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County and District
Moses l'uldwell, who tiled in 'fttck-
terswleh on May 17th. was the ..Ideal
iyesldeut of the district. his age being
ninety-four yearn.
Margaret E. McCall, wife ut Joseph
Bewley, Morris towuahlp, died Ma)
y'trd at the age of forty-three yearn.
'extorts her husband and three young
Mrs. harry Smith, of HenlaII, who
gre•rlltly *uttered a severe injury to
Ter leg. ha.t another tall while going
about the holm- a few 1144)4) ago and
burl her arm very badly.
Mrs. Arthur Y. Campbell. of the
Thaw... road. Colborne, died. suddenly
on May ::Irl from heir trouble.
!raving her husband and n family of
five children. She was In her forty- ZURICH
elght1?Vrar. I Faulkner of Seaforth, survives.
The How iek Iler! iculturaI Society I Harry .Angel has elm -hazed from The anklet. death of. Muutgomtry
bold a foeer .how on May 21st and John (fey. Jr.. the bi.iiu.4)s black used DAVI.. ou )lily 21*t, was u shuck to
22nd at Fordwkh allot ..0rel a dl4tinet by Mr. Angel as a garage. tit 1.nunnudty, Mr. Davis wes silent
emcee'. Mr. Harte). ,,f S4aforth, was /.urleh busine.ls men begin the week- town that snot -tang. seemingly In his
pr. -tient to Judge and also gave an In- IF half-Mdbfay this week. They will usual health, but became 111 in the tf-
tereatlnE outdrew' on horticulture. clue. their *tees on Wednesday after- termini' and prassd sway, before 3
Samuel Prouty. of }lay n,w'mslohi• mama during the wanton. oclock. heart trouble being the canoe died play Volt In the hospital at 1,111• .1. W. Homer 1111.+ pun•bs4/d the of [hath. Mr. Davis was a fanner in
don, where he had bean takes, the Westlake property In 'Zurich. now oc- . Toekersmlth before retiring to Bei -
previous week suffering from tetanus. 011.1e4 by Mr. And Mrs. H. Gellman. I forth eight yearn ago. He ix iwirvlred
Hr was seventy-five Years 11f sae snot Mr. and Mrs Homer Intend moving in- by his wife and several brothers and
is outlived. by hi. wife and a grown- to their home (hie fell. 1 sisters. • He was fifty -syr year's of
up family. 1 lte.me Wile. from Henault had an a• ge.
Atter an Illness extending over a I at A Yt Jsm • ' Square Called
of lir. a(d Mr's. C. L. Shacklelou of
N'illgham, was nnitel In Marriage to
J441414a It. Mlw•uer, of Stratford. Iter.
H. W. Snell performed the ceremony.
The young couple are to make their
home at Stratford.
The (k%atll oeeurr..t tat Tuer4a7•
mu). 2ith. of Andrew Link -later, at the
good old age of eighty-six years. Til'
deceased was a liigllly esteemed
Reil balsa.
Mrs. A. E. Lloyd has returned from
Ednitniton, Athena. whither she was
called by the death of her only bro-
ther. William H. Dixon, who was a
resident of %Viujhalu fora number of
years before Ruing .fest In 1905.
Thursd:ly. Jour :t, 11Y'I1. T
Culhorae will spend some Owe at her AVOIDED
old home.
Mrs. (Rev.) W. It. Haw'kies has re-
turned home after aueollug the meet-
ing of the Anglican W. A. at Brunt -
ford and ylrltIng relatives at her for -
A. It. Carr, who manetime ago sold 1 •
mer home ID Dutton.
Ids residence at the north end of the %/L. Darman Gives Lydia
town. has putchuwd the home of e
Juhu Armstrong on 'hush). street and E. Ptpibasn'6 Vegetable
will move there shortly. Mr.
Mrs. Armstrong. It 1s understood, In-
tend to leave Itlyth to reside near
members of their family in the United
Mrw. Margaret Lambert Cl one of the
aided residents of Seaforth, tried May
21st at the age of *meat)• -six years.
Ste had lived In Seaforth for about
sixty years. Her husband diel many
years ago. 111111 one daughter. Mrs. /'.
unpdrasant exps•rlem•u one (My s. t .
week when the cloud car it. which they I t humh. Toronto, on May. 15th, Mills
were driving ran into the ditch a short M• ergurnul' ' Eva Durofeati. of Tor-
dlstani-e west of Zurich and upoet• unto, was united hi marriage to John
They had to break their way out 117 Huss .Walker. yUengest sou of Mr. and
cutting a hole In the top. \ubody was Mrs. h'..1. Walker of St•aforth.
injured beyond Ada ek and bruise -a. Confirmation r•b ,,nSunday ,tos Were (*
k1 in
BL]'IH when itfeitop Fallon. of London, tam-
_ - firmed twenty -live candidates.
Mrs. A. Flier has reture•,1 t.. I4IFUt - ...,., ,..m
The death occurred in F. iarr onthreescore and ten alluw'unle.
after reqs -titling the vi r 1120111 its
with her eiaughter. Mrs. Rev.) W.
period of two )ears Miss Beatrice
Milne. more familiarly kmnot as (lar-'
bars Roy. tiled on Monday evening of
kat week al Wroxeter. 'Deceased,
who was over seventy years nt age.
was, 1n her younger drys. ■ capable
aehonl teacher In the rural districts in
the neighborhood. but as be advanced
iD vary air became very reeewtrrle.
Ihing alone and having a, Inerreoorar
with anyone.
Compound the Credit
ColberDe, Ontario. -"When 1 was
Bret married 1 was very thin and
weak. The doctor
said 1 was weak
and would never
be able to have a
child, but I did,
acid from the time
my baby came
I suffered all the
time and doctored
and took medi.
cine. Life became
a burden, and doe.
tors said an oper-
anon could help
tae, but my husband was opposed to
that. 1 had seen Lydia F:. Pinkham's
medicine advertised, so 1 told my hus-
band that I thought 1 would try it -
that I might get some relief. .
- 1 had not taken one bottle
when 1 could feel it helping me. 1
took five bottles and hadbetter health
Now I have three girls and a boy and
have done my work up to confine-
ment. 1 am now at the Change of
life and owe my good health to Lydia
E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound. 1
takes bottle when 1 think I need it.'
Colborne, Ontario.
Bald by druggists everywhere. C
-It you ere furty•tive or fifty, or even
sixty. and hareli t ' rellvili.I rhe 1011.
don't despair. says Forbes Magazine.
The average. age of the lieut•ial Flee•
irlc directors Is ,,ver sixty. V. A.
CotHu. • the vent•rubir updrulltle.r of this
unique emterpriw•. la e•igbly-two. The
11g1.• of the Aua•rlciui Telephone &
Tt•legraldt directors 11Vera ge• cu11-
ugt17 enough..•utu'tfj the same, a trate
over sixty. Tl* range herr Is greater
than in any of our other e.I000ll hi-
thiturial corporations. G1orge F.
(taker leads the directors. In point of
age, with eighty-six years too his
credit. while W. S. Gifford. president
and lilreetor. Is only tort) -Hew. The
United 'States Steel dit•e•tora average
still oha•r than those• of these other
RAO eompa llle%4 slxty•ttllrt.• 111111 n -half.
Mr. Baker 141w, Mads this board, fol-
lowed by Chairmen F. H. Clary, w'ho
has Just entered his eightieth year.
The youngest. mealier Is 111e son of the
tiniest. eie.u•ge E. (taker. Jr.. forty-
eight. The members of the finance
committee agent*, more than sixty -
lite years. No memht•r is as young as
11tt y.
Likewise in Canada. Wally' of the big
IIndustrial and tinamrial 1nstitutiuus
are 1*•Ing ducted by mel who 1114e
i Intsse.i the -ixty (81)44 lyra 11* w veut7
mark. Cyrus A. Itlrge• 1111 the hoard
of utility Hamilton companies. is sev-
enty-eight : Sir Vincent Meredith is
seventy-six : Sir Hortuiihte Laporte,
pets:Went of the Provincial 'Bank. Is
seventy-five: 1'. It. 1Instner, preadeut
of the Canadian Cottons. is seventy -
feint.; W. (1, tlooderhatu Is wwemtF-
thre•: Sir John Alrl is *•4euty and
Sir Joseph 'Fiaretle. Sir •iierla•rt Holt.
D. B. Hauma. l'at (turns. Sir Edward
Kens. l'elrg }lowland all A. W. Atli" -
1 till are amour: the eountry'e big husi-
llch'an. Thame•sville. The fwu•ral of 1pr...lumre B.Irrla11,p Jane Yarling. t 1'hirago fiapgs•r was nrr•slrtf fur
Thomas IUoseltt. and cl.l.•st thwghter owderhtg brr oust• ill 4hutrh, She
Dr. and Mr.. Coltournc left hest tt,tl: place to llr•t•uhlll eemeterv. ,,C the late• 1►nac Carling: Thr de- 1
At St. Paul's rectory. Stratton'. on we•k on a visit t., Mrs. Coltiontes I.u.kpow. 1111 May 21st. 1'11. ,hr,a4id ceased was Burn ill F.xrh•r its 1x11 and evidently wanted the white u,,rw 01' a
p li pmseslrl away loci May ceased herr practk•1111y all her lite. blAundrss Iter.-Ton;ntn Telegram.
Myrtle . uShac let May glad. Mlsoiter tamp At lotliaiot dile The Doctor lltth at (►sguw•a
Myrtle F:. Shackleton, only tltughter Impeded to return this week, but Mrs. i at the are of slimy ouryrar''t, w$lry fin. daughters
Ashfield. 11 IitluR hiss Ethel. ut Mom
win. "f Ws 10r100; Yrs. V. I.. Newell.
prat the village of lte•Ifrat. They had lot. Strutfurd, and Reginald, of l'btt-
twelve ■[S...till living. There sr+i. ilia tt.illiatll A._MI!'staiitt '11
1 _..._..._ ole M grundctaW,..± ts►ti /r ifa
-- _--_ years Mn. I F14i:1,'' --
1 gtrxr ntphBrlren. tit late F' 1 rtghth year. lir. Ry.kteaa t'rdi-
Ih..relanip had lived with a area at i ,.r1W41 brr four yea ra and thr•r *itis
widow ,.f . the late
for Economical Transport
and.0I' out may've •
and her huglwad low ( .•ase
e • dirs. Edwin Ir-
pioneersettlent In a ' t
N foam), of fourteen ehllere•n, of wkont loam.
90 Smooth
rolet will delight and surprise
you. It will bring you a new idea of
four -cylinder power and smo rthness.
It will make the new LOWi'R Chev-
rolet prices appear all the snore re-
Drive the new Chevrolet and you will
understand the reason why thousands
of satisfied Chevrolet owners wrote
unqualified expressions of apprecia-
tion during the year 1925. You will
understand, too why Chevrolet
popularity is growing in an amazing
manner -unprecedented in motor car
Ask us for a demonstration of Chevrolet's
smoothness and power
Greater Quaint at Lower Cost
mud two duughlera SUerile.
Rl.•te JOhn1tun was at Tronto last
w('ck attendingli s meI•tinooft tri The wedding of 1:'fina F;Hra.
y ger daughter of 31r anti Mrs.
executive of Ihr Ontario Glsrl Reeds I William Pfaff of Exeter. to Robert M.
.tswoclatlon. Mrs. Julln+ton seem -'Love. *seat Mr. and Mrs. John lour
lutult.l him to the city..of (:ra'ld Bent., took plate at Sarnia
Thr1".v l.tte,•know.,tenmps 111111_ haRertov1.n May'21eeI. Rea-. J. R. Hall officiating.
lrt•su e 1
groom a farm near Grand Bend.
Aneler•on Is serretaryaretoe
The Fung cuupl4 w
11..1 111 ' I on the
Ineklnwro is the president and Wil -
lire Henry E. 'Hustul paeseel away
may 24th after an (Yuen of r•ve•ral
months. She was born in lite town-
ship of Hay seventy-two years ago.
Itesl,h•s her husband she Lases -tai.
The set ttetra-at c omm .tet. of the
Hamilton conference al V
intttatit44, of-l.utl."nnw United church
Is What Thousands of Mothers
Say of Baby's Own Tablets
(hie. A mother ha4) , 119.1 15114.14Own Tablets for her little .s sir
Will use• tfuthing e•Ism. Experience
teaeht•s her that they etre without an
equal for relieving baby et any of the
many minor ailments which afflict
lint at nue time ,,r another. Thr
Tablets never fail to be of benefit -
they cannel parseihly do harm. as they
are guarantee t to Ire free from all iu-
Jurioua drugs.
Conte -ruing Baby'.• (Iwu Tablets
exDf.Nd t., Het. It. W. Craw. of her -
Bud four daughters: N. M. Hus- says: -"I shall always hate a good
gum u, Isacome 1i."tor 111 the (.ttcluww ton. of Ashcroft. B.C.; harry. of New word to wry for Baby's Own Tablets.
eseigrega(1c.n. Rev. T. W. t'ow'ns Roe Tnrlt t'ItF : F;trteD. rt home: UNtan I have given them to our baby girl:
to 1,444 01). n Village .minty miles and 1V111111fre1. of Dunnville. and lairs. in fact they are the only medicine mho
Nest of HamilO.n. *11114 there is aH. (• Rivera, of town.I has ever 11,4,1 and . 1 and pr 44444 40 say
church with it memM•rehlp of :.1111, and1Vhllr franking so auto Harvey I that sir took +ltrthd {seize At our
par img a1wa, a year With furnished Pollen had bdth tensa of his right arra baby Plum. She is eleven months old
quer.oIllge•. The stipend to Mr. Craw frac•tttn•d by the •I4ckllrin• g of tbt' and weighs LC' pound -4. Nu• mother alms, with free parsonage and foot et the -. whose chttd ter pee. lel' -or acting will'
A e.k'. vacation. The change will make a mistake in giving it 11n117'11
1.11., place the first Sunday In July. _ Own Tattlers."
Ita11y'4 tells Tahlrta are sold by
mehri111 dealers or otire•t by maul at
"5 rants a box from The 11r. Wiltlams'
Fresh stock of Sheriff's Jelly Powders
to hand, 3 for 25c. A good teaspoon, King George
design, given away with each 25c worth.
24 bars Soap, McEwen'* Special, $1.(E.
6 rakes Palm Tree Toilet Soap for 25c.
3 lbs. loose Cocoa for 25c.
6 lbs. of Sulphur or Salts, suitable for stock purposes, for 24e.
.1n4 to hand a few hundred pounds of a real Roost black Tea.
We will give 1 lb. of this Tea, 1 loaf Bread, 1/, Ib.
Biscuits, 1 bar Soap for the same price as a pound
of any package Tea.
Special price on large Flannelette Blankets.
Special price on Fancy Blankets.
We are cutting the price on Men's all -wool Underwear and
Men's fleece -lined Underwear.
Good linen roller 'towelling, 25c per yard.
Good large bath T.,Wei-, )0c per pair.
Some nice table and f ltor Oilcloths, different widths, at right
Now is the time to buy a lwt\of dishes. 10 per cent. off.
Free deivery to any part of the town.
South Side of Square
- for ---
Massey-Harris Machinery Frost Fencing
to Asphalt Roofing Rubber -tired Buggies
Farm Lighting Plants
Hamilton Street, Goderich, Ont.
BROCK Street P.O. Boa 601
The It
Duston who know
lllnard'e by era
work It tins an
unhesitating In
the ir praise of its
+ healing and sooth-
ing qualities.
Dr. Jos. Aug. Simis. of St. Id-
don. Que.. writes:-
"1 have frequently used Kinard'*
Liniment and alio prescribe It for
my patients always with the most
gratifying results. and I consider
it the best all-round Liniment".
C. A. Xing. K.D. also recommends
Kinard'* In the following words: -
'4 have used Kinard'* Liniment
myself as well as prescribed 0 la
my praetiei when a liniment wee
required. and have never faded
to get the desired effect".
It's safe to buy your
tires wherever you
see this sign, for the
efficient Dunlop Of-
ficial Dealer stakes
his reputati.►n on and
invests his money in
W. J. Demshisse. (l.d.rieh Boron Maier Salem, (.4wl.efeh MseFwsn dl Te#buttt, (ioderleh
Ann Hardware CA.. Auburn W. M. Westlslus. Hayfield
Chautauqua dates aim Clinton thine
year are July let to Stb.
Mr. and 'Mrs. W. A. Vodtlen. Clio- Mr*.licim• Co.. Brockville. tent.
tots. announce the .ng:Igeoent of their
daughter. (Irma. Emu.. tine.- to -Joseph
Herman ('rich. 11„11 '•f Mr. and 31r-.
.1ose•ph (:. .'rich, Tttekersnilth: the'
marring.. to take late,. this mouth.
Thedeath took ;dine at Byron San-
atnrium on -Saturday. May :'21,). of
John Harold liigaio: youngest sem of,
the Tate Thoma. Iti::;p11 trod .,f Mrw.
R. A. Gorier of Clinton. The dr-'
l.•ese.l was until. tite Sterling batik at
Toronto at the outbreak of the war
and 1'l 11115 he rnli+te'I with the athul
Highlanders in that city. going; ti.
France the fellowina year. He Was
wounded on three.Infers,t es.ca+inns
and during the last •lrhe in 10114 *44*
severely gassed. AITlaugh hr 1►ar-
ttally ret.,tere•4 a11'1 for a time took
Ill his work again. : was 'lever e'utn-
pletely well :In11i for :he last year and
a -halt he was a poi. it at. Byron. 111
Is survived by his 'wife. his mother
And • brother, \t'ilered lltggln of
Ooderlch township, The remain.* were
I-irongnt to 1-tluto.. f•.r
cram.l ions thirty year* of age. -
('ol. H. 11. lad 's. ('omhe• were 111
Toronto lest .reek attending the Brat'
_nation -exercises •dmf the Margaret
Intom lii•iinoT. tiPfrprP tfi '
daughter. Mies Barry. was a Rradnate.
Mrs. A. T.. Cooper was railed to
Evanston. 1U.. last week by the mud -
den death of her mother, Mrs. Scheer•.
formerly of Kincardine.
isee rcefloes-and
Brophey Bros.
orders carefully attended to
at all hours. night or day
Try' a Want Ad. In The SigneL
Business College
The leading e'emtnemial Rehm.]
We,t.rn Ontario. Experienced
strnct.rs, giving thorough emirs,.
rineduab•, pl4a•'1 in positions.
Write for our free catalogue.
1►. A. yI,•I.ACIILAN, Prim i4'al
Hydro Electric
he People's Power
Cook by Electricity
Wash by Electricity
Iron by Electricity
We guarantee our Hydro lamps
for I.1(X) hours use.
North aide of Square G.dericb
J. R. Wheeler
Funeral Director and
A1l ealfa-promptly attended to
day or night
Store 335 Itesidenee 355w
Hamilton Street. Goderleb
Jean ]'aljnut-with' a Different.
(Paris en•res{suon London Times)
The Minister of Justice hail com-
muted the sentence rf an e*en{*.1 cnn-
llet named Honore ('hantecaillr in re-
markable eirennrsraucew
In 14040 ('hante•nille, the., twenty-
one years of age. was sentenced to eye
yearn' penal "errand, for robbery. the
term of .ertIt114le ie' ire foldoweel by
permanent. 'res(tl'lu•r In French Gui-
ana. After four onsneeessful at-
tempts he ,ne•e.ted In foraying. made
his way to France :Irl ohlnho.l work
In Angsnllrinr as n taker. ile mar-
ried anti for thirty years has lived
honnrahly hl the town with hi. family.
In S.ptrml* r. 1924. while .offering
from a recurrence of tnalarin. hr gave
Mmself up 111 the 111h eporit en ihP batt
closed his I,h'ntlty.
been kept in prison. Rtreng repre-
sentations were made dm his behalf ivy
the mayor and p*ipnhttion et .tngoo-
lento. (lunte•RIllts nentenee 1,as
now been committed Into one of
twenty year)' 90 '4 snpert•I_lon and
ensile•* with it a. pr'drIhI11o14 t.. r•sLlr
In any Ogre withoat police Authority.
Residences In Angoolemr is not for-
bidden. and the man la therefore Able
to rejoin bis family•
oou've never seen anything
dike it -miles of vivid interest
with glaciers alive and moving' -
• mystic totem poles ...,
rorgeous, impatient 'Alpine.
owers that push up through'
the snow if it melts too slowly!,
Great cold peaks lifting their,
'shining faces against skies son
(blue that 0 seems all the color
In the world was spilled there
See Alaska this year.
Outa princess Steamship
'The trip is a joy and a tonic.'
Four days northward from
'Vancouver, B. C.'... 1000
Miles by the picturesque inner,
paage,unfolding a panorama
'of colors in restless variety.)
,Wonderful shore excursions.
Ate gold mines, traders, trap.,
pen, seals and sea lions. Truly,
a wonderful vacation for those
'who love nature It its wildest.'
PEI $90 111
To. further information .ppty to
any .Canadian Paccar Anent or mina
W. FUJI INstriee Passenger
Agent. Toronto
We are headquarters for Farm Machinery
McCormick Deering
Our Spring order of
PAINTS, VARNISHES and OILS has arrived
Also a general line of Hardware.
Give us a call. Our prices are right.
PHONES: Dungannon, 5 ring 3. Blyth, 32 ring 12.
Best Grade. Extra.
5 X.
$1.40 per bunch
or any grade you want.
5 Grades from $1.10 up.
Fresh Car Just In
Anything and Everything in Build-
ers' Supplies.
Goderich Planing Mills Ltd.
Phone 47
P. O. Drawer 160