HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1957-01-23, Page 22
demi olection
in the futtire,
. rho will oppose
t'll# present government
suggested increase in
0904W as "election bait", It
*Pt they are correct, but in
e it is tinie the pensions were
44---f eoltrge there will be great cries
M increase in allowances to old
jo,e0le will break the country's lino-
ittal stiructure — but no such drastic
• results' are to be expected, If Canada
is able to foot the bill for the present
payments of $40.00 per mouth without
oil* broke, she can stand another -
10,00,r $15.00. We admit to being
atnong those who are 'not altogether
convinced that univOal old age pen-
sion is, a wise move Inn country as -
prosperous as our•own., However, the
pension is now an established, part of
our existence, and like all other gov-'
ernment handouts of similar nature,
•nd party seeking a federal mandate
.'will dare to take it away. Old age
pensions for all are here,. to stay,
whether we' like 'them dr not.'
Such being the case we would do
well tq be realistic. Admittedly there
are hundreds of thousands of old age
pensioners who do not need an in,
crease, because they have ,private,
means. On the other hand there are
as many or more :who have no other
income and -it was for these peOple
that old age pensions were created. If.
an old age pensioner ,has, just his
• ,t
For* many low,- years we held the
belief that the holiday season started
at the first Of July, but with advancing
years we have learned that Such is not
the case, jjolidays start just as soon
as one -gets into the holiday mood.
During a •coffee, session at The
Brunswick one Morning last week four .
of the five men we were talking to -
admitted that the seed Catalogue had
just come in and looked very interest -
that the new motor boat models
as seen in the latest magazines were
really something; that' it was about
time to go over the fishing tackle and
that. a couple of. golf clubs Wortld
needed for the coming summer, Ac-
tually the fifth fellow, Wlio had noth-
ing to offer in the way of warm -weath-
er suggestions was sort of pushed
aside by the .general conversation. He
just didn't seem quite normal.
Holidays are somethinglike thrist-
rnas. They are not compose'd sp much
$40400 a month to live on, he must be
stretching the dollars to the breaking
point: The high cost of living is every
I* as drastic for the pensioner as it
is for the young man with a family.
One great difference does exist how-
ever, in the fact that the younger mall
can step up to his boss and demand a
raise because things. are so tough that
he can't feed his t:hildren properly
without a raise, •
Whether old age pensions are good
or bad is no.t the point, 'ince they are
an established part of our life in this
country we might as weil,be realistic,
If they are intended to-priivide.a liv-
ing for those who are too old to
work — they must be based on the
cost Of living itself. When the cost
rises so must the penSions. .
While the government at Ottawa
wrestles with the dollar-versus-voteS,
factor, the Ontario government would
do well to consider the Same factors
where mothers' allowances are Con-
cerned. The problems which have
made an increase in old age pensions
obvious are doubled and,trebled in the
case .of young mothers'whoare not
even permitted to supplement their in-
comes to:. any worthwhil,e. degree as
long as they. aocept mothers' allow:-
ance. Pensioners of all ages•,belong to
that unfortunate class who receive a
fixed income. Surprising though it
4nay be, they are the folks,whb would
be blessed in fill] measure by a nation-
wide depression.
the months to gloat over the great
outdoors. When the snow is piling
high' outside the window glass", when
the car is burning off its new tires
againSt the sharp 'fangs of icy ruts —
that's the time to trd'nsport your chilly
frame to sunny _beaches. and -gold-
tinted fishing holes.
The 'weather in June is glorious.
The smothering heat of August makes
each of us groan, but relax JD sheer
delight that winter is still a few
months away, 'Yet, we know of no
better weather than that magical Com-
posite which 8teals into our stiff old
bones when o- the wind is howlinout-
side and the picture on the page before
our eyes tells us that only six months
'from,now we will be able to d
seven langorous days within sound of
the lapping -WaveS by a sandy shore.
, Maybe we're crazy, but w'e say
that. the holiday season, has'. already,
started and that dozens of our -friends
of what they are as of what -we put left for the beach the Week after
into them. July and„August are not •Christmas.
Hockey fans ate, to .sa,tleie leaSt,
fickle, following.', As recently as the
1951-52 season the local arena was
jammed to the rafters for every hotne
game. For two or.three seasons after
that the following was still 'good
and then the bottoth dropped out of
hockey. Despite the fact that town-
people.have dipped down for the price
of an artificial ice system, crowds at
local hockey games wouldn't make one
of those proverbial 'corporal's guards,
Periodically the quality of hockey
served un 1)y, aghorne town team does
deteriorate; :the older older players move
away and youngsters taketheir places.
However, that ,onclition does not e$c-
ist this year. The local entry, the Spit*
fire juniors, are giving a good account
of themselves- against the interrnedi-
* ates whom they are regularly meeting,
The boys are diShing tip a fast apd
teresting game that is well Worth
watching in any town,
.addition to •theit. willing,nessto
'play 'on the team and -give all, they
have in each encounter; the boys.have
now undertaken to raise. one extra
money to pay their way by
'tickets for a draw at a',g
home aine
once a Week. The tickets will Provide
a chance at a door prize of $50.00; pro-
vided the holder of the ticket drawn
'is , in the arena. If nbt the cash re.
wardwill be $40.00 and the remaining
ten dollars Will be held over and add-
ed to the draw the-followiug week.
If :we expect •to Continue the game'
of hockey in this town a, good many of
• us will have to thfoiv in' more than
good wishes forithe teant. --teCs get
tight in there behind the juniors.
(Kincardine News),
There is one Iran who has travelled
Canada more than any other, who is
.familiar with Canadians in each pro-
vince and who is intereSted in Canada
• first, On these grouilds, his opinions
, -should be considered, by those to
m they are directed.
,r. John Flier is of 'the' opinion
,Canattiang -are not doing all they
•.-40gbarti, AtivariceaTimes
is,bootett, at Wiathark thiterie
it Bit*
ti*nit tiffiCt pot
.4t0ei moataa,
should for tourists who tonic to visit'
them. ,
We short change them, hears' in
the matters of culture, art, food, lodg-
in g, courtesy and 'information.
To this catalog of ,sins he adds our
failure to poromotepur historical back-
ground, so that we have nothing of, a
national nature, to offer'ini the, forin of
souvenirs or draw attention_to Canada
as a nation separate from others.
'in addition to neglecting tottrists
from other lands, we 'fail to provide
for our own countrymen visiting in
different parts of Canada...
The words a Dr. Visher should be
pondered, if they am arid it positive
action is taken to rectify the con-
ditions he mentions, the tourist picture
it and for Canada can be niuch bright -
Doorway lniVintgr
A. study in Week. a,nd whit:. to tells rthshhearty meal tafe of winter. With toheggan
' sig a .
noticed beside the 'pall an abandoned ovel, let's hope junior and
dad are inside ttindevil
The Bible Tadao
Bible Londe are currently' h the
forefront of the new,s. AmOrig timee
receiving much publicity ,of late
the areo .now known as 'Jerdori,
Among. reports of Bible' distribti-
tion and use in countries Which
wer,e .the geographical sources cif
the,ScrinItOes comes .a.letter: froin
Colporteur. Costa.Deir- !Who Works
in some of, the communities, whose
name e are familiar te
Readers.; He Writes:
'Sebeatikeh -(the ancient
of Saniarla)hag been a goeicLplice
for diStributton, and 'Man' :there
now peseess,,pespell Portions
otherS are asking for 'the:Bible'
both. in': Dirglish and -Arabie.„The
coffee house there has been, i'Vreat
ceritre fer-distribtition and •evang-
< .
Emmaus' a „Moslem', Yinith
'showed 'great': interest az
Seripteres,'"He'bought aospeli
,an d ha e .yiSited 'me Sevetal:tirnes".
By Rev. O. r. Parsoll,
Sec. VpPer. Canada Bible Soelot.9 1
"At the Jerusalem airport I met
a,Mosiem'poileeman who 0.0 "that
he had never read the Gospel and
was 'glad. to take and read a I‘Tew
Testeunent In a doctor's waiting
room.1;met two Moslems, ,one of
wboni:,,Was goVernitent
and the 'ether a ''merchant from
Trarisjordon.z-The government of-
ficial Plumed , real iritcrest and
be -tight- a copy, , and in the end the
merchantAbught one
The Bible' Society ,has worked
for. generatien's"in thelands of the
Bible.;,CreintlY a 'Program of free
tlistribtitiOn in refugee , camps' is
Still 'in full swing,' Canadiaris are
contributing cat' through the
British,*na•,Voreigh.Bible Soeieti.
Suggested BibleBeading
- •
'Weclnesda,Y,'Luke 15 1 '5 Tilurs
day' ttike7,1,1:1-,85;!-Fiida4<,ACta,
io :2048; „T nesday,fAets 11 ti-ait
1101tTr'41TAItS AGO
The rdetor."oi.,St: Raul's,,Church,
Winghani Will use the reViSeie
Prayer4P,00li for tile first,thee next
Sunday. , " .
MSS Azelia 'Randeracin bf'Sairiik
'is spending. tv: Week' tit the ;home
her parent%,;',IVIr; Yand Mrs.. W. 1,
Sanderson,' Sharer, ,'Street,"„
The:: firet Meeting of ,the Eait,
Wawrinnalv,"deueeil for .181,7 wits,
held 'on Aanimr,03th, the inebera
thereof, bqiug Campbell; .reeve
and 1Viessrs.
win aed ,IVICGoWan, •• . •
Six recruits were secured for the
navy at the Royal Navy recruiting'
,meeting • in LeoW's Theatre;'
Toronto, this week., Mirk Teriber-
'vine, fifteen years of age, appeared
'on the. stage. He Made a. speech ii•P
Which he 'claimed to, be the.young-N
est bltiejacket 'in Canada. He had.
paid his own fare frorn,-,Wingho,m
in order to enlist, Ch: the navy, he:
A kink of cutlers left Wingharri
on Ttlesday Morning ft lAnderi
Where 'they 'coinPete' in the
tIonderir,,SonsPiel for 'the Western
,Oritario-TankateWhich-thOY won
laSevillater:' The" .rink' is .ecirnposed
ef.'D Fortune; Tom Hartly';' T. A.
M.f QraWt9bil;
Small ,boys will cceitinue, to-itang
on;, t, the bacit,..of sleighs 'Arid, We
:saPpose,: it 'is nothing but 'natural,
but the: ;ip,a who 'tell' off,' a;„sleigh
the' QUeens'*iei • chrrier 'on
Tuesday Vicirriing Could' qiiit!eas-
JIY!lveibeeii" killed 'had` it not been
the'-alertneSS. of r'IVfr". Tindall
Ritchiethe drive'r of 'a tebin", who
was's' cleaning along
• the 'regular 'meeting Of Huron
thaPter .C).t.S., held' on Ttiesday
mienink:the officers were installed
for' the tolkiwirig year. Mm. W. A,
-Miller, poet werthy matron,' was
''cloarge' of the 'ceremony tml$1:0(.1
bk. Mrs. A. FOX 'LLS rrietr.shall. The
officer S for 1032 were
installed, aa' follows: Worthy Mat -
'roil, Mrs, J. A; Wilson; Worthy
Patrim, T. H. dibson; secretary;,
Mrs. E, 3.Nash; trasurer, MSS.
Pattison; conductress, Mrs.
nae.. ,
MO,rriS District 14.0.4 held their
f 01 TOMS
44pi 3
400 14115
To the .`
As I WOO' loOk Oat
n t-hO pi0o,,i,eginaintitreet in 'Wes-
tern QniaiSp. Dirty. snow #04 ice
piled all over the place -e. inintUre
of cars Ana trtickg, trying to wend
their •single lane Wqy • tip the
gotta*, litnn in tit4 Centre,
If our main Otreet is *Sample of
how the Is?ti7 council are going to
spend My tan money' then possibly
i'.ye should have an election M
PebruarY, X tbink it"s'n disgrace to
as anyone to drive r'walk op Our
main street, ralleh leSq shop, •
Other towils'diSpoSe p the'SboW
s t arriveS--Why dOn't, we? After
an We. dont • l'inve to WOril to0
.inlich about the sleighing in this
year, 1907.,' '
At the Most the averake cost flor
tanpayer to remove the snow ,three
times year won't exceed4.0e,
Have you ever heard of the
man who watched the, pennies so
closely he :forgot the 'dollars he.
was losing?
'"our e truly,
'Moose JaW,.S.ask,,
The Wingharn Advariee-TIme%
Wingham, Ont,
Dear Sir.;
Enclosed herewith find '83.0r0
neViral sunseriPtion to yciur ,paper,
Although it will be over 46 years
since I left that part, it. 1 niCe to
Secure the news from the, old town
and district of my boyhood days.
Tours truly,
Ilartley Aitken
by Bill Spiley„
There are , several signs , that
you're getting on a bit'. One
is when you have to put your foot
up on a chair to tie your shoelaces.
Another is theffirst time some liv-
ing doh saunters past and all you
wonder about is what's for supper.
A third sure sy,rnptem of c'otirse,
is when' you start, thinking and
saying that 'everything, 'has one,
fo the "dogs since yeti.Were a kid.'
hats trio stage I Was at one ,night
this week.' I was,, thinking about
how -we pamper our, youngsters
these days; and the morel thought,
about it, the more appalled, I be-
trite, 79p,•19i0Y,Ati;
bed their existenee tintirtheY think
that's the way life is g' upposed to
be. Then' We 'are horror-stricken
when they hemp into life in the
real and' make .a mess of the en-
Oh,'we mean well. But `that's' no
excuse fiat- robbing our children Of
their chance to beconrie 'rugged in-
dividualists by -wrapping then). In
cotton wool,
, ,
We figure that with n smattering
(f PsYehologi.- picked up from
magazine,artielea, We' can' Save
them from, alf the anguish we 'ex-
perieneed as",kida, We ,try, to treat.
'them as intehigent human beings.
That's the, ,first big mistake. First
thing you know they're lipping yoti
all °Vet,' the' Place, and you have
to revert to treating'them for what
they are -noisy, obstreperous,
crafty small animals.
We stuff them with orange juice,
, , . •
annual meeting in the Orange Had,
Blyth, on TueadaY. The 'election of'
officers resulted 'fee follows; W.
L. RuddY; AK, H., TrWin; 'Chap -
lath, H. ,.ree..sec.,
,rOhnston; -17tiipsint;
trees., A. 8arr; Marshall, *.T.
•, .
TIFTEI/J.N 11141ARS At40
The Woman's Missionary Soc-
iety of ..Wingbatit Milted Church„':
held 1 their' January meeting this,
weeks:Mrs. S.. Campbell .in charge,
• Reperts tlie, Work Of the auii-
liary for 1,44), were received 'front
the different ..Aepartirierits •- and
ehoWed' that :;;gretit interest. had
;been' taken. Mrs, aeorge.• Howson
gave an livklitUiing reOort of the
lVfission Band,:•,Showing 24: members
and thealloetion reached. 'Mei,
Beecroft VOas.' appointed assistant
leader of the 'Misilesic.Band. A fine
report was preSented of the Baby
Band which is "Under the leader,
shin of Mrs, Bummed:.
Ddring the t hriratatitt seixikatiihe
Legion Sent iggarettes• to 'sonnets.
qversoits, viovegkat reoeiiutput,,
aimedgi Pf�'x a dhilit the as
sent tint baketti Chrhitfittis and
New' Year 'td 'Petertitit and 16114111es
of ',soldiers- in lite' 0,A;S:r,
tloysti aendersOns son of Itft W.
lames Herideraori, fll,uevafe Reads:,
hits enlisted with the itaA.P.,* and ,
Is at .preseht'Stationed at Manning
Tuesday bVohliit at 'the supper
hour OVethedted 'pipes vitt the
Igrunswielt ,notel singed the joist
Causing otholte t rm„eitte from
the .grootid Beet Fireineti Were
(idiokly. or the ileerie 'and ha 400,
ago ,
fttlik and /pod liver oil, so they% halllglevel It's PAPA; gatger, to
have good teeth/ *00 •stiltl‘r little Phe PY.401,00 thg, gthuv, .
et44*4-014; etntuirreteleetth athreelnotieef 41/filtilirtfo.**7n14'''i .14 thAr.,
.40, growl, in ilarke4,ed lifeltchaftikgr WatMent, and net
Mims watching nntil their eyei all Tount4 ,11,43,1# isir heittda Atas4
PM "MIA and their Attie 'Oodles rite. (teep t4„.49 sandsand as thOSO .
StUlitectileyend reCoVery,, :Ser,i1/4(1, Thaila'S PO poneense abegt
, .* " pamp)flag lads, ar40,54 oar botwe,
And the way we POOPer *hen),
Lit sports is ,disgusting• XOSt, a 4itte. Saturday Uteriaeon, /Or In.
us, for en4Mple, 'learned, our hoc- stance, In hearty, mow, tamur.t41.4:1
key' the hard, but pleaSant 't/V,(0- in tones X 414040E4 to 4ligh
on a riVer or InRld w0'4 'shovel" that We s'hosel the walk together.
;sal een:dve::*f:e e; 'mind11 s'''Yelan'allt:nte'et4.11W47,e'hrle:
'if they Couldn't leek nut top tbein- my quarter? % gotta gotla
,uee fon shin-pads,,1.4 men to a ‚side he had .to do it, "Can't,"' says,
But votat 4. we have totlaVV.
visiting tovitity, No changing their pointed at the mow •ohove), and I'd
The little punks are treated ilk, My •owii WOUid 'lave lust
skates 'by a hOnfire at the edge have spent the afternoon nuking,
clock tu
rooms. No shovelling snow, Free said: ;Says you'd better „get om
ice time
at the
he Brineakt,e0N9 dpriecsksilrigtngr fly, pcJi
you'll 1)aAllat ed;" at I tail:
up 'sides and playing until your the quarter, NO nonsense aroUnd
long UnderWear is clinging like an our htinse about pampering,
who eanv,.plary too, well do.a Ji4 Kim tlinruPed,Ale On th6 Stomach,benehes.: ,to; --sit on. And the, kids was having a little sneorm, and
orenflnooteessk, Nnioawnatgrzys haanvde Low Sunday ii*fterri3O$ on, loch, I
Of sitting,' Becanse "we' want the till Iwoke op, and said:
team tn.win,nowdon't we fellowS?" will you 4k0 uptoWnfand get me n
* * einolc? .14,00 them all a
zowadays the kids are outfitted haven't a thing to read and
from head to toe like real hoekeY ,won't play with ire, will you
,layers, They make trips ',out, of Daddy?" giving me that'big brown.
town to -play other teams, SOme- eyes look that Would havd melted
hody„buya ]the,m ;feed after the the lieart, of, the late Unlamented
game, Nice?, "Y'oil bet it's nice. But j. Stalin, •,
is ,all this mollycoddling producing
any 'better bockey 'players, or citi-
zens? Not so you'd ilotice.
We don't,want our kids to be aS
gawky and unaccomplished as we
were,- so "we give them swintining
lessons, dancing 'lessons, figure
skating: lessons, music lessons, But
we neglect 'to- give them lessons in
deoeacy; respect for their elders,
eourtesy, Integrity,. and a
rot of ',other things equally or More
* * *
So I get out or nay -slippers, into
,hy goloshes, arid Walks' half a mile
to gee if there's a drligstore open
so lean buy her a, tornic. And she
can't evert read yet, just looks at
the pictures, NO sin ',there'll be no
spoiled kids around our lionse.
citm:Palgiapi his'er!le uaintsdeltfhwi esehy, isurn in yiannt on • cearaneedt" z e With i tthh these days,
ttuhroess ta,wlaoytmbelow
iniingdearnedta.sntor mhoawiwitadhvaaPnPteang-eeds,,
they've 'had such q nice 'nPhrineg:- wualta•dheeA
witbs.sotettioll ucome'
litoheorn.bat for,frost:
* '*' bite. Gradual warming by body
heat' is the safest *ay to relieve
Because we 'haven't the gump- trostbite; if face or ear is affected
tion to say, "no" and suffer the in- cover the frozen patch, with,a glov-
evitable' 'let the kids ed hand until Donna). colour and
wallow - tripe -comic books, sensation retUrna.
crummy TV shoWs, third-rate niov- In: the case of froon fingers or
le% fifth,trate, ,Presley -then corn- toes, remove' gloves or boots
Plain 'that. the sehools are terrible (tight clothing should ' rigt be
tthey dnn't seem to absorb any- worri)'; the' hand can be placed
thing' at:schecd 'these days at all." tinder •clothing in the,, armpit or
the feet wrapped' in „a jacket 'or
This ,,C9ald torn into a diatribe, blanket. "
but It 'woret:' I feel 'sorry- for the The nese, ebin; ears, fingers and
kids.: I',think ',they're, exchanging tees are the danger snots for Li osi.
the r�at fOr the„s3nth,Otie, Without bite: Anyone exposed to severe cold
,iti4c'ek the ehoiiiir4b.talitla10 warn others of
difference. :How, molly youngsters Colour oholigeh-4vhite PatChes:
today, Mr' example; • know, the All cases Of severe frostbite
thrill of hoarding' every nickel for should be recognized as serious in, '
months to hily a cherished base- juries, the asSeciation warns.
s ; # ;;rni,..,...0... ssss ; sss tkomoonidimeitt oo 'to tttt iitittitwo;tutigi; Mort' 000.011,0•1.1PolonilligftWit.1111110a
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Agenei ter-.
DullikrrY, Ibidaht,
Ayer. and Revlon
Phone Is *-
Animal Health
,,,,, ins ,, issmisssissssiista , assosiasmiss ,,, , ss , is ,, te , 100000Veeti'llitteloefititiewlellseeestyitetM11#e0siti06,"""'"""”"
Third Sunday atter the
8,30 Cl.111,-4.-Tely, Communion
11.00 a,M,--MOrring Prayer & San
I° Installation of Church 'Ofiicials
2,3() pon,---7Chnrch School
7.00 p.m Even'ing Prayer & Sermon