HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1957-03-13, Page 11LOW FARES 'EVERY SATURDAY (TO AND INCL. APRIL 13)
tickets good going and returning sinnO• Saturday otliya
$4.75 Hanover S.1.30 SOuthampton $15.90
$ lIarriston $3.75 $0.05 '430 ingerSoll ,Stratford
84.15 Kincardine $5.85 Strathroy $ii;21/ $4,75 .1ilteliener WalkertOtt 'KM $2.45 tistowel $2.110 Watford , $5.75 0:43 Mitchell $4.00 Wilighain $4.15 OlVeat Sonad :WM Wyoming $5,20 $5.05 isley $5.20
Pergtis fleorgelotrit Gotterielt GnetOlt Ft.50 FaltnerstOn $3.40
EOrre.Oonding Fares hokt intertlindikt.6 FOlitto
N $ OxFogos. !and
,$84i95 • 0.41(1,up
r ~.__f.
nee r • room„ 2346; Shipping
Machine. thou, 2268;,
:Doors, 2060,- • •
single, Rlll ' Sturdy, 233;
high pipt ,.Ptil.rfl$,, 625.
Colninereiall.fmigne To ri iiiiiiiii
The second game of the last Snit) EumilAiLu
series was Mayed an Tuesday ,v, vi i
Wildcats, 94 Blowers, 8; 4o04eta 0 I wilESILEY COLTS
night, The standing' Ita fellows
8'; Ste/4MA 7i- 13)ue Boniberi, 6;
Roe" 'n RellerS, 4,
Douglas • Murray (at ,right) a grade 13 student act the Wingham District High School, was ..chosen th a
week to tepresent the %chool at the Leaders, Club, when it Meets in London in APril. Douglas...sen of
Mr. and Mrs, William Murray,, of Wingham
was awarded the A, D. Mac:William Trephy .in 1955; as the
school's top 'athlete. 'He was pictured Sliaring the good news with Ken Crawford, and Jim Bain at the,
'VVingham Curling Clua,.
WILL, R,e,PRZ$ENT WINGHAM AT LONDON Zast Wawanosh, yisitOd ,en Fria
With Mr„ and 3/f.ro. WeSloy TIM/
anci Mro. nos, Nichol of
mviresi,tegdarloici with
Miss Gertrude Btewart, who tia,t
been visiting at" the home of her
sister, Mrs, HarOld Walker, Jen'
on Monday to spend some time ih
Toronto apd with her Sister at
Mrs. Gordan Weir and Mr. and
Mrs, John Dickson ahd ,daugbter,
Kvelyn. of ,Howick, yislted, an Sun.
daY with Mr, and Mrs, tome.
Mr, Walter Seott, who spent last
week at St. Joseph's Hospital, in
Lvioan:l.yokn, returned borne on flat-
Mr, arid IVIrs, 13,,elison Falconer
and' children; of -Sarnia, spent inst
; week with her parents, Mr. and
Mrs, John Stacey alai With his
parents, Mr. mid Mrs, Cecil Fat-
eoner And other relatives1. in this
district. Mr, and Mr.S. Cecil Mil-
goner spent the "week-end with
Sarnia relatives, Mr. and Mrs,
Walter Bell and ehildren of St.
Marys spent the Week-end with
Mr. ,and Mra, Cluniman mid
Mr, and Mrs. Angus Falconer.
Everyone trayelling on Highway
80 comments"on the great number
of Iogs in front, of Mr. Ray Stan-
ley's house In ` Tin•nberry, Mr; and
Mrs, Stanley 'and their little daugh-
ter moved to this McCreight farm
at New Yeaes.
Mr, and Mrs, Kenneth Dowling,
Beth and Laverne; •and Robert Ait-
eheson of Lucknow were at Mount
Forest on 'Tuesday and attended
a family gathering at the home of
Mr. and Mrs. Willard Allen, when
they celebrated the forty-fifth
annivetsary of the. marriage of
their parents, Mr, and Mrs. Wm,
Rooney. The • family of three
daughters and their husbands and
four sons and their ' wives, with
their sixteen gtandehildren had a
happy evening 'thgether.
Many cases of canqz
can be cured if cauiti'
in tinte. If .cancer .ia
suspected see your doc.
_tor immediately.
por,,ii•ee literatnro writl
wingliain, Ont. '
Secretary or Winghain and dit//'
Wet Owlish of 'Canadian -
Cancer Society
Elliott of Ailsa, Craig.
Rev, R. D. A. Currie, of Water-
clown, when in this district last
Tuesday, for the funeral of the
late James Laicilaw, visited with
Mrs, David Kennedy and Mr, and
Mrs, Robert Rossand other friends.
Mr, and Mrs. Robert Ross return-
ed home from Wingham last Tues-
day after spending some, time at
Mr, and Mrs. Percy Vincent,
Auburn 'visited 00 Wednesday at
the home of Mr. and MrS, James
Mr„ Howard Walker has been
laid up for a week suffering from
a acre back, He twisted the =S-
oles when lie Was eranking his
'brother's trattor. Mr, George
Walker also received a nasty crack
out the left side of his face and a
curt on his shoulder blade, when
e was' struck by 9, limb when
Working with logs In the bush last
Mr. mid Mrs, Helineth Johnston
OA daughters of Clinton Visited
Day of Prayer Held,,
At Robertson Home
WHITECHURCH = Twenty-ono
ladies of the-Brick Church district-
met on Friday at the home of Mrs.
Alex Robertson for the special Day
of Prayer service: Mrs. Noonan
CoulteS, president of the Brick
Church W.M.S„ presided. Mts,
Harold Currie read the Scripture
Mrs. Robertson and Mrs. Gordon
1VfeBurriey sang, "Sweet Hour of
Prayer", and Mrs. Chas Sine]] gave
a very interesting talk- on the
theme, "Who Shall Separate 1Ys?"
telling 'the ,story of the book,
"Flowers in the Ruins", written by
Serena Vassady, of Hungary, who
prepared the special program for
the World Day of Prayer. The
special: readers were Mrs. John
Jamieson, Mrs. Herson Irwin, and
Mrs, Gilbert Reecreft, and those
who 'led in the special' prayers
Were Mrs, Lawrence Taylor, Mrs,
Ronald Coultes, Mrs. E„ Dow, Mrs.
lVfcRitchie and Mrs. Gordon Mc-
,he was, there in his wheel chair
and played a game of catds with
others .,who Were on hand.
Mr. Robert McClenaghan and Mr.
and Mrs! Clarence' keClenaghan
and Children, of itothsay, visited
on Sunday at the home of Mrs.
George MoCienaghan.
Mr. and Mrs, Ivan Hen,detson of
Dovvesview 'Airport, Toronto, and
his parents, Mr, and Mrs. Jack
kendersbn, of LUcknoW, visited on
Sunday at ,the home of her sisters,
Mrs. Mac Ras and Mrs. T. I-I;
-Moore. Mrs. Ross 'suffered another
Weak spell On Sunday.'
and Mrs. George Thompson
and children, of Feversham spent
the weekend at the home of bet
parents, Rev. and Mrs. W. 3. Watt.
On Monday Mrs, Milian Moore and
Mn and Mrs. Thompson and child-'their vacation at the, home of his
ren visited, et' the home of their ' parents, Mr. and Mrs. George
Fisher. •
Miss Winnfred Farrier, of To-
ronto, spent the week-end at the
home of her brother, Mr. Garnet
Nigh scores for • the night;
Lladl(,ii high, si»gle,,Xis, K. Baiter,
243; men's high single, H. Taylor„
304; ladies' high triple, Mrs, K.
Baiter, 623; men's high triple, 0,
Ranson,' 651, •
Teens high sake. Blowers, 2740.
9 -p - 9
Thursday Ladies' Leal.ine
14.,rs.'D.,Naaraith, 1611; Mrs, F.
Madill, 1077; Mrs, .,,,d, Lott, 1321;
Mrs, C. Cameron, lam; Mrs, H,
Spry, 1258., single', Mrs, 4),'
Cameron, 200,
The CheSte? Colts. elintipated the
WIn$11411-1 Spitfire Jra, 911
day night in 'the paisley arena
with a 74'yietory, The Colts won
the best of nine series in 5 gamea
to 3 and One game tied.
chesiey came 'thinugh With five
goals , in the fit* PoriO4, `pan g
Trnshinski fired two . goals with
Single talliee going to• -1.4.0
Sten, Harvey Davidson and BOV
Wood,. 'reit 'Striptilets was the Ione
Wingham sniper,
IvItiktiarn foOkbt "baek In the
Second pet'16d, scoring three goals,
Struthers hngged his second of the
game "with JIM Bain and Ken
flodgIthiSen Potting the .other two,
Chealey came' through with two
Insurance tallies in the third, per-
iod on goals by 13ev WOod,
'second goal of the game, and
Frank Trushinski. ' Chosley note*
goes on to meet Arthur for, the
WO;A:A 4,314ior "D" championship„,
ship.. •
WINGITA.M7-"GOI14 freS.4171;
fence; gain, Wain, Lee, Carter
Duffy;', forwards,. Murray, Hodg-'
kinson;', Struthers, Fryfogle, 1.404„
GIIESLEX—G o a I, Flewelling;
defence, .Lamont, Maxwell;, Black;
Frank; forwards, Woods, Miller
Davidson; D. Trushinski; F. TruL`
shinski, Kingston, Nickel.
First Period
Kingston, Trushinski, a.*Trurl
shinski) 2.13; :Davidson :
7.42; Woods (Miller, L,amont) 8.52;
Struthers; (Hodgkinson) 13.15; D.
Triishinsid (Kingston, Maxwell)
16.40; D. ,Trushinski (Kingston}
Penalties, Lott, Woods, , Struth-
ers, llodgkinson.,
Second Period
Hain 5.40; Struthers (Hodgkin-
son) 7.01;/ Hodgkinsen (Murray,,
Struthers) 13.54. •
Penaltiest Lou, Bla:ek (2),.Miller.
Third Period • •
Woods (killer, Davidson) 14,00;
F. Trushinski (Kingston,'; Trif-
shiriski) 14.15:
Penalties, Maxwell,'Miller, ••Hodg:
Met on. Monday "e-17ening at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. John McGee,
with eleven present. After the
broadcast, discussing the differ=
prices that stand between farm and
labour organizations getting - to-
gether, and the overcooling of the
differences,lthis group thought the
differences too ."great be over=
come. The work is so differ,cnt
and on a diferent level. Union
workers use the strike weapori to
decide wage ;disputes and' hours
ef, lahaur, and farmers cannot
bompete with . labour wages, Farm
ors can't get 'unemployment 'insur
ance; labour gives un nothing to
pied differences and farmers
produce is perishable, while in-
dustry''-products, Can pile up for
Mrs. J. D. Beecroft• and Aldin
purdori held high points in euchre,
and kyles St Marie won the crib-:
bage games. The next 'meeting will
'be at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
Ritssell Purdon.
1 Brick Church will have students
in chatge, of the services for the
next two weeks, as Rev. C. Krug
WHITECHT.JRCH--The death of
Emerson. Austin, beloved husband
of Mary Martin, occurred at his
late residence. in. Himsworth South
Township, on Monday, February
The funeral was held on Wed-
nesday from the Paul funeral
home in Powassan to the Church
of God, where service was held at
2 p.m., conducted by the pastor,
Rev., I, E. Lutes, Mrs. F. Irish'
sang -'Does Jesus Carer The pall-
bearers were all nephews of the
deceased..Interment was iii Po-
wawa.* Cemetery, ,
RelativeS and friends attended
from Niagara Falls, Welland, Lon-
don, Toronto, Whitechurch, Co-
balt, Warren and North. Bay. I
Mr. Austin resided in the iiici-
nitY of Powassan all his life, ex-
cept for a few years, during which
time was spent in Welland and
Niagara Falls. He 'was a' carpenter,
and in his business and social con-
tacts enjoyed the esteem, of a wide ,
circle of friends.
Besides the sorrowing widow,
the former Mary Martin of White-
church, Mr, Auston is survived by
two , sons, Emerson of Niagara
Falls and Raymond' at home; also
three daughters, Mrs. ,Fred' Con-
der (Nina) of North Bay; Mrs.
Vera Basalt of London, and Mrs.
Gilbert Moore (Doris) of Pewas-
san. There of eight grandchildren,
one brother and five. sisters.
on Sunday with his parents, 'Mr.
and Mrs. Gershom Johnston, Miss
.Than Stanley and John Johnston
of London also visited there on
Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. John IVIur-
Was served and plans made to hold
be8; social, playing etichre and
crokinole, this Friday evening In
the school, With funds going to-'
wards a bus trip for the pupils,
Mr. and Mrs. FleMing Johnston
end children of . Bluevale viSited
On Sunday with 1/fr, and IVErs.
Kenneth Mason.
Mias Janet Watson of Ayliner
vialted on SattatlaY at the home of
her sister, Mrs, Gilbert Beecroft,
Mr, and Mts, John McBurneY
and Grant Spent the week-end at
London at the borne of her
ter, Mrs, Eugene Armitage, Mr.
arid Mts„. Ronald I3arker and
lly, Coderich, viSited at the Mc+
turney home en SundaSt.
Mr. and Mrs, Arnold Vint, of
Gaderieh; visite,c1 on Sunday at the
home of his sister, Mra, Harry
and Mrs, Gaerge Currier tif
Burney, Mrs, Norman ,closed" the
Meeting with prayer and the spec-
ial benediction.' Lunch was served.
'• Milk prices for naanufttetitring purposes hive been the highest
recently in relation to cream pt.ieey. that •;they have `been for
years. The outlook: Is that icentintv„te remain nigh
coMpared to cream fee , the next few: • •. .
Tile chief reason is that' poWder, hits
drastically increased- ht. gm. last 'few Yantis its people nave hi-ten
44100, to eat lower. hit Inc• LIS. • 'Therefore, con so mnii nn 0 skinamilk solids' not4at..should .reinain•at 41: high''level. • '
$ichiolfailit powder production and stocks are the lowest:in years.
• If you are milking whirge „number of Bows „mid:feeding the
Skimmilk ,to the ,pigs, you sould seriously conSider Tont
Milk and supplementing the skimmilk in their 'feed ,with other
. yegetable'-piroteins. • • • , • .
. We hive been' buying milk , in the Harristan di'Atict-since 1987
acid. endenVour at All times to pity the top price for milk. for
manufactuiring. into Ice 'Creamy butter and roller skimmillt
Powder. '
• • We are inn position to ,pick up your milk-- cans to be supplied
by us. Do not consider switching ,froth shipping, cream to
shipping, milk-Unless, you Will have at least 2 full, cans during.
the.gritss season.. , •
• Please_ contact us promptly if 'you are interested, 'in 'shipping
milk so that we can arrange our milk rontes .to include your
milk,. -
Harriston, Ontario
Manufacturers of York Ice Cream
Phone - 20 F. R. Chittick L- Manager
G. Cain — Plant 5uPerintendent
.:--i• :THE' W INGHAM • BRANC H ." _.!CAN4DIAN•,TIECION i...
- i• • .ASK -FOR - -.YOUR • 'HELP.
The basic issue, blunt: and
varniShed, is peaCe or potion. But
mankind and :our civilization will'
not periSh. Of that 1'141 confident,
—Ralph J. Pinclie;
kiliCi1411111011100111011110M11011011.10MUMMWE111E11iIlk111i11illfliiMiiiiiIMOMPLISMNaliMIWIliiiiMEM0111100111U111 i
il = 1
. . The Canadian Red Cross is forever ready to serve those in need during arty i_
1 .
i emergency 7-- every disaster. The Red Cross has helped untold 'thousands. P
I To help them to 'continue this work is the only aim of this
i On March 22, the 'Wingham Branch No. 180 of The Canadian Legion
will conduct a `131itz' campaign, to gather funds to aid The Red Cross
Society. You are asked to give as much as yqu can to assist in this
, •
brother Dr, Arthur Watt, of I.,on-
In and Mrs, Gibson Armstrong
and children, of London, spent
Sunday' at 'the 'hOme of her Par'
ent8, Mt„ and Mrs. Herron Irwin,
Mr, and _Mrs.' Cameron, Simmons
and, 1.4ariey; •of London, spent the;
week-end with her parents, Mr;
and Mrs. has, Martin, and with
m Wingharri ielatlyes.
i •eativaigit ----; You can be, an important pdrt of this great I 'str..Mtl:e'M 66 kegbt.,i of 'll'eW Yoik
i OtY, 'Spent the Week-end with his
.,' humanitarian service by CIVINC. ,," 'i brother, Mr'; ROSS *Gregor, and
i ••1--- they Were guests on Saturday at
a a the 'WeIWOOd-Campbell wedding in
1 , gingham, Other girests were Mt,
' The Wingham Ora** has a 'loan cupboard' of wheel-chai rs and I and Nita. WITHAM Putdon, Miss
Fs hospital beds Which atBjmnsolied 6k Red Cross for anyone who has V Marjorie doultds and Miss Rona
ft a use for them Okt the ativie- of a doctor., I Madre,
11 Mr,Atiol Mrs: :Welter Elliott and
a „ ,,,, , .,,,, ,,, eibIldreti. Visitt4 Mt Sunday at the
. honie of hit brother tf. 411111111.11111116111111111i1111111111•11Iiii1111111141111111111111•11111111.111,1,111.11111111111111111111111111011111111111111111111001(111111,111116110, , r M i' Mitchel'
will be hospitalized.
kr. Rutherford Reavie was able the,home, of his sister, Mrs. W. I:
Coulter, following the few weeks to renew old acquaintances. at the .
curling chili last Thursday when to,
Mr. Ross spent in Witig,ham Hospi-
kr. Garnet Farrier has sold his
apiary and bee equipment to Mr.
Oudmore of Clinton. The latter
has been taking the colonies of ray, =Of Saskatchewan, who have bees home to Clinton. been visiting with Mr, and Mrs. Mr, and Mrs. Mel Morrison of Johnston and other relatives in Kinloss made a trip London en this district for "-the' past feW Wednesday last for their baby, weeks, left on Thursday to visit 11,,tarvin. Janaes, who 11.98 been a with Grand Valley,' Stoney Creek, patient in Victoria Hospital."for Peterboro and .. Windeor relatives the past thre4 weeks. '17lie baby before returning to their home in' has' been progressing well since
blood transfusions wore selminis- the West'
The folks on the 9th coneesaion 'toted. of East Wawanoshonet Friday Mrs. James Lalcilaw bas been, evening at‘the home of Mr, and visiting at, the home of her son, Mrs, Mason Robinson and nine Kenneth Laidlaw, of London, over tables played euchre. Joan Nay- the week-end.• lor arid Calvin Robinson 'held high Mr, 'and mrs. Wm. Fisher •of points Mid Mr. and Mrs. John We- 'rirrunins are ;an-ending ,,a; week of 13urney held low, points, Lunch,
IRWIN—On Friday, March 8, 1957,
in' Harriilton Hespital. to Mr.
and Mrs. Jamea rfo'rm.01:15'
of East Wawanosh; a, son.
There is a
2 noon to 6
Preeeeds for Legion pipe lEuma ,
tit 8.80 p.m.
15 GAMES $1.00 — 15 CHICKENS
'All Fowl Ovenready
rnoNTE 862w AFTER 7 p.m.