HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1957-03-06, Page 1„ ' ' 4441 and ell Others interested are inVited to the public school this (Wednesday) afternoon at 2,00 'to Actoaint therneelVeS t with the work Which vie being rdOne by staff and pupils, °Peri houSe is, held in 'conArnetiOn with -gd4ctition Week, NO' TAKERS—The Lions Clubs in thie district will sponsor a prib- ic Speaking contest 'in the town ill here en 1.Priday 'cVening:— but thel'e won't -be any Wingham. ppealcere on the :.platforni,„ The knral branch of the Canacilan 1.4Zigion :reports that ihriniries were repently made at the Well 901160.1 to see her many would he interest- ed in taking part in .such a con test bah-none, of the scholars were interested. a the fire committee, Stated by: in accordance Yrdfh: the Orli. letter• that he wished the eel-melt to write to the Bell Telephone Company about, what be ter:1)w', " a lack of co-operation, with the towns fire department in met:gen, Cies other than firce. The flip text of :the .letter re- ceived from the telephone company is as follows; "We are sorry the Council .feels there has, been a lack of co-opera- tion by the telephone company in handling 'fire and other emergency telephone et/A..714s gray be due to some" misunderstanding as the week'. report •indieates. HoweVer, we earl assure ,you that in no ease have our operators refused to ad- WI/lee these calls. "Fire alarm calla are operated A leticief rern the Bell Telephone Company, in reply to Councillor Jack Gorhntt's "lack ..of co-opera- tion" at last month's council meet- ing, wife read by flte;town clerk at the regular meeting 9f the Wing- hanl Town'CoOncil,:rield en Thurs- day evening. : The telephone company had taken exactly the opposite, view of their employees aetion M re- gard two recent' emergencies, .and had, in 444, commended the 1041 operators for their prompt,' fleas ju dealing' with the reseue of a small' ,chlicl who:; 4,4d. fallen into a sewer and ih tracing, the location of an elderly couple who had been overcome: by fumes, At, Met .month's council .rdeeting, Conneillnr 3401( Gorhutt, chairman .r...1: i. ..111,Ti - - / r r, .1., FY # ,...taaal . r N s,... u. MO 4..f.t. . ThQ ladies of the Hospital, Auxiliary who held: ii veryisuPeeisfur cake ' funds to purchase a picture whireh is to be placed . in the entrance .. ,...g.,,, . 'WI: •II ... ., sale in the town. all on, Saturday. Left to right ,Mrs. W. H.- Gurney,. hall of the Wingham Genera HOepital:to•Mark •Che long association Mrs. re! 11. Lloyd, Mrs. A. D. MacWilliam, Miss S,..'MacLean, 'Mrs. between hospital and the Ladies' Auxiliary.; . , J. W. lVfaKibbon and Mrs. W. A. CraWfOrfl- the,,qa;ie was _rip. aid' ot, ,,,. , ^ ! , ., ..,': . , . -'' - s" :. —Advanee-Titnee.pbote BROTHER KILLE 1High.Sc Present , Oncert CillitfAVIDEk The: annhali Winghani. .Distri•ct High, School concert was, held in The, following letter from 11,"on a 30„re,85.00 and,then 'of Course to curl/wilt ' be a little more The feeling seeinsqo be that •we. can: get by, aa easily as we do at the WingharnyCluO.., If any. of •• the Wing-Frain curlers feel that •they would ,be, interested in spending the winter months in. Phoenix I would surely like ' to see their names on the charter list for the srriall fee of $5.00.,,Just let me hear front You boyi? WiShing Winghamites• one , and all the best for 1957 from. all of us. Yours- truly, , ! 3, Ronald Rae Rae, former Wingham resident, ;Who ire* 'resides` in,.Pho nix Arlo:. Iona,; won't Caine, as a'great SOP prise to hid friends-heret Ren:''whO IS one of,, the most energetic or- ganizers we have, known, was al wrtys an ardent eUrler. Faced with this' combination the American southWest appears to, be "about M capitulate; . Phoenix, Arizona Win ham: AdVafteef-TirrieS' ; Wingharri, Ontario As a sideline of news for, the 4if Wingliant p,aper I thonght I Would. take this opPortunity of informing. the' school, anditoriuni last Thurs- day anti' FriditY 'eVehinge and" at- tracted large, .audiences, on both george:WebstCr, president of the Literary. Society, opened the con- cert with an , address of welcome. .Mnslcal selections were Present- ed. by the .sehoolpligfe"•bandi and an organ recital , by Brue'e Mc- Tavish," Isobel"")McDonald,Lloyd Stobo Nand Vera' Sharpe,' formed a mneleal, trio which delighted the • • QmokifIN IPOR DINNER ,-Som0 . joker placed .a live .4411ct in a sedan delivery during the late -hours of Monday evening or the early oneS",on Triesday. , When the owner go( into. the vehicle in the morning the bird was just:about frozen Solid. After 30 minutes of fruitlees searching "for •' someone With awarlfl'hen-hensethe poultry Was. turned over to a hungry- looking individual who , drooled a bit and promised he wptild have, chicken for • dinner, / Personally we didn't .appreciate the humor. We're usually Pretty busy on TueS- ' day Mornings, • , Bill. Connell at the:organ. DeWitt Miller;: chairman • ,Of the. I Groin). Committee, acted as. inaster,of- cereinonies • and- Lt. Or Y. Good.- ridge ;:of ; The asked the blessing.. Warren ;Callan. introchiced the heall table Milter'ePoke•of the keen in- tereet in • Seoilting.'•'.anh related activities' Whrell.,:is ,:•;:eVident in Winglittin at' the "prpkent:iiine He ;said that the ' feWF.:Mhnths the. Be.oriits 611.1*k °n!. °Ran* ROUGH VVEATHER , AHEAD4,- If there is, any truth in, the Old lion and lamb thepry we're in for . some ..nasty :Weather, before spring finally arrives, The first of March was practically 0-.0_A. 40 Bucks ,RICHER—.1461(' "Ace” Date:ion lost himself ten dollars by sitting in A" tont-Z.4,1ns Trott Sattir clay night His ,name was drawn for the arena door" prize and be has had to ,settle for $40.00, . . • DANCE IN IlLUEVALE IIALL ." Don Robertson and• The Ranch-, boys9will be playing for a dance in the Bluevale Hall on Wednesday, March 6th, There Will , he a booth in' the hall, Everyone Welcome. Preceede for the Turn- berry, Centennial: p27:6b the first euriing.' Club in he whole ,. you, of ',KebrilArY 27, 1951, 4H411.0ffICER southwest: Wee' organized; 'I feel: it ; a great ..honeiti:4to•zbir ,alisong tile HEADS ,ARMTPLAN • The Wingharn Distriet • High School *Cafeteria was :welt. filled With 180 fathers and"sons who gathered on, Wednesday.,: evening for the annnal ,banquet sponsored by the Boy Scouts ,and.Wolf Cubs. MOthere of the ,boys, `members of the Scouts Auxiliary, catered fOr, the delicioris meal, .with Mrs.. A. •Fuller, tho'bresident, in charge: The functioa was opened by the Flag .'Break, exemplified • by the Scouts, Singing was led by . McKibben • and •Gaiirronr".: With' - Margaret King, Beverley .Neth- ery,• Mary Lou Dunlop, Stewart :McGill;, Beverley Stewart and Tom Brydges.:(were 'feateired• in,'a one- act, . • play ,,'""Tables "Tables d'Hotes a la , „ Cartes". ' . The High , School Glee , Club presented. a medley :of :sengs and dance nurnhers„ which. included square '...dancing,z' and •• Highland danehig, • , .„ • ; • GLENANNAN EUVHRE A,. euehre 'Will be I/14 - in the glenannan 'School, ••priclay; March 8th, at 8,15. Lunch served,' Tick ,ets sold on raffle. Proeeeds- fox l'urnberry Centennial. Admasien 35e. , ". F6b andiPaCe.,. ist•. demonstration. ..o.f• physical in their • A house-to- training- which, included'wrestling house canvass w1'il ,pe. Made "hi -pre-.r • • vide 'the* ,'necessary. .:inoney for bouts,,.• proved ,very interesting to the•aapacitY crowd on. both even- camping the', rental a the 'camp site',' at' Lake "Huron. Mayer 'E., MCKinney voiced his deep .satisfaction ,with' the fine groUP of boYsliefereshim; in the persons the:' Scouts and 'Cubs. He' referred to a ' eorturionly-heed phrase, whieh' ••is a, com- pliment to; the .:entire trinVenent, 'Wheh 4,'Perien‘.•?eferrecl =to' as ,a 'good.. secnit i! it' inealts.7iioe only • that ae...AliFfeife'd=.ghee;fehow is,• under ,;'diSeireetton'; but -al8p';that Boy iSeOnfi hatie•iiet.,the :',e'fandard of character to which we<worild all be.foleaseck beio'ne ion• the mayor'. ennipiiniented the anlidelent/: McBride, is ih South Huron Hospital , With. facial , and leg lacerations 'and nosSiPle chest in-, fo1ri,A1 Hopper Receives Promotion • Mr:, and. Mrs. John M. Hopper. Of •London, ware recent visitors lit the'home of their. parents, Mr. and Mes:( Chas. Hopper and, Mr. and Mrs.. ...Wm: Brown; before leaVing officials of the said. Organization. ft. Would not be ,news 'to You to knout linti I, have given raigil'. thought to ;the idea in the' pait few winters • in this city and as• was suggested at the farewell party 'for MC, a few prorninet curlers said that all that Might hold, 'me in. Arizona might be curling. The dream is'almost true, • I have talked it over With' setieral and; had a letter ready for our local paper when a true Sebt; by the name ,of SOU, beat me to the man 1:Vh is one "of the •very prominent Sehenectady curlers and an official ' Of general • Electric, transferred to Phoenix, Much to his disgust;he had to leave curling, but on SOH* artificial 'ice. rinks in Phoenix hae renewed all our hopes Of• eurling.in the near, future. In fact 'we, May curl in the next few weeks if, stones can be made Captain Robert Ritter, or Wing- hairs, Will "head a plan.'t lOwn "Sangeern 2" during' the summer monthi when he will he in charge of • the. militia summer training program. s.:Walkerton will be the, centre for •the scheme, which is to be held front July 2nd to August 10th. Last year,„. Walkerton and. Kitchener ,Were the only two centres to conduct such a military Course:: This year's course at Walkerton has been increased to take in 36 Men .and has been designed to 'tri- cliic high school :students. A siMilar course is to be held at Listowel: - At the completion of the gouts°, the final week's training is to take place at Petawawa military camp. The students will train five days a week and will receive 'regular -army pay throughout their train:, fig: , Charles 'Currie, son of 'Mr and MrS. George Currie; R.R. 5, Wing ,ham, who has been manager of thP ice cream department of •:the Acme Dairy in Ter:onto for 'several years, is being, moved to...Loe Angeles, Cal, ,He• lft' for his new post on* Monday and *111 be followed short ly by: Mrs., Currie and their baby. In LOS Angelo§ he -wilt be the sit perinterident of the, firm in that city ' Mr:' Currie attended Currie's. Sehool in- East Wawanosh ToWn- ehip and later Danforth, " d'olleg- late and the OAC at Guelph: Last week emploYees of the' firm in Toronto gathered and .presehted him with a club, bag and ,a ring', Mrs. Currie was presented.; With roses and a leeket, On Sunday the mehribere.nr the family gathered. at the, home of and Mrs. George, Currie for a farewell din• - Agreement tretvieen the Bell' rife phone conripanY and the. qiirtlogra tion of ,the Town of WIROSta Whenever a fire alarm call Via. ems ' *fed in the central Oka- .9Perator anerafeS equipment; the line used to serve the Corp. t't Lion, for ,the purpose of -84;in,'Offnl the town's' fire alarm eiretie ' he raets about the two ielfeic e ergenelee Were explained in ,the letter in the :following words. 'Vile call from Hillereat . ,area. Nav9rrlbOr 8th, 1956, was re-ceiyort, by a student,],pperator. In the eiternent Qt both caller and opera- tar the location of the :emergencys.: was,no'f established, It was found - that the caller had returned •tq:; 'the, accident . scene so no .antrate„r ,could r.be:had. Meantime 'a IielL„ Company repairman arrived and rescued', from the :sewer, theSecond instant e our • op,. erittor'answered` a 'signal and got no responseLoPtif did observe a gasping -so/gni on the • line, .cir :supervisor traced the call arid ,sent a 'doctor to :the' address and also asked' neighbor to investigate: . After about., 15 minutes the fire alarm was heard but norequest to sound. the siren•was reeeived by us, "We have commended the alert- ness Of the employees involved in these near tragic accidents. "Our : constant endeavour is to provide an efficient "and friendly. telephone service to the community but in, consideration of. the Court- • feeling.s as exprosed it would be opportune now to., review with. yOu ;the existing arrangements ;for handling ,fire, pellet: and other . 'emergency , An, 'interview between, canned . inemhere .and telephone coMparlY Officials is td...tre.held in 'town in • the., near future. ' • councillor Gorhott ,said :11'e haft been unable to..obtain any infoona-..:. tion front: the 'telephone company wlien :11*: rtrack gation on the eubjeet,ofeinerieney Calls, The inforniation tamed, he admitted. to the .ectundIA. • had been gathered only from sources outside the ,company. Any efforts to get. the :company's 'Side of the story 'before had, he' Said, been impoSeible, because. or 'corn:- pt:my orleig regarding strict • 'con- fidenee 'in all telephone• Messages, . Since ,this. .letter ,from the COM- pany had been,' received:. and • •lts • aide of the 'story explained, .he „felt sure that' the .Company had-done. all it ceirld to. 0-operate. • Cheek On Casts, Mayor R. E. McKinney reported that a simple systein, by which the coined cOirld,..keen a cheep on fin- anees, had been devised and' that by the use of 'the. system the .coon-• •• oil 'would be much more, conscious of the amount 'of Cash they were expending..:. "I've had a talk with. Mr. Gal- braith and our auditor- . and to- gether. We've made up ri, xrrell;Ave'v.e-got-to-spend' o r which-V/7th shOw. .at ,glatiee' just how much or the, taxpayer's money we have' spent; how' much We have left to spend' on, what 'we are 'spending it" • . , • . The Meyer. passed .sartiple (please, tern to Page four.) for' their' hew home in •Toronto. available. SO w' 'may 'see a few of John ,.has been promoted from the, local enriers here ref , a bon- factOtt, branch inspector, to the spiel; Sonieday, maybe sooner than consiliatipn" branch of the Ontario one would think. Department Of Labour. We join • ' We h With h M f have Started off with a list is any ri W t ends in eongrau- • Wing him, in '.his promotion and of 'charter ,members of the or ant= him continued success, zatien, To say you are such, costs BEAUTY SHOPPE CLOSED Isabel's Beauty. Shoppe willbe closed March 11, 12 and lath while Miss McCall is attending the Hair- dressers' Convention in TorOnto. F6b Alvin McBride, . former i Stanley , • . reeve, ;and a' :brother :of Mrs. ' B. 'Beattie ' 'cif • Winglitua died in South Huron `Hospital; Ex- eter, Tuesday night ' -folloviing a two-ear eollision two, miles north of Exeter, which had oceurred l a shOrt time earlier,, , . Glen Nikon,k-Araterth, • travelling north on No,; toklp64, lice he collided with a •sonthbound, 'ear 'driven by Mr:'McBride. A.' passenger in- the McBride vex , hide,: Alvin' Nicholson, 70, of juries. '• • Mr. :MeBride,•who was •iiri his 61.st 'year, was bOrri• on the Goshen Line in:Stanley ,Towneitip: • Until:. retirement'his to Exeter la April he, resided en:a farm west-at Kip- pen. . • • Active in the community, he served, on Stanley Council • for number _of ,years,' and• Was 'reeve for three:years A veteran; of the' First 'War, `he was, a .member of. Herisall Legion, •He Was. also a member of 'Huron Lodge, Hensall. 'He was metriber 'o"f , Brueefield United Chureh and Jaynes :Street Church, Exeter. „ 'Mr,'"Mq3ride was married about yeare ago. in KiPpen to the- former Rena. 1:Vic:Bea:Eh, *who Sur- vives, together ,With a son, Stew- art of Weston, ,,and • a,' daughter, Donna, on the ietaff. of Northwest- ern Hospital, Toronto. He is also survived by,his mother., Mrs. Robt. McBride, Kipper', 'and by • six brothers, Wilbert, of 'Kitchener; LeOria,rd,.of WitidsOp Eliner and Walter, of Exeter, and Lorne and Edgar, of KipPon, and by two sis- ters (Erina) Mrs. Steivart Beattie, Wingham, and Margaret,. Mrs. Ed- gar Schnell, of Edmonton.. Funeral service WAS held at the 13onthron funeral chapel in Hensel' on Friday afternoon, ',with -inter- ment iii Bairle eeMetery, • DANISII REVUE OF 11157. Winghana Fig tire Skating ' Cibb, presents; "Danish Revue 'of 1.957P/ -fin • One• :night . only," Saturday.; March 16th at the Wingham Arena. MOre than .45 , local ' skaters phi's' Bronwyn 13rethere'and her partner t in Ilutehison' will be , featured. in this wonderful ice spectacle. 'Admission; A , .Adults 59e, School Children, 25c, Pre,schocil and Kindergarten, PEE, Reserv.; ed state are obtainable at MeKib-. bone Drug Store and cost 2'.5e extra. r6:3.31) DAY 01,1 PRAYER. ' World Day of Prayer Services Will be held in Wingbarn United ;Church on Friday, March sti,' at 8 ,p.m. and 8 p,rn, F64'. GAGEMEN',E and. Mrs, George Carter,. it,R. 5, Wingham, Ont., *fah to an, Donner the engagenlent of :their only daughter, Nancy Winnifred •( to Robert •Willi4.10 Carter, 'son of Carter and the late ' 'Mrs, Carter of R.R. 3, 131yth, Ont: ' The -Marriage to take place In 'March. . :Fe NOTICE, " Alt Town licenees are noW dui and payable.' Deg tags ore avail- , able from the '.'own Clerk or the Ptiljbe office, W., A. Galbraith: ,. Clerk,' N.• . *6,18b. Young People Meet Here for Bursary Night .. The Second 8ttident Bursary Sunday:was held in the Wingharn Presbyterian Chtireh last Sunday, when Students of Waterloo College were the guests, , The student speaker at the morning service;, was Garry Morton, orHaipliton, ,the evening all the young people of „ the' Presbytery Met the church to hear Ken. HerOry, a ettident of Waterloo College, ,give an inspiring address, *may, Gaunt; Whiteehureh, and Miss lYirtry 'Scott, of Winghtuis, also spoke, Following the service a Secial hour was bold ill the 'church hasp.' Went .greetiitge.froto the ilreSbr, terY 'were read by ):ten MeIragim; and frerti the Synod by Jahn Allan, It Is expected that the•Stiti dolt rsursaty'Sunday will beeortie a~t 'a.ttn1.1al event, LEoloN FOWL BINGO A. Yowl Bingo will be beld in the Legion. Hall, joint Bt.. on Vrlday, March 15th, at 8,30 pit. Proceeds fhr Legion 'Pipe Hand, Anyone wanting free transportation call SOW 'after .7 p.m, 112716b tteid in :the *V1.1000111 ika`Vanee.tibteri Vhetd. . „ A proati/eatition of the large gathering of 'fathers and sons pietured during the latantlal Father and Soya Harkin lit they listened to -Dist,. COMMISSiOner 'Male GOWarilOck'S address, Mehriol 'Wednesday evening, men and women Who .are giving active help and'IleadorshiP .to the cause, of , •." Appreciatiow ,was , expressed to the ladies. Whi?' eatefed far the event by', Prank Hopper and Mrs, H. A. Fuller replied. her , brief remarks' she' said that thenialiers are more :than iileitied to lend it helping hand to Scenting; with' its promise • of line' yOting. men as a final resillt • . • District . C/monkish/nor SPeaks :Prank . introduced the Sneaker • of the • evening 'District Commissioner 'Archie Gowanlock, of Walkerton, to. whom he referred as "the backbone of Scouting in the. Sairgeen, District". `The District CoMmissioner corn- plimented the SecintS, and Cubs, their mothers and fathers On the fine 'turnout at the banquet; weneon to say that this is a very important year' in Scouting, for it 18 'the 50th anniverearY, of the founding of the movement, as well as the 100th birthday of the late founder, Lord b• arien:Poweil. outiilipg the early life 'of. Lord Briden-POwel( the: ,'sPeaker said that he had served With distinction in the Boer"' War; and it Wee in South 'Afrita 'that thought of applying the priheiOles of Spouting to groWing hoYe,' 'the first Scout troop Was fOrMed 1907 when Baden-Powell began /to" Work With a small group of boys in his own village in ,England. Lady Baden- Pow$11 founded the .Girl .Guides in 1910, trio Sea, ,$clitits were started in 1916, as WQr0, the Wolf Cube,. This °Mining, onininner . World Samberce Will be Odd. ;Bnglii,4, to` commemorate . ,the' anniversary: Year, .‘ ` t After the district,commiSsioner's fakir, a most interesting color Of the Janabeoree. held,,at on-the-.Lake two 'years • ftigti was „ • : The evening's" program ,vnts tinged as the WOW Cuba lornied the Circle aqd. rePeitted their Proitilee. •• ' )104111WALB B1101104$ " * ' A progressive euchre Will 'be 'held In tilitiovale Hall, Oriclayy, March, iith at 8,0 o'clock, • Proceeds for P.'0.4,$. No. 4 Centennial Committee., Luitth supplied, El/Cry/One Wei. eorite., Admission 56e; Feb L1A.1ON The Logien, AuXiliary is • bottling tv euchre in the Logien Itinne,'Vri lvzot lay, March 1,1th at 8,1ti'o'elOck, We, lunch 'Served. 'God prizes, - Filb Region Pubk Speaking Contest Here IF ridayNight , Youhirsteo from 'the Area com- prising' Region "16 'LlerieChlbs will gather in Wingharn on Priday evening for ,rt publie Speaking con- test Wider the r” direction of Bill Booth, et:Stratford, /I: P. Cartnich- ad!, Ingham, district deputy goNt,, ether, wail rePreserit the elubs this district, . the event', Which. will be held in the town hall, is open to the.publie and there is .no 'Charge Ter admis- ann. Tithe is 8.,p,tn. r , The Liene, Club in' this, part "et the 'Province hake'been very active in their sporiSorship of the public Speaking contest's and many prom- icing toliit speakers have been developed tinder the guidance and encouragement of, the Lions, Winners a the Varicitie regional contests W111 ecin't ete. the finale at OshaWa for the.- PreVineiat chtuntrieti811104 -: