HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1926-6-3, Page 8q Thar -day June lard. 1926. THE SIGNAL -- GODERICH, ONT. 4L--- - All Aboard for Detroit! Your great opportunity of the season to en joy one of the most beautiful water trips on the continent and visit the most rapidly growing city of the Vnited States. ANNUAL LOW -RATE EXCURSION OF THE STEAMER GREYHOUND Goderich to Detroit and Return TUESDAY, JUNE 8 Round Trip $4.00 -- - One Way $2.50 To Port Huron: Round Trip =3.00• One Way $2 00 Children between 6 and 12, half -fare The Greyhound leaves Goderich Tuesday, June 8, at 9.30 a. m. / Arrive. Port Huron 1.30 p. s., Detroit 5.30 p.Returning et dingle Detroit Theraday, June 10, 1 p. ' as. Tuesday evening, all day Wednesday, and Thursday morning to s,le your frie city, visit the splendid theatres, the big stores and the beautiful City of the ks, take its. in s ball game, and see all the wonderful sights oft ie great On last trip to Detroit Greyhound leaves Goderich Friday, Jane llth,I-14,a-m- r ilia the hese- DON'T MISS THE MOON IGHT Under auspices of Women's Hospital Aux- iliary of Goderich Monday Evening, June 7 The steamer hound will leave Goderit k... harbor at $-30 p.m. for a three-hour trip on Lake llurot. Fiuzel'e; Detroit Orchestra will platy for dancing in the big new ballroom Tickets 50c. Under 12, 25c. The Greyhound comes but onoe a year, Enjoy it well when it is here. (.ET 1•(11`1: GREYHOUND TICKETS TO DETROIT 1'I "l'11H CANADIAN PACIFIC TOWN TICKET OFFICE Cur- Syuarr- and We -t Street T. M. KiDID GET YOUR Greyhound Excursion Tickets for Detroit FROM J. W. CRAIGIE Insurance and Real Estate REV. DR. IMAGER EL BISHOP OF 0 Natite of tioderieb.and ,w Head et Trinity, l' ' Kingston. June e'. lir. C. A. Stager. provost of Tritriiy College,. Toronto. was elected bishop of the Anglican Diocese of Ontario, in suc- eearwiaa to Rt. Rev. Dr. E. J- Bidwell. resigner, at a steels; meeting this afternoon ,.f the Synod ..r the diocese. Two ballot. were rewired and Dr. Seager had a goodly- lead on both. At the conclusion of the afternoons meeting Rletwp Williams, of Huron. wht, presided owing to the illness of Arehbrshop Thurnloe, telegraphed Dr, Seeger, who was absent Irons the meet - Ing. offering him the see. •;T4night Dr. St•uger--e.i3ilntitli -ated its acceptance of the bishopric on the cendtftab that the atnhorfties of Trinity_ College would consent to bis release, •- I In an a.Wrres to lbe meeting Bishop Williams said in regard to Dr. Seager that tbere was lei better man in Can- ada fitted for the bishopric. 14• bad always found him a Christian gentle- man of great -,wiry In jydgmenl and moderate in nit things, 1M said. Rev. Dr. Seager is a hetes of God- erich. the -,m ('out[ 'horn Altor- n.•y Scag.•r. When horse rteing ceaeyQ&and fife lath,- wcty elusrd, ltritn showed I Argus of taking, the big strike in seri- nue 111.1"1. „ ratjial;iw•s Stenilard. ARID SECURE YOUR TICKETS STR. GRIYHOUND TO DETROIT FROM• F.F. LAWRENCE & • • SONS • 4 COUNTY COUNCIL MEETS HAYFIELD AUCTION BALKS 'aro EENT BENT.-APARTIIIINT AHOY& v tie Fear. King and daughter. , o UC O'Brten's. Apply ALFA. RAUH- •- ncknotr• ; Or. W. F. Clerk, God DERE' spent the week -end et their cottage. 'mem, Got/ERIC/1, ONT. (has. F Taylor. lblywh ; J. M. lir. and Mrs. Scrimgeour and fam- ICotatfnu.vl troy pale 11 BAY PIELD, June 2. --Mrs. (Dr.) UCTION BALE OF A CHOICE J. H F Ethel; Wm YcQull- ;Bettyf Detroit A putiPERTY ON ELGIN AYE •Iovee., .i ile•afurth; Abner Coons, Ilv and air and Mrs. Peters and Lm-, 1 hoe received instructfone from a ;As tttm ; John y. Chi mery, How'- II . of Htrpttord, spent SuudaT at their YRS: MARY A. PARK OF AM .. 11. O. .Murphy, Clinton; W. 11. cottages. .'.a+•c, ['aborti+•: Harry S*IkekI, God rtes township. Newton Brady spent a fel d hoes, ou an in the A -s m -on ofu hat w k. I The Presbyterian een'ice was con- at 1'l o'clockasp: ILEti8TBURG Dr. A. Newton -Brady and Mrs. A. so sell by public auction at the prem - v daps in 1 1 Managers ( SATURDAY, JUNE 17TH Loud o rc til ,t.+mes for the Aged and Infirm, ah raktn+ Huron to send delegate and but. the fee of 1110. ducted on Sunday Inst by Mr. BPs- I Au ezerptkonally well bull[ and eon .ea•r (nerd Rhodes, 11.A.. r student from veutrut t m house bulk bythe late Mr. h• •n the Department of Education Toronto, who w111 reat:alu hre for tbe park for home.•It her all modern "t•5 refet4a. to the Exeter /Ugh , summer months. I convrttir a is wail .laid out, bas a +ca• • loot.' Miss A, (;ower, of I.uuduu. Is speed nice large verandab and a good lot, Is SGr emeui of payments by tbe conn 1 fug a week la the village. ` ( situated od one of the beet streets in tl ur.ler the >luthrrs' Allowance Act Mr. and lits. F. V. Martin. MIs& Godench, convenient to the businega t.t tt.e five! months Deeeuiher-April: Norma and Bud Brown soul Mils SuIz I part of ale town, Collegiate Institute 1)r ,•mhei I l' un roll t . , ..4711).01) berger. of Detroit, spent the week -end and \ ,.:uria aehool tory (4t ,.0 roll) 750.00 at the forest's cottage. I TFatMS.-R'llt be Bold subjre to a Katt curry1:s. un roll) • • • • 795.50 Mr. Robert hoer! of !.menu, was in , resrnc Wd. Ten per cent- of p rr- r(•-ch (i0 u' roll) 7 I the village uu Sunday. 'elute price to be paid at time of rale, April (51 or; radii 920.00 F H rad air Paull motorei mean,. a 30 dale or hal[ of the War The average monthly payment $782.50, or a total >ronthly payment including the Government equivalent of $1ti65. From Gaoler Reynolds acknowl- edging with sincere thanks the kind Rev. r s• ,n ,..'CHARTERED ACCOUNTANT to lielgrave ou Tuesday to attend the chase money tory remain on murt- Deanety meeting.i gage at a reasonable rate of interest. VR Y. O1BBS CHARTIIBIm Mr. and Mr.. Frank Martin. of God- 1 Further particulars may be had from ere:h. called on friends In the village Mr- Hassel Reed, Goderleh or from Accountant. 102 Ontario street. T. G['NDR1i, Auctioneer. Stratford. Phone 1580. Rea. 1310J. WANTED UANTLID.-A FIIW 8 iA11.Bd OF Goderich Elevator stock. Write. statlog price, to BOX 15, SIGNAL 01111011. CURN1$HlCD IWOMte WANTED BY June 18. t3ultable for Tight housekeeping. Prlrate bone. Not rummer visitors. Apply BOX 10, SIGNAL. NURSING MISS EDNA ROBINSON, VISITING I nurse. For terms, etc., telephone 425, Goderich. on Sunday. expression of 4mpathy extcnel[rt1 to Mr- Will Cameron and Miss Modred him In his re eat IH•reavrloent by the Camerr.n motored from Detroit and death of hia wife• spent the week -end with their father, From S. B.,Stuthers, asking Man- Mr. A. Cameron. slat support f•,r the annual county Miss Gladys Davison. who spent a fruit show. week with her mother, Mrs. J. Davi- These comooso. ati..ns were refer- ran. returned to Loudon on Sunday. red to callow ending committees.Mr- ISxon Glass, of London, spent The council heard the represents- the week -end In the village. Gee Of a rntnpauy manufacturing a Mr• rand Mrs. Robert Berry and Yr. road gas ler, rain .[towed a model of and Mr'. !:has. Berry. of London, and his machine. a,r.•i also the represents- Mrs. Elisabeth Harrison. of Bruce - live of on a• 'leis indemnity coin- field wereglteats•ot Mrs. F. W. Baker INUIT. eft 8leaeia;r - PRISONER ESCAPES t Eno.pyln S. cottage 0 the T. a e"( - PRISONER - enpying her cottage on the Terrace. FROM 3LYTH LOCK-UP Rev. H. F: Kennedy attended the Conference at Stratford last week. Arrested eta Susplelan of SteaNl& a Yrs. A. G. Atkinsoli and son are Noted Car - visiting die former'. mother. Mrs. Blyth. May :;1. -William Cook, 'an Armour, In Detroit. Indian arrest.d yesterday on a charge air. and Mrs. J. Gingrich and eon, of stealing a Toronto motor ear owned Cleave. of Itad Axa Mich., spent the by Robert Kirkton. of that city, M week -end with Yr. and Mrs. S. Cleave. I raped from th.• local 10.•k -rap early this The three -act play, "Engaged," was itatning. C SI*44.e F er"ux,u ed ou Friday evening last In "!rhos bad• boyo lt h'i.t1h to keep (.1we the town hall by the Trinity Dramatic watch on their prisoner tine remained Club, before a large crowd. It was quite a success and everyone seemed to be very[ well pleased. The players took their parts splendidly. The pro- ce}ds amounted to over $63. The cast have been invited to present this play at HensalL The Beamiller Circuit flub will present the play: "The Village Law- yer," in the United church on Friday evening, June 11, at 8 o'clock. Walkerton Association of Baptists Thr annual meeting of the Walker- ton Association of the Baptist Church is being held in the Goderich Baptist church this week. The pr• eeedings opened on Tuesday afternoon and will close today (Thursday). Following Is a list of the delegates registered.I S. Greenslade, Listowel. Mrs. H. Greenslade, Listowel. Mrs. T. Oakes, Listowel. Mrs. 11. Hodg+au, Mount Forest. Mrs. C. W. King. Walkerton. Ella M. Akan', Clinton. John F. Halliday, Kineardine. Annetta I)epertsbauser, Listowel. Belle McKinnon, Walkerton. Margaret Sinclair• Walkerton. Asda Raybould, Walkerton. Anne Ferran, Walkerton. G. W. Goulton, Monett. Mrs. .D. R. Macl'hall. Kincardine, May Macishall, Kincardine. Mrs. Alex. Nephew. Kincardine. Mrs, G. Wardell. Wingbam. hits. E. Formic. Wingham. Mrs. Jas. YcPbetedbn, Mount Forest. Albert Ilellger, Kenilworth. CONFERENCE OT UNITED CHURCH AT, BTRATFORD Several ( hanger of llildates9'19f rtes• bytery of MOOS t—'1!frelerfi B oh tppe i 61r file t* ('hureb of Canada met (ire- past week at Stratford. Those attepding from Ooderieh were Rev. C. F. Clarke (who was a member of the settlement com- mittee), Rev. S. Jefferson), Hey. J. E. Ford aid Mr. Wats ,•Rallisse,1 4 church. Goderich Htitnshlp, fro*_ •:re. present..! by Mr, Cat ' The changes coati Ala the drat report of the settlement sea oittee .1 the charges of the Prt terJ 01 Herron were as fnllo s : t7trtr*1 h. R, R. Ir- wio, from St•aiorth; blmgalbnon, J. M. Keyes, fom 1VeodslJee; Creditor,. E. 9. Hiseox. from Princeton ; Exeter, James Street, A. E. Moorehouse, from St. Thomas. Grroo chureffF01d- eieb, E. es ['band from Wilton; (Grand Bend, J. M. ling, from Mel- bourne; St, Helens, C. Tavenor, from Emhro )Ebenezer); afortb, W. P. lane, from Embro' (Knox); Walton. J. W. Stewart, from Hickson. In the final drat some farther charge!! were made. Rev, C. Cam - ming remallt. at St. Helens; Rev. W. F'. Smrth goes to Ellmvllle; Rev, D. l'. McTavish to Jame* street, Exeter, 'notead of Mr. Mooreboure; Rev. W. J. "eines to Walton and Moncrleff. Rev, J. R. Peters, of Dungannon. goes to St. Johns, Presbytery of Mid- dlese Re P. 8. Banes, of Anhurn, CtIP Attention! DAVID BROWN pays the highest prices for Heavy Poultry, Horse Hair, etc. Phone 270 - GODERICH For Rent THE OPERA HOUSE is now available for any- grn vrishi 1jppent for WAIT tl trNatconCijitl.. Fon' terms apply to OaiWlda 'M: MEl can with him In the 1.r•k-rap duritor the night. However. atsrnt :, a.m. today, thinking him a.le..p, they left the plane for a short time: Returning :u 7 o'clock, they found him gone. It is thought an aecomplice had been waiting outside the jail and when the coc-Tables left be broke the lock nn the nut-ide door. The p ris.,n- ar :apparently opened the lock.yn the inside of the .1.11 door. High Constable M iiitesicle, of God- erich. arrived later in the day• awl also n couple of men from Sarnia. and, todayand tonight. they are c..tltbing the countryside for the etcapet man. Cook was arra. teI y..ter•lay by Constables Fcriuson and Atli,• with- in half an hour of the time they re- ceived advice, from Toronto. London and Sarn't,to be on the watch fon him. He formerly worked for a tar- lier In this eistrlct. While took de- -Med itis theft of the oar. the Tnrpnto pollee tusked that he b• heed until to- day, when officers were to arrive to escort him back to the Queen (icy. The elite to the miwing ear', wbere- abouts wns assured by high Constable Whiting. ••1 Ieambton. who Iearned of the ear while at Kettle I'olnt in search of --an, Indian, Teter ;Fee, reported as ,a runaway from the industrial School at Mime... BORN ALLIN,-Al Lucknow', on Sunday, May 30, to Mr. and Mrs. Harold , Alias a daughter. IED A[ t 1 IOff SALE Or FURNITURE 11Ol'SEIIOLD EFFECTS. 1 ..m instructed by 'IRM. JOSEPH C. GRIFFIN AUCTIONEERINO THOMAS GUNDRY. GODERICH- 1 LIVE STOc'S AND O1I(I8RAa AUCTIONEER to s.•l. by public auction at her late TNephoae No. 119. res;.l•nce, the Colborne Apartments,'. Sales attended to anywhere and even Hamilton street, Goderich, un I etttort made to gee. aatfafacdam SATURDAY, JUNE 6TH tilt*amen' sale Hata dlsootaneed commencing at 1. 0 o'clock sharp: 11 QOBEBT ROBERTSON. Luing no-Sple*did cheeterfirld stub etalr, extra heavy', upboiatered in heel French tapeairi. o aa lw: 2 cosy theirs, upholstered In brow* pig leather; 2 (natural) grass easy I ebn,rs, upholstered in cretonne; 1 solid , oak library table; 1 walnut desk table; 1 walnut stele table; 1 watnut grandfather's cluck, No. 1 timepiece; 1 1 ve-trola and a number of Med Seal records; a number of pictures and curtains; 2 large Axminster ruga and a number of smaller ruga Dints( roas-One solid oak aid, -- board; 1 extra large dining table and asbestos silence cover; 6 black teetL- er- Bated dining choler; 1 small table; 1 upbotat4red chair; 1 arm chair; 2 oak rockers; 1 solid oak 3-plece bed- room salts (extra large wise bed) ; Ortermuor mattress; 1 single bed and mattress; 1 feather bed; 1 kitchen chest; 1 table; 1 Limoges china W,1 per and tea set; 1 coal oil stove, 1 burner, good as new; 1 kitchen Move, Quebec, good oven; 1 Quebec heater; 1 White sewing machine, In good or- der; bathroom fixtures, nickel and glass: kitchen chairs, pea, oats dishes and linoleum; step -ladders and garden tools. No reserve. TE htM8--Cash. MRS JOSEPH GRIFFIN. Proprietress. T. GUNDRY, Quailtied Auctioneer. Bides Stmt. adarish, toil!! esaduct any sale la the, counts .1 Hann. For information apply to P. J. Ryan, Bamiltor St-, or ordain lett with him will receive prompt 11 tentton. I 11. STALKER. AUC iusRa It. for household effects. farm stork, etc.. for the County of Huron. • Address all communication& to J. M. STALKER, Auburn P. 0, OPl'OMETE1' AL. UOL E, R. 0.. OPTOhtTRAST, OPTICIAN, Wert Stmt. Goderich. Honor Graduate of the Canadian Ophthalmic College of Toronto. Eyes examined by the latest meth- ods, ants the proper fitting of glasses at moderate prices. Ontarlo Boat* of Exeminers Certificate No. 875. MUSIC DRor, W. H. JACKSON. OrganIA and Director of 'nide. Nor* street lfethodlst church. !Detraction given In Voice Culture, Organ, Pianos 1lolin, Guitar, Theory, etc- Btteo aft/ residence, 87 North street. Phone 384. / D Auctioneer, MUNRO.-In Goderich, utt Sunday. May 34), Nellie Munro, beloved 'TENDERfi daughter of the lute Mr. and Mrs. , Jamey Munro. IAS? OR FOUND °F- la EXPRESS OF- Fll'E and Bakers meat market, a blonde purse containing a large sum of money. Finder will please lesve at HAYS & HAYS' tyy'FICE, where a re - 1 will 1 • lair war. Miss Daisy Fry, Kincardine- F t• HOW WEAK GIRLS Mrs. E. Spark. Kenilworth. CAN GAIN STRENGTH C d.BORNE TOWNSHIP. Mrs. J. C. Blyth, Tdonck. Jas. McCaw, Mount Forest. Court of I st 020 Atme•asment e PUBLIC NOTICES -, ., I May 2611s. 1926. I hereby- give notice that the Court Rev. W. E. Smalley. Tiverton. A. G. Mon(gomery, Tiverton. Rev. C. W. King. Walkerton, H. E. Bdchner, Glamis, R. Haines. Glamle, Rev- G. Wardell, Wfnghase John Groves, Glamis. John Kelley. Glamis. Bev. H. W. Jackson, Listowel. (scar Wright. Kenilworth. Geo. Andrews, Monc•k. Mrs. C. 'I+ Holman. Toronto. D. McQueen. Mount Forest. L. S. Hacerstoek, Guelph. (I Welch. Toronto. -_. R. D, Warren, Toronto. Carl Rues, (.tstnwel. Miss C. Rows, Listowel. :itrs._l.Ur-1.. Timmer,Llatawel, Mrs. Hill. Listowel. Miss S. Franks, Listowel. John Falconer, Wtngham, ('. R. Duncan. Toronto, At Stratford on Saturday John Robins/0W'; circus. pioneer white tol' of the world, is coming to Stratford for afternoon and night per - I formances on Junes and circus lovers of thia vicinity are looking forward with great interest to the appearance in this community of this famous old 'show. Clown alleys will have a contingent of fifty famous fun makers. boys who know the art of extracting chuckles and grins from young and old. 1 Slivers Johnson, Jack Harris, Abe Goldstein, George Harmon, the Sim- mons Twins, Jack Fenton. Joe O'- Brien, and JOP Wilde are but a few of the famous "Merry Andrews." In order to give complete and per - feet performnn('e, there will he no Street parade. REPORT OF HOG SiiIPMENTS for week ending May 27, 1926: God- Mc- Au- Hnren erkb (law burn County Reece bacon .... R 5 21 562 Thhrk smooth -20 44 42 1094 Heaviest 1 6 s 116 vies •1 21 r 59 bytertan minister of Ingham, tee Light 17 'the' tinted charge of Auburn, 1 t' Total • 67 1931 field and IMnayb -aJ l 1 .. Rev. G. Telford. M x lied' r, s na ptC > yr ed nn*Tf Tlemprey would on y the to the settlement committee from the worth would be more enjtryebte.-- Pneshytery of Hone. Sault Daily Star, It, Comes Through the Tonic Blood Making Qualities of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills In ;he ,.fe of almost every_jerk there coins, a time when weakness at- tacks her. The strain upon her Woe supply lyeeonte, too great, and there follow headaches and backaches. Ins&' of appetite, auaeks of dtzzlness, henrt pelpitaties and constant weeriness'. and a tendency (0 a decline. All these symptoms may not be present In any particular lase, bat the presence of any orae rat them shows the net -versify for prompt treatment. And there dmf nn other treatment so sure and PO speedy a- that through the blood making elnrthtlex'of Dr. William Pink Pills. They are the one thing needed to rnalutaln the health of growing girl. and women of mature+ Tears. Here Is n bit of positive proof of the value of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills in Comet et tole kind, Miss (Tarn Fraser. Th,ysalon. Ont,. ham been brought bay It to health and strength I through the Neely oto of the. medi- cine. and :Gres expreisinit of her gratitude ;.: follows: -"1 feed it n dMy as W(-' es a pleeasoro to tell you what Dr. 1`. intern,' Pink I'IIIs have done fns n..• They hare nntored me to health. 1t. Indeed. they elld not Pave my 11f.. 1 was Paffering greatly from anaemia. I lost Meth and always telt tire+ and rs rvons. At last I grew in week Thal to remain in bed, The Qrctnr did 1,4 seem to help DIP any and 1 WHA _rowing weaker, and my heart was sotbering me. At last a friend wbn -,inert to me me aid *lie hnd reed of .1 similar came reetnted by Dr. Winton -es Pink P111* and urged me to try them• i felt helpless hilt decided to •51re her admire. on my mother got me a supply of the pills. and T Segs,, 'eking them. It was not long before I ttlgan to find benefit from the rase of ! A p1115. and in Irmo then two months *7 health wax restore.!. 1n feet 1 n1' fa letter heelfh than 1 had eter enjoyed before. 1 etroggly recommend ftr. WillianeiS Pink rue to all who ere west snit run down. for i f.44 more taw wills not he die- appntated." Ten Sin n 4.AM*P •toff* from •aq medicine dewier -WOW trait at I(W a hog from The Dr. Williams' Idedk'tne Co.. Broekrille, Ont. BUILDING FOR SALE BY TEN- DER. Tenders addressed to tbe under- signed will be received rap to 8 o'clock p.m. 011 THURSDAY, JUNE 17TH for the purchase, wrecking and re- moval of the present market building on Montreal street Building to be removed and grounds , cleaned up at once to the satisfaction of the I',,:mcii. No tender neeeatarlty iccepetd. W. M. McLEAN. Ch. of Market Committee, Goderich, Ontario. of Revision for above township shall meet in the Township Hall, Cerlow, on Tuesday, June Sth, 1926, at 1 o'clock p.m. MRS. I. HEI IHINGTON, Clerk. FOR SALE. OR SALE.- FORD SEDAN. LATE model; cheap. Don't miss this 5(I._BIONAL TENDERS. - - Tenders will be received by the undersignert up to the evening of SATURDAY, JUNE 12. 1926 for scavatiOn for basement and building rR.oemeent wall ander School House, 8. S. No. 2. Beumlller. Lowest or any tender not necessarily ac- cepted. For apeoiti'atione apply to SCHOOL BOARD or to J. W. GLEDHiLL, DESIRABLE PROPERTY F O R HALE. -Cotner -North and Nelson r;frOets. ARp1 -tin• . H. JACKSON. jbR SALEr-'ILL MTODEBAKER Touring Car. Could be fitted as e tight truck or motor used as sta- tionary engine. Apply DR, A. H. TAYLOR, Goderich. CHIROPRACTOR DR. A. N. ATKINSON CHIROPRACTOR Goderich. Chronic organic and nervous def eases. Oft1. a boors tato 5. and 7 to • p -m.. exeroting Monday and Thursday aftern.ons and evenings. and by ap- pointment. Residence and office -Corner di South street and Britannia road. MEDICAL F. J. H. FORSTER AP EYE. F:AR, NOSE. THROAT Irate House Surgeon New York Oph- -thalmie stet Aural Hospital, assistant at Moorefield Eye Hospital and ()olden Square Throat Hospital, Lon- don: Eng. 58 Waterloo St. S., Stratford. Tel- ephone 267, At Hotel Itepford. Goderich, on the evening of third Mundtay of each month, from 7 o'clock, tilt the follow - Ing dray. Tuawtay. at 1 p.m. LEGAL DUDLEY E. HOLMES , 11 Barrister, lite. Ofilce-Hamilton street, Goderkils Phone 27. -MEAGER, K. C. BARRISTER. R. R. No. 4. Goderk h, Ontario. C. 1100LICiTOR, Notary Public and - Conveyancer. Office -Come H uN. Ged*Ybeh. • Bi'NGALOW FOR SALE ON TRA- FALGAR Street. Rod rug brick. Hak trim, with all modern con- renienese. W. A. CHiSHOLM, Tra- falgar street. 51 L,'OR SALE. -TWO COMFORTABLE ll dwellings in good locations to (7oderleh. Alin forty acres of good pasture land wJth an abundance of water, close to town. Terms to snit purchaser's. T. GUNDRY. i FOR SALE. -SPECIAL BARGAIN. A beautiful red, pressed bitch. eight -roomed hones three-plece bath and electric. Elgin averse and Toronto street- Apply T. NEWELL, 656 Strathmore > To7alwl0 6, Ontario. J L L,'OR SALE. OR EXCHANOE.- ■a Meek residence, so water heat- 11er fireplace, two toilets and bath, electric light, nardwo.d floors, large tot, well situated nn Britanala road. Enquire at TENSER'S MUSIC STORE VACiF'r FOR SALE, - CENTRIC- AOARD sloop, 22'sT, complete aPw Ytt6t of 44 11 A -p. Irin.rt s e ttae 4 tcsr, (•oapietA east sons Oa* -I— to J. W. McLIOOD, Raytt.ld. W. G. OWENS, lttratforft- SEALED TENDERS ADDRESSED to the undersigned, and endorsed "Tender for River Breakwater Recon- struction, (lodertch, Ont.," will be re celved until 12 o'clock none (daylight sav11184.T fundal, ante 11, 1926, for the reconstruction of the river break- water for a length of 1,0857 feet. at Goderich, Huron County, Ont. Plans and forms of contract can be seen and aptci&•ation asst forms elf tender obtained at this Department% at the offices of the District Engineers, Customs Building, London, Ont.; Equity Building, Toronto, Ont., and at the Post Office, (Goderich, Ont. Tenders will not be considered un- less made on printed forms supplied by the Department and In accordance with conditions contained therein. Each tender meat he accompanied by an accepted chegne cm a chartered hank. payable to the order of the Minister of Public Works. equal to j0 p, c, of the atdbtint of the tender. Bondy of the Dominion of Canada or beadle of the Canadian National Rail- way Company will elms be accepted as security, or bonds and a cheque 1f re- quired to make op an odd amount. Note. -Bine prints can be obtained at this Department by depositing an accepted ehegta' tlw uof g2.00. payable to the orton der 0? ethero 0 11ni'ster of Public Works, which will be re- sented If the intending hidden mnlunit • regular bit Ry order, S. ilk O`BRTSW, weev tart'. Department of Public Workk, Ottawa. May 28, 1118. 1tt F R. DARROW, RARREI) ISTER, T • Successor to .1. L. Killoran. Pion os 97.• Office--Tbe Square. Goderich• Nape & Stave BARR1wrale, R.C.HAYS-R,C.HAYS,JR., B.A. Hamilton 9t., Godericn 1?4RURINCR, LOANS. E'DC, INSURANCE, LOANS, ETC. McKiLLOP Mi'TUAL FIRE IN• M1 Sl'RANrE ('O, -Farm and iso- lated town property inanrrel OAleers---Sns, Connolly. Pres„ God- erich P. (1.; Jas, Evans, Vise -Pram. Beechwood 1'. 0.; D. F. McGregor, Sec -•Trees., Seafortl P. 0. Dirtctnrt-A. Broadfont, R. R. No. S, Seatorth; John O. Grieve, No. 4, Walton ; William RInn, R. R. No. 2, Seafnrth ; John Rennewfes, Brod- heron ; Geo. McCartney, R. R. No. 5. Rea forth ; Robert Ferris, Harioek; Murray Gibson, Rrneefeld; Jamie Ewan,.. BeeehwrnM; Jams Connolly. (loderleh. Agents -J. W. Yeo, Ooderllk; Ales Leitch, R. R. No. 1, Clint/MI John Murray, Reeforth; E. Htneblei. Reefnrfh. Polley -holder" can stake all paymeets and get their cards reeMpt- M it R,'S. Morriah's Ctotlfttg Store. Clinton; R. H. Oatt'a Grocer', King - anon streeet, Goderich, or J. A, Reid^& (!mita! Stere. %yield.