HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1957-02-20, Page 2Advaiten.Tionest, Bredneski ek *It INi1
nigh taxes are an, evil which has The local share of expenditnre OP a
aeame ntterly necessary in our so- brand new high school, a nubile
cloys, At all ievejs of government school to which two wings have
more and still more money is requir- been added :for the benefit of our
youngsters a, completely, modern
hospital;.a flirty equipped and com-
pletely -manned fire department ; ex-
ceptionally efficient police protec-
tion; street And sidewalk constrne,
tion and maintenance; sewers,. gar-
. bage collection, etc.
When we ,think it all over, the
beefs should not arise from the actu-
kl price we pay for thesebenefits,
but rather from the fact that as yet
no one has sncceeded in ,developing
a foolproof system of property as-
sessment. Usuall>y- the chief reason
for complaint arises from the :fact
that John Doe feels he is being rob-
bed by the town, while his neigh-
bor ,,gets away with lower •taxes.
The time has come when asses -
Sing should be studied in detail by
the Department of Municipal
Affairs and a province -wide sche-
dule worked out with doe regard to
the valuation differentials in various
areas. -After that has been done
local assessors should be asked to
attendcourses and accept training ,
in the approved methods of property
evalitation. Until • some stiq,h a
scheme' is put into effedt the beefing
will continue. As far as that goes,
it ma.y continue until the end - of
time, •
to meet mounting' eNpenditures,,,
Many of the latter being the very,
outlays wO ourselves have demanded
so valuably within the past ten
years, The :federal government has
to, pay the shot for national defence,
a single item of spending which
staggers the ability of the ordinary
inathematidian to compute, In ad-
ditiOn there are such lesser but still
gigantic expend itnres as ;family al-
lowances -and old age pensions,
'which, of course, require a budget
tn.any times the size of total spend-
ing. at Ottawa a few years ago.
The provincial government nmst
'provide the best of highways and
bridges, once again a staggering ex-
,penditure in -each ',fiscal :year, pot
to mention the welfare, agricultural
and dozens of other services which.
are administered from Toronto.
Most of us reasonably :famil-
iar with. county otAlays of various
kinds. Again roads and bridges and
their maintenance occupy a bio. part
of the budget, added to which are
the acconnts for education, hospital-
„izatfon, a'dministration of histice
_.and so on; '
However, in spite of the billions
-which are -spent on behalf of the
CanA,dian taxpayer each year by fed-
ertI, and county govern-
-fients, none of these regulatory bod-
iesi,bear the full brunt, of complaint
criticism. The pointed and
Ocular wrathof the rnan-on-the-
street always seems to be reserved
eSpeciall\r. for the mayor and' coun-
, athr$ ,in .his .own municipality.
Flioh lOcal taxes draw complaints
;rOf-trevery quarter. The only sub -
of that creates a great-
, er,outcry is lack- of action when a
:fails to provide one of its
eXPected services in order to save a
ow-lof the taxpayers' dollars.
Sui e, taxes are' high — and we,
woUldii't suggest for a minute lhat
every cent of the tax.money is ;wise-
ly spent—but there are more WiselY-
ents, in each tax' do -flax in
"inghana „than you will find' ai any
other -level of government.
Reflect for a moment on what -
we b.et' for Our taxes in Wingham:
Despite the.`fadt that Finance
Minister Harris says housing con-
struction .is. not being hindered • by
'credit restrictions, there appears to
.be plen'ty of evidence to the con-
trary. trousing- more than any other
item of public expenditure, has been
dayed and •some cases stopPed
by the tight. credit policies inaugur-
ated reCently by; the 'Rank of Can-
ada,. arid .reflected throughout ,the
entire C an adian economy., ,News,
leaes from Ottii*a on Frida.y indi-
cated that recognition of the fact in
. , -
government Circles may ease tne
strain to a certain' degree.
We agree that some form of con-
, trol.over public.,.speridin,?• may have
been necessary, The federal finance
'specialists should know mitch more
about the danger -of inflation than
we do. But a pdlicy which cripples
the ability of: the, Camidian public to
builct new homes.seems doomed to
serions difficulty' before its bleep -
With thousands upon thou-
sands of immigrants pouring into
Canada each year it is self-evident
that new homes must be built — or
else someone will be left out in the
Credit. is, of course, a sign of the
creditor's faith in the industrious
character 0-r the Canadian citizen,
coupled with a Strong belief in the
basic wealth and prosperity of the
Country as a vhole. The unlimited”
extension of credit, especially to
,thosewho will spend the money on
foolish littxuries,ls,,folly. Neverthe-
eSS* 11 thii country CaTlilot provide
he necessary funds for decent
ifilts for its people we linght as
thrOW in the national sponge
lit mow,
-A,,,parently Canada and her citi- stomhoe Audit Nuroau Of Cirelda0011
re wildly enough to raise the Authorized oit &COM Chia. Nallo Peet Ottio tlepe•
46., 'Ad ational defence, lithzenotiest nate ode tear goo, Ole month*
Itrd, Attit firflPOVeriSbm' $1.50 in advance
htlitei out growing. S, $4.60 per year
POMO Nets $4.00 per Year'
*re tildttllS4 • 'Advertising Rate* On applicitiOn
Sometimes the now piles up too
high 'in Wing -ham and sornetithes -
the residents don't like to 'see the
stuff kicking- around too long. Some-
times thathappen in other places as
• Last Thursday We were in Lon-
don. That was the day after the hig *
snowfall — and. frankly. that fair
city was a Mess. If yOu think Wing.
ham gqs a little sloppy in the
middle of the winter you should see
how things get snarled up in Lon-
dpn. It Wottl,,d appear that they
have about one.tenth of the equip-
ment required,.to ,clear 'their street -4
after a big snowfall — and that no-
body knows ho.w. to use 'the machin-
es they do have.
• London doesn't •receive nearly
the snow in any given winter that
we..do here in Witighatn„which, of
corse, accounts for the helpless
state of affairs when it 'does come.
down in :a hurry. We didn't like' it
much when the,snOw was piled away
up on the sides of the 'Street. Be-,
4-lieve us, it's bette),, piled. up there.
than right out in the Middle; 'with
the ti'affiC plowing, through it. •
Marys, hitirnal,Argns)
More than ever before,,the news-
paper today is a vital ' onardian of
the ,people's liberties, itis, granted;
a, daii34 or ;weekly compendium of
events and an important means of
communication as between' seller
and buyer. But that is not the end
of the story by any ineans.
In a thousand and one ways it
can speak forwhat it deems the pub-
lic interest, though its first *concern
intiSt. always be to inform its read-
, ers, objectively and with full regard
for truth. It must remain at all
times impervious alike to flattery or
pressure, whatever the source,
.A Chicago newspaper, after
weeks of careful inquiry; recently
exposed a friajOr •Scandal inVolying
the vvholesale embezzlement of pub-
lic funds by important public offi-
cials. It had no ace to grind but
that of the public interest, But for
its efforts millions more of the tax-
payers' dollars might have been lost.
The malefactors, indeed, might well
have escaped detection altogether so.
ingenious was their tnethbc1,
The. Wingharit Advanceilithes
polkaed at Winghani, °Marie
Wenger Brother*, Ihiblisherri„
Titr, Barry Viirenger, Edger
nun? yirriATa SQ Aew "ego.
4"k"TBEIDtreMs West" illErN
MARRIED Neou couLpwr co,
awris ANY TiottOreiv
WITH LT to- -
• 4.•, *I*
tt.u.pt H.40174.14
010611 WIF.04 RAW, MOW*
11,1# . . 111”411•Rotipution.4.1fitt• ... •Wlitttf!”1, .. .. fttOppllit•011t o o 'WO
, BY ROY, '0, J. T'.arson,
Upper 004414.01bl* .SeeletY.
1 The Bible Today
'7 ain't going to read it mister;
it reads like the telentione direct-
ory." With these words the ,young
recruit tossed back the little blue
covered Testament Whieh „had
been given him by the Bible SOG-
iety at:a Great Lakes Naval Train
ink Station."
The sailor had began as anyone
would, to read his book at the be-
ginning. In reading the Bible as a
les ever written. The first :chapter
relates a half-dozen stirring events,
The story moves with ever heigh-
tened tempo to the end,
Most readers have never thought
or reading a book of the Bible as
they ' would a popular work,
through to the end, forgetting the
artificial break down into chapters
and verses The book f
be read through 'in two hours
° 0 Mark may
beginner, it is a good idea to start Three short Old Testament books,
with Marit'a Gospel. This book is also set in the biographical. mould,
written in racy style and containg Ruth, Esther and .jonah, may• be
One of the most ex:citing blOgraph- read in about. the same time or
^ - - less. The last '14 chapters of Gen-
esis contain the most complete bio-
graphical sketch in' the Bible, the
story of Jogeph, one of the most
dramatic ever written. The first
14 chapters of Exodus tel , the
story of Moses in Egypt. Neither of
,these is as, long • as the book of
Reading the Qt; -I,
the people
The president of the Board 'of of the Bible can stimulate to fur -
Trade has for some timO been -in ther Bible Study. By reading two
tnuch with the Colonial Knitting hours a day the four Gospels can
Company of Elmira in regard -to be read in a week, and.an under -
their opening up a branch factory standing of the life, teachings and
. Wingham• On Wednesclay„ he
received a letter' from them stating
that if Winghana- would+ PromiSe.
to supply them with fifty girls,
they would open up a branch in
our town. The company promises,
to ply $6 a week to girls to, start
We understand there is also' a
possibility. cif -the Dinsley House
opening up in the near future, A
boarding house is badly needed .in
Mr. ,John Hewer has closed, .hT,
*barber Shop here and will lea
this week for Galt where he tv,
reopen for busines$. Mr. He
has. been, a valued member of t
VVingham .:Citizen's Band for
number of years.
The annual Meeting of, the Nor
Huron County L.O.L. was held t
the Wingham Orange Hall
Tuesday afternoon,' when the, fu
loWing were eleeted officers
1917:. W.C.1YL, John F. Grove,
D.C.M., A: Johnston; Chaplai
Rev J. W: Hibbert; Rec.-sec., J
McGillivary; Fin. -sec., J. G. Ste
art; Trees, R.,McMurray; D. of
T. J. McLean; 1st. Let, R. Owen
2nd. Loct., T. R. Bennett.
Mr.:- John c. currie. and; Mr:
Galloway: who returned recent
from, California wPre greatl
pleased with- their trip. Amon
former VVingharnites ,they net wa
the late editor of this paper, ,M
Theo. Hall and his family who ar
now living in Pasadena,
In our Window .we have on dis-
play a large lemon grown by Mr.
H. E. 14ard. This lemon weighs 9
ounces and is one of several on his
tree and has taken aboUt a year
to grow. It is well shaped 'and of
perfect colour with a good strong
lemon smell, This proves that
practically everything can be
grown in old Huron if the proper
care is taken..
Two local rinks of curlers skip-
ped by D. Rae, and J. Murray ard
taking part, in the bonspiel at
Toronto this week. Those who are
playing are: N. Diluent, J. carr
H. Walker, 3. Murray, H. C. Mac-
RLren. , .1* Corr, J. Currie and' D.
The heavy mina of last Week
were tesponaible . for a gradual
rise of the Maitland riveruntil the
Water h'ad reached the height of a
spring -tine flood. On the Belgrave
road, just smith of the: town,' the
water Waa so deep on the road on
'ThUrsday evening and Friday
morning that all traffic had to be
detoured through the township of
Emit Walvanosh, Considerable
damage war done around, the Plant
Of the Proem Bros. lidenufacturing
atirodunti:egeinthbeerm400n%thost of elloypeiTtiboerf
the Wingham ,Pubiic School made
deposita the PetlnY Bank and
...at the end tf the'year had on de-
ptisit .$1,T06,76. Clinton WO the
tt better average.
only schOol in the dounty to have
IrrettEN TZARS A00
purpose of Christ mar be. learned.
The Britlah and Foreign Bible
Society, 122 Bloor St., West, 'Tor-
onto, offers free Bible reading aid$
to anyone writing for thena.
Suggested Bible Reading
Wednesday, Job 1:1-22; Thurs.
'day, Job 2:1-13; Friday, Job 2,3: '1-
17; Saturday, Job 38:1-41; Sun.;
d y, ,Luke 8:1-18; Monday, Heb -
re s 4:1-161 Tuesday, PsalmO :62:-
Minister Urges
ve •
heer Ilealth Awareness
.Success so far in the fight a-
. gairist illness has been obtained
th through cooperation of health
in antlijarities and the public, Ontario
oh' Health 'Minister Phillips said in a
1-, message issued in support Na -
Or tional Health Week sponsored by
s; the Health League of Canada.
n; "rt seems sensible "to suggest
IF' further success will be obtained in
W- the same manner," Dr. Phillips
said, as he emphasized that "we
s; can get the best Out of, health
measures through public coopera-
''' tion= --not by fear or compulsion
1Y ."
The Provincial ,Minister pf
Y Health referred to Ontario's re-
g cent -proposal for a plan for hospi-
tal care insurance—a plan which
1% would help relieve the financial
e burden of illness requiring hos-
pitalization. On the other hand the
Health.Week'objective was to pro-
mote insurance, through' good
health, against illness itself.
"Both are worthy objectives," he
said, butwe in‘the fieldof medi-
cine and public health beliPve that
wherever prevention is possible,
prevention is better than cure, We,
believe that among the prevent-
able, but curable, illnesses, it is
better not to have been ill at all
than to have been ill and then
• He said individuals could cooper-
ate with official and voluntary
health agencies in the fight for
good health by good, clean living
and thinking, and foliovving these
agencies' ,suggestione for better
community ,health,' They shoUld
take advantage of all modern pre-
ventiveri,- developed iv Medical
science ,to prevent disease and the
spread of disease.
"Your health department or
your physician will guide you in
thee Inatters,'P 't)r. Phillips said,
"This means to prevent many ill-
nesses Which still are taking tall
are at hand—make sure you know
about them ' and' make use of
he regular "meeting or the
Wirightirn branch of the W.I. tvill
be held in the Council Chamber*
on Podgy, The motto ter the meet-
ing be "He Who litnotve Oro,
gram will be taker( H, 'Campbell end MO. MeCallurn; 4th,
Webster, Hostesses are to be Mrs Pantile Keened ft • II '0 w
Hendersen, , MM. 0.‘,Hast1eir
Mrs. WillianzOMI, MM, Cee,
.and Mrs. S. Bateson.
Reiteen Fite eekerneny is to
take;plate in Winghatit this week
to mark, the Second :Victory Loan,
Mayor Crawford Will be the
chairMan .aiiti artangeMenta ate
lbeing Made tti have the stUdenta of
both OthOola Preizeilt,
Thilraday evening there Were
al* tables taking part in the PlaY
at the Wingliarit Bridge Club, A
/Nowell movement Was used And
the restilte *ere': tot., 'MIAs *Lary
lehriston and Mit. H. Crawford:
grid„ ttra, .tintheonena and
.DreVid Robb; ;W.,. Mrs,- Herbert
Are e
Served All tinder One Roof
"All'yonr needs tincier one roof",
might, .veil be the btisineSS sogan
for an enterprising Arab In the
tiny, pf Abu Suweir who
apparently has the loCal nuMoPely
fOr 411,01101V Which are Patronized
by' Canadian soldiers in the UNEP.'
He -is Mohamed' NfOrsi Mohamed ,
Abr, an elderlyi greying' man wha
speak* Comparatively good, English
and baS an oddly .dignified
Mien, In a otripg Of adjoiningohopfri
ah011it half a (Or block in length,
Mohamed ie 'the eq valent to the
g.).13tiarl,,,,big.- time operator", His
shops 4re rim -down and the paint
is fast dIsapPearing: from
Walio- They OW fijgnii Of baying
been:damaged by the bpiohing of
the nearby air Mid, The days When.
thq village:. catered to the ROya1
Air Force are repelled by a fast -
fading sign above one of OW shops
saying 'Wish and Chips".
Canadian soldiers eonfined to;
the UNEP base find Mohamed
Ales. oserviceo 4onvenient if gome,-.
what lackirlein finality. His laun-
dry., has. the 'official base contract
which, alloWS each soldier.to -have
1.6 pieceo of peroonal clothing laun-
dered weekly; and two linifornis
Next .door his five -chair barber
Shop will give a shave, haircut and
ihampoo liar reascinable stun, 'The
hair loth* that is !invariably used
A neW nrograln designed to fos-
ter, ,recOgnige and rewardc'etehieve-
monis by women in the field of
traffic safety. has been*,!announced
by the Canadian Highway Safety
s for theaward of G0010104, ,?f, Canada
Savings 13nnilsgtAtioling- $1,750 to
the three women's organilatiOna
judged to have developed and dir-
ected the most efficient :; traffic'
safety Programs during pre -
vim's., year. In addition ti top win-
ners will receive bronzelcsiatuettee
designed to Syndzolize `"ivoznants
prothctiye instinct". The 'Board of
Judges to be selected by the Con..
ferebee be,geliiiiedied: of . promi-
nent .Canadian women."
• "These avrards,"' said the 'Hon:i
Antoine li..iVard,PCITairtnen . of The
Canadian. Highway • Safety Confer-
ence, "Will be administered hy the"
Conference through grant of Shelf
Oil Company of Canada, Liinited,
and will be officially known as the
Carol Lane AVards, Miss Lane is
women's 'travel director for Shell
and is Well known as One of Cana-
da's foremost experts,• -ont 'Par
Mr. Rivard explained that the
Awards will be presented eaeli year
at ' the annual spring. meeting- of
the Canadian highway Safety Con-,
ference with repreSentative. of
each of the '''Wilnitink organizations
attending as itiguest cif Shell.
"The first Awards , will be pre-
liented at the ConfereliCe's 1958
spring .zrieeting," said ;Mr. 'Rivard.
"Since they will be based upon.
safety projects that; have rpaehed
maturity' 40001967, .Wometi's
ganizatio4hiuch, a$'' -'service clubs;
church stleleties and. similar vol-
unteer, groups are being asked' to
inunediatelY eoritact-'the Canadian
Highway .Safety4C8riferenee, 272
Somerset St,. Otiatka, for
planntory brochures,• and entry
Mr. Rivare,:qinpilasized that the
safety.. projects could be at -.,*the
national., preVinCial'Or CoMmunity
nlevel. 'The judges," :he added, "will,
s!liozitetsb.0"eci itillfehriotireoes;10 rsn:tu),y0 h the13 Ytrhee. ,
Tops but. Rejected.
Through Snobbery
"Merchants! snobbery 'governs
the Purchase af 'woollens in Cana-
da;" Says Mrs, AuOtin Helliwell, ef
HeOpeleri Ontarle,in an interview
In tjte 'Kitchener -Waterloo RecOrd•
Canadian woollen 'and Worsted
'fabrics are just as high quality as
any produced abroad at the same
price, she contends:
But 'convinced ,of ' European
standards of excellende, even pet -
riots sebrn the domestic prodtiet,,
Mrs. Helliwell blames shopkeeper$
*he, "Won't give Canadian goods a
chande, they wbuld rather Say
'it's iMportedia"
Mra, shOcked by the
rejeetiOn 'Of crinadiim
gooda, is in a position. speak
With atithority.:.$he has worked in
gnash and woollen
Mills for the past years.-
Lord; Ali; kin0 *Thek
Mason 6th., 'Mr ii H. b. tell and
Art ' '
this past week (WO More Wing -
hint -hbYtt hatte.1611ed the 061611M.
On Friday Nick Sturdy joined the.
1ith Provost Company itt London
and on Ttleaday Natty Spry re-
ported to' the Sainte Unit
Thi it Week Pte, 154031 W. beett
Waited With his brother, George
Et Scott end fitMilY of town, also
loils patents, Iltrl „and • x.fro.--W, 4,j
y d . rot cOtt, Of Larigiii
is rather too smelly far the*,aver,
age Canadian soldier, and the hair»,
cuts are not the latest style, but
its one soldier Pot it, 'We don't go
anywhere allYWaY* so what does it
Matter?" Willie at the barbet's,,an
Arty) -urchin can give a splendid
shine to ArMY boots or Shoes.
Neat, in line is the tglier, For
noMinal charges he sews on tinit
flashes, repairs tears so they can
not be spotted, .and earrieti oit tail-
oring operations from minor, (4-
tetrattQns ttl the ManufactUre of a
complete uniformirom eloth vvhich
is strangelY BritiSh barathea.
Mohamed .alse has the boot and
shoe, repair contract treat the
CNEF base,' and ail types Of re-
pairs call be done, ,On the 01M-
PffiCial Side, goldier can pnrchaoe
all .tyPetf Of footwear.' Favorites
are brown suede "'chukka" shoes,':
and brown Pi black jack boots,
cOnehaseEa Ilya! SpaPir747,11fP;i,ufeirsd4otts.shp914ers:
A tyPiCal 'Egyptian touch: te
order the, slioek a 'trace taken
of the foot, glaring the itnpreaSiOn
the oboes Will' be hand»ttlade to
linVdeirvYidlli:l.ntreallduei„i:etrrikeefitS81;(irlfrr delP"
bozteS graded to standard oizes.
At the end of :the string Is a
,novelky shop selling everything..
from camel -,saddles (excellent TV -
seats, those whO have 'sent thesn
home repoit) to pietpre post -cards.
Here no self-respeeting Canadian.
tWh°inug41.WItehtirlit °C.f t lelset1:11;11g1041-int CY;
of haggling over the price. Tadeetl;
not to bargain is considered 4 0410
of weakness by the shop .010rb€1.
Several names have been sug-
gested for Mohamed's' emporium.
Two of the 'best: "The ReCkfeller
Center of Abu' Snvvpir", and ''Mo!.,
harned Aly's
One thing 'puzzling, to Canadians
is that theY never seem. to Oboe
except on .Priqay which' is the
Mosiern Sunday.
• •
MAY .M00..nclolicor,;' • :
ler hoe ilistedsre .Wrii.
- 1Ving1iam, Chat,
SeeretarY of and dia-*
triet ot Valiadian
Ammo' SoelotY '
There's lio better
:.! Pike or those idie,
unproductive dollars
than in Investors Mu-
tual, -Canada's largest
mutual fund, For WI
iolOrroutibri consult
your InVestera SYntii-
Thos,A: Jardin ..
- .. ,pholii.,144,::•! -.
-John W. Wainei '
R.R. 8,.LISTOWIE4, .
Phone 1042 .
'#7011•111tilali ,OP• -ITp
). *C•••••1 00•10 04•108 ifft,
E ,C
• 1
011111f 0000 111141
You :will find Preve.kg,ative.,
therapy much easier- ',!‘nd •
cheaper. Visit our veterin,
.ary.department at once and .
e a'r n the various ways.'
whereby, you can keep Your ,
livestock healthy and strong.
• iA,p134,04,1i(gBri,E4iNweTigiFt),0, :COTTON: 4e *.
Economical pain - 100% 300%
!':BA0541P10101114.'110N0 P:-1080.1)frieeeittasaill'Idren% A00,0114•§N
Attachment SET
Complete with tubing,' .slip pipes,'
• rine 'needle' eristala - 16, orreg. tie
s, 8, 16 -Oz..,•reg.-10e, 29%.,45(»;*
. „
Quick relief for Overaci itY 16, sg ozIreg 35e; Me
29e 49c
A quality liniment - 4; 8 oz., reg. 39e,' 69c
• 1 1
; o •
Agency for—
RuBarryo Hadant,
Ayer and. Revlon
DRUGGIST '.Ca-rno• '
'Anintat Width'
' PhOhe 18
WINGRA,M Repartnierk2-
6101.0.••••0••••• 000 06.00.0 oo o i!•••••..•••••-•0••••••••• 00000 o oo 00 o oo • o
8,30 a,m.—Holy Coinnitinion
11.00 a.m.—Morning Prayer t Sermon
2,30 p.m: --Church School
7,00 pan, ---Evening Prayer 8z Sertrion
1- * • *
ed., Pdi 20th 7,30Hrkard f Ma ageme t
Meeting,in Parish Rom.