HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1957-01-09, Page 6.,,
Ct s or fast wcoh5
lt n.oa With. Mr, tend
b1Y were Mr., and
rnhly of Kitchener
':Mrs, Vern:ganl.bly of
a Wendy and Can
'returned Monte after
the Past weak with their
a 3,4 Mrs. Emmerson Har-
atj!t'ted..on :Sunday with, Mr.
rs Gq,rdon Xeo e£ Wroxeter.
r ahs' Mrs. Irwin Gibson, of
oiiYel and Mr, and Mrs. Jack
gree vi,si'ted on Sunday with
and Mrs, Stan. Forester,.
. lSulday 'ysitorS With Mr. and
Mrs, ;Earny 'Darcey, were :Mr. ;arts
1,1trs;3Qtin Ettinger, Mr. and Mrs,..
John .Nein miler, and family, of
OP's'vanatown, Mr, and Mrs, Carl
Illadkoche is often caused by lazy kidney
idiots, When kidneys get out of order,
• mesa acids and wastes remain in the
system. Then backache, disturbed rest
er.lbst.tired-out and heavy -headed feeling
• any`moon follow. That's the time, to take
.1)sdd'a Kidney Pills.. Dodd's stimulate
kidneys to normal action. Then youlee.
lee . y
1` better -sleep better—work better.
'G�l y Pills now. 51
lilttinger 11,nd f lathy and Mans W.
Ettinger and. NOPInall,
Mr, ands' gra, .Art Forester Were
int Toronto PAO day last week.
Miss Poona Wray :of St. MrlrYa
visited: fora taw days liar week
with Mr, and Mrs, Neil Payko,r.
Miss Mary Corbett and • Mrs.
Ruby Forester of Toronto spent''
the week -end .at the latter's ]tome,'
Miss Pauline S,othern visited
last week with relatives in LIS -
towel. •
Master Larry McDermitt visited
last week with WS grandrnather,
Mrs, Clara McDermitt in Galt.
Mr. and . Mrs, Jack Drielser;
r L and :Johnny of Kitchener
visited over the week -end and
New Year's Day with Mr. and
Its. 'Earl Moore.
Mr. and -Mrs. Murray :Sider and
family movedlast week to the.
fotirtki line of Minto.
Mr, Everitt Cooper of .Blind.
River visited one day last week
With ,Mr, and Mrs,. Alex Keith,
Miss. jean Sanderson, nr rso4n-
training at. Kitchener, spent the
week -end with her moth e„•
Mrs. John Toulon and ehilaren
are spending a week with relatives
in Port Colborne.
Mr. and Mrs, Alex Kieth were
pleasantly surprised • on Wednes-
day evening
da of last week when
relatives .and neighbours gathered
at their home to extend best wishes
I; teroCou'n't , is'ioti;i
The following is, tho AinhadnIn
drawn up for the WOAA 'intent
ifiedia'tes ill the linger•*GountY RW -
4 hockey Warne;
Jan, 9 -Drayton at TreWbridpe
Jan, 18 -.-Clifford: at 'ATeviatdule
Jail, 11.:'rowbridgc Fordwich.
Jan. l.1- Corrie at DraYtou '
Jan, 147-Tevietdale .at Clifford
Jan, 1,4 --,Trowbridge at 43orrie
Jan. 16 -Drayton at Fordwich
Jan, 16.7- reale .at Trowbridge
Jan, 1.8—Fordwich at Drayton.
Jan. 2k Trowbridge 4 ,Clifford
:Tan, 22.. Toviotdale 4 Drayton
J8Ct1, 23—Furdwieh at T.rowbridgd
Jan, 24---Cllffcrd at, .Corrie
Jan. 25-Fordwich at Teviotdale
Jan. 28—Drayton at Clifford;
Jan. 26. --Trowbridge at TwViotdale
Jan, 3 :.-Cli. ford at Fordwich
San, al.. --Drayton at :Corrie
Feb, 4-.•0orrie at Ciifford
Feb. 6--Gorrie at Teviotclalc
Feb, 6 -Clifford at Drayton,
Feb, ,8—Teviotdale at Fordwich
Feb. 3.1—Fordwich at, Corrie,
In play-offs first andthird will
meet,, as will second and 'fourth
place teams.
Gasoline quality has, risen tremendously in the
post few years. Two gallons of today's
do the work of three in the '20s.
Finding ;neW techniques to make these improved
gasolines, and new equipment to put these
techniques to work, has cost a lot of money.
Seven games of the schedule
which opened on Dec. 26, have al-
read y been played,
U tftp16 CH: `f,'ftki • Al Un►oiir l',
,meriting of the VordairleitIPIPAIIke
Institute will ihe held et Ole hOMe
Armen Demerlin ,o 121,04,• �' �
day eftertaoon, .Jl'alluary its., Mrs,
Croaby 'Sothern will. havo, the
to, „A merry heart deathllike
,rnedlcine" and the rod colt will be
►lsw.ere • with a suggestion. for
a. d. P ,
keeping vigor and . your figure.
Mrs, Wiliiarlr Edgarr Re,N,,, will
be: guest speaker, -
on their 28th wedding anniversary,
They werepresented with several
gifts, Cards were enjoyed during
the evening and :a delicious. lunch
was served.
Mr. and Mrs. Irwin McDowell,
Dorothy and Gary of Galt visited
over the week -end with . Mr. and
Mrs, M. Armstrong.
Christmas Day vrsitors
with M
and Mrs. Ira Schaefer' were Mr,
and Mrs: George ,Trethewey and
family of Stratford, Mr. and Mrs,
D,on S chaefer and children and
Mr, and Mrs. Bob Petznick and
children of Kitchener.
'Urea e at. o,"#w;ic
To Lice ail Mimic°
FORDWICH -- . The January
Meeting .of the Woman's. Associ-
ation 'of Fordwich United Church
was hod, in the Sunday Sehooi.
rooms with ,a Targe, attendance..
Mrs, RieIuu'ds, in closing be,
term as president opened the meet
ing and conducted the • worship
•service using the 'hymn; "Take My
Life and Let It• Be"; the repeating
of the ten coriamand e nt s. with re-
sponses and, the Lord's prayer.
Splendid reports were' heard
from all departments, Showing .a
very successful year, Mrs, Richards
then turned the. ;meeting over to
;qrs. Glenn Johnston, _the neW- pre --
sident,'who conducted the regular
'-projects were discus e
p. ] ,� {i
for the, coming. year. Annual fees
were accepted :and` the meeting"
closed with” the hymn, "Rise alp, 0
Men 0 God" and the Mizpah belie=
diction. A quilt was .quilted during
the afternoon and a pot -luck sup-
per was served.
The .meetings are held the first
Tuesday in every month and all
ladies of the congregation are in-
vited to attend. •
Mr, and Mrs. Fred Siefert and
family, Mr. and Mrs. Dick Aldrich
and David of :Galt spent Christ-
mas with Mr. and "Mrs. Lorne Sie-
Mr.. And Mrs. Scott 'Clarkson and
family spent Christmas with the
latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm.
Marwood of Teston. Mr. Marwood
has been confined to hospital for
some time but was allowed home
for the holiday..
Mr. and Mrs. M. Armstrong: were.
Christmas Day 'visitors with Mr.
and Mrs. Fred Davidson in Wing -
Miss Elaine Demerling of Lon-
don 'and Miss . Joan Demerling of
Toronto spent the holiday week-
end at the home of their parents,
Mro and Mrs. Anson Demerling•
lefr. and Mrs. Evan' Fall's and
Evelyn of Vermont spent the.
week -end and Christmas Day 'tat.
the home of the former's, mother,
Mrs. Elmer Fallis, Mrs. Fallis re-
turned to Vermont, Ohiowith them
and will 'stay for the wintei
Imperial, with by far Canada's anada's most extensive oil
in •
research facilities, has spent 20 million dollars
search alone.
over the past ten years on research
Im etlal spoof 65 million in the same
eriod directly on new equipment to
,improve gasoline 'pointy.'
'Irl# costing :More .led more rInsy
gIlnes re
to Make
the gasohol's aired .'
a o q
by todays more powerful oars.
Mr., Mrs. Forester
Wed 35 Years
00, 1491 1.014/ 2n, no/ Balt th norm,
3 riskon :alas 14,r. omd ' ..i Oar,
istr, - P414 Mzit, Rpm 9,.'01.flin At Coatba of w'1Qxo,tiill'a
nO:i i,,WifC, 4-- tuistina 14'iisollA l: pu'irt ant Atlite!l tl? !Su<nkq' with
0•,o1,'o.Uoli:o da4.ghte:r tui• M.tS, ami
#' 'IF Y A I�
Mrs, Pavid: Wilson of t",a.lalsoWA
Scotland, filoealne :the bride
liana Palmer` Johnston of Mirth,
Co, :on Saturda Pocono,'
er 29th at, ono o'cloek wheneRev,
W, gird J
Hi of ,Fordwleb and Rev, ,.
:Hall of Toropt9 'performed the
Marriage ..eeremotly fn Fordwich,
United Church, The groom is the
son ,of Mrs, Jaynes Werrci of Ford-:
with, .and the late Earle Johnston.
Miss Elva Doubrough'01 Strati.
ford was the organist. The soloist
Mr, . Clifton Oraff of Hanover,
uncle of the groom, : sang "'he
Lord's Prayer" and "Because".,
The bride was given in marriage
byher- eonsin Mr,, Kenneth Pratt
of Toronto,. She wore a floor -length
gown of white nylonand lace over.
FORDWICH' Mr. and Mrs. Stan
Forester were pleasantly surprised
on Friday evening on the occasion
of their 35th wedding anniversary,
when friends and neighbors gath-
ered .at their home and presented
them with an end table and lamp,
The remainder ' of the evening`
was ,Spent playing cards. Mr. and
Mrs. Forester thanked everyone
and lunch was :served.
Mr. and Mrs. Willoughby Pat-
terson of London- spent, the week-
end with Mrs. ;Pearl Patterson.
Mr. and Mrs.. Jack Gibson ' of
Toronto visited over ,the. Week -end
With- itfr, and Mrs. Douglas Holt..
Mr. and Mrs., Ed. 1Glatthews and
Barry spent 'Christmas week -end
with Mr. and Mrs, Mac Corbett in.
Christmas 'visitors with Mrs.:
Dora Ridley were Mr. and Mrs.
Keith 'Ridley and two children of
Sarnia, Mr. Gordon Ridley and two
boys Of London}, Mr. Earl Ridley
of 1,,ondon, Mr. and Mrs. Cecil
Lynn and Karen of 'Orangeville.
Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Witmer and
family of Waterloo: spent the Week-
end with Mrs. Edith Witmer.
Mr. and Mrs, Arnold Doig and
family spent Christmas Day in
Kitchener With Mr, aind Mrs, H.
Mr.' and „,Mrs, Earl Baker and
family of London visited over the
holiday with Mr. and M*s. George
Baker, •
Rev, and Mrs. 5, 'W. gird spent
Christmas Day with Mr, and Mrs.
Norris Bird at Owen Sound.'
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Wendt and
children of Toronto 'visited over
the holiday with Mr, and Mrs, E.
A, Schaefer,
Mr: Harry Satiamto visited' With
friends, in Toronto .over the holt-.
Mr, Al Fries Visited with rela-
tives, at Streetsville and Toronto
over the holiday. • ;.
Christmas. Day Visitors With Mr.
and. Mrs, Howell Fraser' were Mr.
and Mrs. Grant .b'rasei' and banally
of Toronto, Mr, and' Mrs.•Gleen'
:Fraser and IVft, and Mrs, Clarence
Pollack aid family of Ripley; and
Mr, and Mrs, Harald Pollock' and
Sharon and Dreier.
Week -end and Christtnaa,t+isitors
With Mr. and Mrs, Harold boig
were Mr. and Mr'*. Harold. Pur
chase of Toronto, Misr{ trans But-
dhat't of Clifford, Misi►' 'Varian
tiolg of Searboro and Mir. Edward,
Doig: The latter left on Wedne!edary
math* tai nK f*r lroquole Falls,
olftc a'.n.4 4r* •rt Ifor44, h•
Mr, 'bund _ r : S!ti seed nit A,iti
tpwei visited On Sunday with %Mr.
and742„E, HO/Knave,.
. 0 'c ntrib!�ttr
' iglraa for. :9;141 for
� ,
t. he FarOwlah 00.000 of the 'Upper'
Canaria Bible SgcJ:dty were $116.60,;
tgunday visitors with Mr. and:
gins, Anson Rattan were Mr, and
Mrs, Charlie GreenficW oi' 7Nkoutat.
Forest ,and f , .and Mrs, rFlmt;r
Harding and farriily,
Mr, :and . Mrs, Jiini Strong and
*r. and Mrs. Lindsay Osibrnith:
vlaited .intends:' ip Durham on Sun
Sunday visitors with -Mr. and
Mrs, Mel Allan were Mr. ails: Mrs.
Parker,Eurl a and. Shirley,.
Miss Audrey Rattan, underwent
net with fitted bodice ,and match- ,a to'nsilectomy An Friday InOrning
log bolero with lily -point sleevea,ltile L stoweros i
Mr. 'and Mrs, Mat .MeCiean of
,Vancouver, B,C„ visited last • week
with Mr, and :Mrs. Jim Strong and
Mr; and Mrs, Lindsay Galbraith
and also with .the Dinsmore fami;
streamers with a sprig of heather, lies
� at Corrie.
Whinney of Toronto, wore pale
green nylon net with. matching
bolero of velvet and a matching;
headdress. She carried a nosegay.
of yellow and bronze :mums,
tier headdress of pearls and rhine-
stones finer -ti veil and
stones held , her finger-tip
she carried 'a white Bible crested
wrth roses and feathered 'car a.
tions, frorr'i which felt white__
' Her bridesmaid, Miss„ Janet Mc* Mr, and, Mrs, Mel Allan spent
Miss Carolynne Fleischauer of
Stratford, • niece of the groom, was
flower girl.: She wore a yellow ny-
lon dress with matching headdress
and carried a nosegay of yellow
• The groomsman was Harry Ford
of South Bend, Indianna and the
ushers were Ray Fleischauer of
Stratford and GordonKing o 1;,
A reception was held in the.
•Sunday School rooms ,where the
bride's table was centred with a
three-storey wedding cake and
decorations of double wedding
rings and candles. -
Receiving the guests, the groom's
mother wore a dress of turquoise
and gold brocade with matching
accessories and a corsage of Les-
ter Hibberd roses. She was assist-
ed by a cousin of the bride, wear-
ing light blue nylon lace over pink
with white accessories and a cor-
sage of Lester Hibberd, roses.
Two cablegrams from Scotland
were read at the reception, one
from the bride's parents and one
from relatives.
For travelling Mrs. Johnston
wore •a turquoise dress and . hat
with a brown , beaver coat and
beige accessories. Her corsage was
FORDWICH Fordwich played mile up of roses.
the firstg ame of 'the rural WOAA 'Ofi their return from" -'a short
group against Gorr*, on Wednes- weddingtrip the,. couple will reg
day night in w iarriston. The score side in Mimico.
was• Gorrie 7, Fordwich` 2. " Guests at the wedding were
Gorrie—Goal, Ivan Campbell; de- from Tara, Stratford, Toronto, Se -
fence, Ron'and Glenn McMichael; bringville, Hanover ,and Fordwich•
centre, Tom..O'Krafka; wings, Don
Bili Zimmerman; alts., Bob
Black Bob Strong, Perry Strong,
13; McCieod; M. Mulvey, Bill Taylor,
Pete Noonan, Jack Dinsmore.
Fordwich—Goal,' Ron Hube; de-
ence, 'Bob •Gibson, Dave Duke;
centre, Glenn Zurbrigg; wings,
Fraser McClement, Lorne Ser
feltz;. ,alts,, Jim ,`Stewart, Bet : Gib-
son, Bob Rumple, Jim Duke, 'Jini
Patterson, Fred McCann, Glenn
McClement, Glenn Johnston.
Goal -getters for Corrie were Ron
McMichael, .2; Mulvey, Grey, BOb
Black, O'Krafka, Pete , Noonan,
with one each. Scoring for Ford-
wich were Glenn Johnston, Bob
Gibson, with one each, Referees
were Percy Bean, Harriston and
Norman' Sterling Listowel.
blew Year's with Tvtr, and Mrs,
Fred McEachern at. Conn; Sandra
and Brian, returned' 'honey with!
their parents atter .spending the
holidays with relatives `there,.
Mr.. and lilts, Stan Bride and.
Bobby spent . New 'ear's with Mr..
'and Mrs.. • Jack Ridder, at Teviot=
dale. i
laritrn.ds of 7l. ,,, UWU VAN
;witll. 140 sorry110 74tlaan she :IA, o ,,
.fitted" to Valtrlorst9►t Holipitr}l.
fefdoreyonA)hlMnli, daMy nvisaints fwr`.Mnd
aeli,exn Iia. an . Th n Qf
'MQl2.. , ,n .al.