The Wingham Advance-Times, 1957-03-13, Page 4dealt combined, -Phone 185, IN MEMORIAM *se "`-eisers."0"01 5°111 BAKER—In, loving memory" of .'a dear , brother, Sheldon Baker, who passed away March 14, 1956, —Ever reniembered by sisters and brothers. • 13* REAL ESTOE 2-STOR'E'Y" HOUSE for sale, 0' rooms, oil heated, hardwood floors, built-in cupboards;.- three:- piece bath, good garden, good location. Apply to box• 16, vanee-Times. 20 FOR. RENT APARTMENT „for rent. Private entrance. 'Phone 329. 913b THREE UPS'rAIR ROOMS for rent, Side entrance, and big gar- den. On North St., Phone 502J12, 6b DUPLEX for rent, all convenien- ces, available April 1st, Phone 155 Teeswater, Colvin's Garage. • WANTED ._- 1"1.00MERS. 331W. • WANTED, Phone 1$b SALESMAN WANTED SPLENDID'RA WLEIGH NESS • AVAILABLE in. Huron County, Products 'well knOWn•,- Opportunity unlimited 'for big sales and good profits. Start your business 'on credit without ex- perienee. Write today: for full information. Rawleigh:s Dept. C-453-224, Montreal, P.Q. 13b ENTER THE SELLING field! join a PR.00REnWE COMPANY—: 'or part-time agents make LARGE earnings selling house- hold necessities, toiletries and farm specialties. Openings are available in your surroundings. Wherever you may live; ask .for details and 'free catalogue, 1600 Delotimier Dept. 50 Station C, Montreal. 13b PERSONAL , SID YeatING from Backaches, Rheumatic pain, Sciatica, Lum bago is over if you l let RUMS CAPS help you to relief. Ask your Druggist. 13b . * STRAYED 2 GREY AND 1 white geese stray ea to the premises of J Irwin, COO. 11, East "VVa,wanosh: Owner may have same by proving iden tity and ',paying" for' advertise- merit. 13b AMBULANCE SERVICE CURRIE'S AMBULANCE, Wing - barn. Safe, courteous Service. Phone Day 51, Night 716,•or 636. 13r rb DEADSTOCK WANTED DEADSTOCK removed promptly for sanitary disposal. FREE: pick UP on larger animals; reasonable collectlon charge for small ani- mals. Phone Collect ;Wingham 378, Palmerston 123W or ,Dar hair 398. Gordon Young Limited, errb MISCELLANEOUS tS YOUR TELEVISION properly Insured for all risk coverage? For information phone 293, Stew- art A. Scott, Wingtiant, 2rrb STEWART A. scow can now save you 15% On your car Or truck in- surance. Yearly or six months poliCies are available. Spacial rates' for farmers For further inforMation phone 233, Wingham. 29rrb SANITARY 'SEWAGE diSPOtal Septic., tanks, cesspools, etc" puMped and cleated, clutch iierViee, all work gharanteed. Apply Loins Blake, phone 42i6, Briassela 15trb 158 ACRtS Thia farm "situated on Lot 35; Con. 9, Huron Township, '5 miles from Kincardine 'on:'No. 21 Highway.• Very good, clay loam, with 141 miles of tile drains. Frame barn with silo', Machine ,shed, hen 'house and hog 'pen. Large mo dern brick house with two bathrooms "and garage attached, , Mr. Harvey Lynn Harrison,°R.R, No. ly ,Kincardine, Ontario. This. Advertisement published tree by The Allied Fari Services of Canada London, Ontario All inquiries should be addressed to Save Money BY PREPAYING I Iro'siVn Winghaat :Tates„.,.-- • • 'Taxpayers may make; payments on account of 19S7 taxes up to 80 per cent of 1956 taxe% Interest at the rate of lour' per cent, 'per annum will be allowed on such prepayments. Prepayments of taxes lutist be made at the Town Treasurer's Office, Town W. A. GALBRAITK, treasurer, Town of Wingham you. . 13b CUSTOM BUTCHERING, cutting• and' wrapping, choice young beef by the quarter or piece, fresh .pork sausage for sale. Also suck- . ling pigs. R. J. lVfeLennan & Sen. R.R. 2, phone Brussels antn.. 27:0:3.34: • CISTERN PUMP With piping, 40 gal.. oak barrel, clean storing can for eale. Phone 5718, 1.31 MONTCALM BARLEY for sale Clean and treated, grown from- ;registered seed, Price $2.25 per bui., T. Edward Powell, phone 1.8r14, W.roxeter. 13* • SPECIAL CLEARANCE — West. 04 inghopse clothes dryer, store demonstrator,' new d!yer guar- antee, regular $274.95, sale price $180,00; one used 10-cu, ft. sealed unit refrigerator, $75,00; G.E. washing machine, used $35.00; two new electric feed cookers for cooking grain, tut. 164 nips or heating water, regular .075,00 for $175.00; used cooker, 4106,00; one Chanipiori chopper. 8", less V pulley, $49.00; one new atable 16" -ventilating fan, list priee $68.25 reduced to $49.25; one stable ventilating fat, list price '$80.30,, reduced to $59.95; one Duo-Therm space heater .titlitable for eehool or store, reg- War $199.00. ' Redtieed Pa 81300. Glopernlan's. Electric, Formosa, *mite 130r13, 613h r: 4", 4 Iv dkoiincommool, W00004►M*O*tE LEE'S USED FURNITURE. Buy toNING'EVENTS and sell., SPePlal bookcase and • 41,,Thr STROLLER for sale, Good eanaition. Pilone 523M., 13* NINAT FOR SALE, Good beef by the quarter, kilted under license from the Dept, of Health. Year- Zing heifers, front qUarterp 31e and hind quarters 39e. Raynard Ackert', Ripley, phone ,24r30 Ripley. 6rrb 4948 DODGE SEDAN for sale, In good condkon. Phone 489 after six o'eloek. 13* SEED OATS; Garry, Rodney and other varieties; Seed' Barley, Brant, Herta, Montea1m. All 'these grains are Registered No, 1,e--HoWSOn Howson Ltd. 20 :27 ;6 :13 ;271) WINE GENDRON baby buggy in good condition, Reasonable. Phone 420M, 13* PURINA STARTED pullets; 1,500 Sussex :x Red; 1,500 Leghorn x Red; 1,009. Red X Roek, 3 months old March 5th. Will ,deliver and take old hens in exchange, Tavi- stock Poultry Market, phone' 60 reavistock. 6,13,20 ; FOR SPRING DECORATING see the displays at the Wallpaper Shop. New patterns in floor cov- erings. Wallpaper and a: paint color of your choice. Let us help 7 CU: FT,' Servel refrigerator for sale; :•' excellent condition, new electric ion. Apply to R. Ingram. Wrogeter. 6 12* RODNEY SEED OATS for sale, 'Grown from registered seed in :1956, • One dollar per bus. at barn. John Purdon, phone Wingham, 614W3, 13'• DAY-OLD and STARTED Chicks for sale., 1000 Read-Sussex week old pullets; 400' five-weeks old: 00 three-weeks old. Apply to games R. Coultes, RR. 5, Wing- ham, phone 743w2. 613* LARGE quantity of oats• and bar- '. ley, mixed with peas for sale. Alsoa, qoantity of red, clover seed, Apply to W 'el Jerilyn, phone l3russels 53r12 or Wing- ham 576. 130 6-VAN G. E. MILK COOLER for sale. Dip-in type, practically new. Also .1953 half-ton truck, General Motors; 2-ton Ford' with 'Platform and dual wheels. Apply to R, Johnston and Son, R.R. 1, Listowel, phone 936J1, 13:20* lAvEsiroct Eon SALE FOUR CHOICE' Cleat Holstein epringerS;' two third-calf cotes, .two firat-ealf heiferS. Due soon. Bred' 1401Steln. Apply to CharleS Molesivorth, phone 5r8 ilofelea'Wortb, 613* KEOISTERED ADERDEEN Aug, titi weighing. about, 860 MI, ne year eld for Sale. Apply to Ohti RN", It.R, 4, one RrUSSels, 130 ready to Wean, ter Sale. 'ter George Fisher; Whitew kitten, p4tniti Winghant. YOU'VE/TRIED THE RESTS now try the best. for spareribs and I satirkraut on Wednesday, Friday and Saturday evenings. Com- mercial Hotel, Formosa. Cd12107 A MEETING of HoWick Agricul- tural Society will be held in aorrie Orange Hall on TharsdaY. March 21st, at 8.30 ILIA. MI farmers interested in field crop competition are invited. „ CE13la ,TAS, STRUTHERS 8r SON, *Bel- .more will be shipping hog's to• Montreal' every Tuesday' free -of any expense to the farmer, and on Wednesday to, the Hog Pro- ducbrs' Marketing Board, either Kitchener or. Toronto. *. CE13,20b, THE WINGPIAM WOMEN'S IN-. stitute meeting will be held in the council chamber •on Thure- day, March '21, at 2,30 pin. Home deonomics' and •health conveners,. Mrs 0. 21-Iabkirk and Mrs. J. Henry.. Grandmothers' Meeting: Roll call, answer by collection of pennies for Mental Health Assoc-' lotion, Musical cornet *solo by. Paul Hutton. District President will visit, the branch. Hostess:. Mrs. C. Hopper. CE131? HELP 'WANTED , STUDENT TELEGRAPH OPERATORS ' are reqaired by ' :• CANADIAN.' NATIONAL. RAILWAYS ;Excellent opportunities ,,for young men age 1.71/. or' older, preferably with two years high eehool., , • , • Receive nay while training as telegraph, operatiir-agent and lie trained at a- station near - ;vote' • tanne. Iluplire from' your nearest ON.R. agent ' APPLICATIONS WANTED Applications for the position 'of Grade Teacher for ' intermediate grades will be received from quali- fied' teachers. Duties .to ceinraehe September '3. Applicants are re quested to state quallifidatiene, ex- perience and phone nuinber, Salary will be according to existing sailed= Minimum. $2400.00; maximum 83600.00. $100 per •year up to six :Year allOwed for experiefice, 'nual increment $200.00. Applicants should' contact In writing or by phone to Mrs. Roy Morgan, seere- taiy, Wingham, Ontario. • 134 CARD OF THANKS We wish to express our sincere thanks to our friends and neigh- boars for the kindness ,and„ sym.; pathy extended to' us during our sudden bereaVemerit.--- Mr. and Mrs, Steviart Beattie, Ink CARD OF THANKS We wish to express our sincere thanks and appreciation to all our neighbors, friends and relatives who helped* in so many ways at the time of•our bereavement. Mrs. gas, Laidlaw and family, 13b CARD OF THANKS I Wish to thank all the people' who sent Me 'cards and ,gifts and helped out in any way while 'I was a patient in Wingham. General Hospital. my most sincere thanks to Dr': Crawford and 'the nursing' Staff at the hodpital. —Clarence Ritchie, , 13* CARD OF THANKS, wide to take this opportunity. of OnpfeSsing .01Y sincere thanks to elf my friends and neighbors' toe the gifts'. and. Cards Sent te) inc and for their Visita White' I WAS. :a patient, in Winghara, Ceneral . Spebial thanks to Dr, 1,,Y, A. MeKibbott, Mrs. t Morrey 'and her itatt of nursea—Mrs, Jeltinatein.• 130. vvELL$___IINn l ..ilolEvin1101.nftaciAol!oiry of Itar, Lnd C5;39hWe12 7hoI a41tch22:•051 ar:nsd March 14 1956. —Ever remembered by the family 13.* i . IN .10:10.0n11Am BAKER—In loving memory ermy dear son, Sheldon, who PASSea away, suddenly March 14, The month. of March Is here.; To me the saddeSt, Of the year. The' blow was hard, the elmek severe, To part with one I loved so dear.'' It is sad but true, I wonder why 'The best ones are alWays, the first to die. ' Beautiful xneinories are alb I have left, • Of a 'wonderful son I'll never for- get, „ ' • —Lovingly temeinberecl by bis niether. .' '13* IN MEMORIAM, BAKER—In loving memory' of a dear ;husband and father, Shelddn Baker, who passed away one year ago, Nfarbh 14, 1956; Please, God, forgive a silent tear, A ferveot wish that Dad Was here, There are others, yes; we know, But he was ours and''vee leved hirn' . so, • * Dear Cod take a message' To Dad in lieaven above;. Tell hip 'how much we miss him And give him. 'all our love. =Fondly remembered by wife 'and family `and song in-' Jim. . 13* AUCTION SALE Farm, Stock ,and Implements NOrth Aalf•Lots 13,,,t 14 '8 Tine Turnberry 1 Mile West of Who:Main, 'TUESDAY, MARCH 19 at g • IMPLEMENTS— Ferguson tracr tor, gbod condition, tandem. disc, 2-furrow 'plow, harroWs, Saddle, trailer, 2 sets; of, harness; sleighs, Cedar poles, wagon (rubber tires), *wagon rack 8x16', M,1-1, binder, 8 ft, 10 new window sash 24x40, hay fork, hay'rear and new, rope. HENS :Red x Leghorn-300 .51/2 months old, 500 4 months ,old. POULTRY EQUIPMENT, prac- tically new-1 propane brooder - 1,000 sze, 2 proparie.brooders - 500 size, water fountains, feeders, propane 'regulator with pipe, fit- tings, 4 propane lights, 8 automatic Johnson water cups. FEED—ApProxiinately 200 bales, of hay. 'HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS—kitch- en stove, heater, 1 organ, radio, table. 'Other articles too numerous to mention, TernaS—Cash REAL PROPERTY - FARM, consisting of 100 acres (mare or less),' North Half of Lots 13orid 14, B L ine, Turriberry,, 1 mile from Wirigharn. On the pro- petty ,is situated a frame hotise, bahk barn arid silo, Drilled well with water in house and barn. 35 acres new seeding, 20 acres 'fall plowing, 8 acres bush and swamp, remainder in pasture. , TERMS ON PROPERTY —10 percent downs on day- of sale "and balance in 30 days'. WM, STEEN/HUS—Proprietor, L. G; BRYCE—Met:1016m., 1.3b WANTED LOADS OF SCRAP IRON . InicaiEst Valdes PAID FOR Scrap Iron and Steel Tin, Wire and Batteries Uopper and Brass, Horsehair J. Waiters & Sons 299 Lawrence Ave. Phone Sit 3.8239 KITCHENER , VINANCINC, A _CAR? Betete you -boy ask anent our Low Cost Financing Settice With Coverage, STEWAT A. SCOTT otenno..st _ Ai) CAIW 014' THANKS I wish to expreh my sincere thanks 'to my friends' who. go kind- . ly remembered me with so n18,03' cards, gifts, flowers and visits. Special thanks to Huron, Chapter. O.S., Ladies' Auxiliary Canadian Legion, Dr. W, A, MeKibbon, Mx's, 1 Morrey with her kind and eta. dent staff 'on 3rd floor ,of Wing- ham General Hospital.—Gweodolyo Adams : . 13b CARD OP THANKS I wish to thank, all those whe sent cards, treats and visited me while I was a patient in the Wing,- ham General Hospital, 'Special thanks to Dr. R. Street, Dr, W. A. McKibbon, Dr, W. A, Ceawfprd and the nursing staff for their, kindness, —Dan flallahan, BlYth, .• , • 131' ',130 VATERLOO dAttLIO; *iltneding ' 'GAUD OP TIM IKS Adeeieletien "Where Better .Bolla Woteld like to eXPreee my sin- Aran Used". "For artificial in-` cere thanks 'to all My friends and Sernixiatient inforMatient or ter., relatives Whet remembered nie with *nee from all breeds of cattle!, CAMS, floWeta and treats and visits phone the Waterloo Cattle When was a patient In Wingham breeding ASSOciatitlii OA Clinton,General 1Elosliiti3l. Special thanks Hu 2.3341. or MildMay 160/0 be to Dr, W. A. leraWford,, bp, Medal, IWO% 1.40 and 9..30 it,m, lani, Mtn. Motto and all of, the all Maeda attailablie top l iitaff Who helped Me in any *Iw— o:Witt ioW too.° Witt lot Itiogh# 111* . 1 • din PI Om II LEE'S. TAXI Day end Night Service PHONE 18 MI MN Mil 1111 OM IIIII OP' URGENT •• _ _ .Ast4sont. crier- engineer requires, '2 ,or 3, bedroom hom'e in Wing, ham, References ,' upon, request, KiiiriViedge of.' Inture vaca,nolen' would b appreciated, RO.Major,CKNXeTV: Phone 158 , Does High $ppea Cause Accidenis? The fact that Itighway . Speed lawS !aren't really set by any scientific study of 'safety, 'hut -just seeat;'10 he numbers from a bat becomes espeeinliy,':61Marent when yOu 00.re through the U.S. You may:cross two or three Staines in a day and find the speed limit jumping up and'.dowii betWeeo 60, 55'and 60. • r The American AdtoMobile Association 'recently proposed a new method for setting highway speed, limits.' The idea is to let motorists themselves decide what a 'safe speed is; It's dime, like so`mmey things these days, with radar, The; AAA has Vaunt 'that a safe speed is usually the speed• travelled by .85 percent ; of driv- ers on any. particular road. So the AAA• hos asked that state-wide or province-wide, speed laws many of them uurealisticallY low; be bolished in fit,vor of, the speed that radar devices show is the usual Speed of 85 percent of motorists: • . Figures"•I' noticed recently' showed that, con- teary to what I always believed, most highway • accidents don't happen at high speeds.. .A study, in Nebraska established that 73 percent of all LORIIE ilkDONALD 4wechieciii"s e dtit Occurred at les§ than 30 miles an hour. limits werearaised in Nebraska aeei: dents were. reduced and the average speed of the '• cars on the, highway, didn't change at all which only went to .prove .drivers were-ignoring old speed limits anyway and driving, rat what they thought was a safe speed. • You just have ,to .conclude that most•Arivers are ordinary people with good horse sense. We think so, so we have built our Food name in••the used car business by giving year.in, •year,out valise and satisfactioe., Our best' advertisement is the number of people Who've conic back time after time to buy ears, from us. The longest cat race in the world had: entries froth just about every country and took over five months. Drop around next Week and -well tell you• whO won. • . eaOrlhoo41., Mt* . , 1 TV.46 4141' caospeTT 0.10 a ..10. SSE atalt* 45/9Z 4tfr°1' 56evief . HELP W ANTED Due to an increase in business, we • are in urgent, ,need of Three Mechanics and a Parts Man Exthellent ,workieg•Aconditions and, pay. Group hospitalization and physician services: Apply Box 0651, The Banner, Listowel, 0,nt. NOTE': Our Employees ate ityvare of this advertisement.