HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1957-01-23, Page 47 tataa 'T'R EEt llE Rl ' now` beat :tor Sparer/1H Wed tot Vi'edn e 4 i sdaY,: l" r day turdaY 'evenings, Cant- otel, Formosa. 0412/87' • ' `O8. $At ' 49, of SO, Hay,timok y +t1>~alfa, for sale, 'Phone Wm, $t'oh,. phone '$7r19 Dashwood 9,16,23h YROLPIT.one-ton, truck 1litll stock racks for sale. Apply ti ?,lank. C'17vis,`at the bus, depot: 18 -> FT ,Valentine' .arils -An 'pt'it6,tandiirg, sclectlon :; to choose thi"na it `;Ma ibboi s . Dr ' Store;: 23': COMING'' ' SOON , Semi annual w l''illapgr sale `.'Watch 'fer' next wee'd's ad."'' The,Wallp'aper° Shop, x^ ; 2P A ,' 1i�t]ANtplTX ' OP' New Garry oats grown from registerea seed fat . sale.' `.These eats won three r fits 'at; Fordwich "Fair;' 10 bus.' of over; $1.60 'per bus.,,; under $I,65 cleaned and treated' •T,..Ed- ward Powell, R,R,'x *Ingham: 23,30'' p'RAME'K'ITCHEN building at 39 'John 'Street • for sale. To he taken :,away, Telephone. 343, 23,30,6b G1T.SON' COAL or% wood' furnace a with welded steet,:deme; A -.I: on- dttiin; for. -sale, ,ijpply t°. liusseil w'Fai•rier, .phone 691, Wingharii 231a ., tWEs (, .K FOIL. SALE GOOD •IiHRHAM heifer• due'Feb- t ruaty 12 for sale.Als o 2 Pal.; stere! heifers •dile March 4 and April 10 :-bred 'Hereford, , Apply to' :Roy Hastings,:9th. line .Turn. berry. • 8 GOOD YO. K PIGS"10 weekS'Old for sale. ,'lee:10,40)d York pigs', 7 weeks old,, Apply` to d:,Ha. Boa= ma;jphone-Wingham 610w3,' 23k HOLSTEIN ;6P4INGERS, for sale,; • 1 Keith' and ;cow with third. calf treth in,a,few days,• , a, ,heifers freshening:;in• two weeks: Apply to' Ches.' McIntosh, phone. 5• r 8, Molesworth', ANTED', W [Tl.. • . ILL:' o d•.hos'�• n l t $ ,_._.l ,,,..g.ad lit p: a r ce Cio in pigs. M,urs Cionin, . phone 56r,22 Teeswter. 23b I►iEADtiTOGK WANTED DFADSTOCK•- REMOVED - from r your` farm promptly for `sanitary disposal $2:00` Service char e for. each` call:. Tele boneoll' ae t: Pal merston ata3W; 'Ddrhatn •'398, « or Wingham 37$ GORDON, YOUNG LI$T3xL?U rrb PERSONAL" • 'W . St7FFYER• 'the' agony of Rheuiaat c; Pain, , S4ciatica -Lum' Y ! ba o a when 'RUM ACAPS• will help you to . Welcome, relief. Ask your' Druggist„. ' 23b :WANTED, iIFIST'• MOR.TGAdE of .$2,000., on t ai ;business property valued at $14;016. For further information regarding this investment . propo iiitIon . write Box, 6, Advance TImes. 23,30,6? 1 ,RK WAN'TED,i'' lY1iT7?ING ,Wolf,;; will be done with Phone h machhin e, Pone 735 J 12. 23b i;RIF.tD'WiM4N desires day tithe baby sitting ; or general horisework, phone 471M, : 23* .ALrt;., liliELP> "WANTED 'XEkit Join now to earn 'a 'good. Keine selling Avon Cosmetics in ;; ;*reals and Whitechurch it kt,f For further information fte ,,Mrs. Stock .78 Duchess enne, Kitchener, 14:23b aati BLE GIRL or 'woman ;,:general hotteekeephig• for }i,. With one child. Live in 'Osis: Phone 416', 23b. w i ClapiAltiNG ACTION sale for 1tlELP 4NTau ..1;*AIRMAIIT FOR 401RIS i' A;t►pl serious for" general repair man for Morris Soi ools will he received by the leeeretarY until pehrusry 15, Pities; .May he learn- ed from any member of the .school: board�:Appiicants please state rate ofa P y exAeoted, ii, S.i Shaw; sgoT retary, Bluevale, Ont. �`''2,3A30b QARETAKERS WANTED' .. East. Wawanosh Township ,Si;hool Board requests applications or tif caretakers at the following schools, duties''ta begin March 1st 1957: g ,. U3 ; U6, U7, SS, 9, S.S. 1,O, S.S. 18, 1.716,..-U17. • Applications may; be made" before February '1Ii 195'7, to 9 East' Wawanosh Twp. School l3caard Clarence Chamiiey, chairman, RR,, 1,. Belgrave; C. H, Wade, sec.,; Bel-. grave,' , 23,30,6b .SALESMAN WANTED. OUR BUSINESS is one .of the besti You' can be apart of it by be. coining oneof our agents, Don't delay any; longer, Write today for,, details. Famiex, Dept, 28, Station: 'C,` Montreal. 23b WANTED --Reliable man for Deal- er in Huron County. Experience not necessary. A fine opportunity to, step into old profitable busi- ness ` where: Rawles h Products g o els have been sold faryeats. s y r, 8ig, profits., Pr ucts furnished .o ' P od n credit, Write Rawleigh's Dept. A-453163 .Montreal, P.Q, 23b REAL ESTATE LOT BESIDE ORANGE HALL on,. Edward Street for sale. Contact' Earl%`Hamiltonh n p o e 485, FORS ALE Partly finished dwelling on Water: ,St., Wingham, nearby C. :''LloYd & Son Ltd., Berry Door and i lesterii •- Fouitdry Company. 1. storey, frame, insulated. Contain- ing 2 - bedrooms, living room and kitchen. On lot 70 x 175. This, dwelling can. be finished reason. • 'ably and is offered at a low price for ' quick' sale, Garage in .con-, nhetion, H. C. MacLean, Realtor, Wingham, Ont, Phone 11'5 23,30b FOR RENT Arrig,JNT' for • rent on Josepl - •ane' beet. r S ,,,.rooms and bath,.. hot and cold" water, - heavy Y dut. wiredeasily Ppheated. Apply tolYRR . la Galbraith. 23rrb HEATED • APARTMENT for rent, posseSsion immediately. Apply to Lockridge,. phone 295. 23rrb HEATED h. a artmen , i P t with stove and •Yefrigerator for rent. Suit able for one or two; Phone 98. 23b. COMFORTABLE furnished brick dwelling 'forrent on'. Diagonal Road, with oil heating, Posses- sio :F n eb..1Gt. , Paione 1081 23b. MISCELLANEOUSa LS, YOUR TELEVISIONro-erl P P Y insured for all Tisk' coverage? For information atephone 293. , Stew- art A. Scott, 'Wingh'afn: 2rrb STEWART A. SCOTT can now save you; 15% on your car or truck in- eurance. Yearly or six months policies ° are available. Special rates for farmers. ' For further information phone 293, Winghani, 29rrb SANITARY SEWAGE disposal septic 'tanks, cesspools, Cellars, etc: pumped and cleaned, quick service, . all' :work , guaranteed, ,% ApplY: ,Louis Blake, phone 42r6, ,Brus8els. _ 15rrb ? AT,EI LOO CATTLE Breading Association "Wh'ere' Better 'Bulls Are Used", "p'or artificial seininatlon information or ser - 'vice from all breeds of cattle, phone the Waterloo Cattle Breeding Association at: Clinton Hp 2-3441 or M ldma 130r12e- i y bu tween 7.30 and 9.30 a.'n. We have all breeds available - top quality at low cost.1 25rrb YOUR. WATCH CONDITIONED. No Parte missing'ot datriaged CLINTON WATCH stavultil Clinton; Ontfrlo r:rb' ran. '1NAN,CINC A CAR? you buy ask about otrr e et !Inencin er:vlee ;with- afniitttenee 'overage, 'ART A. SCOTivoissisn" `26rt,ite Webster Jaeklip iQ miles east of Win barn on Ili hwa 86, Friday, Jan, 25, ,11. p.m. Herd of beef cittle, ,baled liaygrain, asoh in cry and some furniture: • oxden .Tacksan, anetioneer, 231/ CARD. Of' TMS Mrs, O. 0. Washington & id fain. ily w,is D to thank ?r. Ct awfQrd:'ani the hospital staff for their kind. ' i care1 Bess. and efficient and 'aloe. the many friends who were . AO' thoughtful during at time Of diffi- culty. 28kk CARD OF THANKS Mr. Barry- McLeod wishes to express, his :appreciation to 'friends; t 1° r 1m ball team, S.S he3e . 4�,._al -iI, . No, 13,, for :sympathy expressed in his recent bereavement. 23* IN lMiEMORIAM ARD -In loving memory of a dear mother and `grandmother, 'Mrs.' Phoebe Ard, who' entered' into rest, January '23 1954, , Looking back with memories. Along the path she trod We bless the years we had with her And leave 'the rest to God. ,.Ever remembered. by Jean, Donna and Gordon. 23a; NOTICE 'TO :CREDITORS IN THE ESTAE OF ANNIE C. OLVER ALL PERSONS having : claims g against the , estate of the. above mentioned late of the •Town' of Wingbam, County of a- Huron, Widow; who 'died on the second day of November,' er' 1956 are requir- ed e uir=ed to file proof of same with • he undersigned g on or before the sec- ond day of February, 1957, After that date the administratrix will proceed todistribute the ' estat ` e having regard only to' the. claims of which she shall then have had notice. DATED at Wingham this 8th day, of January, 1957. • CRAWFORD & HETHERRINGTON Wingham; Ontario Solicitors for the Administratr1 16:23:30b FARM PROPERTY'" FOR' :SALE BY TENDER Teriders are invited for the f r " r a of Johnar ui M S Case, ;lateof the. q Township of Culross, deceased con,- Sisting of one hundred.acres being ,Lot Number Twenty-two an the Third Concession of the Township w soip of Culross; large. barn. 36' by 96'; comparatively . new house 24' by 30'; drive shed 28' by45" drilled , , well; hot air 'heating and rnodern conveniences in .house; hydro -in both house and harp; good farm lands and is considered,' one of the better farmsan the.Teeswater area; Tenders must state. the price of- fered for the said farm' property. and beaccompanied by a cheque for ten centum per a tum of the tender. Tenders must be in the hands of the undersigned by 12 o'clock ,noon, Saturday, .Ianuary .26, 1957. The highest of any tender need not necessarily be accepted. DATED at Teeswatea Ontario, this •7th day of January, A.D. 1957, • A. ]:3. McTavish,' r ' Teeswater, Ontario Solicitor ter: the Adminiatratrix 16:23b TENDERS 'WANTED by the. Wingham Town -Council fox a replacement of the town truck Specifications will be available at, the town :clerk's offiee on Friday, January 25, 1957. W. A. Galbraith,' Clerk. 23b TENDERS FOIL WOOD Tenders fox supplying 1.00 cords of good hard body wood, 14 inches long, delivered to the, different schools in West Howick Sehooi Area. Will be received until Janu- ary ;31st,. 1957, by the undersigned. James lupus, Secretary, •Clf fo'd Ontar Z 1' 1 i4 18:2813 PREPARE FOR A FUTURE: INQUIRE NOW Our Course in open to mop and. 'Women. Leaiir HAIRDRESSING at . LONDON SCHOOL Or HAIRDRESSING 350 Tobos St', rhoo 11 fiNIlON 140thz. White Phone Visit { i1►$D or Mr. Ed. Iiolioway wishes to thank ail allose Who seat cards and treats to the hospital ,jn the year 1956.'. e,a � of � bhatlks to' ka Mrs, Morro and' f: Y herof 'Staff, t 23b NVA , 141BE Oy.,.., ., .. "Winghant Oe+neral Rospl i The annual m1eeting of the Wing - ham am Ge rai Hospital Associatgon will be held on p'xiday, p'ebruary 1st, at 8 p,fn,, in the recreation room of the Nurses' Residence, at, Wingham. All matters of business pertain- ing to the Wingham:Hose ital P Association including the ,election of directors and other officers and consideration of, `the, lay.Laws of the Hospital will be transacted•. >< to In order ca§ ballot . t a ba... t.ina the ele, c it`o n of .,direGto:rs a person must. be a member of the Association.' One; year Memberships may be obtained for the "sunt of , one. :dollar ($1,OQ) frons„ the Winghani Idospital,, the Secretary, the Treas.' urea•, or a member of the Board of Directors. Everybody welcome.. ate' 'C, MacLean, 1'xes'ident. • John Strong, Secretary.: 23,30b TENDERS WANTED Tenders will be received by the undersigned until Sat., ;Feb. 2, 1957 for supplying4 cor ar .$, ds of hard body wood, 14 inches long, to schools No. 5, 6 and 9 in East 'How ':ick School area. Woo''d' to. ` - delivered eied by May' 15, .1957 and' piled at schools. Apply. toa, B. • Collins,' ordw` F ich, Ontario, phone 22x3.; 23b TENDERS Tenders will bereceivedfor f,. r Warble Fly s rayin in the Town- p g.. shit o - o wick ,for the f H r year 1967. Tenders to state price per head ,for warm and ordinary water. Tenders to be in the hands of the Clerk by 2 .p.m, February 1st, 1957. •Low 'est or any •tender not necessarily accepted. J. Harold Pollock; Clerk, Township of Howick, Gorrie, Ontario. 23,30b APPLICATIONS Applications will 'be received for. an Inspector` to' supervise the Warble Fly .spraying in the Town- ship • of 'How e - "for 'the ..the 1957. P lk Y ., Salary to. be, $1.25 per hour and supply own transportation. Appli- cations to be in the hands of the Clerk by 2 p.m.,'' February 1st, 1957: Any application not neces- sarily accepted. J. Harold -Pollock, Clerk, Townshr'`of Howick P , Gorrie; Ontario. 23,30b Mortgage Sale of ` Town ,Property, P tY UNDER and by virtue of the powers contained in a certain Mortgage, , which will be produced at the time: of sale, there will be offered for sale by public auction on Saturday, January • 26th, 1957 at the hoar of 3 o'clock in the afternoon at the. ,office of J. W. Bushfield in the' Town ,Wing- ham,ham, s>lbject to a reserved bid, the following •property:- `TALL AND SINGULAR that cer- tain parcel. or tract of land and premises situate, lying and being in the Town of Wingham in the County of Huron and Province of Ontario and being coMpo'sed of parts of Lots numbers 56 and :57 On the North 'side of John ;Street in Leet and McKay's Survey in the said Town''of Winigham, more par- ticularly, described as follows: COMMENCING at a point oh the noitherly limit of John Street measured,, ten feet westerly front the southeasterly angle of Lot No. 57;h n t e Ge easterly .along the northerly limit of John Street 46, feet ta. a point; thence north- erly parallel with the westerly boundary of ' Lot number 56, tae chains more or less to the norther- ly limit of said Lot number '06: thence westerly along the norther- ly limit 'of Lots ttitrnbers 56 and 57, forty-six• feet ,more br less tox a point; 'Owned southerly parallel with the said Westerly limit of Lot number 56, two chains Mote or leas to the plaee''of begityning," On this Propertythere. 15 erect- ed a seven -room, ne tied one-hh f storey frame house.: TERMS. Twenty pea` cent of the. purchase price to be pai'd,,;do*ti at time of kale and the balance, with - oat interest, within 80' days there - atter, >; or further partieulitra and eon tlitions of sake, apply 'too the "odea, signed, r , DATED. at Wiftgiia.m. 'Ontario, thin Znii day of, Joaary SAW i,, 1957. t: a. BRYCE, Auctibtrjeer .1. W. RUSH',PIELib, t; •do Winghan°i, tin tarlo, ' Soiielto ,tot' ; that lytottitite0, *100 Harry CA Newans Harry Cheater Newakis,' of •1141: 1 eounlseh Avel!llie, died on Seinday at 'St, Joseph s Ii ,Vital, London, In his 84th Year, Be' was born u't, Winghatn and reeved to London when he Was 11, 0hild,. • Mr. Newans was employed With the Empire Brass Mfg. Co, Ltd.,' for 33 years, before retiring five years :ago,. His wife the fornter Eliabbe th. Moor, whom he .married. in '1903,, survives with two daughters, 'Mrs, Andrew (Madeline)' Bonnar and Mr's. Leslie (Dorothy) Blake, both of London, also one son, Rev. Layv- ,rence Newans in Indianapolis, also three sisters, six grandchild- •ren..aad threeret randchi' a, .s 1d1.e n, survive, ,r Earl Wild .f . Dies a.., , n Sar ia ..�.. t J, Earl Wild, • age 53, of Corunna, who died in Sarnia GeneralHos- pital', oh Friday, January 18, was born at Toronto' and for over forty years was se resident of Wingham Where he has an.em toe °• w P Ye of C. Lloyd & Son, 'About eight years ago ,he moved to `the Sarnia dis= tract. He was' the husband of Kathleen Wild , Other e survivors .. a 'e one da r d h- g, ter (Patricia) 'Mrsa Robt. Moore, Petrone; t ia, :three sons, James W. (Bud) Wild,,,Sarnia; Allan Wild,•. Windsor; Douglas at home; bin father, James M,. Wild, ;Wingham; two sisters,. 'Mrs, 'Stafford Church' "er and Mrs. John Gaskell; of, Lon-' don,and ,one `brother, Harold E. Wild of Wingham. Services were' held in the Robb, funeral home, Sarnia, on Monday, at 1.45 • p:m. Burial was' in the Sutherland • Cemetery;•' at Court - right. OFFICERS - INSTALLED AT LEBANON CHAPTER i . Rt., Ex. Comp. W. S. Hall; assist- ed by other past'principals, .offic iated,; at the annual installation and investiture of officers of Leb- anon. Cgapter eb-anon•`.Cliapter 'No: 84 ; held last Tuesdaya n' ve mg.at, which 'the fol lowing were installed for the year 1957. Z., Alex Robertson;: I.P.Z., .Edgar Gainey, H Spence : J, James p Scott; , Mair tr easur`er K. M MacLennan; S.E., John McLean; S.N., Carman Thom' son • P • JohnJackson; S.S., Alex ,-Corrigan;',J.S., William Tiffin; O.G. Alex Coutts; at of 4th. Veil, Dave Murray; M. of 3rd.. Veil, John McGee ; M. "of 2nd. Veil, John' D. Beecroft; •M. of. ,1st, Veil; NormanL Mc aughlin; D, of C., Alex Reid;" huditors, W. S. Hall and Ken Saxton;: AN INN MI IN lin ,11111 INS Milk LEE'S 'TAXI �X I Day g and Night Service :.,,.. Vii.NP �, 0NE185 aiga y}t�f IE01>Y!R T:a� St. 1 0epirtir ' pit9ix Giaalpkil 5141, Saturdays •Jan;uany, ;l$, .1'957, to Harald. anal Allison Tietiry4 Of'OaoriFeto'ir nx i9 ,laugh" ter, * SeMANl1 ."-Tn• Stiratford toner Hospital;, :.on Thursday; ,Tanual`y 17, 1111574 to.'Mi'. and Mrs Allan a'Iels'lanas (lace TTeien Stu dy), a .son, Mc LAUG LI --- : Gra co TToapitafl; Ottawa on Sunday, January 20th, to Mr, and I4rs, ,iTohn ,Id', Mo - Laughlin, 147 Towels Ave., Qttar wa, :a da.iighter, Jane l llaaboth• READ/ON-141 ' i n�hamgeneral Hospital, op Wednesday, Janu- ary 16th, 19,57, to Mfr,. and aara. Louis Readni,an Win liana, a , g daughter,. CRONIN-In Wingbam General. Hospital, on Friday, January 18 1957, to Mr. and Mr e i .. s 1�i.hs1�i Cronin, RR,' 2, Teeswater,""' a daughter. r `. 4 HA KNESS-In Winghern Oen.. Oral Hospital, on Sunday,, Janu-,, 'dry- 20th, 1957, to Mr. and Mrs;` George Harkness, •R,R, 3, Tees. ' water, a son., HENDERSON-In Wingham Gen, eral hospital on Tuesday, Janu,= at'y 22nd, 1957, to Mr. and' Mrs; Thomas Henderson, R,R.. 4, Wingham, ;a eon.'.. PERSONALS S --1fr: Calvin McIntyre, who was taking the special Hydro course at Niagara Falls, had the misfortune to break his ankle last week, `'and e has been in -the hospital there. --Mr, and Mrs. A. E. Furdon of Lxieknow have been visiting at the home of. their 'daughter, Mrs' J.' A, MacIntyre, of ,town,l r Mr. and Mrs: Edgar McMichael and,' Mr. and Mrs. 'Wm. Morrison of, Port Credit, -visited on Sunday at :the hone of the :former's.sister; Mrs. Hugh Sin anion Minnie St.,• and 'with other relatives in this community, • -Mr. and Mrs. Relison Falconer, and childreh .of 'Sarnia,' spent the week -end with her parents, Mr: and Mrs. John Stacey, Wingham. Mrs,- Frank -Thompson; ' John Street, spent the week -end at Lon- don; with her -husband at Beck Memorial Hospital, and , with. her sister Mrs, Milton Burne" ,M ,M Mc y,. -Mr. Bert. Isard of ' London, spent .the ' week -end: in' town "Visit- ing friends.' -Mr. and Mrs.' Gerald Ste. Marie' and 'Mr:' and Mrs. Ken Winegarden and family, > of London, spent .last week -end with their, -parents, rents. Mr, and r s. G eo Currie. -Mr. and Mrs.. Whitney Gro se" and Debbie returned on Monday from Florida where they, have been'; spendinga holiday. While in Flor- ida they visited Dr,. and Mrs. A. W. Irwin, Mr. and Mrs. W. Arm strong and Mr. and, • Mrs. W. 13; McCool.' BAKER'S PRIVATE HOSPITAL Baker's Private " Hospital .has accoiitiimodation., for more„ patients: Bed patients' accepted. Nursing 'care 'at all times. RATES 'REASONABLE For informationP one 129M or 129R Lucknow ave Monte BY PREPAYING Vow') ..f Wiagliam • x 1957Taxes Taxpa pe s may lake payments orL account of 1057 taxes,up to 80 per cent of 1956 taxes. intei est at the rate of rout- ,per cent, per - atl'flfl,' Will be allowedon such prepayments. ,Prepayments F e tS of taa�eS 11141St be made at:the ToWIA Treasurer's Office, Towel Frill. W. A. GALBRAITH, Treasurer, Town of Wtnghom', , a miametisteteeitt,tll ssoii4jli4itteaffixiinialoaiostioren e111x14eoaolYtl onoissosioeia issie, NOXICE WALKER STORES WILL BE MOM MONDAY, JAN, ?si FOR TOCii *TA' ,INO Open 'Tuesday as usual fair M Milnes Hullo Folks! Here's How to Save G4. Someone has, e tin atQO the average driver wastesPiet:jlUoWs away, uselessly,34 ballots of' gasoline year, elolir to 'keen. a ear on the road for a Monti: or six weeks. ' Studies over a number of years have shown that motorists. a,ro averaging 18 miles to thegallon when they should bo,getting 19 19, Silly, driving 'habits, we might as well be blunt ,about it, are Mainly to blame, K. There are so many "rules for driverbi'' that one person can't 'feasibly keep'them all in Biel bead 'Rut these six rules Opine fr'om. 1 II . ,I r t tonna � these rides the head of a :big Met of company ears; lie . rl 1 s 4i. their Costs-per-milewa down and brought that extra month ,.Y, do wn • jacitrabbitstarts, Getaway • shift into high gear as soon as possible. i Slow' down graduallyata sen Yon 1t410w you're oin to haveto stop , four car runs! .on. the g t. power from sgasoline already burned, so ,there's no sense wasting all that inenieatuni' by conning to quick stops. " forfi 'Don't race Your�i'tlotor while waiting f lights to change or while warning ulna LORNk7 McDONALD Moderate Speeds save gas ,and save the brakes. h hbrakes,' Do n t ride the elute or Alta finally, get regular ekeeku s'and servicing. ' . • So many .of the cars we've sold aT� have serviced, right, along, come back to us to be traded in. Anc these ears, that our servicemen know so well, are displayed on,our used car lot, Then many.,bilyers keep on having their used car serviced here, 'it''s a Wise . way to look after ascar. n their a o e nt5 t het ortheycan7ic o it t,ar ha.els ill the f . y n. wa. . 4 1 ..Y.i n middle:of ate busiest intersection in ,town ,diti'in rush htiiir truffle tor thirtyinutes, •iloi►'t' take them: up on, it.i- they may have got asneak look at our.next week's column. '&soar Pm fits s sea Crosszi1loO*L ca i� Sf'V/CE JAt ' SAVES PHON a R• 5 9 FISH, FISH FREE .DEI DELIVERY PHONE ' 82 FISH PECIAL S1L»ERBRIGF T SALMON Sliced . 59c lb. Whole or Half Fish 57c lb. FRESH , • and SMOKED FILLETS, ILLEIS,, I'It.LSili !. ROZI;N LAKE HE , ,, HERRING, DUTCII SALT HERRING, I{IPPLItS,.. 'OYSTERS, IiIPPE1iiNES SMIOLTS, SIIYlIMI'S 1VHITI: FISIi'. SAVE ON THESE WEEK -END SPECIALS GIRLS Quaker PUFFED RICE ... :.. 2 plcgs. 35c Johnson's' Hardo a cl Ss cLo-Co A`I plant kin` 57c Aylmer CATSUP, 11. ounce, bottle . 21c i 'Heinz Cream i ofTOM o SOUP 2 .tins.. flit. 23c �. iii 1IIIIIi11,10,11,x,1„rl,ill11,11,,,1,,, r„iiiil,il„r„ 1,11,,1, 111 iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii iiiii„0,,,i11110,r001,ii 1: ELLIOTT REAL ESTATE ACE - S NCY Blyth, Ontario _.'- Phone 101:. GORDON ELLIOTT,, BROI It Fleming S. Baliagh Salesman r• r , 'Victor Kennedy, Salesman, Rtes. Phone, 586J, . Wingha;n't. 'Rat, Phone, 78, Blyth Largo Farm Listing, Dwellings' & Business Property. " Listings :a'nd:Inquiries. Invited. "WE Sl:'ECIAL1''LE IN GIVING 1$ERT'IC.E'>•. c 10.1.1 urn iii", iiiii•i ii illil,nl;u,i,ilu Y10011,rnY1,1 YInu u,b,l"111 - ,1,01tint. BUSINESS and ' PROFESSI,ONAL bIREc'oRY • A. II. MTAVfSH BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, and `J'R'ESWIIATi+)R RY F 'ONTARIO :Telephone 28' Teedwater Wroxeter -Eve _ 'We+ nes i'aY _ • afternoon, 2-.-4 p.m., or by appointment, CRAWFORD W ORD HETHE'RI C N ETON 4.444440. Ilarristeta, Solicitors Etc. .Vinghant, Phone 48 rl<. Ii. CRI`L't'i'FORD, Q.C. ,R. , H TIII RINGi7!o11T (;4.11" IV. RUSIIFIEI.H Q.C. flarrister, Solicitor Notary, Etc., Mon ey tn !man an Office -Meyer Blaeic, Wingham Frederick Ft Hontitth Ptim.$ , RA: Carol E. Hoinuth, R.O. Mrs. Viola Il. Rorhuth. R,O. PHON1r11118 krrioton, Hai'Ontario. I'ELIINOTON FIRE. InSttranee Cotnpany .. Eht. X.11411 An allilnadiau Company which had il"a:iiltrnliy nerved its pellO' holders for over it eetttury. : Wad Wide *Taranto 1i14 Mao can initttrnnce Agency • Wirig iath ..- • 7