HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1957-03-20, Page 1Nurses' Aides ReceiVe Scrolls (at tight) arrived 4iere froth the hineie island of Formosa last Week. AdVande-Vines'photo. 011111`AIR TI-1,Rei MEN INJURED All that remains of, the car owned by Raymond Merhjey, of Wingham, wrecked in an accident near Walkerton early Saturday naorning. The •owher of the car; Robert De ell and, 4arOld -smpto were all n. jUred In the thash..-AdVance7Tim a"photo..„• , • Three Wingilarn Men were injur- ed, one of them, seriously, in a ear accident which occurred early Sat., urdaY Irierning about two miles West, of Wallterten. on 'Highway 4 and 9. RaymOnd Merkiey, 23, oWner,and driver of the late model Mercury car, suffered a badly lacerated leg, including the :severing of an __art, cry, He .1's now in Victoria HOS` 'pital, London; where his condition , . enjoyable evening's. entertain- ment was presented by the Wing- •harn Figure Skating Club in the arena On Saturday when the club presented its ice revue, this Year called "The Danish Revue of 1957", As the title suggests the presen- tation had a decided Danish flavor, with, the acts picturing themes from the .r)anish story-teller, Hans Christian, An d arson. High apot of the ice-eanade Was' District 'Xigh School teachers; it was reported at the High School board' meeting held on Tuesday evening, and nO' reason given to the board for the rejection. • • W, S. Hall, principal of the school, said that • although he was not actually speaking the tea- chets, he understood * that what they wanted Vas a 38-hundred bas jc minimum. • "As far as I'm concerned I'm not too sure what • the teachers Teeny 'want, • All I It'hoW la 'that 'they re4 fused to consider our propose wage, scale. anti.-1.-can, t' consoignta, iously, sit on.thia ' board and :go. along with them,"said board mem- ber A. H. ,McTavish; of T,eeswiter. Chairman, of the •board; Dr..W. A. IVfeKibbon, announced tii-at . his• opinion the teachers were ,pushing. A $3600 to $3800 salary scale was declined by Winghain Elliott Pu 'vest RA. 6, Lucknow, was treated for a spinal injury at the Wingham General Hospital this week after being admitted on Wednesday last following an accident when a log fell on him, Ha is akin• in hospital and his con- dition is now satisfactory. Eighteen-year-Old' John Irwin, of R.R. 2, Lucknow, caught his hand in a circular saw on. Wednesday,. Robert Deyell Jr. was .admitted to the Wingham Generar Hospital On Saturday with chest injuries and possible fracture of the lower spine. His condition is now said to be satisfactory. Harold Sinits was admitted to the Wingham General Hospital on Saturday with a fractured upper leg, a ,fractured arm and many, contusions, His condition is satis- factory. RerriOVIng atomii" capsule front a Special lead-lined bok is sergeant Olen Appleby, of Wingham. The capsules were hidden -under sacks arid placed in the Winghar °title's on Sunday In the first, aternie • "hide the'-thimble" game evet to be played in this section of the count rY,' The Cull story told pictures 'appears (M Page tort, -4AciVarreelinies photo. Co mpleting their 10-months course, 10 nursing ..assistants at. Wingham General Hospital gradu- ated and were presented with strolls at a .special tereanony attended by Other, nnrses and their. parents, . The graduation ceremOny• was in 'charge Of .1111.S., Iris 'Motrey, .admiistratrix, and Instructor 'Dorothy, Those graduating will try their examina- tions in July. Menibers of this' clays were: Hannie -Winkel, Fordwich; June Ibbotson, Kincardine; Catharine .NteLeod, Kincardine; Esther Mac,- the. board too far, ,and .a motion Donald, Kincardine; Shitl ey was 'approved that S. Hall Brown, Port Albert; Barbara should convey to ,the teaches' that Byer, Clifford,; Blanche Schutter, the board is romaihing.firm at the Chepstow; Joyce "Young-Tiverton; 10600 to $3800 salary acale. and Maureen Leddy, - Auburn; Donna 'that the, board is willing to Ayres, Parkhill. DANCE AT BELGICAVE Dance in': Belgrave. Foresters' Hall, on Wednesday, March 27th, sponsored by the Wingham Sports• - men's Association. Spot, dance prizes. Everyone welcOme. F20b LEGION EUCHRE The Ladies' Auxiliary to the Canadian Legion is bolding a euchre in the Legion HoMe, Mon- day, March 25, at 8.15, Prizes. Lunch. F20b " EUCHRE PARTY • A euchre •party for Junction Sehbol will be held in• the Bltlevalt Hall on ,WednesditY, March 20, al 8,30 for centennial funds, Every- one Welcorne;'Luneh served, F20' EUCHRE' PARTY Euchre at Glenannan. School, on Friday, March '22nd, at , 8.30. Draw will be made 'on a' quilt ProceedF ,for. Turnberry Centennial, 'Lunch served;-Admission 35e. F20b March 18- He was treated at the , , • . AI FORD:TROPHY TO winghann 'General liciSpital„ in hospital, his condition is said to- h e „• 4-9g,-,,,,4:-.J:&434444.4,,,r Donald Hastings, the 5-year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. ROSS Hast- ings, of Wingham, fell over a block of wood, and frattared his left collar-bone on Thursday last. After a sling-aplint had been ap- plied, the child.,was allowed home, Elmer Alton,- R.R, Lucknow, ed was kicked by a cow arid receiv painful injuries his right leg on Saturday, He is still being treated at the Wingham Hospital, but is to in a satisfactory condition. FIRST TRIP TO CANADA BP) c4OSS BLITZ -Members, of Ole branch ,Of the Canadian ,Legion "moved into top gear this week in readiness for.their annual Red Cross drive, .which will take .the form of a town "blitz" campaign, starting at 7' pan, On Friday. Together with members of the Legion. Auxiliary the combined forces will Meet at the Legion hall at 7 p.m. and will tour the town on ' door-to,door canvass, .0, - - 0 ir 4 LETHING, FOR - NOTHING la often these days that 801110- 'can be had for nothing, but Friday and Saturday sees the fifth annual Bantarn'Hockey tournament in the Wirigharn arena and achnis- Sion to the ganries is free, The two. day ,shoW is sponsored by the Pol- lee Association of Grey, Bruce and Huron. VISITORS FROM THE SOUTH -Five: swans have •been spotted making themselves at home on the • flooded wasteland, just sonth of town during the past feW daYa, The kind of weather We've been having no 0004 helped make theta fuel right at imme, These wild birds haVe been so rare, that their. visit is unusual, • OVER. SHE GOES-Thirty-five seconds after 1.47 p.m. last 'Wed- nesday the firemen's barrel took the plunge and brought $50 sailing right into the -lap of Arthur Laid- 0aW, of R.R. 3, Wingham; Norm Anger, of town, .won the second prize of $20. The barrel was wedg-: ed in the ice some weeks back and tickets had been on sale to help raise funds for Wingham fire- fighters. ' ' • the; teachers to hear 'their reason for 'rejecting this offer. The board decided • to pay the ,cost of :a btisto tahe the basketball teem to London for a seMi-fihal game, and to. contribute 50'• cents, towards the 'transporta- tion costs of any other students wishing to go down to root for the ;Wingham team. Dr. W. A. McKibben asked ,the School principal to pass tin the. board's congratulations regarding 'the success of the. school's annual concert :whick Dr.• MCKibbon, was• the, best -concert to be-present- ed fo many years.' from' BrusSels, 'and' chairman of the transportation eomtnittee, said that his committee had recently Met the bps drivers' and had talked over rising costs'. in 'the transpor- tation arrangementa.,for the school. His committee made the recom- hiendation that the hoard raise the existing payments by $20 ' per month, in an •effort to offset the rising costs of running the ser- vice. Thi4waS. the first increase asked for in five years, and with the increase in' gaholine and all other, automotive. :products, Mr. Armstrong thought that. ,the in- crease was a very request. The board passed this request and the, $20 a month increase will come into effect immediately. George Stewart Malcolm looked, out the window of his grantiPar- ents' home in Wingitern this week and asked, f'What's that white Stuff?" • • , The White stilff .was snowy but for 2-year-old George it was seme• thing he's- neVe-r Seen before. The little fellow and 'his Mother, Mrs. George Malcolm, ,had just arrived froni the Chinese Nationalist island of Formosa, to spend a vacation with the Rev. had Mrs. Alexander MiTITI19, Mrs. Malco140 parents, • Siriee 1954 Mrs, Malcolm arid her husband have been attached . to the Canadian Presbyterian Mission in Formosa. They hie missionary werkers On the island, and:live in the City of Taitieb. "Formosa is a Very beautiful is- land, It is .cold;,iind damp in the winter .months but ,:in the Summer it IS delightful," said Mrs. Malcolfil. It 'took George and MS mother just 44 hours to fly hem the i5. land to the United 'States, where they were Met by ,Mt, and Mrs. Ninamo.• - During the trip . they touched down on "Guam, .Wake, Okinawa, and ,Sao rranoiseo: Mts. Maleoliak and her sort ex- pect to he in'Wingiirkin for several Months before retlirning, to For- mosa. , • ENGAGEMENT , Mr. and Mrs. (lottleit Wingltairf, aranitititio 'the engage- ment of their Setoild',datighier,;(e9 glicen -to SannieL -Iohn Terns, Wrexeter, son .of ' Mr, and Mrs, -tack Ton* 'of Ctihotirg, The wed, ding to' take place early iv Aritit. P204' JENOAGEMENIt Mt. and Mrs, James McLean, of Collingwood arinamed the engage-, merit of their daughter, • Helen Violet to Mr. Douglas Ross Case- More, on of Mr.' and MI'S, AndreW feaSernere, R.R. -11)., Winghain, The Wedding to take•plabe in ringhaiii on Sattirday, Apo VtO* THIS WEEK AT THE ARENA WEDNESDAY,, March 20- • 2,99 , 5.00-Public Skating 6,39 - -Bantam Prantice 8.00 - 10,00-Public Skating THURSDAY, March- 212= 6.00 - 7.00-Peewee• Fraction 7.00 - 8.00--:-Bantam• Practice FRIDAY, March 22- Day-Bantam Tournament SATURDAY, 1Vlarch 23- All Day-Bantam Tournament MONDAY, Marob 3.30 - 5.30-Public Skating TUESDAY, March 26- All Day-Figure Skating WEDNESDAY, March' 27- All Day--Figure Skating An Owen Sound rink, skipped by 11fra,!N. Hipwell, win the Wing- ham Ladies' Curling Bonsplel last Thursday evening and was award- ed the, Crawford Trophy, Presented by J. Harley Crawford, of Wing- Wingham. Mrs. Hipwell won the 11 o'clock draw with a win of three and a three wins plus eight; 1Virs. Jean Tolton, Walkerton, two wins plus seven; Mrs. R. Hinkley, Walker- ton, two wins plus seven; con- solation, Mrs. R. Weighland, Sea- forth; 11 a.m. draw, Mrs. N. Hjp- Well, of Owen Sound, three wins plus 13; Mrs. Ballagh, 'tees- water, two wins phis 12; Mrs. A. Aitchison, Fergus, two wins' plus six; consolation, Mrs. Jack Whet- stone, Goderich, is '4fair." Aobert Deyell 23, is now hI thp Wingham General Hospital with a fractured :knee cap, The third man, Harold Smita, Ai J8 also a Patient .in the .Wingham Hospital with a broken leg and lacerations. ' The young men were returning home from a, 'dance in Hanover when their car apparently went , out ,of Control •on a, Slippery patch' of snow, The vehicle struck, a the delightful skating of little 13ronwyn Brothels as Anderson's Thumbelina. She was capably as,. slated in her ,numbers 1,3% James Hutchison, of the Guelph College Figure Skating Club, The high standard of skating by the many young members of the Winghem Club was only surpassed by the colorful costumes and tire. earnestness of all taking part in the show to, serve up something to please everyone present, Comedy •was' supplied by John and Jim Wild. Their "Mrs. Mop" routine was funny and skilfull and their popularity was evident in the their long set. roud of applause:following A Ballet IVIoderne, starring Pen- ny Gerrie as the ballerina, was charMingly executed. The -other members of the ice ballet corps were: I. Gurney, N. Elliott, B. Mac- Lennan, Lena DOugherty, L. Clark, M. Knight, C. Crawford, N. Johns- ton, M L. Tunney, E. MacDonald, I, Saint, M. Farrier, S. Wightman, J. -Colvin, I. Willie and S. Strong. The youngest members of the club, Debbie. Grose, Jean Weiwood, Joan Remington, Judy Reid„ Mary Showers and Linda Howe i(Vere fea• Lured early in the program as the Danish' Dainties, Their skating Was' surprisingly polished for their ageel. Itatic.t ley -performed, with ?v,fonderful timing what 'was 'a con- siderably difficult formation num-, bet. Rosa Smith, the club professional, was an immaculate performer. His skating as the Danish Dandy was one of the evenings highlights. Jean Gurney's Danish Doll dance was also well above average, Har- old Brooks was also a top-line skater. Otbers who contributed to the success of the show 'were: .Ruth Ann .1-Iamilton, Jane Day, Bonnie Jardin, Peggy' Rae, Donna McKay, Barbara Henry, Re -Gurney, Bet-, ty Hutcheson, Ann McKibbon, Ca- 'Uterine Hanna, Sara Crawford, Su- san Spry, Diane Deyell, Carol Mc- Intosh and Brenda MacLennan. The master of ceremonies for the evening was DeWitt Miller. The show was a great achieve- ment for all who bad any associa- tion with it and in the opinion of a large number of the audience, the best ever held in. the Wingham arena. Rod McIntosh, popular manager of the local Maitland :Creamery, oti, crated by -United Co-operativeS.Of l Ontario, will leave the middle :of) April to join the, InVestors!'SyndH eate of. Canada. He -will reside: inj Preaton, working out of tho region .4. al office of the firm in Kitchencr.t Mr. McIntosh has been with -the: IJC.O. since 1941, and has been manager of the local plapt for the- past ten years. During ,that he has been active, in point-inanity, life. Ile is at preset a (Wetter of, the Lions' Club1 president 61' the. Figure Skating Club, ,and Ineil'I-- ber of the board of 4nariagethent of :Si. Andrew's Presbyterian bbUich; He also served for dome time on the arena dcier.inthigiOik•Mis:IMailL, 'Star intersereTTIMWell06 or ganizatiOns, They .have two child,- ren, Carol and Hovvie. All •will be missed by 'the many friends- they have made in Wingharri their residence here, The new manager for the crea- mery and poultry plant ':has not been named as yet. Mr. and Mrs. McIntosh have pur-, 'chased a home in Preston and ex- pect, to move about April 15. • Mr. and Mrs. Wellesley Strong Gorrie, wish to announce the en- gagement of their daughter, Doro- thy Patricia, to Mr, Kenneth Head, of Sarnia. The marriage to take' place on April 6th, .at the home of the bride's parents, F20b SPRING TEA The Woman's Association of the Wingham United Church will hold its Spring Tea on VVednesday, April 3rd. F13b CONCERT AND DANCE The Kansas Fanner 'and his en- tertainers will preSerit their annual etincert and dance in Brtiseek, Town Hall, Friday evening, March 22. A two-hour contort-with dance r. One admission 50 cents. ,Iln- the auspiceS of. Brussels Lions L F20b EUCHRE PAM* " ,A ,progressive euchre party fol- lowed by a bo' social will be hold le 'eel-mei section No, 11, LciwOr Wingham,, on Friday, Match 22, at .3,30 for 'rurnberry Centennial. 14o, admission charge as bOos will be. auctioned. • Ed, 'Walker, chaltinall of Centennial Committee, F20b: „ 1141L(710,011.1 IMNTE/RTAINS, BeigraVe L.O.L. is . holdhig.4 social evening .on"ruesclity, Mitten 26th, for all members and their fanatics also neighboring lodges ate invited, Ladies :please bring *eh. - , F20b . ONCE IN 131.11.1EVAI:4111 'HALL Dori 10bertson and the Ranch lloyswill be playing .fOt dance lace Him:vale hall On Wednesday March 27. Booth in tall. :Proceeds tot Tutuberry Cetiteititittl. Everyone welcome. , P120,27b ANNUAL The annual meeting of Wingham Obit Mb Will be held : in 'the touneil chambers on Friday even-' Mateh 0'610014 All, members, are urged' to attend, POI; plus of .13. , Winners of the 9 o'clock draw were: Mrs, Wilma Kerr, Wingham, HO, and Mrs., AleXtiride Nittinin are Seen With their grandson, Ocoee tovkirt Maitelm, who, With his mother, MiS, (ftett) G. Maieeirki, tlYtit9 Inge With such Infee the bOY: the' eitlYer'S, Ride. N'ui colupleteW., tonialbed in, pinning the 'driver Peigiellileri iii the overturned N4a4hIllq, A' 'motorist reeched tne scene shortly after the crash end awn- /n-040 -aid. Hydro lines, which had fallen • over` the ear,. had to he re- moved before rescue work could be started, and Hydro workerit had to cut the power in the main feed, or line to--the Wingham area. Since the car was Saturated with gaso- line, it WAS impossible to employ a cutting torch to free the Young men, Hacksaws and crowbars fie- made an opening large enough to permit removal of 'the necident victims after they had. been pinned in. the wreckage for about three Three dtieOra arrived, at, the scene to adrillniSter, What. treat,' Mont was possible on the spot. Tile three were taken' •to the Janice Comity Hospital at •, Walkerton, front where they virere later re- Moved' to'London and • Winghttln, The injnrY -suffered by Bareend Merkley is belleVed to 'hays been• complicated by lack of, circulation M. his leg _during •the time -he wait pinned in the Wreckage. POLICE ASSOC. WILL ROMP:BANTAM TOURNEY:THIS:WEEK Twenty teams are to compete the fifth annual bantam, hockey tournament ,sponsored by the 'Grey- Bruce-Huron' Polite Association on Friday and Saturday, of. this week. The Association `will' present trophies and shields at - the close of the tourney: Teams from Gode.-- rich, Kincardine, Walkerton, Wrox- eter, Lucknow,. Wilds/lay, ,,Gorrie; Purtiale, Exeter, ham; NOV, Port Hight, psinster., Shallow„ 'Lake' and rerOWICh: will , take part- in the tournament. The schedule is as follows: First gaine,• Marc 2. Lucknow 11.11idMay, •,-M!Toxeter: vs, Lofideshoro, 6.00 p.rit„' Gridefieti vs. Witigharn, 7.30 pin,: Kincitidins Walkerton, 040 p,rn. " SatUrday, March 23rd,, Clinton vs. Gorrie 9 a.m.; Dtitham vs. Eieter, 10.30 a.m.; Tobermory ,vs. Ripley, • 12.00 'noon; dtiesley vs. Sonthamp- ton, 1.30 Ppit Elgin, vS. Ebenezer, 3 pan.;.'Shallow La4e vs. Fordwich 4.30 p.m. • • •' Red Shield Drive Seeks 55,000 'Fund.' • , The committee in,.charge' of :the 1967 Red. Shield fund-raising cant.- paign for the Wingham Salvation Army COrPs, Which serves •.a Wide area bounded RipleY, MeesWater, Gorrie, Limknow, Belgrave- and Brussels, is completing plans for the drive althea at raising $5,000, the quota Set at the initial meet- ing of the COMmittee. Frank H. Howson is : this year's general 'chairman. with other officers ap-- pointed throughout the area, Laat year's drive,,the most successful held, raised the grand total of $4,360.19 to futther the Army's work' of, •haekey in the Witighana area. The committee has named the following Chairmen for the respec- tive, areas; F. R. Howson for the town of Witighatn;‘Miss It. Duff for BlueVale and Turribetry H. Wylie for Gorrie and,Wroxeter and that part of HoWick Township covered by the north boundary Bel- mere arid McIntosh toad, south boundary Mayne and Brotherston 'Road and east boundary, Lakelet and FordWich road; -W. E. Smyth for TeesWater; Prank Mitchell for Brussels, Morris Township and Grey TownShip,• bounded by Blyth, road in the South, 86 Highway in the north and the CranbroOk road in the east;, Reif. Charles Krug for Belgrave and East Wawanosh TvVp. Garnet Fatriet for Whiteelnirch and East WaWanosh Twp.; Webster for Lucknow. Kirilbss and Holyroocl; F. Hill for the village of, Ripley — • ^- • - • The campaign to raise $5,000 for the Wingham SalVatiOn Army` Corps will take the form of a one- day "blitz" campaign on Friday, May 10th, in the town of. Wingham and villages of Bludvale, Gorrie, Wroxeter, Tetswater, Brussels, Bel- grave, Whitteinirall, LticknoW, lyrood and Ripley. In. Wingham the "blitz" will take plate on the evening of May 10th, conducted by membeth of the Kinsmen Club. A farria-to-farni eitirVaas Will be held in the above-mentioned townships in the AWO,Week period between April lat and April 12th, while businesses and industries will, be Covered starting May 1St, E NGAGE4Eflit • Mr. and Mtiti, dlitteride 'With :Of t eigtave: to anithtiliee the en-, gagaitient IA their Aritlibter, LOis Coleen to "tibrge Gordon atilt Of Mr1.YYna Mae HMV:: Sat, Attbitein The Wedding', to 'take 'place the latter part rit'Mattik,