HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1957-01-09, Page 12• ; • • - • ------•-•••-••••:•••-••••••.•••••.•--•,---:•-•••;•--..-.;47.--•.-677•77-•,;-..•,...„,.' • - • • 4 r 4 tr" .• " • „••*. . •„„ - • • Wins logo Prize or tablas were IttOilthen of the WI?, 4tOheld progressive conamnnity aUeft girt 1•Xigh scores were! ; adios ethers and win.' WA, ilarry Manta andi oOlarvey neldt, Miss Shir.l ,Celebratett ; iiirth4ay Toesaay virRoxmzil 011.13 Met.' calf%sa lifelong resident of Tn betry Tsrp, Celebrated his88th birthday 7tta Tuesday of last week. The day was spent quietly with, his son and tiaughter-ln•law, Mr. Metcalfe is recovering from several weeks' illness and an oper- alaen, Won the •special bingo, •-Pilld towel Set, t "ChaPlea Gathers Iand Mrs. '4PATVQ11$ arranged the party, Antall atteadance wad due to 7.• gtormy weather egriditions. Mr.• Mete!alfe's many Mond* wish for him 4 speedy return to. good health and many more happy anitiVerSarla. xidWgg6....4;&4•4-' " ' • • , William Macready chalks up two benefits from progress , '' t nigh school teacher Willia'm Macready speaks with authority about ... pro-gress in the vitally important field of education. • ,,' ' 2-` "Today, simproved schools," says Mr.......1"Y acread "are the result of '1, • , Years of planning,. research andiexeerrent, Modern buildings' and ' equipment make for more effective ns iuc cion. New teaching meth- ods help students develop new skills and extra-curicular interests. ,, • Today, the teacher's task Is more gratifying than eVer.' • IC • • ; ' ••••I In another field, men. like Macready also, benefit from progress in a way vitally important to their families-.. . . life insurance. Family men are making greater use of its services than ever. , Today, life insurance representatives are better trained to help you. • Group insurance his brought new security to millions. ,And many • restrictions on obtaining life ,Insurance have been removed. , ln•these and other lrays,• the fife instierm6e companies keep pace • ' with the march of progress. • NEW- NFPRMATIVE .32 -PAGE BOOKLET •-• Just published, informative- biboklet living up•to.d'ate fats and figures about ! • , life imeraikei in Canada, For free copy, write to Rooth 1000.0. ..11 302 Bay Street, Toronto... , • • ' - - - - _ THE LIFE INSURANCE COMPANIES IN 'CANADA DO YOU KNOW?—, 9 Even if you don't see rats, or damage — yoti still could have as many as 20 rats on your farni. If you don't see ratsbilt Yeti see tannage you've probably g 'got" close to 50 rats. ' 6 fir • • - • 4 see the -odd rat but dilly a1 night yell could be -hoarding over 50 rats. , . • _ ; , • • If, you, see rat- in1heday' yuck -probably got 'lucre -than 50 ",• ',rats on your farm. ; . . • • If you're an average farmer the chances- ! -are you could buy a new pick-iip truck . every' two years ,with what it costs to teed and keep rats! . ' It seunds incredible HUT Studies provide strong evidence to butt it "LIP, ' • , , HOWARD HAS MADE A STUDY or PATS AND HAS FUND THAT ONE PAIR, OF SINRATSIX MONTHS WILL; , .• EAT 27 POUNDS OF FOOD - • • nFvosim goo* DROPPINGS (4, POUNDS) at She rate of „ forty &Pi/pings day , • ' 'ill VOID SIX QUARTS OF'TJRINE SHED ONE, MILLION HAIRS . .•,‘• HAVE SEVENTY YOUNG WHICH IVIATUIDP, WARFARIN in one or other of its forms (water soluble, meal or pellets) has been proven to be • the most effective control We sell and recommend WARFARIN — at.the moment we have a supply of ,WARFARIN PELLETS A*1`• I lb 69 4 lbs. $2.39 Hovvarci's RAT • • . „ Farm size a 5 lbs. $3.85 I pound Warfarin will kill 5 to 8 rats ••6 C ,ibb011S 1.• Psi E 53 '01 I G H if;\ WEER- 4•04 Lowther ue lionla nTerenti.0, early Friday,. -iranktarY OK, there eotor04 Into rest a w41.14010Wn, and 'dearly beloved former •resident of %la ,village in the pergen of Mrs. Frank atuirl'er4on following one week's, illness, In her nst year, Hessle Barrio' Ritchie.'SanderSOO Was a ltatiVe of Howick,' a. datighter •of the late • Ames Ritchie and Margaret Hen- deracin Utchio. *he Was a re$14- terednurse and practiced • her profeSsion in the United .IStats, where she trained. and in Winnit peg, Canada, Following her mar-. riage to Frank Bandertion„who was also a native of Wroireter, they lived in TOrento• ,After Mr, Sanderson's death Mra, Sanderson came • to Wroxeter to live with her brother, the tato Thomas. Ritchie: She returned to Toronto in 1952 to reSide With her daughter, Miss Eleaner8andason, who survives. , Also surviving are a sister 'and brother, Mrs. Margaret, Mcgercher of Wroxeter and Tyndall Ritchie 'of Wingham, , •TWQ „. sisters, Mrs. EleanOr. 4014anghlin of Winnipeg and Miss Jeanette Ttitehie,' Wrox (10104114:i)• for 10.4,4 ,13.01W414.4 •Tha • 1.4ipits Olub' 4014 'itg a..0441,stP0e0 ' dinner and, chlisittrao •' community hall with "stOventNlYo:L.;„ rirlay night in the•:',1421.9ta'n MeAlshe,rand guests prattertk_„,„.• ; 'Maar - waroo's ms4tatioil thfoiFt • • Chgro, gatqw tor go • "•••;.'"I : eter, and athrother, Thomas Ritch- ie, predeceased. her. 'Diving the years spent in, this village Mrs. Sandersen Made a fine aontribution,to the life of the aim- atinnitY: She was a valuable mem- ber of the PresbYteriair Church and the Women's Missionary,'Soci- ety as well as being.. a life, member of -the local, Wemen's Institute, As dr friend and heighbor her memt ory• will, be cherished. The deep sense of loss felt by her, daughter, Miss Eleanor, will be 'shared by many in, this community. , 'Funeral services were held oil Saturday from the Eata Ma4idock Funeral lIome, Avenue, Road, To- ronto with 'Rev: • Dr. Howes of Bloor,St..United Church in charge. Interment was Made in' Packwood Cemetery, West, Toronto. g • . ' : • OFFICERS INS -TAILED. BY REV. BUCHANAN. (Intended for last week) WROXETER, --. The „ChristmaS meeting of the Tuesday evening Staidight 'Group of the United Church was held in - the, church nall,„ December ,27th. 'President Mrs, G, L. Dobson presided and' opened the •rneeting with a poem entitled '-"The Christmas Story". Merribets joined in patol singing with Mrs. W...T., V. Bacharian as pianist. , . Mrs. Crawford ' Gibson told a story of .'The, Christmas Star", by .Tames BishoP. Mrs.:Andy Gibson read the Scripture lesson. ...Guest speaker:was Rev. W. J. y.-Buehan- ah, Minister of .thechurch, Whp re- called boyhood memories :of Christ- mas in Ireland, • of vvhich , country he is a' native. Rev. Buchanan installed the fol- ivIlowing officers for,195President. ,rs. Crawford Gibson; ' vice pros., Mrs. DavicrStatia; secretary, Mrs. Ruth MacDonaid;' treasurer, Mre. William, Wright; catering, commit- tee, convener, Mr's, Eldred Cath - ors; atsistants, Mrs.' Everett Ca - them, Mrs; Robert dibson; Mrs. W. •J'. V. Buchanan; decorat- ing corn,, Mrs. JohnMacLean; Baby 'and, lVfrs. 'G. L. Dobson'j nominating, Committee, Mrs. 'Har- yey Reidt, Mrs. Wes Ileinipel, Mrs. Bruce •Chambers; auditors, Mrs. Glean McMichael 'Mrs. Lloyd Townsend. • Refreshments were ',served from it'tabk centred with- a replica of a thOrch and lighted candles. An exchange of gifts was made from a lorely lighted ehristmas tree. PLANS1ADE FOR-'.: SKATING PARTIES WEOXZTErt ••,-- The P�° - plc's' Vnieri, Gerrie and Wroxeter United Churches bola their Tinet., Ing •on StindstY' evenini in Wrketer'' vi/ith ',Ian•AoWes in charge. ThC meeting opened, with the hymn "0 Mater: I.,et Me Walk with The", and prager by Jamie Sahdersini. tiorothy Toner presented the Minutes and eorrespendence, Plans Were made to hold .farily skating parties in bath villages tater this Month, ,',Thet0Pie Was • "Hee You Any Understanding te"Pare7; with lelvin.iluebanali its leder, JOIM Breirn ehOSe .the Scripture reading -a 'passage frOM Xolln's Gospel, • "The, Sob'-' wail the title 'Of, a, skit With David • Sanderdeti arid bpi iliggins in, 'Charge, A, aisette-, Sinn f 61166%4 in& it was, dlecbedr" ed we $10114.146* *tong. people :11htt We are icheirrIdS• ut ith' imemtretts loate-arat4 lath& 61', 611 LI It • /.1• •• 1111'0,111, 1.• 111 1.1 '11 161$1 „. .1 1 if. '1111 I 1i 44,1, 011101-A,- • , • Hareld TeWnsenik, •PriMegt chairnian and guests •Irt4a g!Zdis, tance were a former mom*, Dr. Bruce '-Palmer :a'ad les: Palmer who aro hying at Haselban,'British Cellithble, Dr. rainier 'sPoke brief- ly expressing their pleasure at be- ing present, Pthers taking Wirt in the programme were Mrs, Vera Gregg-Whg gave a reading;. Miss Ethel Ftels of Fordwich, ,who fay-, Oared with a violin solo, .and. Miss perya Gallaher Who •accompaaied for community singing, , -•Ten-year ehevrons were present- ed to four members, Ewart Whit- field, ttoY' Bunter, Stanley' Bride and George limn% Games Were bland' and ;'8, draw made- when eleVen prizes were won. Each 'lady, was presented with -a, gift from gaily lighted' Christmas tree. • The Howick Lions Club Chris mas party is one of the outstanding annual events in the district and - reports are that the 1956 party was' one of the best. ° , , Mrs. W. T. MacLean Institute Speaker. yVROXETER, — The January meeting of Wroxeter Woreen's In- stitute • was held on Wednesday afternoon' the .conoriunIty hall. •tinder the heading of "Hi.storical Research and, Current' Events" the followihg programme Was carried out: Thi Motto, given ,by Mrs. Joe Simmons as on the subject "Ilo not resent growing old, 'Many are ,denied the privilege." Mrs: 'Sipa- mons ,told" a delightful story Of• a 97 -year-old woman and her out- ldok on life. The good cheer coin-, mittee told of 28 boXes of good cheer sent out -to' the shut-ins and sick at the Christmas season.' " A dance is planned for January 2,5th with proveeds to be used' for a nevi curtain track for the com- munity -hall. ,..The February' meet- ing will have an all -members pro gramme with a time limit lot 3 minutes by' each member. • • • The St. Lawrence Seaway was the subject of an interesting ad- dress by Mrs'. William „T. Map- Lean. The speaker recommended a book entitled "Apples 1Den't Grcav on' Trees", written by a Woman • living in -the district where the sea- way is being built. ' Mrs'. Harry Adams gave high- lights:front- the Federated News, dealing with Mrs. 'Berry, , inter- national president of A.CiW.W. A letter was read froina the Hospital Auxiliarjr in .Win,ghani, inviting members to a meeting of the. boatel. The roll call was 'answer- ed by naming a Canadian,,product and its slogan. , , • Hostesses were Mrs. Herb Pat- terson, Mrs. Thomas 'Burke and Mrs. D. S. MacNaughton. WROXETER U The Wroxeter CoMmnity Club" held nticcessfal dance in the coniinunity- hall on -Friday evening With Songstrs. Orchestra provid- ing xnu'sic. • • the viroinan's Mitlioriaty ,Soci- ety, ,Wroxeter United Church," has .pestPoned, th' •• January -meeting 'One Week. Further announcement will 'bd Made this corhing 'Week. • . • 'gr„ ,Ewart' 14PEerher, MM. Tyndall McKereher and Mr. Tyn- dall Ritchie. of Winghain Were in Toronto ort Saturday where. they attended ',fUneral derviCes fcir the late "Mrs. Frank. SanderOn. ,RoVi Wt. 1 V. Bueinman took 'ehlirge Of ,the broadcast otter' bitivX radio on Monday Morning', To Dedicate Git's. 'WIt•pE11011,-4in Oinday Morn- ing, Jaeuary 13th, there "Will be a special dedkation 'seryice the United,,ChUreh which ineltide the Aedleatien of a neW tentinun- IMI 'table, a gift front the fetidly pt the (ate Mr, and Ma, _Rielitird J. Rani% and fear ' plate's -the- gift Of Pr, ant, Uts. tietheringtoo 'et 'oramtitoh,, ; • , • Atitowers to Ozzie located'mu ; Ptige diters,Note:. ' This tAtwieklY at tmc. Iferi4 will 9I4ain int eresting facts •e thout kospit*15. end, Is intblished es* puble beret by till/ neWSpaper 10 co•opretien with the 914419‘ 4.4431), elation: • . • V i . -‘ I. ' . •„'„: '•,,.... ....,4".'„, '..` • • • , I "ol 040 tea. gi4 ulkipiul‘sset ' o . witiool 40.1**ajtjt.t '4E0004 't ffitr, lir, 004 glake'40MgfiStIO c t • .raiikt 0794,Mt MO,: g'141.1i, Pret i • Allii,42 "011itkl, ftast vtao, *4 lit ,0001trilli; Sitakt; tar*, 144144.4. Stow: ittetlgor tr • 014.4*.bMtij !it,:414°4*.ki#'0;;,•litfif:frq9'•• ' (1. 4... Bennett, Mrs4 ,ti. •tiftWitlg, N/rit, 74, #0atiag,'Ittra;4.. Mattis, gra, N. qemeron;. welts •tetar, Al Y, ra; ,T .flatetten; visithigi • r t9, P. rCaMP4141: ' .• ' • uTaantlist ,asnlad.tem-ers. fo:i.,Ivc:Iirs' tt ap=., • preVeil on a motion by, Mrs, f':,-• •44r0;.Congram thenthed' everyone Or their coloperation dueing the past Year and asked for their. eon, kintlect00'ePeration in the Pruning Year, Mrs, Fuller, the neW/Yrelented President, spoke btieflY and re - Minded, everyone et" the first meet- ing Of the Year on 'Pebritary 6th. • 'She then closed 'the •bnainess poi- tMo of the Meeting w, ith. the Scout benediction. • . ' , - . .., c, ' ,oArit,easo4i;atlillemetixrhviiarloSs!eenologYeift ;1,,,t(ib, n delicioud itieli,- . ' ,• lo• ' is .4 •t„, Hew different the.hespitals of to- In ,(1 Franklin, who wrote about day from the ,hes of refuge" of a feW centties age. The corigh, nal ,coneelit• ef suCh institatleria, was nothing more than ao as - stoned 'obpgation' of the, church to care fer the wayfarer, the home,: lea, the, lick and infirmed. Medi- cal science. in the early hospitals; If existed tit all, was secondary to the faith and love. bestowed upon the" helpless ''by religious 'leader's. • Until reeently; these voluntary, . non-profit institutions were, depen- dent solely "upon • private charity for their existence and were origi- nally spon§ered for the isolation of the hopelessly ill,' 'and, dying. Bilt, the progress of medical science. was not ,to denied and,. from their som'emniat clouded,Ibeginning our modern hospitals emerged.' the inception of the famolie '11417-3.131;11,:' the manager rented a hone for gy pounds a year, ,Spent 150 'peitncia for repairs, hired a aurse 'or maid at'a0,pciunds a year,-Oppointed Dr, Thomas Bond and pig' brother 'Dr', Phinias Pend And leleyed Zachary as attendadt• Staff without "pay ap- . two atiemmts, oandenasiietktedarothttler other Canada's first hospital was open ed in Quebec in 1630.,It Was origi- nated by the French Order of Saint Augustine and .ealled'L'Hotel DICUr 4e4'9"uebbiice'l gq.09ndea41",t• 1;i1-rcle 449r 6e over - 434) public special hospitals in Canada serving Canadians with the best health care available., Today hospitals arc used for, ,a.„ four -fold purpose,, the care of 'the sick,eatioop) uethli,' itdoonodoncrOt fq0Sfaierneaslo4ercieult; and, preventative medicine. This they:are .doing with 'distinction they Aave con -at to be regardedIp the:eyes. of the' rich and -poor alike 'as headquarters for health. Plow some hospitals began is gPap'hically illustrated by Benja- Evening Guild -Will Meet on January 15` The Evening Guild of St. Paul's Anglican Church is,'getting under, way for 1957; The officers elected In December for the year are: „ Honorary president, Mrs, If, L. Parker, (re-elected); president, Mrs. Lloyd Elliott for • a Second term; 1st. vice-president, Mrs. Tom Wade; 2nd. vice, Mrs. Ken Downie; secretary, Mrs. Jack Salter'; treasurer, Mrs. Robert,,Ritterfor a 'second term; secretary for sick members,.- Mrs. C. Wilkinson;sec- retary for Christmas cards, Mrs. Mervyn Templeman; press report- er, Dorothe Comber;- sewing' epn- yener, Mrs. Laurie Slade. CoMber's . group meeting was held this week in her apart- ment to, plan the January meeting' to he held on January 15: -Miss Cleland will give an account of her Meter trip through Europe, arid Vf4r4 John Langridge will act as M,C. for a Bible quiz; with all -pre- sent participating. 1, filfTS FOR COUPLE ON SILVER WEDDING Mr., and Ms. William pf! • Brussels; Were completely taken by Surprise_ 'On Friday evening, D- bember, 28 hen about 25 of -their - relatives and friends' from- Wing- ham,,Belincire,•'and• Fordwich drop - pod in ',to., Mark .the Occasion' _of their ,25th 'wedding annversary- on' Dedernbr: 26. • • , • The :ev-ening was spent' in'' pro gressiv,e 'euchre and social' chie,:. Afteri„: S2,• *thittiptitotts; whrch was served by the ladies in charge,,. the\ bridal couple' were preseicted utiful chenille bedspr and, a eltrine• teapot. tIx a...fdW, well-cho'sen Werda. the friendg'' 'Were thanked forAheir gifts' and their itiedriessi celebrating- th, heti& • .‘ The. Party' brOlce' up with' iriani pxpresstn$ Of...Wishes. 'fr many, more 'years " happY Married' life', to the honored :Pair: • Mt. -I and', Mrs.- 'Miller were ' also the recipientte 12 -place setting of SilyerWare by their family wen. they gathered Under the parental ril'f on Wdnesday, Deeemher '26; ttl.• celebrate .christnas and " the' 5th anniversary of their' Parents', wedding• . , - The family group consisted of and,IVErs. FlodsSehlheter (Win. nie) and' little•son MarraY, of 'Gait; ItaYintind Miller of dalt; Lena 4er. of Saitrta; 00:aid Miller -of burltrn, 4neytr. and Mr. Lloyd Cooer: '(Joyce 5 EiPpen. Mr. SteWart.Milier cif EruSsels, brother Of the groOM, Was also Present, The honoured eouple also rebeit, ed several ; gifts and tcikensof gratulatiOria trent 'other • frielidS and acquaintances. , Ceremony was It regular'',M4ing. Oi Vltaigitim Ittlehel, tows., Aoiof **tot* • ' COMIJOiltiOti yau, ' ititokeia Which The Beavets Arai, Itt front, Tile ntiigl* . w „ #041 Yttikr!„40400tfit. . 4 .6.• • 4 666 .46 ,••atr •.„ ..." :.• Mrs11,TnIler Elettecl Prsicient: • (Intended for last weeic) ,The closing meeting of the year for the Scolat rind Cub Mothers' Auxiliary was held in the Cana- dian- Legion Hall on Decmber 5 with 19 naeinbers present. The "peesiclent, Ms. Congram, Mec;:tbni lyeedra! poemtPhet tS!mise. etTi nDhgi as yw" Wbaeisf ohf r°l I btt Whh New Yea". . ' 'Carol singing was led by Mrs. J,. Bateson with' Mrs. G: Davidson at the pianb. Misses -Patricia and Diane Deyell sang evvo lovely' duts. The girls were thanked by the president and presentedwith sinTahlle gifts. iy- reports rts Were given Y*.114.C, Hears Of Work Being Done in Spain - The Christmas meeting of 'the' wBeoPstishte144 'Ytitetithe gWoromWomen's fm 's .0citerl; Glenn Scheifele, ' Following the, singing of 'the 'carol "Hark the Herald' Angels Sing" Mrs Cantelqn' opened with prayer, The roll call wee answered by a Childtmas verse of Scripture, A - report was reacl from Miss McDaniel regarding aerile of the , orphanages in Korea. esting reading enti(led ,,"Pathway Mrs. F. Collar gave a very inter. to Christmas" which' told, Jewish man finding' Christ as• hid Saviour -on Christmas. The 'carol "Joy to the World" Was 'sung fbl- lowing whieht seiteral readings rare divbn regarding the work m Spain under. the ,Sanish• Christian Mission. ' • •A season'. of -prayer was conellict- ed by MTS. G. Hotchkidd Mrs, ft: Cullen, Mrs:: B., lvtaeiean. The president read a letter which ,The been rebeived f rein. 1Virs. Cairns, Missionaly from Africa, thanking 'the Imbed. for their.. gift. IVIsEetty Collar' conducted the devotional peried reading fron. the Songs df Sdomon, -chapter 5 verses' '13-16 and -basing her remarks' ,on 'The -Loveliness of Christ": . The carol '"Silent Night" Was swig -and Mrs. Win. Kirkwood dis-2 missed the 'ineetingswith , prayer. A dainty lunch was .erved and socialtfirne enjoyed., , , 671L' ° . 6 !A* how og . Otrfi, 404142 Demo 11104i ilerrY 141te 510m, ries., -Wed., ,„al" 14,149 "WOMEN'S PRISON". Ida •11(A:1411117 Entertal":07ndtiThi". AiliN.WILLIAMS Optometrist Patrkh Wingham Phone 770 Ciift4 "in Jive. CASH if, You die.' ' l'roneetion for' the ftally' Coinfort for ,your: retirement MI 'In one pont*. Consut,- • FRANK C.HOPPER —Represenative— ' Canada Life WINGliAM! ONit GOSPEL HALL Regular Sunday Services Sunday School 10,1541ni.; • ' Remembering the Lord ' at 11.15 , , ,-Gospel Meeting et 7.30tPIrl. ' Each: ursday evening at fIpM. Prayer Meting;and Bible Study , • I .' Sale: 'Days JAN, 10th TO, JAN. 19th ary Oloaraoco Sal TOPCOATS -`,, , with' zip -in. lining, :perfect • for year round wear made '• ' from nylo gab' rain repellent fabric. /Siies 34 to 46 -in,. ' are34or Sand • , it•eg• $29.50 _SPECIAL ,„„',„ v v .."' SPORT SHIRTS. ,.,An excellent selection 'of • Sport Shirts cotton,plaidop• , • ,sharkskins and rayon:st • • 'leg. & $5.95 el et; ;IPECIAL' 10•0 LADIES! COATS Winter Oieecoatic • • From $.10.50 to , $69.50 Now • • at ; Price $19.7 to $34.75 Men's JACKETS •' One group of Men's*Jaelits in 'windbreaker or stroller - styles in Gabardie, Melton, • Cloth Velvets Etc Z;ErlICIALPh1P- '1.-6:.1!: $10,600 Suede JACKETS Jituka,-Brown or ilvy. Sizes 36'046.. Reg. $'4.59 ' t Py fic• -sioxiAL . „ . oUt, SPORT SHIRTS' A smart Selection Of cotton, flannel -Sport--Skirt* in . tractive plaid cheks. • " Reg `ft40 ,$3.9a 4i) an ,&,,$4.95 SPECIAL OLi*VV • ' 131RESSS • One reek of ladles" and 'lags- ,' Os testi - • Values- from ri.05 to $19.95 • 1/2 , • , ' PR,ICE BoYs' • Station Wagon COATS , Mestly, IGIrey, Sizes 24 W110 • $14.95$10 00 SPECIAL- .. . • Flantlelette Printed J.:oulette Ilatein• Cloth and Doeskin Shirtiest, Reg. (195-19 • r 79? yd. srEctiit. aVC yd. 10% Di800unt on Regular Stock 1, Price Table•:* Remnant Counter 'Melt's uttA Boys' Station •' Wagon. ,Caps ninlSkt aps.' in', 'Weals and gabardines 172 PANTS Men's `Dres' Pants in MCI-, bourne flannel*, nylon fratbar-' ,dines etc, Plain shades and shiart %relives • 'ipik ON -LV oviva, PRINT good selection- of cotton Valinitt '550 Atte. • on :PECIAL Crt/q C yd, WO1'K SHIRTS .‘rItet?s bootlic]: Work Shirt He: OA . 'r =-'-'--'- - . -•.81PrOAlt. Av tor /golf NX(ORI SOX: mien's all . nyon" Work sox Iteg• Otte • 214„,,,„ ,.„,,, • 004; Factory cotton riseOntiiity rariinty cotton Hog; p$: ,ei • An stE04,'':$4,1'idif.#4•vu QatitagOl, HAT$ mop vor nuts, mitt* as •, • *V ot *0* fo%t . • '1.44 j:4 • 4 6 :•'• '' • tr. ;' • group of titbit's MD014'014%4,0 . ", Vnines ,to $9,50 ,ein,ne SL4I„.., AtUitfUra ;•••`_ ' • ”" "- ' • •••• ".•"- , •• 1•4, r . 54 .66 littt)ete '4•'' „- • "Ik • .•• ,'" '‘,'4'r .61 i• ft 4-