HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1957-03-06, Page 2Y130Dr$ BPSOIESS
grain they need to be hotter-info:till-
ed a:bdut every, phase of' our sphool-
s,y§te,m, We,,
,battly need the'typo of
citizen who is not only Willing, but
is even arr,xiou,S„ to serye on school
hoards. And as members they
should be keen to dikuss the ftS,P1r- '
ations and problems of the sett* •
board at every opportunity. '
43choo,1 hoards toClay are. fonest
to demand unprecedented amounts
of the taxpayers' money and you
can't kind one taxpayer in ten who
has. the faintest' idea about why ever
larger MIMS-AM II:Ceded o.bow ,they
are 'expended. AS a perfectly natiir;.-
al result': there.is 'a constant: 'Mutter
of resentment about school tAxeS.
There is only: one cure for the sittl-
a.tibri and that is frend'full access
t� the factS with which. the board
• •
This Week the public school staff
provides an :oppOrtunity for every
taxp'ayer to learn something more
about the operation,of that pa:rticii-:
lar branch of our ,eduCational sys-.
tem': (lo up to the school while open
house is in Progress - and' , See' for.„
yoorSelf W11.0.;t is being gone to iyo-
vide fo». the coming .generation,
Last 'week- the fini-,on •Count;
!Soil and .Crop -Improvement Asscici-
ati on staged its tenth animal Seed
fair in Clinton. As. :usual.' it drew
good. crowds . and excellent entries
for' which we congratulate:the hard-
working Members:-ofthe
With all, dile' respect 'to th6 folks-
ClintOn we 14v mild like:to suggea.
thatjliiS vent inigh*11.,1.)e'inoyed
froM place' to place inithe county to
the Benefit of all coneei-ned.. The in-
eest of Huron •County ,fainiers
could be extended if the„lpeation Of
the fair was :.changed .1roin year f
. year, and without question the.eyen.
Would receive more publ WAY, front
countY.newspapers, and .thetidio
and TV,. station. • ,
We `haVe!,noethe slightest ciii
cism to offer: about the way; •the fair .
iheen.onducted ye:ars- past4.-„,„
,nor are we suggtsting. that then
of Clinton is 'not 'a.. good '1O'CatioiV
situated as it iS close to the .geo-
eaphical centre oi thecoinit kfow-
ever, we,,recall that only a few weeks
ago thelVinghartn.toWn, council de-
cided. to take action on,A:reqUest for
a grant' to ..the -'see& fair because is
nevereld here:, Quite-logit'ally the
foe:al :councillors were not too inter-
ested in ati:. event' With whiph 410;
have na, personal acqUaintance, , • •
There will be all 'kind.S of argil-
. ments. to indicate that -the Only' sent-
sible • place- to hold" the fair As. in
Clinton and no..d:OAtbt iny naof them
. :
*week is set aside fu the
41,tkintitar purpose of increasing
Oe awareness of the value of edit --
1014. Though we claim to be a•
;At and even well educated
tion the statistics do not really
r out that contention — so we do
*ell to devote some thought to the.
Most Canadians have a sub-
.<onscions feeling that Europeans
other than those of British stock)
re poverty-stricken and virtually
nedUcated. Though some residents -
f central Europe might fall into a
'41a,ss of this kind, the.vast majority
of young people- on the Continent
are away ahead of our own offspring
when it comes td opportunitiss for
:The Scandinavian countries, for
example, have for many years oper-
ated a school and university system
which provides equal opportunity.
for children of all classes to g6 as
far as they wish with their studies.
The governments of these lands.
rightly consider that there is
more valuable natural resource
than the human' mind and every
possible effort is deVated to the de-
- velopment of that resource:
The ultimate value of such an'
enlightened program can scarcely be
doubted when we find the products
..sf.the Scandinavian industrial plants
outselling our -Town products through
sheer excellence of workman ship
European engineering genius has
provided the basis for leadershirin
every corner of the world where pro-.:
gress is needed. Northern European
immigrants, of many nationalitieS
have come to our own country ;and
stepped into the best of jobs.hecause
they are trained with particular care -
• and because they have .been taught
that success can be achieved Ohl
. through worthwhile human effort -L -
rather than by abject reliance upon,
government social b e tie f i t s• and
union bulldozing.
4:11 our own people .are 'ever - to
realize the vital Sicfnificancel Of 'a
Properly -developed educational pro-
Once there was a day., and that
not tOo -long ago When -the iweekly
and the daily press bore for' one .an-
other •no particular goodwill, but 4'
tiew era in the realm :of journalism
has 'dawned. Both dailies and week-- :
lies have become aware of the faet
that both 'serve a cominon purpose
and that their two.fields of 'endeav-
our neecl not clash., ••• • ,
Tliis,,•new.relationship was amply;
Borne out by the spirit preValefft At
a dinner which.werecently attended
who the Toronto -Telegram enter: '
tabled, the theMbers of the'Ontario
Wee.kly Newspapers Association,
the qccasion being theannual ban.,
quet of the weekly -group. •
."•f•l:enial" is an adjective which is
to ,f,re6iiently- applied to rnast&S-:-,
of-c'eretnony at, stiCh function, but
it does aptly describe the personality;
of the MC for the •occasion to whichi:
we refer, for he was pone other than
Wes flicks, Telegram columniSt
whose- easy-going disposition was
particularly suited to • the atrnos—
phere of friendly fim which tharac-
terNed the dinner and the entertain-
• ment which followed, Wes is one ?.
• of 'those fortUriate felloWS whose
face; even in repose, bears all the
lines and planes •of eternal'
SetiOr executives 'd the. 'Tele-
gram added their words of welcoine
and they were followed by an in-
formal program produced by Alex
• BarriS of both newspaper ,and
vision tame. :
Changing times haVe been rd-
spdmible for a new AwatotesA• of
what might even he terined."bro-
ttierhood" in the field of Journalism',
It 'promises a great deal forthe
future of a profession which it `Still
vital hi our typo of society,
1Vifigharn Advance4kmes
•Ohbllahordi at Wiagthittii Ontatiti
Wellgeir Brothers, Putiliabetra,
• W Berry 'renter., 'BOW
Mernber Ithireau,_01: Orehlatti
A thOtilidHas 80cOnd Olais MA .P608 .Olf inept
lisbstitiptiehiltite GOO Vitt #.60;StZ Meritha.
' JO in, "
t4.00 lidg" lett
. Bore**, S4:00list 701Y -
BMA 01 stoglIcatidit
will have • a strong :basis in truth.
}-TolVever, Since the show -is ...staged,: •
by a, county -Wide ..Organizitiort- we
would".like;"to se an. bivitation eXz
tei-ided'•to.,.,:the Soil and ,CrOp Ipi
provement .people tO hold' tVeir 195,8;
seed fair in Wingham.
Here is .,the correct ;Way to . piTn.;
pose ---and respond—AO the Toast to. •
-the Queen. The atithoritb and the
'highest on this,„,subject, is -the Cornp.
. .
troller' of, the 'Lord Mgt! 'Chamber-.
larn's office, St: jatnei. Palace,,,•Lon-
'don, 'England:
The chairrnan'of the meeting At'
*filch 'both. ladies .and gentlemen are -
„present raps once with his gavel„and
having Obtained silente, Says:
dies 4,nd .geptlemen, The Queon":,and
116111ort. The audience then stands
at attention,while the ,wational
then 18 being played or sung,. Only
.theitit the glass lifted from the talile
ABA held for; 0.•'11iGitleflt at eye level,
V.ither before or' after drinking. one
�t the 'liquid, the word's...`qiie
.Quetii" are tepoated and' the °.gla.si
is replaced` on. the tabli„
diente will then it down: . '
. All such introductions as :IVO" •
you rite 'and drib* a..toast to' .14.er
"Majesty, Aftet Which We wilt sing
'one verse of the‘:tiational Atithetti"
tt$ IttlfirOpet; It is correct to
the glats,th orie't hand tvhile tinging
the national. anthem„ ,Probably the
mott,comnion, and worst ,littiiider is
'for hiefribtr4 of the :at4ience
gtsses togeth
t&when, proposing the
. .
wiNT U
The, quiet of winter is reflected ,in the frozen stillness of the River Maitland in ,this scenic View taken
near FordwIch.---Advance-Times photo
Canadian Red Cross Started
During NOrthvesLRebelliOn
On _Friday hundreds .ofthous-
andi omobinteers began knocking
on the cloth's Of the riation.,in the
annual dahadian"Red Cross appeal
for financial support. Over, $6,207.,-
900- is required to carry on the
Vital sertibes and programs f ,the
Red ross. for another- year. ,The
volunteers are endeavoring It; col-
lect this tutu during .the Match
.Red Cross ,,Flag was ;first
flown in Canada by Major General
G: S. Ryerson in 11385 during 'the
NOrthOest Bebellion: TO distin-
guish, his -ptitnitive " "ambulance
frbm larrtijc wagOns he devised a
flag' of • White''facteri- cotton . to
Which he' stitehed cross of tur-
• key :fect.cottOn boribwed, from an
ammunition column. *
In 1896- he' was retlionsible for
establishing" in Canada the: first
overseas branch of'the,British Red
Cross Society .• From this small
branch develoFed, the Canadian
Red. Cross Society,whieh 'was ,in-
cerporated, by a Canadian Act of
Parliament in 1909 and Was recog-
nized by the 'International . aem-
'Mitten of :Pie ;Red Cross as an in-
• dependent". National Society in 1927:
The,services•offered by 'this ot-
-ganiZation .are endlehs, Hospital-
ized •veterans are visited by
• ful volunteers and receive cheer
• MthOtigh* there:could have been
More entries at ti* Spring Stbeic
shttiv in Wingham on Tuesday,
eVe,ryone, cams ,t.vas Slices
and ahnost A. Marie! for 'the first
attemptwa.trii..the fact that it was
net advertised, ,by "catalogne king
enough, , • '
Tha judging of horses was at-
tetided td by Mr. Mcbiarrilid of
Litcknow, and cattle by Mr. Wil -
ti Moffett,..of Teeswatet. The
beta Were judged by Frank How-'
Soft tthcf w, VanStone. „
Mr: and Mrs, ..ittin Hanna
returned ireni their. honeymoon
trip on Mitindtty Waning and a- re-
ceptieh Wet hail at the libitie of,
Mr. and. /vitt. Robert Allen, when
apteasanteitening WaS• spent.
A lib* social Will be held in the
Foresterso BelgttiVe, 82i. Fri-
day evehihe
Is being` prepared and atnong
thbdo Who Will take, pail ate•Mits.
lean' 'VatiNottitati, Mist Mabel
,Mctionald, Mt.il,„,to..,Birkett, Mr.
Canatilielli Mr fl.tr, lohinitori and:
Mt. klaunesi3OW.Mikit',,, UP.
the boatey tomb, tiota. the
Wirighana BUslhett 'College droVe,
wet tO•aorrie and played a friend-
ly tante of:hockey with the boys
town: this 'Week, t he genie
resulted ft a e1sevenafl
0 .0. 0
.tworievvrop .VItAIKS A00
•Vhe regular tiotitnly iteetirig sE
the- -Wettlerilii Inatitute Was held hi
the, Connell chahiber -WY tlitildaY
lift#tifOOft iAlth *boa 4 rneinifera,
*orient, the president, Vs* Mar-
itroit ,liktidetsett,
• the hosteskes. for the day were;
MOW, :oeo_rge Kw; *ifs, J. Idtiffett,
itro. Tither. aria MISS Weir
and encouragement. Red ,O,,ross
lodges provide homelike Surround-
ings, comfort and re,creation for
thousands of Patients • in Depart-
ment of-Ifeterans Affairs hospitals,
and overnight accommodation' is
available " fol• next-of-kin when
visiting patients.
'An arts and crafts' program. sup-
plies diversional: therapy and in-
struction to veterans.' Current
popular films are shomin regularly
in veterans' hospitals aT.ta
oria. two Old Soldiers',Clubs"
aged,- veterans are provided with
homes and whatever,small fee they
are able to pay.' Other veterans?
• -
guest speaker Of the after-
noon was Dr. R. 0...Redmond, Wlio
.spoke on the difficult ‘" times
thtongh, whieh we are passing,
James. vurrie, Maitland Glenn
Farm) East Wawanosh, has 25,'neW
spring lambs With only one casual-
M. Smith of. Huron College,
London, is pplying at St. Piturt
Anglitan Church, until the new
rector, Rev. E. Hayes, �f Durham,
takeS, charge next inonth.
The J3elgraVe• Farinergr*Clitb are
holdingtheir monthly meeting at
the home of 0. rt. COUltes, There is
to be a.special -musical program.
and several interesting topics Will:
be ;discussed.
Members of the goderich Bent-,
:1st Church Young Peoples' "Itinion,
enjoyed - a social etening on Wed-
nesday as gnests Of the 13,Y.P.U.
cifethe: Wing,hern Baptist Church.
A prograin .of songs .and mUsid
wa.'s enjoyed together With a short
play presented by the vigitheS, from
- - o
vivriiitAr YEARS AO°
• -
the regular •Lions 'luncheon was
held at the (4ueelis Hotel • and
guests of honor at the meeting
wore biatrict Deputy ,doVernot,
Lion George 'Litvell and bistrice
rgeorefaty, 'Ikon Morgan, both of
PalineratOri, •
At the regidat Monthly Meeting
pf the Whighani town' Council
held �n Monday evening a grant Of
$100 Was voted' t� the County. Com-
mittee of the International Plotigh,
ing Match Width Will be held In
Itiiron twat -Seaforth And -Clinton
"October. '
, A large atteridanCe of Visitors
and. Ineinbers Were present on
day afterhderi At the Nothen's,
itiatittrie meeting , with 'the vite,
president, Mrs. Harley Crawfordin .
th4r,cethatr,„, M,zurG,. Allin acted
•'Special' guest Wag Mr. 1. H, Kirk
,Read,. inspector of Public Schools
for Ilhrth tturon, He delighted his
audience with hs fine and itisttud-.
•thre'liddresi of the Problern Of the
hey arid girl in the SOWS. 1.1.e
.sitp-Wed how' Alio. sindy And work:
'M.the school:fitted them to he tise,,
Cu' drtriii2etild t
dher;rit have tiovla their!
show mare tatty Lee ktneOrthY
1.4, J. *tight tit • Listowel,
Wright. has a Mate "for th Mare
.and will MOW have an outstanding.
• Captain 'lean eine$ of territorial
.1riee4quartera. tit the SeiVatien
.0thly, Toronto, 8Orldneted. apeelat
.ineethigs M the local COP* het*
JIL,31,Vinghlint Oft 2uaday,
services inohide emergency relief,
welfare work. abroad,' and blood
donations to, hoSpitalt,
• Red Cross 'is always ready to
play an important role in natural
disaster and civil defence. ,riealth
pervipes include, a national blood
transfusion serAce, first aid,
swimming • and water. safety.
Mobile dental and medical clin-
ics are in opetation in several
provinces and in Ontario three
curative. workshops supply occup-
ational and recreational therapy
for the handieapped. •Well-babY
clinics are, operated in several
centres: ,
Shortly after World War '1, the
first Red Cross ,Outpost Hospital
Was established and, the number
rapidly increased:Today; the num-
ber of those outpost hospitals and
nursing station. in. Canada is
more than J70.'
To lmentWn only a few Of the
other services are the sick tribonr
loan service, home nursing, visit=
ing, homemakers' serviee, port "rnit-
series and enquiry bureau. -
puring the next few 'Weeks men
and women from all walks of life
will be".givitig" freely of. their time
to raise Aioney to finance the Un-
dertakings of' Red Cross. • 'When
your canvasser ' calls remember
that your donation, large or small,
will be used to ease the suffering
of others. '
Strassitig::the need. for -cation
for safety Fn, ice „fishing • wh i eh at.,
tracts so, many thontands in On-
tario • eachsafetY'officers
of the, Department of Lands -And
Forest offer .thee Suggestions. •
, „
For open fithing without a hut,
dress adequately; With warin. foot -
Wear *, and. bobded, parta, arid' put
tip brush, 14nket r tarpaulin'
wind barrier:1... , '•;
" In chopping 'hole' use `brush or
other material-lor firin footing to
aVoid 'fall, Possibly into ley -depths.
• .
13e certain that we is solid before
Venturing out. Thick, tee oh one
lake does not guarantee thiek ice '
cin antither: "Warrn'o shallow laltet
hccanse �f .clientical action front
bottom, freeze' less rapidly, ,
13eWitre Of lakes with*clenSe cov-
ering Of snOW, for show's )nsulat-
ing quality slows freeing a.nd Ws
Weight, causes' weakness. - DeeP
snoW alto coVert airholes,1
Bewate of narrows where cilt,=
rent may alto :4reezing and wear
away ice from beneath,
Never park cars close together;
excess vyeighe May hreak. ice, Also,
cars standing too hoig May eituse•
seepage of water to ice surfabe,
adding weight. and possibly restat-
ing in ear's sinking.
*AIWayt keep tar witidowa open
when 'dilVine eiri ley lake* even
though it may be uncomfortable.
They- provide Pegtit, tif esdaPe if
disaster 'Strike. Cat' debts ara.dit-
/wait to tndet water pies.
. Bo sure the fish hut is WWI veo-
tilated to duca agfust batten
Metiokide o1cbnUtg frOnt tuines of
heating et lighting .fluid.
Dont blit -fish hOles too, Ouse',
tether ; ft wflt vatilteu the lee.
Plade heating stOve ton• hoards,
poles or othei at support or'
faitten it ta' the; ,.bottein of %Clint,
iCeetia etintpass hearing 'oh Your
The Bible Toda iky WV, 41, let,30100,900•.0,440
See. '11PPOO 0040401 Bilge *OS,
' ,
The newlY aPneinted Oenetsi
seeretary et the BritiSh and Oor-
elgn 31b1eSeelety in- Canada, Rev,
Kenneth *Malan, T:LAm 13,11,
boxs,o'..1es new work: this month
A native of Meant Forist, °studs,
ht}4 -been miser of St. And-
rew'O Presbyterian Church, Oaeltdb
since 1969, „
:Mr, 3Vfa4illae I i'14.1 Wide VX-
petienCe ,Oenegilnationel WOW
Inchlding the, 000110 PoUrd of
Missions 91 wheh JeN at piesent
the Chairman, of the Oyerseus De-
• As a member' of the Department
of Overseas Missions of the 'Cana-
dian C011nell Of ChUrches, he will
not,fiod interdenominational and
missionary work new „p) him,
From PaSt eicperience and perSonal
.outleoki Mr. McMillan ig well fit-
ted'to oversee nible Sbelety'affairs
•whieh involve epooperation with all
Btotestarit denominations. lie W111
head the 16 Antlillatias of 'the ;Sac-
iety agross Canada.
The new General. Secretary is
thfirst "Presbyterian to fill the
Post since the retirerneUt, Of Dr.
J. B. Ariu014 some years ego. Sec-
tetarios of the auxiiiarlei Who win
work 'With him represent "Various
denominations. r,
In each auxiliary almost: every
city, town, "village 'and hanilet•
forms a Branch a the' Bible SoC•i.
lety where all refOrmed commun-
ions co-operate in collecting, funds
fishing spot in case storm makes
viiibility difficult.
For' the safety of others who
may follow, mark fish holes eleariy
with bright' flap, evergreen
branches or other readily visible
sign. Ice scum or snow‘may hide
such holes from other cmglers, with,
fatal 'resulta.
Carry a first aid kit and a sm411
pair of cutting pliers?' for use in
case a hook catches the angler. If
the hook is in beypnd the herb,
pass the barb right on through'the
flesh, if Possible, then cut the hook"
behind the barb and back it mit,
•used ,to subsicilie the sale orij
Seriptsres. in their Mission we*
at 11Q1110 dna tplvild
COMMentlagedtorittUy, 'The
-'quelPh Xerenryn„ says, "A, jietter
Onlbassadet of fattli and Cbristiaci
principlea could net have bei
.0b05eti, QuelPit Wirt alwaysoreniem,
her Mr, Ma/Ill/an endr.'We Predht,
heal' a, let' More at him," as a
,great ePeleSOtiVal Career ..unfolds
ever the years",
Suggested Bible, Beguiles.
Wednesday, Isaiah 05;
day Isaiah, 6,140; Friday, Ezra 7;
640; Saturday, ' N,;11.190111414 4:7-20;
sunday, Nehemiah 611.1.4$ MOliday,
Lamentations 8:22-361, I'lleSday,
Psalms 0041,
Sixth Line Grow)
Work on Quilt
• BMGRAVE—The Oth One group
tne womaift Association of
Knox United Chttreh; held 'their
regular meeting at the home nf
MrS. Borden Scott last week' when
10 members tiedand bound,t)-9
Bloelts arc to ,be made read
another guilt for the next meet
on March 27..
Prizes Won at
Euchre Parties
• 13ELGRAVE—The regular 'pro-
gressive euchre party Was held on
Wedbesclay evening in...tbe com.
Inutility centrewith it tables in
play, with high prizes going to
CMoi susl tf3! thConPs rlittnieocr% Vincent
to Mrs. Albert,
wmoy• TnhBobr yY9tdhAg lbsi e.n r euchre party
paprr.tlyze was
held at the home of Mr, and. Mrs.
Levi 13ieman last Tuesday evening
with 7 tabies in play 'wig; high
prizes being wein by "Mrs. Clarence
Hanna and Ernest Snowden. Coni•
sedation prizes went to Mrs. Gordon
Naylor and Mark Athistrong. The
next party will be at the home of
Mr. -and •;Mrs. Mason Robinson.
"mi.! OO ! .. ...p...1 ii i iiii iiiiiiiiiiiiii IH iiiiiiiiii iiiiiiiiiiiiii C
Watch for Our LILA.
• onday to Saturday
ARCH 11 th -- MARCH 16t
, , •..
• 29 49
tag* to take, tonic laxative - reg. &lc, 66O C C
Cleanses and he.autifio.s hair - 8 oz. reg. 49e
Fine qualiO, higthiy refined - j6oz., reg. sOc iii
• COLD,':. CREAM -• • -
Evelyn Howard Theatrical Style Ib. jar - reg. 89e
"utility" - 2 year guarantee; tog. 81.79 •
• Two regnlar 59e tubes for ONLY
WASH, CLOTHS -215c 1.2. -
10140 se.- just right weight f,r
Agency fer,-
Ayer and Revlon
• Co!imeties
• rosonitotioN
illtt,IGGIST Complete
Animal Health
WINOHAN •Departtnettt
anuntionumhowoonum”. lll lllllllll llll• von lllll 0""""1
. •
(ANGue.411• )
Ash Wednesday ,,
• 7.30 p.m.—The Connuination Service
First Sunday in Lent
1- 8.30 a.m,-L-Holy Communi.;?ti
14.00 a.m.—Morner
ing Pray' ,Seritinn
2.30 p,rn.t\Chui'ch Schbol
7.00 p.m.---T4vening Prayer & Serinpn
• investititre of junior Choir members ,
•*• *•**„
• Thurs., Mardi 7th -3,00 p.m.—WA, Donation
Meeting in the .PariSli Rood: Guest
speaker ) Mrs, J. Mirehottse;I,oridon. • •
March 8th--,Wor1d Day of:Prayer for
Wotrien, The United .ChurelL - 3 part. &8 P.a.