HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1926-6-10, Page 8.14tte 10. 102E • TOWN OF OODERICH TAXES PAY YOUR TAXES NOW 2' off First Installment if paid on or before June 15th 3 off Second Installment if paid on or before June 15th See your notice lot other discount, PENALTY of 5% added to first installment if not paid on or before July .1st lir Pay before June 15th and ;tit the discount H. T. EDWARDS, Tax Collector, Town Hall 1 Attention! DAVID BROWN pays the highest prices for Heavy Poultry, Horse Hair. etc. Phone 270 - GODERICH For Rent THE OPERA HOUSE is now available for any- one wishing to rent for amateur shows or concerts. For terms apply to Wesley M. McLean P. O. Box 50 AUCTION SALE OF Horses and Colts Mf. t:.,i, b'. Wilson, of 1:' - Rina, advises us that bele ping alx)iut 7s head of coling work hnrtte s. yearling and tee year colt., to (.o.)erich to sold by public auction about June 26th •They are rellrr-enteit d, eY- t t 1 good Clydesdale grades. Next week'', paper- will rnt.- tain [;torp• part lett la r-. T. GUNDRY & SON, Auctioneers 1 THE TOWN COUNCIL (Continued fr..tfi l*r;e I I huil4 ng eas reut•d for mtur,,.e of implements and ma.l.uwrc Duly and Char Anton most nest be *loved or painted on the premi-.-: that the pe - Whin fur a eenlett sid,•wa'k on .ttlg;le- ww street he laid over ter consider- at(un with any other petitions for walk.: that the 'bristly*, a-ked_i•y the )tell Telephoner Co. of_ plathir .l"'{,.s and cupsful oentalo streets to grunted. the work to be tone under/Ie. djreec- tion and supervlel,u of the ytrblk works committee. and, that title priv- ilege riv;lege he at the pleasure of cele .mnnril ,only. The fire tr,mmi(te rep•rf„ 1 that it had pas..e1 allpplk,e wti.for Minot ing permits rfe*red to it at tile• last meeting. o These relwo:ts were all adopted. The matter of setting. :a dare for a miffing of the se,nr( of reel-iov for the braring of .•omplaibte agair•r the ons l4 '4 *Imola! assel'wnrat in cenvo•tien wf t Ter7i JT 1'ngrerr rylttt!pr- sew, rs hh.. cutetriode,' was left with th..\1Ayor and the chairman eft the ,coarct. 1' •111er Tioree `. hrotlrb: np the WY -4101i 3, of iro.7. 4.0di7 ons nt oho k.i Agrinarlel ree�w' WY -4101i :The dahreft. he was Inforlued: woo not i,. lit ran• 41171011 for the a..,uumn,Jntln, .,f valu- able h0rees. nod thy, sat::rary 1•o1.- vpnipnt•it 711111 4010.1 thing, at.•uU the group.* were In Ileal uta •Inenr bo. 1t was decided t. 7 these oust: ter. np Inter in eonlaltt Couiplrlut was main sols' about the dumping °(•ribi• .•i neer. it. St. .\ndrew'a ward. and I f p.•.t•le" [heal[ 'frontline& to Lace •'epyed. Th. r._ -wan 'some dI i•tlttito1.. intrr •1111.•7 I.y the Nerve. ,•n the vieton of the tont ty (wand! in lye rier•er of the Davis*. of, the Pruvisseiai w* . :and the 'Mayor 'peke sharply n critl- ••ism . (44 The 'manner in whit the •I 15,tinn ' had !eek handled t the ...may tx*trd. ' h was ,. ,1ert. li . I • ••• nali1s r tl ex - ' 1 g of the ...nettle r . • utv.•m 1 en e 7 i r u '.1 gild of ti• Prot•iuciu' highway. to '• Squaare while the contractors; 1 iP ,•i't. loan: here .The May,.,r thou;[;_ _Gi.terfiutr'hT`w„u1d ;soy. fifty 1 •r •' ct. of the cost. Thu• 1,41.17• wn'rl,s .••.tum i. AA •, perm, redt n .1. 1 in :!;.• matter .•f •. rot s.•.4,a' .,ti )1.1nilinn .rest. ,' Self 1s felly It,. ce M-er ha. 1..171 .',.,.sift:: a- t,.. -as -.••y 1.. relieve ereo'itiefor-itrihat-see! len. • - The -;lain;tt,r ftnrvr `hit' the to pony i0. -re were 4pl.,lnt',1 It COW l, .1te• In draft a r.-nlltIon 4.1 ee"- ..1II.athit; io Rev, Dr. Seager upon • :l1,IN.intmeto as 14l.10p. The May - r.itirked that he-h,lieTed it was o lira dime a tb .7er1. h hey Vast been I, 1 TIIZ SIGNAL Handing Won 2 Purity Flours rothurur R, A. M. C. C. d Wplare u Tnstiep lrtatlou • • lt Purity Fleur and GC.I. Tle The guua• ou Thur.lay ulght be - toed' the I'urity- Flour team and G.('.1. resulted in n tie. '('h.• Millers were Leaser" until the last frame, wh.•u the eullegluns tallied four times. The score by innings• la lett-reining: G. C. 1.- 1 p 1 s 0,2 0 4=18 Purity Flour --2 0 2 1 2 23 3 1=1x M. E'. C. 24•-('tilreetse lei 1 Lost 0 0 1 1 The greatest s n -Jobe w. far in 'the soft -all aerie- was Iu TueaMy erell- iug's game tetwe•n the Hathorne Rifle Assoclatiou and the Menet-34(ms Canoe flub, when the latter e•tuergel victors with sio ot•erwbelwing score. 24.10. To say It fu few words the Marksmen had a tbr•i.kd(y "oft" night and the paddlers were at their best. The lat. • Steer stento n + -Noss :1 hot une ,ter played well together and With every man batting strongly brought in the two thorn. In the last few in- nings home nun. were a festure;l'latt getting own ant! arscewan-Onee with noon nil hl.s•-. itiehlen and Nnirn also had homers fur 7113• uarkatur•u. St.%eral minor a.ci.fente or71crel to the (tiny - hot nilworrt+ aide 1.. stay 111 the gone. The line.np: 1I.` 7'. f'.-Wethma.ke c; Hail rf; Pridham s0„ 31;iel'snald et; Mai F:wan $mise[ -:lb ; ('.rook If; Plate 2h; Sanders,. p. 4'olh orale -it. Bisset p: Nairn 211; Elliott :a.: Holden 'if; 1Vlh.on 1h: Mc•- Sianus to.: Mefe•au'if; 1{'. Bleed r; Hetherington cf. Umpires -4.. H. Humber at plate. H. ra4414rt-.,a l•am.y.- . _ Collegiate) 19 -Transportation 7 The meal G.C.I. nine are n7l11 going fereng. whining from the Trnnaporta- tion tram on Tuesday by 'a 19-7 .score. The ('ollegiate segregation were right there awl very few errors, 00111 E be lnarkel 1117741net them. They also piled i • 71. •,.,.,i, 'i,„ adjourned, tllurril+,top Gray "etas his man at fleet i ..,,r ,14e r,,,,,.. ).till?" ' ya. s„..\%>,,le., ,.,..tlh 416. GODERICg, ONT. IISIOIAL ADS. £U irrECTIVS An advertisement, ••Yash■ for Sale," iuwrt•.1 lu Thr Signal by \lr. W. O, rnteus. barrister, 4.4 Stratford, r, suited quickly In the sale of "the Twat, Mr. Ow•Wu. iu wending a postal note for the cosi of the abverlive• msu.1, write.: ra ".1 sale rr-7141e41 frow the first Inw•rtlo* of thle adtertls n etst ' In your pa). ,'. which was very uulsfetiorr to the writer and awmka well tor your paper." J WAN iT A (:1lDERICH PIGEON? Ihwr Slr. Edi:.r.-As 1 have seed In last eek'4 Sigt::.l that +several towers• people I:ud oak, I, souls homing pigeons to Stratford, 1 ,.4. wondering If one had given us :. ,•all. Fairly \Lon.bay doming' 7 Slay 171 a homing Pigeon was in our gan7, n hunting for some tool. It must love come It coonelders able distance, it waft. two tired t. be afraid. i s. out a dist) of water for it. to which it came quite often. After It hid sati.ttel Itself it flew on the woexishwl n",f. where It was cool ala! shady, an' sat until about 4 o'clock in the afternoon, when It made small flying swear -ions. always coming back 071 our not. At halt -past four 11 made a large , irrle in our neigbdw'r- hood u"d flew 1 -.rob -west from here, in which dire- - -u G.IJar{eh lies. It was a gray and blue...10r with a wide Hoe on its right leg. but as clone as I could lass it by i cool& not Net'ern .• number wit it. if It had ane. If this bird twieytutei to a Go(Prb•h sentleman. ( hope it arrived Aire and well (" its home dove -rot. With nil ittw.d W7411P„ to The fiignnl and Its staff. i remain. Sllo•t yoprs, SI H8. t REV.) G ZIEGLER. R. R, No. 2, Rade*, Ont. Mute 3, 19 aTlee oweret*rc 7)f the C.xterleh Homigg Club reports Mat all birds on this trip have returned. eo the nue be- trlesided by air-. Ziegler roust have [+meat its way tnnue --- MARRIED 1 •E:AG,IN - 1\'esoYersclav Jane 177(1, at 41lllwktle Farm. the house .4 the bride's purer[,, by Rev. ESrlt 1'outter, flood May, e.71i4 4Mughter of Mr. met Mrs. Hugh ' Hill, to Jame* Horeb! Ftagau, son of lir. and lire. Janet, rental*, 71111 of (•olberue township, I ' . AUCTION BALES PVJLW NOTA DIED FISHER. -At Brum111er. en Friday. June 4, Jane Jewell. 'v l.a,w of the late Henry Eisler, in her Vird year, r IN MEMORIAM STRArR. s..I4 loving; liemory of Maar Morris Strachan. the well- kuow•{{,,Bible *Indent, awl lonelier.'wp •ho'•ased on to her reward June 12. 11r13. Her" work* lite Olt. HUSBAND. CARJ1 OF THANES ' THE 11ELATIVES OE' THE LATE a Miss Nellie Mui,ro take this casaba of tendering their elude* bunks for the numerous klndne«sea extruded during her lllueee and In their time of bereavement. Between l'aek•rcw,kl and 1'11ftut*Iii, P.buud 1184 frond n couple of skis mighty 113-ef117 whin the going Is rough. -Ottawa Journal. _ - Charged with Illicit Sale if Drugs ila::isirate lteky /Las before him cbarge', of welling -dope' wblch bare been laid against 1/r. 11. Il. Taylor of Dashwood as a re•snit «f Lnvestigetion by Federal otttr.•r,'. There are three clear=s*. the offence+ having taken place. it is alleged. 971 l)e ember Ind February last. 7ueplclntr !raving been ttlrtrtpct nosiest the 41ef,iedaut, lu- ve•..tiptlou was rheic quietly by me•m- bets of 1h.• $oy;ti Cdnat►lan Mounted. Polk*, with ohs result that inf..ruur- llo1174 ern. In ..l as slier,. staid. Tay- lor uas uJ l.'•forethe neigletrato, Imre on Friday In* and bail wits al -veined 10 three s"reties Nf ft:o.l'wl elrh from 17.hC. Heater, Edward Beaver and Dr. Taylor hlonee:f. .an adjournment Qf7 the rase 0.1- made for :1 week. but there weft pn.Mbly be a further ad- Jonrnment. - I'ER7ONAL MENTION Mi.,. Illic YrNe•, of ' 1)n:info. Ia TENDERS BGILD1NG FUR SALE BY TEN- DER. _ Tenders addressed to lire under- signed will be received up to b o'clock p.m. ea. - TIITJREDAY, JUNE I7TH fax the putrhase. wrecking and re- moval of the present market building on Montreal street. Building to be removed and grounds .leered up at once to the ■atjdaction of the Council. No tender necessarily accepted. W. M. McLEA_7. Ch. of Market Oommktee, Goder cb, Ontario. Slay 26th, 1926. TEl-NDER8, ia Tenders will be received by the un.k'rslgned up to the evening of SATURDAY. JUNE 12. 1926 for excavation for basement and bulMing of cement wall under School House, S. S. No. 2, Benm(Iler. Lowest or any tender not riecesrlarlly cepte.i. For specifications apply to SC IJ(iUf, BOARD or to J. W. GLEDHILL, Secretary -treasurer, R. R. No. 4, Gotlerich, Ontario. • AUCTION SALE OF A OHIOICE PROPERTY ON ELGIN ATE - NUE, UU1)ERIOH, ONT, 1 have received instructions from MRS. MARY A. PARK OF AM- I•IERSTBURQ to sell by public auction at the prem- ises, on SATURDAY, JUNE 12TH at 12 o'clock Warp: Au exceptionally well built and con, veuleut house built by the isle Mr. Park for a home. It has all modern eonveuiences, la wet! laid out, has • nice large verandah and a gout! lot. L situated on one of the best streets 1n Goderieb, c'oavenieut to the buslueaa part of the town, Collegiate lustitute and Victoria scbool. • TERMS. -Will be sold subject to' a reserve bid. Test per cent. of put - chase price to 1* paid at time of sale, balance la 30 day*, or halt of the pur- chase money may remain ou mort- gage at a eras/noble rate of interest. Further particulars may be had from Er. Ruffed Reid, Goderleh, or from T. GUNDRY, Auctioneer. AL't T10N SALE OF H0t';tElitil,E 1 TITRES. ETt'. FI'ItNITI'RI: 1171411' NIX 1111:1, JOSE;#f MURRAY will *ell by public auction at th i _.. _ SATL'RliAY. JUNE LOTH. comureteing at 1.30 oi•lock. sharp: one walnut case organ; 1 walnu couch: 1 walnut wardrobe; :t eons p1.•:.• Is'fruom suites with mattress Mid *primes; 2 iodise. matte* and gprhlgR , 1 fouling i"urch ; 1 ..ma vosrw 12 dining teblee; 4 *malt tables; 2 kit awn tables; 16 dining chair*; 3 rock lug chairs; 2 arm chairs; 1 pie coir board; 1, kitchen cupboard; 1 ler hex; 1 I -burner gaeoltnu *torr; 1 4mal oil s•.,vet 1 met of scales, 230 -Ib.; 2 clock's: �:. mirrors: 1 steel engraving by Slur- 17"e•t ; pictures; 1 Croat ell beater; 1 I.07id oak tool box and quantity of l...1.; tow and coffer (wadies; quautity Of dlahes; itereral Owen of linoleum, 1 piece ydm z s 511*.; several h p4cces r0f oih•Let5 lI ; 1 ph,nogralti, wit4:' r soma; 1 hardwood %c•reels: 1 new 1taysond sewing mat -bine; 2-*Tepp lad - (Ivry: 1 washing waehlne; 1 bake.. beard; curtains:; 1 wrapplter paper rack; $ window screen: hllndw: rwt- eral ivo geranium*; meters; Roetpn feral: 1 Cbtiatmas creta* and other pleats: hockey boots and skates. and nntnerOn. other artleles. >t•- + There will be no reserve, as Mr . Murray (' glvlog up bn*ln.em. ' TPRMS.--Cash. - - T._ 4;UNDRT. • sAilc*4on.rr. 'A1`4`1'i'N SALE: tie A SPLF;\trill 1'.71711 .1N11 .tl:.H'T tet tf'RE$ OF .11,FAL1A .INU $IXE1► (':lies Kin, Edward hotel: Gtetertvh, on WILL THE PERSON WHO WAS R *ecu with the bl, tide purse (found on the Square). e*na:71lnjtlg a Large rum of money, please leave the same at HAYS • HAYS' OFFICE; other- wise criminal procredlugs will be commenced. TO RENT ^'v TO 1LE.NT.-APABTMIIINT ABOVI O'Brien'* Apply ALEY. SAUN- DERS. ' NURSING 1/183 RDNA ROBINSON, VISITING us nurse. For terms, etc., telephone 425, Goderich. CHARTERED ACCOUNTANT (['RANK 1'. GIBBS, CHARTERED a Accountant. 102 Ontario street;, Stratford. Phone 1380. Rost. 1330J. ACCTIONEERDIioy THOMAS GGUNDRY. GODERICH. as LIVE STOCK AJID ' (JP1NERAp AUCTIONEER Telepbone No. 119. 8alecl attended to anywhere and ewer" effort made t0 give satldactlob, Farmers' sale notes discounted. ROBERT ROBERTSON, Qualified Auctioneer, Eldon Street, Goderleik w111 conduct soy sale In the cessIlf of Huron. For information apply P. J. Ryan, Hamilton St., or ordeal" left witb blas w111 recelra prompt at- - I 1M. STALKER, AUCTIONEER, • for boasebok1 effects. farts stock ere.. for the County of Harms. Address all communications to J. M. STALKER, Auburn P. O. TP.'NDERS FU1t cum.. (•,{home, (4u Sealed 1111 - e lerm albite/01A tr >"1 t the It 1r 1 FRIDAY. .- claming .agent. Department of-I'uMle, AT. JI'NF ...Til Works, (►[taws, wlll.le rerh-el at his tnn.oiW4f(lug ,.t 1.:141 n.l.'k sharp. ',[flee until 12 o'eleek neon (daylight' 1'7e' fan". 1117717, 1* enc o1 1h" 1740[ "ling). Tuesday. June 29, ung, for 111 the 11144fitet:-e..ntai". Hat acres. the supply of c•0a1 for the Dominion Ev. ry fl,ld (4u 11 .• galas• hid • grown Building* tllroughuut the Province 0f_ alf1171). The hnu..: is n s..7i,7 hrl4t-; Ontario. including the ('Ity of Ottawa.:`*.[ Sens, nr0 atriT,t,• �t1Th :?ane and Forms of !Prefer with *iwcJticatlnp3 fi=g" h _'Chettt._L•__g_yrN„1 and conditions attached i•eu he sir- ticallfahl 17.*wl f i.'sq and 474ine1 from 47,-K; hawaun, l'urehrising au''' ee of saber.. Tlw' tern* .11) OPTOMETRY L. COLE. R. 0.. OPTO1EYTRIST, OPTICIAN. West Street, Godertch, Honor Graduate of the Canadian Ophthalmic College of Torinto. Eyes examined by the latest meth- ods, and the proper fitting of glasses at moderate prices. Ontario Board of Ezaminers Certificate No. 873. MUSIC PRor, W. H. JACHSO:F,- OrglsnLI , and Director of *lash, ' North street Methodist church.--•Instr*ctloo given In Voice Culture, Organ, Plane. Violin, Guitar, Theory, etc.udio and residence, 37 North street. Moue 384. CHIROPRACTO R MRS. JAMES GI.E1 nal. A. N. ATKINSON wilt bold a publi.• auetion elle at the a. CHIROPRACTOR promisee. lot O. etracesslon 7. W n. Godetich. Chronic organic and nervous dor eases. Office hours 2 to 3, and 7 to 9 p.m., excepting Monthly And Thursday afternoons and evenings, and by ap- pointment. Residence an.1 toffee --Corner of South *trent and Britannia road. W:DI('AL •alt. F. J. it. FORSTER t•1-ithig at 11., borne herr. l•t Agent. hlartuelt of Piddle Works.:Tie 1.i • :aT :.ii7 iTf 1i4 ffiu�Infe 7.?`j ' ET£, F.IR, NOSE Mils Maj•n-. of Toleao, 0., is visit- ing her .lets r. Miss l'olley. Mrs. Harry E. Parr. of IMtrolt. and Mrs. ('hail. M»Carthy, of Birmingham. ore 1 -Aug with Mr. -and Mrs. M. Kearney. 11-r. Frank stokes was home for 11 hew days :o t left thew week for Ilridgehnrg. ,pre he will be. engaged for Pomp tin,. Mr-. I Hes t0 Hamllto,. death of WHO IS RF,y,I'ONSIBLE? t • up mato. bite. The railroaders wee somewhat heudlcappel by not haven their regular players hi the Oehl. This, is the pe.,nd w•Ine1PK 2Au11' for the 4;,C.i. oil' of the three played. The third ens tie with the 11111. The tea w: (i. 017 7. ,oaor,iy 21. Towose•n.I 1; Anel., gas; h. flo1l therpe ef; .1r('nnnell rt; Snndersot M1t'(usky : G.(loldthorpe :tb. *wart c ; fiyel ••: Averc 31.: Turner lb; Sanderson 2h: 8h'ar1towu If; Garter ef; M1MII• la f a i i.d'(4 . 3 n '1i n p• Poor, by innl 01412110.00 Tran.pertatinn 110 0 0 2 1 4 0 7 1'mphee-W. dr at plate. 1.. Tnt)n1 ou hoses. .tr : h • Editor or The .$kala[. i `*lull--t.4r+.a-4e- attention of til,• 1,•r..n. it: :1n•6nrity to what I. welting to be a -doe.). condition. or sinlati�v:. .1, 1L•• Ilia,- Water HIg11w'a5. :.79,nt ' ler....D,:•,h•i• of a tulle west ad sI.elq•an':'-1.. ,tin re at lest* twenty; ix ear- .0.1 n niotereyele have been OBITUARY ••:r.lhe.t w�l i11 444” .111 A gnarter of a _-{t+f-_?}re_ [Truer-- gJn9teen Mat 511..11'ympat1U' Is felt with Mr. and++1171• .ear 7' ear. Several persons rs. H. R74nre in it . 7 , year ono 74erien eatf and -!'die M o Innis• nn 7, , bel.. . n ;777nn•d. bat there h,ne ' Monday .•cerin". MOS 24711. (4f :Cafe l..•n t. at.,;iti1- we'ud 'ladghtor..\da, aftl•r n brief :1;• ! fine ..'n,u;c , c lore nn being life -gym a -i �eliliiiniTa. TWO-. -ff- p iarint 1 7Na7,.,t ...7.7 7.r 7414., very 111107 111 very ga1etly The t�ce*a4(1 was 0f n I .17,1 net lei,. w w L• n he could see 44140111 very 1entie. luvIhg tis,poeltiou 'ono) was : ft. 7'I"• cow ' c eoftn.•Illors say they such hlnrpd he all who knew• bc•r; bare 1-4.7lritt: • • d., with It. rile pa. The Intcrmpnt WAS mode on Thursday. 7 tt..ln,:tn «x.a tr;,. /4.071 is 1111 right anti Mao 1 t 1 after service at 9t. (.sur• ,he (anW.' keel, tin• cars on the road. "1.111 shoe. h, at which the rector, R4".', 17',47. (trohat'ty a i!. Recording 10 17174 S. F. 111rly. ntlielattml. The three 1 47;71,17747•,, 1 -paw* non' .luring- the ;order were ---1---tor• ;twain if the «pope limit i. facorite.a of the der44,e4. The {m111- : twptrri-ate mil.77 leer hour the road hearers were four choir bona. Lyall 'shonbi 1.- to a •.rhe cenditIOn to allow• ('rswford. Baroid Taylor. 1.awarto» nr4--r,,'t}; tine#r .,r mit rk 4 N+ /islet, a Mouthy anti 111717.. Ti emils. Frh sole ;manner a•. to warn motori'ta of the frown on .d town who were here for .I:tnger•o".-aunties'). Ihr• fnnr•rnl 74prp Won. I►fninndge. Rd I .t ne7m(.er •.f nlo..rf,, a lord me they WN«,n and Mr.. J. H. Warless, ell of .lid not know' [leer• was a tort in 1114' London, and Mr.,. A. Goddard, of Ar- road /If re. els, (Mt. Floral tril„ttes were places-,; No dean•[ a number of them; sect- o* the rnsket from the following: dents ucr7' (';7.174.1 by excessive speed, itotLer end father. 91eer Nellie. SI.- , but not all, as 1 am (onrinepd that ■ ter little; Sr George's Sundry sehoo1: !-nutnb,•r of 0len1 were (au0,d Iw the St. Ge.rg••'s Nrm,lny aside 7 OARS. „onlirion Of th.- rood. (sera*al ., h..11. Ere, 1*onahl Graham". anti Flora Smith, Dori., \Viliie and F. A. ItA ,k'rh' kettle Riley-: Mr.- 7th Mev 1t. It. :L t:eNiwrl. h, Ont. Clarke, Neney,• e'h,rke. 11r. ate! fry. Loca W. Rog. 8hlrmsn, Misp 1. E. [Sharman, I The b,jtr,l ethowilli ieard ofeld Ire Health Jttlnl. Ara end twins. Elf. W71,on, i monthly meeting on Mond*y APfer- A. St. Getrge'e. Prioefut noon. Th,. aa*Isaat senitary Irapa -- Nary lodge. 1.(►.A.A.. 4r«. .l. fierier and laasliy, Hr and Mire. W. (r. Gond- win. Mine Eva Iltihl000. Mr,, W. T., ifortoe, Mrs. E. it. 11111. Mrs. C. 13, Roff. lir. and Mrs. Oee, James, Ifni M. Palmer and Herby, .lil.•en Stowe, Het -the ani Lta11 "rimfonl. bon. /leery. tor repnttwl up,n teat'. of milk and epees from the dairies. 0uppleing the town and nlwo Morrn the Inspection .77 the varied. premieres. A motion ex. pawed reviewing the town cormel7 to have the staltiing ptrmisps at thou -env of the town hall par In proper ORO, tar" condition at "nye. C. F. ('lark,' was celled on Jdonday by the brother. Mr. E. 1d. newly or !trowels. Ottawa; and i{. q'intcr. Y► -eta \'icturla time n'. (etrmt• Tor,nte. Ont. Teutier,. *111 TI' y be odd t mastic alfalfa, rant t.. considers- unless mole on info end 1 ,,,, m(xed alta b aMl timothy i form. supplied by the Department and 1 wis... to1,, 74n ,•x..•11.11[ 147)7• I in *veor.lan.•e with d.p,ertmFntal 11 ,uiU_h• «oltiau :ods a. sale pile..[ afeelflS*7IO s and. cnndit i,'n., eha+ r•. Thy rightl'o 11tmAntt ter=- Ter ...I hat- I;v, •tnnnth ere 1) s roomful Mndirer a de -1 .-it. not ititi'ei1 'ou flooisall.' appr..c.,l joint noire:�a ` Ing 171 peer Petit. of the limonite of the fila,,.'` • alb•wed far .lash. 74.nder. to .,•are 7114, pro{eT fttlflim,a,4 T. GT'NI)RY. 7 N( the eolitrarr. Is reserved. .lnetbmet•r. , Late Ron•c• Surgeon New York Oph- thalmic and Aural Hospital, assistant at ifooretioid Eye Hospital and Golden Square Throat Hospital, Lon- don, Eng. 33 Waterloo 8t, S., Stratford. Tel- ephone 26'I?.:_ -=`_..... . ._.. Ac Hotel Bedford, Goterlcb, 0n thd► (4(71111; n1 third Monday of each month. from 7 o'clock, t111 the follow - By Order. - '°g day. Tuesday. at 1 pm. S. E O'RRTFiN, 1 - NOTICE TO CREDITORS ( re ghten. f. secretary. p lies and al D. B. Faust, Miss Jane De{oartmpnt „f !'4blir Work,c NO'D'E TO r EDIT;/Rte. g ) tilts*a..lors• 1. '1 "^.- IDUDLEY E. HOLMES f In the matter of the perste of Marr Barrister: Etc. R. Itnnth•rs„n. hue of the Village ..f Office -Hamilton street. Goderieh. FOR SALE 1 Dutog*o11,I1 ii, the County of Huron. ! Phone 27. deee,ese.l. Vat't. Meet, ward Lynn of Detroit: :Irs. and 11; - George Pausl, Mr. Ed- ) Miss Isobel i.ynu, all re recent visitors with Lynn of town. Mise Dori- i *her. of Grace hospital IZGAL tr;tl%Ing me•he Detroit, la home for DESIRABLE PROPERTY p QR Notice is hereby given that all f thee,• werki, bot1d c'. She is, accum- SALE. -Corner Nortb and Nelson [oto ora oho -. i elOh .stain*r the. es- v ponied by Woo'jtos(mary McDonald.- streetio apply to IV. A. JACK77U:r:' (Air 1st the -aid )Ines B. $,lml,rson. COniQSaO O 1 17w. a "nr. •-I*-training in (harp dwellaed 1 w ,o diel (4n or re - n1N,nt 1h.• thirtieth day of ;larch. 1f .M; are re - ('olhnrne R. A. ?-Square t+ .l istmtp.med game ('7*44 n Colborne ft..l. anti the squat • was played on teethu•mhly- et•etling• he game was n good one and the ,niters bid no ease ta.k. Th.' booted were R. 1%ls- i set and E.. W1l..on for Co • . rne, C, MC - Alamo. and R. St0,hlart to the $quare. Colborne switched their 11 0-np. which etemed to help enure. W. inset going to third. "Tito" Elliott to fl s) and E. WII*nn 'chief! the bat. Rules of the Gum Some of the rules of soft -ba follows: On a hl,x•ke,l hall the runner ,a pn• titled to one base. .7 pitched hnll that strikes, a ttcr will be called a hall. end 1f 11 is he fourth hall the hotter is entitled t• a Mose The bn".••rnnnpr is not emit to take n hasp on this, play unionist* fermi t0 vaente hla hasp. .l font or fair hell *171 he settled where it rolls not where It 11grbti•, Aa in post pest... The hilt 44r 7. .mt if n fngl tip' IS ranghf off hi. hal e The Mote runner ran advance as moon as a fly hall is toadied, apt ,'n 1lgh 1 OM a* 7'•. oltal. DE yEA(;ER. K. C., BARRISTER, • SOLICITOR, Notary, Public sillO- nr• _>10urt Booing Goderieh, FOF°'1 SALE 1913 ;3Tt BAKER . quested on ur-1wf••a -+if, reentrefeth Tp R. DARROW, BARRISTER Touring Car. Could h* Hass[ as dotty of_ June 1SC'JS, te, i' i'1Q 1l,auitlgs_tar. rn 'he iionth- l4e•* a 1P rn 'w r• P f0 tt. hn n T th fya • is g ui0awnt dls,pt,v of tu11p*. Unborn'. ontely it :• •o sitnnt7.l that enm- putwtive•Ay f, people 744.0 It, hut it is well worth a • sit. Mr. F:rnc,' A. Warner. editor of The Btlrk's I Is Arrow. wa* to town at the week-. hating mase e0 1'Iiu- ton 0n ba.o 1R. Mr. \VAra'r ens formerly n n l,4lpnt of (3oderich and was for echo. doe assistant editor of The f4ittnnl. II,. entlstee) for overseas soreire in t1: war 111141 111.411 hip o- nion we1,7 h Ilurk'm none. where he is doing good • ark as n p11b11sher mid a '1ti•ren. Miss linen Ihlrria01, )lrriveti 11(47144• nn Morn1Ay ! r steamer Greyhound After mp•".i177. aial.st A year at droit. h, (1i'.. ,er )A*t. ea readers of The 1411111.111 o . I remember. eh. was -struck hs :1 e7r stat severely injured. For two m0ntI )P ens (11 Ford hos- pltnl. where . ,0rything pnas,ible we - done for her. 77, she has made a g,xld te't,otery excel• that she 1a quite deaf. Her *tater.. , 17 s, A. Miller and Mrs. A. $truhei, ..,rap np with her from Detroit and lir,• remaining for a -weds or two at .thrid pill home here. 1 BORN MARLATT.-- \ Tompto, nn WehmO- day. Jens .4 to Mr. and Mrs. ]gyp Ia1t (nee Ail. 0.ti1na'ori• a 00»-Mel- e01s Fraser PB1t1�.-At Anelandre hoapttnl. h. 011 Monday. May 31. to r. ' and MIN, Gordon liel'hee'. a t�f (\,,,-4 Corrine). • • A • l&1 to 1T 1� tionary engine. Apply DR. A. H. Gordon Co•khnrn. exeentornoff to e TAYLOR, Goderich._ I will and testament of Mosey B. Sander- - BI'NGAi 01V ono 9AI.E ON TRA. 1 areal t the full [the ars N.nf hltlitir,All(7 F.IT.GAR street, Rel rng brick.' any. Kehl by them ...rifled by affidavit: eak trim, with all modern con-. and farther take notice that after renlen,'ei, iv. A. CHISiiorm. Ten- mien last-Tentl71nt4 .kite the eveglter feigns- street. ,f of 1114 .estate will prorred' to dl*trthdfs the seers of t1,• deceased among the VOR SALE -TWO COMFORTABLE parolee entlthcl thereto. having re- s dwellings In ,good locations la enrol only to the claims of atilt% he Goderloh. Alpo forty acres of good shall then have notice, and [bat he wilt pasttre land with an abundance of ""1 1"• liable far thp11p'ets or mos part water, close to town. Terms to snit thereof to any pentons of whom.. claim p fl7er, ere, T. GUNDRY. notice snail not have been receive() by him nt the time of met 11741r1buthrn, reOR SALE. -SPECIAL BARGAIN. I ilated the seventh day of June, A.D. A beautiful red, pressed brick, ]02tt. eight -roomed house, three -Mere bath I W. S, WEST. and electric. Elgin avenue and Toronto \Vodateoek, Ontario. street. Apply J. T. NEWELL, PoliMtor for Gordon Cockburn. Ez• Strathmore Blvd., Toronto 6. Onta 1 Pf ;[tars IK rnP CT�nf Motor..._.. ve4..1 as eta -lees[. �K nN.T"(ock. t pinSALE OR EXCHANGE.- Brick residence, : • water heat - log, erg, fireplace, two tonnes and bath, electric light, hardwood floors, large/ well ell situated on Britannia road.] Fbqulre at JENNER'S MUSIC STORE. IrOR SALE.-I'NiON HOTEL, HAM- I a 1LTON *treat, (texkrrk h. Dereis 74 good opportunity to buy 74 tint -[Siris hotel with a reprtaMon of always do- ing n "nod btnanetsr. Will be sold at a barmen price. if *old of once. flee P. .1 RYAN, ileal Estate, or owner. W. J. I.ANNON. It WANTED MAN 'WANTED TO ASSIST iN Jitcben work. Ap777 at HOTEL Rl:'DFORD. It REQUI.1i18D FOR WF.1111( JUNE 19. 21-roenl and hoard in private home for man, or for man. wife and *malt child. Apply to 11. ROWF;RP, Exeter. 17CPE)R11 NCF.D AND RPS- PPONfiyLp: family of two adults. flood wagon one comfortable hose. References rens;[ d. BOX 84S, Rayfield, Ont 1* s ' luccestor t0 J. L.EJijorsa. .. - Office -The Square. Goderlcbe Maps & Maps Fl RRIsTgRs, F',. , R.C.HAYS-R.C.HAYS,.IR.. B. A, Hamilton St.. Godericn INSURANCE, LOANS. MC, INSURANCE, LOANS, ETC. M cKILILOP IfUTUAL FIRE IN- na 9URAYCE CO -Farm and iso- lated town property 1nenred. O0irtRw-Jam. Connolly, Pres., Gode ,;rich P. 0.; .las. Evans,, Vlce-Pres» Beechwood P. 0.; D. F. McGregor. Sec. -Tress.. Seaforth P. O. Directors -.•1. Broadfoot, R. R. No. 8, Seaforth; John G. ()dere, Yb. 4, Walton; William Rinn. R. R. Nb. 2, Seaforth ; Joan Rennewlpa, Brod- bageo ; Geo. McCartney, R. R. No. d, Se'atorth ; Robert Terris. Rarlodt ; Murray Gibson, Brncefleld'; JAMS/ Evans. Beechwood; Jamas ('0n110111, GodoMch. Agents -J. W. Teo. Goderieb; Alpe T.eftcb, R. R. No. 1, Clinton; John Merray. Peaforth ; E. Rinehle>r Seaforth. P011ey-h.hhra ran stake sit payment' and get Goer cards reedit- ed at R. J. Morrish'' Clothing Stoat, • Clinton; R. H. Cone's Grocery, Kis. aeon sttreet. G1,erich, or 1. R. Reiff* fletterel Story. 'Bay'Aeld