HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1957-03-13, Page 1With which amelonnted thii,Gorrie Videtto end Wrozeter News Will•i()11fAM, OI*13,1140, WED1411:41Mi; 144/toli 11;1057' ALONG THE MAIN DRAG . Hy The VedeMiffs!" " - , WHO STOLE' THE BARRE'L?-,- 'Several Weeks age the firemen placed a well-marked barrel on -the ice above the MacKenzie bridge and since then have been taking All geesSes Oh Whet.' it: would go over HOWSOW6 66111, Things pro- gressed amoothly,,tmtil onc.ainorn- Ina last week. When the barrel was found in front of fire hall o It's beak on the river again, waiting 0 the spring thaw; 0 - 0 7 0 ONE DAY' LEIPT—That's right. Tomorrow is the list day for the 'use of 1956 ear and truck license plates and drivers' pernlits, No doubt 11/frs. Sell will' have a busy day before her.' 4, 4, , 4. IN NOW 11014E7-Mr. and Mrs,- Harold Taylor last' Wednesday moved into, their 'new home on Centre Street, quite a few „of us will miss' them from the make drag, GUEST SPEAKER—Rev, H. L. Parker was the guest speaker at the anneal meeting of the ,,PrOca County Skinitk:r Farmers in Tees- water on, Saturday' evening; The banquet was h6d in Knpx,Presby- terian Church. • 0 - 0 -.0 IT'S ALL OVER ' NQW4-WIng ham, Spitfrie Juniors . had some intention di'Protoaing the . l'esults of their recent series, with the -,Chesley Colts ''an,the grounds - that, the Chesley captain 'was' ineligible because of infrihgernenta- of , the residence reqnirements, The pro- test, however, 'was, withdrawn at the last minute, so the Spits will have to wait for next hockey Sea- son to get back- into action. Penion Plan Is Turned DOwn by • The idea of a pension Ofilt X0.5 PURd9rt at the ,regniar Monthly the' staff Alt the WinglIana General Meeting of the hospital. heard, held Hospital will be "put on the shelf" ,on, Friday night. THIS 1/Vor,11:14 Ar,r. TUN AIINAT4 W13)N111,51,1AV., 'March! %no • Skating 0,00-4104,10tY garlic, lotiolviow va. Ayr" inivitspAy, march ii,00 1.00,-Pep Wee Practice '09, Fraction far the time being, since iittlb• interest had been shown in the scheme and because it, is considers ed too costly, This deelsioa was ar- rived •at after considerable dis- The Nih9harn Pablic School boardy Voiced ,dissatisfaction with the plans for the new four-room addition} to the school at , their monthly meeting en Monthly even- made-:.-arid ail at our expense," In, these words Scott Reid, chair- man. ,pf- the 'board, verbally tore aPart the ttrehitect'a plans for the new addition, He, regretted that the architect': was not present at the meeting to hear his con.nnehts showing UP now, "n to that light switches end up, in the ,centre of doorways, In the principal's office fif blaekboard takes the place of an entrance, There is no way to heat the hallway in the new section. MOX changes will have 8.ATU1tDAY, March 11i."- 84h0--fee Carnival MONDAY, Wraith 18- 3,30 -- 5•30--Pulblie $kating ; Alarch 4.30 - 10 50--Figure Sitating." WhIlINgSDAY, March 20-, Skating 8.09 - 10,99—Publie klrating ' LOVNOWI ,ARTHUR, PUPILS WIN CONTEST. Top' honors Went., to "students front. Lueknow and Arthur'Distriet High Schools irk the public famak- ing- contest sponsored by 11-9310a 16 Lions ChM', in the Wingham town hall on Priday evening, James Reid,- of Lueknow was the winner In the bdysr seetioh. His subject was "Tile Hope and Challenge of the Iikingaritin' Re- volt." Runnel'-up was Peter :acme, of Arthur. - . Top girl was Pauline Lindsay, of- Arthur, who gave her talk ' on "Why Juvenile Delinuency?" Run- ner-up was Dialie Rayner, of Luck- The• 'winners received cash • aWards and Will ,go forward to the district ' to compete against Region 3 whiners, which inetudes Stratford and the St, Marys area, Judges at the Wingham contest Were George ".Tefferson i. Clinton; D, V. Geoclridge, Wingham and. .E, C. Seale, of St, Marys. . A welcome was extended to the competitors by District Deputy- Governor ugh Carmichael, of Winghain, at Friday evening's ,con- test. Chairman William Booth of Treated for Poison to 'have her storm-oh washed out kept in hoSpitel for' several day; tended for adults. The child Was: swallowing Several:, pills• in- town, had to be rushed to hospital of Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Gardn er; folly ,i;iroobsecita.vyastin. later o a ' three, -Yaa;r-old O Th.hraday NanCy Gardner, two and a half Year old daughter. child, Careliee 1.Xuffman, Was treat- ed after swallowing rat poison, The little girl Is still In hospital, where her condition is said now to be satisfactory." She' is the daughter of .'111r, and Mrs. Raymond gaff-. man of MR,: 2, Teeswater. On Monday another ease of pill- swallowing sent tyro-year-old` Brian Gordon. to the Winghank. General where the chas stomach , kira,s pumped. The little boy, is said to he in a satisfactory condition by hospital officials, P. Cousies,, chairman of the • 1.0101)AY, March 15—, Management coniantt;coe said that All ility4Vigurp Skating this committee:, had, gathered. some data on, the o different Tension seneorea in operation" throughout 'the country, If one of these schemes ,should bp adopted by the board the cost involved would be irk the region . of VA() a year. lie raid the first thing to„ be ciecidpd is whether or pot the board can afferd this• extra.'. The chairman iik.f the beard, 14, :MacLean, Said that it would seem to him that it la' somewhat nre- mature to organize a pension plan at the hosPital, "It ,would be better to Wait for a year Or, so, If the Ontario, hcispitalization plan is coming into . being in the near future, It, WO, may throw :a dif- ferent light orf the matter," plained WU.' MacLean: It way deeided that tinder tick present circumstances the pension plan could, tint he put Jan opera- tiOn. The management , committee made the recommendation that increases in wages be made to members of the hospital kitchen staff. R, H. Lloyd, ,ehairman of the, building committee) reported a further 0 to 8, week delay, in thej supplying of a switch ,to enable the emergency lighting plant to operate. It hs over a year since the emergency lighting plant was pur- chased. Stratford, also spoke. • .3- A ,native of Belmore, DaVis Wia „limn Wilson, was buried on March' 2nd.,'` at aarownvale,- Alta., after funeral, service 'in the Presbyter- Me Church In that town. He was born at Belmore, Ont- a riri, On March' 21st, 1876 anti in .1861 arrived at; Glenn Cross/ Mani': toba; In 1898 he moved to Van- couver, but tire :following year left for 'Dawson City; irk the Yukon at the height pf the gold rush to ;the Elondyke and spent the next 14 years in the far. north. In '1913 Mr, Wilson took tip a homestead Brownvale and during the early {years operated a "Stopping house"' -from the Peace. River on the old t)uovegan, trail, In 1947 he moved 'co Vernon„ B.C., 'but returned to Brow,evaleo in 1855., • He is survived, by his, wife, one. daughter ,one son, three step-Sone and three step-daughters, as well: as ,za grandchildren , and four great-grandchildren. A brother, Ed 'Wilson, resides in Alberta and a Sister, Margaret, in -Ontario. irc:14pider7wn, aarn.rdailegxepores:hee.dtl'Ithveex, howi that a apeelal Meeting of thf ;b aril architect pease to- toWn. A trial of the heating Age(11(1 fcoarnntc,hte be ,hearted withnewwingp t. kve teo meet recofmended by the ae teas. It appeaps likely that ae:VeriO, changes will be required; elt/100 the heat distribution system pp itf controls, In -either case consider7- able eSne*c is involved, ' The btohaersde cilia matak not be :13:. the plans were in the blue-print.. ,stage, the chairman eontendedy and 'since the • plans- have 'been, 141;ssed by. the board and the Re- partment of Education, any altesa atolls now made will involve tiler Or- yo me expense.ao • the gets.: paid for making mistakes?" . hoard member' H. A. Fuller. ' "It looks that way Pea,,:afraid,.7." replied the chairman. we hay's, to put in a new boiler, we'd' have: to build a new chimney,""- Said , Alton Adams. The chairman explained . that. the heating system. had :not been tried' the ;hoard would have found • themselves in an even ' P lt I PrrFaiPts'° ee get herel ten'the - they ill heating will tiohne tattle ..• • to. do something with : the eldstpng e syStem without the Coat: being. too ,, . great. Meantime there is :nothing" we, can Oo about ,it until we :12444 what the engineers• haVe to '60;7 he. Said, • ' A grourr\hrispitaliiation phut .f0i the staff..Of 'On" fehOnt .AY410_: 407 cussed, and was.'sdeei'dtc.'#teit !roar.{{` Member bitt:berirab,04 obtain 'partial ars Me; 'ciff.af,‘.. j princip ation. al's ' iepuig shoWetl. that, there, were 239 boys and 2O5'. girls at preient on the schOol• roll. The attendance percentage. for February Wft$ 95.62. The beard- decided to begin an' advertising, advertisieg marripaign for teach- ens, the first: :of :thee natices to-be inserted this, week, Marvin 'Howe, Arthur merchant,' who has represented the federal constituency of Wellington-fl-Itiren :since loba r was unahirnonsly chosen. by the progressive 'Conservative, nominating convention to earry‘the standard for the party in the next, election,. The nomination Meeting: was held in. the' I-larristori town hall on :Friday everting. Joe Keer, Whigham, expressed- the association's confidence in Mr. Howe as he moved hiknornination. There were no, other nominations from the'bonVerktion floor, leaving Mr.• Howe as the unanimous choice of the association, , Loyal to Commonwealth. Following, his official 'nomination' Mr, Howe .cattlinett the history, of constituencies which now. make up the Wellington-Huron riding, which Was ,created prior to the 1953 elec• Om He reminded association members that.majbrities have been close and that the , earnest co- operation of all will be needed: Swinging intti a discussion .of the. Ottawa. scene; the. Speaker 'said, "There:are those who .would .like. to ent:the tleko with ',. the Mettler- 11110 '1101001S AO the Lions Club Nici!e..,tre:kttedit./...Oak'unusirallyinter;. riating..serks Jar meeting in the :Hotel Brunswick on Friday" evening: The, pietures were taken Of the work' unde'r'way by Ontario Hydro along the St. Lawrenee River power. eleyelop- rnent project, They -were shown by Ted. Montague of the- hydro's Information Division in Toronto., He was introduced by Lion 'Harry' McArthur, of the local rural. Hydro office. Guests at the meeting included W. A. Cat-11061, Wingham, 'C. Scale, St. Marys, George Jefferson, Clinton and W, T. Booth, Stra't- ford. The latter three men, W110 are Members of the Lions Glubs in their respeative communities were in Wingham to supervise •and, act as judges at the public speaking contest held the same evening in the town ball' under the 'sponsor- ship of Zone 16 Lions 'Clubs, . President Whitney Grose pre- sided at the meeting, with Lion sided at the Meeting, with Lion Floyd Blakeiy at the piano and LiOn Bill Conron acting as Lion Tamer. •Lion Ed Edighoffer as Tail. Twister, extracted a. steady flow of fines from the members. Alinittes [resented An interesting feature of the meeting was the presentation of the minutes of the inaugural meet- ing Or the Wingliam Lions Club to President Whit Grose by Lion W, T. Booth, of Stratford, k The latter was a charter Member and the first Secretary or the Wingham. Club and 'the Minutes have been in his possession since the formation of the club here in 1922, He. said that of they 21 charter members named in the minutes only 11 are still living. Two-year-old Betty -Lockridge, in- fant daughter of Mr. and Mrs, 4Ohn • Lockridge, of a.rnitt, complained every time her mother washed her nose. The , child objected for two• weeks before her mother realized that the trouble was serious ,and brqught her to' the Wingham den.- oral Hospital for examination, At the hospital it Was.found that a thurrib-tack was lodged in the child's hose. The tack was terirov- eld without further complications. 'NOTICE • . All Town licences a ro .noW due • . . . and payable. Dog?tags are „aval-, ,• 'able from the "ToWn Clerk' of • the pOliee..bffiee W.: ,,44,4 Clerk, IT'3,13b Ell;CHitti PARTY WROXIiITEft, , • . The Women's likatitule at WroX-' eter ',will hold h progressiVe euchre \.7on ;111ursday eyening, 'March 14th at 8,15 In the community, hall:Nov- elty prizes, Adreission 'l5' cents. Ladies pleaSe brieg lunch. Come and, bring your friends. Fi6b Jim Seddon joins Armoured Corps dim ,Seddrui; of town has re-en- • listed in the Canadian Army, Hi • has joined the Aritioured CorpS and may later be attached to the new Armokired rteginierit, 'which is now being formed, Jim will take initial training: at Camp Borden. In his first letter , home he appears quite pleased with trekking methods, food- arid the care the Men receiVe, He hopes to Complete - -his grade 9 and 10 education which ' is available to' men Who enlist In the Alley, • - Vormetly . Jim spent ,a year in: Korea and..itapark es . a Member of . the ,Blaeir Watch, He is tha don of Mr. and Mr's. Wilfred Seddelk, of Wingham, - PAiiitlellt,Si ,a1k. St, ;Patritit'a Tea arid Bake Sale will be held on Saturday, March 16, 3 to 5 p.nl., in Wroceter United Chilreh hall, tinder the allat picea of the 'Tuesday gts,klight Group, 'BVerYoile welcome. V416* WeSTJBAN COMEtile kkit 1041 Veil: A three-riet Westerit contedy, "Genie that. A',Wary 'Will he pie," sented by Clifford players hi the Bitievale ContirranitY hail bil day, Meath:1.5th at 8.30 p,finii, Spore. tore:d by the , Woman's Aininetatkin the 1311teviiltr 'United dintelt, , isstk luld 260, *gib . clays!' ago - the prizne.minister of Canada; introduced- the premier of :France, Cuje Menet. glowing terms before the Senate and Corn- mohs on the, • occasion of - the French premierts visit to -Canada— In Spite of the fact, that only a feat Months age Mr. St. Laurent brack- eted Mr. Mollet and Sir Anthony 'Siden, with Hitler and Stalin when he referred to "the : supermen of Europe" during the Suez crisis. The candidate reassured his hearers that John Diefenbaker, na- tional leader of 'the Progressive Conservative party is a man who values. the ties with the Mother- land and the rest of the Common- Wealth. -Before lie t‘cnicluded' the speaker referred in forceful terms to the plight- of 'farmer's, who, he said, receive only 7.9 per cent of the national income, despite the fact that they represent 15 per cent of the population of the nation 'Donald. Fleming Speaks The P.C. member' for Toronto- Eglinton, Donald M. Fleming, was the' special speaker of the evening, introduced to the gathering by El- ston Cardiff, Member for Heron. Referring to "rot" and "decay" In the government ranks, Mr. Fleming said that in his opinion the Liberal party needs to serve on the Opposition benches for a time if- its usefulness to, the country is to be maintained, "The fine old principles of Liberalism are fall- ing into disuse because of complete dictation- from a small central group," said Mr. Fleming, One of the chief points stressed by the speaker was the inequality of as .distribetion, whereby the provieees are denied adequate In- come and, as 'in the case of Oh- tario, have been forced to Increase provincial levies. " The same, he said, is true of the municipalities. Parliament "Destroyed" The Progressive 'Conservative party, said Mr, Pier/ling, Is pledged to restore freeclorn of eXpresSitm the House of Commons. He refer- red to the, bitter .debate over the trans-Canada pipeline last year, Whee "debate was 'throttled eight times in 16 days," qrreeclorn.," said the speaker, was tern to tatters in"the Canadian House of Commons to Meet a dead- Ilee prontiSe.d to a group of Alfieri- -OM fahabelorS -who Were already five' years late. in their eckminit, rneraS to the Canadiae people," , Mr. Planing was thanked by 3, W. sushfieid, of Winghttni, the treaMirer I the Istagtessive 'Con.; SetVatiVe Aqaba:Won for the riding,., CONCERT AT WHITECHURCH A variety ,concert and one-act Play will be held in the' White- church: ,Community ailerporial hail on Friday, March 15 at 8.39 o'clock. Dance to the music of Garnet Far- rier and Wallace 'Cone's; Orches- tra, Admission, ladies with lurid' 25e; genta 50c. F131) • . 11111X0.14: SC11001.• A efichre„party will be held in PoWents School,. Friday, With 15, at 8 O'claelc, Centennial flied , La- dies bring Itteph. Everyone tome, Fl ELICHJECID l'AILTY" Gilmour's School, on Wednesday,' March 13, a a0 p.m. Proceeds for Tuanherry' Centennial. Admission 35e. Lunch served. ' F134, NOTICE.' TO ' FIGUltri SKATT/0.0" .•Dress rehearsal 7 pi% Friday . 11 named :blanket to , keep' rage your child attends classes Merrell 19 to See if ready for teats. No skating Match ,23, Skat- ing on March N and 21 beginning 'at 4.30 With, •heals on :March -30th, , 15b bANT1SR "litIgV11111 057' Witightuti Figaro, Skating Club presents, "Danish Revue of 1057" , for, one .night oely, Saturday, March 16th at the Winglirert Arena., :More Chart. -46 local skaters • phis Pronwyn Brothers and her partner janies Hutchison will be- featured in this wonderful led: apeetaele. Adults 60e, School children, 25c, Prerscheel and kindergarten, '011till, Resery . ed seats are obtainable at.IVIekin- bens 'Drug Store and cost 26e sutra, sanctioned by C,F.S,A, Ffillab Winghatri Grocery Chang6 Ownership A; Allendorf, has sold his groce. term artThagonal Road to John PinnIgan, of concession 6, West Wawarmah, who will take over the business in May, Mn', and Mrs, Aliendorf pinchese ed the store about three years ago, coming to Wingharn (tom Toronto, He has been a member of the Wieghana Golf 'Club and- the- Cur- ling :Club. Mr• and Mrs. Allender( eXPeet return to 'Toronto. Theo. many friends they have- made here Will sincerely regret their 'departure, 8"1,4,i1.4tRIECIErS OVAA/40, The WA,' Of. the 'Sor't'ie Anglican, Cittireh will hold a St, Pattleit'S bazaar and Borne ;baking aide In Gerrie dorrinalreitYhall en 'Saint.: day., March 16, at 1)4'11.146in 6,30. 1.30 it het taliPer Will be served'. -Admisaion 0..90; Children 40e, P131i SPItINO The Woman's AsSociation pf the 'Wingham United Church will held its Spring Tea on Wednesday, April 3rch 111311 Last neSclity afterkkeen Was an important 'Oeessien for -pupils and teachers at the Winghern Pahlic ~Scheel when parenta :and other. in- terested adults ViSited the school, The tiVerit WAS " the annual "open 1100Se" In eoenectiori 'With Edneatlen 'Week,- Pictured top are pupils • in Miss Franees Walker's grade. Below parents visit With the 'yofirigatera in Mrs. Shera'S reOm.,,Advance‘Tiornes photos,