HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1957-03-06, Page 4HIGHEST .PRICES PAID FOR
Scrap Iron..and • Steel
• . Tin, Wire and Batteries
CoPPer and Areas, Horsehair
Walters. & Sons
299 Lawrence 'Ave.
Phone SH' 8-8236
*OrIneaday,I4L,rehei 31074.• Winghana,„Ativance4h new eveloprnent is lic proviOall
for adding supplenceotal hoards
protection to the already hrP4d
fire coverages. The addition of
windstorm, -cyclone iVul fornatio
coverage now provides the policy,.
*Oars with up tO date protection
at the lowest possible cast. Policy-
holders with up to date protection
mire an endorsement providiog for
the payment of fire brigade fool
*fdr ptoperty 4wricr4 residing in
municipalities Which 49 not ON,
vide soh AerVices through a
general tax levy. The cost: of this
added pretectipn is very email,
The anditorS' stakoment revealed'
a comfortable surplus acemint,
even though losses paid. wore above
nermal„ • Ed. Meyer, the fire'prevention in-•
spector, for the company, spoke'
briefly, - outlining his ,important
work in retnoving rx,)ariy hidden
fire 'hazards found in both farm
and urban properties; 'In his ppin-
Ion, .some new five hazards are
developing but the elimination" of .
a .great ,many inviards certainly is'
reflected in the lower loss:. ratio
enjoYea:ity the policyholders of the
Formosa Mutual
Hold Annual
The president Of the Formosa
iguti4hi Firo. Inatirance Company,.
James Inglis, of Piffercl, RR, 1,
acted AS Chairman for the 77th
onnnal Meeting of the , polieybeld-
Ora. ThOs. E, Rushton of 'Paisley,
and lioouls Becher of Oreetroelt,
were re-eleeked, directors for a
further three year" ter% Alfred
Branton; 'Reeve ' of Arran TOM.
shin, Was elected director to' fill
the vacancy On the beard •dtle
the *retirenient of Ed. Threndyle
who resigned, ,beettuSe of ill health
doting, the past year, '
The seeretary, TT, 4,Ktu-4, snit-
tined 'two very important p"hases
Of new coverages beifig, offered by
the ; company. The meat' imnprtant
Andrew X, Mer.ean, publisher of"
the Senforth Huron Ettpealt9r, WaS;
ullatlinnttisty named as the condi,
date tor the WOW party 0.1, the
federal riding of linrert at a nom.,
mating convention h ,the clinton
Legion home ,on Friday eveg,
Otheis properied for nomination
at the, Meeting Were Hugh Hill,
Hugh' liaNkIna and ghil, 0441 .104011i
but they withdrew their names, to
leave the field open to Mr. MoLean,
Who represented the formee Perth,
Huron riding until
principal speaker .at the, meet-
ing "was Hen.' Walter, Htirris,..,
ister of finance in the federal "goy,
erninent, Who devoted a Part of his
address to recognition of •the filet
• that farm income is lagging be-
hind the level :a other elasSee in
this .country. The minister :did 'not
State, What measures the govern:-
'meat purpoies to take reined - , , _
the ajtuation,!but did suggest that
the •Subsidy Pregraln which, preVails
in' the United Stat.les not con;
sidere'd ideal for Canada. Rather:
he:: f averect a price -sitivitit pi Mira .*
of sonl' kind., ;". " •
= Hagb Hawkins, of Clinton, acted
as chairMan ?tithe .gathering. Oth-
er speakers noolnaed Mayor W, J.
Miller of Clinton; Arnold ParrOch,
Liberal candidate for Wellington-,
Haien and Donald'Slue,
Liberal teandidnte for, Bruce". ,
S'eatorth Visits-
Rebekah 1.?„oage
A good. attendance of: manberS'
gathered at the Majestie Rebekah
Lodge rooms on Monday ..evening.
for their regular 'meeting when'
the Members entertained members,
of, SeafOrth and ` Monitton lodged
to kvery in-Ikea:titre evening.) Two
ladies', of , toWn, were initiated into
lodge b'Y''Seaforth ladies eAf-,
entplifying the degree' in' a very, . , Capable" Manher, • •
The. business of the lodge, was.
presided, over 'b Mrs. Iona Wal-
ker, hobo, grand- Of Majestie ledge
During ' the , business' •,:part"
enchrewas planned for. Friday . . ,
overnng, March e220, "Also the
Merniters planned to' Cater to the
members for their . bor*-,
ePiel Cling held in, the enrling rink
'on Saturday' Of this' week. -The
M:011,m$ 1S Will , he, .seiV,ed 'in the lodge
. At :the close of the.'nieeting a,
very livly, lunch , was' served by
the,committee in charge...
and Sell, PlIgne 185, aCirrb COMINCI EVENTS F011"-, _SALE
Q11,11‘4,1VI MAPLE SYRUP EVapor” x'ofiyE p1f..tx4to THE REST, now I
'ator, 340, for Sale, in good eon- try the beat for spareribs and a:=3.
dition. Splies, lids, pails, thr441 sautkrant on WednesclitY,, FrithlY
wooden barrels, sngar 'shanty and, Saturday eveniage• Corn. ,31:fiirs, W. H, Haney, of WinghaM, King with her
QOAT, fOr Sale, Cheep, Phone
61? ===s
with galvanized roof. Any of this znercial Rotel, POrrnosai Cd107 vieited her daughter, Mrs, AT. lt%• MO: 'W. Davis,
can be sold separately, ApplY , to Russell. Grainger, 2, SALESMAN WANT,ED
Zurich, Hayfield 60r3A
business 1506 larnilits, Only re-
liable hastlers need,apply. Ottod
Profits to willing" worker. 'Ng ex-
perience needed to start. Write
today. eavVleigh's Dept. C-453-z,
EAT FOR: SALE,- QOad beet br
the -quarter, killed -ander 'ileettSa
front the Dept. of- Health, Year-
•- ling betters, -front_ quarters.: -810
and bind quarters 39e. Raynard
Ackert, Ripley, phone 2400
'tlp1ey,• .trrh
parents, pr. and. 0
McGee Jo PlYth last Week-end,
—gr. and Mrs, Carl MONO' and
411111Y, Of Stratford, visited, with
their parents, Mr, and Mrs, 4tat,
'and Batesen and Mrs. Annie Mc-
Kay, toVer the week-end,
=Mrs, Garble Roseborough, of
Owen Sound, Spent the week-end
with Mrs. Will HEI:ney, Lff013010
—Mrs. S, Bildfoll and daugh-.
ter Laurie, Camp Borden, 1,9 via-
and Mrs, Gus., HoYie, and
Mr. Jim Onfnmiiita left last 'Week
to spend a Menth Florida. '
„mgr. and -Ed Edighoffer
returned at the weeit,end . after
spending a few weeks ElOrida.
TET,,E.VISION for sale at half
price, Geod eondition. Phone 608.
12 TDIG'i about 70 lbs, for sale. Ap-
ply to Tairies B, Dickson, phone
101, Delmore. 6* figni•b, tests and Preliminary and
bronze dances „,anywhere in Can-
ada. Recently he gained addition-
al experience by jadging club
eennietitiont in London. Last
week-end he and Rae Warden, an-
other member of the Wingham"
club, judged tests in Guelph, ,
COB CORN dellYeted by truck for
liale„ Apply 1s7„ a Neville, Blen-
heim, Out., 13„n. 2, Telephone
OR, 6-2135 20:276*
Montreal, 66
BIRTHS 4 HOLSTEIN heifers due to fresh-
en, vaccinated, for sale, ApPly to'
Harry Bateman, phone 737w3.
A WELL KNOWN manufacturer
of finest,- househeld. necessities•
and toiletries has „ openings in
your surreundings. Write' 'for
'full ataild ring% ,free catalogue
today. 1600 Delerimigr, 'Dept. 49
Station C. Monti•eal, 6b
COLLIER-7-In ", Victoria ;Hospital,
London,. on „Thu rsdity,' February
26, 1957 to Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth
Collier (neefiVlarilYn MeLeap)
London, a non,. Gar r
MaeDONALD,4-In' Win ham Oen ,. 7,
4 COLLIE PUPS for sale. Apply
to Robt, Kinahan, R.R. 2, Luck-
now. I)ARK RED shorthorn bull, Ser.
Viceable age, Apply to Edgor
Wightman, Bel grave.
J'•, W.-Laidlaw'Was
Life-Long Resident HANDS cracked and chapped? Try
Tiffany hand crerikt from Mc-
Kibbons, 27.(lb A.„ GOOD HOLSTEIN HEIFER,
doe in about 10 days, bred' Here-
ford. Apply Roy Hastings, - Oth
line Turnberry,
Coz cw_MA/
eral Hospital, on WednesdaY,
February' 1957, -,•tO '; apd,
Mrs Bruce McDonald,. of Wing- ,
ham (nee Catherine .Keating)
son, Carey Bruce, ,
LEWISTin VVinghitert ' General
Hospital, On Wednesday, Febru7
ary 27th, 1957, to It/fr. and Mr,
Abe Lewis, Wingnain, .son,
• „.„Jarnes William' Laidlaw, 67, 0,
life-long resident of the 12th cell-
'cession cif West WawanoSh, Pas's"'
ed away suddenly Saturday !nor.'
Oing at his home, He 'was, the
eldest son of the late Mr. and Mts.
Joseph Laidlaw. He htid' been ill
poor. heath for the „past f ew yeai.s.
Forty years ago he married Wit-
herntna, straughan, daughter; of,
13111iD1,) OATS, Garry., 'Rodney and
other varieties; Seed Barley,
Brant; Herta, Montealm. All
these grains are Registered
1.—Howson & Howson Ltd.
GRAY SUNSHINE baby buggy for
sale. Excellent condition. Phone
177, (ib
ELECTRIC STOVE, Westinghouse
Frig, Easy Washer, dining room
table and 6 chairs. Phone 251 be-
tween 7-9 p,rn. 27b
LADY WANTED. for honset,Ork,
Phone Wroxeter 35r4.
FOUR CHOICE close Holstein
springers; two third-calf cows,
two first-calf heifers. Due soon.
Bred Holstein. Apply to Charles
IVieIntosh, Molesworth, phone 5r8,
Molesworth. 6i3*
SECRETARt-Treasurer - for How-
lek Agricultural Society.- DItties • to commence Apri1 ,1st, Apply,
stating salary, hy March 9. to
Sam Robinson, Fordwich,
Hullo' Folks!
`Cars. For 'The Kings' Can't Beat Ours
lvfaybe, you remernbar that several years "befor'e the war.•;one
of the Canadian :auto manufacturers made a 'special car for ;the
• Duke of.Windsor, who was the Prince of Wales: It had a sinall,
bar in .the brick and a library and little reading lamps with shades
onthem,. AR in •ail, it wtis some, car, - ,
But it wasn't a patch on some of the limey boats, .I've ittiii:
acre*. &tat hist year a French body builder restyled' an 'Am-.
crican ear for King -But Saud of Arabia and it was, &divined
shortly hefore,he .• . •
, e The King's coatAof-arms, two simitars and a palm tree, were
fashioned' from Silver, plated with gold,' and made quite a hood,
The 'King' a bodyguards rode outside on dis-
appearing running boards and held on to chOlike
grips fastened on'; to' the 10-inch th1eb, doors..
There was green leather upholstery,• sheep's wool
rugs, an-altimeter, baroMeter and'Cocktail, bar
With gold-plated silver glasses that cost $50.0o
each. .The ear set the King of the oil-rick desert
country hack a COPI $22,000. '
Hitler demanded even Mere With a 135,000.
Mercedes Benz which had a 511/2 'gallon gas tank,
five speeds ,and a 230 thorsenower engine.-e' The
car is owned now by an ArneriCan, ,
- a --.,-- - MOORE—In: Wingham Cleneral the latg- Mr. and Mrs, 3' milli
Stratighan pt" Auburn, Who,' with •7 Hospital, on Thursday*, February their two sons, „Kenneth Of
,Loti- . .., - ,
don, and Elroy on the farm,•sur= 28th, 1957, to Mr. and MrS., Frank,
viVe. He also leaves two brothers,' Moore, Wroxeter a son.
Robert of Turnberry and Herbert POCOOK—In Wingharn, General
of Whitechurch, arid three sisters,. Hospital, on ThuratlaY;4e,hrnati,
1VIrs. James (lVfargaret), Falconer 28th, 1957, to ,• Mr, and, -MrS, and Misses Annie and Mary of Harold' Toceek, Wirighttin,. ti
East •Wawanesh, and six grand- - . . ,
, - daughter. , . children, ,
80.V -or GIRL WANTV.,1.)
to start
Geed ComfaisaiOns" and -.prizes
given. •
For further info.rrnatitin' apply:
ck Wiik
Box 951,,' OWEN *A.T.NE„ „
VA-STOREY BRICK house, priced
for quick sale. Small hen house
at rear of lot, new wiring, cellar
and plumbing and new floors.
Apply to Keith Dunbar, phone
541M. 6b
300 13,ed Reck pullets for sale, 9
weeks old, Two ,spring. Jersey
eo'wit.' Apply to A, -J. Burgers,
R.R. 2, Wingham, phone 512J12.
6* 4
He was always intereSted
community affairs and 'bad, been
an . elder , In. the Presbyterian'
Chtirch .at Whitechurch for Many
Years. • '
Infernient was in the Wingliarn
Ceintitery -on Tuesday. With'
R. P: A. Currie of WaterdoWn,;
koriner Pastdr here, officiating. 'rite
Many brieMIS of the fthiillOs 'in
this district eidetic:I SyriMathy "to
theAbeicaVed' ones, .
Pallbearers were rtobt. Laidlaw,
Herb Laidlaw, Jas. Wilson; ;of,
Whitechureh; Ed. Straugban; And-
rew Stuaghan and, Oliver MeBririe;
of Goderich. Flowerbes.rers ..Were
Ivan Laidlaw; Laidlaw,
Charles Falconer and 'Clifford
Can be Made into aPartments,
best location, hot water heating
with oil. Modern kitchen and.
bath. 'Apply to Box 1, ,Advance-
TiMOS. 613
WEISS—In Winghtirn 4: General
I-lospital,, Tintrsday; February,
28th, 1957t ' tOilVfr„..and Mrs.
had,: Weiss,-,Teeswater, "ti daughl:
MUSCLES aching? Back stiff?
ankle sprainecl?—try THRU no
• sniell,„no heat, just relief, it is a
• new miracle medicine—at Mc-
Kibbons. I 27:6b
,Winghain General -Hos,
"pital„ kriday;
to' Mr. and :Mr's;':•Jo'S,epii-
R.R,. ;';reeswater,. 'daughter. '•
HOUSTON-in" General
Hospital, . Friday; March 1st,;
1957, to Mr., and lyirs. David
Houston, R.R., 3; Windham, visor',
REINHARDT=Iii, -WM0601 ,004.
eral Hospital; On
'March 2nd,.1957,' to arid Milt;
Wilbert Reinhardt; Tee,stNiter,
TOWNSIfiNDin Wingh&uI Gen
.• eral Hr./404.On MendaY,'Mareh
4th, 195'7, to 'Mr.: and 'Mrs. Lloyd
Totvngencl, -WrOxeter, a, Son, .
BOLT—In Victeria. Hospital, Lon"
don, en Friday -.MarCh. 1, 1957;
to Mr, ,,and!Mrs.: Raymond
of Lonclen,-a. son, *via WaYne;
briother f?r Brian.
• PURINA S'rARTED pullets, 1,500
'Sussex x Red; 1,500 Leghorn x
• Red; 1,000 Red x Rock, ,3 months
old March 5th. Will deliver and
take old hens in eXchange. Tavi-
stock ,Poultry Market-, phone 60
Tavistock. 6,13,20b
PROPERTY for sale on outskirts
of Wroxeter, 3. acres of land
• with batik barn, 7-rootn cottage
insul brick holise good water',"
fruit trees:. .rasPherriei Ara*-,
berries. 'Well fenced. 'For further'
particulars apply to Mrs. Win.
Miller, phone 381J, Listowel. 6*.
..ETTLoYmErrr wAFrED,
GIRL witi-,t high school .educatiOri
desires employment either'. in
'horne*.or huSirteda: Phone
118-3o. 6*
and wrapping, choice young beef
by the quarter or piece, fresh
pork sausage for sale. Also suck-
ling pigs. R. J. 'McLennan & Son,
Blnevale, R.R. 2, phone Brussels
• 1.09. 27:6;13*
' LORNE •rlrlebolliiil • • At our :place, yon'll'have to be satisfied with
,''• .• ehrotne trim,' as much' or as little as you 1,;,vant,
and the 'matter of 'a bar in the'hacieseat is a
matter ..fOr •yea and the Police to settle. But the tinbitt eXpenSiVe
Oar • we have 'is no mere than IQ percent • of. the price Of these
faindoui ears for the Kings. And we think theres nothing like
awning your min car' to give' you that independence and freedom
that‘t makes a "keel' •like Ii. King." t• • •
' .LOST , •
-FOR RENT SMALL SILVER ,Wrist 'watch „lost,
about the first of DeCeinber. Any-
one knowing anY inforniatiim
phone 195. '
3-ROOM APARTMENT partially.
heated for rent. Possession lin,
ely t P a., hone 370. - 27:6h
7 CU, FT Serve] refrigerator for
,sale, 'excellent condition, net,
electric fan, Apply to R. Ingram,
Wroxeter. 6,12*.
rent. Side entrance and big gar-
den. On. North St„, Phone 592J12.
.06es:high speed,canse accidents? We're going to .qu4e. some
figuyes.lon actual study .of accidents next week ,and the an-
swer: will . surprise you: • •
ocal, Skater
judges it Guelph
CURRrE'S AMBULANCE, ing- Bell Telephone BRANT BARLEY and Garry Oats,
cleaned and treated, for sale.
Also 2 jarnesway Oil Brooders.,
Phone Wroxeter 19E18.
Last, fall John Wild, inembq
of Winghara Figure Skating Club;
ivas apPciinted a fudge, 'qualified
to , judge prelirninark• and first
ham.' Safe, dourteotia gervioe. • APARTMENT for rent Private
entrance. Phone 329. 613b • Phone Da,y 51, 'Night 716, or 636., Denies Charges The •follawing 2 "Used Cars are on our lot at the Present time
• .and should be seen to be appreciated. 't , • 1.941t. LINCOLN t PREMIERE SEDAN ,,,‘Light Blue in (olour, full
power equipinent Sive $2,000:00 on this fine ear. ' • •
. . . _ 13rrb (Continited from page one),
DEADSTOCii WANTED register" forms,,,,"to the members
- • far their consideration. .
After, a short debate,. the council
expressed their' satisfaetion, with
the' idea and decided that the sYs-
tem,weulci he an excellent arrange-
risent and 'would doubtless allow
more/careful budgeting.. It was
explained that every month each
complittee would have before it a
• complete break=down on what had
been, spent and that the answer -,to
what wai left to spend would be
quite evident.
Service Club' Representatives
Criticism,- of service clubs' in
.town was made 1337 Mayor, McKin-
ney,. When he said that they are
failing to inform the Council Of
changes made in the directers,of
the VVinghain community centre,
Said ,the mayor, "We have a list here
of the directors of the Centre and
'Whether it is up-to-date is anyone's
guess. It is up to the service clubs
to let .us knew if any changes are
made. This 8litte of nettles has
direct bearing on Offitial proce-
dtire, The names are 'required to
be cot-feet by law, I'm going to
read' them ,ont and .if they are In-
correct it IS Op to the clubs to get
corrections to the council in writ-
ing at the earliest Possible date",
The `Mayor read the ' list of
persons Witich the clubS in ques-
tion are .said te have appointed to'
represent th'em on' the Wingham
community' centre for 1957. Kins-
men Chili, Jack Gorbtitt; Busies
Assoeiation, Ed.Edighofter; Cana-
dian- Legion, Clarence Ohm; Re-
creation, Council, Lep, Crawford
and Lions Club, J. W.-Bushfield,
Netv HOie for Lights
'the question of traffic' lights at
the InterSection of Victoria and
Josephine Streets Was again ,rais-
ed, At last 'Month's Ineetiag it, waS
stated that the • Department of
HighWays had turned thumbs
down on the 'canna's proposal to
erect lights 'tit this point, Mayor
Meltinney said the local
John Hanna, ,hid been' pousuitod about this and he had promised to
haVe the bepartment recOnsider
thei t deeision,
FOUR- ROOM apartment with 3-
piece bath- for rent. Possession
immediately. Apply to 'C. Bondi,
1 phone 668. 611
• .MALE COLLIE pups for kale.
Good parents. Apply to Wm,.
Harman, R. 5, Brussels, .phorie
31r10 Brussels
1956 METEOR RIDEAU HARI) TOP, Red & Mack, ,
transmission,, taclio, whitewall tires; like new — a drive will 'sell
• you. . DEADSTOCK,. rex/toyed... promptly
fri'r sanitary iliSpeisal..FREE piCk
• tip- on larger ithinuilk.,reaSertable.
coildetioS'efiarge. or Salad', aril-
inalS.• Phone. Collget •WfOgharn
378, PalMerstbn 123W, or Mir-
• hani 393,, derdon Young Limited,
• . • • 6rib,
so Ns Eft
LEE'S TAXI APARTMENT for 'rent. Apply' to
Box is; Advance-Times. 6* CHICKS , CHICKS CHICKS.
Thousands hatching twice week-
ly. Twenty pure breeds and 15
cross-breeds to choose from. Pul-
lets, cockerels, and mixed chicks.
Governinent approved. High qual-
.ity chicks at reasonable prices. .
Order Yours To-Day,
PHONE 1910. 6b
1,44L400 • CeriitioNi :;956
caoslovi pAikiJor. L.&
(51/9Z ES a sz--,ev/cE IN a
tiy• and 1s404 Service
',PHONE\185 al um if ;iii Ng or
ply to Box 14, AdVanee-Times, . , AUCTION SAIE
SMALL HOUSE or 4 -or 5. room
apartnient; wanted to rent 'in
Winghara. Phone 1-0.
ox Holders! Names',
Not Given Out . •
It is strictly''a'gain'st. Our, ridei
to'^diiidge the:Maine address
of any -advertiser • Using .ari
Advance-TiMes Rog.. Manlier.
Please do 110t elk us': Or, this
AUCTION SALE. tit: the: reSideinee.
Of eo biagona :
Read., Saturday .:,Mtireir., 0:atf
Dining" rocinytable. and
Six chairs; buffet, .studio couch;
hook case, 2 occasional chairs,' 2
Upholstered Wieker, ebairio 2 large
arni and rocker chairs, kitchen
extension table ti.rid cabinet, QUe ...
bee cook Steve; &Melt, hall rack,
2 becirobrit States, bed arid. diess-
er„ 2..rtigs, number 'of scatter rugs
dishes, Crystal, silverware,
tables, reeking chairS, 'bedding,
lawn mower,. Other, articles .too'.
nurnetotis . Mention. L. G.
Bryce, anatiOneer, ' Sb
cline to CKNX Wanted to refit
by Aril 1st. Phone 'Roy 1Vfajcir,
CKNX,TV," 158. 6*
• FURNISHINGS direct from the
manufacturer to you, at prices
no other dealer can giVe you, dire
to low-overhead, Mass purchas-
ing power and tremendous turn-
over. Make Your selectiona from
'better grade manufacturers such
'a Peppier's, ilttechtels, Andrew
Malcolm, ,Deilcraft, Hardings •&
TorOnto Carpet, Sklar, Snyder,
• Marshall, etc. Price furniture
and broadloom at your favorite
store. Then Write or "viSit us for
Comparison and savings! Smit-
ty'S. Shopping Centre, Ltd., "The
POrtilture Town of Canada". Han-
over, 20:6b
Myth, Ontario - Phone 104'
Fleming' 13allagh, Salesman, • Vie* Kennedy,' Salesman,
RW3.' Phone, 586J, Wingham. Res'. Phone; 78, Elyth
• ' Large Farm Listing, Dwellings & Business Property ,
Listings and Inquiries Invited.
WHY SUFFER, the agony of Rhet-
matte ,Pain, 'Sciatica, Lumbago,
' when RUMACAPS will help you
to welcome relief. Ask your
Druggist. 61) Mond ve •
pg'olnoti o i 000 00000 o
DO YOU HAVE that February
low ()Own feeling?' .Siper Plena-
mins will give you a. new lease
on life from geKihbons. 2716b CRAWFORD &
wish to express nay sintere
tlitinits to my many friends'. arid
neighbors for pfloWerS, cattle; and
good wishes rietit to Me while a Pit-
tient, in Wingarrin General: Hospital,
SPeeial thanks to Dr, W. A. Craw-
fardlind Dr, A," D., MeMirrehy arid
the nursing staff on third. floor.
—Robert Ross. 6*
'...13.1.81NES$ .0.0„
insured for till risk coverage?
For ihformation Phone 293,. Ste*.
art A, Scott, Winghani.
DAY-C)LI) and STARTED ChieltS\
' for sale, 1000 Recl-Sttssex week-
old pullets; 400 five-weeks old;
300 , three-Weeks old. Apply. to
' ;Tames ilFt. CoUlted Lt,R. 5„ Wing"
ham, phone 743w2. 613*
ii‘0114G11A1.41 tiarrititerof, S011idithrs; Ette.
, '44 PhOile 48
H. clitAVvironn,
R. 14.,Ull'aitFittiNti1TO,...,441 sitwAter A, sea& can now saire
you 15%, on Your car or truth
Surtnee. Yearly or MX intintha
pelleies are available. Special
rates for farmers, For further
Information Phone 2030 Wirigiuuh,
SAiOrArtlt SEWAGE' illaPosid
sentie tanks, Cesspo6150 cellard,
'etc., pumped and 'cleaned, tfuldit
all work guaranteed,
Apply Louis Make, Phone Ority
BrtlatelS. • 15rib
inghbUSe •clOthes &Yet, Store
demonstrator; new dryer gtair-
antee, regular $274,95, sale price
• $180.00; 'One Used 15-en, ft.
sealed nitit refrigerate', $75.00; •
GE, Washing machine; used,
two neW electrie feed
neekera for tteoking grain, ttir-
nips or heating water, regular
*75.00 fel" $175.00; tiSed cooker,
$100.60; one ChtirriPlen chopPer,
go, less V pulley, '$45.06l one
stable 1" Ventilating Mn, list
pricej.$ ranted td. $49,25; one,
118 0
stable Ventilating fan, lig
*leo '$80.36, reduced to$59;,iiiil
•one litiostliernl. space heater
i1tI:fier Scheol or StOrti', reg.,
1.1ft?, Warr #4/9°,00, del to5185.00.,
Eleetroft, FatMOSti,
04 1004 1114m*, 013b
ItAttitistitit, sotterron
iid NOTARY' PtieLlci
inciii8WATER 'ONTAitio
aterhooti;. 274 Or
by b•POblbtine.10.' ' ,
CARD F Tilitiltft
,I Would' like to iiirieetely° thank
friends *hti d kiridlY retitein.
Itered itie With, ettifda and gifts
While./ Was & P4iefit ;.!it *Ingham .
.Getterall ilaspitat so'4dial thanks
to Et. MCklbbon Ma.. Ithrtey and
staff, WhO, taadd my stay in the
heapital a1Yeiy pleasant orie...4-1‘trs,
$.1lizabeth 4*
n Of Wingha
Harrister,, -$011eiter, ,•NotarYr .Ete.,
„WOO, to Oka •
filhefr, Wiughloh
,Tpotty;drs may. piakt' paytlieP AECOill#
I.. of 19571 taxeg'op to 80'per c*ent 01. 1956 taxes,
Aattaciation "Where better, guilt
Are Used.", "For artificial hi.'
ionsinattoit information' or
:vice ,tom nit breede Of tattle,
phone the WittettOo Cattle
Receding A olatlo trOlititert
Ad 24441 be, Milditity 1800M.
tiveen 1.30 Etna 1.80 n,m Mfn
hfree• aft breedtio, rthir
quality at law otAitih gotta'
,Ititore'8r at t,4,d,,r,ate 0 .:14ttr tiq Ceti4 p0: ,
t all' molt .Will be allowed' on. iytopaymetifg,. I
.1' 1 .:,,': Iffr:reiktyrifentg: of take. mist:1ie ,i1101e:ai i'lle 3
V Town Treastiret's Ofiice,.'irilv01 :1-TO1,
1 SV, ,A, 'CALIBItArtk* tteasuitto. 1
• , . Towit,of Winglitint>.
iiositsamoinio Ossuittiutivi•iiitiolotiqinonintinainnossionionnottiriatitteitmenstilefflottosto .
tit 1411g140,11fAM
IAA-4h io1 MononrY.hf
eat mother, Mr, •Elleti
• Who patted 'itiwiks+ March $td,,
• .1,958.
tter •Weary htittrit and days, of pain,
:}ter troubled are Pant; .
;Mid, ntirttehirig hearth' we kridtV
She hati ftnind SWeet, testi at 'last.
1'4ladly Waited Sit tlairghter. Beanie
[Ind ramity, '
WELLINfiTON FIRE Frederick F. Hornoth
C' arca E, Hoinutki it.O.
Mrs, Volt 'IL ilasiuth R.O.
ormossimusts aptiorzx its
tfartilstosi, Ontario
Refdre you buy atilt' *bout, bur
Latir Cost, trinititeitig ,#er th iiiee. Wi
eerliPlete Ins traiee CreVeritge,
• ilitinglia*
' itriattranee
, ESL 1840
An all Canadian CotriPanY 'Which
has faithfully Served. itif 'penny
holder far °Vet a century.
• tiend Offiee Taranto
IL MiteLean IneltrattebAlkeill0