The Signal, 1926-6-10, Page 2to alto .
2 - Thnr'day, June 10, 1926. '
ionaj Unvarying Quality
Member of Canadian Weekly News-
' Rapers Aas•elatioo
It tbllabed every Thursday morning.
Subscription price $2.00 per year. To
'United States and Foreign Countries,
d2.50 per year, strictly In advance.
Telephone 33 : : Goderieb, Ont.
W. H. Robertson, Editor and Manager
Thursday. June 10. 192'1.
• Sunday
Gam,. rh, (felt.
Itten't. put chi. put11-r avid` without -
a careTul 4,•ru.a) of the advertising I stated that more than ''lice as many THE POSITION 0? THE
votes west cast for "Home, Sweet . BRITISH LIBERAL PARTY
Home," as for any other 'tong. Per-
haps any EnlglIsh-speakhig bur stag- ' Mr. C.- '. Scott, the yeter.u, editor
Pole must have left the door open be- ingl commttntty in_aat lout of the of The )Iakelweter Guardian. male a
hind them when they came away. world would endorse chi: choice. spree -11 -At t e Mant•heater Reform
Club •which is eported in the' news -
Now that the Greyhound excursion Senate reform Is again to remain pwpr,namel. . Scott makes .only
Ls over. Goderieb'e Dominion Day 1•nuoug the "unfinished hushxas" of rare sppearauces hi these days of the
the serahou Worse rt!'. 't isamuttgjltabHe pletform. He said:
oetebrailou le "fie neat tog erect in the "unattempted brei: , -- Toronto "We as a party are [n�a tight pence.
this district. Glu4e. Rho denies • • • And for this the blame to a great
The weather man has hardly been degree lies upon The (nope itself.
fair to the June bride sp far; but more Senate reform cannot be aer.>ntpllshel
than half the month is left for him to without a sustained and determined
make amends, effort by a strongly entrwtelted tier-
- •'. • • ernment. When Mr. Kiat Prior to the
The Tories ,:ay that duelew ter. are last election made the most definite
is why people insist on Salads.
• 4• •
Those chaps who visited the North
it's We have a great fol-
low•ing in the country, but, largely ow-
ing to our obsolete electoral system.
a alterable representation in the
House of Commons. We have ex-
perienced and brilllaut men amu• g
our leaders.
"But unfortuuateiy they' do not
lead; they quarrel. Then again, like
pYnterttcmivt in sentian••1.-bol judging pee+peostu for Senate refer•" that have 1 every party which las no neer pros -
from the revelations of the smuggling ever been put before the Is»ople of - l '1 orbint'es -sur err fiaWe t•�ittf+(c+
-_-- 1 tions..^Able men are apt to be ambi-
dnnstiratlou came � them are tin Canada in prectical forca. ,ner-7tslte vs�lulti• rightly; but we hour we-
mistakahly free traders in practice. 1 for * majority In rhe 11°11-• that thing to offer to ambition except the
• • • would enable him to cagy through his reward -not ' always *0 ardently
i sought for It* it 'might lo --of doing
An Esteem Ontario family came to I program. The (:,lobe, wafted of coming 1 sgought
grief through offing old h•adrheese. I strongly to his support. ar•.uked him •.(•bus tke ambltD,ua are apt to titsand The Toronto Telegram 4: looking : -
be had not, already done cover within them sudden and eau -
what it was clearly ineseelble for peeing amniote to other pa
What does it matter? Let them go.
and may they take ae much of their
Liberalism aa survives so a present to
-new trivet,* •
signs to the restaurant waiters at Ot-
tawa to pass the heeckheese - t the
Grit -Ipnd Pcogreosice members ot Par -
him to do. The alohe'U course at, the
last election was the moot ,+ineeltlar ex -
hament. •li
" of fhb" generation
There i• n holy a:o•riike
Which e:,.1 lu heu>••u w111 not despise.'
Nay. which Is pro imus lu Ilia ryes,
The contrite heart.
rine Iluly Spirit trona on high
Will listen to its 'alutest sigh.
And cheer. and 11,.i1 and purify.
The contrite heart.
• Charlotte Elliott.
Bestow un us.. Lord. the contrite
heart. so that we :may plead for molly
and receive Glen :.41tg from an our
sins. For Jesus' sake. Amon.
8.• S. LESSON TIM JUNE 20th, l9't6
Lison Title-tludab's Plea.
Lesson Passage -lien. 44:18-34.
Golden Teat -1's. 31:17.
4n last day's 1. --on we left Joseph
in prison. A sue- -suet, of events. all
tending to the re .:,a• of Joseph. fol-
lows until we see. Biot standing before
Pharaoh. King of Egypt. Interpreting
a dream. The outcome was the 1141
pointing of :Tomo:. as one to whom
the spirit of God as prime minister
of state. than whom there waa none
greater except Pharaoh, "He that In
the molting was dragging his fetters
Of iron. heron- night was adorned with
in - of gold:'=---
Pharaoh had bon n warned io his
dream that a tin)" writ -mine was lit
lucid. s the prim • minister .hnw•eil Iris
wis.loun in follow ng out the plan he
I bad outlined to Pharaoh and stored
op corn a -plenty. Amongst those who -
came from a distance to buy were Jo! jamin than Jutish hlmeelf was. and
se li ,i brethren, ivhum he rwvornizer'' who. at this time, fek a greater af-
lie did not reveal hhneelf to them, re- ,fection. both for him and his aged
marling them of their conduc to-
t father. than Judah did. outhhtg could
wards him, for the time was not ripe be more pleasingly. ..r more hap>p>lly
when they could be brought to. rem said."
ptttttner. They cucemrtered many _M;..
disturbing situation- on their several
t that Canadians And what of tial What '
•have witnessed. faithful remnant who are left? That journeys to, and fell Fgcpt. even• lm-
31i1Harts of tees have been pialMad, 1s the mistake people make. We are t,rlscmmeur for threedays. Thea ten
In the 'Prairie Provinces In recent Partly as a result o. The (:lobe's de- sitting (•xpsrieu.e yukkwied their
ant u remnant. Vile are the majority
years. and as a result, it is aid. the fectioa. fir. King was left without' a of tine country. There la nu sistake memories and c.uiseien(ee until they
dreary expense of bald prairie la majority in the Hon., and to attempt about it. the country is•Liberal. cried out that thi•y $'wire verily guilty
Senate reform under the Perliamoot- "Then why does the country. which concerning their brother. ` .
p)~l 'S way_ to• a more carie' land= pThey came another time bringing.
wry conditions that now exist scold accepts our principles. reject our can•
trope. To an Ontario mato nothing is dic'r(tes? Why are we not s majority as commanded, their youngest brie noticeable in the prairie weuntry
2i x3 yards. Extra heavy pile and seam- Fifty on sale. Extra heavy, fringed.
less. Neat patterns and splendid colorings. Sim._ 36x72. Regular $1.95 1':aeli...$1.319
Suitafde fur any loam. Regular $19.75. TOWELLING
Each ,$15,00
1Ieut'y pure linen crash 'Towelling. 300
yards, 17 inches wide. Red or blue border.
Irish wake. Regular 22c. At, per yard 15c
2',4x3 yards $29.00
3x3 yards 35 00
3x3'/2 yards 45.00
3x4 yards 49.00
Size 72z90. Best American crinkle white
Bedspreads. Exquisite quality. Size 1'2x92.
Regular $3.50. 'Each • $2•6
Irish Damask Cloths, size 2x21'.: yurdt--
lieavy bleached pure linen, bordered and in
choice patterns. Regular value, $1.95. On
Circle Bar, Harris Knit, pure silk Hae.
Sterling values they are. "Shades -grey,
nude, flesh, maize. mist, ete., 82 to 10. At,
per pair $1.00, $1.25, $1.95
Swiss Applique Curtains on superior Brus-
sels net, heavy work and new designs. 36 in.
x 23/2 yards. lu ivory or maize shade.
Regular $5.00. Per pair $3.75
Eightt-ineh heavy bleached plain Sheet-
ing. On sale
Extra heavy standard quality. $11.95
3x3'/2 yards14 95
3x -I yards
3'/'x4 yards 18.95
Buttsrick Patterns for July
Subscribers will please cull for their De-
than 111e ahaenre of the trees which be.
is aeeustomet to see all about hint. if
thee defect can .be remedied, We_t:orn
Cauala wilt be infinitely more nt-
frei•HiF. "-- -
be to make a farce of a merlons Isere
of businese. For the present Parlia-
ment Senate reform 14 a dead issue.
• • •
Mr. Melghen sun. at Montreal the
other day and repeated n Ptttt,.tun(•e
Lis Ilamiitut speech in which he
threw away the "Ready, aye ic+edset•
polley 11)141 ,br•Iiire,t (tent before ('an-
ada'ehould take up arms there phonic'
be a general elec•tinn-'1' tie-'leorun to
Telegram hit :tly apmer•th that the Con-
eervatlre pat 'y leac'ers'iemaidrr title
goal politic-. They figure that. "On-
tario will vote against King no matter
what happens."- end+to they a -•e -reedy
t -Welee IIP slijelittiel1tat prpposew,
divide ()ueteer. it r, tmtine to 11.0 peen.
however. if chimer Owed.) or-QIb•
will gond for «Itch a tranapnrept
tuborrtlnatlut, nt prineijile and point-
-tem te part -teen exp•.dieney.
• • -•
Heli Ttafeherle•il at S,t roti. •tYC'i- ftetri'a"" mn
Southampton, Kiu¢srille.
Port Arthur. Thurlow and Kenuri.
which hay(• been maintained by tin•
Federal Government_ are being turned
over to the rontrnl of the Government
of f brtartn, - Th me --herr herlew-- were
etitnbll,hed nt a time Whet, the 1►.omhe-
ion GoverntIstt was In (snitrol ut the
Asherieq revenues. but 1 r the last
fifteen yore thcse'rnvenn.- have been
going to the I'rnvtneirit 1;overt' ment
The Flag Que :tisa
11421(011 Adv, rtlesrl -
A moaner of foretell borer--:ehr
drivers appear In the -.•y ilyiiz.•>fly
the flag of their eouutr>. The de -ire -
of many persons to alt> their tlag in '
another country'c•umes trot; a curious
,.i ki of atnttvea, chief Di Which iv
tate notion 'that a man untmpefrtant in
hie own Mrd derives Importance from
his nationality whin he Is to atwitter.
In esgetwe it 4s a --display of laid man-
ncr4. but why rielproat• br Interfer-
glee with smell eases? Oh:y a small
mi ,.city of visiting motorists are of-
fenders. The a nMi et of the United
States motoring fraternity Is this
.•onntry I. on the wbol� admirable.
M.$i' 'Lem welcome anal :dhow them
-thet 6eeedian nianuers at.- eaeuipiarxr-
Henry, _._
as a
.In the House of Coma,ous as in the they, and then followed more and to the subtle pttiloerphies of India.
days before the war? The main sea .io'c Mort -wing events. al leading up Ile became an outcast to his own 4se-
sdtn of cuaaPr is that there are now
to the - revealing of Joseph to his ple. but every one of his children have
three office Instead et,tw•o, fuel that bre111rrn. played- lllatluguishesl rules in the
nue of thtsr has been enc from our Benjamin. on the suspicion of her- awakening of India. He los wealth
A Prince of alts Cburttil M
Born. a blue-blooded Brahmin.
the strictest caste tradition. Dr.
('haran l'hatterjee became. during
more than sixty years of fife
Christian. an unanswerable argot
lssdy. log stolen a silver cup found in his and soe(al prestige. but he became the
"Both the other great parties rest sack. was condemned to become Joe widest known and the test loved no -
upon iwwerfnl interests: we. unfurtuu• eph's servant. Their dismay Ailed the tive Christian in the Ptuljab. and was
Ic, rest only on our merits- The heart of Judah. for he itnd become honorer by British and Auterican Cni-
Tories have some formidable buttres- m'et'e for the lad to rhis father. verelties. He gate up his instinctive
ne4ous lower bn•thr(•t, wee not the time ride of race. but he received the
sea: the land -a • treme Thew. P
still in this old ootratry-bits business cold. hard-he:lged men an, were heavenly grace. "the fragrant* of for
and finance loot ■Y but the greater in tee long rah.' for they prostrated knowledge of Christ." which hie
tArterllee, before Joiu•p41 and Judah preened every one hemet.
part), the church. the brewery and
public -house. and what Disraeli used twgan 10 pteri