The Signal, 1926-6-10, Page 6v
Tharsalxy. Jm.e• 10. 1020.
Gifts _
Now on display
Porter's Book Store
"On the Square for forty years"
Electric Wiring
We specialize in Wiring of
all kinds. Let us give you an
estimate for wiring your
house or garage.
Private Telephones, Motors,
Dynamos, Electric Light and
Burglar Alarm Systema
Ail Work Guaranteed
Cook, Iron and Toast by
We have an assortment of
the beat Electric Irons and
Toasters made iii Canada.
E n leian West St.
!louse Phone 23aJ Store 82
HI•- -. COl'.T1 l.'11UNC11. eliuctluu of isteemeut las the village of
tee 10 carry cull arrnugylne•Ilt's fur the fell that this eoualy had t y
plena. , In the matter and had too authority to
make slush a grant.
The follow 11 : u„; ion. by Messina. Willa regard to cuune•tiug links stud
mis01 i awl 1.:,„1„, a .las adopted
' cnanl>• roods 10 toNus sort villages, it
uusuimeers. -That we, the Comber. etas recommended that the mousey re-
-.gnat 1. .tor.. ii c (ounN1,
l a eared rat be -ape•nt within. the limits
take• grout pleasure las the kind our of the urian mutoieiialltles In aecor-
tatior uppllrW1. of the kind Mei- Janet. with the recent legislation' be
u! Brne cereha 'ouacm to ex feuded on the Bald i. nuetlug'luks
of sof to uta a itolanrr of wetly and milady- roads until such street*
oats of procedure iu ice Bong out
county council work. Nhich couterepce are cowplet.l with a high -clumps road.
proved very interest's,* awl proatoble. Another. . recommendation was that
We also apperclat. ti,,, ceortc•ry with ' the extra subs(dy re s4' d by the
which we were n•eritr•1 and enter- e..nnty' alt annual grant t0 ensell and
tainted and would at swim time in the Windham be deducted from the 'special
levy aid by agreement by ttwae munl-
(Cuutiuuea '(newt page g) l.ucknew, but the Huron committee
w ' Ilablllt
stall t, not at,trt, this year ; hut after:
eonslderable dis• •Issiuu title Clause wa
struck out. Ott rwIse the report was
Canty Preglert) (easealttee
The county I : •,pe ty committee te-
portel that the eirlug at the registry
otth•c had be, .atisfactsrlly Com•
plettsl. Mrs. 1%. matron of the
Childnn'r She •••r• wap cummende.l
ter the 'splendid condition 4$ affairs at
the $Herter, wl,, r,• at present there
were four chl''ren, Some repairing
at -the letadler •s-' rcumwended. The
committee eau, --c,t appreciation' d
the economical manner its which all
departments at the jail are being man-
aged and recommended that the jail-
er's salary be increased to $1.000. An-
• ullutl woe a
clerk Iw Matto, t••1 to get prices from
Ls the best remedy
known for sunburn,
heat rashes, eczema,
sore feet, stings and
blisters. A skin food!
41 'Drop*" ea Nom -5O..
Moire ruluy a rolill'.••1 similar get 1
it, our re•afa•e'thC t'il*slltk`'s• other recummen i that lite with reference to the remuneration of
together meetings The
eomn(1ttCt eetlmatd the ex- rural mall, in up{aoslt100 to
tvluutle•*. as It is a d.•'i•icd titivating.' l,.udttun•s ou
ruuutf. roads chi's year
the local coal d,;il!•rs for the dlffrresa( the piupaosai to dee awn). wkth the
[u have this means of rompwrloi Gott► at t5O.S111a1 fur eonidructiuu work and
and of friendly iut.•r••'ut'w•' x113:$(41) for matuhttarne, a total u1
grades of seal requires' before Prr' grevent system of tendering sed e41 per
Thanks to Khsrardinr People aha'sIng, dish the pay at a eat rate of $711 av-•r a mlrtion. by M.•.-rs. Couh•+ ft17`t.rAM1' iilaalal levies and 'sundry TIIIe reptnrt was adegawl rxewpt the wile. The committer reported In fav-
Shurtrned, esu- :+,hgm•d. that a r'"`'iris++ were eatlmatd at $a.$tli and chive with pet. reface no tlw Jailer t.' e.r of the resolution and recommended
flee $•ut gratia at $!10.011(1, salt. which .tat, •'eferret le the tial 1t be forwarded to -the members
letter 1.e• tout to the 21.}••r of Kincaid. -
Marius $ S•tkal t, ls• nlhavi by a
dlue expressing the .+.nn, II's apps. i lexecutive ally ei l ilio of i'arllawent trues thin county.
two -mill levy on the county'' The ...malty rt ttee•r snbmtttei pilaus The second resolution advocated an
thou of the splendid aret.ner in which Awoug the work re.-onun•uded for sail estimates "ult.•tiun with the•
the memlwrs and elec.:- ••! the Hur••n iw•reasesi ' caz uu gasoline used for
this season was the following In this; proposal to est. •: •h palate lavatories motor vehicles and a reduction in the
county eounell weer• '• itertatnett by
the ladies and coon. of Kites rattle
at the magnificent 'miao ct on Wednes-
day eteuing, Jame 2101 yi11aL..+[
The a.-t,sme•ul ••t •he
Wroxeter was fixer at $142,770 for
e.qua1izatlen purls, -,•s ;or 1tr2.ei. an ad-
jusrment having I.e•ert. -[oath. necessary
by a decision of the Ilutario Itailaay
Board taking certain lands out of the
village• and placing 11..•1u in the t••wn-
511111s of Howiek atoll Turuh.•rry.
County (clerk Holman was granted
two weeks' holldats. ' '
On Friday afternoon the report of
the good! !mote rot - lk
• dealt .till.
I Clause :1 of the rep. r:. rc,mwend-
Ing that the annual paywcl.r by the
village of Ilenaall on aevenia of road hitt to the north side of c.tncvtsxiuu 11'.
pavement be remitted chi, yen r. was and ...sainted southerly to toneemiou
road s 9. H. road No. L'. Ashfield.
at Atnberly-a right-of-way be put -
...basted along the direct continuation
of the Lake Blore roast in Bruce
(whist' lot IS. cottc.ssion 14. Asdtfield.
t.. the Lake road in Ashfield. and a
uew road e.wstruetel to elImivate
,dangerous turn. at this point. It,
road No. 22. Eales and We•et Wawa -
twill -The- swampy read oppoolte colt-
ree.lon 13 to he drainer, 11 pueedble.
part of the county : He road No. 25.
('ultwnw--nue mile of construct too
westerly from lot 13 anti one mile
easterly from Loyal. Ile Saltfbrd
(sill -that this improremeut ie eonl-
pleted. lb e road N... 35, ltnytb•Id-that
one mile of the narrow road near
Bayfield be whirled and improved.
Re road No. 1. 11Utlett-two miles of
reconstruction northerly from the
south limit of cont -region 3. pickle's
hill, West 1t'awanush and Kialoni-
conetructiou of guard fetter on the ell.
He 'road Nu. 21, West Wawanosh and
Kinloss_4oallnuativa of coastructlon
w ori• froiiu lot 11t. West Wawanosb, for
one mile. Ice read No. 27, West Wa-
eauosh end Ashfield-enuetruction
work to be completed from ltowle•s'
struck out on a vote of 17-11
The Highways Katy
' Messing. Hayes and d:eig. r moved
that the highways rate chi. year be
one any! :t half mfrle instead of two
melt alp rcnmmende.l be Ihr gall
roads cummlealou. This wsm defeated
on a vote of tt to 2:1. only M.• -"r•'. cox.
'Geiger. Fianna. Hayes, I.le:s._-ton and
i *reel. eotitre Is- favor -of-
Another vote %%415 ta1.•1- oo the
and ImproreI. rte road No. 1, Blyth
1`citti (ton of tldopt1the t14•l.• 'totem. .and
hrtdto• near ter• 4'.P.14. to be re -
With regard to bridge painting, it
n y o. s ' ''''
The vote ales 22 9 etf:.i.,•• taking hulls.
the fissurae,.• was QrMded to accept the' ender of F.
• Me .o fs. 11id(1h•t• r and t'• t nu•t'wl Sturdy at 43e JAI' tout for bridge* ln gate. no sett uu te:,- r•,eo.remmen.brt. Ito *assume the cost of its portion of
that the Trends for :he race• t'••lI, int. the Wingham district and the tender
Special (IInM1ItiM the work.
It-tljuu• huildih_ at s"cn,n. far'' of 11. 1t.' Frazer fur .".3e• per foot for'
w 1b It the comity las l•.,,.. r• alar the I;ode•r:eh and Auburn bridges;
.ilia. is• gtturaett,. by tit. • Intl. In-
' pain: to he supplier be the county.
Intend of by the toe's of flirt as the , Na action . was rycnmmruek.l with x•-
18,11(114 so gnarante. wool' ,•ring n 1 gird 1.' (!nims of r'reniIt L. 1.- is awl ---
ts•ttrr tithe-. - +Lorlt,-i4•tlwrt for damages esti Invonut
'1'L- ons (1ctrntr ; by a •• . rat 2:0, highways.
;•releases e•hlrtlt ire•ar -. .,f the Ettsnll 44 Raids Commission
I.r . .cwt lr wuntcT-4 _
1 .v,t Iddecrlut R•Ii+l Ihr repvrr
below the Cour house. A new T - 1n.
'sewer would required from the
court house h 'he uwuhule on the
Square upposit, (vest street. An esti-
mate of the c-, -I Nus 43.:500 for the
public portion and $2•(11411 for the
county portlel•. Nu details of
Planking. 1lgata•: stet heating were
With referent, to this matter the
County propert commlttr lin a s4-
con(i report) made no recommenda-
e ommenda-tion. but state,! that "nothing was
provided in the •^timatee for the paid
cxpendlturee." elle+ mean. that the
proposal is dro!•Is•d for the present at
House of Refuge (committee
The house "; ...fuze cemwiuce r-
portelsou the ,losing of twitters in
connection with the estates of several
of the innate- Miss cuutpl's4l. tn"
aseletaet utatr• .. having resdgnesL the
committee appoint.»t Miss Mart .1. MU,
ler. of Barrie. to the position. at a
watery of $ ) a month. The commit-
tee found the I ons,• ;and premiers 1n
lleense fee for automobiles. This also
was approved by the eommittce•, with
the reoowntendatlon that copies. he
forwarder to the members of the
i.ds(nre from Huron nue alas to the
1lhrlster of Highways.
Executive Committee
The eaecutive committer re•olu
Mendel a grant of $27, to the llurun
Poultry add Pet ate1: Amos lotion.
and $:al to the Hurst county fruit
slow. With regard to the recuttt
mendutlun of the county property tom
mitre.• for aft increase of the jasIl.•r-
salary, the recommendation of the
ezrcutite• committer was "that. the
salary question to not opened up at
this time." The committer re•out-
molded no grant to the School Trus-
tees' and Ratepayers' Association.. but
in council 11 was deviated to make a
grant of $1110. Otherwise the report
was adopter.
'Read and Bridge Committee
The road tall bridge ,vewwltte• re-
ported several recommendations. In -
eluding, one fur the painting of Ball's
Appearance of Atlfected Trees -How I Progress ss Is Being Made. 11111 Further
the Disease Develops- Destroy (•o -operation WItb Government
Blighted Twigs Insects Carry that Men -la Ireneen aL
by Dmitri° Department d
Disease --How to Control Trouble. Agriculture. Toroaoa
(Contributed by Ontario Department eg tarp there
Agriculture, Toruoto.l h. During as been the
consid considerable efnveatltatloa
• ytre Blight," • mart destructive
tive I work In connection with the treat -
bacterial disease of apple, pear and
meet of American touibrood and Dr..
quince trees. is prevalent In many J C Hutaelman, 01 Ohio, Introduced
part. of Ontario, pertleularly V solution, composed of alcohol -tor
apple trees. matin, which hu been used by many
Appearance of Affected Trees. beekeepers to kill the spores and
• Trees affected with this disease germs musing American foul -brood
frequently present the appearance of In the drawn combs used by the bean.
having been .eorehed by are, hent• 1 In the late winter and early spring
the common name, Dere Blight. The I of 1924, Prof. Jones. of the Bacterie
leaves will become • reddish brown ology Department, conducted a num-
and die and mummify. In some trees ber of laboratory experiments !n• con-
• few twigs only may be affected, to nectfon with the treatment of Amer-
other canes prectleally every twig lean foulbrood infected combs. Prc',
will be killed off. loops used • number of well -knows
Trees that are affected in this way germicides and disinfectants, and his
la the early part of the season are conclusions were that, so far as Amer`
either hold -over oases of the blight ican toulbrood was concerned. the
Morn the previous season or have .pores were very bard to kill. Prof.
perfect order awl cengretuIatel the bridge. and others fur the improve -
county upon I avis. Mr. and Mrs. mess of bridge approache.l and the
Jaeola las the luat;ut('meW of the ,reaction of guard fences ,at various
honer. as they ...eines! to be eery ! iatlnta. if the township or ander-kb
zealous and p1t l,4.1 in the p.tturm• , wishes to have Ile approaches. to
atu:e of the1L'buics. With reference' Ilolmesrille bridge Improved pest the
to the request of the Association of a Bounty portion. the committer re•om-
l[alage"rse of jl,•un, for the Aged and 1 mended that arrapgeme•uts les mail*. to
Infirm, that 9hi• coun17 semi ,a deli" i have The work continued. the township
The .pedal „mCi t. a reported on
two r•ttolutdor.- freta the Colborne
towns hip con4• il. • 4 hie ,.f 111, se was•
of mildewson the
In l - --The st,e.d --ef-the'Ipeod reels
runty property cow:,. tee. 't +e .i -de• c„mm604011 container a revommc•nda-
44Itt1 by -tit.- ,•••unci! t'...1 ne .1c• .•n 1t• lion that, no action 1e taken oil the
take'. 'n the emitter ••' the ;. M'4) claim o1 J. IC. Jowett of Hayfield fur
pmblie n aturlc., 4243.77 fur .gravel, -as we eau fired au
Mesar-.• Nlrrish and itinerant evidence that Mr. Jowett uwus the.
revved that mut. h•ipa1 I 8 having gravel ur the right-of-way, and we fur-
' paid epelal ievies as per a special then recoluntend'that the Bounty cou-
committe•.$ UK -Orr -steelier: iwith the- throe toAverore-gni*-.4-Ir'"' ihe name _-
egn:t:izatlnn of county road exp.ndl- . location."other rem
tore in puss years be rehnle ped to the were Hutt the hill uLge..itr lot 211.
Others (I()--.• -rat. of their 81mc114! i+•t and that eased. 10. East 11•awauo*h. be )m -
;a aia1on Ise. made at 1' session r.•- peroral lay ditching anal surfaehng•
a:er.lirg this matt,.. • N'hleh would wast 1118.111 2150. and that
, _ ,. .sis r _owe stdslltluital lnlproyenwut IK_ toed.
this and .aittn a vote was tlrken nine' 4•n roar! 23, Aston. 1.1. in grading nod
you ca
To ac:1 people one has
never seen - by Long
Distance - may seem Mr.' Ma ,!uai,i •beet :v-ots•n, d the i-
rtrr•!1 In fni,r •'1 the -wet -4m nest aims- - surfacing.
i asaiust.... -- The 'commom
'committee rcrinen,L.l that
The Illghea). Dating Question 1 the special levy on the rlY:a_, •,f 11.111- l
94.,.., r'o to you but Wig ,) , tr -i.•l: ••f the sae ee the PrO-
being done every day. "I • h i,i•+'.•, ttl • minim road 1
le. t Mr. (ledger.
s('ll i)y Long Distance tot 1 sal,. ,. II. re8uTu-
rr :
I u."::ry :meting in thls
r:-,, .• -I Il Highways Pe-
; ' to r 1 a number of
the 4.41‘.1..: of TL. highway fn,nt 1
1• .111' in ,.excepting the!
Ian of -4I5. at: , .,-hal' Miles out of
h:••:. i- alr,•,dy under eon-
points 200 miles away, -
tvrites a hr.rdware mer -
Chant. "and .never see
the customers."
''A. -man. r.411J+:?' at our t:tort
the oiler 4.t;" - write. an-
, 'ether tram -ha +t, "1 -rlcotrtljz-
e.l his :nice at once. 1 had
14•en e.tll se _him by Lntyr
I ' , u •••• r r.... n'.th$, hot had
'i' ' 1 ntr Pi>tarice.
I, ,? g
i e • ,`i•;:nts tet, :t' ..
fur 111•11e r.: ,It+} than their
father:_ri'er dreamed of sell'
job-- -- kt74,
Pintples.BltI i t-,entd PiSdppear
tate Shin Stoll. Solt and Smooth
t)• USIA* e
r-. 11••:,•' ,• and d Manning.
!hat u.,••' , NO. 47 of Wte Jan•
I', _ - ng .the High*• Iya
r ,ttt•tng the Henn
1.1 he rescinded.
.1 that the latter
1:., tt
ciL 41 . _ if it .hottl,t be
`earric41 i,e . ,hen, be in order to
sat,. •'p .41te -1a.ill:tn., such as that
Tr --11T- t1i i e` T1-'
your 'twines,. Give Longa
Distance a chance to do for
you what it is so successfully
dnina for other.:. -
t taut- ltrs to leave--tl!e
arrcl -Iv
-t 11tl-r 1rr' °1itt 1
'1'!.• . '' t'.• motion t0 rescue'
I: ...I,. • 1:• a t•ntlte•e, Coi• Dodds.
Er, : 11 : • c. Livingston. J1c-
31i•eii••:••, . Munninp. Moser.
N... II I I \n: --Cameron. Far-•
• ri-k t:e4_er. ft..e,ua, Hayes. Hubbard.
then- .L.In Kennelly, Klopp. Me -
hem 1.1.
)tl1d. 31 : -.i.. McQuaid. Neel,
lesnctar•. sl, rtieed-10.
• The to a', • t\as therefore declared'
Empire Anthracite
Stove sire. A car just in.
Pocohontas 4 -inch Lump
413.00a tote:
A first -clan fuel for .t.,ves
and furnaces.
Let u• supply your wants in Fuel
Prompt service and reasonable
. Jailer's Report
Jas. B. Reynolds, Jailer. reported
that forty-four primmer' had been
committed in the last six menthe
Thlrteer were committer fur aloin-
1tills o1 the U.T.A., eight for vagraiecy,
seven for theft, five for breaking and
entering. three for asewnit. three for
perjury. anti five for various other of
} fences, The cost of daily ration.. wa.
1314 cents p's•r prisoner.
Mw trwhly inoculated through the Jones found that a solution of torr
blossom with the Da/Aerie that cause matin -and water, u well as alcohol -
the Maroc by bees or other blossom tortnalln, gave positive results in
become contaminated by Malaise insects that have previsitingg laboratory tests and this former sola -
trees that are bold -over cases from floe was much more economical that►
the previous season.
Row the Dlee•ae Dwelops.
When . contaminated bee or other
tassel visits a blossom for nectar or
pollen, 1t leaves behind it some of
She baeterta that cause the disease,
and these multiply In the nectertea
and pass on down the blossom pedl-
eel Into the bark of the fruit spur,
where they produce a conker and kill
the spur with other blossoms on It,
then coottpue their progress within
the bark of the twig causing canker
and death as they go. The leaves
'ea the twig then shrivel up, tun
brown, and die giving the character-
LUc Sre-blighted appearance to the
Destroy 1lYlgicted Twigs.
11 the blighted twigs are allowed
to stay on the tree throughout the
Memo the 41, will continue to
'work on down the twigs. sometimes
rapidly and sometimes slowly, until
eventually It reaches the bark of the
larger limbs, or the trunk of the
tree, where It becomes apparent as a
tankerto cases where the disease
does not reach the bark of the thick-
er branebes or trunk before fall there
hi • tendency for the trouble to die
out during the winter. But where It
gets established ea blight canker In
the bark of the branches and trunk
the probability L that It will live
Freer the winter in a dormant condi-
tion and begin to extend itself the
following spring when the sap sow
commences. This to time brings
about the death of the larger limbs rtment, at present,L urging Date
and trunk as the blight canker Pa
spreads In the bark. We have known keepers to destroy, by burning, an
yInfected brpod combs.
7 ar trees to be tilled out h one h The treatment of sitter combs.
e le with willidisease, although used over an infected colony. is
7. 7. der withtreeesometimes slowtyve on for somewhat differ' at.. In these combs
he; with the canker slowly develop- there are no scales of American fool -
orp,* 1 re the tree either ding brood present and our expertmeata
or tin to be removed for not giving show that chase comps can be efie,s-
Trustee May Be Councillor
An amendment to the Municipal
Act, section 53, sub -section 1 (j), re-
moves the disqualification of school
rtStres in townships, all of whom are
now, eligible for election to the town-
.hIp eounell. The law, em interpreted
bythe aurae during the past two
year?. has been most unsatisfactory.
las some dI.tricts. where population is
*pare it has often been difficult to
secure gon.l Men to qualify for office.
for the reason that there were not
enough to go round.
,<I 3 Nations Represented at Girl Guide Conference
• A- -4440114.4i un'. adopted itlatntcting
tetwiturer 1" make out and mall to
• ash to tt l •r of the eotmcil a etat-
4tT 11fi71il ' all ihe rates e•nite•teet
rap,. nrll -tem- moneys -pard out to.
-11 of the Inunitfpa11tiesi for good
:d purgsiii•s .Inee tit• twginnntnt
,(11114 IS 401141 system.
motion by Messrs. Colette and
In'„i•Is sat adnptel, instructing the
,.limatl(p e„mmltte• to take the ne-
ttrf!Ery step, ;o unravel the tangle
t with regar,l 1., the Exeter High School
Mlevy. and tt.nt the Warden, Mr. Hubert -
tiro, and f ierk Holman le appnlnted a
enmmlttee to welt on the Department
,,f Education if tela' should he na•ea-
The 1.41tiug of hyla•'e concluded the
work ,.f the seeelon and the eonnell
adjourn...I to meet the first 'numbly
In 11.remher.
(coed Reads Commiraros
al ...
Telephone 178 j
The good roads eommi.MIou reporte4
that nn May loth a joint meeting wap
h, -1l1 rtfi T:nrknoio it'-i'fti'-11'enmmlttee
from Reece entmty. The Brnee com-
mltt.•,• ravine+tet that the eotinty of
Huron snake a grant towards. the con
Ceinadlaw Pacific Ilene He111a Ieevla* Canadian Metropolis witt% Girl Guides.
('*nada and the United States and
prevailing conditions than ever be-
fore. They 'aim returning to theft
Own countries tn'Europe much bet-
ter fnforme,1 and much more com-
petent to carry on the work Of the
Touching on various phases of the
conference. Vie Ldholm paid that
even though representative's from
eighteen conntrlM were assembled
they found that tbeY had almost Men-
-Thwww-vivr-410.-wark_lel were
eatiatted tam the great teles y feel-
ing that bad 'poen created would
laid Mr many Ywrs and would he
Representing eighteen nations of
the world, a party of twenty-
nine girl scouts and guides Mailed
from Montreal recently on the Can-
adian Pacific liner Melita" after
having attended the International
(conference sof Girl Guides to New
York. When the party arrived at
Windom,. /nation, Montreal. from
Buffalo, a deputation of Mrmtreal
offtclala met them and accompanied
them to the titer
MW 7.7dla l.ldhOlm, aaaltrtant to
charge. of the IKsaid that the
members of the d oration had a
rroator enneertle•• the 'spirit of
Girl Scouts pthere•d.f• r last .few of land on
this side n1 Atlantic a Melina left port.
alcohol -formalin.
In the summer of 1924 Mr. G. L
Jarvis, and In 1925 Mr. O. L. Jarvis
and Mr. 14 Y. Pugh, o1 the 4picul-
ture Department. carried out a num-
ber of eim.rlatente in the aplal7. us-
ing Infected combs which bad been
treated with vartous strengths of for
malis and water) and aleoboi-forma•
lin Combleu packages of boas, from
the south. were placed on theme
treated combs and results noted.
This experiment will be conducted
again In 1926.
The results of the apier7 expert'
menu, thus las, show that there M
a very serious danger when the bees
keeper saves infected brood combs
for treatment with either alcohol -
formalin or formalin -water solutions,
In some camas American toulbrood
has reappeared in some of the colo-
nle. having treated c imps.
Destroy AS Infected Omaha
The Department has come to tai
conclusion that it will pay the bee-
keepers to destroy all brood coital*
infected with American toulbrood tet
these reasons: (1) 11 the beekeeper
keeps Infected combo for later treats
meat, his own and all healthy cols.
rales In a radium of two or three
miles are In danger of becoming lar
fected; (2) the eat of the equipment
and solution is prohibitive unless
thousand or more combs are to
treated; (9) we are not yet settee
that we can treat Infected brood
combs with 100 per cent. effective.
nese. In view of these facts the Dm
a / •tying Crop. Li
velyvely treated with a 20 per cent.
In«•ctsrCttrry the 111iseeame formalin -water treatment. -
Daring mid-season other insects*. Eradicate --Not Control.
aphids, hoppers and borers are com- With the positive knowledge that
Mon carriers of the disease tram ln- beekeepers can effectively treat all
tested twigs to healthy twigs, either ' super combs, which have been. used
on the same or neighburtn.; trees. over infected colonies, the Depart.
111 fhb; way young suckers and water- meat Is changing Its method of apiary
sprouts get inf, cted, and, as In the inspection work, mud last year an e1 -
case of the blossom-Infecled,'twtg, the fort was made to eradicate, not COS -
disease will pass un down the bark trol. Atuerlcan foulbrood In the
of tits mocker or watersprout until It counties of Hastings, Peterboroug
reaches the trunk or large limb whereNorthumberland and Prinee Edwa
The results show flat 6,002 colonies
were examined. 417 were found in-
fected with American foulbrood and
the contents of these infected colo -
lea were destroyed by burning. Tbl
burning of over 66 colonies In tit
eountlee mlgbt appear to he a aeric
lop, but It must be remembered aha
• colony with American foulb
soon ceases to produce • surplus o
honey and. while It remains, It Is
menace to all other healthy colon
1n the vicinity. Once American fo
brood Is pleased out, cher. the bee-
keeper can go ahead and keep bees
more profitably and floe. economist
instrumental In advancing the Geri
Scoots Movement through a closer
At present there are girl scout and
girl guide movements in almost every
enmmnnity centre In Canada and the
United States, while ninny of the
rural dietriets are showing etgne,of
interest In theta organlzatieu.. The
J:nropean party, who arrived in New
York on May 5. came to see for
themselves the organization systems
In force here. They visited Hotton,
Washington. Detroit,' Buffalo, Tor-
onto, and Montreal.
In the Canadian metrtfpo1M the
earners were welcomed by Mrs. O. H.
Duggan. provincial divisional com-
mfastoner; Mrs. H. M. Marler, divi-
sional commander; Mrs. C. f'amp-
bell, president Montreal Committee;
lifrn. tato McDsu•Id,, Agri& OM_
mledoner. There tame also a 0111111 -
her of tulle leaders( and captelnae
a canker Is produced leading to
death of the affected part.
Where the disease is active during
the growlutg seaaou there is trequeut-
ly a -gummy brown exudate uoslug
out from the cankers. This exudate
contains the causal bacteria tp 1111 -
men.. numbers. During rain storms
this exudate may be splashed to
other parts of the tree, thus leading
to fresh infections.
How to Control the Trouble.
To control and stamp out this dis-
ease 11 la essential to cut eta all af-
fected minions of the Lee. In doing
this, care should be taken to cut
!well below the visibly afftcted por-
tion four to ern nabs., it possible, as
Mao -bacterta_art.asusisg. well-sdxaae-
ed beyond the visibly cankered area
in the bark. The saw, knife or
shears used should be swabbed atter
each cut with a good' disinfectant.
e.g., corrosive sublimate 1-I000, for -
mann, or five per cent. carbolic acid.
lithe canker le to the trunk or large!
limbs the affected part should be
removed by cutting w.•11 around the
canker, two or three inches at least
beiond the visible extent of the can-
ker. The wound should then be
swabbed with the disinfectant and
then painted over.
The best time to cut out the dis-
ease la the first time it is seen, as
each infection. so long as It 1s allow-
ed to stay, is a centre for continued
spreading of the trouble. All ma-
terial out away should be carefully
gathered and burned. -Prof. D.
Jones. O. A. Guelph.
Shade Trees In Pasture.
A shade tree here, and a shade taw
Should be left In our pastures every-
They eomfort the cows in the heat
of day -
And contented cows are the cows that
If the prospective home orchardist
prap.res the poll where his fruits are
to atenditsa thoroughly as he does
Isla garden before planting vegetable
seeds, the subsequent rapid growth
of bis fruit trees will amply ropy
The Department hopes to brie"
other - .:aUei into this clean -Up came
palgn in 1944 and gradually strides'
OP campaign until the whole prgj
vino. is included. To make the wo
Si effective as posalbl., the Fo
brood Act las • quarantine meas
which will prohibit • beekeeper mov-
ing any but combl.0 bees or Inspect.
ml healthy colonies Into those cover
Ues where a clean-up of Americas
toulbrood has taken place. -Apicul-
ture Department, O. A. College.
Attractiveness of the Country Hats.
A bol whose early years are spent
In the country will fondly remember
his youthful experiences and animal
companions. Country lite to the
young lad is a lite rich with happy
associations, and so different to the
youth of the town boy who has been
deprived of the green fields, the for-
est and the farmstead associations.
The Ontario farm boy is al
eager, questioning and he will to
the direction of most vital in
as It appear to hint -the elty, 11
offers the greater thrill and oppott'-
tunny, or the green fields and
done if they attract with an
forte to satisfy the pulse of
The appeal to go or the Impulse
remain must stir his blood and p
mise a vietory,a Attraetive home ettr"h
roundinge will hold the youth as
magnet and reduce the pull of
tar away and often.lmaglned op
tnnities of the city.
I Make the surroundings of
country home attractive, with hstasai
Btndoes@ and the beauty of as
things, that envlronmeat may
Its strong issuance, in retalaing
in'. land. -L St
a D9['eetor et lhxteaaioa, O. 1. 1