HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1957-03-06, Page 8The Rev, 5. E. McGuire addressing memhera of the Catholic Wereen's' League at 'their annual banquet,
held in the Queens Hotel last Tuesday evening, From aleft • to right: Rev, E.: P, .LaRocque, Fr. R, J.
Durand, Dr. McGuira Mrs. Newman, Mrs, a Skinza!and Mrs, E. Palmera—Adaaacei-Timea photo.
Kraft CHEEZ 16 oz. 59c
Kraft DINNER 2 for 29c
Schneider's Lard & Shortening 4 lbs. $1
6 28 oz. 'Tip Zip Choice TOMATOES PIZ:17
6 - 20 .oz. Tip Top Choke CORN SALE
6 - 20 oz. TipTop Choice PEAS
6 - 20 oz. Clark's PORK & BEANS $4.46
Miss Marjorie Brownsword, of Stoke-on-Trent, Staffs, England,' and
Mr, Bernard Cummings, of Blyth, pictured after their wedding an,
adiairday, March 2nd. The couple were married at the. Sacred.,,Hkart
Wingham, by the Revs Father R. 5. Durand. Mr. and Mrs.
Cummings will live in Toronto when they return, from their honey-
moon Wadi is being spent in the United Statena-Phato by Haramerton.
Blended 48 oz. ... 36c
Grapefruit 48 oz 34c
"Friendship's heights are e'er.
serene: 43e a friend. 'Speech. must
build and not destroy. New ffiends
I cherish, but old friends are the
salt of the 'earth," These are but 'a
few thoughts of friendship given
by Mrs. J.. IVIelCibbon at. the Go-
forth EVening Atiailfara of St
Andrew's Presbyterian Church,
Stiong:",f..,ohr Vows
At 44fherqn church
ORRIE-aTrality u th ()ran
Ohara), Xhirtaville, was the •setting'
for .tge Marriage on Satarday,
Mare)) and at • 13`.m. of Gertrude
lean- A rnetta tofir, gorric,„ daugh-
ter of Mr. Harry. Lohr arid the
late Mrs, Lola., Fordwich and
William Alex. Warren Strong, eld-
est son of Mr. and Yolia
A pretty' wedding toolt place,' on
Saturday, March 2nd.; at Sacred
Heart chi:1mb,-, Winghain, when
'Miss lyfarjorie 'Brownsword,
daughter of the- late Mr,. and.Mrs,
Ard'old /FSrownsword,' of Stciker•on
Tia•ernxtie- 0 :S S taffordshire,t6Bpirri0 En Cgluanntti was' In
,son of Iffrs,,E, CuroningS and the'
lateTEdbWrai brides Cummings, of B
marriage by Mr.-Fred Mee, wore
a'strapless gown of white•lace and
tulle, with satin underskirt traria-
med with sequins' and pearls and
topped with!, a- white lace bolero. ,
gPlearae finger -ati' hpevaedidl rew
ssasof held: in;
;She carried a white prayer boOk
covered with an orchid corsage: , • , • •
The' matron of . honor Was MiSs
Shirley Chettleburgli,
Who wore .a` strapless . pink • lace-
gown with satin underskirt; a pink
iace, bolero and matching head-
dress, She ' carried a nosegay
white• baby mums and, pink haa,-
The bridesinaid, Miss Mary
Saiiderson, of. Ingers011, • wore a
strapless , blue . lace gown, satin
underskirt' and matching head-
dress, She Carried a ,Most'gay of
White- baby .rnuias and blue hya- a cinth.
Tht- best man.• was Ma -Tony
Middegaal, of Elyth. During 'the'
wedding ceremony, Miss Marykae
Newman , provia.ed the organ
music and sang,two '1'
The reception .was held at the
. .
SHREDDED WHEAT b .. 2 pkgs. 37c
Eatmore WHEAT FLAKES 5 lbs. 39c
Nestle's Chocolate QUO( . 16 oz. 59c
Aylmer KETCHUP ..,..... H oz 22c
Robin Hood FLOUR . 25 lbs. $1.75
Ontario No.,1. POTATOES = 10 lbs. 37c
Florida GRAPEFRUIT 96's . . 10 for 49c
Scripture pa:ss'ages were read' §trung, Carrie. ' .•• •
and explained by MisaR, AtIntyre The bride was given 'in maariage
and Mrs. phittiek. We, are not by her', father. Tha R..e.V, Richard
important by oar own might and Scholtz officiated and Miss "Eunice.
power, but by the-spirit of 'Christ Schialtz was argatiist.. "
and The i,ride wore a -gown of, white
pdWou et gonlruelirastbt trust noignif.se6ociudt
a: His spirit can nylon and lace' over 'satin; ,Waltz-
do jength, . a pillar headdress With'
J •
servant of Christ pastel sequins ',and finger-tip veil Mrs' °aide)! led in prayer; esk''' of 'tuna illusion. She carried' a Mg God to forgive .us as nations white Bible with red roses
and as individuals,-and 1 saying that Miss s Thelma Benratt, of Gorrie, all ourpIans should be in obea-
fence of Gods plaza was '.bridesiriaid and *ore' a.waltz-..
President Mrs R. Arbuckle, and length. dress, of blue crystal Charm,
the secretary, of the 'meeting as.
Mrsa junlaa_brideSinaid was Carolrol
business part,
S. Reid lad the - niece of the -bride • in taageaiae
crystal charm: Perry Strong,' usual. The supply allocation Was
accepted,' the articles, to be col, brother of .the groom swag ibest
lected in June. The .' group :also roan'
heard` from Mrs, Doug Fry, telling re cOvereptior ayt , gtal:teesta:home atte
nded t ,„thhee,
about their work in and near
Montreal. • - bride's father, Receiving . were'
:'• After, the offertory Prayer by Mrs.' Lahr,: in a dress of charcoal
:Mrs. J: Carr,' those taking the vas. grey orlon; 'the gidorn's mother in
siOaary part of the program gath- nava and? the bride's grandmother,
ered around 'a table to represent a Mrs. August Xeil, in navy, Crepe.
canferenee in Thailand at which For the wedding trip the bride
Mrs. W, W. thirney (group leader •Chose a Trench:• navy petitaofrite
for the evening) welcomed repre- dregs, with a white hat,
sentatives to Bangkok; from Bur. aphea'couple" will reside an High-7
'ana, 'Mrs, R. Arbuckle; froM Cana- Way 87'. east of Carrie. The groom,'
da, Mrs. Gaulea.from was formerly on , the staff of the Mrs.Hilbert. Canada''S delegate Whitiii• branch of: 'the Bank , of
'questioned the other Fpreseata- Montreal in Toronto.
tives and-many" very interesting;
facts Were learned: •
• (1) Burma was occupied by
Japan, during` the second world
wars but she is ''independent now,
with the ,government gradually
gaining more "contrel. The., average
Person iri Burma would he afarm-
er or a fisherman.' Burma is the
world centre of Buddhism, and the
Baptists' are the largest Protestant
group,. Although there has heen a
great revival,- of Eaddhism;' non-
believers are buying mare'. 'Bible
than ever before. . •
(2) Irid*O-ChIna *as 'been under.
French rule' about. one hundred
years, and France has been 'very.
reluetant to give independence to
the 'people: Migrating, people from
India brought 'Buddhism to Ina..
China,' but the religiOn of Con
Is. the damInant, one. There
is a Chinese population) of abont 2
or 3 Milliena and French colonista
number about 35,000.. Most of the
PeeDie ,Worit on the 'sail; chiefly
growing rice, he. French dafeciura
aged Protestant -.4 rnissioriaries, so
most of theicarark has been done:
since 1918. There are no Christian
hospitals- arid-no Christian -schools.
Thus CoMMunist fottea have be,
come Very polaerful in, Indo-China.
(3) Thailand; teatre of the can-
termite, hit always been faed, 'well-
,fed peaceful. andpyo sperous. It
has, international orgarairitrOas
and a high standard xof living.
Thailand ix' toltrant of missionar-
les to Roman CattiOlies number..
about 53,009, Protestants, about
30,900, The country is more opals
'to, mission groups than .any. other
Asiatic country because the goV-
&Orient subsidizes Chriatitui Work-.
The; IneetinriVro closed by the ,
hymn "Who on the -Lord's.
Side"; frilloWed. by •the beneillatiOla
given: by Mil, a.Perrett,
The aii,Pplyleaders.passed around
patchet which' were sewed Into'
bloats ',for a Child's quilt 'for th4
supt0 c011ettlni Jane. Mit&
Wenn-bets dente- early to quilt sa
one ,,Child Will have a, guilt ready •
'Mi. dap,
WOO& T3lessed AtarY,fst.
Elizabeth of ginigarYi St, Cattier..,
Inc of Sienna, St, Theresa of the
Child Jesus.,. t. Maria Oaratti and
Maw others.
)54fore the One of 'Christ, said'
Dr. Whiquire, Eve was tile *pattern
for women, now, since Christ,
women has, taken on. much
greater dignity. She la ,a„r1 Matra-
molt of apiritual creation, With
our blessed Mother as her model
with her love of peace,',hope and
'barn-Oita. The. Criem.her, by
her example, should be ap
to shine forth to her fel/oW•woMeri
parishioners, as well as, to the
world in general, One of, the great
'Wilts Of the Waild at the tirn.e Of,
Xing St. Thomas
More said ,',"'Whatever ' task yOa
have, taken' upon 'ourself;, do it
well 'Mid leave the rest tel GOd."
pr.. McGuire urged his listeners'
tinkt, no matter whether' Omit
work he ink the home, in the fac • -
tory or in the office, to do it well.
The spea4er Was introduced by
Rev. R. S. Durand, B.A., a, graduate
of Western University and pariah
priest at Sacred .Heart CharCh,
Wingham. Rev, E. P, :LaRoccrtie,
IVLA,, a graduate of LaVal -Univer-
sity .and ,teacher at Chriat the
King. College, who aecompariied
Er. McGuire, also spoke briefly;
Mrs.. Chris NeVanan is president
of thC Wingham' Sabdiviaion, C.W.L.
Other officers include; Mrs. Geo.
Skinna lst vice-president; 'Mrs.
HarrY Foster, 2nd, vice-president;
IM's.". White, 3rd. vied'.
president; Nara Palmer, Secre-
tary; Mrs. Louis Readmak
,1(01 1 w4115 rtrwolet;14viaClt,t, 0411001.Ydeolatxgrlioramorn, . a. o rxle,roci,
714e0 and daughter, ,of )4,rtlnY, New
11:Mrdrisgres4by:l baC9ne4;TWV::ere:91)d,:ants'sQl: Pq;tro; pracd' ;111
b19aecel;!;010broieoeiis 4 bengaline tiIsste,P laoe irns:ge on and oppleniti
art/lids when she left for her
the EnitedStates.
One teaspoon of pure onion lulus
added to a glass of toinato
at breakfast makes refreshing
' 0 0
When frying eggs, Shake a drop
of pure ,garlic (iach yolk
as the eggs begin to simmer,
titOri,cto.T.* .
Ats.: Dienger Sforiar Thot
_MAY 'Me a n
See Your Doctor,
For free literature , Write `'
1(14 W Ivi N 11014I 13ARQUET
A . very pleaaant evening was
spent at Oft Legion Hall on. Friday
evening when Mrs, LaBalser, krs.
.T. Donaldson, Mrs. j. Carr, Mrs.
Howard Feller and Mrs. Gloria
Sims, entertained friends of Miss
Louise Campbell at Da sower.
,Puring the evening' contests
were held. The' bride-to-be was
presented with sevea'al lovely gifts,
among them a chair, nest of tables,
card table, ironing board and pad
arid' a pair of blankets.
Miss Campbell' thanked her
friends and lanth 'was served.
Wingham C,W;L-.,
:Holds 13ancimet , . - Tuesday evening, February 25th,,
the Wiligharn sabdiviSlOn of the
C=atholic Wroraell'a League, held'
,their annual banallot a the
Queens /Rotel, Winghalla, With a
good attemianee. After enjoying a
dellaious turkey aliirfer, members
and guests, were eatartained by
a vocal solo by' Miss. Marylcaa N'e'W-
Inan, tieetaapaaied by 'Harald 'Vie,
tor Pyni.
Tile highlight , Of tile M g eetin
waa the remarks of , the guest
speaker, Rev. „S. k. ,IllfaGaire, Mak%
ProfeSser•of English.arid PlaleS-
ophy at Christ the alng Collegea
Landoll_ Dr, McGuire was, ,born iir.
Windsor,. where ' he received his,
elementary education attending
Pattersoii College and Assumption,
Cellege. He' was , gradaated in
Philosaphy and Theology from St,
Peter's Sernialary, London, 'later
taking .a. post-graduate course at
the University of Toronto and
Notre Dame University, at South
Bend, - ,
His address to the C.Wra, Mon-
bars was• based on two impoitant
points., firk, what it maims to be.
a woman, and secondly what it
Means to :be a member of . the
Catholic Women's Ltague, i/abni6n,
he "stated, make 'earth heaverily'by.
prgetiaing the virtues of humility,
tenderness and Charity. It's the,
woman. wile beings peace to the
World, exercised thriaighieve and
tendefness, ' who is going to turn
our 20th century back God,
Some "of our greatest Saints, pr.
MaGuire a contfnued, were. Woinen
avlin led exemplary Jives. For ex
Phone: Our Prices Are Lower. Free.
590 We Keep Down the Upkeep Delivery
Waiting their turn to go On Stage are these members 'of the east 'of
the play produced by Wingham District High School students-for their
'annual concert, which was held in the achool auditorium on Thursday
and Friday evenings of lait week. The players were Mary Lou Dunlop
Stewart lqcOill Margaret Xing, Tom larydgeS, BeverleY'Nfthery Eev
Stewart, Th(i" play was direeted by Miss K, ltifeGregor.
..—Advanee-Timais photo.
`Whiglaula, 07*
Scaretaiw of Whigham and ills
hid branch of Canadian
lisiiimuCancer Society
. . "whenit was ,stiggt-
.cl. -he go "somewhere
other than DOWni's.
Our customerslike 'Con-
sistently good :
at likes to talk busiiiess *with', farmers!
Any farmer who wants to talk business will alwaYs find
a. warm welcoMe at any Toronto,Doniinion branch. All our managers are thoroughly familiar with the
regulations covering Farm improvement Loans, and •
they're familiar with the,fatining problems in their area., SO whether you simply,wish to opcii a savings '4eco unt i or get a loan for some major mprovement, .
y6iell get sound, honest assistance from ,your local
Toronto:Dominion manager. If you haven't Met him-' drop' in and getiacquainted,
6 - 15 oz. Stokely's Fancy PEAS
6 =15‘ oz., Stokely' Fancy CORN
20 oz. Checkei Choice TOMATOES
6 - 15 oz Libby's PORK & BEANS
Itti.b a little fine Salt err ,. the
creek o an egg Shell before
tram : 0111iiih bevuet.itt, ,the 'contents
THAI' LOOKS, A.lit,a0
*tote you brrAl Ohio ,itqatin
Ida. Vali II Itsmos enter,