HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1957-02-20, Page 9At Speaker Urgos..Pra' etkal Statidirds 'eroduction.... GORRIE MAN IS PRESIDENT • Oik•'.a" Officers ,of the, 4-H Club Leaders Association, which directs the activities of the more than 32 1 H eiubs in the bounty of Huron, were elected at the annual meeting of that group in, Clinton'last left to right, Anson ,McKinley, Zdrich, vice president; John Strong, ,Gorrie,:new,prealdeat of tna,..assoei- ation; 'Maurice Flallahan, A3lyth; secretary-treasurer; Robert P. Allan, Bruceileld, past president,; Always Fresh At Belmore Club BELMORE—Miss Shirley Bul- lock, home economist, was a, wel- come guest at the ;meeting of the Balmora- Slet-PY"t'ibiW —Gag "tin` Thursday evening of last week. The meeting was held at the home of Sally Jeffrey. The 4-H pledge was reported by the ten girls present and the minu- tes read by Mary Elliott, The president, Mary Elliott call- ed the roll which was answered with a suggestion for a club dem- onstration, exhibit or skit for Achievement Day. The members divided into two groups and were instructed on shell hemming, 'Following . some practice on 'this, they enjoyed a talk by Miss Bullock, who spoke on record books, Achievement Day and the pyjamas they are making. The president, on behalf of the club, thanked the speaker for her helpful advice and • for attending the meeting. Lunen, Was served by Sally Jef- frey and Mary Elliott. The meet- ing closed with the National an- them. , Ruth and Merle Fitch will be, the hostesses for the next meeting, YAL CHICK HATCHERY 41711YINGIL4M .OFFERS YOU RED x SUSSEX • LEGHORN x WHITE ROCK t Cobb's. PEDIGREED RED x 'ROCK ,Kiinberchick's •LEGHORNS of California MEAT TYPE ARBOR' ACRES WHITE ROCKS -VANTEESS x ARBOR ACRES iiiiiiiiii I iiii iiii iiii i 000;010'00 ll iii 001010.00 lll l 00000M0 llllllll "rilh)10 ,,,,,,,,,,,,, • 000110000000 ,, llllll lllll lllll 00100000111001 l lllllll l 11100i011010 ll ll bmitsit00500 ll ll 4:0 llll llllllll (hicks themselves Will Tell You That SHUR GAIN Assures All 'These at the Lowest Possible Cos1 U R SIIIIII.GAItiff.10 0111(114111 ql:CONStrtifiitiC ChltidiA• PACKERS1114019., FEED DON • MM)Witv tquitMliti coly CANA pie,morromkstiiek,SE.,„"Liti .4 Free Merle rreter's nevi EvaDerated Miik reeipev Write today CANADA PACKERS LIMITED WINGHAM : inglifiiii111•11110111111101011i1/011411**10001140111•111010313111011111**111111111111111014 C 1,PADR S M CT ("MC R 44. Pf tExival 6 ONTARIO ENTRIES TIE SeCOND 7:1: 'a :hpry a4 0 0 have a ,speed ito a part other The club is4 ;5 l l[ 11: paPq? eaeli skater will av ir iv p annonnee that Bronwyn ArP,. and James Htitehispn 0, aCiti4tielePxhieeCalulba;st Isylleoar guests here. She is very small ailing, thle-leya ggi•rewgrin Illinaiuns;uaib ird" rhrlittiear e'chibiticn, tha:e;lelloernapof nrceedebeaesd breneennabacetra. !I(1 : Saturday, night only, with a for e-. hearsal ell Friday, It. is expecte4 that the carnival will last' from. 8,30 to 10 p,m, The Wiagham club needs• your support to open this season and re, open next year, Yoer assistance is asked to keep this pleasant and :woe Itanl txlhhofw:1111, • raaaPntoearst .afbios:rrt r yaictnhgti dIrieepnaof ts when approached and 'tieing •oit hand to applaud: the efforts of the youngsters, , Mothers of the skater's are asked to urge their oildren to use the ice as Much as possible in prepara- tion for the carnival and for Tests which will be held at, the end 01 March. Attendance is also asked for a meeting of the mothers to, be, at a $1.00 fee are needed to assist caanlnleudal shm ttlyin.gAfsociate members, with the Carnival and to attend the 011aY of gain. Ile suggested Ares. slog value /11 steers, with perhaps commercial steer feed,• ing program, for older club mere. hers, The speaher suggested that too great Ile elriphasie Wag put on live judging; Whereini it could be laid more effectively on beef carcass judging,'If we don't ,know enr own pia/duet," Paid Mr, ili, 00 We eXpect to Sell it to the pab:. The university man report pd great lack of knowledge of sktund management practices among On- tarlo farmers, and even a Inek of the basic knowledge of balanced feeding, He indicated that time to think of starting a herd performance testing program, Shirley Ateloon, za:yeirx bid member of OM Pearspau Ji-Ii Club at .CallifirrY, was the 'winner of the allniOr Judging Competition held rn cOnneetlen With The ftelaatirM. Of nil Canadian nolateins for the current year, Altogether, 3$8 4,4 boys and girls from au the Oro- virmea in Canada took part, NearlY 40 loaders of the 411, nitthg operating in 'Huron (aunty, Were glleata, of the Ontario Depart- ment of Agrietiltare last Friday, at a Steak dinner served in IOW linton noon. The ,occasion was the annual Meeting of the 441, club. Leadeffi' Association, • In the dairy club work, he hoped for Mere .pontinuity in the pro. gram, where a 4-4 club rnemlior would not start off each year with another calf, hut would continue the care and feeding of the one with which he started,.' With ie idea of inereesing the proclue itY of the animal in fliture years, lie suggested that" the grain clubs, which have lone A PO deal to .Introduce., new varieties should be malting even more use of information' Obeyed, for post- ing, and should be making seine fertilizer trials. In conclusion, Mr. 0111 said, oWc are pioneers of a new day. It is essential to have farmera and lead- km that arc well trained. Even with all the new industriee being brought into being, agrieulturc is Still the basic end is a chal:' lenge to any man." • At the dinner, speakers.' incloded -Warden. Harry .GOwdY, reeve of HoWick Township; Reeve William aewitt, .Landesbaro;•Hullett Town. ship; Mayor W, J. Miller, Clinton; who 'welcomed- the group to the, edtinty; • A, S. Bolton and H. De- Vries; 'zone forester, David McLean, who is replacing Duncan F. Waller as passenger agent on;the CNR, was in atten- tlancei and outlined Costs, etc., con- ,cerning propoSed 4-H Club tour to Detroit this summer. The lead- er's deeided on holding this tour when it ceuld be 'arranged during, the Week of July 15'. A visit to the Ford. MuSeurri and Greenfield Village are being considered. d. Strong, President . Gill; of the. .,animal hug- handry . department . of 0401 •,quelph, ,was the guest speaker, In— . • trodocedf by A. "S.: 13olton, assistant 'agricultural reprOsentativet and' thanked by. the.' new president. • .,• ,Tolm.'fltrong, Carrie.. . . G. banal.. his: remarks• on the iniportance of fitting the .441 Club .program to.. the cha»ging. trends in Agriculture„ :suggesting um stress 'Op ShOWyard blit -More.op rate and ..0061,, ShirleY'e winning score was 330 Pointe out of a FaSellele Tied for ,second; place were seem earn- petitors, One of them Shirley's brother ape, and the other 41.2S. all front the PrOVinee of 01'000, with a Score of 128 Points. They' were Douglas Whagroye, Canipbeilvillei Freddy Clemmer, Waterloo; 'Mary Lou Taylor, parlington; Don. Tay- lor, Burlington; Francis Dors, Peterborough; ,and Barrio Smith, Burgessville In, a draw for 2nd Prise the• competition, the whiner was Doug. Wingrove, The Ontario Branch of the Flo. stein-Friesian, AsSociation of Can- acla.Will Present a-trtle type model CO,'eat,,h'" et; `the six top Ontario winner's. , Top score by..a Ifuron County coinpetitor,was..120 points made by Marilyn Marshall; Kirkterl. Carol Selunfdt, Mildrnay,:bed 118 points, rover : runt Direptors of the 4-H Chib Leaderti Association were elected at tht annual meetiag Of the group in:'Plinton. last.Frtday, February 15, Front row, left to right; Irwin Trewartha, Seaforth direct* for .the dairy.cluba; Arnold'Alton, LUckhoW, director • for swine clubs; James Coultos, Beigrave, for the beef.' eluhsi Haekett,' Etieknow for the, tractor maintenance clubs; back row, Norman:Alexander, Londeaboro,,fer the Phone: ' Our Prices Are Lower ' Free• grain 'clubs, and William Dougall, Exeter, for the cash crop clubs. 590 We\Keep Down the Upkeep Delivery Granulated SUGAR 5 lbs. 55t Stokely'si OZ. FANCY PEAS C 0 r. John • Strong 4-H Club leader Gerrie, succeeded Robert Brneefield, as president of the grdup, and he will he supported by Anson McKinley.''Zurich, as' .vice-president, lvfauriee Halitiban, Blyth, secretary-treaphrer, was re; elected. Directors for the yarious typed if oz. of clubs are; Dairy,,' Irwin Tre- 15c ihrill# • I Y.P.S. Plans for Bursary Sunday Tha: 'regular meeting of the Pres. hyterian Young People's Society was opened with a sing song led by Doris Pickellt.',!'rhe Scripture: was i'ead by, David. Carr. A prayer was read by Kan Gilkinson. The offering and offertory prayer fol. lowed. After the worship service the Young People, 'Were busy making preparations for. Student Bursary Sunday, on. March 3, 1957. Letters lh WHITE RICE' 31c York 20' as. Pork;& Beans .2 / 31c 4 7H.Club Makes Purchase of School n Noya Scotia In search of a place to hold their meetings, the Prince 'Charles 4,11 Club, in Yarmouth Cowlty ap- preached the .local munieipalitY concerning a vacant school .in the ,community. The rOilitipality was interested and expressed a ,desir to .co-operate. In feet they sold, th building to •,thp club for the legal Stint of ,$1.00, , Cooking. FIGS• wartna, Seaferth; Beef, James Coultes Belgrave .". Swine, Arnold Lynn Valley 20 Oz. TOMATOES 2 / 41c ALAN WILLIAMS •Stokely's Fancy. , 15 oz. CORN .. 2 for 31c INTO; 1 whit. HONEY 4 lbs. $1.15 Brunswick 14 oz. Chicico% Hacldie - 25c 6% oz. Alton,. Lucknow; ;Tractor mainten- ance,. Lolne Hackett, Lucknow.; Forestry; 'John' Jackson; Winghar';' Poultry, Bob McKinley, Zurich; Grain, • R. Norman' Alexander, Londesboro; cash' crop clubs, Wil- liam Dougall,,Exeter:, Represenear. tive. cm the comity Federation of Agriculture, is Robert P. Allan, Brueefield. ' , During . the program; G, Montgomery, retiring 'agricultural ers for the' work they had „been 611 Miss Bullock Guest ONTARIO BOY MN Optometrist Patrick St., Wingham Economy - Pink, Yellovv, On purchase of the school the riaelabOrs ' met . to elean 'up the •grd-encla andato redecorate the in- side. 'Electricity' has since been added and the -'old school is now will be sent to the people of Wing- the' headquarters fer.,the 4-H Club ham and surrounding districts -,-"present and fntilre, . during the following week.. With. the eensolidatiOn of our educatiopal. system,, the little red schoolhouse in many areas is eith- er disappearing or is no-longer oc- 'Opted, This is presenting a pro- blem, espeeially,when„the ,buildiags and grounds - begin to 'deteriorate. The Yareacalth. county- 4.H :Club ,is to be "cornthended on, the aoleet that therliaVee. PiPneered in Nova Scotia, and one that could "-well be adopted in • other - areas". • 4 1 - !Column and were continuing .to do In 4-11 Clab Work, remarking on the White ' 400. slleets growth in the work since the first KLEENEX .1, 35c 4-H Club: leaders' dinner in 1952. Coldman's 'Sneed or plece.lb. BOLOGNA " 'Phone 770 Special K Ceeeal -• 29c representative;, thaaked the lead- MOO - 25e„OFF 5 oz. Instant Coffee - $1.29 Mother Parker's Orange Pekoe, 10'e OFF. 8 oz. TEA . 59c 96's Grapefruit'10, for 49c Sunkist 288's ORANGES .. 39c Mr. Montgomery leavei for the 00.0 ...... lnuuln lll 0040000 • . . !'0111. CLUB"- ch,Y ' • • ••• • . — • " , .• , .• • ONIIIIIIiiiii111111111111114111111111iIIIIIIIIIIIIi111111111111111111114111111.1(1•11111111.411111.41,116111011111011111111111111,11!1111, _ • . TROPHY George R.. Greenleea,-;" -R.R; '3, Caralibellville, Ontario,'' a' . Halton County 4-H Calf.'Club niernber for the past five years, has been awarded the W. H. Duffray Trophy for having been selected the out- standing Guernsey .4-H Club -meni. ber in Canada, in 1956 at the an- nual meeting of the • Canadian Guernsey Breeders' Association, held recently in Toronto. • , George, a 1'7-year-old stuPRilt!, t. Burlington High School., J:ia.S ,.''been: active in 4-Hy Club work•!since •he' was old enough to take part' and.b1, addition to, calf club prejects,• he, has also completed :`pr,ojecta; in grain,.swine and tractor work:, He has competed in the' ,interLeiub competitions held at Guelph' in: both dairy and swine and thia Var. Was a member of " the ,Wirining swine team, He has held several, offices in his various clubs land s has also' been active in Junior Farmer activities where his Mg. ability has won him nnany prizes, In 1956, at the. Royal W4'n- ter Fair, he was a member oiqhe winning Livestocic Judging Team and was second highest individual in the competition. George is active in many .other fields of 'activity. He was •a 'meta- ber of the winning PrOvincial Junior Farmers debating team in 1956. He is an accomplished pianist and an active church and Sunday school supporter, both as a teacher and as pianist, He has also been active in sports at his school and in his community and being the only Child, he is of considerable help With the daily chores, and during holiday periods. Oni.41-1-1 club is a wonder.ful;thing, He re. Wd sew and evea4Singi• " ,1 • We begin with the. :pledge repeated by 'all,' Then" We promptly' answer the roll calf. . i• • ' Here,twe sit land sew and •se\v, , After'Pleasing the leader our faces glow. The ,seam I sew is not too straight, I guess I am 'entering the learning gate. , • MST UNFORilf CROWN/ ° GOOD FIATNERINGI -LOW MORT4t/TYI a a 6 a U U Then from the kitchen an aroma will flow, What is coming? We all know, `After,eating lunch we begin to dance, The;Lenadce.ers stare with an hgly • .,. • 'Then the hen Party begins to break, • • 11 PERSONALS ailseept -for • those who want extra I ' • cake. • • At these Meetings •titne,' does -flow, ' :, • •• And-homeward rbourittiwe all must ,--"B•Y' Mary Elliott of the. Bellnore Sleepy Time Gals Dr. and Mrs. Parker ate leaving for• Florida this week. -,-Mrs, D. S. Halliday and Miss Margaret Higgins of London, Mr. Jerry Higgins-of Maple spent the week end with their parents, Mr. and Mrs, .Robert. Higgins, Other visitors were Mr, and Mrs. Roy Pattison and family, Mr. and Mrs, Alvin Iliggins and family, Mr, and Mrs. John King, Mr, and Mrs. Wm. King, Mrs, M, Warwick and Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Chamney, • If We Were to Ok'a numbet of poultrymen what they 'wanted in a chick starter we might get a lot of different answers But; we'd be willing to bet that about three points would cover everything. th 1. They would want' starter that would give. good performance. 12: They would want a starter, that was economical to buy. 3. They would watt a starter 'that was sure to 'be fresh. U a U a Based on pot performance, and this year with increased pro- During the' past 16 years, over- seas shipments of the C anadian Red Cross have been valued at $10,000,000. • 001.101 lll i l 1t1111f11111„ It110011Y11111111111f1111, 11i111f 1111111111111 i111Y 11111Ylil il,i 1111Y llll 00110 ll ll lllll 0,004 llll itiii l i11,1: INTERNATIONAL HARVESTER co. HAS AN OPENING ;bra DEALER IN THE TOWN OFAVINGHAM TO HANi)LE FARM EQUIPMENT SALES AND'SERVICE CONTACT BOX 401, WALKERTON or PHONE 1191, WALKERTON What more could you ask :of a chick starter a a a U n Dear ,a-Her's: Did you ever try your hand at teacup reading? It tail be fun when'you don't take it too serious- ly and if you have a good imagin- ation. • Mind you, I don't profess to be en expert and for the moat part I dream things up as t go along, but One time T 'read the meaning for a feW figures often seen in cups and seed them on to you: An anchor is a lucky sign; angel, good news; art* disagree- able letter; bear, long journey; a boat, visit from a friend; bouquet, goad fortune; butterfly, success; a cat, difficulties; chair, additien to the'family, •eircles, money or gifts; fish, geed news from across the Water; horse, •journey; hen, added wealth; key, money or beginning of A prefitable situation; ring, a wedding. It's surprising what objects you Will find in wean when you really concentrate but take it easy with your superstitious friends. 1008 anyone have A more expert list of Meanings for teacup read, ing? would be glad to know of More. North Star : tein, extra vitamin and 'mineral fortification and increased en- • orgy level, our new SHUR-GAIN Super' 'Chick Starter will •.2. leave no questions about -good performance. Take a look 411 ti a a SliUR-GAIN. led flock and see for yourself. • i 1 The economy of SHUR-GAIN 6 ha sec' on the simple fact that it's mane- I, -1- factures' right in our mill and we sell it direct to you. This same feature 1-1 i assures freshness. Often the chick starter you purchase will have been : • tk4,14.044 KotAassaii• made the same day 1 So for PERFORMANC•E, ECONOMY AND FRESHNES •- make it , i s SHUR-GAIN Super Chick Starter in '1957. ' i I * , _ i i sivi.00rmi 4r .--Mrs, Geo, MacKay of Hamil- ton visited for a few days last week with her brother, A. C. Ad- MS and attended the' funeral of her aunt, the late Mrs. W. A, Cur- rie. .,--Percy King attended the Wes- tern Parra Weather Insuranee Co, of Woodstock annual meeting and reports a favorable year. —Jack MeXibbon, of Wingharn, attended a pre-canvention meeting of the 0,A.P.A„ hi Toronto, an Monday and Tuesday of this Week. Meltibban represented dis- trict No. 12 et the meeting. -,-",=Mr, Mid Mrs. Frank McConnell and family and Mr. and Mrs, Jerry St, 'Marie of London spent, the week-end with their parents, Mn, arid Mks. Geo, Currie, I*, and Mrs, Sam Rnttart and faintly of V'ordwich visited aver the weeklend st the bottle of Mr. and Mrs, Rat, MontgillnerY. 0--Mr, arid Mts. Carman COUtts and daughter Maryann of Ottawa, visited with the farmer's mother, Mrs, Calitts, and. With his' father, Mri 11, Al CouLtd, Whols a patient in tail' Witightua Oenietai 7l belpitur. evaporated 1111fitt Why do stare have different colours` The 'tarok of knowledge oxPlainS 'that the dolor of Star depend0 -very With apart its thmit, erature. The red Stara are tooler than the yellow ones, 'chit, ellow Stara are cooler' than ths white and the White tooter than the blue,,