HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1957-02-20, Page 10r
sqlot I t ll t4i SKCIAL
• • ar , •
- •
The residents, of Turnherry
ToWnship are busily engaged in
a celebration to be held
July ii, to mark the cen-
the township. Commit-
been appointed to look
various details 'and the
months will see-much
activity as these people prepare for
a gala holiday for those Who will
be returning 'to the .fold. „
Turnberry Was 'nainecl after a
castle in Secitlatict ' The first set-
tlers in the Township came there
More. than 100 years „age, Jeeele
Caritelon took, lip lots 31 and 32;
Alexander. Duncan, lots 29 .and 30
and James MeCullough lots .33 and
4 e,citite• pecie,proyleue to the land
sale ef. September 4, 1854. Mr.
McCullough located there the pre-
vious March, while Mr.'. Cantelon
and. Mr. Duncan settled, a abort
time earlier. These properties
were within the ,present limits of
the village of BItievale,
In the eastern section of the
township James Henning and Ro-
bert J. Duff ocettpied land prier
to the land sale, `followed 'closely
by John Gallagher, Alex Thomp-
son, Andre* Mitchell, John Me-
'ravish, William Morris .and his
Son, William, and William Bennett,
John Messer took up land as
early as October, 1853, lots 30 and,
ten. 1, but did hot mettle per.
manently Until the following stun-
trier. Samuel 110.elt settled lot S
35 and 36 early in .1855.
An driterprising man by the name'
of Beekett chose the email-West-
ern section', „let 21, eon, B, and.
created a eitWrill af..the place
which wag haat known ag Zetlarid.
June 20 to
tennial of
tees have
after the
next few
„sumipmpo tirminnea
on't; let fear and ig-
?;norance ' pievent you
r }from, and act-
iensibiy bout &in-
cur. Learn the FACTS.
For hes literature write
Wingetam, Oat.
Secretary of Witighatri and dis-
trict branele of Canadian
'Cancer Society
T heatre
Teter • Teter , sittrWe each night
First at 7.15
. Thurs., Fri.; Sat, Feb. 21-22-23
;Gloria DeiHavilland
'. John Forsythe- , .in•
"The Ambassador's
roil) nu4c-contedy- about a
;•soldie'r •Whoefalls in love with
The Aridnissador's Daughter in
• • . Pares while on leave. •
Hop., Tues., Wed„-Feb. 25-2647
Dick Bogarde Brigitte Bardet
• in
• Remember "Doetot in: the
' House"? Here is another
funny one.
: • • ,,,,, ,,Y ,, ,,, ) , ,,,,, ,,,,, , i ...
iy $11149
An Exclusive Rdxalf Product.
Itaxall's new liquid penetrating pain-
._ killer positively will not, burn, red&en
or irritate the skin. Cobling, soothing,
pleasantly fragrant. Brings qUiok,
positive relief to muscular aches
and pains,
aches, stiffness and soreness, simple
realseular lumbago, ritiner
rheumatic- pains.
ll 'iii
Actually goes THRU THE SKIN
to relieve Muscular Aches and Pains
• TM
A .selection of Adorable Gifts to
Welcome the New Arrival
ESMOND BLANKETS- --in all iMpinar sizete- eithee
plain or very: fancy with SOW apti beittliifilliY,vattprned
• Priced from. $1.39 'to $4.95
"km yo,r1 ,50, vine,- pretty shades `.SWEATER 'S.ETStd
Trieed . $198
FANCY PANTS,—lituil frilfed Panties of printed ayhta
Priced at $1.98
Dre5so.t4 ibis falie,y
haw trim sient'appiique, some With Pairtiee-toenialch
ONLY . ... . $1,9,8 And $2.95.
Rowings", —a good' Seteciialt of nylon eltempers hi stnnrt
Attie styles and shadee •
NORF"OLK. SLEEPERS '-.,lust the thing foe
wade frem eott terry cloth in 3-Piece sele of Pastel shades.
Priced at 4 • ••••• 4 1444 .4.1 (41..• 4 C.: $2.98
Plastic HANGERS assortedf)lors, por do2, 79c
Curity DIAPERS . 4 . per ICIOZ0
ik00000taiwatimaa•1060140ai00010640iiaii4Mt0airairni0loili040,0410001.00...441ipia00iliaa a4110.04..400aaaaa010.411.044(0.1101.10raaiirniimfriaiiianalak
....„.., M. I • •
0 N
1, Ntne4tig at 7.39 letn•
Jl 11,111ettritelaY evening at 8 p.m
traeker, Meeting and Bible Study
SUlealay SerViees
4•4•14011$ fiCI eel 10.15 are.
'RePeretriberinee the 1-041
at 11.15
rob, PO, I
Paring the next few weeks there.
will be much, activity In Turnberry
Township as the c't.itairutett ,of the
various committees call meetings
to begin :planning for the big CPO-,
tonelal celebrations, Atte 20, .30; July tst,
Percy King, 'chairman for not,
rates' SOMA M. A. held a me.gting
last Thursday with gigin. Johnston'
as secretary. The fOliowing corne
mittees.. were formed, the first in
each ease meting as convener: :
Registratien„ Mrs.. Thee. Met-
calfe, Mrs, Owen. King, Mrs,. /erotic
, Mrs, Elgin. .JOhastein; Wel-
coming coremittee, John AlTe,
0011T1i0U, MN, John McCormick
Mr. and Mrs. John' Megague, Mr
aro. Mrs, Ro.ss MISS Annie
and Mr, John McNinnert booth,
Arthur Furness; finance com-
mittee, Jelin 41)1.941, Percy King;
program committee, Mrs, Anna
Johnston, Mrs. Elgin Johnston;
lunch conimittee, Mrs. Percy 'King
:Mrs, .Pert Holmes, Mee. John Moir
Mee, Oscar Holmes; .eperts. come
enittee, Fred. porter, Joseph. Moir,
Arthnr Furness; float committee,
Robt. MoKague, Mr. and Mrs. Fred
Porter, Mrs, Relit. lgel.eague, Mr.
and Mrs. Chas, Showers, Mr. and
Mrs. Harvey ..Jenkinee Mr. and
Mrs,' Berman Metcalfe, Mr. and
Mrs, Bob Douglas, Mr. and Mrs.
Chester Caseniore, Mr, and: Mrs.
••Oecar Holmes,- Alex Sproai,
Committee Setts Nomes..of Former
Pupils an4 Teachers, :Holmes" . School
BELGRAVE-gm 1.44111; not,
welcomed 2e members of the
Bvening Auxiliary of the Woman's
Missionary Society, Knox thibteci
Church, to her home on. Tuesday
evening of last week for the regal;
pat' meeting, •
The president, 'Mrs. RON4' Antler-
son Was in charge and opened tint
meeting With a hymn followed by
the Lord's Prayer in unison.
Minutes of the last meeting were
read by Mrs. Ralph McCrea and
the treasurer's report was given.
by Mrs. Robert Grashy,
Mrs. Norman Cookestated there
were six home and 25 hospital
visas made. Birthdays were re-
membered. A discussion was held
about the books read by members
and it was hoped that the litera-
ture secretary could ;have articles.
of interest at sonic of the meet-.
ings. There was. also a discussion
on membership ,cards,
Mrs. Clifford Logan volenteered
to Pet the quilt ,together, and, the
following were named as a „core
mitttee to purchase lining, batte and
thread for both quilts: Mrs. Chita.
ford Logan, Mrs. Norman Cook.
and Mrs. Ross Robinson; The
quilting will be done at the riext
meeting at the home 'of Mrs. Har-
old Vincent; in' connection with
the regular meeting.
Members were reminded of the
World Day of Prayer on March
8, , The 5th line group will be in
charge "of the next meeting, •
Mrs. John Taylor's group was
in charge of the worship services,
which opened with the call to wor-
ship followed by a hymn. The'
Scripture lesson froth Ephesiabs
was read by Mrs. Harold Vincent.
The study period was, about the
Philipplitee `and, With
Mrs.' Taylor as 'leader, assisted by
11 yji?.centi Mrs, Gore
don; ge'nWify,IWcrp„Lo tz
Mes. Gordon Bosnian, and, Mrs_.
Albert Biemap.
The service closed with the bone-
't •
Casernore,,..ifrank Rosa, V110 0 John
staff; Iletorteal eetionittee, Mrs.
Frank Ross, Mrs,. Thee, Ilf.fetealfe.
Since tho..school records ate) ,ace
available- beyond 101,. the '
man, percy King, would bu Pleased
to receive .Lbe names anti . fkddr4ses,
of former pupils and 'teachers. of
S, Tnrniterry; not 'later
than Mareb
.114411 tt ... . ... . ifthiormi '
vibe'', le, • . • 7
Blue vale
There are only seven vacant
houses here at present, This looks
well for the place, It year or so ago
the number was double,
Mr. Jae. 3-1, Thompson of Hen-
fryn 'seas in town en Tuesday,
Mr, W. U. Thompson of Tees-
Watee was in Bluevaie on Thurs-
Mrs. Wm, Sniith of Bluevaie left
On Thursday for ; Omagh, where
she will visit her daughter; Mrs.
• (Rev.) Scanlan.
Mr; James Durfey of Newsbury
is visiting at Mr. D. Lewis'.
Miss Jennie Thynne, who has
been visiting in Markham, return-
ed on Friday,
Mr. Hugh Iloss has bought 20
head of cattle which he intends to
put on grass,
We are sorry to say that Mr..
H. Conlin, who has .been running
a shoe-malting business here for
some time has moved to Maple
Mr. John' Thomas; who has been
visiting under the Parental roof
for some time past, has returned
to Woodstock. •
Mr, Jeffray of London is visiting
at Mr. Duncan Ring's. •
The G.T,R, station Is Undergoing
extensive repairs.
Mr,. Wm. Beattie Is at present
trying to organize a camp of the
Sons of Scotland.
We are sorry to say that Ben-
jamin Saults and. family'have left
Bluevale to take up their abode in
Goderich. Mr. Saults has kept hotel
here for a ,numher of years.
Mr. John MacDonald, of Wing ,
ham occupied the Royal Hotel,
vacated by Mr. Saultre
0 - 0 -
Mr. D. Dunkin is visiting friends
in Credit Parke.
Mrs-. Wtn. Ferguson is spending
a few days in Port Huron,
Miss' Fleming of Muskoka, is
visiting with her uncle„ Mr.: James.
Miss- Nettie Muir left last week
..... ttttt 11191011 tttttt 111411 tttt
for Dakota wherti she intends re -
/teething for a tirne.with her bro-
ther. t
Mrs, John Piper, on Thursday of
last week presented her partner
in life with a bouncing baby girl.
Mr. Richard Scott, nephew ,of
Richard Wallace and Mr, James
Weir Jr., left on "Thursday for
' 0 - 0 -
Mr; S. Franck, who has been ab-
sent from, this neighborhood for
the past ten years, has secured the
farms owned by his father and
intends taking possession in Octo-
We wish .cur much esteemed
friend and neighbor, Highland
Willie, much success with his
sheep. He intends making his for-
Mr. S. 33urchill has rented the
farm of Mrs, R. Walters for the
per pose of pasturing cattld.
Mr. George Thompson is recov-
ering from his late eonfinement.
0 - - '0
Messrs, John. Fitch, jelert Irwin
and Philip 13alter left for Manitoba.
on Tuesdey. ,
Mr. Ieaee Gowdy of Poplar Grove
Farm had a wood, bee , en Friday,
at which, there were about 25
cords of wood cut. In, the evening
the young men *hie were at the bee
went away, soon to return with. the
fair ones of the neighborhood and
spent the greater part'of the night
every erejOyably In dancing.
The wedding of Mr. Ralph Met-
calfe and Miss Maria 'Marshall
tools place last Wednesday at the
residence of the bride's mother,
Our cheese factory closes this
Miss Maggie Barton, who has
been visiting in London, returned
last week.
Mr. Jaines Murray, who for the
past five years has had his farm
rented to 'Mr. James Fraser and
was living at Mt. Forest, has re-
turned to his farm,
Mr, House is putting.up a frame
residence on his farm.
Mr. G, Barton's new brick dwell-
ing is almost completed.
Mr, Frank Ileiffer is erecting, a
new kitchen in conneetien with
his house.
"Mr, and Mrs, George Linley of
Detroit, Michigan visited recently
With Mr. and Mrs. Albert Vincent
and Mrs. Win. Walden, and with
Mrs. Linley's mother, Mrs, Joeie
Cameron, who is a patient in the
Wingharn General Hospital,
Mr, and Mrs. Ben Wallace of
Blyth visited last week with Mr.
and Mrs. James Lamont and bale.
Friends and neighbors don't
forget the benefit dance on Friday
evening in the Foeesier'e lefall for
Bruce Carnpbell,
Weekly Weekly Euchre
BELGRAVE—There 'were eight
diction by Mrs. Taylor,
• Members prepared Christmas
cards and old jewelry for s the
Indians during the recreation
Grace , was sung and hermit
served. • -1
45th Anniversary:
,,B1-131.,GRAV,H311r, and . Mrs: Here
old Vincent were hosts on Satuie
day evening for A family dinner 'for
the former's parents, .Mr., and. Mrs,
Albert Vineent, whie had ceiebrat-
ed their 4E0 wedding anniversary
on Febreaeye 14th.. , . •
All Members Of the fain:HY were
present except lyfr. and 14'6.. Roy'
MeSween 'and family of Black-
Knox Church Choir
Sponsors Crokinole
BFLGRAVE—This metnbees . of
the' choir Of United Cherefi"
sponsored a progreepime ereicinele.
Party in the chi:Orel) !liaserric.V.V.Cri
Friday evening, •
There were eight, tables in play
and high prizes were wen,,by Mrs.
Roy Mvndy and Stanley Cook.
Consolation pri7,es. went 'to Ralph • .cLoci:feaen 1,‘.raneici,e,M;I's:v.::aprlroAceneddesrs:tOznv;ra
•' Lunch of sa,ndwiches, tarts, and
eite party amounted 'to •$20.75;':
• •
11.0k.filARKETIN h IN,
411: fogum
BELGRAVE4B o.d na i ii F a r tn.
korum met at the home of Mr,
and Mrs. Clarence Yuill on Mon-
day evening with an attendance of
28 adults and eight children:
The topic for discussion was
"What Can. We ,Learn, from
Abroad?" This group thought that
some of 'the features of hog mar-
keting in the Netherlands, Great-
Britain and- Denmark could be
useeully considered by the Cana-. than faemer,- In Donn/at:lc they
have a• product which hotter
than the Canadian 'pile, a :larger
number of grade "A" hogS and the
farmers have control of the hid-
11:atlog of the, hogs, This 'group felt
they couldaproduce" a better pro-
the farmers ••.owned the
packing plants and 'Cold storage
faclities t Great, ;Beitain, it was
noted, ;subsidizes. the 'hog prices
• rid, keeps them at certain levet.
Riehard *- Prcjetee •' Was names'
Chairman foil' the month of March,
'ProgresSive euchre Was played
With prizee going ito Mrs, Albert
Bacon and George Bacon, 'Consola-
tion prizes were awarded to
Stanley Cook and Carl • Procter.
renewing the game lunch' was
served, .••
The next meeting will he held in
the Foresters, Hell, 8elgraVc,
when 'all the district forums will
he guests of the Jowl Cooperative
Off:X[1,6 ELIE' 11
, L GRA V E-eThe. ertattgural
ine4ting "ef • the Belgrave donarriun-,
Iter A.tena% truetees board waiS held
in the home .of • Mie and Mr's, L.
Vanrian recently, at which another
Very Successful year was reported. •
'The treasurer'gave his ee,porl far
the' year 1956, showing 'receipts 'of
$2;060.37, „expenditures $2,107.86, an,
excess of $4•7.49, expenditures over .
receipts 'and bank balance of
$452,90. In spite of the small de-
ficit the board had been able to
sponsor ,a midget softball team and
lnetell a comPlete Water Pressure
The slate •of officers - appointed
for the ensuing year. Were as fel-
loevse Chairinan, 0, E. Taylor; V,100.
chairman, Stewart Procter; me,
treas., L. Vanttah; board meriibers,
Mrs, J. Ti., Conites,, C. W. 'Hanna,
Mason Robinson, Gordon Pengelly
and Lode Bolt; booking agent,
Mrs., Laura Johnston; cuetoditth,
C. W. Hanna"; leentaker, Stun
Pleteh. „ • •
,.APPointed, to the variens eom0
mittees by the hoard.were the fol-.
don Pengelly, Leslie Bolt; dance,
C, W..
'Gashes'. NichgisoJi; base-
ball Geo, ijohneten, Rees Robinson,
S. R. Coeltee; gream,dS,,c9Mmittee,
Gordon Pengelly, Gee. Cook, Robt.
Higgins,- Fred Cerok, • A. McGee;
diamond: markers and tieleetetake
ers, Gordon McGee,' J. Lamont, '3.
MeCalltine'Me-Armstrceig. • "
• A delegation from the school
fair board .anpeared- Word, the
board\ seeking permission to erect
a liveStnek shed on the arena
grounds.‘ Permission was 'granted
and a committee appointed, to meet.
with the sehool beard, to arrange
the details.
The board estahlfshed the second
Wednesday of .0etoberene Permae
tient ...diad. fee the :annual tueltey
The 'chairman of the &dee. 'ectine
mittee repeated ',that arrangements
had been , madd to: hold'. V.Valen-•
tine dance sia the .Foresters' Hall
on February 13th,-
'At the . conclusion of the meet-
ing a lunch was, served.: by mrs.: L.
yannan and a social •thrie'Was en-
The first• bonspiel to be he at the l3elgraeie arena took place on the reeve of East WawanoSh, Orval Taylwe serving members of the
Saturday With 10 rinks from 'Binevale, BrueeelSe Wroxet6r,' Belmere, - arena beard and players,' ,legit to right: Mason Robinson, George
Gerrie, Wingharn, TeesWater and BelgraVe, cepeeeting fer the 'top , Cook, Clarence chamney, -Gegrae Procter and Jim Cpultee.
honors, This pietute, taken, during time out for coffee, ellewe„
McKlb ons
, I
tablee Iii play at the' regular weekly
euchre in the eoznintriltY centre
leA, Week. ,.
High prizes Write won by Mrs,
hrio-Vethery and Jesse Vieheelee.
CoiesoIation prizes Went to Mrs.
eorge Johnston and Robed Rig,
glee, The novelty „prize 'was even
iliii0401111.11111b 11 Carl Prootet.
urnberry T p. Was Name
After Castle in Old Scotland
Earliest to make settlement in
the "south-eastern' portion were , the
Hyelops and -Robert Moffatt, and
in the- north-eaitern portion, W,
Irwin later laid out and named
the Village 'of Bch -note. '
• • " 391unieepai Government •
Previoue .to 1857 Turnberry watt
united far the purposes of •munici-
pal, government with Wawaniesh
then .cernprieing teeth 'East and
Weest-Vawareesh. In. that year it
was decided that Turnberey -would
have :its, own governing body, with
Samuel Black filling the Offiee of
reeve., ?mute:More elected were
John 'Fortune, David Haugh, Wal-
ter Sloan and William Elliott, The
clerk ems Thomas Fortune; trea-
surer, James Anderson; assessee;
Andrew Mitchell, collector, Robert
Je Duff. The clerk received a eai-
ary of $10 per year, the assesser . $6.0,0„, 'and the Goliector
Ditring elm early years repiesen-
tatives of the township
council were.Samuel Black, Thorn.
as Each% John IVICSSer and ilen-
jazOlri Wilson, '
xn 1869 the township, became er,
titled to' a deputy reeve with C,`
Tait 'Scott'being the first to fill
the position. He Was 'succeeded ,
Eby William, Cieenyn, William Doug
lac and James Henning.
" .
1Vlaterial 'teSourees shoWn in tied
1878; aesessment roll were as' fol.'
Nitniber et- acres,- 34 ows.,868.:,
Mende& Of Unproved aeree, .25,000;
Valtie 'Of • real PeoPetty, $9991070;,
valtt6 of personal property, V8,00;
;taxable ineeine, $400, The total -WAS. stipervising committee to
41,078,370. the leernaker, a w,..nahrt.),, Got- „
0 ,01111,7
"The' P.rie,ndly Store"
eiwriereomeieliariaiereaiweiletaiiiteiweeiee 00,1d reeee erieeeereeeeehe **Jere ieeiceee.,0
Turn-borry Fiashbac..k$
1 With • the Tertibereer TOwlad1111
Ceiaveniat eviebration et:Wended
for June 29, 40 acrd. Jely 1, The'
Advantr-Tnnee. eenrinie the fel-
lo•wing exeerpts front ase Wee of
byeetne years about people and
plaice in the townehip:
Taken from (hie 1492
Mr. D. teriteer stns at MillteMic
on eloiekty, attending the funeral
of his broth( r-in-law, the late Dr.
Realterfeed of Pert Elgin.
John Campbell of Seeforth spent
a few days at his Inane here last
Mr, Alex ,Iele,Phereon is spending
tt month with his brother in Rent
Miss Nettle Muir spent It few
tlaye keit week with the Misses
Ceinmill. '
Mies .Annie Mitchell of the
boundary is spc•nding a couple of
i weeks in Toronto,
Mr. °corgi.. Vender arid family
left last week for New Dundee,
which. place they intend making
their future home.
Mr. It. :Meeting and family • of
Wrexeter have moved into the
home formerly occupied by Mr.
Vander, ,
Mr. Thos. Epithet has a new
Weekend:0i shop erected -en his
farm and is now prepared to do
all kinds of work in that line,
0 - Q - 0
La Lo Li Group Plans
For' Social'Evening
• BELGRAVE—The 'reghlar emote
ing of the La Lo La group' Of. th,li
Canadian Girls in Tea-11101g Met In
the basement :of 1Ceox United
Church en Friday evening,
The mission study was on Korea,
Mrs. • Ted Fear read the story,
"Sook Bee Gets Box Ole,
The president,' Lorea Belt; woe
in charge of the .business MOW. •
Reports' were' read by the seem-
tary: and treasurer: ' " •
, members 'who attend'high
E:10001 to form a eon:117111,We to
look after the first Bible study.
The worship service °yelled with ie
the call to worship, felieWeil; bri
the liyeen, "0 Maeter Let Me Walic
Wale Thee". •Seripletre lesson was
read. her Marlene Portion. Mrs.
Fear led in guided prayer and the; •
hymn, "What a Friend We Rave
in Testis" was sung, folloWed by the
benedicticere• •'
The, greup deerided Serve
doughnuts 'hot (lectorate at the
seeial•bein,g plan tied f o r Friday
evenfne, February 22. • . .„
Some time was spent nu Meat
work, „which is being clone with
cork and the meeting edosed with
Taps. • • •
1aweereeieeeeeeleeeeteeeeireee,..0.a.eiereseeeedeleieneepeeeweeteiraieeeteema ilierneeeerielieeeereweeeile0tee •
nual Giant Clearance Sal ri Stores
.•. 4044.**0, neeteAtneleei-inielealreelemeenrellewileinallileitriee . enet4fiemeee.eriete`",eieekerreete*keeetiefe:Arereffeeteetarareteneea•eeeieeteaeweeeeeeeeeieneee
Wingham I