HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1957-01-23, Page 3Getting, in a behy-sitter is no problem' when Me, and Mrs. Robert Gilpin of •Oshawa, Ont.; :want to• go to indulge in their ,.hobby. of archery. For they take %their baby with them in an Mr. .CbaS. Congrarn, who' has 'suffered for two months. from, a stroke is a patient in the Wing- purden, of Leektiew, ham Hospital, .0* .y dian papoose carrier strapped to the mother's back,, The young cou ple built the carrier after see-ing it on a television, program, so that Mrs. Gilpin- would be able to keep up• her archery after QC tO C e a::storm 1s,at week the out, plan* by, the rl WOMfal'a ,I14411tite, isad. #enefl, It la "",hoped th#4 Me.rk,lf oratile weaklier As in the pffipg,# the concert will be held PAS 'Welik i PrObablY on Wedneatiq FffrI day evenings; HEI,oltAv — There were 23 members and two 0400' at the regular meeting of the Belgrave Women's, Institute 'on Tuesday afternoon of last week in the cem. The 'Federated 'News report was given by Mrs. C. Logan, Mrs. Stan- ley Cook gave a reading and Mrs. Williard Armstrong conducted a contest. Lunch was served by ' Mrs. J. Anderson, Miss Edith Procter and Mrs. James Coultes,. Mr. and, Mrs., Leslie Shaw, Leh-, don, visited over the week:end with her parents, Mr: and Mrs: John `AndersOn. • Mr. and Mrs. 'John Manning and Mr. and Mrs. Bill Manning Mid, licith. of Blyth, Mr. ad. Mrs. JaMes Lamont and Dale visited on Satur- day evening with, Mr. and Mrs. RalPh McCrea. Mr, George Grigg is a patient in the Wingham. General Hospital. Mr*. Walter Lott VieAted inet 'Week at tile Menke sif Mr. and MAS. V'tatilt LeinMeit AtWOOO.,' Miss; )40.1111 Weida of Waterloo, and Dennison of Oait visited on Sunday with Mr. and Nro, Herbert I.aidlaw. Mn. teink,OUW, vlifi4ed art MOrulaY With' ber ,iarentsa Mr and, Ofilif, A. 11 . • Jack jetitiaten..0 London; *Peat last Week With PerelitS, Mr+ and Mrs, Ocralioni Johnston, Mr.: and MI's, D. ,A.. Hackett? of .44141,Old • •Viall:edon Slindair r with, /ier Weida, Mr. .rind.rind , Mee toeaVP1'.• Mr,: and Mrs,„ Ketnieth 13erbotir and children of Relgrewe Spent , , Sunday: Witn.her Parents, Mr, 10111 Mrs. jOhr.'fWerillrneY.' • Mrt - Alex` Inglis and. Mr, Thai, Morrison ;pent Tuesday at Praia- ferdcland Mr; Moirison :visited, with his fattier, Mr. J. B. Morrison,, at thehofne of Mr. and :Mrs, Victor „ . CasentOre.• Mr: iuid Mrs. Kenneth Laidlaw and children of Lenclen, visited on Sendai :"with relatives anil. with' his 'father,. Mr,, Jas. Laidlaw, ..patient jrf,,Wingliarn Hospital. The Young Adtilt. Group of the United Church were guests -of the Lacknciw. United Church Hi-C group; at a .skating party, held in the arena,' last ,Menday everting, Afterward, all • gathered in the Sunday. School room of the church for lunch and •a social time to- gether. A group of the young people were guests of the Belgrave. United •Church: group on Wednes- day, evening last, Whitechurch, Pant 'Forum met on Monday evening at the home, of Mr, and ,Mrs. Cecil Falconer 'with fifteen present: After the broad- cast; 'two groups considered that parity income was very important ,to, agrictilture, and thought if, they had parity, a great manir prOblems r • w,ould.clear up. Other prohibits to eonsidered were, health i plans, compensation,. better credit SYS- tems and flUctuating markets.'Mrs, Ptir408 Mid *Os ft, gatie held high points in VMS,' Akg 'enjeYetl the rioei41 Unite to- gether and the, lieg Meeting. Will be held At the hoMe, Of Mr. WI Mrs, 3111111 PitrOn. , Mr. ;,rail, Plirebeiied team of 1111004 4464 W004 twin BOY ?attison, and Walked thein home around the river road on Satura ay.. ft gettIng to he an unusual thing 10' ikee al tea* horses. on the . Nada arils, end few farms 00/1 beast having a team, at alts lrloyd MentgeinetY ,nne been a pa tiant in Wiogham ]Hospital since, last Ttou'aday. Several rneotinga In tills -clistriet were postponed On Friday on ae.. :count of 'the', storm and blocked roads, The euchre An S:8. Na. fl Was VontvOneft There was no eChool In the Fordyce School and even Mr. Johnston at the• ehaPPor., W4ii unable to- get to his' home In Ripley on aceount of the deep mew in that district. Mr. • and !sirs. 'Irwin Carruthere and Mrs. George Fisher were in London et Saturday to sod their mother, Mrs, John Carruthers, who underwent 'a serious operation in Victoria Hospital on Thursday. Nr113, Carruthers; his. been progress- ing favorably. Thoie from a distance who at- tended the funeral of the late Mrs, Aldin PagOon were Mr: 'and Mrs.' Earl Goyeau' and Luanne. of Bir- mingharn, Mich., and* and Mrs. Glen Foster and Pamela Of Leam- ington. Mr. Robert fiess was taken by ambubInce to Wingham Hospital •en Saturday. He has been very ill for some time. • Mr, and Mrs. Calvert:Falconer of Blyth visited On Sen-day with `Mr, and Mrs. James Falconer. , • • 'Mrs. Andrew:' Wilsey' has been very 'sick' at her hojnirchiring the past week. There was, no service in Brick 'united Church -on Sunday on Lie- count of heavy drifting snow.. FarmerS in this 'district have b een inconVenfenced during, the. Past week with the very tem- peratures, freezing water pipes in houses and barni., Heavy (.4ifts Made it diffieelt to get trucks. ,ohTtihrht,li.treaen.;i idiegr.eagliadtiostios,4tIV. h}ciit4e: loss, will in a congregational meeting 'in 'Whiteehunill:piesby- terian Church pit Friday;. February 1 at 2 pm.; and the:, Whitephurch Presbyterian congregation will hold their annual' Meeting- bn''',T4.6sday, January, 29,- at . , Th e.. W.M:S.• 'Of• the Preilterian . I Church postponed • their ..January meeting from' last VVciltiesday and the United• Church VMS., also Postponed . their meeting :• until January .30 • • ,.4 •i • ; , Mrs. James Wilion, ' returned' home Irani ':V.Vitighain;floSpital on Sunday IaCt, bukhaby Jean didnio4teso4nive,,:.froin :tne; hospital until 4r Ml Co CHANIgY,N ED BOAREI',CHAIRMAR, At the, inaugural 'meeting of East Wawanosh Township School Board held on • January 15, Parolee' Chanthey Wasl.Chesen !as chairman of the board for 195i, :Mr; :pham- iiey succeeds Raj': Pattison. who has acted 'in that' capacity for the last "three years. Wr. •:Clianiney thanked his fellow trustees tor the, honor and asked for their' help and ,'co-operation in the eoniing year, which was promisecthy the retiring chairman' and.',the.': other trustees. 1, C H, Wade, was re-engaged as Seoretary-treasurer,• 13. Campbell; a former! chair- Man- in 1961,„ presided; durieg the election of officers.' The secretary-treasurer reported a balance On hand from 1956 of $2517.00 after all 'expenseS' and temporary, loans' were Immediate steps •are to be-taken to remedy the ,heating problem at Westfield schOol. Wood` contracts, were let to Chas,' Brighani, Ken Mason, J. H. Currie, . GOrd:-"•Carter and Harry Cook at a:priac, range of 0.75 Applications are to be advertised' for caretakers' at eight Schools in this newspaper:.. Permission was giVen The Edu- calor Supply Co. to make sur- , vey of ordinary school "Stipplies (excepting text books) needed in the „ term beginning; Septeniber next, The, Survey is to be made the first Week 'of. March, and,ectimates submitted to the. board sometime in April, PO AIX and !eWit( " the tiThw• iv° 404 41 ' tl. A, ''Stendinig- , at .,the, ,Pertala OA APriwaii# Opening IOW, -, - ....t 240144. The devotional service` followed ,iii• ti isigi d i With Mrs.Prime reading' fitaliriA " a.11141 Mrs,Mgc 40011 leading in going. t meeting held in Oaten. I WOW], of thtt,Tarhe:nicdfeue'l lteocix(r 0094tItetpere .with Robert Watt, Blyth discussionr Bruce M s.,•0Apioldn4e0 Aside motion Od andu that Mr's. McBurney act as asaia. tent treasurer 'for this year. 1. Cards of' thanks from bereaved sick and shut-ins were reported. 1 The study 'book fors this year, "The Church in South. East Asia" was Introduced by. Mrs. Anderson. • The meeting was closed with a hymn and • prayer by" Mr. Colvin. The ,hostess served lunch and a social time was enjoyed. The officers for 1957 are as fol- lows: Pres., Mrs. J. Dunbar; vice- pros., Mrs. K..Scott, Mth. 'V. Young- blut, Mrs. Bruce, Mrs. A. Dunbar; .secretary, Mrs, 0. C. Anderson; treasurer, Mrs. Youngblut; secre- taries, supply. and -literature, Mrs. G. Nicholson; welcome and Wel- fare Mrs. K 'Scott; Glad Tidings, With. Pressure=Creosoted Poles and Posts Using Low Cost, Pole Type Conitruction The Key to Inexpensive Farm Building •and Remodelling .. Now or in the Spring! • Pole frame barn buildings haVe been tested and aeeepted ate the most effielent and labour saving farm buildings you can build for ,:better fanning. : Their strength and adaptability to :ill farm operationso IOW eilst and ease of construction make pole frame buildings a WPM • :investment for• .more profitable farming. . • Amid since you can sofa the pressure-ereosoted poles in thgi . :ground like fence 'posts no expensive excavation, concrete ebtierete forms are necessary, and you can build now 'during the .. Milder winter weather to save precious days in the spring • SIMPLE AND EASY TO PUT .UP • NO skill ed hibOur, or Carpentry is required . . . you can .or remodel farm 'building's yourself frem simple, basic -*Mier Lumber plat* tbakeali easily be adapted to your needs. • Construction: is so simple little hop is lieeded'so youritime And labour cart in half., Come in and talk it over we'll be glad to belt') you Plan:Yogi' farm • buildings for 1957.. ' near `the= barns 'for loading pf' sold stock , and 'Several had ldad at. the road., • aordOw.Fisher left ,oh Thursday to work ;at Prestan C.N.R. station. •, •Whytock of Tees: water,: hag purchased: Mr,. Ernest Crisereore's Tann 'in KinfOss gets ;posSession at once. , The- Kin- lois peeple,Avelcome the Whytoeks to the, neighborhood.. IVIr;.<andr•Mrs.' John, 13rydon RothSay. visited On Sunday at, the home -:„.ek Mn: and Mrs. Kenneth George Ross of °Wen Sauna spenC;tife". Week i:ond ;With his. 4110-' then. Mrs::,;ROberf 'RoSS, ;in ‘Wing ham ,a.t.:',the ;home *of . Mrss... W. J., Coulten'Minnie St, Mr, Arthur Laidlaw has been laid 'up 'during the Past week with. • an attack of Mumps. • • • spent the vreek-end at the honey. of his 'Cliter,'MriL Williarri Dawson. .nLr, John Cengrarn, of 'Winghain, .nad chargeof the service in the PresbAeriafi Church here on Sue- day, . Mr,. and Mrs. Mel Morrison. • anti da4‘fiters of Lucknow, 'visited on Sunday with her parents, Mr.. and Mrs. John Purdon, • The following relatives attended lire funeral of the. late, Shirley Pdwers, held from the York fun- eral 'home, Bloor St, Toronto, 'on,' Wednesday: Mrs. Clarence Charnney, :Mr. ,Kenneth avIpsen•and Harold Macet, Kineardine,,M.r. and Mr. and" Mrs.' Lloyd Maien, Lucat and Mr: and Mrs'. John Mason and Lois Of London. .Pross,ciasaiaa their daughter, Robin, was boils six months ago. She now Wide, the arrangement so convenient that "we take her everywhere:11 it," the mother added. ." mpnity Centre. Tile first Vice,' preilideat, Mrs, ClarenCe Wade, syti4 in charge, Routipe reports were given by the secretary artd trees-, urer, An invitation to a tea in the nurses' -residence 'in Winghant was received. Cards of 'thanks were read from Mrs. J. Miller and Mrs. John Mason, 'Mrs. Stewart Proc-: families were read and 'visits to ter and Mrs. J. M. Coultes thanked: the members for cards received in their homes at Christmas time. • . It wi* moved and seconded by Jesse Mrs. Sw wart thatPt Procter be nd voted Mrs. to the Belgrave School Fair hoard for prizes. An amendment to that Motion was moved and seconded by Mrs. Gordon Higgins and Miss Edith Procter that they donate $12.00, the amendment carried. The following cOnunittee was named: to decide on prizes for the fair: Mrs. Garner Nicholson, Mrs. Clarence Hanna and. Mrs. Kenneth Wheper. Mrs., James Poultei, Mrs. Clar7 'once Wade,,and.Mrs:' K.' Wheeler were appointed • to' decorate the hall for the' annual concert.• The foilewing were appointed as ddor keepers: "Lyle Hopper, jezise Wheeler, Albert . Vincent and Harry McGuire.' There was some discussion, as to how the group would eciebrate the. 60th anniversary of the InstitUte, A meeting regarding Ground, 067 server CorpS Was announced tot be field ing Whitechurch,• February in the evening. A special meeting , of the Cancer Society is to be held January 21 in ,'Wingham: Mrs. Stanley Cook ,was convener of the prograna. The roll call was answered by showing a Childhood picture. of yourself. Mrs. ,Jame$ Michie gaVe the topic on social life 50 .yeara ago. prayer. The 0)(AretarY'14 refloat sari Years age accepted as reed 'and the 44,44 of i survivin.L., tosi,tie. khO, past year's spilt was, read, • ' ' - ",--'' Mrs, MeBarney and Mrs A d are' one brother • He son retterted on the" Presbyterial ton, and: tWo al-atimai For free literature writ,: • • 311iS. JAMES .CURRIE • : Secretary of 'Wisighuni and ,f110— trict branch of •Caiiad Many lives could fa-. saved if people keini• the facts about concert. , Our s aim is TO SAVE';',' THESE LIVES. SEE YOUR FARGO DEALER, TOD.IIN I Choir. of 19 .whielbase,s a e 4' VA, Or, 6 power. • • full 'ittlildP of model 1. Fargo's now Forward Look sibling'-with distinctive, hooded headlights—is functional. as well as handsome. Its windshield (largest of any truck) gives you 1,023 Square inches, of vision area for greater "see-safety" Its Optional wraparound rein window adds extra Vision area, too. Italf-ton Models, like ,the D100 express above, 'are avail- able with exeltisiVe /Utah-button automatio.transmissioin 2. NOW highAsemisressioa, short4trokeV4s are the most powerful in Fargo blab:WY—Op to 234 bp. And Fargo's exclusive fulVepenifig hood allows the most 'elbowroom for sery icing, Saved time, money. . 3. Exclusive doma.shopod combustion chambers in Forgo V-8's get more GO out of %iffy mak0"regular" gas fire like premium, mirtimige power-robbing carbon deposits. Fargo'SiXes are eXtra thrifty, top. 4, Fargo's new comfort eals.lias a 6.way adjustable seat, extrittooMinesa, centre-located dispatch box, many other features. Indopeudent parking hrake.adjusts front inside • cab. without tOold trouble, 5. Forgo offers a compiett range of husky models.tO Meet every "hauling requirement. ,' Fargo,trUelterange from 4,2504ba. to 40,00 lbs., GV..W., and up to 65,000.1bs, Many with,greater capacities. Frames and fither chassis components are built stronger than ever, ten. Chrysler .,Corporgliott of Cah6h, Lkitdd Morris School Seeks Repairman ': The' first meeting of , 'Morris. School Board Was held in, the township hail on' January Ber- nard Thomas was Chosen as chatty mob and. Ralph Shaw re-appointed as .Seeret4ry.freasurer, Representations from. Education Supplies, London and frOM Jack 'Hood .School Supplies, , 'Stratford,. Wpte present. A .contract for next year's, supplies was diaelissed, ..and the board decided to 'Wait until -a later meeting before awarding this contract: A motion was passed stating. that. • the chairMati of the, board be 'given $..2.5:00 more than regular ,'.trustee salary. Wrn, McMurray resigned as repairman ,and the board- now re- quests application for thia'position, papii.6tit of the, following bills was titithorltedt :'Trustee Assecia.,• lion', :$28.00," JI. *Atter', 81.0k0.; soil icir Mutual, #2805.; 'Staintrin Hardware, 810,92; Brussels coal yard, oil, $21.7,204 McMitertiY,' 060; A, -alias, n$4:90, 1.:.11talto.," $36,00; Manning 4c ;;on! $6.14 „1, Cfatit OP. , Appointreiniit of caretakers tor all schools: Were blade.' T!,* •eligir# noon was MANI-died,. eOritect 'Piano tinier .aridliave sehoel'ipiatios tutted, • Thu riekt Meeting 'Will be an 4"-ChtUary .Tnomasine Cunningham died at: the home of her daughter, 65 Douglas Cres, Toronto, on Satur- day. . Cunningham was the wife of the late John M. Cunningham,. and the mother of Mrs. Lloyd Hinton'. (Matgherite). She was' in her 89th year, She was a sister of the late George Wallace of Donny- brook. The funeral service was' held at McDoVgall and RrOvvii funeral home, St, Clair Avenue, West Toronto on Monday, Interment In Whighairi Cemetery on 'Tuesday 'at 2 P.M. 'FATALLY BURNED tiliHTING,t1PE. , otne MeRenale, 58, :resident of Dungannon "for many years died last Thursday hi Toronto when, a. Mitch he Striiek 'to light his pipe ignited his 'oil-soaked overalla. MeRerizie, a metharile, had been repairing , a Stotve when the accident occurred. Be to survived by his WidoW, the former Dorothy' Webster Of the St, Helens district; his `Mother, Mrs,`11., A. Mckentie, of Whighaili; and two 'sisters'; Vita, Otto Petip, Dungannon and Mrs. Nati Mc. Ettchtelir of London. 4; • Complete material for a 26' x 70' clear span Machine Shed $1,295.00 • A 42' x Loose Housing Baru..ONLY $2;660i00 HEAVY SNOW AltlilAS'SLIGIITLY Ittottm Beaver Pressure ,Creosoted Poles, Posts Ind Lumber Provide 3 to 5 times the service, Presititire creosoting forces the pireserViitive ;deep Into use :Very cells of the Wood to provide a .long service life free frOM tot end decay, Only rcioar, peeled, plop poles and top grade itnnher are traeil in pressure treetiOting so. Yea .receive double Valtie loot SerVied ;MO sound, attritetive buildings, Beale plaits for iiifiehibe Shed, 'barns, boohoo Sites :Anal tooting Only 25e '.Write, 'Phan* ViSit 13 eitVer LUMber to-day.ir1,66 estimates a regtdar serviee, Also for your tonveidence Budget Relying Plaulor farm intildiag or rennidloning #:101/11. from $100 to $.%600, YOUR VISIT ALWAYS WELCOM; BEAVER LUMBE .'441thi,