HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1957-03-13, Page 5dis'play dots famous trademark
t!dite ,Party at:
Protr saved splitterod ,
the' Middle-aged 'gentleman, "IS
there any way lr can reward 'Yon?"
'Toe, replied the Coast guards.
man promptly, "Afarry my mother.
and Move to gliMPOSSAirea,'
0 - a 0
A stylist contends. most Women
tion't gO by the'latest; faShionk
They' lust go tnly won. i"
.r progreard'ae euchrewere tn:plae, at
1LT the community hall in laaadwich
on Tueaday .rrignt. 71aose.in -,-,ehargo. IN
4 art, n0;t 'pia~,
"Table:delotes:and a la. Orelea"
wasm1rec :oTeetst
ed .Margaret king, Beverley Neth-
cry, Mary Irani Dunlop, Beverley
Stewart, Stewart McGill and Tom
On February 2i3"..and March latRII4Er7tXri7rpro,'l'Overt1 aIwu Waenoyed,Tlenean the annual Wingham District High
11:27,1 I ps-ssft
School varlet, concert Was held in
the school auditorium, The pro',
gramme .opened with . a, few re-
marks from the literary, piesidatit,
George Webster, The band follows
ed with several rousing Seleetlens)
winch were enjoyed by all, -
A ,gyrrintrtica display by the boys
'of the school caused many a per-
son's heart to. Skip a beat. David
Kennedy then enteatainer) the
audience with a suriphorie sine.
One of the highlights of the con-
family .visited One day. last week at reasonable cost only so long u with relativea' at Aurora and King. earnings Were healthy the' eom- , Mr. and Mrs, Irwin McDowell
and Gary, of Galt, visited, with Mr.
and Mrs. Marshall,Armstrong.
, Mr. and: Mrs,' Caen Galbraith, of
Guelph, spent Sunday with the
forther'e.,Pareats, Mr. and' Mrs.
'Lindsay 'Galbraith.
Mr. and Mrsa Les Helliday and
Calvin, of ayeatona spent the week-
end at the }tome of 'Mr. and Mrs.
Ken Graham.
Me. and Mrs Trev Hainstock, of
Milton, ,spent, the Weela•end at the
home of the letter'a mother, Mrs.
Fred Gadke: •
Mr. Berneld King; of Hanover,
Visitad Over the week-end With his
parents, IVIr. and Mr's. Garnet King.
Miss Karen Carswell visited over
the week-end With Miss Jeannie
(Min Marianne Dag, of Scarboro
visited over the, Week-end with Mr.
and Mrs. Harold. Doig.
Mies Shirley Ashton, of London,
Visited Over. the vyeek-end with her.
narenta, Mr. and. Mrs. GeOage Ash-
ton, ,
Mrs, Nellie GaMble is at present
Visiting •'With' Mr. :and Mrs. Ted
Harris, at EiftwanSlrillea
Mr, Melvin Batter* 'Soho hag
spent the Winter months With his
Miakee Letitia and Lanise
Matthews, rettirried to his home
at Eatonia,' 'Sask,, on Monday.
Miss Ruby Zurbrigg spent the
week-end at 'the home of her pat-
enta Mr and Mai) Adana
who ,telebrated their 49th wedding
iintriVeirrollar Mbrid14y.
Mr, and Mrs. William ISevert of
Stratford, visited on Seittradity With
Mrs, fratin Warner. rind With Mrs.
Chris &Vett at Listowel Hospital,
Sunday &efts • lit the borne of
Mr. and Mrs, Doug Reit were
tte.:md Mrs, -W, Oothrime and
Mr. arid Utlh Sack Mono all of
MI* *WO* litiONOOK iii d twn lit 9s:•
children are spending this week
with her mother, Mrs. Williain
BUchanon Anrera,
Mr, and Mrs. Max flambly, of
Kitehener, visited on SMiday With
Ur. and Mrs. Fred Ileinliaa
IVeelt=end and, Sunday 41mitor8
With Mr. and Mrs. Everitt 'Allan
were Mr, and Mrs. lid Mandel of
Ititahener and Mr. arid Ufa Harold
Elibbert of Goderich,
Mr. k, Chapman 'of Bright and
Mrs, M, Chidlow of Reveler
OA Friday with. Mrs. Alveretta
Mr. Lloyd 8inmicernalter was in
London One day last Week On brOl.
pany's 'financial structure sound
and- its surplus sufficient to carry
through a period of severe strain.
"'While additions to surplus in re-
cent years have been encouraging,
the total amount of our retained
earnings is still too small in rela-
tion tp the size of, the business," he
Net income for 1956 amounted to
$2.40 a share On 14,573,427 shares,
compered with $2,43 a share on
13,154,371. enema in 1955. 'The usual
dividend of $2• a share was paid
from the $34,949,181 net income,
and $5,802;326 was added to stir-
arehelders increased by more
than 1$,000 during 1956 and now
number 140,726 Of whom 137,753
are residents of Canada. Only nine
per, cent of the Murree are new
owned Otistide the country, includ-
ing the five per cent held by the
Arrierican, Telephone and: Telex
graph Company. Over 11,006 em-
ployees and pensioners are share-
holders, with theirholdings
amounting to ,nearly -eight per
cent of the total stock.
Bell Telephone Co.'
Installed 67 Phones
More telephones were added,
more money spent on new con-
struction, more calls handled and
more money earned by : The bell
Telephone Company of Canada'
than ever before as it experienced
the most active year an its history
during 1956.
According to the company's 77th
annual report, the net increase of
243,408 telephones brought the
total in service in 'the Bell's Ont,
ario-Quebec territory to 2,766,153..
Locally,. growth in telephone
service paralleled this overall, ex-
pansion. H. H. P. Johnston, Bell
manaier for this region, said that
67 terephories were added in Wing-
hdm during 1956, bringing the
total at the end of the year to
A total of $130,677,707 in wages
and salaries Was paid to Bell em-
ployees in Ontario and Quebec last
year. At the end ,of 1956 the com-
pany employed 59,688 people, 24,056
women and 15,632 men. -
Expenditures for new construe-.
tion 'totalled $139,500,000 and the
company -expecth to spend another
$176,000,000 on construction dilring
In' this 'message to shareholders,
Thomas W. Eadie, president, said
the continuing rise in / costs has
been partially offset by, higher
Productivity gained through plac-
ing in service equipment which
handles more calls at lower opera-
ting expense. "But, while we have
been able so far to make the exist-
ing rate, strature provide the kind
of return it was designed to, we
cannot take for granted that this
situation will prevail should gen-
eral Price and wage levels continue
to rise." '
In order to meet service obliga-
tions, the company must be able
to raise the capital to finance nee:-
essary groWth, This could be done
4"PIONIETRIST - il ,.... ... 40.
• . . -
Thoroughness .'•-,::, Ability • ii Tiiii tested, • i,-E-: 1 '1 •
11 ./.. ii
I. P6Orie':37 . for appointMent ' , z
ifilildliitioilfindlillIllitoliiniiiiiiiiiiiliiilmlilkililiMdloitalilialliiiiiiiiiiii111 ilk
of the evening "Were Mr arrjl Mrs;
George Baker, Misses Rana Van,
Veleer, Beatrie Wade, Allah. Fries,
and John Weak.
High scorers were, lady; Mrs:
George Pittendrelgn; gent;, T, J.
Sehaefer; lOW lady, Mias .110.0a M-
ain; gent, Dclward Cordon;, lucky
table conige, Ure. TI. meal
Marvin Aeitz. • • ",,
POI DWKen,- the Oliver Star
Mission Band of'N'Or4wiqh Voite4
Church was held in the baaelareart
Of the church. The. meeting was•
opened with the Menthere' .r,r1#010e
and the. Mission Band hymn. Writ
utes were read and the rill gall
was answered by 45 'members.
Birthday greetings were sung for
Sharon and Fraser Pollock, Anna
Marie Epensen. (Audrey Ruitau,
William Carswell, Anna Wyk The
Study 'Ins* was lect by Mrs, kobt,
»011oson and worship service, by Mrs,
Eimer narding, The pogo,* plos,
ed with- hnall and Prayer.
Prayer trerviee WO held in the Un-
ited Church with,. Mrs. K. Graham
as leiwier and: Mi's. Ruby' Featar,
Of the Anglican Clintreh, aaelating.
Ladies from Mayne, Newbridge and
the Brethren in Christ Church took.
Mrs. 'Wray Cooper read the.
Scripture lesson, Prayers were of-
fered by Mrs. .T. W. Hird, Mrs.
Liam Sotherila Miss Elva Fester,
Mrs. Roy Ronald, Mee. Cecil Cul-
lin% Miss Minnie McElwain and
Mrs. GeOrie,Richheds sang a duet
The addresS was given by 'IWO.
Enarrierson Ferguson, 'Others tak-
ing pat were Mrs. George Ashton,
Mrs. Lloyd Jacques and Mts., Nor,
man Reaman. The offering was
taken by Mrs: Glenn Johnston and
Mrs. Emilia Williamson.
Bruce McTavish playing an organ
solo, 'Clem), Joy of Man's Pesiring",
An aecordion, trombone and piing
trio followed, Isobel alePonald•
Lloye Stobo and Vera Sharpe were,
the musicians in 0114 number.
.Songs by the various Glee Clubs
'followed, with dances being .enjoy-
ea between each number, Sylvia
Alexander charmed everyone with
her tap aariee;Otheadarrees inehld-
ed, the sword dance, varsity drag,
a waltz, a square dance and the
Alabama Jubilee, The programme
closed with "The Queen".
by Mary Lim Dunlop' 12A
Mr. Ram Noble has secured em-
ployment in Goderich,
Mary Jefferson, Ken Noble and
Billie Robinson are recovering
from the, mumps,.
* Mr. and. Mrs. Cecil Chummy of
Belgrave spent laat'weele-with Mr.
and. Mrs. Sam Thompson and
Miss Irene O'Connor et London
bent the week-end with her sister,
Miss Rose O'Connor,
Miss Josephine McAllister was
a recent visitor with her sister,
Mas, Archie.Messer, Goderich.
Miss Elaine Jefferson of Blue-
vale was home for the week-end.
Mr. and Mrs. Gordon' charriney,
Larry, Paul and.Carol Lorraine of
Auburn were Sunday visitors With
Mr. and Mrs, R,.Chimney.
The•members of the W.M.S: have
been busy making quilts and sew-
ing for the missionary bale,
Mr. John R. Thompson, who has
been seriously ill folloWing a.
rarelte, was taken by ambulance to
Wingham alespital on Friday Mr. . •
and Mrs, Robert RUtledgeof Gode-
rich have' been -assisting in caring
for him the past couple of weeks.
Our, sympathy is extended to Mr.
and Mrs. Wm. Hardy in the death
of his sister, Mrs: Morley Linning-
ton of Saltford, who was fatally
injured in a highway accident near
Clinton on Friday; night,
BELMORE - Over 60 ladies
attended the World Day of Prayer
Service here last Friday afternoon.
It was held in the Presbyterian
Church this year, with ladies from.
McIntosh and Behnore United
Churchesa assiating.
Mrs. Cameyon Taylor, Mrs; Wil-
fred Johann and Mrs. Ross Mc-
Kague acted as. leaders.' The theme
was "Who Shall Separate Us?" and
the printed service Was followed
Norman Newans read the
Scripture passage, Romans 8;31-30,
Mrs. James Harper, Miss Nellie'
Doig and. Mrs. Alex Sangster gave
the readings.
Rev, M. McNabb gave the ad-
dress "Who Shall Separate Us
'from the Love of God?" and Mrs.
Alvin Mundell and Mrs. Glenn
Appleby sang a very' appropriate
duet, with Mrs, Win. Struthers as
Mrs. George Nickel and Miss
Alice Dickson received the offer-
ing and Mrs. Simmons, Mrs, Wrn.
Errington, Mrs, Leslie Harkness,
Mrs. Harvey Ballagh and ,Mrs.
Elmer Zinn led in prayer, follow-
ing the chosen themes,
A ,social half hour WAS
the close of the meeting,
Carrick .Sehool
1001h Anniversary
BELM0/18.-Aa a Meeting held
in the school on Friday evening, it
Was decided to celebrate the.100th
anniversary of the opening of SA,
No, •9, Carrick (Inglis school) by
holding a re-union picnic at .the
School, on Saturday afternoon,
July Oth,' for former pupils and all
Who have "lived in the seetien.
The drat school, a log atialettire,
was tMetied In 1837, The present
stone schoel was built twenty
Yenta later, in 1877,
Mete than 800 registered Mirada
Vellinteee their services as 1i-tattle-,
torn' in Canadian Ited Cross Heide
Use the C,141%."•
myth., Ontario nr
damns tou1.04 tufium
Fleming S, Egallegh, Salesman,
-Rea P41:4)04?)
, e a
Large Earn) Listing, nweihnas Y::4:fil ditil.
Rea Phone, 586.ia,Wingbank,
. '
Listings and inliniries
y0044.1441..44. a 11 a mmoun mmm olnloo!fotioisga
Salf1ew .104,4114 1,20o.in000040
jnousttil ipli:rooniteimPoo.Saiwitibialstroilistraig
lollop company will appoint: Weld Man fir weironi to soilervlap
this sensational loudness,- No experience necessary as we train
Yon in oil phases of the 1Mainerei.and no high Pressure man, wood as no selling Am your part is' reanired,
abtalifipations are ma :fellows: ,
1, Good alliaraater and Ileferenges
2. Snare 5 to 10 Fours Monthly ';
It you aim meet 'these qualifications -and desire an InterelaW
with Company Executive in your .area,, answer Olio ed
latoi„, • $. .t minimum of $a,000.00 Cash: Required
Which is. Fully Secured'
Phanie 410 not a0sWer -this a41Vertleeanent unless you are definito-'
ly interested in a business on a high plane, have the neceichaity
acaseploilaovtlietiliailtrolen,zdatili,:ye, a person who Can Make riairl.g7a siefila•
Jae deeirdrai 'after you know the teas, as those iAecte.el will ha
This is a once in a lifetime opportunity with a piarament un-
limited income. . .
For a personal interview in yourarea, write fully about yourself,
include phone number Ito W. J. WE 3B COMPANY, DEPT.•K,
1449 St. Alerrandar,. MONTREAL -Quebec.
Telpbone '260
Only franchised Cherolet deal ors
PORPWICIT-- The annual mean-ing of the Library Ward was held
Saturday, in the library hall,
flyers for.057 elected were,:
ohairrhani Mt% Crosby SOtherill
librarian, MISS Minnie McElwain)
Uat, librarlen, Mrs, C. ,Sothern;
aneretalaaareaa, Mrs,
Harrison; •auditor, 14-MI-fear/Id P4115
leek. Directors elected.were
id Pollock, ;harry Sansem, AnsOn
Dernerling, Mrs, StarileY pride;,
Mime Beatrice 'Wade, Mara Rona
Van Velsor, Mrs, Wm. Wilson and;
Mrs. Pirrone, Williamson,
with thei,q-!mioltolutsilli, 141f11111 !111011111.111i1H111iteuorel!m--fil;::::.777i,I
New Chevrolet
ii ' Economy .proved and perforMance 411, Already proved in. the..
II • proved':on• the-world-famous GM '.Woo hands of many thous-
Proving n Ground'and on'the Alaika:4 ' ' '''''''' ands of owners. . ,
iiighway. '
, ------,, .
Super efficient VS's with highest horeepoWer Per '
poluid, greater efficiency and longer life. They're
available in every Model — either standard •or as
, an extra-cost option:
The newest asavingest" editions of Canada's all=
- time favorite truck engine. You can choose a 6 in.
all light and medium-duty conventional models,'
10 1111111 *.' 1111111111
for; modern ffiattilvi yiiirean be sure o
. „ .,,...a...,,a,,,aaaaaaaaaaaaasaaassaisassasa:asa;-.taaalaaaa
]Vfrs. Mary, Moore won the award
in a competition _held in coiMee.
tion with the recent convention of
the °krill° Weekly NeWspapers
Association, A. H; Gardifiek of tha
Harriston Review presented her
with the framed citation in recog-
nition, of • rural news reporting in
portraying progress and achieve-
thents of farm and hamlet-popular
tien in 1937. Congratulations.
Mr, Carman Bride, of ,Caledonia
,visited -on Sunday with his par-
, eats; Mr, and Mts. R. U.,Brida.
Miss Winnie Campbell of Cooks-
Ville,' spent the week-end with her
mother, MM. A. Campbell.
Thelnany 'friends of Mrs. Lorne
Siefett Sr., will be 'sorry' to learn
that she is confined to, the Listowel
Hospital, - Where she underwent
Major operation' last' Week: "A
speedy recovery is wished for her.
' Messrs. Ian Pittendreigh of Taon-'
don, Jack Faster of Woodstock'
Jim Patterami, of Galt, Donald
Drag Of Galt and Mervyn Wallace
of Oshawa anent the' week-end at
their' respective :homes.
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Doig and Pen-
ny and -Peter, ' of St. Catharines,
spent the week-end at the home of
Mr. and Mrs. Ross Doig. ,
Miss Lenore Beswitherick spent
the week-end with. her ,aunt, Mrs.
Vina Gordon in Toronto,
Mr. and Mrs. a Norris Chalmers
spent One day last week in Len-
don, '
Mr. and Mrs. Scott Clarkson and
held at
TH04044044 44111111111111U11110FATOMM""""
Barristers, SIdieltoks,. Ete,,
Wing-lma Phone 48
U. s. nranclinNoTO/40 CU).
Telephone 23 Teraavatet
WireXeter-EVory Wednesday
afternoon, 2-4 p.m., or'
by appointment.
liaariatee, SOPeitor, NotarY, Eta,
Moneaata town
Office-ateyer Black Wingham
Frederick F. Honitith
Cruel E. Hornutli,
Mrs. Viola 11,11ontath R.O.
PRONE: 118
VO, 10440
An all Canadian company loildnh
has, faithfully nerved Be pa itieli litildera toe over teritnitYs
IRMA Otfle-e -a TerdfiDa.
H "air tens ASO**