HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1957-01-23, Page 12County Rate ; (Continued • from page one) StAMOW #4;:f 7.16 TA ifi OVER OM:0 gARRIER. kinday aerVieeit Solteel Mra. mliering. the I..ord apt 11,J5 Meeting At 7;80, p,m, Thursday •evenhig at '8 p.M. Meeting and Bible Study. Howard 1)!erOon.cly Appointed Auditor , For Tur.nberry Twp. SE.010110TY a Oen- fife sPeoial contract pre- hit I. Insurance and 'Pen- 1 , Option yfil in olio policy !Wetable from. Age 0 to age 65. Consult FRANK C. HOPPER gepreSentative— Canada Life WING HAM, ONT. found to he libent 00 per vest of teatvo, Among the resolittions drafted was .one which rettneSted that the Ontario Government • glte tlireatf eeriSidetatiOn, to the Celinty. of Huron as n site RN' the proposed ,wheel for retarded children, The question of grants to hospi- talc wili be studied by a commit- tee' of the coulloil which is to re- port at lr later SeSSIOn, ' 00X betinty was increased to $4,00 for old foxes and $1;00 fur pilps, Several rerjliests 'for in.. ereaS0 were roseived, depredations to poultry-being the most freqnerit' ly quoted reason, --Central Press" eanaelan • Sailors who will man the BonaVenture, fist, Northern Ireland. Sixty.-five: Sailors made ida's new aircraft carrier which will be corn .: the flight to take control of the ship whiCh was missioned' this week, hoard a plane at Shear- designed• for the British navy in 1940., but has ' water, nayal station, 'Halifax, for flight to Bel- since' been altered to modern standaidsi " Attendance pilks, Presented to Kinette Manbars, 'rho regular tweeting of um Wingham lituette Club was held on Mondai evening, January et the luoefe of Mrs, Calvin Amite, President, "Mrs; 404 1,49)'..tli; was in charge 'of the ,meeting ittid es, signed' the vorionii •Peiriniilttes for the Inter-Club , meeting, which is to take slice; in Witighant :95 May T. ' , fOnette IOW were presented"'„•to, Mrs. Bruce Na4$4411410, and ,Mra, Bill 'Connell and feet attendance' pin to' Milo.' Har- vey Fisher and a four-year perfect attendance; liin to Mrs, 4•04n !Oft, Ea h 'Khlette was !ONO ; raise 400 by having a table.,!of cards to assist the Brownies: '1, The ,next meeting will be•held on January 28 at •the home ot'M'rs. Jack Gorbutt, when the Kinettes Will begin making favours for the Inter-Club meeting. Oil N the dynamic force in the currentlY eipanding economy of Stiskatehewen, only known solely for. its reputathn/ as 'Canada's "wheat"Provinee .1. 4. Small Town: A place Where everybody i&ot only knows which men beat thetr, wives,' but . also which wives need beating. are being offered at Edighoffers in Broken Lines and Regular Stock. Take advantage of this year-end CLEARANCE BLTJEVALE-Word has been re- ceived by Mrs, 4ndrew Lamont and Douglas Sfiachan, of, the deafh of their sister-in-law, Helen. Me-' raggart, beloved wife •of Dr, James Strachan, of Fart William: '• Mrs. Straehan was, formerly of Chatham, where she taught ;wheel. Dr. and Mrs, Straehan have lived' in Fort William for fifty years, Dr, Strachan being a practising dentist. His e,,,arly life was spent at Jamestown:77 Mrs. Strachan was an energetic, worker in church org,anizations, the 041,0 market OUtlelVell," 0444 11(tr, kiergott., elunpalp te got farmers to sign a .tleolafttion to ,the affect ' that theyh0 itititil:Litikoognproitoductehrosi want market is already being pitt into seep, the campaign is receiving, 90,P0e4ratsit49;. 1194/14,,t1 ..liiii `'f r` as can he, nionber of questions followed, among then' being' ono regarding how 'hogs aro sold under the 00-1 oporative. scheme. Mr, flergott rarity, , said that ,the CO,OperattYP /seeps (40e check On the 'Whele, sale *ice' of pork, storage, stocks,. the pricee. Da the V, P.,Market and Several' other factors, and from these statistics sets a price on the hogs, If the packer won't pay • this price e a.t'SbQiYd, mB4ayeli9bori;idc iSbainc:4aele!4innd; dividually, -When number .of packers roach a price and buy' at that price then the price heconteS the 'pay's, Price for hogs. ' ..It is, of course, up to,, the .,ec; operative to keep the daily Prices. as high aft possible. aurtent Prices Would be further strengthened, it Was po'int'ed out, if the marketing agency 'had 85% of Ontario hogs' being delivered, to open markets,I rather than govA,, 'at" present; V that were the case then the ngon. ey's bargaining position' would be even better and, ,Qntarlo hog ;pro-. dupers would "gain. " On Monday evening her.; gott;' addressed hog producers • frog'. `the'. tbwriship's 'Of WsWanoSh Morris, and Morris, at Belgrave, . "His' talk covered similar groiind to that 'dealt with in the afternoon at Bluevale, Fuller (15th yea`r); treasurer, .7f, :A: Wilson; auditors, ,Laurie .:.Aladc, Don Nasmith; envelope secretaries, Mrs. Jank King, Mrs, W., M. Davis. Sincere thanks were extended to the following; Parry. • VV'enger, C1CNN Radio' and W, Win, Con- nell, Mr, and Mrs,'"4„ G:Orrio,i sun:, day' Schoel teachers, the teeter and family. '13e, W. bavls was made Church Warden hmeritus. • These officers will he installed in their respective . offices daring the service of inoning prayer...this coming Sunday. , At the clOseof the Meeting- lunch was Served by the ,Latlies' Guild, LADIES' WINTER -COATS Men's s'zip-in •lining TOPCOATS BEG. $29.50 = ONLY A fine selection' a 'MEN'S JACKETS. VALUES 'TO $10,95 FOR Men's Doeskin SHIRTS Ink.O. $2198' AT . he didn't want to miss one word a her priiies for Downie's. Stop in and get acquain- ted. BLUEVALE---The merribers of the Y.P.U. of the United Church were guests Of the Young.People's Society of ,tlie Presbyterian :Chureh, on the evening of January 16th, when, a toboggan party waS ent- joyed on /the farm of Art Edgar,. in Morris.' Refreghmenta and a ,social time follativecl in the Presbyterian Church school room. 090 for the bridge in .Morris;Town.: ship. Health Unit Reports Aldis, director 'of the county health Mitt reported, that the unit is still 'short of :nurses, Six nurses .comprise the' present. staff, . but the' director ,Atoirit,ed tilt that nine are, needed to handle; the work properly, ;Dr'. Aldis stated that the Saki: anti - polio vaccination program will be completed this yiar., He also said' hat the vaccine, has Veen Hog Producers (C01114/1i1pd frem page one) ' Chatham frond Hamilton 'for hogs: "Our next; objectk‘ie is to, se6iire. the eoatieration of the truckers and we don't think this will be too hard. We znay•lia,ve to make ad-, justrnents„in trucking rates, "1.n.lt we need the truckers and they must be paid a fair wage. If we' can't get this Cooperation ,then wd will pro- vide a. rnenns of getting hogs t6 'Mr. and Mrs; Bererni Bertog visited at the week-end with 'tele, fives, in,Bannilton. ' Jack Horton,, of the .R.C.M.V., Ottawa, spent the weelt-end with his Parents, Mr. and Mrs, Jos. Horton. . Donald Darling ,of• Toronto, Was' a week-end visitor at hislkime, Mr. and.Mrs. Jack Kerr and family have moved to Si. Thomas where, Jack . is engaged iii. hydro conversion. • The second line Morris ,citehre party was held last week ,at ,the 'imoine, of Mr: and -Mrs. Jim Elston ;when -seven tables were in play. MF ,and Mrs. ,Elmer Sellers visit- ed at:Mopeton' on Sunday. . • The annual meeting and :supPer of the eongregation of the, 1Tiiited ChUrch-,will be 4elo....On evening, at seven o'clOcli. • ' A Leadership ,Traiaing,,Itiatittde of the Young People's Societies of the Presbytery of Boron-Maitland held' in. Knox Presbyterian Church on Sunday, January 27th; afternoon and evening. • 'When ine show .plies layer layer, the frost enters th9 house at every crack and crevice, , the wind' cuts .keenly, the ceal• pile' is on the ,wane, the. residents' Ouster in the •warmest corner,. appetites are. sharfremnd to' a high degree.- that is January., BLUEVALE--The Y.P.U. Met in the United •Church on' 8iinday evening, the president, Miss Joyce Hoffman presiding. Douglas Fischer had Iharge:ef the study* period •and spoke on "What the United Church. Teach- es", Miss Joan Vogt: explained the, symbolism of the United :°Church Seal, Miss J. Hoffman conducted a Biblical contest. aTwo shows each night First at 7.15 Mai•VaIrlOare,MINOWN.O.W.PWWW.71. Th urs., Fri.; Sat., Jam 24-35-36 thine Russell Jeanne Grain in "Gentlemen ,Marry Brunettes" The inaugural 'meeting of Turn- berry Township Optima was held , in the council room on January 42th. The meeting' was called at 11 a.m.,, with all members present, After taking their declaration of office, the council was led in de- votional exercises 'by Rev. Maurice Mel'iabb, The reeve and councillor Smith addressed the Meeting re- garding next year's work. The 'minutes Of the last meeting were read and adopted on Petition of W. Jack. Willits and W. H, Mulvey, Srnitli - FoXteri-That a vote of thanks be tendered Rev, Mr, Mc- Nabb, who attended the inaugural Meeting of emmell and conducted devotional exercises. roxton - Willits---That we do now adjourn for dinner until Lao paia., Foxton - Mulvey-That we \give a grant or u5,bo to the Heron County. Soil and Crop Improve-, merit Association. Willits - ,-.'' oxton-That we join. the following associations: Assessing Officers, Ontario Good Roads Assoc.,, and Ontario Assoc- iation of Rural Municipalities, Mulvey - Willits-That we call for payinent on the lVfeEwen 4drain for April 1.5, 1957. • ,. Smith - Foxten-Tbat we pass By-Law No. 1-57, to borrow up to $50,000 from the Canadian Bank of Commerce for general and school purposes, Foxton ...Mulvey-That we .pass By-Law No, 2-57 to apply for road subsidy on an expenditure of $37,000, .divided as follows; Cen- struction of roads, $12,000, con- struction of bridges and culverts, $5,000, maintenance of roads, $16,- 500, maintenance of bridges -and Culverts, $500, miscellaneous, $3,000 Smith - Willits-That we appoint oward Sherbandy as the township uditor for 1957. roxton ,- Mulvey-That 'we ap- point Thos. H. Abraham as a rep- resentative to the. Saugeen Valley Authority for 1957; ' Mulvey t.- Vokton-That we re- commend Mr. A, D. Smith as our representative on the VVingham General Hospital Board, for the year 1957. . Foxton - Smith-That James Johnston, Burns Moffatt and Ray- mond Elliott be appointed to the Community Hall Board for two years and Jbhn V. Fischer and A. D. Smith as township repre- sentatives. Mulvey - Smith-That Wm. Merkley be appointed es represen- tative to the Belmore Arena . Board for a term of two years. Willits -, Smith-That Harry El- liott be appointed as caretaker for 3altavale street lights at same sal-; ary. Smith - Willits-That those who attend the Good Roads' Convention and the Association of Rural Muni- cipalities convention be alloWed ex- penses in •the amount of $30.00, Willits - Smith-That the follow- ing general and road accounts be paid. • „ t tittion., Tues.; Wed., Jan, 38-29-30 DOUBLE BILL "The Day The World Ended" and PhantOin From 10,000 Leagues" .4somwommummomisismier General Accounts Ontario Hydro,: street lights, $130.00; County of. Huron, hospital- ization, $219;75;. Fritcl Montgomery, fox bounty, $1.00; Jas. J. Elliott, valuator, $2.00; , Lewis Flowers, wreath for cenotaph, $10.00; Leslie Bryce, tax " refund, '$5.18; Geo. Thomson, part salary, $40,00; relief, $30.00; Bank of Commerce, tax collections, $7.10; Association of Rural Municipalities, 00.00; Ont- ario Good Roads Associatiom , $10,00; AsSociatiOn of Assessing Officers, $10.00; :Huron County S'bil and Crop Inipro'vement AsSocia- tion $25.00. Bond Payroll BrUce Montgomery, $8.10; W. A. Hogg, $80.91; Geo, Galloway, $106.88; Wm. Mundell, $113,60; Road, accounts, $1202.63. Resident' Passes . On Wednesday last week, Fred- erick Hollenbeek died' at :Victoria Hospital in His 60th year. The funeral •service was held in the Evans funeral home, in 'inn- don, On Friday, and the burial at Ether. Cemetery. Surviving are„his wife, Hazel, 50 McNay Street,' London; .four Clarence, of Sault Ste. Marie; RUs- sell, of L'ondoii, Floyd and Harold, in Manitoba; a brother, B. of Stratford; and one sister, Mrs. Norman Walker (Myrtle) of Strat- ford, The "late Frederick Hollenbeck lived for Many years in Bliievale before going' to London,. , Cancer Society:\ (Continuedfrom. page , one) The following offibers were'ace1- ed: President, john McKibben; viee-pi•esident, `Mr5. 0. 6. Ander-'. • • • - son, Belgrave; 2nd vice-pres.,'Ml*S. W. A. Spence, :Brussels'; secretary, Mrs. Jim Currie, Wingham aod treasurer; Mrs. W. 'Benny,' Wing- ham. MeMbers Of the 'executive: Howick, Mrs. John' Lane; • Turn- berry, Mrs. D. 5-• MaeNaugetan; Morris, Robert Wallace; 'Grey, Mrs. Gerdon ',Knight; E. - Wawanesh,' -Elmer, Ireland and • Mrs. -Alex , Reiteitson; W. VVawanOsh, Wallace I/filler; Larne 'Durnin, 'Mrs, Jim diirran, Mrs. Ted Rice; Rlytli; Miss Josephine 'Woodcock; Brussels, Mrs. Rae Crawford, Mrs, JIM Arm- strong, Harvey Johnston; Beigra,ve, Mrs, G. Michie; Gerrie, Knowles- ton klueston; Fordwieli, Mrs. Ro- bert Gibson,' Harold "''15ollopk; Wr,oxeter, Mrs. Shirley l'VleMichael, Harry Gowdy; BlucvalC,.Miss`RubY Duff; .Whitechurch, Mrs. 13,,,Ross; Wingliam, Mrs. Nellie • RingroSe, Mrs: Chris 'Nlewman, Rev. H. Parker; CraribrOolt, :Mrs. Glen *ether; Ethel,/Mrs. Bert Vodden; Dungannon, Mrs. LeroY. Stengel; Auburn, Edwin Mills; Walton, Mrs. Humphrey; Belmore, Mrs..Wdliam Elliott. There is mow no reason; Why yen: should fear ally possible illness. Modern medicine Can . give some, relief for any ail- . meat, and • in Most, eases, hag the knowledge to effect it cure. Most important is the font that PhYalcians, are daily learning more about how tit prevent sklmeits, 'There is, "Hope", that in out time, serious diseasea occur only to those who , neglect Viiiifing their PhysiCiiiii tor regular cheek-MK If gait, Will coinclal bitn, ht the first eign of. may illness, 'he ,Can help yoU to get well Mileker.• I A St., Paul's Annual (OontinUed froin page One) to build nit a Substantial amount ' Of 'eapital in !Atte rectory repair' fund. Although ito major projects were decided 'open for 19111,. cliscussioh took - place regarding: ,painting of the WWI tee', erection of new steps at the 'froilt pittances. and the ptirehase of thc••officai flag of 'the ,Dieeese of Huron, , Church, °Mafia appointed 'en d elected: 'for the, 'ensuing Year were: Rector warden; .Warden, Norman Creailo..; Wright; people'* warden, Michael McPhail; lay delegates to Synod, Win: Attain, lett -Chad McPhail, W. M. birds; alicrnates,„ Herb' Flitter, Mel 'Keating, WI:Igen; beard • ,of niailaffenient„' the blittrchwa'rd.. Ohs, the ley delegates 'tot officio/I. 'Peo'ple's Sleotleri, '1:;on Nast-01th, 'Mervyn teinplenlitri„ Puller", Brian Metcalfe, Eight Nliristan, Terry' $0.thery; tector% appoint* !moot Mel Keating, 'Toni Wade, Leiurie 3nok' King, AlVia Higgins,- nobt.• ftittr; treasurer, J. Vilson;'Veatry ',Work Vern uatity P-A products save you.morzey. Farm Maehhies baveto tak; the Prougheat kind of wear and tear . • that's why 13-A has spent so 'muck time and , money 0/1 developing exactly the right 'oils And greases to meet every 'ax14 need. Your local 11-A 'distributor is the man who knows exactly what yen need, 't'K 110.144114 •AhlialittiAlt rIL COMPANY • • rick tun yetu, prescription, if shopping nem' US, Or fa us rAeliver prOmptly witliont extra t>yiaiitg4. A great many people , etitritet is with' the responiti- hilltir of filling their prescrip-, S. May We compound yours/ McKibbons W NAM :=ItetitrOt Meg AWAY she iteeill TWO hundred and severity-live tone fl+inch ' pipe, eoating and conerete rivet' *eights are shown here gliding tate the katinlhollie, river near Portage la Prairie, Matiiterbit, ,' lire phi/ was made by ':(eve treelitter with an assist the river's edge fi.ortt a drag-line and derrick, Witlx the riVer section, In place, touplinO.s can be made on either side; nrid the pipeline *titlitinUeit via to The heiO Obstacle