Lovingly remembered by her ' husband and family. 20* GARAGE MECHANIC Wanted Class A. Start immediately. Ap ply to Box 19, Advance-Times. 201, CARPETS-9 And 12 foot width ai $6,95 a .yard up. Expert carpet laying service at the Mildmay Eprniture Showrooms, 135 norAsnpy OATS from registered seed in 1956 and Beaver Oats Jai sale, Also Holstein heifer - and Hereford and Durham heifer due' in two weeks, Apply to jolty; Thornton, Gerrie, phone Ford, wich 57r3, - FULL OR PART-TIME . house- keeper 'required'. agrs. John Gar- , hiss, R.R. 5,, Brussels, phone 32r14. • 20*' 5' 11-°riPleeed4 Ca E (MAT Hullo Folks/ AUCTION SALE AUTOMOBILE MECHANIC with class A Rapers. Good 'working conditions. $1,30 an hour for s good man. Singer Motors-Dodge & DeSoto, Hanover. Phone 98. 205 , 7.0titt:?O :et= , ' "We were in a horrible rut all year and we, knew we just had to get really gciod,' enthused' skip Matt Baldwin, top left, after leading Alberta to its sixth Canadian curling champiOnship in the history of the, world series of, Curling. He is seen above With Art Kleinmeyer, top right, Goidon Haynes, and Bill price, after the Edmonton rink's thrilling victory at Kingston, Ont. They swept through 10 rounds undefeated. Baldwin, who also won In, 1953, is the seventh skip to win the honors two or more times since the competition was started 28 years ago. TEACHERS - WANTED' PURINA STARTED pullets, 1,590 Sussex x Red;, 1,500 Leghorn x Red; 1,000 Red x Rock, 3 month; old March 5th. Will .deliver and ' take old hens in, exchange. Tavi, steels Poultry Market, phone GO Tavistock. 6,13,201) The Longest Car 1?ace in the World Like many things, -jong-distanee motor races had a pretty out, landish start, The car race some experts have called the toughest sports contest of all time began at New York City in. 1908. "FOR SALE Good' insul bigele house in Wing- ham with large living-room, hard- wood floors, modern kitchen, 3- piece bath, hot water heater, In- sulated, garage and large lot. Im- mediate possession, owner leaving tovim.. Priced for quick sale $4,200.00; Terms can be arranged. Country general store, with 'modern living quarters, excellent turnover, gbod 'clean stock, Locat- ed in a village in a thriving commuaity. Priced reasonable, 100-acre Farm, 1 mile from Tees- water, large house and' barn, pres- sure system throughout, drilled well, 35 acres ready for spring crop, balance in hay and pasture with some bush. Full price $6500.00, Wm. S. REED Six cars staried out on a race over 13,000.4miles of land and. .4 .8,000 miles of water (this 'part of iti on ships), They were in. a thee. westward from New York to Paris. AUCTION SALE of farm, stock and implements at the home of Ross McGregor, Lot 39, Conees- cession 2, Kinloss, miles north, 1 mile east of White- church on Tuesday, Match 26th, at 1,39 p.m: Emil McLennan, auctioneer, RoSs McGregor, proprietor, . 20* SINGER ELECTRIC SEWING machine, desk inodel, Will ex, change for treadle model. Apply to Box 20. Advance-Times. 205 GARRY AND BEAVER OATS- foi sale, cleaned and treated, growr from registered seed. Price $1.46 • per bushel. Alvin Procter, phone 779J12; Wingham, 20* Wingham Phone 292M Salesman for LLOYD MICHEL Real Estate and Business Broker Brussels, Ontario Telephone 10 P.O. Box 149, Morris Township Scheel Beare . invites applications from emalifieo Protestant teachers for one-room , rural Schools. Duties to commence in September. Minimum , salary, $2590, Applitants state saletry, qualifieations,: experience and, name ,and address of last inspector. Applications received until March 29th, , • Ralph Shaw; sec.-treas., Bluevale, Ont.. 20.:271) FOR RENT. ORANGE WALK Ili LISTOWEL , This' Was,, don't forget, in 1908 and you can imagine the kind of roads. they had to use. They dfove ,across the U.S., 'Japan, , Manehuria, Siberia,. Russia, Poland, Germany and France; fight- ing blizzards, failures, fallen bridges, deserts and tundra. The three French. cars never did finish. More than five months after it set out, the,German ear reached, paris. Polar days later, the. American ear arrived, Mind the Italians einne in ;aix weeks after that. • • But the' Germans had been • given a 15-day penalty for breaking the rules, dad the Americans a 15-day credit for observing them, so the :Amer- icans were dealared the winners. The toughest f of all races had taken them 168 days. Such toughness was 'unusual in those days, but tougliness'is a, byword of today's highly: corn- LORNE 'petitiVe, tar manufaCtitring. Durability is built McDONALD into today's cars and you'll find the pick oi' them. • set out' on our lot. That's the secret of buying a used ear, to get the (tuality the maker first Put into it, at a knock-doivn pVce. And that, you'll find, is What We have. , Once' upon a time (not so long ago) a manufacturer made six-wheeled car tailed a Sexauto (no remarks, please), and another maker turned out a vehidle you drove from the back seat, They'll be in next week's calUmn. • 6$T 60$0 4.1101.14,6 inal.10/ 60. HALF OF DOUBLE HOUSE „son John ,St., for rent. Middleaged people preferred, available April 1st, Apply to Mrs. Homuth, 20* CUSTOM BUTCHERING, cutting' and wrapping, choice young beef by the quarter or piece, fresh pork sausage for sale. Also suck- ling pigs. R. J. McLennan & Son Bluevale, R.R, 2, phone Brussels 10r9, 20,27,3* WANTED FIVE ROOM APARTMENT over - Dominion Store for rent, bath- room, hot and cold :water, heavy duty wiring, easily heated, air- conditioned. Phone 413,1. 2Orrb SALESMAN WANTED . LARGE quantity, of oats and bar- ley mixed, with peas for sale Also a 'quantity 6f red, clove] seed. Apply to Mel Jermyn, phone Arnssels 53r12 or Wing. ham 576, 20* • PER -Mi. and Mrs. Frank. Schleicher, of Calgary, and former• Wingham residents, are at present visiting. Mr. and Mrs. Tom Metcalf, They have broken their journey here and leatiet.for 'Europe; on the,1th of April for visit to Germany and Czechoslovakia. -Mrs. Fred Crump has returned home- after spending three months in Toronto with here slater, , • -Mr. and Mrs, Edwin Ryan, Katherine and Gregory spent the week-end, 'with her ,parents, :Mr. and Mrs. Alex Elliott. -Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Welwood; newlyweds, 'arrivedhome on Wed- nesday last from their honeymoon trip to New York City and have taken up residence in the Lock- ridge apartment above the butcher shop on Main St . 6-CAN G. E. MILK COOLER for sale, 'Dip-in type, practically new. Also 1953 half-ton ;truck, General Motors; ,2-ton Ford with, platform and dual wheels., Apply to R. johnston and' Son, RR. 1 Listowel, phone 9363'2, 13:20* O. 0A-4.Ni-045)-v-44 Couple Presented - On 25th Anniversary An enjoyable evening was spent at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Jos- epli Schneider on Saturday even- ing when they entertained scene A 32 guests, neighbors and friends Who celebrated with them their silver wedding , anniversary. The popular couple were married in Walkerton on March ,17th 1932. The bride; was the daughter of the late 'Mr. and WS. It', ,T. MeKentie; of Wingham and the groom was the son of late Mr. and Mrs. George• Schneider, Of Mildmay. Towards the close of the evening following a delicious lunch John McKenzie, nephew of the couple, on behalf of the guests presented them with an electric tea kettle and electric frypan. Mr, Schneider thanked their friends for the lovely gifts. Other , personal gifts, flowers and many cards of congratulations' were received. 4011°04,1gEti .111. 024016* • PHONE VA. 5 9 SALES aISFRV/CE The regular meeting of Loyal :Orange Lodge 794 was held in the `Orange Hall, Wingham, on Mon-• day evening, March 11th. W. Bro. Earl Hamilton, WIVE,. of I.,,b,L, 794 conducted the meeting assisted by W. Bro. Walter Scott, of Bel- grave, county master, of North Huron. r• Six condidates were initiated into the Orange Order and one mem- ber re-instated. Plans were made to decorate the hall, and an hon- orary member' of the lodge gave a substantial donation to 'assist in this work. Committees Were formed to arrange for a parade and mem- orial service at the cenotaph on the evening of 12th of July. An Orange dance is also planned for the Wingham area on 12th of July night, • The members of the lodge. ac- cepted an invitation to celebte in Listowel on 13th of July. A tasty lunch was served and the meeting .was closed by singing the national anthem, The Canadian Red Cross main- tains eight Lodges for hospitalized veterans at DVA, hospitals in all' sections of the- nation. • The, world's best kno'wh symbol is the Red Cross. In peace and war it is the symbol of hope and mercy throughout the world. 411111 MI AEI IN um - - ow WANTED: Man for steady travel among consumers in Huror county. Permanent connection with large manufacturer. Only reliabel hustler considered. Write Ravvleigh's D e p t. C-453-131. Montreal, P.Q. 20b OWN' A LIFETIME 'BUSINESS that grows from repeat and 'vollintary orders. Start t part". or full tirrie.-Easy - tot learn-too store needed. If you are- willing to work. Write immediately to 1600 Delorimier Dept. 51, Station C. Montreal. ' 20b TENDERS' Township of Morris - Tenders will be received 'by' the ,undersigned tiro until 12 o'clock noon,' April 1,.1957, for the con- tracts of constructing and repair- ing, the following drains in Morrii Township: Murray-Lamb Drain consisting of 12,900 lineal feet of open drain, Nichol Drain consisting of 2548 lineal feet of tile drain and 18,647 lineal feet of open' drain, The Township will supply, the tile, Plans, profiles and specifications may be seen at the Clerk's office. A certified cheque for ten per, cent of the contract price, must ac- company each-tender. Lowest or any tender not nec- essarily. accepted. Geo. C. Martin, Clerk. - 20:27h h l WASHING MACHINES at the Mildtnay Furniture* Showroom: include new "Simplicity" at $107'; also . new Coffield ,and Locomo- tive washers; flew ,,,1957 Norge Automatic laundry equipment; also slightly used. Thor automatic ironer, $70.. Schuett's, Mildmay 13b AMBULANCE •SERVICE • LEE'S TAXI Box ' Holders' Names Not Given-Out. It is strictly against • our rules to divulge the name or address of any, advertiser 'using an . Advance-Times Box Number. Please do not ask us for this information, ...a, 0. Day and Night Service `CURRIE'S AMBULANCE, • Wing- , ham. Safe, courteous Service. Phone Day 51, Night 716,- or 636. 13rrb PHONE 185 tfielii0041141,01,101.0i0i10111 ttttttttttt tttttttt $001 ttttt Mit ttt iiiiiiiiii hill ii ip iiiii iiiiiiiiiiiiiii iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii iiii .40 iii ,DEADSTOCK WANTED ELLIOTT REAL. ESTATE AGENCY.; Blyth, Ontario - Phone 104 ;.CORDON ELLIOTT, BROKER: f Fleming Si Ballast, Salesman,5 Victor Kennedy, Salesman, Res. Phone, 586J, Wingham, Res. Phone, 78, Blyth • Large Farm Listing, I/Welling:3 & Business Property Listings and Inquiries Invited. "WE SPECIALIZE IN GIVING SERVICE', SMELT NETS 15 and 20 ft. sizes also excellent waders at the right price. Alexander's Hardware have a great selection of fishing requirements now in stock. Come in and look' it over There's no eateh-until you buy then watch them biter 20h CARD OF THANKS We wish to express our 'sincere thanks and appreciation to all' our neighbors, friends and' relatives, Who helped in se Many ways at the time of our bereaverrient.-Mrs, Milton Watson and. family. 20* CARD OF THANKS . We would like. to express our sincere thanka and appreciation to all 'these 'who sent cards, letters and treats and also those who visited our aunt, Mrs. Walter S. Forrest during her illness, Sincere thanks -to friends. and neighbours for floral' tributes and other acts of kindness in our recent bereave- ment.---Christie and' Andrew Turn- bull, Viola and Graham Campb b)b ell. 11,1iii i iiiiiiiii i iiii 0,0001601am ii 1„4 ,4 ii 10010001 iiii i iiiii Olt iiiii Or010allifflutifl DEADSTOCK removed promptly for sanitary disposal. FREE pick up" on larger animals, reasonable colleetiori charge for Small ani- mals, Phone Collect Wingham 378, Palmerston • 123W or Dur- hard 398. Gordon YeungLimited, Orrb Save Money BY PREPAYING e BOY'S two-pant suit for sale, size 1244, good; condition, dark blue APP13, to. Box 17, Advance-Times 20* CRAWFORD HETHERINGTON MISCELLANEOUS' 152 CHEVROLET PICK-UP TRUCK in excellent condition for sale Apply to BoX 18, Advance Times 20* CARD OF THANKS- • IS YOUR TELEVISION properly insured for all risk coverage? For inforniation phone 298, Stew- art A. Scott, Wingham. arrli BUSINESS and PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY 'Barristers) Solicitors, Etc. Wirigham, Phone 48 J. H. eitAwroito; O. S. nerutrattNoToN, 441 • 6 WINGelat4 l 00 , .' t„, 'if' .' *it• fi*C ReORATED I /9 . . '.;;,-..- *.* **,......** LIVESTOCK FOR, SALE A C . ITAVISII 11 CHUNKS for' sale, 75 to 80 lbs. Phone 715J12, Gordon Bosnian. Belgrave, , 25h •:'We BUSHFIEED: Itatitiate14; Solicitor, Notary, Money to titan • , ' 3 • 3 , - . • , own of Wingham 1957 Taxes THREE, YORK SOWS due first rlitter for 'sale, Apply to 'Wilfred Walker, Phone 12134, 20to BARRISTER, SOLICITOR and NOTARY PUBLIC TEESWATER - ONTARIO Telephone' 23 Teeswater Wroseter-Every Wednesday afternoon,. 2,-4 patt, or .4 by appointment, , Office-Meyer Block, Wingbanik MNITARY SEWAGE diaposal septic tanks, cesspools, cellars, etc., pumped and cleaned, quick service, all: work• guaranteed. Apply Louia Blake, phone 42r6, trusSels. 115rib WELLINGTON FIRE Frederick F. Homuth Carol E. 1-10muth, RIO. tdrii. Viola WHomuth R.O. ornittlu1s1Ps PHONE is Harriatono Ontario PZIO,IONAL Insntance Company Est, 1840 - An all Cana bait Company which hag tiouirotty scrod its policy hOittees for over a.'04titfiTY.. Head Ofrice totant* A, id, Xiistmotoe Atelier. Wingham W. A. GALBRAITH, Treastirer,, TOtirri i .4 111' g)t6ItACHfS are siowin you uate 1111MACAPS and help td relief from paiiitt and. ;c ices. n AA+rc.w aiik .14tilitest*, 20h4, 4441ltlt at low' tostr ' 16trb 2 CALVES also 1200 bales of hay for sale. Apply to Geo. H, TerVit phone 505w4, 201i' Takpayers inay make pa3iinents account o 1957 taxes tip tO 80 Per cent 100 taxes. InfereSt at the iate Oi Vow; per cent, per annum Will be allowed on such prepayments, „Prepayments of taxes tifitst be made• at -the, Town 'treasurer's Office, Town TT 1t1 TWO 110LSTEIN-IIEREFORD heifers and one Dtirharn-Hol- stein cow for Age: Apply to Stan Gallaher, phone 51'6 Wroiteter., 29* CARD or THANKS I wish to express my, sincere thanks to all the' neighbors, friends and relatives for all the gifts,. flowers and bards sent to me while f was in Wingham General Henn. tat arid. Victoria Hospital, London. Special thanks id Di', IX Corrin and Dr, C: Hilts, Wroketer We- mans" Association and Witixeter ToWnSend, le* IN MEMORIAM q, NICHOLSON-1n loving Meitiory of a dear husband, Joseph Nicholson who passed attaiS' Years ago, March 20th, Just a thought of sweet; renrierit, braince, last a memory fond and trney Just it token' 'of affection, Ands heartache' stilt ]for Yell, ,-EVer, remembered by Wifer, Ethel, 20* VATERLOO CATTLE Breeding ASSeelatitin "Where Better )3tino. Are tared'.. "Fee artifiettil iii 9efrilitatiott information or See,. Vibe front, all breeds of 'etittlei phono the Waterloo' Cattle Breeding AiiinelatiOn att. Clinton Hu 24441 or Mildmay 130r12 11e. tikeett 1,90 and 0.50' ken, i'Vri hevle allllreede iftfrAiiiibtif t'ra'p 700 BALES OF GOOD SVV,EET Clover Hay, 400 bales of sweet grass; 300 bales of miXed hay for sale. Apply to Stan Render- son, art, No. 2, Gorrie or phone 40, Wingham, 20* STEWART A, SCOTT can now save you 15% on your car or truck in- suranec. Yearly or six months policies, are available. Special, rates for farmers, For further Information phone 293, Winghturt, 29rrb I would like, to expresS my sin- cere thanks to all my, friencla and neighbors for gifts, and cards sent to me and for their visits while I was a patient fit Wingham General Hospital. Special thanks to Dr, W, A. McKibben, IVIrre L 1VIerrey and •her staff of nurses.-Chas, Lathers.. 20* Mrs: Joseph Boyle Funeral Friday AUBURN - Funeral services were held last Friday Morning at 10 &in': for the late Mrs. Joseph Boyle at St. Augustine Roman Catholic Church. Mrs. Boyle was formerly Mary Shanahan, daughter of the late John Shanahan and Anna Mein- tosh and was bent October 12, 1885 in linnet township. She was married to Mr. Joseph Beetle, on Jene 11, 1913 at Clinton and moved to concession 6, West Watva.nosh where she has resided ever since. She was stricken and passed away suddenly at her home on Tuesday, March 12, 1957,- Besides het sorrowing husband she is 'survived by one son, Cyril of West WaWariesh and two daugh- ters, Mra. Lyal .1VItilhern (May) of Chatham and Miss 'Bernadette of London, and three grandchild.- ren, Also two sisters, Mrs. Charles Smith (Ella) of OttawaS Mrs. James Wilson (Hannah) of Clin- ton; and four brothers; Charles of London; Joseph of St, Lambeth, P.Q.; John and Aloysius, both of Clinton and one sister, Elizabeth, Marg, Frank McCaughly preele- eeased her in , 1018, Interment took Place at St, 'Augustine ternetery. Pallhear- 'ers were Messrs, GUS Redmond,. 'Mike Cummings, John Boyle, Brown 'Smyth; John A, Thompson -and Mason McAllister, Friends Were present froth Chet- hen'', London, Goderiehy Elyth' and 'other neighboring towns, PINANCINC A CAR? • Before you buy ask about Our IOW Cost financing ServIck With •Conifilete Illailtartee Coverage, STEWART A. SCOTT Olsen* tfig Winthoun gerrb 4, .10 .....".....S44.1r.S4S.11Y, " " '" '"' i-"" '