HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1957-03-06, Page 7being bounded by the TOWnOWP of
lieWiek and the north by the
Tnwaship of Cnlross in the Coanty
of Bruck. •
The ,seil of the township Was
found to be ef Superior quality,
While its surface was in the main last blow 'veil it. He also ereeted unduiating--inciiiied to ronghness
in. those parts bordering the north a dam across' the Maitland, It. has
branch of the Maitland River, been partially 'destroyed • during
whfloods but never wholly so andieh traverses it in an extremely
irregular course. from the eastern' still Stands, today, nohly, fulfilling
1,4adary to the aoftawest. angle: Its P4rPoSe, There are, few, •inilla
. • retentions WhateVer in the town.
TherewaS but one village of ,any ,now left run by a water wheel.
The Mill also stands on the orig7
ship in 1$p and that was Blue" final, site, with additions to its •
vale. It was a th structure and improvements, add
partly in the township
riving little plate • of Morris,
, is Stiil a going •concert,',altholigh.
flour has not been ;manufacturedbut., chiefly in Turnborry. Jacob,: - for manyyeara. • • Cantelon and 41eX Duncan ,were, by it
the first settlers, but the • real
foul-Were of the village were the
Leech •13rothers. '
The Leech brothers purchased•
' from Mr: :Cantelon and ,111r. Dun-- , • can, who .commenced huildingtheir.
While calling on fernier Citizens:
of Helnies' school Seca,* ,in Turn.
berry Township, ,we • heard many.
tales of pioneee life, William Jen-
kins told of I3i1 Jim lVfoKie from
the eleventh of ,.`'iirnbe'rry, •
1El 'Jim'was; eXtremely. strengi,
• His good wife and ;helpmate' !was'
Weakling ,either, They lived On e
• Sinall strip of land known as "ow witb.Mr• Mrs. Qcorgc Hether-
twelve acre field", now Part ,ot i ngten anCi
• 'The annuarinecting of the Blue-Robert MeKague's farm. • EyerY
spring Jim and his wife personally, Vale Branch .,of the ' Women's In-
pulled the harrows during seeding, stitute 'will „be held at• the home
• .Thoinas McLean in his, historical of„Miss Mary Duff , on, Thursday,
` review of 1935, tells this: "Jim Me.March ?Atli, The toPit will be his:,
Kie had beeh digging. a well in 'torical., Mrs. I:Uri/Qr. RobertSele
Wawanosh and when he was will give the life story of Stephen. -•
finished he shouldered his well-rig, Fester; and Stephen Foster songs'
will be sung'. Reports fromconsisting of ii: maple' windlass, two ing committees Will, be received, buckets, shovels and' picks, He'. call.
cd at Lower'. Winzham Mill on his folloWed by the electiop of.officers,
way hem° . for a; hundred, et; flour. 'The World pay • of .prayer, will
He added this to his Other borden,., obserged the. Anited• Church.
At the store of Maldolin•CEimPbell
• he bought eciOlcstoye :and •added
it to his load.' On he pur-
'Phased a sow and a litter of 'pigs.'
He carried the pigs along, with all
the rest, butctiaiied .the sow ahead
of him, We are told he arrived
home safely."
Improvements to ,Bluevale Mill
But Still StanOs on Original Site -
le,wmuir OE TPliptTPART mine, when line Only, habitatiela lb
1$47 1067 the ill Scktleent was the 14;44,honsea •
rrbe 8,,..,ozrapmeal f ool of tma hof l'vressrs, Calitelmi and' Puricitn„
t'ewi'Ml!P ncariY that Of a right' gr. PeOenn named the
angled triangle with, the base ofa foriSti in Glasgow, Scot.
resting' against the townships b/nt/' and B!nevele church
Grey, Mer les Ana ;4y4,104flosh has • been vitiated by some ,from
on the seuthWeat, the ,gast side 'Hesse partS Who have returned to
Visit in Glasgow. •
;The Leech brothers gristmill was
'completed in 1856. There• were >a" e'
brothers.in the fairillY and Wyllia, -
Henry was the one in charge of
the building pf,the Mill, It is said
that he struck the firSt and the
Reeve John FiSchbr 'And Mrs.
Fiseher attended the, banquet, and
preSentatioa in honor of Mr. 6.,
geptgemery, retiring Huron COunl
ty agricultural representative, at
'Seaferth on. Friday evening.
.be.941, 1)04 in 1<cs
berry Cents And.freptkrations
are 1104 made Or -athcir4,. •
• ThY last published,` 'af sea,
lion ehairokri _way 'apparently
comPlet0.. the fnbowiing.it.the re
vised list of the Centennial ,torn-•
mittee MoMbell$ to ...date .s.
4, 0044' %have fiLIMVAT.4,1-41vroari 809110'
.rd Turn., observed.gaaa presbyter.
Ian chorch'. on Sunday when
student minister, 7419Phee' •
save the addreSS, „Aaaihitink"in the
bell and Ian guridelb, 'Ocoee fto -
zervice Were MSS
prtiled sang a 0:.elo
A special oflerjag was taken fOT
the Student" Bursary Fund. '
student MIDISter
Omen At Bursary Service
High Sehoel pupils Who preSented. a gay square dance' number at
the Wingham District High School concert held en Thursday and
Friday of laSt week, The dancers scored a big, hit With the audientes
t •
' Township chairman .L".. John V.
tart'--Gordon Liloovala.
Committee .ehairniert. Historical
committee Mrs. Xitken,
DaVid ForttiCei McEWaili
publicity - Puff,
Bluevale, • "A. 'D; '.Smith; . Bluevale'
invitations :Mrs..D.'8. 10eNackii,
PM; Bluevaler piprade-Alex, pOt•
rigan, Bluei/ale; sports Walter'
WoOdS, 11, wia : pre,
gram-Mr. and Mrs;"Jeiin:MeTay-
ish, friehrithf'
Wm. B. .Cruituitiati.ii;,".4';''.A.'2,
Wingham; palltin ~= Leslie Pot
One, R. x,
tio4d; Wele
-7, George, ;Underwood;. .:•••
Wirigham;- finairee•-:.Geergii" Ter-,
vii, 'R.;-11... jai
hott, R. 2, ,Winglifnn;fteuben',
11...2:1T rzWinkilalli;;4011
Scheel A,;','ea.i.eireSePttitiveS:.•Ne..
1 -Leslie Poiiglas;•Wreiit'er;:,,Wo:.
--Harehf Eitieft,
No. 3--Mrs:...Diky,n..,*adie, "'It... It. .•2,
Win gliam ; Wo,4e7Gordmi Mundell
at, Listowel, • , ' Address your replies to'Publicity
Mr, and Mrs. William 'Jenkins Committee, Turnberry. Centennial,
er, R. 'R.' 2, ;'Whig,haine.. Lanea'
School:- -Wri41,merkIlk;'" A!. 1,
Kagne; R. *hightail; :Wroi,c-:
etere-Stewart: Miligrci'Ve;I:Wroieter,
Morley. *fox,-
eter: 10 .Morris'-' 1.6.1's 'Orey,
B. '1316e,Vaie..‘:
•- BLUE ITAf;i2.1T112' d
Church Manse; 'Setting, for
the :Wedding Of'.'.•Sfieneer,
daughter of •theetate' Airs.
Albert plienee -.,:itlfnierii,
Cyril 44.00‹...dt.!Kiticar,"
dine, SOP ••,.of tli'S:-laq'i•lifr; Ur&
The Turnberry TO/habil? ten.
tennial committee •offers the 44.
lowing "suggestions'to 'tthose
are actively Interested in the
gross of plaps ,for the big event
this summer;
Those who wish .to haVe rnvita
liens. sent out tb friends or, vela-'
tives ;are asked to send' their lists
of names and:. addresses in alpha-
befit:id •order, to' Mrs, D, Mac-
Wapgbten, R.R. 1,• Blilevale; before,
`April 15th. All invitations must be
mailed' out before'May 1st.
The publicity woilld like any
available infOrmation that • might
be pf interest• regardhig" farms'or
properties, especially . those whiCh
have been in one • since
pioneer days. ; ,„ • . .-L
Teachers 4o Attend
Arthur Conference
By Miss :R. Duff
• • •
Frank Roy FraPries, in his book
"CaStles and Keeps of Scotland"
written in 1907 tells about. Turn-
berry Castle. It is one of the
oldest in.Seatland And possesses-
great historic interest, "It Was the
seat, of the 'Lords of Galloway arid
later it became the seat Of the
Earls of, Carrick. • .
In 1274 Margaret' Countess 'of
Carrick., was' married to Robert
Bruce. of Annandale. The castle
later ' became the ,_„!property of
King Robert •tihe Bruce.
On t,Septeinber 20th, 1286, there.
was held in Turnberry Castle 'the
firSt recorded association aasern-
;bbe,Ou. the,mOtables ,•of Scotland,
the object of which was to lay
plans to sapport the Claims , of
Rceotbelar , t eBruce to. the throne' or s
In 1306 the castle was held for
the English by Earl Percy; while
King Robert Bruce; lay in exile on
the Isle of 'Arran.
,Robert Bruce was to get a, signal
from his friends at the' proper
moment, to return to attack the
English. The,- sign was td,". be'
through fire, and an accidental fire
palled him hack before the, proper
thne...Bruce stormed the castle
and drove the •EngliSh to'retire to
Ayr on the West eoast. ,This in-
cident gave BytiCe the determin-
ation to keep up. the struggle and
proved the turhiiig point of his
fortunes.: Never afterwards was,
the castle- inhabited, Its owner
had passed. to greater thiaga.
At the village of Banneekbilid
onthe Scottish border • :oh :AMA'
21st; 1314, the armies tpf' Bruce acrd.:
Edward F, the second ,. met, i'Brnee
stormed' ,Stirling Castle: .•:Bdivs,rd
had 100,006 dien to-telleVe Stirling
They, were ,'forced, to fight a
narrow' Marshy field mai'. the
Rivet Forth, Many soldiers were
drovened l ot trapped in the marsh-
es and,,truee col-ripened the sur-
render of Stirlimg Castle,
, According to CoStinci Innes. in
"Scotland in the Middle ages".
Turnberry- Castle' is mentioned as
ha ing been in existence sineethe
13th century,
TurribOrry Castle 1902 • -
This 'lamella fortress sipiated at
the encl•of a promontory six miles
north of Givari and south of Treat-, wick in Ayr, i5 reduced to a few
magnificent fragMents. It stands
high on the hank of the Forth, of
Sir Walter Scat ia•his "Lord of
the Isles" describes the accidental
bla,ko that brotight Aohert Bruce
Tirile Was a links ,at. Turn
berry before' Then it became
anair field, and a large' hotel was
built for uSe' in war work, •
A letter to the editor published
in The Advance, December 1, 1910
tells of a number of improVements
made in properties between Wing- , hare. and Clenfarrow„whien were 6:
great 'esSet•, to ,the Township Of
Turnberry. Perhaps 'reading a' re-
port' of the- , letter Will bring to
milid•'herries and places of that
D"lea,er: Editor:.
4 ,#ivqng read- In your last Ad.,
va:neir of a trip to Wohderfal
Williteehureh ,,and to. note' the im-
peoverneAts on the •• way thereon,.
gricl•'„We take it for granted from
a, PreVlotis issue that, yOU also had
such an invitation from' Blueiraie,
We• rernirld,You. Mr, . Editor that
duSt always goes,befere the,broom.
Wewill'aiew give an invitation
to visit us ,in our part of Beautiful
TurnberrY. , •
You will notice: first in leading
your home the Wonderful improVa-,
Opening serVice for 'the Wing-
ham United. Church ACTS IVIen's
Club' Was held ,on Thnrsday, even-
ing,. February 21. The' meeting was
opened with the singing of "On-
wardiChriatian• Soldiers", followed
lig Prayer by Rev. D. MacRae.
W. W. Currie, president of the
club, welcomed the members: and
,guests froin Exeter.
P.ev.•MaeRae presided for the ih-
stallation of the new executive, as
follOws; Pres., george Guest; vice-
pies., Jack Woelfrey; see., Lee
Vance; trees. T. S„Beattie,
A very interesting panel discus-
Pion on the subject "Our Church's
Position in, the_ Cemiiihnity" was
held, under the • chairmanship 'of
Bob Carbert, Membors of the panel
were •Russell Zurbrigg, 'g. Ireland,
P, Carmicaacl and J. W,-Bush-
• -merit in youi town, Then coming
over the CPR traelii 'note fhenew
coat of paint ono the , Merkley
Chopping; Mill. .Goirig over the
bridge you will :then 'find Yourself
on the, top of MeKenzie'S beautiful
hill everlodking the Maitland. This
bill is rioted 'for •ita niagnificeht
Scenery and fine residences. Mov.`
lug toward the corner you' will See
that once sad-looking cottage is
now bright and smiling. ,
Now, be sure to take your thin
to the right. First .of imporLanee
on this road is Mr. Haines' flowing
well, As the water comes out of
the `rock rock for the Israelites in the
,kilderness, so "this conies feurth
clear as crystal. Then •coming to
Georg•e Cruickshanks you fiAd the
greatest iMprovement of all in the.
erection of mail boxes at every
man's gate. By free mail delivery
farmers get their mail right at
home, This is a great convenience
Otij'fiday,Miabh ilth;rit' iini;
„met 'in; the -• United ijOhn..• Coral
Church on Sunday evening, Miss =Rev.
Jeyet. Hoffman Presiding, . Bob
Feaser had charge of' the ' •toPie,
"Peter Kelly, Pioneer Preacher arid
Teacher' on Canada's West. Coast."
'A Bible qpiz followed.
Itr; 5"--Mrs; bee:
Me„ acid spent° meKinhon Day, R, Any aheedoteS or o les relating
aY, .• No, 6- -
and of • Cornwall,. visited • at Ferey •R, Wi ngliaih: No, to incidents,over the.paSt 100; years
be 'aivreei4thd..L - • the 3v0k7en d with Mr, ,and Mrs•Il• H McKinnon HistOries of the SeMiels:in
Misses Mary and Ruby Duff and . WrItiht, ft. betrY.Township would moat ac-
Mrs. M. ,L-Aitken spent Sunday, *; `E cepta' ' •
of 'Galt, /were week-end visitors Bluevale, Ontario.
..The,cornmereial teaphers of the °knish, en•ce secondary schools in DiStriet NO-5,
Which ext,ends from\ Kincardine to
Orangeville, have been invitfd .to
attend 'and share in a iionferepee
in Arthur, on Saturday, March•lith.
Alfred Piper .of Orangeville,'haa
been respinsible for the, orgardza-
Ven Of the diSeUssiore
m rs..Eisiel ,...,0.400,..clia wv, a • Canada's newest and, most east
Mae cornishOirottia.'Or in'e:FrOOria 0:V.:Red Cross
'Hospital is
•0 Newfound
the 'attenuanti." 4„:„ e - • • , locafed at Carbo ar
s hb., was fbrmerly on staff Wins ; • • ham Diatrict
.if,•:,,PerfOrroed the •'
beth'everiings when the, sell°
the, variety concert: •
ImproVements Macie to Turnberry
Township Properties in Year 1910
atillitorium was filled to capaeiiy for
Tot the farmer as well •as the
Stranger. When driving along the
road , it is a Pleasnre to ,be ;able to „
'pow -the enames of all the farMers
on the
A'little'farther and you come to
Hogg's "ceiner, You •will not _need
direeting here for youi instinct
will tell ;you to turn leftviTard.'Com-;
ing to Mn S. Varistone's• you' will
find something pleasing to the eye
of every Canadian, a . neat little
gate decorated with maple leaves.
George Wright's new silo shows a
progressiVe farmer..
Still going on we .find.new lames
being 'made on one farm, new
fences on another • till We conic
to Hugh •Casemore's,• Who has
made himself comfortable 'in the
addition of a new kitchen. , Jas.
Powell has painted his, dwelling,
and ,added a new verandah. Robh••,,
Breen has •erected a new barn. and ,
A,' McPherson a new hen house, '
We .intist, not forget that' our
reeve liVes on 'this line. Although
advancing in years he 'is stilt,
bright.and' energetic in looking,
after the township:8 needs..
Mr. A. Ross has improved his
pig pen , by cementing. Also notice
P, McDougall's new orchard fence.
Elliott has added $100 to his
farm with his new lane ,fence, You'
will 'see in his yard an. engine and
learn that ten . deep-minded farm-
ers have got themselves together
to purchase 'a coin ,cutting outfit,
Elliott and ,.McDougall being the
Here we find the end of the'free
mail delivery, the last of the, hon-
ored ones. .Wext but pot• least
comes the telephone put up by the
Wroxeter , Telephone Co. If you
,Would like to extend . your visit
droP in and phone. home, Mit if
' there are any secrets retnember the
phene is full, brother to the parrot.
Rather 'atop a. line in the mall•box•
Going en with Our iMprovements
we find BuSh has made hiSelien8
happy by fireCting a, new hen
house, Farther on notice J, Wray's
neW windinill, .1. Higgins*, new
dulled ,well, a new windmill on J.
Wylie's farm, and' the'riew roof on
• Ed. Higgins' house. A feW steps
More and 'we are at Glenfarrow
Postoffiee kept by Mr. W. Me-
AWards arc presented at the annual. banquet Of the On-
tarici Weekly Newspapers AsSoeiaton recently in Toronto..
William Sables:, left, retiring presideht of the assodatili,
' accepts the trophy for the. Best Countey Correspondent on
',behalf Of Gordon •AgfieW, of The toWmanville Statesman;
•. trent 3itriies A. Blay; direbtOr of nubile relations of Ontario
Iltdro• At Sigh ttWe o Leavens (left) secretary-man.
tiger of the taisbeilticia, .sents the Legge Memorial Trophy.
to George Jebnattni, for his fither„Edvirard W Johnston,
publisher Of. the J40.01.0E09 Times-Review. Bath:award
Winners iota iik 4tit6tir hecause of ill health..,
ill' 'front a heart "eitnitlitleh. Hydro. , ' Batirplet, heat isteii.i;.Tii.0 Telegram;
Said hiN sore, :Clobilio, who is as; reproSeoted , by 41.,,olltilitrbis': Mae
'starting management of the paper, VitAii 11,0k0E Vatimie„, vide-PrOsakiirid, eXedu.
as h aeopted4 the Legge Merritirld '',.,. , .,. . . '. tive eiliter on' '-' halt:: :of ; :Mai iatyan L. cathcart Ontario . - John
Trophy' from COMA Seerccary. 1 ' • ,Bassett, Jr., thaIrMin.and publish.,
manager Werden thaw:ft. , : minister' of Travel 'aii'd: Publicity, et, , • , • ,
„vas, gesture .00 lia, 46014. praised weekly newspapermen and lift, WEidyaitiii64,,,, d 0.14 ' kli
appreciated ''and remembered by women, "aa a vital force hi :the ,rte; I arse Weekhe ltitok .datly athoni-;
,. x
pape; Men lid women
"There is no caste aystem in tlui
newspaper bliaines$, We both have
important jobs tojuirill-Land, it is
ridiculous ''assume Vve 'can't co-
"'T,he silliest
.• ,
thing-a 'daily can do
is to :try. arid- compete with a
weekly, The ''relyi belief, in this
iMaPed if you tatiOt. beat 'chi
'otvery time a weekiy .newspaper
dies I 'feel badly, All I, can say is
thin: If
grain. ,
.ev:er, get. . InO• trOtible-
no, matter what. call OW The tele'
v .t
Chairman of the "hiniqttet Vvel
Tely -Wessely,,teks,
Columnist 'Attie Battik anthet
Of The Barrls ,,./leat; 'Served as Archie Oewarileek,' *Stria Soda commissioner, outlines the 'growth
Matter of. bereinerliet for the 'ed of the Boy 88Ont movement ter about igq. emits and their.tathets tit
U'itiitimenfneetiOn orttic..tveninip-;the annual hatiouet whith was held in th.e Wingham I:Astrid High
Two of Canada's Most revered
newspapermen ilt"?the weekly' field
were Unable to attend a banquet
fa their,* honor recently•-but their.
preserure Was felt by i eVeryono,
(Del:Mien Was the :Award' hen-
quet; of the °Atari° Weekly :News-
, Paper ASsociation held 14'tbe, King
EdWard. Hotel,
Mr, Cathcart !narked thate, h
WAS "deeply' 'hiiOiretti"tei represent
Ontarld Premier LAIllie frost at
EdW,ard '74.yeat,•old His bronze plaque was aceePted the diStinitulah,bd iti4liCtilg of the.
publisher Of the 0. ett, lt7.cle TIMMS. by William James, OWNA, preal,, Fourth 'EStritt," '
Review Me, Oiltarlet Weekly, dent,' froirr ,„Yaines three-. .
...WtWspitperinan tlie7 .year was tor br public retatiOnit of Ontario'
• my father, It is a great honor,. I
take great /Moquee in, accepting
the award Oft, my father% behalf,"
Garden AttioW, Weweitstie eorre;
spondent Of the
Canadian Statestaark because of,
' health, , Was' unable' to personally
receive a Plaque netting him Beat
Country,; Correspondent.
of Our 'PrOvinee ..atiti, nation,
"We are conhfild(OlYi.filtile in our
effoits WithetittiOir co-operation,
Yon. have delis :4)10 are doing a
Wenderful „ Ontario and We
appreciate ih"Mh•;datheart said. •.‘
8thooi last week, Mr, Gowardock
vas lb iinelpat 'speaker
,*-Arivancerttnes pheta: '