HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1957-01-23, Page 6the world what stuff champs Are ' rom the start., Chevy's rugged - the Alaska Highway,, are ready to unbeatable value.: 6's and Short Stroke Ws, with to 210, can do Herculean tasks with Chevro;et showed made of; right f features,proved on prove:to you their High , cOmpression horsepower now up ease! • ' St4rd'y framrtiand. long-leaf springt — theie brawny chassis components can take it when thegoing is roughest .. with strength to spare! ' Whether pour, job calls hi; fast-working effitiencjr . against tight schedules or big Muscles for off-the-road grinds, 'count On a new Chevrolet task-Force truck I do it better! , Low Cab Forward models outdate 'the 'CO -Over • Engine, Save yoti time,and effort. Unit-design cab and body construction --Chevrobit cabs and bodies stay tight and solid over miles of 'buttips. - OptiOnal Powerrnatie transmission, the revolutionary six-speed automatic makes heavy hauling easier end. safer, iforiroMtly row feed to tlin ,treble riPal Pgoelitla0 Ito hear ibaki; 11# OW, It kPo roc * noVer.telhelq80ttsri thrill 01 114 VfatotI 4011I. Cilrlstiair musio. You will he amble: any 400000 soo.or'64 oW°driatitwto kdiATS:0197c00041',':iisittery,ofo'uilltiletroilAis it itist.cinesn% ha,phrJA, . s • The inieilt housea of Bern can 'be seen elosey to `the ,.edge of the Water By Jane revives 'Wehr , people • throwing :dried fruit and the 'eharrn Of the . oily is it's size, vegetables to the furry entertain- Although Bern is the capital 'of ers. • ' • Switzerland it is, small enough to Bern is a charming mixture of cover adequately on foot. This is sophiSticatiOn and medieval quaint.. trite, ,Of coinse, 'MO if One enjoys , nesS' Centuries • ago when the city walking '-lf ," not;' there ,are other was founded, the first • buildings methods- of transportation' - avail- . able. - • 4014 114. 1.87 fth .17 CliARTE1W) AccOlUNTANTS . TELEPHONE .,k111001,NG Allkert!P • '` • Ontorio, Folding FLOOR AlUtninum WALL A.VVNINS TILES LUMBER BUMPING Telephone 260w That Tired Feeling FOOT .TROUBLES SEE. MR. S. LINDER:of ' Kitchener, well-known FOOT SPECIALIST and. MANUFACTURER of • FEATHERWEIGHT -ARCH SUPPORTS, w &will be at my store to give relief to those suffering from Foot Ailment, TUESDAY, Jan., 29 - all day WEDNESDAY (morning) Jan. 30, In Christian Science Monitor Tylany cities throughotit. 4iirOpe - have as their , city'. emblem bird or animal:Put...none taims.its sYrri, bol .quite :8e091.10r as 13ern, Switzerland. one does not fOrget for a moment ,that, this is 'the "City of the'Bears;j" ' There are massive .stone and, iron bears at the" eatrances.,to many of thew public' building's in Bern, and the bear motif is used repeatedly, in fresco and column ornamenta, POlic-fountains, built 'in the' six teentireentintY. tit carry :water from' the mountains to . the growing town, bears are used again and again to decorate the elabOrate fountains. The bakeries, 'cafes, and confec- tionery shops are filled with choc- olate 'bears, cookie bears, .candy bears and large sugar bears stuffed with , small •sugar bears. However, the most popular bears' in Ber,n are the Veal hears: —those magnificent, well-trained animals at 'the famous Bern bear pits. They are indeed a city .insti- tution. The bears (there, are usual- ly five 'or six/ are knoWn by ninie to the inhabitants of ' the city.. Many of these people. walk several, blocks out of their way each day just to pass the pit, ancrwateh their favorites, for •a '•moMent er , two. There is no admission charge, and on Sundays there are throngs of were placed close, to the`` edge, of the Itiver Aar. Succeeding genera, tions continued build%their houses up the Steep sides of tithe river's' bank and the city seems to have .grown with complete impart= ,iality•on both sides, •of, the • winding ' Aar.. I first saw Bern in the :early :spring when the sea gulls, thous- ands of them, were 'gathering, for their. 'annual • migratory flight to , the North Sea. The, birds were a flash of brilliant' white 2"against the deep bite-green of 'the river.. In: the 'background were the anc- ient red-roofed hoUses, with their high chimney pots, clinging to the river bank just as tHey have ;for. centuries. Beyond this is the heart •of the 'city. In the shopping 'area, • under; neath the, arcades, one .can for block's on a •rainy day without raising an umbrella:. The shop Wlnclews arc masterpieces of ;Swiss display, arid cleSign: it is difficult' to, chooSe betWeen the stores carry the latest' the Sviias -,merchants have to offer and the many anti-. que shops Where objects of ei5- trerrie, age and beauty are -for .sale. If'erhaps a contributing factor • to Swiss heSpitality, the' proyerbial cleanliness, • the .".fascluation' of a city that had its : :oeigin in , the Middle Ages, the Varied uses of the Bern symbol :--all these and an undefinable 'something else make 'the "City of the Bears" a delightful place to visit. Bargains, customers, attendance at meet- ings? Thin use the clas- sified ads.,. Quick, eCon. comical, and convenient, classifieds do the test job at. thelowest cost. The ..Carter ClOsPei Teatri, Ante'r- las, only fall time interracial and txos- ,a nd pal team is coMPosed of Nyan- gel* and 'Mrs, lilwar4 (Eddie) Cater, .eoloreci, a Mis$ Treatre TwOitoctre.tlenomijiatli,il, Musical (Tree-ta) Tbumith (',Po-mith). Both Rev. and ,tot's. Carter hold degrees in Theology and Affra. Carter, the former &Ali Ann Olf, ford, Is an outstanding gf several atirspiilasiliaant' ,,towaltli rouoisoerrvoql NoW Fingland Plble College, ger vopel.range, spanning over two and a half oetaves, has been an inSnira- lion 'gad' heard ablessing t• i the arranger . Q alie.WholaVe r s of most r c Qf theitimb Tet 17:4 tastruirteatal anal Bev. Carter, better known as "Eddie' in evangelical 'Circles, is an Inspiring song leader as Well as a ,strong evangelical, ,Bible-cen-, tared.,preacher. Ills ministry has Peen blessed'• of God. Miss Thurnitb accompanies the 'Carters as they sing solos, and duets, She' is also, director Of. the Children's :Work. The. Carter Gospel'', Trani tins become natiolially and internat- ionally' known with steadily grow- ing, fame, :having traleled exthn- sivelk thrOglieut the United Statea and Canatlp:, ' Recommendations of this ,eoriso. crated and talented ,groun hAve brought forth the. highest •praise 'from pastors, evangelists, youth and Christian leaders of many de- nomiriatiOnS , with such statementS a• slsl 'Ice"sTsh.'e "bAottl4ini.) song, and in wo• rd, js certain to go straight to the heart Of. 'anyone who ,hearS." "Tlic • loyalty to God's Word, that is in. their message has made thein a .source of continual hlessing.!". "Their ministry is fruit- ful iii bleSsing and. the, salvation Of. sould. "The sincerity that marys, their 'ministry, , the ability that characterizes:their music and• their Message have made them a bless, ,ing to our. people." "Few groups of evangelical "'gospel teams can porn- pare with The Carter Tearn. Their music and message strike home to hearts witli. tremendous • power.' "They excel in musical' talent and aimimailinitilailliiiiii,00111.11104111111:11111•11 1,111111111:11111111111 14 •R HAMILTON i OPTOMETRIST = . • • Th.,0,.,6tes. — Ability — Time tested I Phone 37 for appointment -"A• 'This aatstsatil4 .group will al,. Iligg;e4t '14"4" of '41 18 to "it thought 7,94 cauict • pear in Wingliiiin Town nail :on. ,and $00 if 114 grows, innt, ik Siiturday eveniao, January PROGRESSIVE CONSERVATt ASSOCIATION Federal Constituency of H•uron ominatin 4.ANuAR Y 2 t..at 2,30:040.' 'LEGION HALL, CLINTON *Guest .Speaker: li GEORGE , for Toronto,Broadview • ELECTION' OF it,oFFIcgit4 AlaigNIA110111CON, 40SX President ,Seeretary I n 'your,last loving tribute,- you will wanU: serVice.of quiet dignity to remain forever with you as a cherished memory This .quality our primary concern. . . 1011111111111111111111111BWIlISIISI•1111111111111111•111111•1111111111101111111*1111 . . 1111:W:11,11 , NEW FARM 81JILDINGS YOU REQUIRE, CAN SUPPLY Ar siOU DES/RE .ATTENTION FARMERS! It's. New it's Here It's HOMOSQTE ws the cheapest budding material on the market today. ▪ 1101110801% is an absolutely waterproof building board that, comes tn. Sizes of 4' x' 8', 8' X. UP, 8' x 12' and 8' x 14' W' Mid '%" thick. V 'Use it to build a House, Barn, Garage, Sheds, Cottages, Poultry House, Range Shelters Use it, CM the wall's inside and'outside.' it the it on the roof-too. No need to paint, but, it can be painted in desir- ecl colour ' • It has insulating qualities': Look Once again at the sizes .of the Sheets,. a buildhlk jOh 1 last no tiMe. Price ONLY , 12c sq. ft. IA" lie sq. ff. %." A leVi z x 4's and 1 Aleuts Of 8' X' 14' liMMOSOTt *111 Make • 14' x 14' colony Minse in re041 time:« Come in, and learn more of this amazing new product! ilit11ilhillitlitill1111111011111101fitillitf111111111111.01114.4 In the foreground is one of the many - ornamental public fountains: lit they.background on the left is a meehlanical clock built in the 16th. CentUry. " 'Mimeses of the arcades, can be seen to the "right and telt. ., .i.. ...., .,,,.., ...:,,........."^"'\...:''• ,,,,,,. A., • ,'• , •,..:i,'J.?":.."1••••""0":1$12.1"I4,.."*. . k,:: .,, ,i. • ' . . ,•,--,:::.,,,,,,,,,,*"..." ... CHAMPS o1 EVERY • WEIGHT CLASS! A.GMERAL MOTORS VALUE