The Signal, 1926-6-3, Page 6ft ihllrJ,it .Ino, ,. 1.1120
Now on display
Porter's Book Store
-On the Square for forty years"
Electric Wiring
We specialize in Wiring of
all kinds. Let test give you an
estimate for wiring year
house or garage.
Private Telephones, Motors,
Dynamos, Electric Light and
Burglar Alarm System.
All Work guaranteed
Cook, Iron and Toast by
We have an assortment of
the best Electric Irons and
Toaster matte 111 ('aua11a
F:I,+ trician West St.
House Phaps 1694,9_ _, Stere 82
By 1SA8l 1.11AM11.TON,
Goderich, Ont.
Art thou afraid His power shall fat
When Cowes the evil day?
And can an all -creating arm
Grow weary or decay?
He gives the eonetutst to the week.
Supports the (Rioting heart;
And courage lu the sell hour
Ills heavenly aids impart.
--Isaac Watts.
Grunt ur grace. our Father. that we -
may not grow weary in wt4I-doing. nor
be lvereotne in the hear of tempta-
tion. for Jesus' saL•i•. Amen.
S. S. LESSON FOR .Il'il: 1:tth, 1916
Lessen Title -Joseph's IYdrtlly.
Leaman Pywge,_-lien- :111:1-2J.
Golden Text—Prot. 11:211.
In this lesson we Late the eoutiu-
uatiun of the life story of one of the
greatest figures iu the Old Testla-
meut. Matthew Herry iu his Com-
mentary says. "the -story of Joseph is
so remarlutbly divided betweeu his
humiliation and his visitation that
we cannot avoid seeing something of
Christ in it. who was first humbled
-ands thea exwitc.k mal. 1st estray In
stances, so as t0 answer the type of
Joseph. It also ['bows the lot of
Christians. who must through many
tribulatiuus enter into the kingdom."
Joseph had been badly used by his
brethren. who were jcaluue of him be-
cause of the drea•ma be told them in
which he appeared always to be pre-
ferred to them. They gut rid of his
presence by setting him into slavery,
where we see him in today's lesson.
When time'Ishmaelktva reached Egypt
they cold Joacph again. It wear not
by mere chance that his new master
WITS I'otlphar, au °Me4 r of Pharaoh.
In all his experiences Gal war lead-
ing the way and fitting Joseph for
that -preferment of wbttcl he gave him t
a glimpse lu his early reams. No
here he was put into a place where he
might get acquainted with public per-
sons and public business. He had not
been long with his new master before
his worth began 10 toe apparent.
•'.lout•Idt'r tat -Ogren had stripped him
of his coat of wavy colors. but they
could tact strip him of lois virtue and
Although a servant, he found grace
iu hist master's sight. and so he be-
came' greatly honored of menu and
highly favored of fled. Potiphar ap-
pointed him overseer of ail his p s-
senfdous and. for Joseph's make, God
blesses anti prospered Potiphar• an
instance of a wiekeol fatally. as we
later tar. being bletwed for the sake
of a genial servant In it.
Through the plotting and Wallet.
eller of Potiphar's immoral wife Jos-
eph'fell from his .salted position but
nut Into sin. The grata of God in
his mind, for he reasoned -with bis
temptress. and in his heart. carried
him out from the assaults of the
Potiphar'. wife. luring failed to 'n•
tangle ph
Jois, . I to work to .flow y
l ut 1 1 r a vii
servants of the house listened to her planned to IwCOme a prlsou ctuugelist
atr'u.allon and po,sddy gloried in the and devote the rest of his life to hell-
appronchlug dowutall of one, and a fug convicts. To this end he has
stranger at that. who had been pre- studied 1he,dogy and the rlt'rlpIures-
ferred of their -rooster. Next she re-} Perpite his long confinement. Buzzard
pleated her tale to i'utiphar. His Is wt4t preserver} and appears strong-
) tor. healthier /Intl younger than most
men at his age. "I have many years lett
in which to tine' the harm 1 have
done." said the aged r1/11vh'1. "I have
Ulnae all say piano so nu 11Wr wIil he I
wasted. I will go to my home at
Heeding fur a few days to visit 'my
ate him from Gone 1,r,sentr. AgaIk daughter and some friends, and 111411
he was given Eno, in the sight of his 1 will la•gIp my career In the service
waster, who sur the keeper of the of the IAtFd." 'Buzzard started 1118
priltoo. Again he nose by degree. prison ear,. r when he was thirteen
un111 be wait over.eer in all but name. years old. having been se•nteueel for
"A goad- man wilt do good whereter rohht•ry.
iN In• a Id rosin event in—flisrlunary lie% few.
more bdving expired. Bossard 111
it ■ tl peahen 1h1 other seventy-two years old. Ile nail he
wrath was klnd9•',I against Ju p
w$u could not (*'feud himself. for If
he did it could otily be sly rusting r-
fieetioo 011 his 11w -sirs wife. ISO re -
rambled silent and was condemned to
Prison. .\ chalk,' of place did out
rhuuge Joie.pb't hamster our sepatr-
bond. and banlshuteuts. for the spirit
of the Lord la n••• lawud tor latnlncorl."
convict Turla Evangelist
A new igtnper d.y*4ch trivet Phila-
delphia late iu .\1 rid. 1024. stater) that
Aloe Buzzard. for years nue of the
most notorious .h.sp•ratla•s Of the
Welsh Mountain region of I'ennsyb
ranla, who bad -pend( forty-two Negri.
behind prison bar-. was then to Ite r.-
Ieatttd frons the l'.' -'tern State ht•niten-
1lery. his late.' -eutenre of 1hirtesm
Why shouldn't
they buy from -
Make up your mind
to .seen r e the trade
of the Summer cot-
tages near town, this
year. Think of all the
things they will be buy-
ing! Why shouldn't they
buy them from you? In
the city they are used to
ordering goods by tele-'
phone. Call them, even
using , Long Distance
where necessary and tell
them what you can do
for them Remind them
that for week -end par- -
ties you. can give them
prompt delivery. .
-----'When t
it is to order from you
by telephone they will
likely , prove .good cus-
tomers all Summer.
Empire Anthracite
Stove site. A car just in.
Pocohontas 4 -inch Lump
A first -clang fuel for .tdves
and furnaces.
Let us supply your wants in Fuel.
Prompt service and reasonable
Telephone 178 j
mi A neo/vat Box
EradieaWtg the %bite Plague
l'uusumptlun. now known ns tulwr-
VIII ,N1S, Wh fu
tlluusuud years has whitened the
*arid with t,lmis•totten. bus during the
last quarter of a century had its rav-
ages on this coontinent reducer[ by oiw-
healf. 'For ,enturies it was barked up-
as ae a tnatation 'of Provident•.• and
tfae ertnlidered uuprt•venfabl.- in-
curable. Its cure is not effected by
medicine but by. free,' air. rest moll
.needles. t4klllel and trainer► 'thy=
dolens have worked * miracle in a
quarter of lli century. The ,ruwde Is
[wing wager) and it i. hoed that by
the end at the present century the
plague will use eradicated.
1eialhmgn 1 sampling liquor) —1'11
Iwt wotutrn e t. tang.-. t ti rt e gg
laded :- Jutfge.
How well they wear
Shoes shined with "Nugget" Polish
wear longer, because "Nugget"keeps
the uppers soft and pliable and
prevents the leather from cracking.
Shoe 1blish
syok-Tarr Toney Red- Dark D,ovn
end White (Nominal) Joe li,ght senors.
Baulk Hurst Boys' Werk Held
At it tu.ethtg of the South Huron
Hoye' ' W,d-k hoard. held rtteutly 1n
the Tu\ • r,tt,ms. Seafurlh. the follow-
ing edit. r- were elect VIP : 4'11111ruuun.
M. Its-- Savnuge. Se•afortit: tier f
ehnirui.• . Ito[•. Iv. 1►. Mgt- IAau id, bg-
mlatsirille: seeretary•tre■t4lrer. 1.ante
Norris. I:rueetield. This lifter,) will
have ceu.el ruiwrvisiln of the Tuttle
1 work it ,loulh lin The Itoa nt un -
animal -1v expr.tated aagorovai of the
suggest.• summer camp for Huron
,seely, where the Tuxis program
woglei he carried out. The pretors of
the Alms. Tuxis Square-, In the dis-
trict bars skew up tilt• (0111* lug .41 -
hall sdi.dule•: May heath. rte,tforlh at
Kans.udyll*: May S'tth, Egmoudvllle.
I at itrm-elleld : June 1st, Itrucrteld at
SeaforIL: June -til. F:Iriuunttville• at
+14-1.. itressdi Jit -at ---1 ttr-
d mond' one; June 11th, Stwforth at
1 , iro... tit Id. tater a Joint meeting wa•
1.011' ar first sight today is bawd' helot with the North Huron hoardat
upon more information than was oste, BIyi1. -\ t-nmmlttee from South •Itu-
Iu vogue.—Itntndou Sun. ' (1 non a•" algaditltd to meet with North
l Hnrnn •+,utmitter to arrange for the
140111' erred' are regretting the past- summer vamp. The South 1hirou
lug of the nit wln,lsniils. Then' In a tomu.l Ria tontrlwed of E. It. ''raw -
sig one left at 1Iltuwn.—IUugstoa fur,[. .4.-afiirth: J. Mt'Intuth. Itrua-.-
Staaderd. field. aid Ito -v. W. I). Melhuuald. 1.:g-
•mtaulrIlke• .\spleudId ndlretat
woudvUle. A .ple1411.1 adds,-.. oa
II)* SIN. J. M. Finley. of IANoebhl.
'Western Ontarl0 field s.. salary. g
I1e--1 date lb. all that uta% b.trtve
a gentleman. She- \\'ho dares de
more Is none.-- Wesleyan \\'asp.
1110h Itlfiod I1rt•..1I I.
Itroentcll w hen I i\,'r1 hltlnt'ti
lac Kcul tuned with
t`t'ri ll7
Read Clockwise
T'be pictures. with
Itinted instructions
llustrate and describe
briefly a system of shear-
ing sheep that has been
developed by the thou-
sands or professional
.bearers of America and
While slight mdib.
tloae in the directing of
Tess strokes taken with the
shear are made by difet-
ent shearers, the beginner
should follow the instruc-
tions as closely as posaibie-
The sheep it ben shown as it 4
Mire finished. Shearer, If h.
trasare hes. rdrop onto hie right•., but sheep's head should
- be bald over against Its
right .tae, and hind leg kept
.tralght by premise hand in
flank as shown. As men-
tioned before, hind leg
should never be pulled out
for shearing. 1f this is
done the sheep will start
to kick. With leg held
straight as shown in
this picture sheep
cannot yank leg
back against comb
This picture shows how the shearer
bag put the sheep in position for
right hind leg by raising its head and moven,
►'s fen still further back to let sheep vel.
down on to Its left gide.
In shearing the right hied let ample
should start sear the back bone rad
ren well out on leg.
As shearing continues towed@
tail. .beam het. sh.ey
down gat on it. M/t
aide and takes busi-
tion shown le
pert picture.
As this picture shows. the
sheep has gradually been
brought to a nearly uprl4ht posi-
tion afain as shoulder is being shorn.
Sheep s head is lying down on its left •Me,
which curves its body bine skip tight
where shearing is to be done. Shearer cor-
tinues with strokes from near til. bask
around across right side, with sheep in this
position mill wool Is removed down stde to right hind leg. As last stake
is bring made on side shearer should raise sheep's head letting its hod -
down son side. -
Set ,)tete up surely nit la romp.
your feet close to the -beep's body.
Grasp sheep firmly between knees.
Have pedestal of the machine two
feet to right and a little back. Be-
gin at point of Dr -Whet. making
strokes downward. In this pone
tion Dever allow sheep's head
to fall back between your legs.
After shearing brisket grasp
sheep's tight for. let. pulling
up well. at same time pass
ing in with left knee. Tem
terve. sheep's body to 1.41
In which position thereat
four strokes should be
run down from under
sheep's right fore leg
to flank. These
strokes °Den a
starting place for
strokes &crow
The Howell right foreleg is folded an -1 helot
under your right kn... 'revise ,beep further
beck on it• rump. Remove bier wool with
,trokes nearly straight around across belly. hold
shear loosely in the hand. with rear end well out
from sheep's body to bring point• of coob
teeth down on sheep's skin. Make strokes
carefully, with comb ratting all width.
Be sure t hat teeth of comb are down on
skin as stroke is ended. to overcome
the necessity of making second
cuts.Continse stroke. across
hell), until all belly wool
is removed. when it
can be kept woe.
rate from fleece
wool if de-
Now tern thee a Ilt•Y Ague
end Is 1t further lark .•s Its sew
In .leer crepe d nest 8 nog. Haid
•A.nti t Mit . kunder rata Kali pales
d hand ,lasses •bred'• Hake n Ir loot, grasp
• handful It d skin red mod n Iron eye .
MMartt.� heed Ira st aoek idnt. rw.a lit.
wo.I p. Ale_wlta are hes nridit • sneer-lug
a ke grooving
hied ( a to
wit for 1 •est wr set. headdrokes • Mon lane eM load*Omar of
by t impar tsh toot to mull n est NneN•t. An strokes In •Marine 1M IMde d
the nth[ his Irg d. b Irani the pmwW
t le toard• the I
Whet, .,.string limit's
,rid e d nal,w 14 .( erg is 1 o.., roll te,rr rode
v hole m n,ht hip
✓ ed •beer i ssttk d Mt kiwi let with .teaks out towards loot rT plater votcWat oral-
As last long stroke Is taken up back ending near
sheep's tight ear, bring your right foot forward cloak
up to sheep's Mil even with shoulders. leaving sh..p
lying flat on side and without lifting sheep more than
to raise it. head. This pit tureshows theposition hav-
ing shorn right tide of sheep's head and ready to /hear
right must Asch -web engines -runway traww`ttr"",
should, r. As the neck is being shorn. moor both
fret ba, k, first one, then the other in short
steps holding sheep firmly between leo and
rolling it into a more upright position as
you shear towards the shoulder.
Now At sheep is finished. nae the un-
broken blanket of wool and the smooth
appearance of the sheep. No ridges.
no gashes or cuts. By follow-
ing this method you will
always get the best
results. -
The leg is kept straight by Messing in
flank the same u N shown in picture No.
4. Now put sheep In pooh inn for shearing
outside of left hind leg by moving fen
back to allow sheep to be partly on Its
right ase. 1e t tile position strokes Can be
run from left hind foot In t.. Sank- After
two or three of these stroke. are taken
ending at flank. all later stroke. should
run in n seg then curve down,
ending near bat k bone above
tall bane. Continue these
stroke. until left hind leg
lied hip are cleaned.
The position of the Sheep is
somewhat chanted. Left foot
it moved back from t he . heap ■
ver little but left let i. rill In
front of hots the sheep's fore legs and
foot well in under the sheep's she,' ler.
Right foot has been placed outside Menthe
sheep's hind lep and t he sheep's held 'flat on
1t. aide by knee resting nightly on its hip.
Have the sheep's right shoulder resting
os your left foot and press tightly cn
the hip with right knee, at the same
time forcing the sheep's head down
nears to the floor. to put rasp in
position fpr shearing the ren of tide
and one or two etro kes beyond bac k
boa. with lost strokes the whole
amgtb of .beep i back and neck.
'✓e .
neon 1, raw is wile. for w en-
poaitiae •traightes 'sheep ea its reap, et
sane time place rigid loot henries* sheep's
141ad lege. Tarn sheep with loot a little
more to the right. Pre.' right ►w mrfly es
.h..p'• 1M.►.t b.4.... fore 1l.e.s.. left Not and
te. below kw befog lost In (root d sksep's irk
bone With left hoed ne kteo'• caw es shown.
Med sheep's seek around left heel awl open op seek
with stroke from basket to )sw ssd or two
strokes on ARM tilde d shop • seek. Sheep's hes
Is rolled up t shearing ptweaaa5 a tun sera e..
skeane' ow metlene os a Wit stde ne them'.
ruck. A Mt stele d neck ovinfous
stroke. on up a ire left Mo. sided less ase
mall bead,
ood. lett,
our topes
ingrok wA hr . 'sheep
Here til• a' ep is
in posits -In 1. •hear -
Ing left side. With
right loot stilt between
shoe . hind legs. gasp
sheep's hit fore leg move
left foot forward and with
right foot swing sheep more
areuad to the right, at the
.,we time laying the sheep
d"ws alwest squarely on Ito
- k with its left fore les pressed
down against Its head. Haar your
thrill Ie.. left arm and right trot
holding the sheep's body curved
around I.rt k`` which tightens skin
on sheep .1141 side, making It possible
to shear .,,1e wfth long ft rokee ftow hip
to Shoulder. About half of t be aide can
be Shorn In {iY position thea Change
@boald be madS to pprtloa 4
Shear left
shoulder sad lore
I•g in posit ion shown
In this picture.Shear-
.r has not moved feet
and only moved sheep
by straightening it up M-
tn a little more upright
position. All strokes in
•bearing shoulder should be
run towards beck. but not
entirely to back bone, each
one ending with comb teeth
well down on skin.
With the left fore leg and
shoulder sheared, the shearer Is
now ready to put steep In posl-
Ilon to shear Ian side as shown
in tit asst (urease.
Photo C.wtay .l
tdR list