HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1957-03-06, Page 11Children's
$4,45' .and $4,95
Chesley Defeats i
Spitfires 7=4 •
Tht' 'Qhesloy Colts' defeated the
Wingham 'Spitfire,' .Trs, 7-4 in the.
Chesley arena,. vast Wednesday
,night, ,
Wingham held a 1.0 lead at the
end of the first Period on a goal
by Doug ' Murray,: •'
Chesley thrqug11 with five
goals in the ,second period. ,Frank
and Dan Trushinski each bagged
one with, Mel Miller, Les'Kingston
and Harvey Davidson notching the
others, • i eO,' iodgkinspn and Ker!
Lee Were the Wingham snipers,
WINGT `AM --goal, Teskey; de-•.
enso, Bain,.Dt ffy, ,Lee, Struthers,
raham; for'
insou, Wain,' Fryfogle, , HLott,•
CHESLEYes-goal, .Flewelling; de-,
Tense, Lamoht, Black;\F'rank, Max
well , forwards, " 1V[iller:; ,Ni.cltel,
Davidson;'D. Trushinski: F,
shinski, Kingston; Woods,, •
First Period
Murray '(Hodgkinson) :11„36.
Penalties Bain, Black,
S`etond• rex'iot1
Mwiller (Davidson, Lant)nt) , 4.21,
it<ingten (P. ''rushinslti) GsO;
1?i,• Prushinski (Kingston, D. Tru»' ,...
5hinsk1) 7.42, -Uodgkinion 113U; ?r'`
21;,i0 12,4.0, Davidaoai (Miller, Nialte1►'
13,12, D, '1rushlrlski, (l tngstori)
Penalties, Lott, I icicel. ,
!Third retied
Nickel .(1VIrller) 1.07; .F, `rvik, hin
ski (l: amont) 16.20; Pain (Wain)
17,07, " i , I
Penalties, Black minor and
major, Wain,: major, Stt'uthel's, 'ma
jor, Murray,, minor aMI Miscort;
duct, Iipdghinson, •]nxscgndupt,
intermediates rose
First of SO.asot).
GORRIE—In the :WOAA' Inter-
mediate series: 'best 3' out Of
With rreviotdale,':Gerrie •,won'6-4
the first gargle .but lost for the
first time this season in the see
'ond 'game. The .score. was 'rev-
$, Gorrie 4,
Cxorrie has Won two ,out of the
three games played with '1 oviilt-
U41e, Fourth' game was played an
pea* y night,
;' Information` centre
468 Richmond St.,.
Telephones 4=.1601
Locol' 149
or' write
Challeiiging employment
and comtbinerains
witG valuable experience,
ing in Canada's '.RegiilatAriny. The
Pay is good. You learn new skills,
perhaps; a •trade, or ,train tobe a
leader., You get a taste of real adben-
tare, have a chance to make life-long
friends.. with fine men :.., young
enthusiastic, a cut above average.
After' three years you `:make your
choice—to leave, or stay and make a
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Wingham District High School'Junior;Bo s basketball team,picturdd this Week. Left to right, backrow:
John Moffat,'' Ron Lane, Rae ; Hetherington,,, Pete Nasmith, Pete I` emingway. Front rove.': 'Rod McKay,
Wilbur' Stroeder, R. A. Campbell, instructor,' Wayne Brown, and Doug Shinn, One member: of the team,
Dave Kennedy "was not:: present.—AdvanceTimes photp, ,
l'Army .Information 'Centre,
468 Richmond, Street,- ' •
Londprr, Ontario.
Mao Me .s bels ilia Moselle es at
Ai.y (:rem '
NaaN.:• ........++...•............y..,
.... nn..;MM
ate • ....••••.••••••
. I11111 Tian Bili 14411196.«...
The St. Marys Bantams eliminat-
ed the"'"-Wingham Kinsmen 'Ban -
tains in two straight. In.
Wingham last Wednesday St.
1VRtrys came out on top by a 9-2
•Winglsam journeyed buck to 'St.'
.Free! Marie Fraser's
nevi Butter recipes:'
Write today
Marys on Fridax and were defeat -
'ed 9-3, .. • y.
St. Marys held the lead' 'at the
end of the -first` period by a"seore
of :2-1. Jack Nairn and Glen Slater
scored for St. Marys, Gary Temple-
man was Wingham's sniper:.,
In the second period Nairn. and
Slater .came through. with:- 'their
second :goals of. the game 'for ",-St.,
Marys. McKenny` potted the othe;
St. Mary's -goal. Gary Templeman
pumped 'home hi's second goalof
the, gs.ine for Wingham.
St• Marys scored four more goals
in the ..third' period with,. Jack
Nairn scoring his third.. Murray
`Stephens, Dick Plan :and Jim" At-
kinson ` were the other St. Marys
snipers: John . Fryfogle scored
Wingham's lone tally
WINGIAM goal, Riehl de-
fense,'Crawford; Fuller, Skinn, for-
wards,, Fryfogle, Kerr, Templeman,
Spry, Lee, Dowling, MacDonald,
Henry,. MacKay (Spare goalie).
ST, MARY —goal; S. Skipper;•
defense, Hawkins, Plant, Stephen;
forwards, Nairn, . Slater.,' Galloway;
McKenney, Anderson, • rBodfield,
Hooper, Atkinson, ° D.' Skipper,
Murray,. Hoidens, Marshall.;(spare
First Period
Nairn 6.50, ' Slater (Stephens)
8.54, •Templeman (Fryfegle) 14.55,
.Penalties, Bodfield, •Hoopor,
409 Huron Street, Toronto'
The Chesley Colts edged the
Wingham Spitfires 7-6 in the
Wingham arena Saturday night by
virtue of t1,e win. Chesley leads the
best of nine . series .four ,games to
two and one' game tied. `
6 ' .
In the first period. Wingham heldd,
a 4-2. lead on goals by . Ken Lee,
Ken " Hodgkinson, Te1f Struthers.
and Doug Murray: Frank Tru:
shinski`' and Jim Nickel were the
Chesley madras -ten. •
Wingham scored` two quick goals
in the, second period with Jim Bain
and Hodgkinson blinking -the red.
light for' Wingham. Frank Tru-.
:shinski was the lone Chesley goal -
Wingi'iarn blew a 6-3 lead in the
third period when Chesley came
-through with four goals. Frank
Trushinski scored his third .of the
game for Chesley with Dan Tru-'
shinski, Mel Miller rind, Les King-
ston potting the other :•Chesley
•WINGHAM = goal, Teskey, de-
fense, Duffy, 33ain, Lee, .Wain,
Ritchie; forwards, Fryfogle, Lott
Campbell, Murray, Struthers,.Hodg-
kinson '
Your 1956 operator's licence and vehicle permit will expire at,-
midnight, March 14: .•
After this date it will ,be illegal to drive with 1956 licence or plates:
CHESL'.H;'i2"—goal, Flewelling; de-
fence, Lamont, Maxwell; Frank,.
BIaek; forwards, Miller, Nickel;
Davidson, F. Trushlnlci, Kingston,
I). Trush'inskii'Woods.
First Period
Hodgkinson (1Vturrity) 9,30, Lee.
(Murray) 11,10, Struthers • (Hogg-
kinson,. Murray) 11.56, F. Trushin-
ski . ('Maxwell, Kingston) 12.15,
Nickel (IV -filler) 18.40, Murray
(Struthers) 19.1.4,: •
Penalties, Miller, Black 2 minors
anc1. major, Fryfogle nhinor :and.
Maier, ‘Campbell' major and mis-
eonduct, Miller major and 'miseon-
Second Falba.
13airi 1.5, Bodglcinseni (Murray)
,43, F. Tr.ushinski CD; Trushins1d)
Penalties', Nickel. '
Third. Period . '
last minute Iinb-up ? eed this warning 'and
Actsnow to avoid the avoidd 'Inconvenience and
possible prosecutiQrJ•
' "~
The first gameof the last series
was •played' .on Tuesday night, Re -
Suit as follows: <
' Strikers, 5; Rock'n Rollers, 4
Rockets, 4; Blue Bober 3; I31oy-
ers 3 Wildcats 2. '
High scores for ' the' night:
Laches''` high single, Mrs, 'II: Wild,
239; men's high single, T. Jardin,
295; ladies high, 'triple,' Mrs. H '.
Wild 613; • men's high triple, " T.
Jardin, 778, , ` : Team . °;high score,
Strikers 267L w
Q 0 0
Lloyd TG .C' W, CGtnb
Shippitlg room; 2314; Officer
In What+ aeenhs' a mase of sans,
turns, ballet .drills, lst(ilps, •eostt1rne
fittings, .etc.., :the 43 member0 of
the Wingl'arn Figure Skating Club
are proudly :preparing to present
their '<• annual Oarnia/al. The
Danish 'Revue of ,',57 in the Wing -
haus arena oxo Saturda, evening,
Match 16..
Figure 'skating is a healthful,
but expensive sport, This year the
Objective is to pay $400 to the local
arena and to provide two good
professionals, while keeping fees
at' a minimum, The recreation
helps by scouring a government
grant b(isedon expenses. All other
costs are met by fees and carnival
profits, and the public: is asked to
buy tickets and attend the carnival
if at all ' possible, ,A:11 associate
Members have paid one dollar' for
the privilege .of :helping behind ,the;
scenes and seeing the show in "be-
tWeen, To others the adult tickets
are only 50c with pre school
children free. Any oi. these may
he exchanged for reservations at
TcKibbons Drug Store, beginning
2544; Veneer rpom, 2463; Machine on March 9th, for 25e extra,
shop 2324; The Doors, 2233. r The support of the public is
especially needed this year ,as ex-
.penses- are higher and membership
lower, the latter due to, members
High single, , Reg , Collar 287,
high. triple, Gerd Rapson, 6$6.
0 :. 0, q'
Thursday' Afternoon 'League
1. Mrs, C, Lott, 2,Na-
smith, 3, Mrs. A. It DuVal, •4
Mrs.' F; -Madill" 5, Mrs. H.' P Car-
michael. • •
Prize, high doubles, Mrs.: A. R.
DilVal, 384..
Series prizes, 1. Mrs: C. i Lott's
team; 2, Mrs. D. Nasmith;s team;.
consolation Mrs. .H. P. Carmich-
ael's team.
0 - 0 o.
Uaciies' Wednesday Night League
Week of :February 20th
Greyhounds, 53 points; Spaniels,,
48; Collies, 45; Beagles, 32. Great
Danes, 26; Terriers,' 24.
Mrs. R, Rowsell took top 'scoring
for• the night and: had high triple
641 and high single, 270:
Week of February 27th .
Greyhounds, 54 points, Spaniels,.
51; Collies, 46,; Beagles, 35 Great
Danes, 27;, Terriers, 27.
Mrs. Carl Lott and Betty San-
derson had high triple of 598, while
Mrs; R. Rowsell had 'a high ,single
of 255.
Mi11 r .1.3; F, Trtlshinski (Black).
10.001, Kingston. (P, Trushinski, ,La»
raont) . 17;47 D. Triishinski (1iri'g-
ston,. M'asywcll) 17.47.
'ena1tl0s, •,I odgkcinson, t+''lQW011.
'Mg (seared by F. Trushitislci):
The ' Wingham Spitfire ,Jrs,
edged the 'Chesley Colts 4-3. in 4a
clean, ' hard-fought hockey game
in the Chesley are"ha on Monday
night. Chesley now leads the ,.best
of nine series four games to, three
and one game tied, The next game
is slated for. Wednesday nights pro:-'
bably on neutral ice.
Both teams scored- once . in the
first period,•Ken Hodgkinson 'tal-
lied for Wingham and. Dan Tru-
shinski potted the Chesley, •mark -
Second Period.
iVreItorrney J1lodrield, Gailbwby)'
tarn 12,29, Tclnpletrian (i y-
toglie) 10:44, Slater (Nairn) 19.36,
190 ptttalties, y
1404 Period. .
Stephe'nv (Slate,. 1'ttil'.n) • Y,81,
Plant ()viur'ray) 5.47, Nairn. (Ste
pttohs) ' 8.01, Atk!nson'(Bodfield,
14061)or) 14.60, lP ry£ogle (GraW'£ord:)
Perih1ties; 'Mtrr'ray, Stephen's,
CraWia>Fil (2)iy lutttbf oliald, °
ll' Witt st > rlli+tl( in Ng MI"°
RhAliipshntg ., 2Q .4 0 1±4 . w!
St, Clements 18 2 0 10
Mara 10 8 1 14sty.
Milverton 14 1a iO 61.9,1
Winglunn 1313 01371,4
'Llstowe.l 11 12 ,11.03.16,)
PYrnerstorL` 11 l3: 01,041 R
Mount I3`ov'est 3 11 0 48 105
Tavistock 0 2 0 2 42
t Scoring Leader*.
Klyxn, Palmerston ...., .,• 35 20
Murray, Witlghani , 26 28 .:;
Selman', St Clements 33 20 ,a
Hodgkinson,, Wingham 22 , 26•.
Aitchison,. ,Blore ., ... 21 20
Sehwindt, Biers ... 21 19 :'
Wain, Wingham ,:'25 13 ,:
Gaul, Milveititon •... 18 20 3,3
Tarr,' Palmerston 11 23 34
•Wingham 'Tenni :Seorliig
Murray 26 28.
22; 26
25. 13
' 8 20
14 9
9 10
B. Fryfogle.7
Bain. f7
Leer• 3
.1 Fryfogle a
Graham ..., ......., 2
Duffy 2
Icinson 1
leaving town, for' various reasons...
ft is suggested that parents come
out and see the show with a views
to enrolling their youngsters, next
year, There may never be a
Barbara Ann Scott here, but there
will be ninny good skaters in this
districtbecause of the Wingham
Figure Skating Club. Among those
whohave° delighted audiences in
the past are Irene Saint, Penny
Gerrie, Jean' Gurney, Sandra
Strong, Elva MacDonald, Isabel,.
Willie, Linda Clark, Nancy Elliott
and Mauna Lynne Tunney, who
share the spotlight. You -will find
group exceptionally fine gr p of
dancers appearing several times
where Doug Hamilton and ",Billy
McBurney dp fine work in the
John and Jim Wild have teamed
up to -add a toiich of comedy. Rae
'Warden belongs to both Guelph
and Wingham, clubs and has just
recovered from a broken ankle.
The; professionals are Ross Smith,
who will 'skate a solo, and Harold
Brooks. Both will appear in the
dances underspecial -CFS'!', sane-;
tion. •
Finally the guest skaters will be,
Miss Bronwyn Brothers and her
adult partner, James Hutchison, of
the Guelph club, who were so
popular last year. This captivat-
ing pair ate guaranteed to leave
yell wishing for more.
2.00.:-..5:00—Public Skating,
"2.00 - 5,00 -Public Skating
• 8.30 Bantam Hockey, ,
. 9.po - 12.00—Figure Skating.,
2.00 5,00 -Public 'Sleeting
3.30 - 5.30—Public Skating
er. ' TUESDAY, Y, MARCH 12th
At the end of the second 'period',, 4.30 - 10.30,—Figure .Skating
the score stood 2-2.' Te1f Struthers WEDNESDAY, MARCS 13th—'
Was the Wingham marksman, t 2.00 5.00—Public Skating
while Harvey Davitison,seored ,for 8,00 - 10;00—Public ,Skating
Chesley. '
Wingham came through with
two geals In the third period.
Hodgkinson and Struthers both
sniped their ;second goal of the
game for Wingham; Dan Trushhr-
ski else potted his second goal for
Chesley. ••
Both goalies, John Teskey .o£
Wingliain and John Flewelling of
Chesley pulled off some brilliant
WINGHAIi/i—Goal, Teskey; de-
'f'ence, Bain, Lee, Wain, Cartier,
puffy; forwards, sunray, Struts-.
era, Hodgkinson, Lott, Campbell,
Fryfogle. ..
01-/ 'a1,a;j'—'Gbal, Flewelling;
defence, ,l*4ax.Wel1, .Lamont, B1aelt,.
Frank; forwards, Nickel, Miller,
1iavidsori, F. Trushiriski, D. Tru
shinski, KIngsten, 'Woods.
First Period
HodgklnsOn, 3,24;, A Trushitiski
(Lamont) 16.50,. penalties,, Murray,
Second Period
Davidson i (Miller, . Nibkel),, 4.46;
Struthers (Hodgkinson, .Murray)
11,25; re9ia1ties, Btab'k, "
'third Period
'li odgklnaon (Struthers, Leo),,
0.40; Struthar (Itodgkinson, Wain)
9,60, ]'3. T.)0i htnel)1. (Lamont, . -Xing'
"stop) 11.20; panalttet, tial tont,
Wain,. Vfurrfa'. (ma. or), Franlc
-T S
Tickets good going and returning same Satuday only
rAdtlit,SitoN 1GAi ttS Pati
Allenford $4.75 Hanover $4,39 Sdritia'ilm tan • $G.•!fl► .
Brampton `:9i .86 Hiteeir;ton $8.75 Sarnia .$5.130,,
Brussels $4.30 Ingersoll 53.10 ' Strafford s9 4G ''
Chesley $4:15 IOneardine 85,85 Strathroy,620.
Clinton Si.' 5 Kitcli.9ige :12:45 Walkerton 84.6(1
Elora 82.45 Listpwet 83.60 'Watford $5.7M
Fergns :2.95 ?Ilt'elrell $4.00 Winahan ;WIN
6leorgetOivn $1.20 t)Wtn somm '4.'66 1,444o01ng :$620'
Gotterielt !115.16 Pztk,1ry • '$5,241 .
'Guelph ' .1.90 Pnitneiiiton $3.10'
Corresponding FnreS i'r(rti Inter'niedih1to l'OtStd -