The Wingham Advance-Times, 1957-01-09, Page 10Ir.. ,t '0, • , •"11":"'4`l,etil• taa 1A9,1; Q`A'firCI wri es Farm Q w AU upation Alt ,ra tht 4 EH cLUs Adrianarm th.e home of Mr. roator on Monday an attendance of g.7 00110 After ,the broadcast On the Parity Thome ter 0.44 the first question liLany families are at, tihp forum: and Were: their, belOw other Occupations? group said there were le gttendin,g the forum 'and agreed that their returns, • below ' other .occupations,' p,* 'Arrived at this conclusion (filso the costs of art:toles that ..4ermer must buy in order to ,pate efficiently, ure far too * in Proiibrtion to what he re - Wes for farm produce, ."130b Prooeter showed pietures of 1,he. Morris Centennial parade and, of the,Hoistein tour at Ridgetown last sumnier, Progressive euchre Was, played With WO prizes going to, Mrs. Wilkinson and Robt, Yuill. Consolation prizes went to Mrs. Rae Crawford and H. Wilkin- son.Lunch was served, The next meeting will be held at the home of Mr, and Mrs, Rae ;Crawford, SPITFIRES TRIM LISTOWEL TEAM In the Wingham arena on Monday night the Wingham Spit- fires trounced the Listowel Inter- mediates 13-8. Inn the last seven games the Spits have rung up 4 Bellmore Gins - Cut Gafinents REtLVOrtii4---Qn Thlostley after. neon, DOceiraber 27th, the 0$1rnore Sleepy Time Gals held thoir third meeting at the home of Simmons. The meeting nOmineuce4 with the repetition of the 4 - pledge in unison, The Vinates ware read by SallY Jeffra4 The roil '`Tigninibig I Will Vie for My PYjarria0, Was answer, ed by nine giriS, The members pinned their patterns on the Ma- terial and began to cut out the garments, Marjorie Kieffer and Shirley Sillarnons served lunch and the meeting closed with the national anthem. Mae Donhiedee Will" be host at the next Meeting 0 0 0 On Friday evening, January 4th, the Belo -lore Sleepy Time Giais held their foulth Meeting at tho home of Mae Doobleclee, Tile meeting opened by everybody repeating the 4-H Pledge. The rilintitea Were mad by Mae DOubledee, The roll call, "A Pattern Alter- ation I Have Learned to Make and How It Is Done", was ansWered by nine .girls. Mrs., Johann axid Mrs. Rutherford shOwed the girls how td make the French seam and Shir- ring: they Worked on their gar- ments, • Lunch was served, by the host- ess assisted by Norina 1-larper. The meeting closed With the- National Anthem, ' The next meeting will beheld at the home of Mary Elliott. OSS Wingham Sleepy wins, 2 ties and one loss to takeI Time Gals Make over fourth place in the "Big Nine" race. Corded Piping 'In the first period Wingham out- • The fourth meeting for thy seored Listowel 3-2. ken Lee potted. . Wirigham. 4-H projeet, "Sleeping two goals for the Spitfires with txarxnents", was held at the home Doug Murray notiehing the ..lone of the leader, Mrs. Guy oh the Winghajn goal. C. Nickel and afternoon of janizarY 2nd at two , Jerry Wahl tallied for Listowel: o'cloek. There were six. Ihetriblierds At the end of the second period in attendance. The roll vtias ea the Spitfires had .the lead by an and. each member replied with a Suitable answer. 8-5 count. Telf Struthers, Bruce The secretary's report was given Lott, Jerry Fryfogie, Gord Wain by Betty Ann Lapp. Members were and Barry FrYfogle notched the asked for suggestions as to color Wingharn goals. L. Love, W. and design, to be used for the re - Woods and Tiat McKay were the cord book ccivers, " Listowel marksmen. . The president, Siebje Souwsma, had recently discussed the possibi- The third' -period Provided lots . lity of a 4;H column in the '-local of scoring with Wingharn mark - newspaper Nvith a Member of The ing up five and I,Istowel three. Advance -Times staff and brought Ken Hodgkinson, Bob Cartier,, Jim the matter 'before the gathering, Campbell' collected single goals All, xnember,s were intereated and With Struthers and Wain collect- willing to co-operate if other cinb lug their second goals of the game, would do likewise. "The VVingliam Wahl and Love scored their sec_ Sleepy Time Gals", as ha:d been ohd goals of the game' for L' t I decided to Cali the grog') at a re • with M. Smith collecting the other vious meeting, Will now try to in- terest others clubs in the area, Listowel goal, „ At this meeting the girls were WhVGRAM-r-Goal, ,Teskey; de- taught, to make corded piping fence, 3. Fryfogle, Duffy, Wain, ,Following this instruction each Cartier, Graham; forwards Hodg- girl's garment Was inspected and kinson, Murray, strother$ Camp_ alterations were made where • bell Lott Bain Lee B. Frvfogle necessary. The home assignment = for the week Was to flat fell stitch LISTOWEL—Goal Anstett; de- the seams and Pra'clise snaking _ corded piping. ' ; kAnyenon woods, Johnston, The meedng adjourned and the ThOiririson; ferwards, McKay,'Me' girls will meet again oh January Sli!ith, Bender, ,VVahl, LoVe. 16, at the 'home of Mrs. Guy - .10111)1111111111 0111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 11•111111111111111111111111 11111111111111211111116 ERI INJURED R CRASH A wo*Oar collision at Relelri enrner :en Concession TAirnbeiry Taw:Oh-44 on January 200, inured both &Mrs. Admitted to the Winghant Gen-, oral Hospital was Ross Worm-' 'worth, Wingliam, suffering' from outs 'to the 'head and face and shock. He Was driving a sedan. delivery owned by the Department' of 14rids and Porests, with which he is eiPPIVottl as ConawvatiOn officer, 'The Oriver the. other ear, Prank OqrchOk, of Walkerton, was teller), to Bruce County Hospital, Walkerton, Where he Was treated for facial injuries. Cordiek was travelling north and the' Wormworth vehicle eaSt, Worrawarth's station wagon wea demolished and damage estimated at $8001was done to the Cordick car. Provincial at:instable J. .1, 'Lewis investigated. Mrs. W. j.. Scott' . Passes at Hospital Mrs. Clara B. Scott, widow of Wm. J. Scott, 4, Wirigham, died in Wingharn General Hos., pitai on Friday after a short, hi- ness, She was in her 61st year.. The former Clara B. Agar, she was born In Morris Township and spent her school days at Brown - town public ;school and later at- tended business college. She was married in 1936 to Wit- ham J. Scott, who died in 1947. Surviving; are one daughter, Isa- bel, three- step -daughters, Mari, Lamina and Mrs. James (Evelyn) Mair, of R.R. 5, Brussels, and twp step -sons, Spence and Lloyd. AlSo surviving' are ' 'four, brother& George of Stratford; Fred, of Kil- larney, Man; 'Wallace and Charles of Morris. The funeral was held on day at at 2 p.m, from her home. The Bev. b. J.„ MacRae of Wingham United Church, cendueted the, ser-, vice. Interment was in the Wing - ham Cemetery. Pallbearers wet' Melville Mathers, George Fowler, HaiVey Edgar, Bert Garniss, Har- old Agar, Stanley -Jackson, The floral tributes were carried by An- drew McKague, Bill Walker, Roy P'orter, "'Earl Sellers, Jim Turvey and DeWitt Miller.., s BLUE VALE FARMER 'DIES AFTER fALL John M. Mdse, 60-yeanold fat'- . mer in the Bkievale distriot, died at the Wingham General Hospital on Friday ,:afternoon as .the result of injuries suffered in a lat. • Working in the barn at the fartn , of' William 'King, where he had been employed. for 'the past 29 years, the man had gone into the mow to throw down hay. Appar- ently lie missed his. 'footing and fell to the barn fleor. The injured man was discoVered by Mr. King and his Son when they returned from work at "a second. 'farm. in Grey Township: Entering the stable they heard groarii and discovered -Mr. Moses seated on a hale of straw. . Deceased was unmarried. He was a son of the late Mr; and Mr . Hugh Moses, Be is siirvived by; three cousins;' JarneS and Bessie Mose,, all of Brussels, The funeral was held at the Rann funeral home in Brim/tele' 'on Monday afternoon with interinerit in the, Brussels Cemetery, id ADO A ROOM FOR RIM, PLEASE Da wis H08134e MEW NE CAM PURSUE • 5#10.04 martormitski, int* COLETEX s -TEST - oPLYVVOOOS • anew Ten -V&A Plank Board 16" x 8' different colours. FOrnier gh Resident Passes MrS, Minerva Dey, 78, of Lori.; don, died Wednesday night at the ParkWoOd Hospital, A initiVe of Brantford, Mrs, Dery. &Mao Winghain as a, Child and ceiling. tan ,„ white i;thited in .0t, -1,2o i anent her early life here, She was and 16* x 16" g the fernier Minnie Ireland "and Is • 1--- was married to /eines Dey who d . , 2 t es PAINTS . passed* away sOrne years ago, I Surviving are dne daughter MM. • - r 4 W, A. Robertson, London; two -ii sons, James G. bey,' Plorida, and "I Gordon A. De4:,, R. 11, London; '-' on sister, Mrs Agnes COIllirs.and • " ' 66 , „-- a brother, aare irehitill, th df -,17; kineltrdine, There Itte Mir grati•fli: g children: and .Ore greatzgran& P Oilii d. Mr , NV{ 1 f fe d Henry, Whit- ....-.. i, ham le a litItte; • m rz,-. M, S'iiiiertd terVIcla WO held' iii, .....1 4, utidori oh 'Vilda8, evening 'And 'the ''' thdY was brought to Wintherit .or 2=7:M Ourliti the telloWing day.* 2 Mt. .fedit, -Cady' of the Wing -bath Ettp. ,. - , , Atst ,Ottnteh. ointutod ati, the gey. 14 heft ' e fir. 3 , tiljtiiillliiiillil * V " '' 40.e will SURE try and SAVE ,you money to fik up 'that basement NOW 044011444 tqt 411.1 va, am Nits, aroi4 Adlttili and children and Mt And Igtpt, ItaY sWpehnIttet0.1141gisZ)fis414_Wth.:11144arlAtIpplisS. M. and Mrs. Harry,Cgo 7Of lititt, 11QMilr'. Gehrgo RoSaOt.,Alg- 0 Sound spent a f OW days, this Weetit gf the home of Ma parents, Itt,t"iitnd #0, . . Rehert Rosa, Nit% and Mm Aliliaxn TillOpti'W .9f st, noleOs SPeot WedllAtilt)" at the borne of their daughtOK. Mrs. George Walker, . ., • Ten tables playedeuchre in the Memorial bad here o» Thursday evening, when. 'tlie Instp iiicliPs held a secial ,eVening. 1.1tra, Rua - sell Ross 'anti Mr, Jon» :1140Gee held high pointsand Mra:: Jamea icnowwtpeasintasndmItl:oHnseirdponeolarlArteia4 yvhe9140., the,MYStery prize and the ladies decided to hold anOther etiehre in two weeks. Mr. Ohar.les Leaver, who spent this week'tn Toronto af ttio-, home of Mr,. FredLeaver, Was. in: a Motor :aeldent, in that .city,, . Mr, arid Mr. Kenneth Dow4ng anci&farnily spent Tuesday at the home of her sister, Mrs. aOctrg Bradley of Mount Forest. On $ day the Pawling families ilit to- gether at, the Greenhuah hall, , Mr, Thos; Kerry, M. and Mrs, Melvin Kerry, Mr. and Mrs. Law- son Majury and family df 'Pala:ley, and Mr. and Mrs, Nelsen 'leri'Y of Walkerton; and iVilas.., Marjorie Kerry of Toronto Visited on Chriat- Inas Dv with dr, and Mrs. Albert Coultea. , Mr, and Mrs, Robert H. 'Coultas and sons of Morris, and Mr. and Ays, 'Nerman Coultes and family gathered on Sunday • evening last, at the home of Mr, and Mrs. Albe4t Coultes. . , 1111;1111 . Mr. and Mrs. Geo, Caldwell, Mr . and Mrs, -Gordon Caldell iati family of Blyth, and Mr. and-MrS ack Catcliff Of Brussels ' Spen hristmas With Mr. and 'Mrs. Wm intouI. The Riritoni farnilY visit d on SinidaY with - Mr. :and Mra alPh Cameron of Ashfield, Coultes . and. - Leaver. farnilids athered on.' Tuesday evening a e, home of Mr. and Mrs. Norma. ;Mites for a family get-together. niteil $S, Holds: nnual Meeting' WHITVGHTIRCH--- The ltnnal; 1141:441;a4Y .S.".che ooWl 'bW14: hheit %1";" tooin of the Ohitych: on erbleY • evening with Uev, 4, Brook in charge. lila sunciay school had aneeeSafUl year, with a good cash, balance on hand, The foriow. in te&Chers were aPPointecil Class 1, gra, Z„ Oreshorth, asst., •Janet Gaunt; Class g, Mrs. Grositorth,,, Mrs, rt, Chapman; 0140a Mrs. Millen Moore* Mr. Chapman; Yonng People's Class, Mi. T. b, •peecroft, MrS. Rasaell G4unt. Mrs, Boa Scholta; Bible Clas& Rev, .Broolt, Rev. W.4, Watt, Mrs, James Falconer; see, treas.,• Raymond Laidlaw, Ivan Laidlaw; Cradle Roll Supt,, Mrs, Herbert Laidlaw; auditor, Mrs. Al - hot Coultes, ' Mrs, Groskorth, Mrs. MoCire and Mrs. Farrier were apPOjilkOct a committee • to arrange for prizes and certificates for points of mer- it for the Sunday School pupils. Rev. Brook closed the meeting With Prayer. • Discuss Farm, Incothe at Forum WHITECHURCI4,4-The Far in Forum met: on Monday evening at the home of Me. and Mrs. J. D, Beecioft with eighteen present, The •eight families represented, realized that their earnings were below parity, becanse their ineomes are reduced by receiving \Jew prices for produce against the high, prices of farin Machinery, fertilisers and • Other :necessary expenses and with ,fluctuating markets, as a few weeks ago when t hogs dropped $3.00 in One Week. All realiied that it is unfair to - eompare urban and rural hours of • labor and renumeratkin, as labour simply goes on strilce, and each yeareatta.ihs a higher income..,' t Mrs, John McGee and Sas. Fel- . coner held high points in euchre. The next- meeting will be held at tthielinhtto.mes of Mr. and Mrs..Cordon th Mr, Eddie VVaddel of ,Brampton, wlio has been working for' the' past six months with the Carter' Con- struction Co, of Toronto, and who sPent the sin/Mier months at Moos! - min, •Val D'Or, Que., and on Bear Island, near' the Arctic Circle,. Spent this past ,week with relatives 'in Kinloss; visiting over the: week- end with Mr. -and Mrs; Win. Henry. Mrs. W. Webster, who has been a patient in Wingham Hospital for the past few weeks was able le re- ttirn home Monday Mr, and Mrs. 'MyliS; St. Marie,: with Mr, and Mrs. Fred Robinson and .faMily,, of Toronto,' Mr. and ,Mr.'Raphael St. Marie and baby of Lansing; Mich., Mr, and MrS. Dean Brennan and 'family, Guelph, .The St, Marie of -Vancouver, and Mr. and Mrs.: Ja,s. St. Marie and family of Se.' Catharines, , spent Christinas with their ?areas, 'Mr. and Mrs. Jas. St. Marie Of Kitch-. _ .nr. and Mrs.' Cap Weber and family; visited on Tuesday at the home of 'his. 'sister, Mrs: liobt. Chambers of Harriaton. Teeswa'ter i1 Hurt iii' Collision Katherine, I3allagh, the three' year-oldl daughter of Mr, and Mrs., Lerne `Ballagh, Teeswater, was ad-, nutted to the VVingharn General Hospital last Wednesday folldwirtg a ear accident. The child was treated for a badly cut 'ehin caused when she was thrown against the dashboard of her parents' par which came into collision with a :car driven by Got - don Cersen, DONNYBROOK tA Happy and Prosperous NeW Year to ' The Misses Margaret and Irene Sefferstai, have returned to 'their teaching duties' et Oakville and a s t Dunnville and Louise to Stratford Tectehers' pollege after the boll - day., . Mrs, k. H. Doerr of Niagara. .Pails vialted rlak week .with' her • Parerit&.• Mr. and Mrs. At iChatn- ney, and other members '611 6 :•‘,„ = The Sincere' SymPatbY Of this. community is eXteaded (itevj Witstiingtoti and 'also to Mt, .01ittett,oe Oex their. recent berettVenietit, 'Norman Hanna,. 2-yettr.old .son aft .ad Mrs.. AO' %Pink is it patient in the Children's Hospital at 'London. ' ' Vitebk.tririd' 'Witter* at trig 64 Mn wit1.101% 3ohn.1%140 were to her brother' Me, , Mrs.; Shift,. -Gloria and! Alien., or DoirOliiii efieeter ' th' r, .1Vfiss-Slierent leffersriff WIN re- iprried from a OW with relatives' veitotitor, Mn sandy I'll* t Oltdro siSy to spend VW* firrottlut " ° WHITECHURCH , • MiSgi Marjorie Coultes, training at Guelph, spent a. few days last week' 'at. her 'home here. Mr. 'Robert Ross had several se - Vere nose -bleeds .weeit:and'has been confined to bed 'for a few days.„ . Mrs, INTy Tichbourne. of God- erich spent lait Week with. her. Mo- ther, Mrs. David Kennedy. Mrs, Victor Emerson Spent'a few 'days last weeicpt the home of her brothei; MX. has. Tiffin, where their mother, Mrs, Reuben Tiffin, ha i been laid. up, for 'some time. ' Mr. 'Ste Watt McBurney, East Wawanosh ; road superintendent; and his helper, Bill Irwin had a real/try-out this week -end with the new road grader, purchased from the Dominion Road. Machinery' Company at Goclerich. The com- pany took the old grader en, the deal. The blinding 'Snow storm on the laSt day of December, Saw ananY cats in ,the ditch on the highway 'here, and many people postponed their New Year's trips to be safely, off the roads, Mr. and Mrs, iCameron Simmens, of London, spent 'last weekend with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Martin; 'Little Nancy, Who had stayed to visit and who had been in bed with chicken pox, 'was able to return liorne. Mr. and Mrs. Ezra. Scholtz. spent New Year's - at the home of their son, , Mr, Clayton Scholtz, at' Lon- don. , Mr. and' Mrs, Kenneth Laidlaw and family' of London, spent NeW Year's 'Week -end with his Mother, Mrs, James Laidlaw, and 'With Mr. Laidlaw in the Wingharn IloSpital. Mrs, James Wilson Si',' has been patient in the VVinghain gospi. id for the past two weeks.' Mr. Chas, Leaver returned to Mr. len LeaVer's on Monday front:To- ronto.' He had 1-3een hit by a taxi; The.Wornen's Institute held their eeting on. Tuesday at the home f Mrs, 3, 0. 0,111espie, • A •reception' Is being hold 'this ride* evening in Langside Hall or Mr. rind Mrs, Marlow CrOW- ton, Vpto w„ere Married cit; Chrtst- , aa ay. -MISS Barctibra datint, of 'Ottaw'a Spent the Christine's week -end, and Mr„ 31tri tlatint Xingston Spent, the holiday week 'With their pat'- ent's, Mr. and Mr*: gdgfir aiint Jim 's ,staitint the-oungineertrig hrSe in •Qiieetifii ttrilVenntY•., Me,. end (*Win **Irina! thildten spent 11e1V iretttsit. t b,otner,of Mt:, and Mrs. idlittrO' udon Itftrigharri Mt. and Mrs, deorge lifefo‘it, ter .Itehineett and "Soh SPenti /IOW, 'tOti'd! :6104"t#4.,104 Mr. and I ' a at the howet slit 4fid mirk naimplirey, $1t, ' The 4011141 /4114111 bain1 11.014;q1111. Men here was poatnimad ,4a0:9400' ;nag in the'Vregbyterign ,q04.reht •the severe storm tgti4 thgt, tigr, Mrs. Glaronee paea04„, etWai In citotan goeptt4i .00• Flit* 4f - tor a long ..0e tas the former .0rive Patterson. Mr. and' Is41Z.nt Qs"ofli'Wr hilt7ohyn'Yre?,11.7wwl:erree' he worked at the chopping mill, 141 .Was on :Monday from Auburn te Ball's Cemetery; , Mrs, jt/fee Boas teek another solli'qgghrte::ei.:11Cfalasvotragbloy7dayRebvt,At and Mrs. GraytiOn Con, of Foothill, ylpited there on Tuesday and Mrs. Con stayed for this week. Mr, and Mrs. Russell Chapman and dary spent NeW Year's at the hoM.t. 'Of their daughter, Mrs,. Rosa Sniith; of Toronto, Mr. and 'Mrs. tTack Gillespie and family,ef Sarnia, spent, New Year's with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. G. Gillespie and other relatives,. Mr. and Mrs', W, R, on Wednesday with their daughter, Miss Winnifred Fartier, who 're- turned to her PositiOa in Toronto. Kr. and Mrs. Farrier will spend a few of the winter months at •the home Of their son, Mr. cart -Ilan Farrier 'of Long Branch. - Mr, and Mrs, &ch. Falconer spent 'New ,Year' ht Sarnia, at the herrie' of their ,son, Relison Falcon- er. Mr, .and Mrs, Reliaon Falconer spent.a.feW days :at the home of, her au„nt, Mrs., Barney,, Wright of B,arrie. 'Fifteen tables played euchre . at the Red School, S.S.. No. 9, past Wawahosh, ,on Friday evening, this being, the, .first gathering of the, winter. .Mrs, Lloyd Montgomery and • John L. Currie held high points, and ,Mrs?- Reuben Appeby and Douglas poultes - held 'low points with John Gaunt .-Winning the special prize. All enjoyed lunch and 'the :social time together. Plans were made. another party n two weeks. Mrs: Burden, wile, has: been eaching S.S. o; 7, ,East Wawa - Reiss Taylor is 'teaching there this neorsnilfr left -at Christmas to ,attend ormal school, at 'Stratford. Mrs. Mr., Adam Robertson celebrated' is 0;nd. ,birthday. on-Friday,..,Dect giber 28. We extend beat wishes or many more :aiteh :happy oceasr OnS. Mr. and Aitri: Ronald 13arker.and , amily of Goderich visited on Sun - 5.y with Mr. and Mrs. 'John 'Me, arney. "Mr.. and 'MrS. Harry Cook: and ustin spent New Year's at. lixe time' of, Mr; and. Mrs. Ray White f4Bruasels. = s , MM. Stuart and Mr. ,Jas. Forster pent Nei -it Year's With Mr: and rs.. Alex Robertson. SaCranient service Was held On Unday in Brick tinted Church ith. Rey. C, Krug in charge, The, „M.S. Meets next Wednesday 'at he honne, of Mrs: Fierson IrWin, MrS: WM. Wakeling of Torohto erit •the, week -end at the home Mr. and Mrs. Jas. MeIrtiiiS and r. and: MrS. . Wm. 111cInnis ,of altkerton visited there on Sunday, Mr, and Mrs; Ed Nicholson and oileeri of ..T.harneaford .spent the eW Year weekrendr-ati the home 'her parents, Mr; and ,Mrs. John utehisOn. John Craig spent last week the home 'of her. daughter, 111ra: Obert 14a11,- Wingham, and: Mr. aig, Mr. Albert PaterSon, and r. and Mrs. Dawson, Craig aid. ria spent New Year's there, • ' Mr. and Mrs. Archie 'Watt '.and. ildren :Toronto spent' the W 'Year Week -end with his par- ts, Rev, and Mrs.' W. SI Watt, d they and me; and Mrs. Oore. and' family spent , N'evi deg With Rev. and Mrs. GeOrge aft, Vis," Kenneth bowling and ',Beth nit the :Week -end: 'at the home her bihtlier, Mr. Beverley Roori- . of Mount 'PoreSt, Mr. and Mrs. Ed Smyth a▪ nd tnily visited On Stinday at the frie f Mt, and Mrs. Sant SMyth Mitchell, r. BO'Itori,* Of Tees - ter '10;1w -ending 'few days thitt ek the hOMe df her :daughter, 0, kilter Sleighthohn, tiavid ighibOrri is': laid PP Voltri the riltr:PS..;fid Mtrir. Alberti, etntitefir it; aid Dianne: SPent NeW tete* he Iteirryfittni14 rentildri held at. 4t,. 04: wt.; iv,tiottin Whiketteit. • he Aisle]; /land Oi'the'Pres-, flan itifitdeli Metet'fbis. Prktay ricooli at the iginfe: le,I.eg°1411:6Mit'o, itrt-t' 'and dren of tilfSionbittg sperit4'kleW toiti AvIth Net' piereftty4 arid: Altp .1 Or ti r tro lox 0149 nit ,Nyito With oniu Or, , t*Ilicl) ;the imletriftill, Ven* Olareitee Otnt.-1V/O•. Wt(tiktn$ttnit Yte0t6 ltifOndar, ftit4, INfp and MCC AMA .C1,91111nell Of; Listow0 visitta, ett: iyifitt gr.. and Mn, ,4.4400.11, vivo, Afr: Job'n Congrain of WingbaM, Woe; in charge of the service tht' Fires-ehyterian chnron here on Sun, day. Mr; and Mrs, Elmer Huffman moved to, their new' home In Lifelf- nOW, and his hrother Donard man is taking ovo-9 the .farrn. Mr, and Mrs, ,Icte Tiffin : arid clanghtera Visited on ,Thursday 'With Mr, arid Mrs, Oliver Stokes of Turnberry, Mr. 'end Mra,, ThOS. Metcalf visit= ea on Monday last with her sister, Mrs. Frances MacArthur of Streetsville and 'Verlie detealf, eft Who had been visiting there, re- turned hope with her :parents, : Mr. Gordon /lois, who has been Stationed at Toronto for the past, Week, spent. the week -end With his parents, Mr, and Mrs. Frank Ross, .3f Turnberry, Mr. and -Mrs. Gordon Jamieson of Goderich visited on Sunday at the home of her aister, Mrs. Orville TiMrfrin...Fretr Deacon, who ha"ci 'been a, patient in Wingham HOsPital, returned home for New. Year's, Kenneth" Holnies, who ihad hi tonsils removed in *Ingham Hos- pital last' week, was able to return 'home onMonday.nf. Glamis visited on Thursday with his' pat- ents, Mi: and Mrs. Jas. Falconer, and his son, John, who Mid spent the holidays here,: returned, home to Glamis. Mr. and Mrs.' Cecil 'Falconer 'are. visiting this week With ;Sarnia. relative& Mr. and Mrs. Jack Murray from Eyebrow, Sask.', are visiting with Mr, and MO., 0ershom Johnston. Donald TemPleMan, ,of i.dOrrie • spent 73, few days last week at the hcinieof his,hunt, /Mrs. jack Shiell. The puPils 'of the Fordyce school started having., hot. lunches. on Monday. 'They Will hold h the seho1,n,: Friday..oeetir.xcihren ttik. hot. 4fittact A Vag* ." ten* tettotti.. OA* Oti Her Ii f, A sp of of at Cr So ch Ne en Milla 114 Ye sp Of fa ho Of We Mr Sue mu at the 111: 1.416 hife Chit Itelt .garairei #0,:aket 0, -.41 igovt..°04.; /It:ea hi) 14 an 449 Y Tod; 44iir tel,110119:11:17:44:141d1, trirrhatr JPRilkitt4 „s„ ;Ai 'kr. and Toe jf fase /*Ito measles,: , *kr. and grei, Wallace Cohn and Children spent fkinitay at the 'mina of her innitt tfordOn .Seett of Ripley. and Mrs. Orville Mitchell of the 'home of 'Mr. and "lCfra. Will Henry. csTpheearnrhtlni t 4s: e tw ler: n her piether, Mrs. Wm, Taylor Alai Mrs. Irpne Pi.teli$411 Of Toronto dYeaWr'isthat Mr. Pribe Scott and Mr. and Mrs.1, Lev Balser ,and' children; of ittWri gahaadrna4rss173110tn' nNsetnwn Yeenaarn's with Mr. and Mrs, Ruaaell Gaunt,. Janet and Donald ,and Mr, atilt' virMirtah, Mr. aCnuarrmlerssI/Kenctrn911 Kenneth Gynerarrii,'s: BIRTH Kingston General Hospital, oil Thursday, December 27th, 1950, to Mr. and Mrs. Hat-, , old Gaunt, a son; a brother for Michael, Mr; Gaunt is taking the 5 -year course in engineering hi. Queen's 'Ca I ve rsitY HingStml, LEARN AN LIVE Learn to recognize the 7 clar(g-er signals that MAY mean,cancer. cow free literature writ. MRS. JAMES CURRIE Winghstm, Ont. Scerotary of Wingharn and dis- trict branch- of Canadian Cancer Society 7 EGG PRODUCTION SHISH LAYING MASH our-Aown records will Prcve the &due of SHUR-GAIN ',Super Laying Mash% " These records « can' .prove' there's, extra' ,profits 'when flocks are fed the SHIM -GAIN way, Hens' keep healthy — produce heavily,for MAXIMUM • Your own records7O willF1 TproveSSHUR-GAIN • Super Laying Maah prornOtes steady, high- egg production over a long •period.. The result more eggs per bird. Your own records will prove SHUR-GAIN Super Laying Mash promotes better feed ion- - version the production of a dozen eggs with ltit feed, This is the real test of value of a lay., mg ration', ,Call Iii, .so�n and discus the, use of SHUP-GAIN k§tiper Laying Mash fdr your flock, Ask aboUt theliew.WR- GAIN "EatiProduclioh, ed to sirnplity the keeping al ,reOfili on every phase of laying Ilri,oppr,tirliort. Let thee Charts mike' IMO' S,114.1*OAIN &Per Laying Mash will do '4' A