HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1926-6-10, Page 71 THE SIGNAL County and District e t Moltiay. May 31st. lu tete K. 4'. C. Young anti A. Tinting• vice-pr.•si church. Drysdale. Rev. J. E. Girard dente: dente: llert Abell. Lluu Tanner: 4'. F Suffered So She Could Not performed the marriage erremony Chalons'', Tait Tait Twister; J. Hamm. Uniting Thrrrw, efuughtrr of Mr. and financial *errrtary; A. M. Blehup Walk. Restored to Health I CARRIED WIFE TO BED Mrs. Fred Ihn•harwe tit St. Joseph, to, Stow liar* note, emit of Mr. -ewe--U r*. John Hartman of the 4.utlteu Sue. Tht• young couple will mold.. mH the Hartman farm ou the Uurhrt flue. Amount the young Intel ortalicl by the Louden Conference of the United Churt•h at Stratford hta week were Lorne W. Breen. M.A.. of t!reittat, and Andrew tht. of Herniae. George little. 'of Cementite. hue s. •1.1 i1* met-wluullrg year-old cult to Mr. Mtn r•gur. .t Lurkuow, for elatI. Jane ArwitrurW. withe% of the late braurls Morritem. diva May 3let at tete horn. .f her eon. 1\'llllaw Morri- son. McKillop tow'u.hip. She was burn In Ireland eighty-eight years ago. but had I!vel in Huron comity nearly leighty year.. Mrs. T. Hudson. of Hensall, while treasurer: M. T. Itenth, secretary. -James .11awwau _ aMttl .T1WTt fast in the \1'lughaut hooyritai, ttu kali oighty-alxth year. "He had beeu living albite for route years and was almost blind. hie uelghb.re looking after his waists. Atter a abort Witten \Ylltiaw holt died June Irl at the age of aeventy- sereu years. 111. wife turrlvt•s. SEAFORTH W. H. Bristow hu. octet 111+ reel- d.uce to John Hartman of near Zurich. 1111.1 Intend. 111.,% lug to Detroit. 'herr• his three maw are 1«•atel. .1t Trinity College chapel. Toronto. all May .'4111, Mile Emma Margaret Beechley, taugltter of 11 .• Iate Fred- erick and Mrs. BeechIey ..f St. Thomas. was united lu marriage to Ross James by Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound - GODERICH, ONT. Mrs. Susan l'ruwfor,l, uioely years of ' age. George Petty. of Heet ett, had Ida car badly damaged ill au nevi.ient which occurred Just north of the rail.. wtey e(raeka con the 1.tnukno road wu Friday evening. Mr. fete,•, with tour other, friends, wait tai his way to Hete I'll, when a stelae going Inert. .rasa. ed Into bit. car. The driver of the seden did not elm to tebutate the damage done, but put on speed and gut away -before the llc-nae ttutubi r could ' TOMATO ISc POPULAR POINTS TU tak:C't'ItE 141'11 ESSFI'L PRODUCTION. Wide Range of Choice Booth With Reference to soils and Fertilisers -Pruning and Harvesting. (Contributed by Octarto Department of --' Aaieutture-, 'foronte.) be takrit. Tomatoes are grown extensively as Minesing, Ontario.- '1 am a prate Mr. slut Mea. W. .1. Felgusen, 1 let' a truck croft as a utarket garden crop tical nurse and 1 recommend Lydia tau. announce the ruKaK•u..•td of their E. Pinkham'eVegetableCompound to Duty rWuK1 Elwle My,,,, . Uo Ti„,,,,, and in the home garden. The field angering women. For three months t as Alvin Middleton, sou of Mr. .111111 acreage' grown for canning in Ontario 1 was almost helpless and could not Hrs. J W MlelBJeton of t raunmt. the ,has reached many thousand teres. sit at the table long enough to drink,ktw t 1 latter pert a cupof tea. Many a time my bus- marriage to take t l I Bolla. band carried me to bed, 1 would be of June. The tomato does well on a wide so weak. That he read in the paper range of soils. However, for the ear - of a woman suffering Y I did who BRUSSELS ly crop light sandy or gravelly lea= got better after taking the Vegetable err pre terrrd, while for a heavy Compound, so he went and got it for me. When 1 had taken three battles Toronto itruseeliftes will hold their yield, later crop, the rich sandy loatns I was just like a new woman and annual psoric at 1Gxhlbitien Parham or clay loamy are preferred. have had splendid health ever since. Saturday. June 12th. Ferttllzere and Manures, When I feel any bearing -down pains Teaetele Whltttekl, town. noel 1 always take it; sometimes a half John S. Leitch, late of .liweed. ale, General recommendations at best bottle or whatever I need. It is my recently purchased the Huntley gree can only be a guide for the use of only medicine and I have told many a eery, have exchanged Ittrnn•a. air. fertilisers and manures with this staying with u relative n[ Seafurth. one about K. Any one wanting to \Vhltfit•L1 atul Gtmlly 'n.evini; to .1t crop. The character and treatment fell and broke her arm. Sproat. a wen -known young' lutefnt'ss know more about Lydia E. Pinkham's \ t t and Mr. ill and toasty of the soil, along with 'bat may be The ltrue•e•ticld eommtlnilY Inas I.tt•n nmol of ttenturtii. The ceremony was Vegetable Compound I will gladly coming to Mr. Leitch bereave! by' the death ..t Mt-. Kuls•rt performed by Rer.'Dr. C. A. Seeger. waste to her. Ido all 1 can to rec- IK the ultimate use of the crop, together Murdoch, who. Iw.sed away Westin.* The Seatertb Turf A.esa•lati Ii will ommend it for I feel I owe myNNlife Miss Florence Kekmler. a former with the length of season for the dna day of Ia.t week after a lung Illness. held a rater meet ou.July- 2eth. B w strength .R tl, Mines g, Ontario. studt•l t wax chosen . continuation tthe inuati t trict, all help to suggest what treaty IiIDe was testy -eight y -art- u( age azul Do you feel broken-down. nervous, at the Stratford ,Normal Scheel, which meat is needed. It is generally recog- L sltnlcel by iter Iuslutol, 1.111.• Mull EXETERand weak sometimes? Do you have she box been attending this year. t ntaed that the tomato crop requires and two daughters. this horrid feeling of fear which some -Archie McCallum Is here trent a soil 1a • high stale of fertility. The Jtlue•cule 1'reebyte•rittu range''` lu 4'en!ra1 church. tat. Thomas. 1411 times comes to women when theyp are Hanley, 8ask.. anti mitt sl»end the sum- i Fresh manure should not be applied ftoUnp has deritLr! 1!r build a ue' June :aid. Mind Allce Pfaff. elder not well? Lydia E. Pinkham's Ve mea with hie paster and old friends church during the coming-uwm.r• daughter of Mr. anti lire. Wtn.-..Pfaff etableCom d is excellent to take Just previous to the setting of the Abort 117.1eas ha. already been sub. of F:cater. was uuitwl Ill lunretake to at such a ti It always helps, and I Mrs. Edward Bryant& how rerurue+! plants, fir better it applied the pre - union for the building food. Shxr Clarence Ihtlley May. -ten ..f Mr. and it taken regularly and persistently twine after *pending the winter with I friends ill Toronto. plana summa, or with the previous • union went Into effect a. year ago the Mrs. J.,.ct.h Hay of f' is.rue•. The will relieve this condition. O 1 Mime Doris ltoee Ida _radluetwl :u • crop. Tomatoes will do web follow - Th relay. June 10. 102U.- 7 i Fresh stock of Sheriff's Jelly Powders to hand, 3 for 25c. A good teaspoon, King George design, given away with each 25c worth. 2;} bar= St111,, MtEwetl'* Special, $1 (44'. (1 eukes Paint Tree Toilet Soap for 25c. . :1 lbs. loose Cocoa for tic. f f[ (i }he. of Sulphur or halter-441for atook4lurPosed' i0L2.6G, 111:t 1') hand a heti• hundred 'pounds of a real good black Tea. We will give 1 Ib. of this Tea, 1 loaf Bread, 1/2 Ib. Biscuits, 1 bar Soap for the same price as a pound of any package Tea. ipev'ial prier 011 large Flannel. liI i,ke•t-. Spcetttl price op Fttu•v.Blauket N'ee are cutting this prier• con hen's all -wool Underne-ar and Men's fleece-lit,etl Ihd.rwrar. Good linen roller -I',ewelling, '2 ie per yard. ('rood large bath 'Panel-. 9(1. per pair. Some nice table and floor Oilcloths, -different w'idth:. at right pricee• - Now is the time to buy a set of ell -h... 1(1 peer relit. oil Free do ivory to any part it! the toncit. J. J. McEWEN Grocer South Side of Square continuing 1'r•-byte•edat►s have been ceremony was perform..1 by Rey. meeting lu the Fort -sterni hall. Itubt. !Wks. couch. of the gr.sau. On -Mr,. {T4 Mods tt. -their return from the hteeyminim_ trip ship. diel June 1st In her tidy -eighth Vr and Mrs. May will rc.idc ,.It the gear. She leaves her husl.aud and a grown-up fluti:y, On Weiueelay afternoon. June 2nd. Robert A. Kennett and Mhos Nellie E. Campbell, both of Grey . township. 'Wen. rnarrie4 at Knox church mals.'. Llsttw`',I. by Rev. J. M. Nicol. Mr. anti Mrs, lteltuett well peptic_ their home on the Iltb t-.,taetasstdn of (;rely'• Mrs. S.tuucl I►Ilthtg. tit Tucker- eixty- teemed .nth awry m4 Friday r her A PERFEC IMEDICINE Nztr-seventh year. l+Nr Iw wrrstyed grtenb farm on the Lawton roast. south of Exeter. H: Bowers bus re•slgied ills position uu the Exeter iligh SI htsd Oaf,. haying 11('4,11111) the prin. i.ntielap of the Fermis High tk•h.a.l. George Mattoon. un old and respected resident of Exe-ter. .Mel-nddenty at by her Ittishunl twee ,stn Torulno with the degree of B.A. ing clover. ploughed under the pre - The publk school board is ende:lc !eking autumn. Of the commercial m bis hoe leers ,w, .terve lay. 3111 29th. ,,.1•,1. t.. tit -corer the Person. or pet- t fertilisers, those bearing relatively , He leaves his wife. one daughter. Miss sons responsible for forcing open the high quantities of available poor Jeswie M. Muna,b. art Leah a. and a laboratory at the t<'bool and .te•alillg i phorous are most generally satisfies- i sun. W. S. Mautam. druggist, of Forted 11,741(1 rounds of ammunition. tory. Sometimes a light application J. M. Harvey, sem of Mr. and Mrs. Mips Elisabeth Smith...itle•st (Laugh- of nitrate of soda applied lust when , .1. 8. Harvey, has secured his MM. A. at 1 ter of Oliver Smith. Grey township, early plants are getting a start L tilt. 1'nlvenait tit Toronto: Afteruseful to help them on after the y was united in marriage to Harold Car- I shock of transplanting from frame wpendtttg a few days at bin bonne here Mr. Harvey left to spend the wumm.r at St. Andrew's biological atatlon in 'their home 11. Brussels. I too miuch nitrogen '111 prolong the N. Brunswick.A joint meeting of '6. eonim s- gro at the expense of early The Exeter race meet on Wednesday stoners of the Blyth ltural Telephone Fruiting. - et lust week was handicapped by bad I company. and the Brussels, Morris, punting. 'ecce•_ we•ittbrr and other contMtions and was and Grey Company was held here to Tomato plants are tender and take into consideration :1a' proposal should not be set out tato the Geld to adopt a -small excbaic, fee betwedt anti! after danger from frost is over. the two-'ry*tereat -Alter eeaeidetwble Previous to setting nut they shouts - du itession.11 wan decided) •tuft the freebe well watered and as much of the ' service he continnel'and that another soil and roots be moved with the ventral systems. each et njstI y to bear I a dull day or else delay piloting ua- the expense of the line it. its own ter- , 111, late usual distance of setting the deans. The new line II .rtes tis` Plants Is four by four feet. Various 'township on the bth of Muni,. D 'Fite commissioners are M. -see. Sinai.. methods are used to facilitate the F ing 1.t a a• Myth. plough out furrows, others mark Metiers. Procter. Camera, and Ross. their Gelds and dig the holes, what , dirt of Bruited* on Friday morning' to field. Since early fruiting and last. 'Mr. and Mrs. Cardiff will make ripening is important wttb this e.rop, s and our t su re•tesful as was hoped. The FORLITTLE ONES track was heavy and tete beet timet `At the Unitei church parwenagra t Ethel on Juni- tr.I Bev. D. M. Guest --- Itniee Medd bas returned home pt•rforntl•ei the wa't•riate ewrenttn► Baby's Own Tablets Should be in from the O.A.('.. Guelph. having grad - unit lug Mary. Allan. d1rugbter o Jame- 31.1a•Ilrud. atoll Andrew Noble. - eldest ...o of Lir. and Mrs. .Andrew Keifer. all .f Ethel. The yeting am- ple will Nye at Toronto. Sltterwmni's *111411 at 1.tttknus. igs!_ visited by chary, a ..t..•, flight mrrn y. Tools. a van. tire and aper ertIetee were taken. and the gasoline wart drained , tit of the tanks of the trucks. %INGHAM F. W. French. B.A.. of the Wingham nigh 14t•ho.'1. hne tlerptel a petition on the steno .•f the etrnthruy • High School. 4;w.. SCAT. who hail Mr -i, employe! for te.m. nim. by Thos. Field & Co.. butchers,. hoe. taken the lsosition of manager .e: tl-.• 11ne•ti.e hotel. d' It. Wllhius.at 1a president .4 the Wlechltn 1.1on• flab for th. 1ir'IF27 LfiH. 'itis olii.rrs are: J. Hurt. 1.. Every Home Where There Are Children. The is•rfe•t mettirlee for iltll' .nap is found in hairy'.. t►wu Tablets.. They lt ,hut _1htLuugb lea a t i vC w'h1ch rt•gt[ta'. ' the bowe•1e, sweeten the *domicil: drive out ettustllut'ion neat Indigeethni break up colds and simple f. tern* and promote healthful retrishluit .415411. 11 Is implasible `•'r Ital'y's /►wet T1ltlets to Harm even rite new -hero lathe. as they are aleeoilllt'Y ;marantrrd firer Erma t.p iitir der-.at.it_ other injnrlona drug. fades-rrtlug the Tablet*. Mr.. .41e*.' .1. Perry. Atlantic. N.S.. writt•---"1- (Ilit'nys 41.e p Itahy's owe Tabl.te la trw buns.• Gtr thee rhlklr.n. as 1 hart found thein a-t:erfe•t tu.dieit. for 11tt:e ones." Italy's I►wu Tablets are -.old by ruettlrhty tlealereair.__by. iva; at 2.7 scents, a box from T1:.. Ir. Willlamw M•,.il.lttr- 4'11.. Itt•.u'krlth'. IJn.Z. • titeGannent 41 AU !MEL ganirt41041.1. Sleeping Cars Only Leave TORONTO 11.00 p.m. Da{Iy Arrive WINNIPEG 10.45 a.m. Second Deg Krrive CALGARY 9.25 a.m- Third Dag 9 00 a.m. Fourth Deng Arrive VANCOUVER(STANDARD TILH) Saves a business day to Winnipeg and Western Points Dining Car Compartment Cars „Standard Sleeping Care Compartment Obeervafdall et top observation cars through the Canadian P i 1allsraast Calgary and Revelstoke. Oil -bunting 1 Tapeta ra cat ommercial and readmit M .tease eMlnrtl.r AIM1w 1e APPLY TO T. M. KIDD, TOWN OFFICE, f3ODERICH, ONT. CANADIAN tutted with the degree of B.S.A. He will asslst Lilo father at the creamery. Miss E. Hariifng. of Exeter. died May 31st at 1 leturia hospital. London. where she had gone for treatment. '- .,rcwaii-' wi•r. brought to Fzeter for burial. iILVTH Mitre Dorothy Hornby reteived the degree of itechelerr of Arts at the re- cent conva•ntton of Westent Unieer• nitjr. Ieetw)..n. Illyth 4)rsu,gettlen will attend olivine serried- at the Memorial Malt on Sun- day best anti will be addre.ewt by Mr. 11. Graele. the Prewhyteritir teeter. Earl' Spofford left boa week for e'h•velnud, t).. where h. Ina a .mod Mention. A Illy, rink of lawn bowlers won the trophy tit the ('argil* tournament on June 3rd. The members of the rlik were W. 31. Telfer *skip), Koblneon. .1. Denlolm and F. D. Stalker. The fifth auniver-nry of the open- ing of Memorial 111111 waw marked- hy w sarin.• hl the hall on Sunday even- ing leo. Kev. .1. L. Small of Harris. - ton. a former Rh'th paster. delivered net a)Kertltriate ..•mono. CLINTON ' ROBERT WILSON -for - -- Massey-Harris Machinery Frost Fencing Toronto Asphalt Roo to Rubber -tired Buggies Farm Lighting Plants Hamilton Street, Goderich, Ont. ELECT RIC WIRING INSTALLATIONS, ETC. GEO. W. STOKES BROCK Street. P.O. Bos 601 trunk line be built bet a...1. the two I plant as possible. It 1s we 1 to choose a 1 tdi•Elli PI th and work of setting - Booze . growen- for the Brussels IsysReal. the most common method with the small grower is to use a trowel in petting the plants. It is good pray ice to set plants somewhat deeper than they were growing In the pot WEAK AND NERVOUS Brophey Bros. THE LEADLNO FUNEI4IL DIRECTORS AND EMBALMERS orders carefully attl• t l- t t, at al' hours, night or day GODERICH 1tr box Firm the soli well around ' I Hydro Electric The People's Power Cook be Electricity Wash by Electricity he roots Try a of the plant, this 101 Ratti Ad. In'The Signal. ♦ Condition Always Due to Thin, important. Watery Blood ' Caltivatlon. Thin blood aid weak nerved gen- I Cultivation should be frequent. malty - are found together. - lied- Seep all weed growth down. Aa the blooded people seldom complain tit planta develop the tillage should be nervousness.' The reason 1a that the come more shallow and finally cease blood when Injury to the roots is noticed. ones ffeeds the nervy s and kir Iw *Dew Growing Staked Tomatoes. toned tup to de the work nature in- tender*. Whet the' blood is thin and weak It fails in tit- important lute -- time and nervous troubles follow. The following tease will iutereat those wile tared a tonic fur the brood and eervt«. Mrb. D. Venn. rule -ea 8quare.-- Ne4.,- say's: "w'itb a fedi: g of gratitude 1 write to tell you what Dr. Williams flus Pills did ter wi. 1 had become - badly rot\down, and reached the stag. when I could not .10 my housework,. was not only weak. -.but- my nerve• seemed completely _ •.ahatttred. Mr, and/Mrs. .1ohn McKinley an- least noise laould -girth wr mut 1 Hunner the engagement of their was subject to H.•1 • vY heeda,11C,. younger daughter. Elinor Ada 'Mar- \\urar brill, 1 could .. t deep at nigh;. iaret. to James Francis Coleman. .stn Perbaps 1 would get an hour or two or Mr. and Mrs. Frank Coleman of Stanley township, the marriage to take pinee the latter part, of June. Mrs; George Hayes; is laid up with a broken hip. the re•wuh of a fall. Mrs. W. .1. MNier while out at the farm in. HnNett tell in getting down from n wagnu tudl fractured her leg. She will lee 18141 1.p for mome weeks. Word luta been received of the death of Waitron 11. Berra, of Dos sleep and then lie :retake for the t -t• -i .of the eight. 1 had reached a stage when 1 actually b.:ed I would lose appear. my mind., 1'p 10 the .me I deeiitel t• Harvesting, take 1)r. Williams" I' vk Pills. tothiug i Tomatoes allowed to ripen on the I had token seem,to do h t any I vine have a superior flavor, so Cully good. 1 got a rem 'tee of these +tad ' colored' fruits only should be pulled. stem there was t. iuubt they wtr'' , The eleven -quart basket U the molt the medicine to L. me. As '1 c..11 popular marketing package used to tinned the use of 11 1,11114 I gradual.} O¢tarlo at the present time. grew stronger. ate :,otter and could' Firm. sound, well graded, clean ' and . 'w 1 am as Wil fruits only. should be packed for fo Many commercial growers produce a crop of tomatoes from planta sup- ported by stakes and pruned to a single stem. This is an excellent way to groat the home garden crop. Training. Planta may be Net from twelve to eighteen inches apart In rows that are three or four feet apart. In- , divldual stakes of wood or Iron may be used to support the plants or such McLachlan Business College STRATFORD. ONT. The leading, a •,nunerrial arbsd 11'e•stern Onter . Experienced i• - .*rtictnre. Ricin:: thereon:I rour..- tiratnatesplartela -eeeeienee- Writ. for out far catalogue. D..1. 3rcl.:trTl i.1 N. I'ridlcil •:.' may be supported hy tying to wires. Raffle is the most satisfactory tying , - material, used as a loop around the plant stem and attached to the support. Pruning. In order to produce a single si.m plant, all aide shoots and suckers must be pinched off as soon as they ton. The deceaacdwent to Chicago when a youn ng maand about nine- teen.,yearo ago moved to Los Angeles, riebere heawent Into liminess. Ile iivevw d5w en4 one detighter and several brothers and sieters. . The death occurred un, Monday. May 31si. in her eighty-fifth year, of Mrs. Ann ShMrbrok. widow of the late John Shohhrook of Millen township. tier Duslaire .lien twenty year's ago and one daughter and three posed sur- vive: Mrs. John W. Cartwright, femdesborei : fins. J1. Shohbrrok. Idaho; .1, W.. of Hullett. anti Jdsw•ph, of Clinton..Of recent year. Mrs. Shohhrook had 11s,sl with her niece and nelopted daughter. Mrs. F. W. Watts of town. George Iturnett passed away May 2fith in his eighty-third year. He vies born and went the greater part of Dis tire in Goderich township, moving to Clinton eleven year* ago. .i11* widow and four daughters snrylve. Elmer Palidey has eompleted his first year at Toronto University and will spend' the summer with a survey- ing party north of Port Arttunr. The wedding took place at Rt. Paul's elite" rreetory on 'Phnrsrley. June 3rd, of Dorothy, younger daugh- ter of Mr. and Mrs• William Jagoof Clinton. to Freed McCool, son of Mr. and Mrs. William McCoot of nfullett township. The ceremony was per- formed' by. Rev. 1,. 1'. Harrison. The yn11114 couple w'11) redtl.h' on the groom's farm In Millett. Mr. and Mrs. David Crawford eels. - beefed their sayer emitting tm Friday 111 id with a family gathering. The hrhNwmat(F and groomsman were present, also the mother of the groom. and strong as u we-. in ecru els u to be. I hope some • r weak, .nervous person, will be ben. • ted by my ex- perience." all medicine dealer. . -r by mail at :di. a box from The I'•. W1111ams' Medi. cine Co., Brs•kville. "tit. Rub the sc:.'ii with Minard's four i:.:.:a a v.. • i • It removes Dindrtaf, stL -' tes the s..ap and rna'.:2s tl fir soft and 41 liege. ALFALFA. • , FoodReserve and Ability to With- 1 - stand the Winter. Chemical analyses of the roots of alfalfa plants, from which the hay was cut when all plants were 1n full bloom, have been made to determine . the amount of carbohydrates and both soluble and Insoluble nitrogen present. The roots of plants that wereallowed,, to come to dell bloom allowed more than twice as much re- serve foods as did the roots of Dints that were cut in the bud or one- tenth bloom stage. It has Alen been noted that plants that are hs vested when the bloom is full come through the winter with less loss. The mere vigorous condition of the root, MI indicated by chemical analysts, for the plant that Is allowed Id bonne to full bloom and harvested only twice in the season, is a big facto? In carrying the plants over winter. Many alfalfa Gelds are ruined by late September and October cutting -- the roots are left In • too weakened condition to stand the rigors of wtnter.-L. Stevenson. Director of Extension, 0. A. College. A touK_h-Talo-ntorq Rigg 11 at th Ware previously D ted partment and w t to et which 11 i f Q tit and Geld test of the eofhmetelal $roduet known as "S1. gra e 0. A. Col- lege 11 epeeist request. The results of this test tallied with than. that mt reported by the De- partment, e• are n e *Rest t ship prod1 it , w e retails at H Gi- bing per gallon, s o o t to ops oa ordinary sell. \\ l:n.ereute. •1.r Ilt,lr, iaHelw HYDRO STORE North bele of Square Goderich J. R. Wheeler Funeral Dirretor and Embalmer .1. ;,C..tn;.lir lit:ende i 1,. day or night vtore :..,; Heshlen. - :::.:.,c 11 • S''reet. Goderich We are headquarters for Farm Machinery McCormick Deering Our Spring order of PAINTS, VARNISHES and OILS has arrived Also a general line of Hardware. - Give us a call. Our prices are right. HILL'S Hardware, AUBURN PHOFIES: Dung 5 ring 3 Blyth. 32 ring 12. 1 SHINGLES Best Grade. Extra. XXXXX 5 X. $1.40 per bunch or any grade you want. 5 Grades f mics $1.10 up. CEMENT Fresh Car Just In Anyting and Everything in Build- ers' Supplies. Goderich Planing Mills Ltd. (BUCHANANS') P. O. Drawer 160