The Signal, 1926-6-10, Page 1June Weddings
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Mad News of Harold McKetulr'i Fate
The News of the Town
Confirmed Goderich Horses Win
,uufirwation has Ireeu received by I
Mr. and Mrs. 'nota'notable;ouae; McKenzie, of I)r. Whitely. of Gosterieh. took two
BOme Of the High Sputa at Leat
Iran, of the Mad intimation first r•- Sets In the hll
King's Itirtay race welt
1. ived nearly three weeks ago of the . at (ileaiec. In the 2.40 class **Jerry
Week's bleating of the luso of their sent. llorold I/oughts, at Harvester" won in three straight
County Fathers sea. When the news first reached them heats. sod "Sid Hall" daplkettte) thin
1 of tlw dleapp•arautr• of the ship upon p•rfurmauce In the 2.17 claw.
The meethig last week of the come which their son had wiled, the par-
ty council wits a very 1nten-sting 4411x. tints hoped that in w,me way they I G.C.I. Notes
and some Im4ortuut matters were up aright IN. assured, of the safety of their Miss ('owno has resigned her pool -
for evuslihratlou. chic of tiles• was 41 but with the Iufurmatiun the! 11011 on the teaching staff of Gollrleh
the selection of tuluators chase duty
It will he to report 011ttheertuallzatkon
of assessment. after making a thor-
ough examination into the values of
property In the carious ml-
1I4or mouie
palillea of the county. The council
decided that one of the throw vulic
atone should IIP from U► urban munici-
pality and two from the rural 'Dunk•I-
pwlitle•M of the trlulldy, and that one of
the -royal appointees should be from
the northern part ••f the teeunty end
one from the southern part. In 4.11
have 10.1.11 able to obtain through the Collegiate lustftntc
sinus of collator were IM•tore the
council, but Mr. Abner (+open, of
Wfngtlan.. wlthetrew his apadleatloa4
when he found he t-ould not give the
aerea*try time• to the work. and an-
other applicant, Mr. Feer. of Ethel,
wrx 41*puntified h4.1.11 IMP of the conn-
ell-, ruling that no nrunlclpal officer
should ht. atleete(i.
The urban appointment was the Arst
to bre balloted upon And the choke tell
11441444 Mr. C. A. Itel)unutlI of Heuoall.
Next 31r. W. 14. (late). of 1'slw,rue
was selected from the south and as
the result of the last st•rtes of ballots
Mr. l'harten Rtewart of -%91field was
chosen from the north. Ito the l►..?
ballot Mr. '.Vm. Mctttd11111 of West
Waw•anes t sen4 one cute• heland Mr.
Memoirs. Mel ouuell. Coates and
4•wnr therefore willformthe
who are W
complete the
(o s. D 1
of lu+lt r
revert by September 1:,th'uext.
The question of the paving of the
Huron road. which is part of the
litre tford 4kaMrh•h Prov 'tidal high-
way. Atte dierus-.rl with !wow
warmth. particularly on the part of
Reeve M44Ju41to' of 3lelea:lop. wlo has
set htmewlf detvrtnin„W) against the
proposal. Ile took his stand on the
Enid ( but as the Provitr
lad d •
u�crit a n• cit e
. f the company owning the The w•hrsd will close for the Nam-
sit s
In 1it1, 141u1M•u t1 1 this 1 hos ba t be re- mer vacation on Friola .'June 18, and
nit•(41ntly abumk,uk,l. the departmental exxminat((►ns will
Harolti McKenzie was born In (}ted- commence (111 -Monday, .Ione 31,_ __.
erleh twenty year.. ago last November. Prlulip1 J. 1'. Howe and Mr. A- M.
.r Robertson will preside nit the deport -
Ile W89 the• only eenu. ant) too -•• - mental e•x41ntluatiuns at Exeter. Is the only other menrtwr of the
(audit. •Ht• left GaI•rleh !torte year.* ! Huron Old Hoyt" Annual Platte
14agol IUM Mlin•h and funk a position SI . i The anmiat picnic of the Huron (id
u boat sailing.' from clrc,•I11ng SIM.. 41.wsi Ass4)4Iatfon of '1'.runt, will be
that time he had heel Ka 11111g on the
•.Yeti t1. and this was ilia , -t'ou,t trip on held in area 1. Exhibition l'a rk (Just
the boot that was lost. the Suduff(O, cast of the Transportation Itulldingt,
4• Tran"mnrtne t'urprrariorr. -44 - +u+ BattU11ay._,June link, at 2.311 p.m.
is sttpmwrl that the bout taunt have. A good program of *pe
n 1. fur which valuable
The Grain -stealing tame •
The County ('curt and General Beer
ohms are 10 prtgnsts at the cinder
holm• this week. Jutllte Lewis pc,_
siding. The jury this morning re-
turned a verdict of nut guilty in the
charge• against Thornton haler. of
Ex,aer. of subornation of perjury. This
afternoon the trial of Charles !tell. of
Guderlch, on the charge of stealing
grain from the G4deriele elevator. Is
proceeding before a jury.
Trustees' and Katewayers' Atrwrlation
The annual meeting of the Huron
(bung Trustee" and llatepaycr.. As.
seciat on will be held at Clinton on
Saturday, June 1Utb. Among the mule
juts that will be sp for dis.•usmiun
are: Night Bt.hoola sad Winter Short
Courmes for Voeat4oald Training: The
Need of Commercial -Tonnes b. High
and Continuation Schools; Govern-
ment Assistance to •High Schools
Carrying Conroe% In Agriculture and
Domestic 14e sees. All who are he
rbs and games tereeted-Wredttetttt
Invited to attend the meeting.
*truck *ouething arab mune down very has Mee arrttnga .. _
suddenly, as she was to radio cum- prizes will to awarded. Soft -hell
munllation with her 'owners only a games between two ladled teams and The Greybeund Trip
short time before her disappearance. between twin meu'x teams from North The• sooner tire yh1• snd rived
Spotless to say. there is universal and Routh -Huron will be a feature. from Detroit at 6 o'clock ors Monday
sympathy ansalg the tuw-nsp41p1e slip ISvcry Huronite a resident In Toronto with atw,ut 30) passengers o❑ b.,4rd.
1 in Invltts1 to take part. and bring a In spite of rer• coup we,1:h.•r a large
31 r. and Mrs: McKenzie in the loos o[
,,,•,,. s.,.e ..
1 haNk(•t, also to bring his (or Lel) wmhe•r took- fn the mw.uifgbt ,-xcur-
nion lu the everting, tbere teeing 1920
paid fares. A great maa7 people came
from the u,ighhlrIi fawns awl town-
ships, for the event Bud fix -re were
hunt/rots of tars parked along the lake
hanks and at the harbor and up first
Mr. McKenzie. who is chief engineer friends.
on the steamer Mathewstou. Nought a With the Lawn Bowlers
nrwpwper h, Detroit and. in it read a --q,hv first lawn hotting lers tournament
..•s uu4h n
s tolkows. which c, him
1 Ira
p of the st1lnt w -as held at the 1'141011
the first startling intimation of his
sfnr•t greens on .Fri(tnc evening.
Mr. Iteu Felker. of Wln.Mor. Is t'lell•
I lug Mende in town.
('ountty Connell Pale
Che annual picnic of the Huron'
conn}y imunci1 will he held at Jonetr11
'trove. hayfield. on tVedu4*Iny, J •
16th. hiller will be served at 12.:50
and 'nipper at. :,.,til. Warden McKlh-
1ou. Clerk Helmut and Rerces Erwin,
('oz and Mattoon are the committee hi
t•hargc tet urraugrweuts.
11110 fate:
"lenulon. 31ny 19. --Tire Ameri,an About twenty plays.* took part In the street. The Gotk•ricb band played Oto
(might steamer Su.hoffcu, owned by 1 Ram,
and the prize -winners weer,•: 1st, the Square and at the harbor prior to
1Ile• Trnnsmarlue I'orlw.ration. was W. 'tog. Sharman anti Fred ('ralgie, the boat's departure. A Detroit throe
1i...L141 n1 Lloyds today as tuls•iug. 1 two w'Ins with a pion of 7: 2trd, Geo. piet•r orchestra furnished the music
• Vesting of the Suduffee at Lloyds Symonds sold Clyde Carter. two wins for glancing on the boat an11 everyone
with a tea of 2. rimmed to be having a gess' time. The
means that all hope fur the safety of -
1hP cerd.dPl, which left ibrt Newlrk. � Twenty-four fowlers partil'lpratwl 411 Greyhound left 011 Tw'sdn} morning
4 w1I ar-
e• 1:1. has leen abandoned the lawn -bowling tournament on With about 300 pal4.epgtrs and t 1
N.J.. on March
by the und•rw-ritors and that loves WedlIcsday aftrn4.u. The prize- rive Neck in Guderiah ties eThurwloyl
will be paid. winner)) were: .1st. (Thus. ltlaek and night. The last trip t0 lioirnit win be
"The Stellate... with a general ear-• R. J. Megaw; 2nd, J. B. )4walbekl anti tomorrow (Friday) aUprniug.
go cahnwl nt ¢S10.4111?. carried a crew' Fres? (•rulgie. �rhe►ol Slab
of twenty-eight. Ander ('aptalu T. 1 Tournam4nt4 will he 11.'11) each Varaneles oa Pub5�
Torn. r, of Holmen. N.T. 14be woo* Monday and Friday evening. and on The monthly- meeting of the public
hound for Ban rraDdit4'o and other Wednesday _ait(nemie. The howlers school board was Reid on Wednesday
PaelAe portv;' via- the Panama ettnal. are takltig a keel Interest Tit tbk night MIS week. The reee ntthma .4
Site sea,. last heard from ms Man41 1.;, 4417fl8tw'ttta grid feta shotld ba' 'a alias I). Bell and Mies !). Irnudy from
u for t ' Clt? y i0g staff ani
aa4d slept `�
Wren's Aid Swiety cantles will he sought by advertise -
The -following the meat. A notion was ag,i that the
h'hildrelt'a Aid Society have beet re- remaining teachers ori the staff- he re -
The Baptist Conference
.t well -attended and stle,e+.fol
meetiiyf ••f 1h.• Walk.•rtou .tswoeiatluu
tof liuptl41t4•hun•he.. was 114.1,4 Ito the
Gaierieh Baptist ehnre•h last week,
TI..' Signal mottle urrange'wel1 bit a
rep"rt of tris gathering, lint tits? youu.)
111141i w$44 had rut'aged to furnish the
ro.purt was unexp41r'tdly calle.l tont of
town and did not hand lu his notes.
t\'Ia1hk•r we• stall le able to ohtalu +t
report fur next w•erk's lap•r retuahi'
to be seen.
economy, wliekchcr + •p •lu ere anmpil �
er'eomeor4-(NR}Jl�•�l11y � �.� ►rim ••rrrer
R 41.17 Beet, of He crest' some ami bars
:u the conn110 urged that this (onnt! BRIEF'S
Thr folluwiug c n?rlbutione I evening trip uu the lake and keit his TCi
54)444114 4101 how the,' oppurtuntt.y of - . ,
getting a paint nerd we -ewer advat41 -- Tilt open s4asou for base netting !a .sdr4tl NHtce_tbg I 4 nxtuthiy rllasrt rttgagrd at the same salaries. Mlas cur. a new Chevrolet. on \Vest street.
ageo041 terms. pintlug out that the'
this dlatrkt cowtec•1N(•s Jun.. 16 and and an•• gratetUUy aeknoW1 gel: Sharman was app.dntt�Zo • b'u `w''nt'to get -it nft.'rsct'unt-
I'rorlee may ire•fore tong radnrr the 44(411d' to Norms/her 30, Moth -days in- Matthew Bates. el: Mrs. Chas. E. ranee (•xatnlrlatiull hoard for 1920. tog frotu the lost -r1.1.• it was missing- tp
p•reutagt• of 4.044 ,which it will pay. elusive. Young. 111: I'. J. Canlelxl. Al: Mrs. H. The bard ens gratiAeel 10 ns.Iv. HL party went borne with other 'tee-
w4 that .while Huron might dray The IV.I'.T.1'. 1111 meet in the Shipp. 11: W. F. H. Price, $3; Kintail from the \Votae•n'se•,Iuslltrttr ,1e, while 114 rewaiu441 to look for leis
find al
Itself n permanent Paceurrot It watt al- Trtnp•rune Hall Monclay, Jut... 14. at q'omen'i• institute, g10: W. Reg. ?Mar- a preferred slam of ><1(111 in til.' Nest- cat 'with ih di4si+fntr:e of Chief
ready ppa)-lpg a Niter.' of the erect tet a 'Lin. *tnPa•rUrtendents are '•xptesetrd loan. 1q:t: Miss ,Mary E. 'Hale. >R1. ern CanatlM Fluor 3lills Co.. tui pro. Posteiaha'a{ti. Next morning word3p
811411 pavements In other parts of the to r'port their work. - Clothing from Mrs. Isaac t(alke)d• Mrs. teed"' from which he way of dividend: cat recr•icr.l that fire- ear sees-.w.lime.
Praritnee The tarda eoatlnp�ls being place') Gem. Themsun. MU* Templeton. tire. are to be used by the toast) fruit, year road. eppeeite McManus'. in ('nttronte,}
al -
At 1he January. mesion the count•!l en the roadway 4111 the square this 3larefi ll A'arrtsd(. �:-Ztotkten: -. ;.- to year !b4. prtzr renette'perehe 4 V4- t•• Iestap -Twit. 11u and 11R• 141,,1-
-wlthol t much 4.'41 lileratlon, it le Week. ' For a few days . carownrr._ -Friend. Emtit front - (leo. Lalthwalte. turla and CeutruL._sebuvIs ..',41142,414 `light to 4.1, 1.4"t14, 1.411 rugs and w'r+(ps
- ptcaprt a res.tution asking the 1111 Ise•, else t0 keep to the side street-. Dept. Orf .tgrit11ltnre, Ileo. Andlewn, second hlgln•rt in he entrnuce eS• fln'I other t4. lege: leve o-tla to glee
!s• hl. p
Governnunt to (h•f4.r the paying of rile Mr. T. Rturdj', of town, has ovoid hi. 3lrs. Hnnkl►1g, Mrs. Taman. Mrs. Mar- ■minatiou. The Ioolnl adopted a mu- cur and the car 1•se•If w:4- reit 111 all
•o rued. A few weeks ago n yeti farm In Hnit t1 town/thin to Mr. Ies k. .hull .Harris.n, W. Mun'kt444t, Cakes flan at'4'*pting' tile• gift ami thflnkilz dams:v.4l, Sir. Tulp4o. 11..• whole,
Hl.. n r e, Y , dw-ichea from Marine S44•Ial the W iuenet Institut•, was quite pleased. as :he 1..... Mesh!
tknl w•n4 circulated asking the Gov- Cook, of ('nNorne township. This so:, and stn
ernwent tee have rite retail pared. from Seas mala t4)tottgh the Armstrong R4:1: t'In1a W, F. H. Prier. Altmeek Chapter. ' .Juice Preen n _'Tel !Mot' nsorr serkons t
Clinton to Golerk•h this year and ?big Esme mel insurance Agency. le 1.1).E 1 0(4 F., 314 llli'ray 311:- Bine Water (toll ('lib Opening! .thslt i1 ins. i
t - I
Harbor Noted
The only grain boat ardent the
which discharged a cargo of V'LhhN1
hue. of wheat awl 4.+,IMa1 hug. or oats
at the (:(xlrrleh elevator. y�
Mr. Ernest furter has pur.rutsed u
fins yacht from Mr. W. (:. (Sens. of
Stratford. He brought it to Goderteh
from hayfield on Monday afternoon.
Th.. hating !wagon Is lackwunt and
veer} few Ash are being caught by
hook 81141 line from the piers.
Miss Grate Strang was home from
Guelph for rite week -cud.
Mrs. cral,ie anti sot. Melvin, s4ieut
the week -end at /M'W1 Soulte4.
Ml» 31. E. Hogan. I1•troit,.is the
guest of Mrs. AI'xau.k•r lalwsnu.
Mies Marione Hurn.. of Kingston,
b visiting her sister. Mr.. I.. 1.. Kum'.
Mr. P,•rcy Prot•tur, of lk-trolt, wee
a whetter In tows daring the vast wet**.
Mr. ('IoM. Humber. jr.. ieft on Sat-
urday to take a p slims at Hewlltun.
The Misses McIntosh. of leechetu•r.
are visiting With their sister.' Mts. J.
Mrs. Jamieson 1rtt Inst week 40'
.t+l/_.ltcr_son. 1)r. lt.•t iatulesuu, at
('het ago.
Mr. and Mrs. .toon llentiereeut. of
Detroit. are visit.,;; fri,uds ori towu
this w.ek.
31r T. W. Nan n, .4f Walkervllle,
.•roue up on the 4;reyhouud to visit
141111fce•s herr.
31r. ,Ind Mrs. R. 1.. I4)rllelt, of Tur•
unto. 4114.111 the NcV�.IA-1.011 with Mr.
awl Mrs. M. Kearney.
Hee. F. Ci Elliott an Leave of /showcase
()wing to 111 -health - 111v. F. T. Ei-
nem pastor of the Ruptist church:
has been unable for . • time to oc-
cupy !tie pulpit. and in the hope that
n (ermpleb- release from work and re-
eponsl1d11ty will result In his restora-
tion to health 411141 vigor his congrega-
tion hits grunted him leave of ales -nee
for two mouths, He I. -ft col Tuesday
r b • Mrs.
of this w•w•l', neer wp4utk I y
Elliott. for ingeraotl and will. we
un4lers•taud. • epetal a portion of his
leave in Muskoka. A pulpit supply
is being arrange,) for the period of hie
a 100.111.1*.
this wpek at tilt• home tof hill pwrwlt8.
Mr. and Mrs- 11. 11. ('rte.- '
Miss Grace Holl-ey. of Essex. eug14.
up on the Greyhound and otos been the
guest rot Ylss Grace Sentry.
Mr. and Mrs'. .1. 5.. Ha1*Irk 1191)
children. of tt'alkerille, vhlted Mr.
and Yrs. Ed. ('xrter !hilt week.'
Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Becker, of lk•-
tn,tt. sleet the w-oek-cud with tin• tat-
te'Ys mother. Mrs. Wm. F. Young:
Hiss l.. Metrray, of Detroit. ilt VI.11-
1115 friends in town tills w
POMP over on the creamer (:reyllouwl.
Mr. Frank stun. of thee C N.A.. n=.
turner) on Monday from a two weeks'
vacation with Ida parents at !Inlet -
Mia May Itnbert-oto, who was
visiting 311•- Ham 1. Walnut
',tree!. for •ic weeks. hats returned. to
toe e
1.If meth.
Mr. and )ors. ('. .t. Walllugtun. of
ih•:usrfont. a -:ted Mrs. Wel-Hugtuue
sister. Mrs. .1 E. eelltorne. for a few
days this e..k.
Mr. Hold. McD.'nald' arrived front
Detroit by the steamer Greyhound
and was rsaw Inr aurae line ea kb.
4411.w at Duo
s -Tepee Stowe. of Delrolt: was
Car Stolen but Forrgid Again
Guderlch'n_ Veld record In the way
of immunity from nutumohile thefts
slipped to.'>tfi4.ri6nlr,11����� last,
abo41 Kinesrdlue with a party o
friend. to take In the elrec;lonud's
Will Consider Extension of Con-
crete Pavement from Huron
Road to the Square
All the member*
til were present at
tug held oil Friday
A report from
eh(w4,1 collect ens
May 4 to June 4.
of the town coos-
rs -
tire• regular meet.-
everting Mat.
the 'tax collector
of $6,fi20.U7 from
'rhe sexton of Maitland. cemetery
reported seven buriuht. durhig the
mouth of May.
('hitt of Pollee Pkmtrlethwaite
asked for the usual two weeks' holt-
uPs." for hlul!•If and Serg.ult lbws.
The Chief prop'St'$ to attend the 4'86.
Milan' veru Teat lou of chief deeu.ta Welt
at lanalou Juue t;, 17 and Is. T1w
request NMP granted.
.t report frolu Engineer Johnson on
Ow Huron recd Newer wan referred to
the ,ubik• works committee.
�• matter o au error n
den's taxer. wan _ referrutt to the On -
alley committee w$fi inieer t.
A petition for a hewer un Ught-
h4.uote etre-et from 4V,•liingtou rte We4t-
e.l•y teas again presentee) and w'as
stetrr to the mitotic works committer. as
was ads.. M p•titMu for a cement oldie
walk un the north skit. of F.:gln.
uv't•nne• from N Mterloo w Wellington
l'tftiuss fur road 09 dere pr414
t.e/M a from
Lighthouse street to Nerfcdk Britan-
nia read from x'111444 t - to -Norfolk;-
M•10.11-1044.4.1 -Tena" Tii•lnria 10 Water -
Mo,: $t. Vincent street from North to
Waterloo. Tlie Inublk• works commit..
e tee waw empowered- to act on these and
Huy further ts•litiuns for road oil that
u1:.v IOP prrl•Pe•uteyi,
1pgdications for Milting pariulte
wen• n'ewlvt-d n4 fulluws: F. Mellott.
bay te1u low. item•.' etreet : Col. [ging.
, 1 g
r, a v1.11ln• • 1)r.
ser. our Rita EI 'Rn p
p r
g F
l Smith. rammer cottage. Wright street:
A,, J. ('veger, isunit'ry house. Vletorla
street : Georg,• Johnston. roofing hart '
of genii'''. Kh•gsk.1- street: 4). 1.. .
)(tnrel*, accts* pairee or • Rwrtttng.-
('hnreln strw•t ; hues Tichliteme. ban►,
'ell- survey ; 11.1.t Ruraelt, barn,
115 '1 a e- I. '.8
of •1,. al nlil..tton Term Thos. T
Mr. and 3114. 1V. It. Ho•ur41'• Jr.•son for 1.1 It.i.s4on to 4dare ,r 5841oline•
- d
was Spied by all hitt three nr four of While painting a gable at bin home stem Band of Knox ehnn l alaltl ant
the thirty-one uwemlwrs of the cannel". 1.11 SRi1141kry Mr. 1tettert Imrnin slit. Golf nub. ilhle Water Golf and Coun-
in epdte of thing however. the ,r/u114I1 Pell end fell to the ground. a dt,.tte e e try ('iub. Vegetablpe from Mrs. Dern -
last week. after -a ileumt bombard- oT atw.tu twenty feet. Hr was not in: lee cream from Mrs. A. M. (:amble:
m,•nt from tta' Reece of McKillop, serio�sly Injured. as be land..) on his three dozen eggs from Mrs. Ins- Clark:
voted 10 t1 14 against a nation to tee- feet in u flower -ted. __magazihes front Saltation Army.
mend the r4rotutlnu adopted In Jan- The young people of Be'lmilier will The superintendent plated three
nary. In Ow tae'at1time the I'ru(ineit►I present the play. "The VilIage• Lan- children in houses during the. month
Highways I)epartmi•ut has already yer." in 144urniller Tilted church on and 4 (111111 he pieas4,41 (o tater froth'
awarded a eontrnct for the•.poving of Friday evening. June lot. The -loo- bonne. inthesestintry- who world--a•ou-
Ove and a•haff miles of the rend. 41r1M 4.111 he devoted 40 the parsonage Alter taking a sister. eleven. and a
11e county tax hills will le a little 0111,1. Admi*doi 3.k• au.? 2.p•. ' hr.' her. nine. also a pair four and six.
bIgher this year. The I,igliwxy mil' The next regular meeting of the mit for soma •holiday. durhlg July and
1, the Frame as hod year (two mills). gimme and 5411,01 Clods will be lel.? on' Aimee or fnr any 'writs' of time. The
the general rate le tour mill', and one- Thursday afternoon, June 17th. at 4 ante'rintendent Is now visiting wards
There was a Inr�m .:!ten 4e ill the
Blue Water 4:olf a_" l nutry ('41111
grennels on Thurseln) -last. when the
official opening of the course for the
Pelt Poll of 1tr_M; took Owe. Thr wea-
ther tont 'nose' otofnv,01441' 1n
tie morning hat ih,t r'ireel In the af-
ternoon. and the a:..)'a program w1411
much enjoyed: Ani. tit those errs the
course W404( 11 wumN' r of eisi 441 from
Winghnm. 1.w, u .:'•,Ift}t and other
Waves: sp wed! a. :t number. of Min -
'le of (he Maitland club. Thr prize-
wil�ners were: Mer. • 141 -hole medal
play. beet wore. .I:.rk Woods. 77:
t'li 110 1. mwkt; {olaj. Ies1 *vire
311s1 .Alit Suulde t,, 41); two -ha
fifth obit will he tevtcrl M nurt the n'clo..k. nit %'(poria seho1, M,mMts of the SWIMS placed In foster -humor lads
expenditure. THIS Makes a t
six and otle•tifth mills. Last year the
total rate was Are and wren -tenth
mttlw.. Tim tory this t,'411"4Mie+ not in-
clude tiny proVlslgn for the emit of the
new vatnatlnn of the county.
The renown made no ap4.dutment to
the ponition of high evsnstable.
The derailed report of the proceed -
lap of the council will be found 0n
pages 3 and G.
Meeting of Huron Rural Deanery
111 clime of the ineloquent weather.
the Huron Itnrnl Deanery m,•eting
held nt 1k•Igrave on Tuella)-. Juno. 1.
wow well atten4k,k every parish toeing
represented. The session opened with
proper and holy communion, Itnrel
"lean Rev. S. S. !lardy of (, 1 -'rich
and Rev. W. B. Hawkins, reer'r'of (he
ehnreb, being 1114 officiating clergy-
men. After the a.rvlee the 11.11111
butanes meeting was heti'. in the
afternoon ln*i,lrlhg a41drrws were
rioters by Rev. J. S. Rodgers, of Tor- •
onto, secretary of the )board of Re-
ligious Education. on Sunday stehnnl
work. OW by Rev. (4. R. $ehaffter. the
newly-apptdied r.etor of 4VInghnm.
nn mlaalnnary work In Twilit. Both
a4Rheseee were 11g1eued In with groat
interest. Rev. S. S. Itar(17 4 (elm or
nuke as rural }Mon having expire.).
Rev. W. 11. 11.^.1t Ins. of Myth, woos
sleeted rural dean. The Milkers of
the W. A.. Mrs. Jonas. of thoolo rich.
and Mrs. Panel, of Bayfield, were r4
elected. The Males of the perish
turntah4'd taonnhtfnl "payee and the
choir of the church ronioN r.r4 ex(elkent
mote. Thome prew'nt from (0-18rleh
were. Rev, S. S. and Mr.. )lardy, Mr.
and %deet R. f). Brown. Mrs. ('arrfe,
314... Holman, Mrs. Hartwell and Mist
ramie. There will he no pub -
Homers i'1)' /tern Georgetown
Another pigeon flight IN a. tgrtnhlete1t'!
rest.r,hny (301le Mho Ioy the G'ulerk lI I
Doming Club. Tw. t t)' -torr.'', pigeons
were miens* •ii at Georgetown at !r,:G1
•• cl(4•k In the 1nurning. and the first
hint home Mrriyeil at 12.511 hem.
This noires out at 924 yards- peer
Melee. calenla:ing the distflnee from
(teorgetow•n to 41044 rte h nt 1(1A 111(1404;
This is vonselereel ex4ellent 11me. e41-
iw vial 11) i4 the hints were flying
amens 41 head wiu.E. The first el• 4.41
birds arrived as follows:
I tier - • Leg Iinud Time
W. l'ithladu . 4.l . 1'2.511
t►' UM
•'Osh print" Will -kind•ly bring .ante 11(c m4.`41ngs held during t�8nmmex.. mixed -,'---t4.•-dad p.tar - .sgtw m4. fi4e._Il' I(� •'•►
There was a hig crowd at the !darn months: the committee will attend to -I boles. F D o115111 l::' an atul Mrs. 11. 1'. Jetnr.tnat------
' e N. 1'Ielaeker. 43: n.' its deicinc rnt11- 1'. J•,lsn 1.11 --
-L 4 L-ri, 8 bathe -titre- - K'. ttaker
Tarda: ladies' &hitt; competition. 'fi' 31M-K1iir- "
5. Ma.•Knt
V, M4. -ha) -
it. }4trt.e•ta
A. Aitken
P. Johnston
Tia• twat flight
own. June spa.
dance held lost Friday night at tier- . all hhalntss.
pend NleMk•hael's. Huron road. Iilal44c
was furnished by a five -nits -o• orb's. : --A World Tourist
oro from S4mfort4. nisi the fin, 41a8 Miss .lemsle H. Luxton. of f7141)47'.1 Miss Ally Sann11•,s. 8 halls. 345)
kept up until niter 2 o'elue14 In Ihe tn.tralia• who wog visiting the Lnx- yards: lather oi.p eif'hTng eelidltl•
morning. i ton faintly here. left best week for tlon, Meso Alh RA,111111*; men's( 111)
1ent,4.ln. (Mt. M1ss 4.1111011 1n having proaehing c•4mpetiri• n, )hen 3l•lkm-
CHURCH NO11'ES i a very Interesting and eomprehensive aid. Owen Sound.
trip. having in the )not eighteen The Club It 111111 c a /writ of et,m-
Rev. C. F. Clarke left yeeter,Iny to months *ran a considerable portion of petitions; on W,•dn' • :47 awl Natnrhay
attend the meeting of the General the world. A graeluate• of the Wo- of each week.
council of the Collett ('Munch at men's Hospital In Sydney. and of, the
3luntreal. I Brisbane General Hoq,4tal, in Queens- The County Council at 'kin ardine
'The members of :It! Huron ....linty
conned! took an afternoon' and evening
off lief Reek and ail. the .an11nty of-
ficials paid n Visit eft Wednesday ay to
the }truce county(,/ melt which was
eximing. "Fonr Great Facts" ISydney MI`. ',triton'', Arse port of meeting at Kineatitne. Sphaulid ar-
tier -vices at t'tctoria .street United; call cies Nlndaka. British North Ror- rang'mertte • had 1..••n made at the
church next. Sunder ae 'renal. Tito nen. Manilla ani Hongkong 9nd the northern town for thele reception null
peeler. Ref. Selby Jefferson. will J pjtneee port,* follo41Nl. the Antigen -
1 at the interning !wryly?. awl Air. Ilion 'traveller making small journeys
Jas. 3t. Conner. of the 4►utnrIe 1'm- inland fron, the latter. 4louohrin next
t'nion will h• put- I and then Nan Francine'() and San Reno,
Whitton occupy t
Pt) In the Peening. 1)4hle school et tb whore ohm spent some time Horning.
A .m. !Anter wile vieit41 miter Amerieen ten•' councils. In the evenlag there 4141'. a
• The regular Averting of the W. M. S. trek, alwa74 spending a short time in i grand banquet n4 the town (44111. where
of Knox eMlrch *1(1 beheld 4n► Toot- 1 nursing. From London. when her the Kincardine 7a.TT» far'4•.1 n term}"'
44ay, June I•;th. at 3.30 p.m. Mrs. etay there in over. itiss imxtnn hopes tions repast and :,'terward' n pro -
Wolter. of Saltfonl. ono' Mrs. .t .1. to go to other (Merin cites, on to gram of towels n:•.I epee..hes and
\taeK:17 w111 hnc4' charge of tie•4ero- t 111411 . and ,Ventrally to the (an- mnsl4.111 844,'? .n. 1.•;'t the into rest at
gram. A cordial Iniltnt.lou In ex radian !Vest nrel Alnskn. Nie r.turne high Wien until I' 41 the midnight
tended to all the Indies of the (emigre -'to Anstralla at the end of the year. hour. The ct1110r ' f The Signal was
The services at: the Baptist church land. Miss LitYtmt 18 turning her
ne4t Sunday will be held at 11 a.n1. calling to a happy nee by travelling,
and 7 p.m. Mr. H. (food, 11.A.. of Kit- and ',nutting In variona interesting
I will preach. sermon subjects:, centres to prneNse her profession and
morning. "What 1. Tour ]religion?"; to .44. bow nth'r people tire. From
entertainment. anti they heti a right
royal time. The first part of the af-
ternoon wan deVotlrl 10 apart P. which
were followed by a round table cem-
ference mit suhjects of interest to both
station. I Spanking of the heepltals of Aut-
The merrier% n?. North street United. resile and the r'nfted Steres. Miss
churet, next 1111rsr1y will h! ay f.e)- imx(on .nld that they enmparrl far -
lows :
ar-lows: 111 a.m . Men's ('Int, chore! o rahly. "1 understand that the Amer
Oa woes and 31(441441 item'. 11 1 m.. lean hospital. are (•nneelern) among
itev. 1'. S. iInnes of Auburn wilt 1 the beet (*pepped In the world, and 4
p4(34(4 and of 7 p.m. Rev. 41411y Jet- 1 M.Uer. ort'. In Anutrella are quite as
ferson of Victoria street invite'el np-to-date." she remarked. "1 have
ehurrh w111 be In eharae•0f the mor- not as yet elated any Oan*Man hos'
among these honor.•' hy an Incitation
to this eplendld ¢:n hering. but un-
fortunately he hos not been nh14' in
the time at hla Il.porral to put his
notes 1 h fnr nn adrgnate report
n 8 pe
In this week'. loom Amende will be
made next week. he Tier. it WA. a The n.rvnna wreck" In ('hle,gn are
grand and glnrinns oeea*inn and will three whet isn't tell the difference hes-
t* long re n►4ered h7 those who neem teem the h* -lore of an a41tnna+hITe
privileged (n lrm pi(' *Pit.
and n Ant -Cincinnati Pnqutrer.
w14r.11n,* visited nr the, lm'tar .. - hwu!e. oriel tutGk hi ir7nf '`of' his peer•.
rho forint -ea introits M'r. and Mrs. \V' rt corner ('+tmkrII rood lino' Elgin -
I•r. ant Cambria mut_
U' y' ,rel,+-tet-til.«-J-tw'i=(+Idlc_9trvktt --
and ;Ur.. (;ts.rgr r. Airs. committer•.•
.los. 11tu141' *tot .4411 41141it441 friend. at S letter (rota .t:es.' Sainte -re with
Sweet .. Paluerslo11 and Uwel• rlerelur_ t1 14sse-sunoillI Lr lncnme
Sonnei o a4. y the still
4.s. Barry Little and Mrs. Stout.•), tux stns rete.n,l io the finance• cnm-
lrtrnrRlm lend-bntn e--+f_IV •teiser w. r4 ml'ii"r
t 1".11'''`H''' Ter 1,411114 !maid* '
.4. 4' 1( this sew -is at . the bodge +4( Mr. 11w.nr1nee in --the- t:;.de lol,iunil y 1'u-.
•,u.l Lu' John ,4 J.dul.,on chs , 1>is:
_ iniXil >; Na11d 1•nVt•.R, ..f lk•tri,it.
:-fr•}rq'1* fT'n1 1114 iMe}1,•1i.Ji cilli--- s.t
cloy evert -tor th1gees+ '.1rs. Wits.
I p,irr••ueie to arr^.lrs of taxes ale. eels - ... ' s
dry nod visited 1•• 4. siert."... 31 r.. Wui. + sent to filo. til 14141 committee.
Tait ,11111 3113+. i4,'. ' W. street.
1 Tlu_Jitullrs:: mntiit,r rels,rkr{ rile•
jilts. N'. Mille.. -11MT-'Mr. 1ieiTn1T"4.41sln. n+urnmtutl,tioi That 11
14orten, r . family of eiefs •ogee:. tlotl-L.__.1s4L, 01 ihc_r._epit•st of t1, .1.
rWtil Mrr. •�littmn ,is1'r, 7,Ir�.
.Innu. j"mem, 1,�r ..•verni .Lies fine t4sln+t. for +a-r+l+utt- .41 '111.. roa.l oil
pn't wc/k'. 'T a ltalil• .la..l104 his Vaeatt1 .r'l •rty
31.tV it it 1,r, t t stir 1.on E.i`t stn.': ` hs the teenier of 114'
3114.1. - owe e t ,y • ee t vhartu•.••f Ihro•• per tint. by the Tor -
Onto oto eTn,•sday to • 4sit 1- Onto e:, ue'n11 Trusts ('orp,rntton for
fives n4 Ihir •it. tithe was neer4n handling 1..11'.44.11.' funds.'Ihut rote• '
paui41 b} Mies Evelyn , 4.11 '. ne•C, here.
1 • aseertak 404 from ...lo.w,tlw'r trust.
reMr..•41 :,.,....iletrolt .444after n visit her.•. i'.'nttwutes: that 'lI* 4ce441u.t cf 158114 '
Mrs. ?tMi4lalr. >.b.4 .ta,ut.tbe .wi,,4,i fr..m 44. 11. It a Son for un'I$I-
alter nl:oir+.+_e (444le,1 ,,, i,lu' I.eatn-- tnr11 srrW.»•k�li--441--with-the- _
'ngton• n•rftnitI to .Iowa. Slit• It,ps4.cl1 1.o•W 11111114.-114411 I,htlding Ise•
titteas m°er-I i 1w. )It ..%li•'II b4. her Poo 1.1 th,i! 1i-fiRlfir stun '44. 41'.41111.( he
of 4lrhle•r-1, ,11tw,. 31rs. ,Nil•, Slnclnlr 44114.1 the collegfnt• 14.111mle'wor.l on
of 11oc. l:u d: mid +b4• httl4•r's ' -- the 44241 leey
sou.The e. notery and Inks se,1un141(('4
31r.:u ‘1,-, Jas, .4.144114?,'tnni-}fitly 14..o11114. 1 144 tliaf 4.h.• 14,41' all tinter --
ilia r..,c4 in front of Or. .ttkieson'•
''sldence le reto,t4d :• thot 114' 11. 1(ou
171kre n*d TI. W. mitis
..0 (he• - .Gr''yhuu101 holit nth fnr til. mn..vwl , t-14 ts.•r. e.0 tai =-
paslnatrs ley-t•.•et : tent Th.'nms 1:4111.11 Ile
ani a . IM 41N - im :(ftv. f«4.. r?.ob14 •IIPgle_tourlat
S#1 _ __-
sfv�4mi` 3111 sialle• sold • nmP)ITW Rrrlrmrt or Park tt0lAsr• >ot 111.'-- - ' _ (E
Sir'..r.. Accompanied by Mr. nn41 ,,e }t4. -e); -that the water xud tight
rte tit.
t .0 I
, o' 1 r
' I'1 hr
31rs, .': .1 K c•44nenisi.ol he requraed to hustflll n
had , wn,•k u1d motor..trip toe ,lyra etre.' rtrirt in the lotrkelte at the end .
Niala'I: 3h•afor,l, Thornhnry. f1'''4 err .r Montreal street. Tile ,•orullritter
tun nn'1 (1-11 no. And report a nP.-t e1' ,'j.,. ;. 4' that the children's mein,'.
joya Irk 1111. 1:.111 ln•+n pal tip lit the carious parks
Mrs F:, - Grob and ilaughre r 4.•.r rhe s•aw►u. rim Lime' chfb wit'
1' Wall I markt t'4. tl' of
314.41. 311•. Ihaue. Miss 3L•n')
Mrs. 1'. 4111. -illy. Mims 11ereatlet11.
(1'(.'.ntldh:. 31••. $3w••w shpt•" 1'eatttr-
and ii,+)4.h. if Lot,thrlu.wt'lrrr'ltmengtl
4l 2 2.111)
7764 321i
771)7 0.24
54 5.40
14*. 0.441
717!4. - 0.43
(ION 11.05
will be from Tor -
Women's Ltrstltute Dhllrfrt Meeting
The dlstrlet meeting of the West
Burns W0new1. institute was held in
the town hell. Winghan'. on Juue 2101.
The morailig 414:wlo11 ''r,ns1st'11 of re-
ports from the dlffereet bennehes.
whit•!!,rl theta irl le enitnat'.l 111
Reties work for the benefit .,f the
(Immunity'._ The renewing ,,1Aer•rs
were elected for . tete ensuing'yerlr:
I'rerel,en t. Mrs. one. 4 rn i ksha uks..
re-e'ikr•t(rl: first tke•pn•+Ir1ent, Mrs.
Robt. Ala,Kenzle, IheiInnn4n : at-
coni vie4-pr4'sident. Mrs. Henry
Little, Le.neh•slboro': secretary -treat.
neer. Mrs. .1..1. Elliott. Wtnithnm.
The afternoon sweeten ('4 41si11(4d of
rrtmmenti?F-- 4agpaa.. an, instrumental
by Mrs. FingInnd. ltlyth: r4r'Itntlnn by
Mrs. A. YMKenzle. (,hnpmann-ntwletant
tress hy
enpertnte'ndent. Toronto i w'hletting
selection by Miss Remi ire -neon. Wing
rennet was served to over 100 dole
gates 'by the Wingham brnnch. slipper
"Oen tele, tarred at the 1l.e of the
vier. Sunday school at 3 p.m, petals. lint hope to do an." A 1 g P111.
Et•ang4 hit :1 ,e4. x114 e 4 ' .npplyhlg two to w .-fr1.14". 01 cirele
11.. -ton. 31:,41:.. ore 14 ocllutt .tune (11)1 .swings and the ..•nunitt'e niked for
by 5. 5.- H0m4•rie' on a trip to France, 44ot e4. Ii, MR"' one i4.► t'k traria ('ark
Italy and Et,5111nd.'Mooting In return ami nes, at Harlow Park. The cone N4•P;t•'lller. Mrs. Groff Is 41, II
metier ttrggest,.l 'that the Lions Club
known in G••drrk•i,' bit• thn44kt,1 fur J111s farther addition
31r,. Knln. Bosnia), and Milos 1.4.11a to Ile prlrngm11pds ey11lpllwli. 'I'!4e
Bogle)'. ;;.,1011. ean,irsgt„1,• arrived by 1 1" Ili t cnrhlnp1 ens ',eine 3,184•.,1
'termer ousel nn Monday n4.,el
armee! the toddlers' mnniment in the
will r1•mnh, fur a month with rein S.nnn' an41 the r 4 Weide the
i1 q
lives In tills vicinity. Miss (:ertnnh turbine %•until be 'ogee) and Inst In
R,-glry, ..f Detroit. also, .Mme up ••,4'I,,,)11411.m at m1('r. .lex. Johnston had
1R','n engaged a11 caretaker of parka
during May at * per day and the com-
mittee t'4r•.Nnmettded th41. he be }*44.
SOO n month from June let.
The sp.r•Isl committee reptrtrl that
a eitlzewe committee had leen. or- -
ganlnedetiw** !y ent a 11,.nsinion Day --
4elehratlon. Samples x1141 prices on
pollee uniforms had (41.1 oh(s-)t1e41 and
the committee r,r•ommer,hrt that the
chief 11111 sereeunt he allowed Ano
finch to ptn•has4• u1►lfurnls from sail -
ides sihtnitted. and that In addition
two new uniform cape be prrchneed.
Ttn• 'midi.. works committee r,rront-
men,b',) that no amino be taken nn the
r,gu,wt of is. Mellwnlu for persue
.inn to 1(x40' a gasoline tank and
pump on Ne41541te street. anti 111141 Mr.
Mcllw'nin ise notified this the National
(('ontinuerl on page 4)
the Greyhound. but r.(tgrncd to De-
troit the next morning.
Mr. and Mr.. .t. A. 1►nwsnn and Mr.
H. 0. iDawso.n. .4.l Detroit. who have
here -on a upinftrr trip: sort sport 8 few
4eys visiting itch' : Anne.. Mr.. 09)1041-
es/on _intl. t1fis.__N114ins, Gloucester
Terrace, hate toturn4r4 home. (iii
their 41ny over they vieittel friends at
Tavistek. Lisfnwel, 11,n'fr-n noel .tit
burs. and report n cer7 pleasant trip
The Signal Incites readers to
eoutrihute to thin column by
styling in the names of their
vl.itor. and also letting us know
when they or their frlen4w go
visiting: everybody help to
mike this column as Intereting
as possible.
wwatallagIMMIll 4.1.111M issagainit 41110111
am► --sag?