The Wingham Advance-Times, 1957-02-20, Page 7•fi
am abbantrg.
.Mtim,wwrn:niww+...xu.w.rwFw+ . •..'
wirm Milia$, QNTAJZ Oa 1> 111NI+aS#1+Ai<aFe Ji+'!Ni#iJltUllRY 19r 1007
Supper and Concert Mortis
601h Anniversary of lustitute
1I;.:'f.1I 1TALEA'i'sle i31Uevaie We- the .fellitt1ing tif' .the firat,l'1'wnen's
nreii'a tttJLes pot l,ticic SupperInstitute rtt Stotity Creek, :try Ado,
Wass a good I14.4 Ailc,, fat ncrembers ltt#de ><•i'oodlettilM
and their famJi es and friends who ' me, D, S, :NfaeNattgh.toilf;evQ
enjoyed an appealing. array (tf fine filie address, descrlliitlif .Liu: tout'rd.,
food, Tables were dr:coruted with big of the Wotnels's Institute and
red hearts and ted candkry orn the
evening of February 16th .in the
community piaci.
a:'ollowing the shinier, ri upnt.ei't
was given, the presidimt, • -Miss
Ruby ].Duff, presiding; She mutt,.
Mier( the signifiean'ete of the date,
celebrating tile' 60th anniversary of
United "Church
111ISSiOn Banes
i;LUi17VALE:: Tlie' Mission Band
0. root in 'the United Church o i.' F'eb-
wry 12th with an attendance of
,, .13'1'11 Hetherington rington. presided ;And
gave the prayer for the misson-.
The - seniors;.' aussWored the roll
earl by: na»ning a• l;ible story and
U10 juniors tbld why they liked the
winter. '
E was decide:( to buy some ar-
ticles of elathirig to be sent in the
next W.,M S: bale, ,
Birthday greetings wore , sung.
for Bob 'Corrigan, Wayne •Johnston,:
• Keith Johnston, AettY and..Clifford
Hetherington, Susan 'Sollars read a
verse .on `"Peace'".' '
Mts,• ,.
YV; J,•J,alar,stai had (Margo
01 the Wor41rip scrviee when Psalm
' 100 was, recited 'AV unison; prayer
and • hynnn following: Yvonne
Johnston and. JIM 'Sellers -received
the offering, • • '
11.o4e • Marie Nie Tolson 'gave 'a
Summary of last- rrionth's .chapter
frons the study, book,' a'Kc-,Sooni„
WS. M. L, .Aitken told the story
•:of the' third ehapter.
� Ttf73£JaTEIt».•Miss I -Iden Milli-
gan,, a native of Wroxeter, : who
took up writing=and painting.As a
hobby, is meeting with some; • sue-•
• eesswdn the literary field. ]Nips Mil-
ligan is the. author of two short
'stoats appearing in the October
aand February'.numbers of the Far -
bier's ' Advocate and Canadian,
'Forty a. Mbnth" depicts jrrterest
%ng life on th4 farm
The authorof th4 short stories.
also writes poetry. ane�l1i-"lh Decem-
bcr received. •honourable mention
' front the Canadian Authors' As-
sociation for her+entr ' "Laite Fall,",
Miss Milligall'y bis painting, too,
are drawing .attention.`
Born' in Wroxeter: Miss Milligan.
is a daughter of the,aate ?eter•and
Mrs_ Milligan. She ttended school
iri•Wroxeter„Wingliaam:and London.
After -reading with interest and.
pleasure 'The heart. is Hieland”
and "Forty a Month" we • predict
a bright and successful career for
this gifted young lady;
Members of the' Wroxeter o -
metas;:farsJ itute .:•havcji received 4 an
invitation, to •, a, 'soclal:'evening' in
Seafortli District High School.: on
Friday, Maroc} ist, at 8 p.m, The
party is arranged in honor et Mr.
Montgomery, '. Huron County Ag-
ricultural, Representative, who, is
Jaavin g to ta,tice;anothier• 'position in
Toronto..:, ' s•, ,
• A meetln••was, held ons Molida
eveningC L'
a t M ire, s store at iurtz-
villct¢ :ih'
crfor", the
llaY«ofofth eI loalhockcy clubs.
Group, of
the United' Church . wi11. holda
fatally night .on the
evening of
lilesday,' February 26, at. 8 o'clock.
;Tack Milligan has been 111 for
ac. prist.10 days at hls
Boma Sack
'suffered an attack of pneumonia•
We are 'pleased to report he is im-,
vino g..
',crating at her
wiigiss Thelma Denny of Preston
1 foimarlY of this village is re-
operation for appendicitis,
elm.a's many friends Biere extend
best Wishes for a speedy recover
p Y y,
'to good' health, • •
Mrs William G. Gibson who has
• several. Weeks withson;
spent e s hqr
Dean and Mrs, Gibson, of Lucan,
'returned home last, Monday, She
was accompanied' by Mr` and Mrs.
Deaii: unison, who spent the day
with George and MeS. Gibson. •
Donna, McL an London,
Miss e
spent the week -end With her par,
mita, Mr, and Mrs. Ire_ McLean.
Mk and Mrs. Don cLaughlin
spent the *eelc�end with the sat-
tel, s parents in ,Essex.
Mr, and Mrs. J, 1.1. Wylie 'are
spending two weeks in. Toronto
With Mr. and Mrs', George 'Bradley
and 'other relatives, ` - ,
117Jss Wiltnifred Munro,. Western
lliiiitersity, London, spent the
Week -end with. her parents; M.
:arid Mrs. Alien Mutiro,
idarold Towilseftd• is a i?
L,n 'n
o 'ii; Hospital;o
1t .n'V'o,
per 1
Where he underw'ent' slirgety. His
act friends are pleas(,(, tr
l� y
be is making a good reeovearye.
Mr, and Mrs,' Wm, Ilart spent
- with M r and Mrs,
'the wtek r�ii'd M r
.Lilly Hart of 'St, 'Catharinlss.
"Van�'e sdr, o id L' w
Miss Rona 1
i- r' Mr'-.
Waft a visitor with 1vJ . _and s
jieedge Gibson On Sundilyy,' `
tracing it.s program through the
years 1;111 now it has six million
reertibers in f countries of the
World, ft continues. to Sponsor
many useful and cultural . tivWes,
Mrs, Carl Johnston lee) lir cona-
triunity Singieg with Mrs, Alex
Corrigan at the piano, Choruses
were sung. by ,pupils 'of B'1ticeele
school . Brow.ntowit seh001 and
Izirtof.'s school which'also cxhibit.
ed a lively .square dance, .Anne
Peacock and I•iarr•is Campbell, of
No. 10, Morels, Played .a .piano
duet. An amusing dialogue was
given by , Miss ; Jiessie Campbell,
Ken J.hasten, Miss Vogt and
Ross Peacock. A feature ' was a
spelling :match conducted by Mrs,
Gordon Mundell, ten contestants
being from Morr1s and ten from
Turnberry, Mrs.'A, D.' Smith was
the winner for; Turnberry, Mrs,
Bert Garniss being .,the runner-up
for Morris, Gerald' and' Douglas
Thomas played clarinet duets, Mrs.
Nora Moffatt was. accompanist ,for
the musical numbers. •
`o PI'ay Off With
T,eviotdale 'Teat
,00134114-,-Ltre1G cattlkiliuod hi'itlt
the Cior•t•ie team last week I'n,, a
game With I.rordwiuh 1110 litsQrs was
Clorrie 0, Vor$1wj01 4, an,d on Ji'iJ-
clay" night • with 'TroWlir'idge the
score way 1,1-0 in fctyor"i ( Gorrie.
This was the Jaiat of the series'
and Gordo willhew be 111e play
i .
f , est three of five seriei
with, Teviotdale. The first gaune
will be Satui"dllY night in - el -
Samuel Rathwell
Dios in :Toronto
0O411•11; - Samuel C. ftatlitvell
died in Wellesley'• iospital,
ronto, on Monday,. Feb, llr'one day
before his ;86th birthday, Ile op,
crated a shoe store 1n LucknoW for
over 40 years, ,and before going
there was a shoemaker in dor,
rie and in Clinton. Tie was bora in
God.erich Township.
Deceased 'was' a, member of the
United Chureh;
• ];Iis .wife prcdefleasc(1• hips • Siii•-
vivi;ng are one -SQr1, Gerald, _ of
Lucknow, and one daughter, Mrs,
Orme (Irene) Moffat, of Toronto,
Funeral service was at the Mc
Lcnnan-MacKenzie memorial chap-
hapel, "Lucknow on Thursday at 2 p m,
Burial was in.- Greenhill Cemetery,
Re v .' -Mc
-McNabb' 66 Receives: : Communion
Stt At' Kno
BLUIVALL—The annual.mcet- and
all organizations reported
very encouraging ,year„
At the close of tilt 'business
meeting !Rev. McNabb was ;present-
ed with a -private, communion set
from • the 'ladies," of the congrega-,.
tion, Mrs, R J. McMurray, •pre-
sident of the W IV1;.S read the ad-
dress and Nit's Harry,Eiliott, pre-
sident of :Ladies' .Aid'presented .the
gift, Mr. • McNabb thanked the
ladies • very kindly and closed, the
Meeting with prayer,
A social time followed.
mg of Knox Presbyterian Church
was • held . on •'Wednesday evening
in, the church basement;, Rev.' Mr.
McNabb was chairman and opened,
the .meeting with, a passage' of:
Scripture. 'follo'wed by prayer,;
R. J. Ivfcly1urray was, appointed
secretary,,' Several recommenda-
tions of plans for 1957 were read
and. approved, It was decided to
give Special attention to the 100th
anniversary and a committee, of
one representative from each or-
ganization of . the church and the
session were appointed to plan for
this event; •
The congregation expressed .its
thanks ,to Mrs, Nora Mpffatt and
the Choir for their splendid help
during the, past Yearand to the
J. J, Elliott family for the bequest -
of .$200' from the estate' of the late
James Elliott. At thesuggestion of
the Elliott' family $150 was, donated,
to the Sunday School and $50 to.
the choir,
Tohn IvlacTavish,tavinrs>?d; x71.T
,Bate and+'Gord'orr?�]Vfundell-'wire*n r '
pointed tri/stees-'0'f' tht 'church, .L
J. •:Elliott,° `I h MaeTavish and. R.
J", McMurray were' appointed man-
agers for; a three-year ,term.
The dii;ferent, reports were given
Mr. W. N. Robertson' of Blue-
vale has returned home after an
operation , in Victoria Hospital,
Miss Eleanor Smith, student at
Teacher's 'College; Stratford, spent
last week: practice teaching in'
Gorrie Public School. •
Jack Horton, of: the R,C.M,I?.,'
Ottawa, was horde; for the'. week-
Y�P . . Union Mel
Sunday Evening
BJ tJEVALE T'he preSldent, Miss
Joyee Hoffman; presided' at the
of the_Y
.P in the
Church on Sunday evening.
After,a, devotional period Doug-
las ;i d oiar a of the study
period: .Murray McFarlane gave
a paper on the life of Jaunts H111,
the railroad builder, the man who
spanned a continent.
.; ,
WROXETER—Warren` Clayson
of the Ontario Red Cross Society
Safety, Division.'was guest speaker'
at a meeting of Howick Lions held
at Gorrie on •Monday night ..The
newly=or ganize g
g d e1u bs from Lock=
nbw: and 'Atwood were .guests of
the local,` dub. 1vlr. Clayson also,
spoke to 'a meeting 'of. all .tho6e
interested ' in Fordwich, donde,
Wroxeter and',distr•iet• bn 1 ttesday
night •with a view to Starting a
ciasS for iSWimming leasons so s ,°text,
summer, . •
Worl.. Day o'
ti d
1 RThe. annual World
Day of Prayer'',serviee for this
'district will ' •be held ata the after
noon of Friday, Mareh 8th, at 3.
pan, itt 'the. linked Chu'r`ch .school
room. Leaders in charge of the
meeting; 1VTrs,..'Iten Edgaii`i presi-
dent of the 'Worrian's. Missionary
Society, of the limited Church and
Mrs. Frank uoselt resident Of`
, r 1i b
the women s Guild of St, James':
Anglican Church. The ,guest speak-
er will be i'.l'rs, i''. ,}I. Paull of
towel, Mrs. Charle's McCtttcheon
and 11xr ';13, S, MacNaxughton •will
Young People Plan°•
Church Service'''
GOILRIE —,The Young People's
Union met, sn ' the -Gorrie United •
Church hall on Sunday evening;,,
Feb.` 7 Ian <Howes, •the, pres``dent,.
opened ,the .Meeting ",with pis(l call-'
to worship, .which was' followed by'.
,prayer. by 'Shirley'McMiehael and.
't-hebei nging "practices' hyrrrat:+':.Leael •on
q; King .Eternal'!•. ' Dorothy Toner
read the minutes of • the previous
,meeting and .eighteen nielhbers
answered the roll cull. '
Plans were made to .hold a:' Young
People's Church service in ,Wroice
to on Sunday evening, Martreh 31st,'
When Jim Shynkat' will be` 'the
special speaker. r
Gwen ' Gibson and: 13111 - Higgins
arranged a very effective. candle-
lighting service, Illustrating the
text, Jesus grew, in wisdom, acid
stature and in favor with. God and
man"; with Bernice' Grainger, El-
aine Statia and Paul Higgins as -
Lill Higgins• c'onductcd' a contest
and the meeting closed with Taps.'
1jOKKIE R 4.
"!Henn Austin., -Who has taa011 with,:
the i'ldyai Canadian Iangktieer, in
Cid ltwaelc #i:(t, retarrned :by platne
to Maltan. on ,'iarttlyday and Tues.
day he and Mrs Austin, Michael
and .OJit'Jstinc; left here by .motor
fqr Clnlillwricic
Group of flu. ax'li:.Unite(i:
(inu'ph served as fJno `hitt •stnl,per•oti;
Thursday eYerllnt;, St, Vilientifle's
,lacy., In the United Cliut'iih s0lrbel,
Mr: IiarveY Snarling Was.). able t(i
return home :from Listowel I-iosp14
tttl en Saturday, '
Mr, '' and •2Vfts. ;1:esih' Faleoneir
art( Giiry, of `I?eeswaGel, te
With .Mi, allies Mirs, Ir. `Ilyxrdman
and Mrs. ;(,owtly on Friday, ,sun«
clay visitors were. Mr Iu ss Vogan
and son Ronnie, of Winb.ham.
Mrs, ,lalixie t A'1'ni tramp,' enjoyed
having friends rail on 'lair 0,3rd ,
birthday on Fi•Jrilay and Was the
recipient of many hir'ilyday cards
and gifts, Two lovely. birthday,
.cakes were part it thin refresh,
ntents served.'by Mes. M. Stew,.rtt.
Mrs, Wm. Arlaams is another lady
who marked a birthday on St: Val-
entine's Dau, She was 86 years of
age, She 18 at ffesent with JIM,
daughter, Ivvx's, Murray Edgar, on
the IloWiek=Gr'ey boundary.
Mr. and Mrs, Robert Grahar vis
ited Mrs, A, ivfo Kenzie in Harris-,
ton. on Tuesday of last week.
William Austin Jr„. bn gone to
Regina, Sask., where he is training
at the Royal Canadian Mounted
t'oliee Depot,
•i• At, a meeting of Huron ConntY
1 -II Club leaders in Clinton on p'ri
day,Mr. John Strong was ch sen',
as president.'
''Mrs, V. Klein') of klarr•iston vis-.
iteil' for several days last: Week:
With her sister, NUS, ,Tames Ed
•wards -.and Mr. Edwards,
For the first time Gerrie 'wom-
en have been curling this ,:winter..
About •. 15 have .been trying, the
sport, .
Congratulations and nest wishes
to Mr, ancj Mrs. Hilton Ashton
whdwill mark, their 45th wedding
anniversary .: on Feb. 21, They
have both' been life-long reSidentp'
of .Howick Township.
• Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Brown of
Beamsville visited With Mr, and
Mrs, Robert Grahain frbni .Satur-
day to ,Monday, •
The Woman's Association of the
Gerrie United 'Church will meet at
the home of Mrs. W • O.. King; on
Thursday* evening,,Feb, 21; at 8.15,
The Friendly Fours will be
charge of the program. The lunch
committee will. be Mrs. Mo'Innes,
.Mrs. A. Heibein and Mrs. C...Grain
,Mr: and Mrs. Robert Stephens
and Mr, and Mrs, .Sam Timm ,at-•
tended, the Motor show in Kitohen
S',4•1'on Thursc1a� 0vcuing, , »¢•.
JaynesWalker,• London. spent the
week -end with his:parents, Mr, and
Mrs. Lorne 'Walker.' •
Mr. and Mrs " Le,wrenee Short
and Caro], of Forges, visited, Mr.
and Mrs. Thos, Short last Sunday;
Mrs.' Harry;Ferguson is visiting
in London with ,Jvlr. and Mrs. Ev-
erett. Snarling,
v-erett..Spariing, •
The Howicic T.,ions held a supper
meethig in the earn/Maity. hall,
Gorrie, on Monday evening, 'with
the Friendly Fours °catering.•
Mr, anti Mrs.Georgo• Brown,
John. and Jean visited Mr. and Mrs.
Donald, • Campbell, • Listowel, on
Mr. - anis Mrs, Stanley Grainger
and fau't'rily, of London, Spent Satur-
day at the home bf Mr.. and Mrs.
Cecil' Grainger.
aim Robertsonand Marie
Elected ed tot-� by Howick Jrs.
� :
•GORRIE -- The ';EJoWicic Jimior
Farmers and Jun'ibr Institute held
their annual, meeting last week and
eleated their offit
s bit 'the 'com-
ing year.
Those elected by:the Junior Far-
mers Were: W Past w P Pres„ David Dins-
more;res, •, • lint im. ''Robertson• '1st
vide, Jack •Strafford; ,2nd vice, Lyle
Murray sec. -tical,, 'Bun Strong,
The directors are !Perry. Strong,
Murray Wright, Jacek Dinsmore and
Jim Inglis; auditors;'Glenn Under-
wood and David Dinsnioro: County
Jim directors, J m Rablhson J
Stafford, Bob Strbiig , and Perry
Shower'Held for
Miss Jean Lo`.
RR Mrss J'eistr"Lo Lehr, bride-
to-be ono° d
,was .h c atA: pantry and.
kitchen shower, 'at < tire Jiome of
Mrs, Gladstone Edgar .ori Friday
evening when about 35 girls were
were b'corVgllt'` iris. in a de-
corated baby buggy'-'aitd Jean Was
seatedin a 'chair, with, wedding
bells,: Mrs, Al ii ei1 and Mrs,: John
S rongaaaiSted unwrapping
gifts, Jean e,cpreased, thanks
in n,
very nice reply.*
The evening wits'' Spout making
it baby book and tWo ebhtests Were
conducted, Dainty';refreshments
were served.
W .•
u air .:
s :.w
in play last Thur y,hight When
the W7omeil's :nstituute
a. spoiis
progressive et/elite ite .VoxCter
community bail,
Mrs, Clarke S ar
pie and Mrs. Charles Cathers won
honors for the ladles, Mrs.. Ted
Snllth and ' Tedtont
� h 'held high,
scores for men. George Day and
Mrs, M. Dennis won consolation
prizes; Mies Shirley 14,eidt Won' the
special bingo, a patr cif: bath towels.
At the helm for the Juicier Insti-
tute will be; Brea:, ]Viand :Elastic;
1st vice, Ethel Rel 2nd vice, Mrs,
Ron Ashley; sec. -treats., Mrs, Alecla
Murray;' asst. sec-treas., Belly
Sand rsn district dirc tar Mrs;
Tom •O'Krafka; county directors,
Shirley McMichael, Mrs.' T. O'Kraf-
ka, Barbara Linton, directors, Ruth
Toner, Grace Sanderson, Louise
Brown; auditors, Betty Sanderson,
Ethel Reis.
GO IS ---The rebi•uar'y meet-
ing of the W.A. of St. Stephen's
Church was. held at the home of
Mrs, M' Gi1kinson on Friday .after'-
after -
Mon. The president, Mrs. 'Gordon
UnderWood, opened with -prayers
and Litany, . There was a gbodre-
sponse :to the roll eat] °with a verse
about Faith,
The 'Scripture ''was read by Mrs.
Norman Wade from Lute 4; 17-20,
Mrs, Harry King'brought thoughts
on the theme "Faith", saying that
our faith challenges us to snake
the best of what we have and to
overcome :handicaps.
Letters of thanks were read for
'batty and especially for layettes
sent to Cardston, Alberta and for
a bale sent to Bishop Plorde of the
G. U ` , rs,
ndarw�bad and M'
George Ding Were /tamed to meet
with ladies of 'the ether churches
to arrange for the World Day of
Prayer cervic
ato be held
in the
An lican CI/0)i March
NI s. •• Russell is-
F ,R t l o trilled thai�see-
"n 'cha thet on
o d ter •f study. b bk
p bt y o
Fbrniosav saying sa in �'tlat:rnorc co-oper-
ation Waix, needed 'fining the vat-
ions groups Of iti'liiisi'lii1; workers In
'rhe Mar eb Meeting will bo held
on March' 22, 'The Rev, V. 'It. Rus-
sell 'closed With pratyor,
The east of the play "Shotgun; Wedding" which was presented- b ' Jack Stafford, -Glen- McMichael R i
YRon McM ahaei Jean Lohr Audr:
eythe Howick Jtmior Farmers at Gorrie community halllast Thursday, -O'K afka Dorothy Toner, T. V. Edgar, who prodneed the
evening is pictured .being eongratulated- by Mary L. Flaeh, Who, Was ' .standing :back row right.
the adjudicator, after• their performance, Left •i h id
' P t f to tg t, Ethel Ries, ; ...
n n ..,. t:
The North 'Huron Junior .Farmers, who competed in the. third annual ' right are: Mrs, Kennedy, Jim Bowman Harry $rydges Bill Cou1tto ,
Dplay " y With
p ,Coultes, abelle Smith, Anne Hollinger, Front, Jean Smith, and.
their performance at the Gorrie: cornri•riini tail, on •.i'liiirbday even-= Gwen Walsh,.
xama Festival with the la In;Ma Wil h ,du''e', ar plcturc,;d. after ; Ken Ts
Ing, Braving a word with their producer, Mrs, Roy Kennedy; Left to
zo So
1 •,. , Oi� iFia Evenin
wJt� r��rrr.r�rr.ra ,idg
.., y �.
r LLU UJ'i it t
Word has been received here of
the passing of Mrs. Leila Ada
Horsey, on .January 5 1n Lendon,
She was Lire wife of the
late •Li
e r Edward
ltr Horsey of
Owen Sound.
Surviving are' 'three daughters,
IVIlas Leslie Wormald of Somerset,
J.+.;ngland, Mrs. Cedric 13r•orcton
and Mrs. Desmond Keith, both of
London :•'i6n land add twoi
g b stc i•s,
Miss Margaret 1. Macdonald of
London and :'Toronto and Mrs,
Claude Leslie Lang r azrg Uf Pat`ls, . Ont.
Mrs,.Horsey, who lived in Japan
for several years, was the eldest
daughter ofthe late Dr, and Mrs.
Peter. Macdonald oi; Wingharn and
Landoll- who will be remembered
by tso• older residents of this Bis-.
titer: ,
C 1n in i
o ing to W glia n i» 1872 Dr.
Macdonald had an extensive Prac-
tice as a physician until he entered
Parliament 111 1887, ,When he re«
detaiiCd E, Huron in 000 olf the
warniiest contests' in the history of
the :riding. Ile was deputy streak-
er of the :f•Iouse of Cbmmoris
Bur n 'Pars amen i 100
1 g' 1 t n p.
De. Maeda/mid built:' What ' was
knower as the Macdonald Block .in'.
1002, ,noW owned by .john ItIeliibyJ
bon. 'at th lt time he moved his
house from '
i on1 that � ite to 'Centr a ,
Street,l north e
irilrnedlato yf St,
Paul's 'Chureh the auxe a ih)W b =.
ing' the residence ,Of Dr, r. A.
In 1000be s appointed' d *post
Master at Lbidon and
with his
1 th1 y anoved to that eltyw
IoYd Aria-
itrongsteacher, and his pupils •of
S.S. ; No,' 0, Mist Wawanosh, field
tt box 'social in the,schooi on Fri-
day •evenio'g. and Sixteen tables of
euchre were played, Mrs. Edward
Marsh and Allan McGill held High
oils an y
1 d Mrs, C' r,' �
M �e Sl oxtt
and 13rucc. Curate hbtd low points..
Arfntsrong won the prize for
the most Ione hands in hearts,
Lawrence Taylor very capably
auctioned at, the fine array 01
boxes fer she grownsups, and ureal
proceeded in the it• idtit of great
mrrrilte it to auction:. off the boxes
for tint Try
young - . This school
realized about $28:00 as a start Tor
their starninei. bus trip, The folks
decided to hold another 0001150 In
C i
two weeks.
Mr. 0'. Melt, 1;'atetsori returned
home on'l lit;rrbday,' after spending'.
the past two .menthe at the homes
of his sons,. Messrs. istatilc and
ScottP to s'o'r
a r 1 of Detroit.
Brick. ("hunch W. ladies
M S. tdres
lilt. . a_.c
t Uc a�i
d quiltat t[it i
hbznrr ( E
'J ,i
Jas. Coultas en Tuesday last,
'Ml's, Alex, ;Leaver was under the
ls care ,for a. few days cast
SimmonsMr Mrs, s Mt-Moronimacrd:Mand alley, or London spent the.
week -end with heli�arent
Ii sr Mr. °anC1
Mrs. 'Chas, Martin.
• r act
lVf dr' n • I1
Ivf sr Kenneth Laidlaw
and 'fatallyLondon, of �ondo , a� tient the
week -end with . his another, M•rs.
,l'a i. and Laidlaw aid, 'eJith his father,
Mr. Jas. Laidlaw, a patient
Winghato 1osplti'tl,
Howick *Tumors Win Drama
Festival ...Will Go to Clinton
A capacity audience filled . the 'Gorrie, and presented by the Hi w-
Cior•rie community :hail on. 'J?hurs- ick group, was a homey baekweeds
day evening to watch Itowick Jttir- piece, which was handled exceeds
Jor Farmers and Junior Institute,
C,alwana Junior Fal• r•s
sir me id
Junior North Institute and IV rth. Ilur•o li
Junior Farmers and Institute com-
pete In the third annual drama
festival. The 'winning play was the
one presented by the llowlc.k en-
try, the one -act comedy, "Shotgun
Adjudicator. Miss Mary Louise:
]:'lath, of 4 +ingham, in her stun -
ming up, said that all the: clubs
competing had put en wonderful
shows. The overall tempo of the
plays 'was gaud, there was some
good grouping, and many of thm
actors really ,put their hearts into
their roles,
The I w r will
I o i k club I nown i
t w,b1
to the 'finals at Clinton District
Collegiate Institute tomorrow eve-
ning, February 21st The Clinton
group, having defeated the Sea
fnt•th Juniors in the Sonth Huron
Festiva), Will compete with iiaw-
laic for county honors,
'three plays presented last.
liiursday'evening were all one -set
comedies, sIn 1Vtat ' with ,tutu *1e feac-
trired the .North' B:tr'roii Club and
p dated by _:Mrs, Ivry Kens,
Hedy, Bruss'elg, with ,lions Smith
assisting, Members of tilts east
were: Jean Smith, who Tap layed the
art off June Sommers; Gwen ,
3 L ,..-
J L INaS13.ti J,
�Tiy Ii
ingly well `by the players. The
" s Mti• nd
o y„,played by
Audi .tura
Audrey (> fila was charmingly
Y ,
done. She was ably
GlerIVCciitlaei as Jeb .a ino
s u1ch
aract i designed
ed far tau
The other rnerribers of the east
were Ethel Ries, as Judy Larkin;
Ron McMichael as Enoch Taylor;
as Randolphk'oVee11;
Jean Lbhr as :Ellie Carrie and Dor-
othy Tonrer as Sue Skinner.
The third h rd platy, presented by 'the
ColwanasJl Junior Farmers, en-
titled "Wilbur Saw It First fear
tured Murray Gaunt as Wilbur;
Jamieson Ribc:y as Hercules Nei-
son; Joyce ;1f.,itt;le as Betty Len;
Helen Little as Mrs, Maxwell;
George Rine t
Riney as Mr. Maxwell;
*Mile Nlvins sts Maagitolia.and Johli
Clark as 'Professor It ote k director,
Frank ,Allan was :the director,
Musical numberwere• .r s
s ,p ;presented
by Maine "Tl)ron and Macao Halt -
tie and readings were given by
Frank Alton and Mrs. LyleNftirray.
The group which caa.i'rieS,off 'the
honors at Clinton will repi'esetit
T uroli (0i)4' in the Ptovincial
Drama _Festival to be held at the
()A.G., Guelph, in March,,
Happy ,
l �a erb Meet
a.lsii. as Polly Soisuners; Apar Hol—
linger as Elsie Hopi/hist Isabelle.
p x .. e C
Smith as Aunt Delle; Tint Bowmen'
as Charlie Wilson; Ii'�tt_�'atrtiya as,
Benny Jenkins; Harry 'Erydges
tn a.m
Tim flawieins and BOeeltes ;1'i6 ffettgwa e elle d
nddimny Jn:,s. secretary read the-
h1iHato Ms
ere Mission Band palet a +' ire -i tilto
of Reis and Mr+s::•-Wests i''. ,
Mrs. �alb°(
iy rest a<.
`Thr White ,dnt'iit' 'the we
The *inl'1ing, lay', "Shotgun Weds West read the err t
,, . It ,.. +~ S p acre !t -tad.
, k •
dine, .ciil�ected by T V, VW, fif meeting filb'Sott 4IOh