HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1957-03-13, Page 121.1r7111., hf In an enviable .position is David Burns, 17,, of Bramptem, Ont. lie's immune to Mono-, nueleosis, a disease which results in sore threat and fever and which affliets one in every 20, citizens—or did- afflict then' "before it was found that the disease was epread- by kissing, But it was foinid tbat,!though infants and adults could contract and' spread 'the ,allhient, Persons be- tween ;the ages; of .13 to 2,i) years diet not. So David01,1s.:hopeful of trying opt his immunity ,loanne Sprott, Anne Evens and Gail Mead. . In ;the interests! of science; of :course' • MRS, EARL CASPC,K Kft, N IVOMA FON OAT OF.fRAYR WHITECHUIICH — The World Pay of Prnyer service Was held en Friday afternoon in the United Church, when 26 ladles ,gathered from this district, 'Mrs, Dawson Cthig, Mrs. prank Coulter, Mrs, James 'Falconer and Mrs Milan Moore were in charge of the vex- iou$ sections of the program, Mrs. Craig explained that the program had been PrePared by Serena Vas, sady, .a native of Hungary, who had lived for seven years behind the Iron Curtain. Mrs. Ezra Sehoitz 'sang "The Love of god IS Greater Far", Mrs. Earl 'Caslick told the story .of the Day of Prayer held in Hungary after World War IT, The Women, in their. poverty, came to pray and were comforted, Ptrefising, "This thing I know, that whereas I. was blind, now I see." Mrs. Johnston' Conn read the Seriptnre message, The special readere were Mrs. Wallace Conn, Mrs, E, H. Groslearth and, Mrs. Walter Elliott, M r s . Andrew Gaunt, sang "'Ere You 'Left. Your Room This Morning, Did You Think to Pray?" Mrs. Janles Me. Innis gave a splendid reading on the World Day. of Prayer, when • people believe in meaningful 'prayer and consecration and bend their wail to 094"14 will *41d iii. Osoins, Thoae who led in the special pray- era.were Mrs! gPra Seholtz, lytpo, Russell Ross, Mrs. Pawling, Miss Mule baldlaw and 117 .is J, D, Bee.; Croft, /Os. Millen Moore pronounced the bonedletlon and Mrsi taxi OW lick 'was Appointed hey roman, 4 Girls'Ocoup Meets At Quitnek Home The February meeting of thO, Marian Williamson group of. St, hAellidd7; 'sthPe7181Yetelor jeCal:114111rnwe4ya„, - The, meeting opened with the pall .tof worship by the pretildent, A hymn ,was etmg, and Clirol Crawford' led in prayer, The Seriptut'e Psalm 100, „wee said in unison., Hymn 708 was, then sung, The minutes Were given by the secretary, The offering Was recejlr,. ed And praYar Was offered by Linda Clark,. Biblical gerne4 were enjoyed followed by a lovely lunch, GOSPEL HAIL rtegular Sundae Services Sunday Sainte} 10,15 a.ni, Reintillibering the acre' • in 1 GrOfflie! Moetiog at 7,39 pan, Each Thursday evening at 8 p.m: Prayer Mectiug aui11, Bihie'Stnily W.I. Meeting BELGRAVE—The regular meet- ing, of 'the Belgrave Women's In- stitute will be held in the' com- munity centre on Tuesday after- noon, March 19th, with Mrs. Stew- art Procter and Isles. Herb Wheeler as conveners. The roll call will be ansetered with a favourite' hymn. The address ,will 'be given by Mrs. George Michie and the. motto by Mrs. Wm, Brydges. Burma and Thailand Studied at Meeting BELGRAVE—The .regular meet- ings of the Woman's Missionary Society and the Woman's Associa- tion of Knox United Church were held on Wednesday afternoon in the church basement. The W.M.S, meeting' was Pin charge of Mrs. Walter Scott, She opened the meeting with a hymn and prayer,. followed by a poem, "St. Patrick's 'Breast Plate"; by Mrs. Scott. „ Minutes and the •treaeureris re- port were read. 'The community friendship secretary, Mrs. Jesse Wheeler, reported on 19 hpme and three hospital visits to the sick and shut-in. Cards of thanks 'were read from ReV, and Mrs: Glen Eagle, Mrs. J. Miller and Miss Hedwig Bartling, the latter for a 'Christ- mas remembrance she had receiv- ed. Mrs, A. Coultes and Mrs. Walter Scott were appointed as delegates to the •Presbyterial meeting to be held in Wesley-Willis Church in Clinton op March 27th. Mrs, James Michie gave• a few thoughts on temperance. The roll Call for the April meeting is to be an Easter verse. The group` ap- pointed the Christian citizenship leader, Mrs. James Michie,' to write a letter on behalf. of the "'somber; to Premier L, Frost, asking him to Use his influence, to try and stop the sale of liquor in grocery stores, Mrs, A, E. Coultes Waein charge of the Worship • service, which opened with a hyrisn. The Scrip- ture lesson front Ephesiane 6, was read by Mrs. Win. Kelly. Mrs. Coultes gave a meditation on'theSe Scripture passages. The study period on Burma and Thailand' waS' taken by Mr; Wal- ter Scott and Mrs, A. E, Coultes, Mrs, R, Chatriney conducted a quiz on these eitimtries, The service closed With a, byina and, the bene- diction :vas ,given by Mrs. A. E, Coultes., W.A. Meeting Mrs. Kenneth Wheelet Was in charge of the V,V.A, meeting and opened with the therne "N'Othing MinUtes of the last Meet- ing Were read by Mrs. Cecil Chant- ney and the treasurer; Mrs. J. M. Coultes reported there was $435.76 be hand. TWerity-tWo. members answered the roll call., A thank yeti Card Was read Doti the Palie lurid fid, $10.00 reeelVed. It Was decided to dater to • the !Young' reople'S Rally for 85 cents a plate.- • • BEACH Electric -Ranges ONLY $13 WITH ADE' Don't miss this unbelievable. value,. THE 4'NEW TYPE ALL-OVER ; HEAT 111ICROT UBE CAIROMALDX SURFACE ELE- mENTS ARE, FAST/ 'EFFICIENT and GUARANTEED FOR a, YEARS, The - entire exterior of the rang4 is 10 ((nest 'acid-resisting porcelain entwie! -wipes clean in, a , jiffy. .... Manufacturer's Suggested 'Retail Price $199.50 Radio a:Electric OUR' PHONE NUMBER IS V72.4 ette4 to SPRING FASHION' Highlighting .. CQATS for the new season RE giffitz ham, IN' AND SEE, THE BEAUTIFUL, • NEW STYLES. You'ilwatit to learn all about Mena: Pastels are faclittrett in regular or eitibby tweeds . With a touch: :of White 'added here and there: al Note time book interest this Semen!, the panelled effeetS, the new Capes the Man,* new eiciting features. Priced froth $29.50 to $49.50 HATS A • wonderful selection of Spring Hats 111% here and. You tan be tertalti of Styles , to' snit :just yea from 'this delightful 'rinage. All the popular shades lit pert little models with jtibt the right amount of trim, Priced from ' $4.95 to $7.95 a eseeeseeereeeseoekee.eetie FFEI1S "The lorienaly Su re VROXETER Thtt Att'Florte44000,00,.W, ."St,,,romee;Guita: KISSING DISEAU 'OREADS .1t,T. NO_ 'AMONG 'T .06644:014f G. Michie Appointed Mrs. Wm. Young Wit.; Tiles.; Wed., Mar;:14-19-20 • Itheatte nesse!, • r. PHONE 53 LitatOWel, was :guest speaker at the day afternoon. The speaker ex- plained the ,conneetion between the World. Day Of Prayer and the World Council of. Churches, and: 'spoke of the value of united effort through prayer. Mrs. Frank Russell, president of the Women's Guild, St. James Ang- lican Church, and Mrs, Icon Edgar, president of the Woman's Mis- sionary Society of the United Church led the service, Mrs, Jim Doi;, was pianist, Miss Corinne 'Rhanie sang, accompanied by her mother, Mrs. Harry Rhame. Those taking part were Mrs. Lome Madill,. Mrs, Win Hart, Mrs. Crawford. Gibson, Mrs.. Merwyn Grainger, Mrs. Vern Clarke, Mrs. George Griffith, Mrs. Stanley Gal- laher, Mrs, Stuart Higgins, Mrs. George Gibson, Mrs, Nen Bennett and Mrs, Alex Petrie received the offering which will he forwarded to the Women's Inter-church Council of Canada, at Toronto, Forty ladies were in attendance. WORK OF' YEAR WROXETER—A demonstration on copper work by Mrs, Lloyd Mc- Gee was the highlight of the March meeting of the Women's Institute, Mrs. McGee donated a completed picture in floral design to the W.I. to be used for a prize, She was presented with a gift in apprecia- tion bf her interesting demonstra- tion. Mrs. D. S. MacNaughton gave the motto, "The moving finger writes, and having writ moves on". She reviewed the work of the W.I. for the past 60 years and outlined the future ontlook. The president, Mr; Herb Pat- terson, gave a summary of the past year, which proved a successful one. Included in the projects un- • dertakee was $1000.00 raised for the new community ball and a new curtain rod; installed in the con- cert hall. A flower bed in the local cemetery is maintained. A series of social evenings were held dur- ing the 'winter season. .Standing committee conveners presented their yearly reports, Re- porting were, Miss .K, Hazelwood, (for Mrs. F: Earls), Mrs. Gilbert Howe; Mrs, Joe _Simmons,, Mrs. J. H. Wylie, Mrs. Allen 'Munro and. Mrs, Harvey Timm. Plans were completed for the short course, ','Treasurers in Your Attie", of which Miss Jean Arm- our of the Home Economies Branch will be in charge. The ,report of the nominating committee was given by Mrs. Allen Munro. Because it was incomplete, elections were postponed untie the April meeting, at Which there will be an all-members programme. Words of appreciation for the work of the officers for the past year were expressed, Mrs. William Hart 'gave the• courtesy remarks. A pot luck supper was enjoyed at the close. Weekly Euchre BELGRAVE-The regular week- ly euchre party was held in the community centre on Wednesday evening, with eight tables in play. High prizes were won by Mrs. 'Ll'oyd Montgomery and Gordon Higgins, Consolation prizes went to Mrs. Stanley Cook and. George Grigg, Novelty prize was won by Gordon Higgins, Holds Meeting WKONETEK---Mrs, Alex !Arlo opened her home for the March Meeting Of the Women's Guild' of St, James" Anglican .C.bare4, The. Meeting opened ;by .repeating the LON'S prayer, Mrs, Elliott chose for the Scripture reading St, John 4!5-29; Miss Margaret Griffith gave. a prayer for gvanpliSt.4,. The President, Mrs. Frank Ras- sell, was in the chair and spoke on the .subject "caw Indians Page the New Age". The ellefrielllbere prayer was. repeated and business discussed. • MrS, Russell eleSed. the meeting. with a prayer for world peace. Re- freshments were served by the hostess assisted by Mrs, Hassell. 4114 a social hour enjoyed, Bible Study Given By Patsy Logan BELGRAVE— The La Lo Li group of the •Canadian Girls in Training met in the basement pf Knox United Church on Friday evening, and opened with the call to worship, followed by the hymn, "Unto the Hills", The Scripture lesson, Psalm 90, was read in uni- son, followed ;by prayer by Mrs. Ted Fear, The story, "The Boy with the Lunch", was read by Lorna. Kolt. The hymn, "Breathe on Me Breath of God" was sung" and the bene- diction closed the ,worship service. The' president, Lorna Bolt, con- ducted the business period. Reports were read by the secretary and the treasurer. Th Bible study for next meet- ing will be taken by the girls of the .5th line, and the worship ser- vice by Lorna Bolt and Marlene Purdon. The Bible study at this meeting "40 Days in the' Wilderness"; was given by Patsy Logan. The meet- ing closed' with Taps. Drain Inspector The Morris Township Council met in the township hall on "March 1st with all the• members present. The minutes of the last meeting were read 'and adopted on motion of S. Procter and W. Shortreed, Shortreed - ,Wilkinson—That' the. tender of George Radford to SuP- plyc crush and deliver approxi- mately 12,000 cubic yards of gravel at 74 cents per yard be accepted, subject to the approval of the district ;municipal engineer, Car- There were ten tenders received to supply a truck for the tame- Ship and it was decided' by the council' to file •the tenders for the present. Procter ; Duncan:--That by-laW Nci: 7;1957 under the Tile Drainage Act - be read 'the third time and finally. passed. Carried. Shortreed - Durican—That ,Geo, Miehie be appointed as inspector to act on tile drains under the Tile Drainage Act at ,8 cents per mile and one Cent, per rod of tile drain. Carried. • Shortreed - Wilkinson, ---'That, $2,000 be transferred' from con- struction of roads 'to maintenance of roads ;on 1956: road appropriation by-iase. Carried. • . Shortreed - .Procter-ITnat roakaceonnts as presented by the road ...saperintenderit• be paid. Car- ried: • Duncan = Pmeter-L-That Win; 114,iter :he-paid...8" (tents, per, mile forttlio'41e6 of his'.etir.from JanuarY 1, , Carrield.. „ Wilkinson Praetor- That . the meeting adjourn to .meet again on April 1,,195`7, at ,1 p,, m: Carried. Accowits Paid Municipal BOaid, Mustard & Nichol biaios, $12.00; A. Fraser, verifying, tax • arrears, $14.00; As- sociation. of :assessing Offieers, fee, $10.00; Brussels Telephone, tent of phene; $28.20; Blyth District Fire Area, $114.00; 'relief ,account; $57.24; N: Higgins, stamps and unemploy- ment ins, $15.00; G, Martin, hydro for hall, $8.50; Blyth Standard, ad- vertising, $2.94; Jack, Higgins, fox bounty, $2,00; Stanley Cook, fox bounty, $4.00; W. E. ;Collins, Ins. Agency, bond .ori treasurer, $12.00; Dept. of; Health, insulin, $2,93; B. Pairott, court of revision on drains, $20,00; S. Procter, court of revision' on, drains, $20.00; R. Dun- can; court of revision on drains, $20.00.; G. ,Wilkinson, court of re- vision on drains, $20,00;; W. Short- reed, evert Of revision on drains, $20.0003. Parrott, Good Roads As- sociation; $25.00; R. Duncan, Good Roads Association, $25.00; 5, Procter, Rural Municipalities meet- ing, $25.00; N, Higgins. Rural Municipalities Meetings $25.00, Bailie Parrott, Reeve Gee), C Martin, Clerk BELGRAVE Misi. Mildred Thortiten; Condon, Spent- the Week-Mid with Mit's joari 'Brydges.and they visited on Sunday With Ivfr, and Mee. Ralph MeOrett and With Mr. and Mrs. 'James LaniOet and Dale. Mr; and Mrs. .Joe Morgan and family of Adam Craig visited on Sunday with Mr, and 'Mrs, William Me; and Mrs. Leslie Shaw of Leondim visited over the week-end with Mr. and Mrs, john Anderson, Mts., Herb Wheeler spent lot wok visiting 'with Mt. and Mrs, Wilfred Pickell, and family et St, Thetas: and Wi h re, and, Mrs, Coldie Wheeler and faintly at Lan- don, Me; and ••Mrs:, deldie Wheeler and family of ,101A00 and Miss Died ,on Friday ' WHITECHURCH--; Mrs. Welland Young, formerly Tend Pennell,,the daughter of the ]ate Mr. and 'Mrs. George Pennell, passed' away On Friday evening et the home of her son, Clifford Young. She- .was in her 90th year.. Her • husband predeCeased her. about 12 years ago. She had 'always been a member of Langside Chinele ,and a member of 'the lionee-Help- ers' Group of the W.M.S,, 'She leaves two daughters, Mrs. Walter Richardson (May); of Bel- more, and Mrs, Edward Moore (Jean) of Lucknew and two sons, Clifford and Wesley of Kinloss, There are also 16 grandchildren and one g-reat-grandchild, and ' a sister, Mrs. Wilson Wall, of -Lang- side. The funeral was held from the Church funeral home With on; Monday afternoon With Rev. McKinney officiating.. The pall- bearers were Tait ,Moffate, Tom Moffatt, Graham Moffatt John kc- , Lines, Stewart Scott and Robert . Orr, Her eight grandsons acted as floWer, bearers. Club 20 Meets. • BE'LGRAVE—Club 20 tinet` lit tile' home; of Mr. and' Mrs.' . Robert Grasby on, Tuesday evening. 'An enjoyable time. was spoilt playing progressive- euchre with "highprizes being won by Mrs. Kenneth Wheel. et, and Lewis Stonehouse, Consola- tion prizes went to Mrs. George Johnston and Martin Grasby. Lunch was served. LADIES' GUILD MET THURSDAY 'BELGRAVE—The regular meet- ing of the Ladies' Guild of Trinity Anglican Church Was held on ThurectY afternoon at the horde of . Mrs, Herman Nethery. • The. ' president, Mrs.- Alex Nethery •was in charge. and opened the meeting with .a hymn followed by prayer and the Lord's -prayer in unison: The Scripture lesson from Genesia 35, Was read by Mrs. Neil. MeCtea. Mrs. Mel Bradburn brought same quilt blocks to this Meeting and it was clootded to make them into a quilt at the next Meeting, Mrs, Clare VanCanm eendueted a quit on the prayer bank. The toll Call 'was, answered with a ;news item. of interest of '1957, • • The Meeting dosed With prayer and Minch Was served' by` the host- ess, assisted by. Mrs.• Clarence Wade and Mrs. T. ShoOticatam.„ Hilda Lane of 'Toronto • spent the WOeic-end .With Mr,,and Mts. 'Herb Wheeler. .Mr. and Mrs, Bill $ehrti;hat and family of Streetsville spent the Week7eild With Mt and Mrs: Earl Andersen, , arid Mrs,' Charlie 'MatherS dnd 't'asally of Bluevale Visited on StindaY With Mr. and Mrs: dgar Wightman and family, • , , Mtr, and Mrs., ;Ii. F, Wilkinson, and Mr. and Mrs. Man/lee ttinson all of GOderich,, and Miss, Jean Wilkinson Of Teachers' Co., lege, tiratforl, 'visited on:ShnclaY With Istft.arid Mrs; !lot:yard Within,- son and ,family and Miss Annie. Baker; E. WAIVANOSH,..REEVE VOTES ON TENDER , The Fast :Wawanosh' Council root on March '5th, with all' the members present; the 'reeve 'presid- , ing: 'The minutes of the meeting held February 5th, Were read and adopted en motion by Buchanan and Hanna. , • ; By,LaW No, 6 was read the first and second time, McGowan - Purcion—That LaW No. 6 be' passed"as read the fleet; 'Sedan& and third times. Car- tied. ; Two gravel tenders were reeely- ed and opened. Purclon ,leanna--T hat Joe Kerr's tender for 67 cents gee yard adeepted,. Carried, ' Moved amendment, by McGowan and, Buchanan that George Rad- ford's tender for 73 cents a yard be accepted, The , reeve voted for the motion that 'Joe Kerr's tender be accepted., The Engineeles 'report on the asSessment• on the Hallahan.muni- cipal drain repair was read, and on -motien.• by Hanna seconded by PurdOn that report ,was provision- adopted and the elerk was in- structed to prepare a' by-law with Court of revision, May 7th. Car- ried. W.. S. Gibson was present to re-' new lesueenee„ policies .No, 13543 , rind Na„ 4777. Ge nitition by Ieutdob *seconded by Hanna the 'clerk 'Wile instructed to sign the a.PpildatiOri 'arid 'a cheque be made out 'for. the, Carried. The county wood ,inspector .was ;present and discussed spraying Miekthorn: and leafY spurg. ; Hanna. ,- ,Purdon---That council agree to have the county spray `buckthorn and leafy spurg in 1957 according to government regultrf tions. Carried, Hanna - Purcion—That council insure, the contents af the Celli- inunity hall 'for $800.00 with the Howiek Farmers' Mutual Fire 111- '8nm:rice CO. Carried.' • MeGoWa - Buehanan=-That council appoint Frank Cooper as warble fly inspector and Earl Cald Well as operator, Carried, Purdon. - Hanna—That the read and 'general accounts as presented be passed and paid, Carried. Road -Cheques:—Stuart McBur- uey; salary, $175.00, bills paid, $5.25, $180,25; Wm, T. Irwin, Wages, $57,13; pred'Deabon,- wages, $31.85; Canadian Oil co., Ltd., gear lubri- cator, $17.75; R. E, Campbell - Gar- age,. racket' wrench, $5.98; The. Blyth Standard, printing, $1,68; Geo. E. Redford, 65 hours snow removal at •$7.50" 4487.56";. koss Jamieson, sanding and snow re- moval, $53.00; „Dem. Road Mach. Co., grader edges, • 'General, Cheques.:'Thomas ,jar- din, '2 fox. bounties, $4.00; Charles Cook, 3 fox ben:titles, $6.00; Wesley. Cook, 2 fox:, bounties, $4.00; Alvin Snell, 0 fax• bounties, $15:00; Don Peak; fox bounty, +0.00; Blyth DiStriet Vire Area, levy, $132,00; prvai, MeGowan, Tayler, Clare:tee Monk and M, Theron- Soh, Conitentien moonses, , each 0100 renewal Prerninin, $131.44; Alex Rebeetedn;,'Insuranue,prerniutri hall Contents,. ' "". Buchanan '. Me a 0 W,e, t col:inte adjourn to meet: Alien and, at one 'o'clock at the ilelgrave denentunity detttre. Otrri&i, Groat Taylor, Oneve . 14, Thempeen, The, decisive thing the typo' of arnianients used, not the, state of .di8arniariasti4 the dedisiv thing is the' itite"4 the ;sPirit,-4Cliarles, Genius islentitled to respect, only when it, promotes the, peace and impicares the. happiness of man- 'keinte-Lord ,Essex. • ERVING YOU YCEUM Theatre Two shows each night First , at 7.15 ThUrSp: Fri% Sat., Mar. 14-15-16 Tab Honer Natalie Woods in "The Burning Hills" A' thrilling story of the IlOnle. Stellt101`8. LISTOWEL SPEAKER killitO(O1, Where her, Sister', Mrs. M9M44 131144t°'""iitil;Y AT DAY OF PRAYER Tag Seifert,, FerdWieli thee dile$011) nnderwant a major 7WHQN"471.H11-1Y14.S* P, H. P4"3" ,Ricer, Mrs, Selfert'S 111411)" Mirandait4V0 094)Pr Or a speedy re, World DaY of Prayer service held in the United •Church hall en Fri- d /Weltering Ceneord 000 the week-erid at tier home mr; gold Townsend is again p1llle to be around following ,spine 111,M0 spent in Wingharn General ffoapital and Vietorie Hospital, Widen, l'Xis 11144Y friends arc pleaSed to know he is regaining ble former good aal.th, Me, and Mrs. Harvey Reit% and 0414ghteco Shirley and Mr, and *TA: Harvey Copeland left on See, 4rflaY fer a trip tp Florida, Mr. , Jantes Allen is • spending aOrne time at. RidgetoWci; Shirley McMichael was elected president .of Harem county Junier'Institute at 4 meeting held at Clinton last week, congrattile- Done. • Mr, and Mrs, Alex Corrigan spent Saturday, in London. 'Mrs, P. S. MacNaughton and Mr, John MaelTaughton spent ptmd4y in miltert. Mr. and Mrs, JaMS. Doig spent Saturday in Drayton, Where they Called on old neighbors' and friends, In the evening they were • • I REPORTS' ON, guests at a dinner party in honor of their. son Lorne's birthday, The Woman's Misskonary Soc- iety will hold its March Meeting on Friday afternoon, Maren 15th, at 2.30. Mrs. George Gibson will be in charge. t The YoUng People'e Union of Gorrie and' ,Wroxeter st•Jeited Cliweh.„will hold their regular *meting --riext Sunday evening at O'clpek in Gorrie. Nancy New- ton and James Sanderson will have charge of the meeting. Apse Rona VanVelsor, Fordwich, Was' a Sun :ay 'visitor with Mrs. Ittitli 'MacDonald, `Mr. and 'Mrs. Lyle Hart and daligliter„ Patty, Toronto, were Week-end visitors with Mr, and kri. Lyle Hart. Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Adams had •for. a week-end visitor their grand- daughter, Miss Lois Noble, of :Because deal in health,. our, PreSeeiption intellect is the very belief 4, our linsitietta'-e, and the dependabitity, tebieb is our professional pride, intent& no toinproiltitte With (MAWS" in any Merchandise, Yon •ittiVe Safely litre because the sale of itier; Oftluielittie is as Mitch a part of our responsibility to you as is the olAniediethee. .With this ht :mind, you buy bottle *sage And telletries here With the same eollficlentte that you titiVer the dependability of. our prescription NerViee, Our WATCHWORD is your BUY-WORD McKibbons 'WF DAL., 170.E WINGHAM 1 :;•-"'' 4