HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1957-03-06, Page 9Mr, Hugh Pavld MoDonald has old his, farm to'Mr. Ivan. Dow. Mr. and Mrs, lYfeDonald leave in twg weeks for 'Preston, where Mr. McDonald ','has secured a, position. Mr,. and, Mrs,- Saelr' 40grcigf of rjlonls visited on Sunday at the a of her skater, 104, Wm, Rirl a riUmber 'from this dbl. tended the Clinton ' Seed atorday. horn tout. Quite trier ax fair. on S GUARANTEED TRUST CERTIFICATES • short to 171 5 years THE STERLING 6, STS 0 ROYAL CHICK HATCH AT WINGHAM OFFERS YO RED x SUSSEX LEGHORN x WHITE ROCK Cobb's PEDIGREED RED X IOC Kimberchick's LEGHORNS of California' — MEAT TYPE -- ARBOR ACRES WHITE ROCKS - VANTEESS x ARBOR ACRES lllllll lllll ll 1 llllll 41!..114,1.11..11 ll „111111111Y 1l1,111Y . • ,0-lan to litts44.tko. ,00tinr40 'to he 1447 ..tistineOrial 44411 'here ntiat'W r, *rob 13,, 13. aid 'fling 1.)A ...ok!it and. varfatY: 1011C.A.t1 , the indigo or# xnArdhsi00. hat yttitlp, March 'rhOttrjr1g stile WNtier4 Institute this Tirooday atiartiewl. ri$ 2., o'clock, flog, ,cy otbotty ,projeot ,copying; Year". .Gongratulations are:due •ar- TOM. gaunt, who' wen the. Hurtn.i, prep improvement Trophy for the highest scare in the senior 'sec- tion of the Junior Far near send:, judging competition , at the :seed0r The, leadgt,,,e. fait in Clinton' last wrieit, study with priixe,e,: All the ladies. of the conirrom.-' Mrs. 'Farrell 'attics it); are invited to the observance' from the Mjsohnia of the World pay .of Prayer at FandlY Centre"; Vt.,0 the manse on. ',Friday afternoon at new hope to refajt, 2.30.,, ,Bong„, Mrs. John RO Mr, and Mrs, Levi WePlArl, Priday ,evening. Mrs, Ackert. 13t' tertained the folks, of the 0th ean- chill'' and blOYd, MOOgoroeFY )104 cession a East Wawanosh in high paints and 'Mrs. George Gar, their new herne last Tuesday eve- ter and Harold 0000 held low fling, when seven,. tables played pointS. lucky card draw was euebrO. Mrs, Clarence Hanna °and Mrs, John Ourrie'S. Lunch vas Ernest.Snowden held high points, I served. an all enjoyed the secial and Mrs. Gordon Taylor and Mark time together, Plans were Made Armstrong held low points, Litnehl to' held :41 /45t. Patrick's social in. two was served .and ,the PlOnOod weeks. g. people .of the United ertaincd. the yew* Helena and of the Chosen - here ,an GrOsWorth, on worship set-, oshorth, Bay!. 3rieit iGooltea games and Oners and. cl .coffee F at PA Forest VIIIITICHURGH - The yam - • to Meet Church, ant Thirteen tabled played •euchre at potie' Of t, Peri:Vac School On Wednesday,f, preehy teriaa light, with the teacher, Mrs. Geo,,prue$40„, evo ni u„ Olga tee;charge, Mrs, 'Tam'' Presided at tho sh points and Mrs. Howard Martinmend Laitilaw and and Gearge Webster held law wqre fharge' of the prize , for .the noose endives, six- nuns, epories, candy an teen, L•UnCh served hnd it was enjoyed by all,' was decided to hold another euchre Thirteen tables played, ch In two weeks. No, fi School, Bast WaW mi anosh, .POin ts, Robert Taylor 'Wee contests,. Lunen of Iv" With • The WIDEST range • The CLEAREST picture • The BIGGEST $,Cfeen • The LIGHTEST' weight, is a real 'Lightweight' • and 'is also available. • in excitingly-styled colour combinations. t. You may choose froM Sage & Mist prnnn. Sand Weave k'Citinanion, Cenehman Red & Ivory • or Sand 'Beige & tinna MOM The new Sylvania 1 'S-11'Q11 chassis is perforinanoe. packed surprise. Now; in s.portable., you can have that t I'OWER for eStra+ long reach into distant reception nreaS: it's • ligittnri,.ntorc corn, Pact ; . more ficT/erful ..6ndfnicistdeprndnblel Mkt and Mra, filiften Moore, Mr. and Mtg. Mforoo,of Oen, Mr. Hradiey and Mrs. Agnes Boughncr, of Parithill, Wa- ited en .Stinday M the flOnle of the latter's daughter, Mrs. Kennedy, hti:. and Mrs, Kennedy visited on Monday' With Mr. and Mrs, John ,W,oalcook. of GlOrinnnan. Mr. Mid Mrs. Ben' MCCIenaghan Etral-Cari visited on Sunday at tb* home etheir ;daughter, Mrs. Wm. Parker of Prnecfleid, 410.rdan spent the 1)$/wilt-Ott Ilif1 nephew, Mr. HOU 4 Mr. Gilbert 13escrott visited on Thursday with tar par., tints; Mr, ant Mrs. Robert Wat- son of Brdeefleld. The Day of Prayer service will 'lac, held this ,Wriday In the Drifted Church here at .4 p,m.• aDd, the service for :Brielc 'United 'Church will be held at the borne :Ctf Vex Robertson, Mr. ,Mld Mrs. gt1 1414,0600 and Coker, Thimenford, IlReak tier week-end with her pailentsi, Mr, and Mrs, John. Hotchieon, and with his parenta in Ooderich, ' Mr. ;and $0,11. ThOttiPson Of Goddritilt and Mr. and Mrs, Galvin, *Wilson and eons WO the week, end at/the homes of; Mr, and. Mrs, Plilhion .of ficonliton, 'Mr, and Mra, Claire ThonnipSOn of Langton and Mr. and.Mrs, Moss And Mr. and 'UM Oar* l'hOlairion Thlison- burg. Mn and Mr/i. jotin Mantyro* of Wingharn, and Mrs, Gaon g'419900 visited en Sunday with their par- ents, and .fre„. A, B.. Portion of Lucknow,, Wfilfrg01.10tcff TO. .annual: lainintios ,ntgothig of the White. church teibrary ffonrgl WO4 held on Thurarlay, ovening"at,the home of the prealdent, 'Bev. W, J. Watt, who Pres404- • The'trogoiger, Mrc r#,ra *WO., gave the finanaial atatOMOittl, Hefeelpti, balance from PO, Prig); legislative `grant, .0600i COnn4' of, HtIrOn ,grant, $4409; Wawanosh grant, f10.09; PrOoecds 'fren1 play. $13.90:mem- br ft fees, y$,7 reol .00E7liceonuanetsy, iibb.- rary Membership, ;45.00; extra nn :it of books, 1400, The following hooks were read, Fiction, MC non-fiction, 2.16; child- ir:cifr'se,asbr olcvse,,tr471 .00,TA.hi fsamialla slight y. hership _card costs 250 and books are ailOyved out for two weeks, after,Which ic a day fine is charg- ed for a week, and then 5c .a day. T following p oi (4 hoard th sRrevira ores;, Wait, ;the resident minister,, MrS., 13riearwysJ64 . J. G C. rGaligliesMpires; AalbeerrM F t Pater ion and J, D, Beecroft; waYs and means comm., Mrs. George :Fisher, MO. Mather's, Mrs, Willis, Mrs; Dowling and Mrs. Cecil Falconer, Young People, in Charge of Service -WHITECHERCH —' The • young people of the Presbyterian Church were. in charge' of the program -Or the Student Bursary program-held pn. Sunday in the differeat'church- es in this dikriet, , The president, Lorne 'Forster, •: Titesided. Jean Aitcheson read the iScripture les, son, and. John Congram led in prayer, Murray Gaunt sang:Wear 'to the Heart of God" And. Ruby Conn aid Irnia and Joan Forster sang, a special , trio, ":The Lave, of God". John Allen, :of Waterloo, 'give .the addiess.", ' In the evening the young,people of .the district met in. the PrcshY- terian,C hureh, Wingham, for a . speeial meeting, • where Murray Gaunt Presided: WIIITECHURCII Mr. and Mrs, RusSoll: Chapman and Gary spent 'Sunday' in To-, ionic) 'at the hoMe of their datigh- ter Mrs..-Bois ; Mr. A. k.13ackton'celchgatcid "his 81St birthday on Sunday, and he and Mrs, i3ticitton with Mr. and Miss :Gibson Hamilton; .Mr. and Fred" tiicht:On of ' Lucknow and Mr. and Mrs. John 'Barr 'of Holyrood -were entertained at a, START CA R SOONER SAVE ENGINE WEAR ,Drinking that last anjoyable Cup of coffee in the morning takes about the sante length of titre a ptetiet, engine warm,up according to a leading Canadian atitonlobile service authoritY. Present clay Motor 'oils provide math, greater ilrOteetion for engine pasta In cold-weather starting than did the oils used In "the old days". It it pointed out, that the fluidity of the modern motor oil allows it to circulate freely at eXtrentely low teziweratures, I However, in spite of this techni- cal'improvement in the oil there', still exists 4 considerable, hoed for care in, starting a cold engine, Under no canditions should a cold engine be idled at high ipeeds or driven•while cold, at speeds, exceed- a. beautiful poem pe001 ,',4 VtOrning", by Faith 'TO Wilfred ter in the study bop* China, 'Thirteen ladies to the roll call, rlatnlAg the Bible, • . The president, Mrs. `We -ducted the businesS ..tiesndgitkte Id, Metcalfe, secretary, rosy ter from Mrs: W. Irwin,-.: ing in Londen. Mrs; iik11,61 closed a cheque for $1„0,96,40,ef of tlh•resgoernr .society, Aan ts .were Madl, society's part in .the ;W:ArId 113%rlareTt.'es'''grieesebyttoeriLtiie'lle,Chld;teini; Friday, March 8th. Si closed the. meeting Wit-W04er. again Weak loon and Robertpurclon held high, viceand Karen G -rievvV. .3efleCtion to All-new Sylvania 106 Deflection Tithe' • ' - , . Qutperforms all the" rest! Here is the latest , and greatest 'in picture tube design. Shorter " in depth, lighter in' .weight it a ffords a fall '15,0, square inches of sharper, brighter viewing area. NU, and Mrs. Prentiaa Of Hes, ,peler spent the, week-end ,at the 'haw of Ab Hart, ' Mr. and Mrs:` Albert Memari and family spent Sunday at the borne of "her parentS, Mr, And Mrs. 11.ager of Walkerton. Mr. Jim Cummings left. last Wee with Mr. and Mrs, C4Us ?Boyle of Wingham to spend aNnOnth in. The institute unlies are asked to • Whether)rou'rn' looking (*Or that !secaP set or getting your Ark—this% is it! liknOt be misled. See it—cOmpare it—and be convinced! Besides the most advanced chassis and picture tube TV edgineering history the all-tiew'SylVania Slim Jim provides • new, iinproveti glare-guard picture filter • se.nsitive, fully .rotating telesdopio anternia-4fisu'Ves locating- best possible signal • conifortable recessed carrying handle. .It all adds up to. FORT:ABLE.. LV 'IA:,°'"v"6 ::Not,ei\lvist Rom*: family dinner at the home of. Mr. and. Mrs. 'rhos. 'Morrison. Mrs. ,John Eurig of FOrdWich spent a few dayS' fait Week at the home of her son, Mr, Kenneth Dowling, and on Friday Mia:-Eur- ig, Mr. and Mrs. Dowling and Mr. and Mrs. 'Russell Ross • *ere in London, where Mrs. Entig visited het brother, Mr. Robert Lewis, of Fordwich,,WhO is • a patient in 'Vic= toria Herspital. • Mr. George 'Coultas,. Mr. Robert Coultes and Mr. and Mrs. Jahn Gaunt were in Elora onMoOdaY, • : Where they attended, the funeral of Alfred Scott: , , Mr. R, Thompson was in TO- mitt° last vveelc4 Where he attead- ed a convention and vfsited at'the home of Mr. and' Mrs. Truman Beatty., and•Mrs. Gedrge Bradley arid family, of Motint Forest, visited on Sunday at 'the honae of her sister, ' Mrs. Kenneth Dowling. Mr. and Mrs. J. G. Gillespie and Mr, and Mrs. Ezra Schnitz 'sited( on Sunday , at the home Of Mr. and Mrs. Jack Gillespie of Sarnia. Mr. and Mrs. James St, Marie and Raymond; of Kitchener, spent the week-end at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Mylis St. Marie. , Those from a distance who at- -tended the funeral of the late Mau- rice Stewart on Friday were Mrs.. Stewart of ,Edrnonton and their- son, Mr. Max 'Stewart, of Water- loo, his sisters!Mrs, French Cam, by, of Waineet, Miss Gertrude, Stewart, San Antonia, 'Texas, as ,well as relatives from Teeswater,' There were representativs front' the Stratford, Kitchener, Hespeler, Chesley, Toronto and Montreal fur- niture companies with Whom Mr, Stewart had been associated as a manufacturer's agent for the Prai- rie Provinces for the past forty years, Friends gathered at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Harold Wel- ker after 'the funeral. Miss Stew- art will 'epend this week" at the Walker home, • • pay -4 3/4 % • Unconditional principal and in • •authorized investm • 'Put o the §eriptore Mg SO mph, , Proper procedure, aceording to A. .Dykes, director of service, Chrysler • Corporation- of .,Canada, Limited, is to start the engine and allow oil pressure to build up to operating normal before moving the, vehicle, If an immediate start. is required it is, suggested that the car be driven' at speeds not exceed.: ing SO mph until normal operating temperature is attained. • The best passible solution is, of course, to al- . -e historylof hinnaa opinion low the engine to run at a fast idle. Th heat, ie ,h,as re ache d u•,•ie polled hacisatrocicylyotanhYutmhianng eitis tvhioni .. . lll l l CHECK THESE PRICE.t THEY'RE ABSITIVELY- THE LOWEST YOIAL FIND ANYWHERg Interest, payable half yearly y guaranteed as to • IN S Y $395.40 ACCUMULATE ent for trust funds 47i E ARS S TO $500.00 C 0 R P 0 R. A 1 411eati Officer. V2 boy St.# Taranto 1.3 Dunlop TRU branch 'Otte et • 1 A