HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1957-02-20, Page 1are, Davis, Captain Margaret. • riderson, Linda' Whitby," Barbara
,';•Canieloii,: Fay Yeo, Edna ArrnStreitg, Brenda Conran, Jeanie Poyton,
. Susan Reynolds and Sally Crawford.,'
months. A brother., 'Joseph, re-
side's in Kitchener, and a, sister,
Mrs. (Rev,) IL Gallaher (Mar-.
jerk!) livei in. Dallas, Texas. •
Resting at , the Good funeral
home, Waterloo, •for -service on
Wednesday, rebraary.'-20, , 2;30.
p.m, Interment in Waterloo Mount- •
Hope Cemetery.
now Kitchener, but Who.
had been life-long ,residents of
Wingham, where Mr. Falconer op-
erated the Wingham Sawmill for
many years. The parents were in
Florida when the accident took
place. Also surviving' are. his wife
and four'children, Cecilia, 14; Ron-
ald, 10;' Raymond 4 and Anne, five
Watched TN. While
xa ic,
,,,riends and rVatives in this•
comileen4Y were saddened to
on. Sunday that 'George P'alconer,
Soil at Mr, and. Mrs, ,john
Gener,, -former resicienta of ',Wing-
ham, had lo,st /ha life in a, plane
:crash nottli,east' of Toronto.
Qcorge, who was raiSed and at-
tended school' here, 1.1)11:0 Ole pilot
of a font-place :Cessna aircraft
which was reported missing' on a
flight• from Deo River, north of
bttawa, 'to Kitchener on Friday,
RCAF and. eivilan aircraft joined
in the search late Friday, and .ea
-Saturclay blinding snewstorrna pre-
vented further aerial searching. A
civilian 'plarie,from Oshawa locat*
ed the wreckage near the village'
of Ringwood am,:Simaay, ' •
Apparentiy 'forced off nor-
mal course,, the pilot had
attempted to land the plane in a,i;
open field. Not being equipped
with skis; the landing' gear caught
in the snow ,and tire craft nosed
.over, throwing two' occupa,nt,s, of
the Plane clear/ The third man
was caught in the 'wreckage and
apparently died, of exposure. 'All
three were killed in' the crash.
The two passengers were Alfrecl
Brown 20, and Gerrard Cassel, „38,
both, of Kitchener. •
Mr, Valcaner, ,.who:operated a
successful 'electrical contracting
firm in Kitchener, had been at
beep River supervising a contract
his firm had undertaken in that
town. HeavY snowfall at 'the, noi-
them field had' made it impoSsible
to get the plane into flight with
his passengers aboard, so they-had
proceeded by road to the military
flying field at 'Petawawa, while the
pilot brought the plane to that
point. From 'there they 'had taken
to the air again, with ;sufficient
fuel for a four-houa flight. It
was expected that the,pilet' Weida
arld.,4Laltata Airaiaie;:a '
parently,,bad'Weather had' forced a'
change of .direction, though none
of the radio control points in' that
section of the province had receiv-
ed a contact froM the pilot, " .••
George•Falconer had been flying
for the .-past tan) or three years
and had over :a00 hours to his ere-'
dit. He had IlaWri to the Ottawa
Valley several times in the past
few months. .
He spent his boyhood in in
ham and attended the local achocils
befoie enlisting in, the Canadian
Army, with WWII. he served in
this country as well as in. 'Italy
and .France. rellowing his dis-
charge/he attended' Western Uni-
versity and later resided in Lon-
don before setting up his contract-
ing business in Kitchener.
He is survived by his. parents,
Mr. and Mrs. John. Falconer, who
Guide,.Commissioner Mrs, Dorothy: Camerop, congratulates members
of the Wingham Brownies who became ,. Girl Guides ; a,. special'
'Ceremony held in the Wingharn United Church. laat.Wedneaday.
Those, in the picture are, left to..., right: Mrs • Cameron,; Lieutenant
The, Tornberry `Centennial
Coninintee is very anxions •
have ' the mailing.. addresses. of;
all former .residents:..
Old School .. :registers !give
Many, names, but in east eaSes
the ,'preselrit ad dreSaes . are. un-
any, inforniation yen-'•htivu to
your • section' •clutirmair• or :my
'member of the general commit-
tee: ListS' may abici be sent to
MrS.7 D; S. MiteNrain,,hton, R.R. 1',
Bluievale. •
George MacKay escaped in
ailry when 'the oar .;he &Wing
ent off. the road near Hamilton,
Mere she resides.
She Was. returning to her liem•e
'ami..,Wiagliarri, where she had
ttended the funeral of •Mrs.:W. A.
(erne Saturday. • The front
jured. There were. no passengers.
House Burned ,Do*n
,A.bNorb:41 , TV program,, a
Liatawel,; eonple;:-Ma..vid
fire Was raging on the :tipper floor'
of their' home ,on .Thursday ,even-
Section chairmen are us
laws• •No 3 Gremanams, Mn, , •
David Eadie; No. 6 Ifolines,
.Percy King; No. 5, Gila oizr's,
Mrs. Geo; Day;',No. II Lower
Town, Wm, R. Caitikshank; No.
9 Powelys Jack Wright; No. 2
Kirton's Harold Elliott. No. 4'
• Inuevale„ Gordon Mundell; No.
' Les Ito ,Douglas;; ' uncti on,
'Cedric Moffat; *Rand School,
Jim Currie.; No. 13': Laic's,
Merkley.1 • •
Bantams Win and
Tie Two Games
The Wingham Kinsmen Bantams
doWned the Lucknow Bantams 6-3
in an exhibition *in the .Wingharn
arena Friday night. John Fryfogle
led the Wingbam snipers with the
hat-trick. Laverne Dowling, Gary
Templenaan and Doug Spry added
single tallies. Lucknow marksmen
were Bob Hunter, Paul Henderson
and Bob Andrew.
The Wingham Kinsmen Bantams
and the Listowel Bantams played
to a'5-5 tie 'in the LiStowel arena
on. Monday night. Gary Temple-
Man and John •Fryfogle fired two
goals each for Wingham with
Laverne Dowling potting the 'other
Icaliihealkairrigannandina•Ofattle- latiarrita' •'-
Herald tecently had ,thre.'felloWing ••"
to ,Say: ofUeini: Hanna, who 'return-
ed from the. Selitn%fair the opening
of •thelLegiilittnre a few weeks•ago.
"Member:.,of ,the Provincial Par-
liament of Ontario and of the On-
tario racing Coinmiaalen,
Hanna songatoilt, another type of
racing . 'he compared
notes7the•Othet yet-
cram direoter 'Joe 11. :Aelaaq:,ot
the Biseayhe 'Keane) .clUb :„. in-
specting' laiStaynes new two
lion dollar plant; 'the. 4T:regaled
Adams With:detallS -of :Canaaa's
new •multinaillien dollar hotaeirack
at Woodbiee in Toronto he else
revealed Plans that the reatraillitn
travel and publicity department
opening offices Imre this spring to
attract summer travel to Can*
It "was not ,until Mr, Baker no
tiped 'smoke coming .from upstairs'
that they realized the danger. By
that time all the household effects
and Clothing in the upper rooms
had been lost in the blaze. BefOre
wfirasemaenipaasrstioVfedfiatres.entiie house
Mrs..11. Hickey, of Wingham • is
a sister of M. Baker.
RON. Shaw *arks
94th Birthday
BLUEVALE.,-,-Robert Shaw cele-
brated his 94th birthday 'at the
home of his daughter, Mrs.,Mitten
Fraser, on Monday, February 18,
''Mr. Shaw is in fair health and
able to take an .interest ' in local
and international happenings.
Ir"eb, 28Neviotdale at Gerrie. '
Feb 26—Carrie at Teviotdalo
Feb. a--Tealotdale •at Gerrie
Mar. 5-7-gorrie at a'eviotclale,
IVIar. -Teviotdale, at, 'Gerrie
Ifeb,,.19,-Drayton. at
Feb. 23.-Clifford of Dra:s",t0.11
Feb. 26.-Drayton itt , Clifford
Feb. .28-.0111'1ot° at Drayton
Mar, , 2---Drayttlit at ;Clifford
This Week at the Afella •
WEDNESDAY, 10e13,•'20th,*-
2,011 3:00**•i1aiblie Skating •
1,-30*-4unior * oe toy
:13.30 - ,Chesley
vs Whiginim •
6,30 Pruett&
.0.4.111:414 Fob,.22,1(1
1,30 6.301 nblie Skating
.000 Skating .,,
jai - Skating
QO 40.04,-Pithlic Skating
AtoNi),0,• V'eh.
0.80 7,304-I3initinal Practice
,130 "'Tien. Phiy-eff, Gina)*
' VS Wingintin
. .
4.-1) '10.86**4 faD o. g,
WEDNEStiAN,' Pelt. 27t1t-*
• 'OA* 5.00***Pilblie
Curiera Wore their ' hearts on
their sleeves, and on their alata and
coats, in the! shape of little red
cut-outs in the Valentine Bonspiel
held hi the Wingham curling' rink
on Priddy; ' •
Siateeii rinks 'frani
lbesicy, Hartisteri.„ Goderich, Mount
Forest, Teeswater, Beirriote, Drug-
seta and Winglutin took, part in the
honsniel, at which the top .honnrs
went to Wingham
The mixed, 'Warne:v . Caine to an
end around 9.30 P.m. and the prizes
were presented by the lAtiloe' pre-sident, Mrs. .1, H. Crawford, 'to the
follOwing players vs t, draW, Har-
old '',1;honiaa, Brussels, 1)ars: W. W.
Gurney and Mit and Mrs, A. Fal-
coner. Sc conck in' the first draw
were Murray Rite, Mr. and, Mrs,
T, A, Carrie and Mrs. Murray 'Rad;
third, William bait,'Ba in
anti'Mr. and Mrs, W. Dillott, Bel-
Ming:1mM .'Cairitrantok :,died•::i.a"alie.
Sarnia; GeneraP.Heafiital.
Kips 'With his :daughter in Sarnia,
he had been ill only a; short time.
His wife, the ,feriner ,Annie Camp-
bell, died in .1966. ;
Mr. Rintoul; • who had' lived .iii.
this district all was born
at Fordyce, in. West Wawanosh
Tewnship He began. his career aa'a,
carpenter in 1891.•and ,inl1898 start-
ed his own .business., as: a''general
contractor. Among', the buildings,
in Wingham which, he erected., are,
the, Hanna Meek' Edighof-
fer's store, 'then: •Kirig's DePart*
Merit Store. • He 'alsb 'ataspott..
sible :for the botiafeaction .of the,
nest :offiees at BrtragelS, ,Taia"and
Lucknow, aVell•I!'avI triarlY,: other
bUildings in WestearOantarle.
Active in .Masonic, *plea, he. was
al, member' of the. Wingham Ledge
Na; 'a86 and Lebanen Chapter: A
life-long' member. of -St. Andrew's
Presbyterian ,Church;'. lia',had al
"ways aeen keenly: interested' in 'the
work of the church.:; He was' one
of the oldest.reembeit st.• An*.
row's congregation, ;' • .
Sniviving are two 'sons, Nornian
,and Gibson, Wingliam,',And ,one
daughter, Mrs. `William(Eva) Har-
ris, of
The funerhl service .Was eon'-
ducted on Monday Afternoon,' .at
the R. 1A., Currie ,& -Sons funeral
home, with Rev, Alpaaader'Nimmo
Of St, •Andrew's 'Chu reit ,officiating,
assisted by Rev, D. J , MaeRtie of
the Wingham United' Church. Bur-'
ial was at "the Wingham Cemetery.
Honorary pallbearers were A. 'M.
Crawfbrd, J. W. Bitshfiela• H. C.
MacLean, B. S. 'Copeland, W. T.
•Cruickshatilt,'Jac,Khit and R. E.
McKiraey.'Aetive pallbearers were•
R. H. Lloyd, W.W W, 'Gurney, , How,
and Machan, TS, ••p, Crirmiehael, A.
J,...Leekridge arid Mari* Rae. The
flowers were Carried • by Arnold
Thomson, Jack Gorbiatt Sr„ Albert
FoxtOri, A D. MacWilliam and „A:'
M., Peebles. •
.more. The rink which took fourth
VICTIMS TREATED 4., by' aoDonv
Campbell, son Of Mr. and MrS.
Robert Campbell; of RR: "3, Luek-
,now, fell on the Ma While Skating
and suffered a ComaissiaM The boy.
was taken to Witighani. General.
,Hos'pit 'al what ho ib Sal& to be in
a Satisfactory cenditintii
Voisin; ef, .Teeswater,
Second ciraWl Firat, W, Bowman, Friday,An -year-Old; Douglas 'Mrs. lac Kerr, H. Walsh and Mfs,
Don Na,stnith4 second, !Hob Heth-
erington, Mrs. ' Hetherington, Cor-
don Godkin,and D. McKay;
third, Lloyd Clasernore,'Mys, I3, td-
wards and Mr. and. Mrs. Toni Mac-
Donald, A "Goderich rink skipped'
by H. Moritgoinety took fourth
was admitted to the .Wingharn Dinner was Served to the players -. by a special • conimittee'..licaded by Gaieral HasPital On, Friday .after
he had fractiire'd" nip bone :in his Mf;6 '11" PoYd Mrs.
right hand, east was apalied, at "-r".
the hospital and :he, Was ,aliewed
hame after treatment.,* ' ,
Bruce' Wiladn, frau-
tilted behea, in bis left ,babel on'
Saturday. The break.*aS reduced
under ether at the Wingham God
end HOsPititt After a Cast had
been aPplied 10 Wisen .Was allow.
ad to go haft*.
orptcr, pOsigo,
Ir. A. Parker's Office Will be
closed with' April 4th, ' lite*
CAKE $A18,
Caine and 'buy ,a take' at t4
"Cake Salo". sponsored by. the'
Ladies' Aukilloy, .Wirigham
General the Connell,
Cliainher Satird afterneen,,
MI'S, Bill Baia aria ors..C. D. Armitage got down to' the task Of Intyre, Vita W'Elliott, 3, ntyr
meaatreing the shots. during' the, mixed Valentine benspiel, held 'at the Zitiott:
Wingham lank on Paiday. dithers' in the pietuto are, Mrs, 3, Mac-
r er • erviee
,rail' United Match' nd., at three
ta* OP
• :World DO, of fr ."'
will betiii" I
warmiAm, oNTABilo,
lay. ThOredesaillaa„
Merkley, son of Mr. and Mrs.
Harry Markley;, town, was in the
arena lasi; Wednesday night when
the ticket draw was Made, 'Since
his ,slip ryas op, one 'drawn, JOhn
Wagted off a4th •the Prize, a80,09
in hard eash.,,Apparentiy it Pays
to, get out to ;these hockey games'.
• o 4'11. Q.
uONIB tSOUTH anitaig tnoae:
who have :recently left for .Flericla. a
r, and Mrs, Ed. Eclighoffer,
nd Mrs Fred Davidson anti
and Mrs,. W. 1-1. ramie)).
New arrivals 'in town are Mr. and
Mrs: Erb,' Pleading, who on 'Friday
moved inG,:;; 11: H. Lloyd's
lower duplex Victoria? Street.
Mr, Fielding is ernpleyed with The
Advance-Times. They formerly re-
sided in. Durham, •
Mrs. Helen Kerr, formerly , , of
Wingham, will be pleased to knew
that she is recaperating at the
home of her mother in Listowel,
following an operation 'at yieteria
Hospital, Landon. ' '
AL.L 'ABOARD — The town's
hockey • fans will be on hand 'at
the town hall on Friday evening to
board -a' special bus /headed for
Chesley to 'watch 'another "tigeX•
itisaela betareen the, Wingham Jun*
iors and their biggest rivals to date.
A 15-5 tie on". Monday'. evening be-..
tween the two teams Was said to.
be , the best *game of the, y,eari,
followed by the bang-up match'
here on, Wednesday . night.
Mr. and Mrs. James Burns; of
Wingham announce the . engage-
ment of hersister,: - Marjorie.
Brownsvaord, daughter of the late
Mr: and Mrs. Arnold Brownsword,
.of • Stoke-On-Trent; England,, to
Mr. Bernard Charles Cummings,
son of Mrs. Edward •caniminga and
the late Mr. CurriMingla - of. Blyth.
" The Marriage . tO take place in
Sacred Heart Church, Wingham,,
at' 10. a.m. Saturday, afareir .2nd.
On • the evening. .-"Of
• rebruark 28th, :and Friday,. March
lat, 'the Wingham Distriet High:
School students Will Piesent their.
annual Variety Concert in the
schoel auditorium. The programme
Will 'begin promptly at eight-fif-
teen. There will be physical educa-
tion displays and daacing, music;
eta:nal *ork by the Glee Club, and
a One-act play. • ,
-. The boys and girls will be selling
tickets for their entertainment;
the preceeds of which are adrnini-.
Stated by,the Student's Council for`
student school activities. Bily
ticket:" come: and see how much
teen-age talent there is in, the
Wingham High. School District.,
Admission 50c, no reserve seats:
A euchre will be held at Glenan
nan School 'on' rriday, February
22nd, t 8,15, hunch served. Tlekets
to be sold on a raffle. Proceeds for
'ruatiberry Centennial. Admiasion
35e. F20a
LEGION micitutc
Come to the euchre, in the
kin Horne on Monday, rebiantay ;25,
'at '8.1.6 p.m. aciod prizes, ,J.anieh
served. Admission 500:. Everyone
welcorne. Sponsored by the Legion
Ladles' Auxiliary, F20a
In 13rassala Town Hall on SatL-
•tirday,' .rehruttry 23rd, Prizes for
best Daisy,' Mae and 141' Abner,
best Square dame couple. Taynne,
Alcock, Clark, Johasten, gueat.
Booth by Ladies' Auxiliary, adrais
sic 50'eenta, Lions annual .concert
anec on March aaiid
Winghartir :SPortareenai. AsSocia-
lion Dance; BelgreVe irereaters'
Wedneaday,' Ifleartiary 20.
Golden- Prairie CowbayS, . Sack
liencieraok Ernie ' ether
guests,. Door :prize, spot . dahee.
IiIveryboely,'•vvelcome.. F20b
A benefit denee will held t in
the Foresters! ' 11111)4' Relgrave on
Friday evening, February 24 for
Bruce .•Carnpbell Who harl ;the rills
.fortune to loOae, the fingeirs of his
Lett : hand a fatal occident:
Eaqi•Yene Wellerane• Ortibea Or-
chestra. Ladies please bring lanai,
SouNti GOSPit, 14110
You are. invited to attend the
sound gospel films of Oral Reb'erta
Scriptural preeehing, and 'heeling
ininlatry now in progress at the.
Vitingliath Pentecostal Church'
ory evening this week
Saturday at 8 p.M. through tti Sun.,
day, Vebriiaty 14th at 1.84 p.m.
St; Mark i6, yntse these
signs shall fella* thedi . that be
neve; 'hi'my amine than they, teat
Out :deVI1S; they Shall speak- with
neW,torignea; VerS0 '"OeY Shall
lianas oh the ,sick and they
*hall recover". Vt0li.