HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1957-01-09, Page 7ffrlif-a?41511:6-11 l',1107:11-45 PI 7:31- hrf-1 1C.) /W/
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Mir ladle*, .1.,
lninit, 19r '11)
'nary meeting itt
mrs., Gordon PO
,:gtay arter0Q1a* T4
;$111,`•0e9. Beattie, e
WOO; *WI. '.7"; c.„ yitpt
E• fininatIV APt•OfP,00
;,•of the: Eleven vno; It/ern
brOVIt: Ont.. ¥r
PlaYea,•4 ran
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Mir'413.10C,..s.4 li: tir''',e141; :PPP
, .1„11 r limi.#4trik
4i,nna **of' , . ,tnr in
ilf, APP.* g 40- tatiR, *wick toval$0, 0041* Th -1
/ lima 4orneonh-4,0,g0+,,': `
1;10 di.'
nd",•'‘Olth.110., aI&
F"nt ' Mr, and *0.
and hfrf.r..
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Vt' 414talikt at the •110100;01,' ,)disa
ret p4na.
, „ •
- Tile tie*,t,.. Mrs, .GOrdon
UnderW.Ood,pj3 a Sottlibt•
which was the,*414,egrfOrthe. i1
can, ' 4,1 wagi; decidettt0e; again
MaketWa laYettea'
to be sent to Cardstert, "Alberta. •,
• ;
lirof ,rneeting..wao* Changed
3'Fcl. Friday Of P.aeilk
The next meeting, war) ,ht'Veno 11th
• the home of 'Mr t
• • , ,
, floefresbnlenta .•were,,,,seryed by
Mrs. C, LaWorenee'asaisted by the
Officers Installecl
At W,MS Me,pting ,
'0041,t1E—The Januar meeting
of the WOK& was hail/ at the
• home of Mrs. Lorne 'Walker wi h
K geed attendaneq." .Mrs. Co 911-
• Pin acted as leader and the meet-
41PS was •, Peened • with ainging,
'Standing -on the • Portal of the
Opening Year':
• , After '„ prayer' by Rev. Rev, V. Bu-
• chanan the Beriptur,e, ,read,ing, tak'
•en• from. EphealanS, tieCond chap-
ter; wasi giveri by Mrs. H. *Ftoblh •
" "Mrs ' • Alex Taylor . read an
• aPProPriate 'Poem "The pig ota
• New Year". MisaM, Dane
" Ed ehapter. Of, ttfe „St,40 book,
hieh Mrs. K,, Hamilton led
N 1956
Untended for last k)
hf,4 bvPn' raemor-
able Year 01 *Wick's history, ,with
the peritennial Celebration, ,when
ihnndredi 'of ferr • residents re,,,
%Hied 'vialt the Scene* of their'
„youth• and, Childhoed. The erection
.0f a cairn to the triemery of How,.
lek PiOneet'S Werthy of , Mention,
The .preaenting of• the ,pageant was
an Outstanding aebieverhent.,„ Many
,homes and biuliness 'places were
improved with:paint etc
village, blackstnith shop, a
tamiIiarlandreark for.•eloSe to one
hundred years WaS.,taken dewri: A
new and wider hricige'On the coun-
ty •road ira$, eomPleted and
stretch of road Widened,• The'
bridge' is three .'iniles• south ef
Gorrie, It way 'One of the first
Where work 4Eis carried on in the
wi ,
The „latter • part • of the • . year
brairght Several •ttagio deatha. On
Septernner lath Stephen King, was
accidentally . killed - and Ha:rold
Watson later died 'as'a, reault,of th
Same AeCident. . Fraser Abram, 16
Met 'his' death from a shet whe
fainting ;With, two coinpanions, 0
September 29th, Douglas Whit-
field, 15, suffered a broken ,leg in
a car accident and has , been. con-
fined to Walkerton Hospital since.
• • •
Mrs. Mary,Goetz
,prayer. •
• Rev. Buchanan 'emigu,eted the
• service of •installation of, the of-
•,ficers for ••197. .mrs, G, ,Edgar t
'took' charge of the businetss; Mrs.
Carson gave a very eneoarag-',
Ing financial ''repot of t,he W,MS.
• as did Mra. G.',Oalbraith • for,the
Baby Band.' .It -waa depided • to
" have. Et congregational soenli
itng in • the' spring. with Mrs. Bu-
'clianan , and .:Mrs., , Whitfield
• ap,peinted to have char`ge• Of t'he
Arrangement's. •-
Lunell'van.,serVed•:•by thb'hekitOss
' and 'cOmmittee' and a sbelal 'time
WaS enjoyed.
, • ', (Intended fer likst„Week),,
• • • Mrs: JOhn° Beentil. is YiSiting' het
141.1illter 14,1'S.: Cia,ta -afititi,s,: and
Mr. Hitiria Of 'FordWleir.:•'"' '. ' •- • -
- . , . . • - ,
, , Christmas guests, at he :hem& Of
• ,.. Mr. •. and ' Miii;;, Tho. Dongliti, were
.. • WM, Pialay.;•; Itr.-'.dinielea PiiiiiaY„
of .1:kindiii,4,' 1tr,•atid•Mrs.4.'reti Me -
,Gee hind faitii*' of • Winghaiii, Mr.
„ • ',and .IVIra:' Ambrese O'Connor ' and
.faInitYolf ClEtkville'•.'and,'„Mr.,... Rad
„ Mrs., Charlea';PlidaY.;1..; •, ; ', .•
Mr. 'Wm. '.:1*Ihn,,,,,.Painietaitini,
spent' dhristmits:. Dar. .at 'the: herne
of Mr, `and MTS.: Wiling?' 14,ahn... '
,. fir'. - indl MtS, ,Weadell,.:Grist't; Step-
hen and.,iWencliei Tortinte, Were
.• . 'holiday guests • with:. Mi.:., r tied'. ,gil,.
. Frank King , •- , ' . • •'• • • , ' ' ."'
' ': '•.Mr• and MM, JitOt ;,#,13,411-1. and
-children 'of ,Weston, were 'Ohririt-
mas`,'Viaitera with "Mr.'.and -Mrs.,
Ken I,i, Etatie,. ' • : - ''.,,..
• ' Mr.. :and Mia. 'Wilfred- ,HOY and.
, , • 1,.., .
- family;.„ Ethel; ;Were •gitests of Mt,
and. MO, • 'Jelin. Brown-,,On.„..thrist-
, maa,DitY. : .* • .•..,
the: heekey. eiliA, .draw for
?•, ...`turkeY4',,:. Cleo. ' Thrirri ,4rid . ,Jaelr
•• . .: Griffith 'had, 'lucky' ticktita' Ahtl ,Ress
King ,Ion : a gOoseo. -0,4tet•;,tiitne Of
''' V; • 'eadear. eVeniag • ''''
..tp: se.a,stitt, Will be' in. •ParWich, on*. ''i44.t.' find htra• Ilareld'
., P-Klitir,
, ..„ . . „,
Fratiees 'and oJimai,y,' Of';',,TOironto
:• spent ChrietrititS.,.and **trig itiay
• with •Ntr. and ,i.ikes. roeirtiti, *gitr:.
• Frineei "and 4hrittiy 'retidned"' for
•:the Chrititrinte viteitiOlt.,
• Mr," jOhn; Cathera, 1100;ditthera,
of St, Cathitiliteit., %Off' ;trOi 'Ray
• Gathers, Toronth toot t 1W!f1ntrO40;
Day . at the henie of $,IrtliAte Iteri.,..
LiateWel. • ' ' , ' . ,:)'.. , ' :, '.:
• „Mr. ' and Mis,„,,Vffrit itridgoo
MitirtitY and
l4 ' Mat DAY At "BiAT, 4.7"141, ..114 'atitl"
.., , 'Barbara ,Lytitelt fit
; Mr. , /Van ,41)tehr, ''''. "f". , •'
inlit,'Peet'llf,,E1010, iit, tbo,
Chr1iitigia'„Vi,h00- :,. ' 11
0 1, •
• ,Mitri, , Mt, Mid SfeiIt •
. , "ari4. , and ' ,Mika,
. •I) apeitt Che:Sen
tt* . 't li;htt-
4 ter* .tilittnec. Uri .,.:011".• It., and
Me; thiVirt, ti,iffti."-•,,•,,'.,• ,
MINI/ 001141/4';', ii- 9—,travotk4
ton,. intent :tit.leeti, r. kt.,"Vbeir.
,'Witit .htleit *Oaf : '..',
•, mfoi, jean. :ltilti: n ,ritton,
Wati A, ChrlitftitiI,,,S0
- ' ••.i • ., .
..: .
M. and Mrs, brown.
. ,ttittl7hdhY• of tiod,„
. and Mrt, .1140'
1b: 'Chillitittlei.' 4,01'• a ,
GORRIE-:•The itleatti •occurred at
he :bonie• of Mr. and Mrs, Harold
Fowler, on Highway' 87: easl, of the
village, on New Year's Eve, of
Mrs. Mary Goetz at, the age Of 73,
Mrs: Geetz, vyhe lived in quIress
Tewnship Moat Of her tifewhad
-L.:- •
sided wIthjier,PI,e9eo,g,rs•
er, :since:1E1'st Her husband,
lighediet' ,PasSe.d,a%ay �h
'F'uneral serviee aaci‘ burial was
at Formosa on Thursday 'morning
GOrrie Wins,7=2
In first Game
• GQII,RIE—ip the, first W.0,A.A.
hockey - game of ' the seaen last
Wednesday "'evening, fan. 3rd' in
•Forclivieh, Gerrie won with a core
Scoring ,goals'. for Gorrie. •'were
•ftert MeMicha€1•2; 'Murray Mulvey,
Don • Grey, •Tom- 0Krafka,- 'Bob
•Black and Pete•Neeriati; one each.
. • .
Glenn, Johnston• and 'Bob Gibson
Scored goals for Fordwich. •
visitor at the 'same home. -
Mr. and Mrs. Gordon 'Underwood,
Mr. and Mrs. Earl Undeliworal and
Mr.. Edwin Day attended the'lun-
Oral ' cif • their aunt,: Mrs. Harry:
Gtieen in Stratford on Friday;
Mr, and Mrs. Norman Wade,
spent' a fevv days lase! Week with
relatives 4n, Toronto.
The'cGorrie Mackey Club had 'a
dance on Wedhesday 'eVening,'
December 26th, , with Stingater's
Oreheetra suPPlying 'inualc.. • '
. •
MI* Bertha Plant ',returned,On
SatiiidaY'after "spending the Week
With relatives, An. LoadoM ,
Mis..MarY" Taylor,. Via Beatrice,
and Mi. Toni Shearer anent IkhUrs
:fItty With Miss Eta Burns.
Aft% and ivres, •8d -words..
London and Mr, 'and Mrs- Lesile
DaVidson, 'Listowel„ .spent
Mita 'With -1Qtr.„ and ••Mra, Jas.' E&'
Wartia. kleinP, 'Harriett:4'
Mi. and Mts.' Irerrie'''Chmp, Lindy,
Judy adr6anrnr f Hittherier
'Wre *Ont.: guests at the aatrie:
..• ••• "". • " , •
Mrs. Jag, Sherit, is Visiting her:
'Claiieiter, Ufa,: Lloyd WOOds: and
Woorlir ,oft Ritchener,
and 'Mrit...Cloyne Michel 'end.
;Karen anent a fey,/ day s .With Mr.,
in_tt Mta.aregoe,ttoy•ih Stidintey„.
ft... Corbett Spent, ohristmai'
M the lieMe Of' litra. 6, WIon
'• , ';'
Mr; And- 'Mk& '0Weiti gulitlin ot
Ellielbaurne ,snent
With Me and 'Jaeli Toner,
kheer 'TinWriel„ Waterlok
'WaitedPried i lit the Lflgo,, •
• Mrit, !DOM. Neilson and
bhibitinits tyto
WIth Mt, and Mrif. 'ROM, Shiell, At-
tiVhed,,; •
the, etintral: Vestey Inceting will
be hehlitt Chinteit on
WednetirlaY• eVerlint Nitiltary
The aftritial 41ifeetint Of; thf, dot-,
ile United Cheetah Will he field ht.' till
1' Wain rdreat.' Were '00•
Xte was Vle•Airl iip,norativ
effort evar; 'Pfttle ,.:044%,III :the
: tOwnalaip ar4 4 •190.,..01$144 .A?c
it ga;Ve tbe peon!, win) Ay
here arf ,oPpOrt,c104 to get tOgeth
er, tO worh‘telfeth.er Had to prove
, to theinselves and other* the value
of co operation It was als9 ao
riPpOrt,OnitY ',to Compare and share
the other „fellOw's viewpoint '
1 To the Visitor* and ,fOriber mai
with 'us this. meinoraele Oceardon
dents who eaMe , ,back to shill'
.it•will be a cherished Memery that
win never,be fergetten long as
. ,
, thy lye.
' The para•de and .floats *lowered
favorably' with :many highly eorn-
inercialized arid televised. parades
seen as the Santa Clans narade in
Toronto. It was 4. ,real tribate, to
"e TonintihiP Of govviek,
. , The pageant-. was, Well received
'by• the large 'crow," thAt atterided
:tits presentations, hut today. it is
014Y. a rholnory to tholc who 4;:k3h
the Parts,. ay well as ,to..tlhode Who
at the• !atria. 004e, "
44, ciohl •100elfiX.,
Taitro440' Wititika ir
winvo ohq box IL,4pog.lt
.intst Ova Weeka,
Mr, and Mrs, Malt, I4Yri.4,14-4A
and Clar*e Vent' New Year's. rt,a,4!
, •
with Mr., tine Mra COS TtiOrnpoon,.'
• lastrristort, •.••
aMrs. Ruatieii Martin and,
lanaily 9f Moleawartin Vit Mr.
and 'Mrs., •George BraWa $14/17'
, day, , • ,
• Mr. •and Mrs, ,Artliur "Pield :Of
Lambeth. were 'recent -guesta of'
Mr, and Iorfrs. Cameron 'Edgar. ,
Mr. and Ms, -arid
Richard of. Gait spent' the 'Week-
end , with Mr. and Mrs; Robert
garrison. • • • •
, •
Mr. and mrs, ,rns, 3atoxj .S
and Mr, and :Mrs. Jas. 701aston
,of Toronto spent, :the week -end 'at'
the home of Mr,. and kis, chicl
• ••. •
Edgar.; •
• •
The 'church serylees*were' a VerY
important part of. the' .Contennial
when residents apd visitors came
together, to 'werahip" tile same God
that the first settlers worshipped
In reverence and to whom their
Prayers :were offered ,When tiey
• earne*here 100 yeara• age.
A fitting china* to, the 10enten-
nial was, t.he dedication' and un-
veiling ef the cairn; with' the in•
scription: ' •• • ,
Township .of HM,viek
•' ' 1858,- 1950'
.Ta grateful memory of
early pieheers •
First Settler
• John Carter. '
Settled on this farm •
• • ,
, lot 11- elm. 8 •
•In the year 1851. •
The cairn is all that, remains of
a permanent nature of the Cen-
tennial birthday of iowiek Town,-
ship."' Every other "pant of the stie-
oessful celebration 'is' •a .Ineninri,
A* each •Peis°Awc saW' it PasSes
Oa to ',their .reWard . these ,Merrieriea„
he ,440,:'-nfOre;,Vitittlintairriwift
remain,: ' as long: AS:, it
and the eletnentii EtlIOVV•it to 'stand
The cairn. is• "Only- 4 'short
' , • ',•
tance fromwhere1 lheindI See
Many people drive,in toread the
inscription. and, View' th1S. beantiful
piece ., of Worknianehip.'ttis. a
credit ..to
an asset to Ontarie'anti•banada in
recording.' .this :haitorical• event.
.is also, .a ...tourist :attraction err.
Highway 87.;
'..TR:rne : ''''atorei than
R is a ',SY,inhei „Of the hard
.work" and sOlid;fotintlatiOn'ot,.the
Worthy ioneer who IiVe given.
.iis• the :,Wonde,rfidheritagewe "near
P0ses It is else
us and'f titrire• generationste
preserve.- aed, irrinteve,,,that„ :herr.
itage Whkk was•NVoiifOr ,ns; by
blond, brawl! .aitil;•• ,tears of tnoac"
who 'brtive,n the ',h9rterS1 ,and pri-
vations ol, pioneer,, If of -which
know ' todaY'••,,
-.Yes, the cairn is:a:thing of hewn'.
tY.• recalls' tnettlerlies of the,
past hut;its greateat,,,,!ralhe is .the
challenge it, throws Mit tech 'one,
today 'and), id ;the , future ,ti).
Maintain that siiiid`ftitintlation 'laid
for us' by the piOneerii°h leligion„
thrift, and indtistrY"
Mr. an Mrs, Sindk°Wil Cif
gari•ibtop visitd" Mi.. 'lad Mrs.
Vilaitqr King on Now Xear's
Mr.' and Mrs. , Roht: liarrisOn
spent ,New Year's at the home' of
Mr. and Mr.: Earl 'Harrison, 'Wing-•
Pet-lucir 'supper" arid ,,,,anzina
meeting will be held int,he GOrri
-United; 'Church " on,.,,•Wednes,day
Jan. 9th 4.7 „ • ,•-'
Pe•47e791;;;;;;"°.444' °14.4Pex'tt
'tho• Pot**
ltur porn* 10%1
e „coop,
, Mango Irak a 1449
19 and ,Toyce Pipahter; a for -PA'
loo Vocal duet a we 'Nivea "„1,i3/'
fiinodabyja3.191;tteonpraoltran,attI410 taienotintoo•
hnioton, Also Ort the PrOgranis
a tarliltrie1' 'rae%lxiv
Pairyland'", and Other nurni.'
Following the Children's part of
:the Program pictu,ree ,we,re Pre-.
sented by Rebert r,recter and a
running eemmeptary given by
RicharclPreeter. Tnen Santa, ClaaS
appeared and played • nig peputar
role amid ahouts of approval.
• A luneh, served by the, ladies Qf
„the e0Pgregatten tirought‘the even
ing to elose.
GRAVE -TIC .rdgular meet- •
ing of tire Ladies' Guild of Trin-
ity Anglican Church was held at
the home of Mrs; Robert Higgins ' ,•
rho at president, Mrs. Law -
two Vabifless prineratioi,d, parneadideotlpenfteadr ttilhee
1 'Meeting with hymn, followed bY
payer. • The General ConfesiOn
• and the Lord's pra,yer were re-,
peated in unison. The' Seriptare
lesson was read • by Mrs., Wm.
Brydges. •
Minutes of the last meeting were
read by Mrs. ,Dick Procter, The
treasurer,. Mrs. Cooper NetherY,
gave her annual report and cards
of thanks were read. It was an,
noanced that the World Day of
Prayer 'would be held March 8.
• Mrs. ,Alex ‘Nethery, the new. pre-
sident, took .over the remainder of
the 'meeting. Pians were‘made for
the coming year and it was ' de-
..,eided to continue with the same
, projects as other years. The fol-
• lowing were named a, committee
•to prepare the 'programs for the
year: Mrs. Clarence Wade, ivlist7
Nethery and Mrs. William
ilryrigesi and ,,plans 1Were, made as,
to -ivhere each meeting would be
held. •
Mrs. R. Procter -gave a rdading
"Folly of Parson Brown". Mrs.
Alex Tslethery closed the meeting
with prayer.' Grace was sung and
lunch was served by the: hostess
assisted by Mrs, Jack King,
Mr, and Mrs, ;Don ',Leader and
family of Lucknow spent New
Year's Day' with 114. and Mrs. E.
J. Parrish, '• „, •, ' - . '
Mr* 'anti Mrs,. 101 111 Staffoici of
Kiteheeer were guests Of Mr. and
Mrs. T. C. ' Vittie ,on New Year's,
Day. , •
Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Baker of
, ,
Fordwieh visited, Mr, and MM.
E. H. Strong on Thursday. -
Mr. 6. :T. Parriah;•„director of the
Western. Ontario R.O.R. attended
an executive. meeting Of tho,a,Ssdei
alien in Toronio, last Wednesday
The RCV. and Mr. H,,L.' Parker
Elizabeth and Barry Were guests
of Rev'. and aVirs..F.° E., Russell' at
the rectory on, Friday evening.
•-":"'Clatis . O'Rritflia; Sandy "Fd'gni''
alici Lionel Johnston have been
acclaimed as village trustees, for
the coming year. • , !,-
Mr, Jack Stafford spent a few
days in Windsor and called on Ft.' ev.
and Mrs. G. D. Vegan at Thames-
vilie. • ' . °•'
"' • ' • ' ' '
, , , -
Mr,s. Wm. Corbett accompanied
M. , and Mrs. Geo, Galbraith,
Wroxeter, to Harriston on. Friday
to visit 'Mr. and Mra: La,virience
Galhraith, . ' •' ,
First - Howick council 'meeting of
the year was • held on SA -manly
when the • Rev. W..L.Eactianan
9Pened with devotional ,exercises.
Items ef husiness 'included re-
aPPointment: of hall' d
bear. Mem-
bers' for Gerrie, 'Belmore -and
:At St. Stephen's Chureh 'on Sun-
day • afternoon Lattranhe, Luella;
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Leonard
Saridersop *as reeeived Into, the
church 14 ,baptisin bY, the Rev,
F. E. Russell, rector*
Birth •*
MILLS -In 'St: Joseph's Hespital,
London on Thurstilty January
rd, 1957, ,to, Dr. ,an gra.' G.; IP.
Mills of dotierkch, a daughter.
W.I. Meeting yv: •
BELGRAVE-The, historical re-,
search. meeting ' of the.- Womee's
InStitute will be held' on Tuesd,ay,
afternoon, January • 15, with' ME'S.
Stanley Cook, dal convener. Roll eall
will be, answered, , by showing a
childhood pittitre. :
' Topic- for the meeting . Will be
"Secial Life 50,Years 'Ago", by Mrs. ,
James Miehit. X reward may be
givep te these who come and bring
?. •
,•••''r, • : , , ; ,
Jackie Saint, Anne MeKiliben and Judy MeKihhon spent the alterneori holiday' on, Friday having fun in
the snow with their toboggan. Their happy activity lends well in picttire-inaking,
s'• (Intended for hist Week)
Mr. and • Mrs. Cecil Armstrong
and family of Thorhtlaie visited
over:: Christmas, with Mr. 'Martin
Gl'aSbY and other relatives. •
Mr. arid Mrs. Ross Robinson aad
Keith, Mr. and Mrs. Garner Nichol-
son and Mr. and Mrs. Fred Cook
sPerit Christmas with Mr. and Mrs.
jack Walker at Wingharn.
• Mr. and Mrs. , Cecil Black and
Charlie of Brithin "anti James El-
liott of 131ueVa1e spent Cbristinas
with Mr. and .Mrs, • janies ,Walsh
• r.. an. Itts. 13111 Sc&eibtrd'•
family of Streetsville, Mr; and Mrs.•
Ede -Hartlia-• and Rini, of Londerri
Mr- and Mrs: Ted Thinking and
Vaughan of Auburn, ,James.. An
derson of Toronto and Keith An-
derson of St,. Thomas spent the
'Christmas holidays with their pa
.rents, Mr.., aad •Mrs, Earl 'Ander
son.r, and M
mrs. Lloyd Anderson:'
and 'Mr. and ;Mrs, Leslie Shaw, all
of London, visited with Mr., and
Mrs. John Anderson.
• )Robert Yuill spent Chris •mas
vvith Mr, and Mrs. Jim Warwick
aid faulily at Myth: '
mMasrs,Licthoralvt•-' Mr. ,CGa • tid ,s1411 erns!
Mains at 'Blyth. • "
Spending- Christmas with Mr.:
Iga0* Sittittre
nan of Westfield, Mr, arid Mrs.,
Lewis Cook, Mr,* and lava'. Eldon
Cook and family and Mr. and MrS,
Jack Cook and, faaitly, •
Mrs, Alice . Johnston and. Miss
Eris Johnston • cif London' visited
over Chhistrints With lir. and Mrs.
'Richard Proetar; and with 'other:
r,elatives, •
Visitor s with Mi•; and Mrs. Wil,
Hard Armstrong Were M. and Mrs,
DaVe Shanhon, n4 janie and Mr,
and Mrs, WilliaM ,8,110.rinon, of Sea -
forth, ,Me. and Mrs, SteWart Mc-
Ginnis and fitaillY, of Port Credit
and Mr. and Mrs, Sol Shazinon of
Blyth, • '
Mr. and Mrs. Harry McGuire
have returned home after spending
a week with Mr. and Mrs, Harold
Cotatelon and .lannily at Galt.
Mr and Mrs LeWis Stonehouse
. , „
visited one day last Week with Mr
and Mrs. Norman 'Stonehonao ''at
. ' Howick rownship Cairn', ,•- ,, . , .
. .. ,
Mr.„ and Mrs. 'David . Armstrong
,. . „ have returned tei their hoine .here
. 1,,':••,,,,..„:^•,;‘,',',•,,,,•':* , ,,,,,,,,----- -- . ' . . --,, ., ' .'• ,;, - ----.,,,• - , I after.Mr ArmStrong was a patient
' ' , ', , -•, 1 In St, Joseph a Hospital at Lon-
: '••''' •I • ' don;'. - • 0 '
, , ,i.,..,..••,•
VVilkinacin hild -Mts. '..Edith Greg-
" • ' .' ''. ' .',, - , " Mr and MrS.Itaiph McCr,ea and.
• ' - .. '-' ' • Mr,' and Mrs, James Lamont visit -
1 T, ,
", '' ' , • .:' , ' :, led on : New','Yeries' Eve with •Mr,
, . , .
' .'" .. • ' ' , and MIs John listanning at Blyth
.„ • ,, ,... ... , *...... . ....
wiThisigtorr,s.tui, odyest,t 'Itsli.ett' towfittdrady:wseilaksionli'
son ',Vere Mr.. and Mra, Gerilon
Wilkinson of Smithvine; Mr, Elmer
ory, Of Wirigham,' and Mrs,, Art
Barr ,ali.d M. and MIS, /C; G. Irin-
, .
nigan, Sand,ra and , Joyce, all .of
butigamitin, ..
,N,fr, and l'ilfrs, •• Wm. RellY' and
Mr, and Mis..'R,tiiisell . Kelly 'And
fariiily. spoilt Cliriatinas avith Mr.
and Am doe lVtorgan and 'fatriily,
. . . .
'Allan Craig, ' . • .." , ' •
, ..,.
Idt, iirid,Mts, /*VHS Stnilehbuse
Were 'guests . with, Mr. .and
thatins ' joluiston and ' lainily• ot
./.341,tYtrh,, narnidTtlikteardsay,c•
etili, - ,ohairtio.,,
spent 140W'' Yerdoa with' Mr and
satri lho-nipson" hrid .farrilly, •
tit Dbanybreolt, , .
Pitnietta 'of Hiradoit' ToWnsiliP, Was` ereeted'
tho 0.itteli*b1t' e't 4'0111;•bixtine,,;,tho,, first *attar in, the
<4 • • . • •• '
, 4 6 .•
were i,cto4ers 4°s:rl°IT:el1frAclK
old Shifat!1iron OChriet:
'Christ:nos with- Mr.
nd Mrs. Nelson Higgins were AIM
Mildred Riggitis Of- Prestein
rid Mrs; CaKman Farriee and
arnily of Lbrig• Branch, Mr, and
Mr. MeLend • arid famllY of,
Miridoo and Mr, and Mrs. Tta
Ittoh and 'fandly of BiuSselS.
'me. and. Mrs. John Spivey- and
ainiiy ot Ingersoll and Mrs," tdith
Curtiss, Alias Whitgaret Ci tis and
Mrs., Laura Kirton all •of '131iievale
spent Chilathaas with Ur, and IVirs.
Harold Preeter, • •
' Miss Aohle Mentiehdl wait a
Chrisinias vialter "With relatives In
pli:MOC' reit. oin,
tertained nurriberot frieOls anti
the immediate fatnilY at It. surPrigo
Party ler .IVIeCreala .•siater,
Mrs. James' Lamont
' M enioyable. everling av,a8,40,eig
playing pritigreSSIVO, tort
High 'prizes. , twos won 'WY, *lisp
•Arno ..MONI:ohel • and ThOlnas,
Srelth4, and the prizes
defletotis tf„.tilittsi
tared bythe heSteEle.
th8 ho
arehtt Mr, end Mrt. 'Met ninia.,
Rat alist AOC W; iVrenteS and
MISS .44,rilYll• MON* a !Thames
, Se
tom, iddgar, ,.eeerctarY-
trettattrer a the •Upper Canada to
bible 'Sotietyi dorrlo lit4neh,, n
Porta that, fliSitrod wa tolletted ih b
'tidy "ctortie *tillitriet and turned in
ori -Dee, ' *
Weekly Euchre
HELGRAVE---The regidar week-
ly euchre party was held on ,W6d-
nesday evening in the eernmunity
entre. There, were 'five tables, in
ay with the nigh, 'prizes going to
•rs. Howard Willtinsen and
Herb VVheeler, Consolation -Prizes
went to Miss Ailnie Baker and
Chris Nethery. ,
sion was held on buying a vacuum
cleaner but was left'with the corn- •
mittee until the next, meeting.
Mrs; J. M. Coultes, treasurer, re -
Ported there was 41,118,31 in the
treatury.' A discuSsion on the PRY-
ing of fees in groups and these be
,paid to the treasurer and ''', their •
names be added as WA. members
was moved .and seconded ,bY„Mrs. •
W. Scott And Mrs, R. K Coultes.
TWentY-five dollars is te ,be dona-
ted to the supply fund.
• IL was moved arni metonderl by•
Mrs, Oeorge Mollie and Mrs. Stew-
art Procter that the grpup give •
.$460.00 to the church treasary. An
, •• amendment to that rnOtion ; „was
l'w4:413,/§Ng,•„-.-The first nieetin
of tile NV* Year of the W6rrian.'
and the
Church' was held on Wednesda
afternoon, , januhe ary '2, TPres
dent, Mrs, Edgar Wightman was i
charge and opened the Meetin
with prayer.
• .1VfinutT, the treasurer's repor
anr, dsthe.wgiigft. thfinmuncd reg:plellicile- ,i ehe Mrs,
thanks to' the meMbers • for' thei
co-operation and also thanked the
retiring •vice-pre.sident, Mrs. Rich,
ard -c hamney and supply seere
tary, ilvIrs.t Robert Nicholson for
their .Work in past years.
Annual reports were read ify the
different secreta -ries.. The trees-
-urer, IVfrs. G. ,Martin,'ga-Ve' her 're-
adft jelas,46:esre. its: a t. to .., 'tti lilee r aP ri'le4sdb yr t ebennal
, .
Theme ef• the, worship servie
was "For Ile Is, Our Peace", and
opened with a hymn, Mrs', Earl
Anderson read the Scripttire lesson:
from Ephesians, and Mra, Wight -
man gave` orrirriertta on the Scrip -
tare. reading,- followed by prayer,
The study period was onIMAlayti
and,IndoneSia with Mrs, E, Leslie,
Mrs, Edgar Wiglitraan, grg. G.
-Martin'and 1Virs. Earl Anderson in
cha,rge. .
given by M. Jesse- 15rhqelif
„tbexix.roeuadnt,r•igeiv, $600.00„. 'The lainienf!,7
The group lia de'elded to
Y Ross'. AnderSonput lieaVy wiring .:•.
, in the eiltir_Oil fr an -electric ',StoVe,
ia , The holiday:Tholls will not be us'id • .
g this year, • • ,• • ,''t
. Misused LightsMay
r Cause' Catastrophe
The benediation given by MI's.
Vifightirian closed this Meeting.'
• 'W. A. Meeting —
The W.4. meetingrwat in charge
petite new president, MIs. Rernieth
Wheeler and opened With a hymn.
'Rev. C. A, Krug was preSent and
gondacted the installatiOn nf offlo
cern for the W,A, and the vsr.isi,Ls;
The -meditation, .',"T0 the New
Year" Was 'read by IVirs, Wheeler
followed by prayer, 'The tell re all
was answered with, the payinent ,of
fees, 26 being reeeived.
The, group 'decidect to send $50
to the London Conarence- Wo -
Mania Asseciation, Snmo
Road, ,Visited .an ,Tlitraday . with,
Mr. arid, :Mrs, •G'OrdrImWeisli.
Mr: and Mrs, Ralph McCrea and
Mr, And Mrs, laMes Lamont visit-
ed Chrlatinas EVe with Pitts And.
Atm Hill Manning, at Eiyin. •
Mr, Latira;lohnston and 'George'
Spent. the .Chriatittis both:Jaya with
_Mt And .Mrs, Oeollge llohnstaar
Wing** '
1' Mr. and Mrs. Ithninini, JarrilesOn
and iloonlo Ot-P ‘'N'Illteohureh spent
Chilstinas with Mrs. itilltibptir
andMrs &ablttaple,'
toli. Mr, and Mrs,' #erli-'Whe'eter
‘,sirent 4tha thristtrias ho1id,00 wiTh
Mr. and Mts. Wilfred Pinkellnd
faintly. at• *St. 'Thom:AM ,•
Mr, and Mrs, Gerald VITaitatin Of
Plattitit Vialted On Weducklaar With
Mr, ;and Mr6, Janie LaltiOnt
Mr, arid Mrs,. Cliff ilitekett 'oF
Ashfleld Vialted an WedripeaftY
With /iilna.ltilittibetit Cattip'bell and.
Mrs. Mabel, $toplototto
• Anyone Who has gone though
the nerve -shaking experience of
having his automobile • headlights
• suddenly go out 'while' drivini ,
out them the vehicle • is , dseless
• night knows Vvhy taose.
after dark, a iherlike,e not vital to a ear' .ePerations, -Mtn-
everyone else on the.,highwa3 anal ,
a potential deathtrap to ' its 'tic'
. •
Pzoperly ed, headlights
, night into day for the citiVer atid
at the same time let all other driv•
ers know that YoUr car -la
But „drivers ao easily and, tinfor.,
tunateiy, so frequently 'forget how.
dangerous rn:snaed • headlights can „
be, Their eperatioh is efficient And
the Man bebind ;the wheel doesn't
• realize that his failure to switeh
to the 16wer beam in passing or
driving behind other traffic can
bah t1206 beheficial bericoxii inta
veritable instrinnents' of destruc.:
ticm. '
• Re also fails to realize that:the
•Coe8tirriu;t1Patl'llinta: P7'eniPeerttyo hdfailim'a"
injuti,es, death, The ' Canadian
Highway Safety Conferenet red,
minds you that a slight preastire Of
the toe on., the. 'dim" button cart,
With a miniratixii bf effort, frequeii-
fly mean the diffeiehee' between a
PleaSant driVe ir the evening arid •
,,catastrophe that etitild disrupt
the-, lives „,,of patiple,
•Safe driving is aay. It's no dia.*
gradeto be eonSiderate-and livel
• '!'
'' i'•
(Intended fee last Week)
Mr. and Mrs„ Elmer Ireland spent
rrt?V 4:1:411 11 4:it 1 11t5g,: .3tMit 111:06:11 btlet led° .1 ote:tt tts91:, v ittvk ,Iy.h80:414 M.
'ft 5i:kho 40: h; .661 geritA' " ILOIloi w ,°:gmInt ioe- ob. r talt, ti. :1:
christmas the libtile Of s
*Spit -al an, Saturday
to return bon% it'd*. •
sister, *re.' Lloyd JailYet of ,1‘4114-
it14,0, fiterIt;tittooit'itndteggtriiwrawy:evie.it6, • -