The Signal, 1926-6-10, Page 44 --Thursday. June 10, 1eet1. • THE SIGNAL GODE&ICH, ONT. MOTHS Sapho liquid for moths. It destroys tltetu: kills and larva, protects goods and is atditilw:�. Pr" ,1 at 40e ami 75c Larvex for woollens, at $100 We carry a complete Stock of Fly'x, I''13 tux. Flit. Blacktlag, Saphn Flyox, Sapho Powder, Flyofati.:til F'Iy- side. These are for Ries and insects. Campbell's Drug Store Phone 90 Goderich MODEL THEATRE! WEEK 6F JUNE 11 TO 11 al„nday and Tuesday ANIT.\ STEW.%RT, BERT LYTELL .1.ND HI NTLEi' (0KDU\ 1 in Peter it. Kyue•s mighty drama of dory lasutliL'tolorhd Scene•, dramatic situations and thrills that make the blood tingle ''NEI ER THE TWAIN SH.Ald, MEET" Mermaid Comedy 'TIME FLIES" Wtdauselay and Thursday "WILD JUSTICE" This 1s United Artist,' groat all-star picture of exciting days on ,ie fron- tier. Teeming with tense drama. it 1s perfect entertainment for - PTeryose. ' Paatine Comedy "SNEEZING BREEZERS" 1 Friday and .Saturday BOR ('LISTER AND SALLY MA1tID , in n fighting Western action picture packed to the hilt with laughs and thrills "THE TEXAS BEARCAT" THE TELEPHONE GIRL. • eat "LOVE AND LE.\KN" 1'.►THF. REVIEW Matinee Saturday at 3J09 p.m. Just Received a Shipment of Straw.Hats FOR Men and Young Men The very latest in style and Patterns, in. fancy bands, natural or bleached straws, at special prices SIZES 65,8 TO 71_ M. ROBINS BENMILLER + I sister. Mra ikon near CoLiingwood. -an' .. Yr. aloft Mrs Stoll and ch11eL 1tF:NMILI.EK. One 0. -Mr. Harohl \Y,elu•rs war home from Toronto. ea rmn.l.ny last attending the.funer4I of gratniamother. Mrs. Fisher. 'lite funeral ut tlw late Mrs. Fisher d air. Eek \Vattern' mother) took ]lace X1 Sunday afternoon fast. The west side of the Mummer kit- , Itao.uLt1►e parsonage was .shingled on Tuesday of this week. It was_ done ,,y small bre. Mr. W. J. Sheen. of Toronto, pre- -,•nteti the claims of the t)ntsrie Pro- Irthdtion I iiIt,❑ In the church on Suu- InS moruing. Mr. Sheen tuts been • uuneetevt with prison reform work for uret tl rtv years awl know. full %% ell the effects of the liquor traffic trout this viewpoint. AUBURN AUBURN. June n. -Mr. and Mrs. ttaurver lleBrlrn. of 'Detroit. ?halted w;tl Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Jackson over ;he week -tend. On their return trip :hey were accompanied by Mrs. A. ('• .Iaekssru and Mirs Lottie. who will pew) a ween: in Detroit visiting the fe rIut r a sister. Mrs. H. Meltrien. Mr. and Mrs. Lear. of Myth. and Mr. .1141 Mrs' W, Mar, of Clinton, are -pending a few days with Mrs. H. Hitt. Mrs. Win. Strausser. of SebringviUe. vLi1tlu; ler sister. Mrs. R. 1). Munro. Mr. .1. J. Gorier and daughter. tinsel. of St. Marys. visited with r•la- :lvees Here on Tuesday. Mrs. Keutpton, of Ripley. is spending a few days with her daughter. Mrs. Harold Bogle. Mr. and. Mrs. Audrey Dawson. of Detroit. visited with the former's uncle. Mr. diverge Dawson. over the week -end. ran secompauled item home to spend a clay or two w•uh their parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. Wil.ou. \\'e regret w few• were out on Sun- dae. atteruoon t•+ bear the spkmtild address on Temperance glyeu DY Mr. She•e, of Toronto. It belhg a very wet day. very few ventured out. Mr. Toni Wll.os shipped hugs on Monday' -'Che prre paid was 1442 eta. This Is the bite -1 price paid since 191S. Ilun,ir ds of ,-;dos passed through Carlos ou Moa lay. taking a great moat people to - the steamer Grey- hound go out. WHIT)a'HUII('H \VHITE('IIURI'll. June 7. --Mr. and Mrs. Lovett and homily, of Au- burn. and Mr. am! Mrs. Percy Vits•ent and family. of Westfield, spent Sun- day with their In• Cher. Mrs. Melttlru. Mr. and Mrs: '1'. 11. Moore orad Milan speut Sm day with his aunt. Mrs. 1eavkt (Urv1:. of Bumgaatwst. Mrs. Dank,/ 31.,rtiu visited for a few days last wees in loudest. Mr. suet Mra. .Ia . l'urvit l aunt fam- ily, of Sr. Helen- •Iu'ut Surnhry with Mr. and Mrs. l', 11 Falconer. Mrs. Ltobt. Dona, . of \Vlugham, and Mr. Idea Uel'knnosluur left on Satur- day for ('leveland to atlerul the fun- eral of Mrs. Will Met'lenagbau. Mr. John GIRe-pie had the mlefur- tune to have tour of his sheep killed tend quite a thew u ,ore worried by dog, uu Sunday night. al r. Jim Middleton. of Toronto. slant the weeekseud here. Rev. Mr. Macintosh Is In Muutreal this • week attending the General (' •11. Dr. A. leucin. Rev. Jas. .tcvrble and he 'mutons!. leaving on r mnrntng Mr. and Mrs. .1re•hle Radford. of Myth. were visiting in our village one day last week. Mr. Geo. Kennr•rly returned from London hospital one tidgy haat w.eteY. Mrs. Jas. Barl.e itr. of -For yet. is visiting with Mr Iden Metlenagitan. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Mowbray anti family spent Sunday at Holland. /Their niece. Miss alatikla Leggatt. re- turned with theta. •®••••••••••• Oil Stoves We are agents t- r the rerfee, tion and Puritan (111 Stoves. ' COMING ---"TIME THF. COMEDIAN"' - I If you are thinking of.buiing drop in and see ns iug his father. Mr. Rohm Scott. (;uik• re number from here took In the tnxaalight' excursion ut Goderich ou \loudly evening. LOYAL• LOYAL..7 0. -Mr. Alf. Green. of Detroit. come up on the Greyhound and has been visiting his old blends in these parts: Mrs. Sand, Potter was another ar- rival by the Greyhound and she •has been visiting relatives gull friend& --Mrs. Recker. 4,1 Detroit. 1a _visiting' her mother. Mrs. W. F. Young. we are sorry to report that our old fritftui, Mr. Jas. Young. is 1 of Im- proving as rapidly ads we• should like. Car.Datnaged.-There was nearly a had accident yesterday morning whelk ..nue \Vlngham people returning from seeing the. Greyhound off were coming :along the county road. Some cattle were- running at large and ?sae of than-erossesi in front of the \Vingham ' car. cousin_ a had sma'h. (Due of the ' Gimlet -bit garage men was sumwonwl 1,n'' telephone and repairs were made. F,rtuuatelL nobody wits iujuretl. People eTiu llttitw their cattle to run , I on tete highway must be prepared to bear the consequences. - Farm Notes. -Early apples show abundant blonpt. but It is evidently au "o " year for. the later varietles. Trade in the old one on a )tem Cherries and plums have blossom( d f1pe well. and most of the_ small fruits give goal promise. Fall wheat 'will This is your store. use it. 1,e• light in thin'+ iltetrlct. the late frost* :and the backward spring having thane :treat injury. Spring grains look 1 well and have been taming along Blackstone's Furniture-I'leiadidly as a result of recent rains. 1'as:ttres air now in good cuuditien. Exchange f -- . - CARLOW RADIO! You can "listen in" all summer; why wait till fall, when you can get such good value in Radio Sets now? Jenner's MUSIC STORE Come and vend the day at the loped' lar resort. Presentation to Miss iNeKe'usie.- The Y.P.S. held the last regular meet- ing 1a the basement of St. .\udrew'a church on F'rid'ay last, taking the furan of a aes•tal. It was deckle) to hold a beach party on Friday. June 25t1. An Impromptu program eon - slated of *elm by Mile Jtwu kleKeuzlc and Mit Lucy Woods, a reading by Miss M. Howell. is vioNn tutu by Har= old Scotchmer. after which a contest and games were played. Itefore lunch, the president, Harold Seuh•hme'r. read a short address to Miss Jean McKen- zie, and she was preseuteni with a library table by Meseta. Brown Stew- art and Jack Watson an behalf of the members of the Tilling People's So- clety. „n the Broadway of Goderich • ••••••••••••• LOOK! Goodyear Cord Garden Hose All Kinds of Garden Tools Canada Paints Leads and Oils General Hardware ode prices will save you mono F. R. MILLER Service Station Cor. Elgin Avenue and Victoria St. 4 LEEBURN i.EEBL'RN, Jour x. --Mr. Hugh Chisholm, eldest sou of James Chia. holm. underwent :ur oeeration in Ion- don hospital on Thursday for appen- dicitis. Reports are that he is im- proving and. donna as well as canebe expecte ti. Mr. and Mre.`.Thomaa Jewell are now sporting a new sedan car. Miss Grace .Horten Is having her holidays from the hospital. She and some others intended to take in the excursion to Detroit this week on the G rey hon rel. We hear that one of our bachelors la tired- of keeping "beth." and ex- pY•tooto get an helpmate xoom. Church NNas,-The play entitled "Valley Faro" under the auspice's of the Work anti Serve Mlestlon Band WW1 su(resefu1 19tenented to • good. au4114 n('4 in tie I e ebhru 1.11 ted church by 'he' S. of Polon church. (;Dale rich township, on June 4th. it was a decided success in every nay and won high praise for the p•rforme•re. who ull tarok their parts well. While the audience was gathering \Ir. E. Sowerby, eceom- panied by 'Mr-. G. Harwood. rendered several pehec-tinus on the vtoile. Dur- ing.. lstertniasiuua _ Meters.:. t:7gllt __ d Arnold j'urt r contributed mouth or- ga.n seitrtima- and Mrs. C. Cox rend- ered a pleasing - solo and enrore. Misses A. Datidson and It. Graham rendered a ehmet, "When Yon and 1 Were Tonna: Maggie," and enenre. "Sliver Thr. e•1s Among the Gold. - Rev. ieroy White, on'' Nile. performed the duties br --hairman and excellent order prevai - 1 throughout the even- ing: The pro• •,eds amonnteel to over $35. Lnneh is served by the Mis- sion Band to • -performers and their friends after 'Ie play. PARAMOUNT PARAMOUNT. June 7.- Mr. Rest alclnmama, of Kansas ('Ity. 1s visit - lug with his brothers at Lothian. Mra. Beattie and sou. of \Vinelanr. are visiting with her uncle. Mr. Eli McNamara of Lothian, and will re- main for a few months. Urs. Duncan Mel.t•uuan, of Laurier. visited with frlwadx in Chatham for a flew days last week. Mr. and Mrs. 'Hugh Fralleia;h. of Detroit. spwtn tin• week -end with friends in Fantail. We congratulate Miss Annie Me - Donald on reecelving a certificate from the (lettered Assembly for havlua; pawe41 the examination in religions knowledge at the Stratford Normal School. Mrs. F..t. -Horton. of Toruntdr; 1s visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Rpbt. Brennan. of near Kintei!. Messrs. Salt and Elmer Bradley. of 0 , were home oo ac ensu of the serious illness of their brother Mar- shali. who underwent an operation in Kincardine hospital. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Henderson visited with friends In Whitechurch on Sunday. Miss Catharine McDonald. of De- troit. visited with her parents at Lochalsh. CARLOW. June D. --,On Wednesday. .lane 2. the W.M.S. mit at the home •.f the new president. 3list Nrlllr d'lark.. and It very interesting and • e;hful meeting was heldwith the dcut in the chair. After the de - exercises the chapter in the tsods Book was taken 1.3 Mut. H. Morris. A duet was sung by Mrs. W. waiter 11041 Mrs. C. Robertson. Mrs. 1 La tnlltun then. gave a report of the meeting in Clinton recently. . also a 1 ilk on the \V..use,e - t'ouuei! tlut( met in London.- The allotment for the 'vale of clothing for the West was 1111 ' 1 •rontl':ed and other business ()one. Then Mr. Alp closed the meeting with prayer. after which the (hostess ?arced , a dainty lunch. About twenty ladies ''sere present. Mrs. D. Crawford. who- ', ib her threw children Is m isitinli with her parent•. .)sent inst week visiting her SPECIALS FOR • FRIDAY and SATURDAY l6 -inch All Linen Towel- ling, Regular t $c yd15c Sale price Ladies' summer «• eight Vests, opera top, comfy -cut and with short sleeves. 29C Our price, each... J 34 -inch natural color Pon- gee !Silk. Special price 59 Special Prices on Congoleum and Linoleum Rugs Another Shipment of Summer Dress Goods Arrived This Week The Cash Store F. E. HIBBERT Telephone 86 QUALITY MERCHANDISE AT REASONABLE PRICES • ST. HELENS AT HARRISON'S . C. P. C. Old-fashioned Sliced Breakfast Bacon 50 cents per lb. ST. HELENS. Juutt 7.--Mrs.Wm. Mlc'kintoeh and hobby. of Milverton. anal Mr, Geo. Clark, of Hamilton. visited their parents. Mr. and Mrs. I'eter Clark. last week. Mr. Clark. who suffered a stroke a .week ago. is making some improvement. Mr. Alvin Woods. son of Sirs. It. J. Weotdel.' has passed successfully In his first year In medicine at the t'nlversity of Toronto. A menage received from Toronto this morning told of the death of Freda Humphrey. 1'ldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Humphrey. She died In the Sick (`-lhildreah's Hospital Sunray night. The remains will come home today. The, parents anti friends have the sympathy of the whole com- munity. The Women's; lnelltnte met at the homee of Mra. D. Phillips with an at- teadrencw of twenty-one. The presi- dent gave a -leteneld report of tine district meeting held at Wrotham. 'Phe data of the harden party is set for Tuesday. July Rth. Mrs. Irvin. of Toronto. is a visitor with her aunt. Mrs.. Jearph Smith. \lits Bessie Murdie, of i.ueknow. spent the week -end with Mrs. D. Todd. Rev. 1'. Cumming and Mr. Lorne Woods were In Toronto on aatunlay 111ss Annie ('antpbe'lt came home from Toronto on Satnrdty. Mrs. Geo! Stuart left on 'Saturday for Chicago. where she will spend • few weeks with friends. St. He -lets young people will lo• well reieresentP11 on the moonlight excur- sion at Goderh•h this evening. See the Beautiful Line of Gifts for June Brides ttaade by members r,1 .our Women's Exchange - Miss S. Noble Br t,.h Exchange plod. Goderich THE GODERICH, 1t 11'I'IELD BAY FIEI.I4 June S. -Dr. and Mrs. Garrett and -•as. of ('Ievelenti. (nein. .are hnBdnvita_ n one of Mr. R. Hwird's (cot t a get. • Mrs. Teel , •ick, Mrs. Walsh and Little Misr \I , -:garet Walah, of Lon- don. are sp•i g their vacation in the fnruner's 4411:. . Miss Gist!), 'hannon is spending her holiday with L r mother at their ent- tage in Lake- :e Park. -)1I'S. E. Zt :ie. Of Lrandon:. wpent at few days wit` \Ir. and Mrs. Jas. Stur- geon. Mr. and \I,-. E. A. Sunder, Betty 4141 Bobby 15: der and )ties Itnhie )'fisher. of 1: • ',eller. were week -end visitors with \Ira. F. A. Edwards. The Ford 1..enkwill be held en ?'Inn Gregor ',glare nn Wedve edgy. .holy 7th. TI committee is Lowy planning a ;,engram of gimes and sports. Meeeesrs. Ari -trona. Need)eI, Mor- ley, Ilawkins.Stanley, iiuecbtel and f (' Smyth, o„: dean Goodrich (b.. C. Gine'''. F. Er • n, of Merchants Print- ing Co.. rind I. n Burroughs, of the itank of 7111111, •• AL of Kitchener, were 111P1't�ttn'i'flP 'rg!trlp Satnrdsy. ails Cecil Vetted returned on 1 Monday after ,I visit in Detroit. Miss J. Gras • of Clinton. in spend- ink thr snmtn. - at Mrs. M. Bailey's. Mr. E. T. It; en spent the week -end In Arkona. The red nein, wits received on Mon- day of tic der,, -am of Mrs. A. Attwasl, of Detroit f,tprneed _Yhtr Lillian King. The, funeral oink place nn Wednes- day (ram the ! .,oe of Mrs. Elizabeth .\ 11 wood. The Canes atlee Gsthes ing.-One of the biggest ; stberinav nayneld1 has ever seen Is . d,,ected on Wednesday. inn? 23rd, wh". the Conservative pic- nic la to he 1 , .et Premier Ferguson and other I; ,ting members of the peurty are tea cite addresses. There will atao he :d splendid program of Voris. all to as, held on the Square, 0 • itkriVt +`NE BEAT FOLKS ARE BWE-4 BLOODS, THERE 15 WO MIXTURE wiTH THE SLATE OR STONE FAMILIES (N OUR FAM II Y TREE YFItisES SIRAM,WE1u 'REs s OFF. FF S-- THE. FOREST Millinery Inimaw .lust received new and to usually smart models in the latest styles for summer gear. We now lfave these. on .display. You are cordially invited to inspect our stock. Miss MacVicar KINGSTON ST. Have you -ever noticed the im- print of a leaf on a piece of coal' • You'll find one strmetimes.- a silent reminder of the pre- his- toric forests from which .031 came. Think of the centuries of sun- shine and fresh alt---then'--mint have beet[- absorbed- -the- for- ests before they were tinall� buried 1 That is the coal \\: offer you:' w,)od mixed with cetnce'ntratc,i sunshine and oxygen. and press- ed for thousands of :,ears!___ \o wonder it burn, well. -CALL THE VIERCRIMI Fot Good Cleat foal J. B. MUSTARD co PANY Phone 98 Goderich Shingles 11. C. XXXXX and XXX Shingles. Car of N. B. Shingles Just arrived. Johns -Manville Asbestos Shingles. Rolled Boot- ing, Asbestos Root --Covering. Galvanized Ridgerow Nails. etc. Get Prices Before You Buy R. STANDISH East St. Phone 369W Baby Chicks 8. C. White Leghorn Pens with male birds whose dam laid 2' to 287 eggs in their pt.:let. year, each...15* Pens with male birds whose dams laid 204) to 22.5 in their pullet year. each 12e Barred Rock Chlcktk each -16e By test In the Egg Contest at Ottawa from year to year there are no better egg _producers iu ''anada. Drop us a card allying bow nanny chicks you want. We will write you by return mall when we can supply you. 1(st0 year-old White Leghorn Iletin' fir -Tune delivery. each - .. 41.00 .WALTER ROSE BrpgNy Ont. Silk Knitted Lingerie For summer wear there is no lingerie garment that combines coolness, daintiness and comfort for so little cost as Silk Knitted Lingerie. These gar- ments are easy to wash and if purchased here cost little more than cotton garments. Silk Bloomers Silk Princess Slips Silk Camisole Combinations ASK TO SER THEM Silk Vests Silk Step-ins 400 pairs of ladies' and misses' pure Sale Price Special for Saturday, SILK HOSE will beC put on sale Saturday. Reg - $1 pair June 12th ular value $1.50 to $1.95. DO YOU APPRECIATE GOOD GOODS ? We have these and more We have a large range We have convenient prices Look in and see We know how to treat you Buying Connection With The S. A. GRAY Co. THREE LARGE DRY GOODS STORES Telephone 56 21111111111111111111111., 4 • -. e Goderich Mealord Listowel 4