HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1957-01-23, Page 11defence, Schlegel; Farr, Lloyd; .
forwards, Jacitsort, Gilbert, KIM,
Bender, Krotz, Beard, Brown; 13er-
feta, Bridge, 13tirt,,
• .1st Period
, Murray ,(Graham) 4,17; Idedgkini-
Sen (Lott; Murray) 15,301 Fryfogle
(cam-IMM) 0.30'; Klym (Farr)' 0,40;
Bridge. (SehiegeD Pehaltles:
Lee„ Wain. '
, LI0d, Klym (Gilbert) ipin
LloYd ,' 44.27; LOU (1.1edgithPorl)
15.14; Wani X1.8 42 Pens
Gilbert; Sottlegel,
-Mtirray Matt, Hodgkinson)
Murray (Lett) 14.03.; Wain (l ry!,
fogle, Campbell), 16.49.Y Penalties,
TilltS AS atIV,1
cl0.1101 4N)) ()
' A, Wingham rink won .the Gordon
Dickson Trophmat the .annual
Southampton Bonipiel which 'was
yield on Moriday.: The ..sacCeaRtil
rink comprised Gorden Detell
(skip), Gordon Godkin, Bill. Lee
and.Bob Dent': It is the firsts oc-
casion a Wingliain. rink 'has", won
_the trophy:
0 - 0 '-, 0
Last , week The Governor-Gen-
eral's Carling Trophy event a
double rink jiinior • conipetitiort
was held in Winkham' with: rinks
frOrn . Clifford; lientall, TeesWater
and Wingham taking part. -Whig-
ham rinks were successful and'will
compete in the play-offs which are
to be held in Guelph on.. ThUrsday,
January 31st; •
•The two Winghain rinks sticeesse.
-fill in :this- conteet--wereT•skipitlecV.-by-
James et:mites and Harpld Thomas.
On the Coultes .rink were Jack
Lloyd, Harold Walsh • and Grant
Wilton. On the .Thomits rink were,
Sam, Sweeny, Torn. McDonald and
Jack Bowman,
0 - 0
A Wingham rink, skipped ;by
Harley CraWford won the,Seaftirth
l3onspiel last Wednesday. With-Mr.
Crawford were, Lorne McDonald,
Alan McKay and Omar Haselgrove.
The WitighaM Spitfire 3unters
defeated the PitiMerSten Triter/tied-
-late aquad hi the PaIrnersten
arena on Wednesday night.
In the fli'et peried the Snits out.
tictired the Paltrier:40M heye "8:2,
Deng Murray, Ken - Hodgkinson,
• and Barry Yryfogle eeored the,
Whig:ham goals with Wally Klym
and Everett Bridge potting the
two for Paitheraten.
f?allherStort scored three goals to .
Wirigharn's twit m the second to tie
the game at 5-all, TOM LlOyd
blinked the red light twice and
WallY KlYin scored the other court-;
for Mr Palmerston. Bruce Lott
and Cord Wain marked up the
two points fqr Wingbalm.. ,
goalie Johr , Teakey, of the Spit-
fires held the, 0600ition seorelesa
in the third frarne With 'his see-
sational play and the Wingham
hoYS ,Went On to add three pore
goala to their , total. Doi* Murray
..got through with his .second. and
third goals of the game ends (Ord
Wain netted his second., '
This victory for the local team
" has 'moved them' Into first place in
. the groUp, two points ahead' of St.
WI GIIt M— 09al, ,Teskey; de7
fence; Struthers, Bain, Graham;
• Duffy; forwards, Murray, HodgItie-
son, Fryfogle, Lott, Wain, Camp-
bell, Leo, McKee.,
PALUERSTON-- Goal, Parker,
A•helicopter may hover like a
bird, but when ,it comes down
to roost on . a. roof ' it weighs,
plenty, and sets up quite a strain.
. So engineers.have.clevi5ed a gim-
mick. The whirly-bird lands on
an aluminum raft.floating 'in a
shallow pool of Water:"The nui-
eliine's.Vverght is stitead over the ,
area of the•-raft instead 'of just
that. covereti.by,the latiditig gear.
No doubt, they • figured out,
. •
too; how .passengerS can get
"ashore". Ce'rtainlY men who
work with aluminuM arc Mighty
resourceful. In fact, they keep
• -Ps busy supplying them with
this versatile modern metal,
.at.lionte Mid in foreign markets:
,The. Winghthl1 Kinetnen Ban-
tante defeated the Mt. Forest Oair-
tams 2-A, In '.the' Wingham. arefla
on Friday eight in a game which
ireVided •reel exeitement for the.
farts, . ' •
• John' Fryfogle Set/red' the poly
goal In' the orsi Perlod,
,Whighitm 'the edge. t :
'Murray Kerr brought in a. Seeond
goal • YViOgbftlin in the hitter'
liatt,,of the 'second frame and Rich-.
ard '•Trele.averi managed to .s'eere
one fOr: Mt. ForeSt ix few • seconds
;before; the
Thp:. third period Was held
scoreless with :''Oealles jinx
Of °-Mt.....Foretit "and Frank RI:9W
Wingham each, playitio'a
:game .s and being vaned u0on',,to
Make' .really sensational
: Rich]; de-
fence, Sklrin, Fuller,' Crawford,
MacDonald; forwards; • ..Fryfogle,
Derr, Tenniilematf, .Spry,, IXintout,
Lee, -DoWling, Henry, Willis, sub,
obeli C r' MacKay:
• MO',' iFOREST-e-Goal, Smith; de-
fence,'Hineri- Falba, Young; Mann;
forwards,, Reeves; Wilsori,°Trelett.-
ve .,4 6'340,7;WhYte,'Beelter,
•• •.• 1st Period.
FrYfogle.(Mael5oriald) 11.00. Pell
• .'2n)1 Period:
."::Kerr (Templeman, . 'Fryfogle)
13:00 ; „ Treleaven ;(Reeves)
Penalties? Templeman, Reeves,
4‘..4sro score. Templeman,
(major);_yililion (Major)." '
• •
ltit.F6rest 3-2
,Th6 Wingham Lions Midgets
Were not to be outdone by other
Iciear winning teams last week, and
MS;de a°'32 VictOry over 'the Mt:
Forest• Midgets when, they met in
the Wingham arena' on Friday
night.•• ' r
Mt.. Forest .toiak • the lead in the
first 'period when • Archie , yake
slapped ;shot in behind Wing:-
ham:a goalie,:- John •.Meritley. The'
local bOys•were unable to retaliate
and: left;: the .ice with the score 1-0
in favor.; of ' Mt. Forest.
: The second period'iooked
brighter 'fcir•Wingharn. Mac Ritchie
'scored• for, the Lions Midgets- at
10.25,', With. the- count tied• excite-
ment ran high .and five minutes
hiter Mr. 'ForeSt-• was ahead ,again
When Bob McLellan hemMered • in
-the second and final tally for the
visitors. •In less than tweoxiinutes.
-Raix':-IIetlii.rhigttin. tied-thugs
up' and the score at the end of the
second :stood at 2-2,' •
The third period remained score-
less until' 'the dying 'seconds' of the
game. At 19.40. • Jack Hotchkiss
saved the day for the Winghain
team on an assist from Hethering-
ton, which made the final score 3-2
for the' itical
MT. „FOREST—Goal, Cockburn;
def., Porter, McDougall, K. Mc-
Lellan; Weber; forwards, Reeves,
Nickel MeEachern, 'take, Arnott,
B. McLellan.
WINGHAIVI—Goal, Markley; dot,
O'Malley, Lockridge,
Hotchkiss, Henry; forwards, Vieth,,.
eringtolt, Brown, Nagnxith, Red-
nian,• Walker; Carnlichael, `Wild,
Care, CritavfOrd,.-, •
rirst Peried
Yalte, 19.25;, penalties, Hetehltiaa,
K. McLellan. ,
Second, Period ,
Ritchie, I0.5; D. McLellan
&eke/ 115.2,1; BetherIngtori, 17,20.
Penalties; lOrtet.
Third POW
Hotchkiss (Hetherington) 1.1),4b
Penalties, lc, MeLeIlan (major) "r,
Ritchie (major)I, Weber " (double
Minor and nilSeentittet); Hotchkiss,
11,11hytIN R it+ w club
Office, 2410; Shipping room,
Machine sh9p, 2276, .Veneer' room,
1988; The Doors, 1907, , !
High Single; Cecil Yeoman, 249;
high, triple, Geed 'Yeomen, 574,„
The final ..game of the second
series was 1310ed,19:n :Tuesday,, The
BloWers ., have, now won the right
to enter the finals.
Standing as follows BlowerS, :31;
Wildcats, 21; Rocket:), 18; Strikers,
id; •Rock'ril Rollers', 14; Blue Bonib-
era, 7. •
High scores for the night, Lad-
lea' high single, ,Mrs, D Caineron,
265;.men's' high single,.T.,•English,
261; ladies' high 'triple, Misa Jean
Bain, 575; men's high triple, T.
English; 654,
Team high' score, Blowers,. 2'845-
'High scores .for the series;
tadieS' high single, Mrs. D.' Cam-
eron,„ 265; • men's high H
Taylor,' 311; ladles' high, triple, Miss
J.;i3ttia, -high .triple,• G.
Barisal), '742."...'•
Left .•'wing, has 'play.ed . all his
minor hockey in Wingham. A pupil;
of Wingham District High 'School,
Jim is,an expert• softball and hard-
ball. player. His six years hockey
experience with Wingliarn clubsi
has. taeght: any tricks and
he is -a ,partiehlarly .fa-st winger, a
good passer,,. anti a•-neat skater. •
111111161111•11111111111111111111111111111111111111111 ,
WEDNESDAY, ',Ian. 243rde--
2.0e-5.00—Public Skating
6.304.30—Bantam Practice
8:30- ee•ListoWet vs.° Wingitam
THURSDAY, Jan. 24th—
. 6.304.30--Midget. Priteticc
FRIDAY.; Jan. 250t-
3.30-5,30—Publie Skating;
•9.00-12.00--'-Figure Skating
2010,5.00—Public Skating
8.00-10.00-Plihlic Skating
8,80-5,39-.-Public Skating
7J11l-9.00—MildnitlY vs, Wittglutin
' '13sibtaina
9.607 -T.11,111dtria
vet. Winghnin
TU. ADAY, Jan.
4.30-1o..10-:,Figure Skating,'
`WEioNtSDAY; +ie.%
Z.004.00--,Puldie 'Skating
6.30-7,89;41nxitatel Prriettee
3;90—Phillinshorg vs. Witighaixi
A new Year "1957" has begun
and baek to work trudge the weary
students after a gay and exciting
festive "season. All the New Year:s
resolutions we Make and hope to
keep are usually forgotten ,
The new ',year brings near
ties, With the hasltethall \season
now in progress, The first game of
the season -.isen exhibitlen game
With. Hanover. This game will be
played in, the school gyrn on
Thursday afternoon:
Another activity is the curling
club which many of the students
participate in and which is under
the able direction of .Mr, ' Matitli;
the senior mathematics teacher.
An all-year actiVity is the shoot
loo club (for 'boys)' Which enables
thern to display some of their best
skill in the art of target practide,
This is 'ander the direction of Mr,
Another extra-currieular activity
The Milverton Dominion Royals
edged the' Wingham Spitfire Jun-
iors 8:7 -'in a fast-moving- hockey
game at the local arena on Monday
'In the• first period -• Wifigham
took the lead by a score of 2-1.
Jim Canipbell blinked the red light
-both times for, -Wingharn • with
Danny Gascho • potting the lone
Milverton goal.
Doug Murray, Bruce Lott' and
Gord Wain scored for Wingham in
the second: period to bring- the lead
to 5-2. Bob TOman scored the lobe
Milverton goal.
The roof fell in 'for the spit:
fires in the third with IVfilverten
scoring six' goals ,to Wingham's
Fred Knechtel and 'Ross Kipfer
scored-two goals a piece for Mil-
verton with Roy Kerr and Elmer
Byers each notching single tallies.
Ken Hodgkinson scored both
Wingham points.
WINGHAIVf—Goal,- Teskey; de-
fense, Bairi, • Struthers; Duffy, Car-
i -forwards, Lott, Murray,lietlg
kinson, Campbell, Wain, Fryfogle,
Lee, McKee, •Graham.
FirAt Period •
Gascho „(Knechtel) 4.30; Camp-
bell (Wain) 7.32; Campbell (Lott,
'Wahl) 8.10. Penalties, Carter;
ter (minor and misconduct),.
• , Second Period
Murray (Hodgkinson, Lott) .11;
Torean (Kipfer) 2,27; Lott (Mur-
ray), 6.49; Wain (Baia) 15.05. Pen-
•alties Gerber, Dale, HodokiriSon,
Toman, Dale, (minor and miscon-
duct), Gaschb, ICnechtel• (ollar:en-
•Kriechtel, 2.00; Iterr (Gaul) 4.44;
Knechiel (Kerr Gaul) 6:53; Byers
(Gaseho) 8.15; ,Rodgkinson (Lott,
Murray) 9,16; Hodgkinson '11.30;
Kipfer (Taman) 13.58; Kiefer
(Gattatio) 14.54, Venaltiot, Lee, Tes-
key (served by Madiay), Wain
(misconduct) Hodgkinson (rids-
Mrs. Barry Merkley won the ten
dollar draw donated by Lock-,
ridge's Transport and She turned
the money back to hockey
-club; Mike" Willie won the five
dollar draw,
you may join Is the drarna club,
which is ably directed by Miss Mc-
Oregor, All students •are welcome
to this club which 'meets weehly
and teaches the students the .rudi-
ments of drama and the art of act-
These "are just some of the many
tapes of exrta-curricular activities
you may join in the school, and We
would like to see as many students
as poSsible avail themselves of the
opportunities .presented to thern.
by Alison Webb XlaB
Xn his novel, "The' IVioneyrnan"„,
Thomas B. Costain has •once agaie
artistically Combined a fictional
love story and historical happen-
hintgmer.a.0BY• adie43scoraipi,tioltiles
made 'dirt( historical facts, become
alive and interesting. ' '
As is often his' Custom, COStain
has chosen an outstanding figure
neglected- In hi:401101 records and
has :woven a story. about his life, In
this borx, the figure is "the money;
man" also. was • L'Argentier 'of
Charles VII of France. Here is. a
fietional Dove story combined With
grim historical facts ,about the-life
ora fi tih. in.O.rie_yman, his contribu-
tions to Prance, his-- downfall' and
Little is known about the money-.
man .until •.facts of his trial were
recently uncovered,' Costain gives
him belated,glory, as he shows him'
as the here. dedicated to save .his
from ruin. He finances a
war to drive the British, out of
France and ends in prison as a re-
sult of a 'conspiracy among . the
ministers of the king. Costain •
shoWs..himself as a master of tic-•
Lion, as. he weaves a love story into.
this to provide an enjoyable ,pre-
.sentation of an otherwise grim,
factual account. In this novel, we
are given an impression ' of the
15th century life, society and con-
ditions. An especially good descrip-
tion is given of the differences in
classes and the life of the nobles
in that era..
The historic novel should appeal
to '•all. whose interest. is in historical
events or to anyone who wishes to
read novel in goo'cl literary style.
by Helen Haines XIII • '
• •
befencernan, Who has played all
his 'Minor hockey in LueltrioW,
Where he was born; Began play-
ing this season with the Whgbatn
Spitfires and has been putting, lip
Serra) excellent hockey,
man's Show w411 be Carltetarg....
est beat and marble six*, 'an in-:
ter114tirtoei potor shays:, an unusual
wild life e4hibit, 4 travel. show, .a .
eottege phew and three dog shows„
In addition, there will .be 'howling
competitions and champlonships, A.
photographic display and salon, a'
sPortl; delnonstration area, a de-
Ineitstration casting pool, square
danaing and a variety if other
features Land attraction, •
4:• mikgift"ii4
lt 41'
imli at #1,0
the -4E.Ivpr angry
big done WiiiIkA o.
miss?" ' •
0: 0
Many men 'have
their !teat to
not that they
They've never it4...t.w,
A- fast, accurate ferWard, Who has
played in' the centre'. poSitiOn- for
Wingiteni for'seyeral arears. '!•GOd
scored”- two goals in • hip,daat iganid
which, brought his total gioal:,seere
this :season ,,to 17.- He `works -at
the Wingham. sawmill,. 'In 'his
spare time Gerd presides "ht .:the
meetings of the • "El Prtiducto':, club
in 'Wingham. - .•
'o ",IS~IN1hRlf
• NO,..S110101 'Not: •
Ti!i0,MINT ,OELLY11:
1957 Promises Best
Sporttnen's Show
Exciting new features 'MIA . at-
tractions, an 'extensive display of
all that is new for sports and re-
creation, siirrither cottages and
'travel, and a sensational new stage
apd water revue will combine to
Make the AP Canadian. National
sportsmen's 'ShOW, scheduled
for Match 15th to 28rd tile'
best of its kind ever held on thin
This Vat§ indicated hy Loyal M.
Belly, general manager, in arirtetill.
ding the Show's dates, "For several
years 110W Mir Spolkartiert'a Billow
has had the rePtitatiort, of being the
•- - biggest hfia. best. Of Its kind 'lit )
this eentiiientP Mr. iteliy said.
"But we're still trying to linprove
it an the tittle, Slate' the 1057 'show
will comtnemorate our tenth anni-
versary we are sparing no effort
or e'itptinse to Malta lk the greatest
ever held ttitywhere.!'
Ainittng the many feature's of the
1961 Oanadian National Sports.
Channel 8 10 ixnt,
Star of the Metropolitan Opera
.of "Your 'Hit Parade" fame •
And cast of Broadways "NEW FACES"
Sings ,"POor People of Paris"-
Famed Hungarian Dancers
Novelty Two Piano Team
in on excerpt from "Madame Butterfly"
* * *
!resented by
• ;
John Clark 15 the host every week on CBC-Tr s "Junior MagaZine"., a
one-,hour program - on which he produces live• and filnied
Pent for •cbildren. °Clark is the one on the right; friend,. with the
bat worms- his Way into the show every now and again,. '•
Tickets good going and returning same Saturday only.
111XCillt,StOV trAttES FiteNC
Aller4r( • $4.76 Itimover $4.30 iiintrthirntlitOn *It •
lirainplott •S HarriSton Stti) Shrhia Itrue•Iseis MAO Ingersoll. $3.10 Strutter& 414- ;$4.15 Kincardine $5.85 Strathroi .
Clinton $4,75 Kitchener $2.46 Walkerton
Elora 035, Listowet $8,40 tiVotford
tit Feris $2.45 *IMO Wingha
rgetown OtVesk $4,/5 WYonlhig
tieticrich $6,05 Paisley $5,20
Correalanading. Parea .from Interriatidlatei Pointe,