HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1926-6-3, Page 5,I,,.w•....,.., w_ ••••••.....,..-•----
RPHAMS' Enghag grwt hour-lit>p WoratetiStitil i,
are of excellent value. We will, guarantee these
Suits to give great wear and are as dressy a wit
a4 anyone would want to wear. We can't deaexbe
You can't imagine it -You .will appreciate its value
itmoat after wearing it a year.
Special Price $34.50
Others at $24.50 and $29.50
Itsatiy-t.-Wear and Made-to-Measare Clothing
Nea'a F.rnishings PHONE 57
week with Ur► MacMllhw'w ittaying after leaving the Galerieb
their prat at. the
WESTFI fLsD, Jan 1.- re. Jobe
Ilfuriday of last week.
Thy tuvenahlp conucll met t Bel-
' Stave on Friday of last wee1C
Mute. sympathy he extended to r.
and Yrs. J. 1,. ,McDowell n the to,ls of
their Infant son last week.
Mr. and Mrs. Will Get -ahem and run,
of Stratford, andMr. nd Mrs. A.
1 Barr and daughter
twiner renewing old acquaintance here
111 Sunday.
Rev. R. A. Miller. of Coteam. a for -
atter pastor of Werttteld t' a church,
was here and took hart in the servIce
on Sunday last. Mr. Miller had been
attending Conference at Stratford, and
j was visiting old friends 00 Sunday.
l Mr. Wm. Walden was eueecasful ID
Ihaying 1111111111wait completed at a depth
of 190 feet.
The farmers are huay planting corn
these days.
Munday•*nd Tlteeday '
two of reektaors most popular
artists In Robert Z. Leonard's great
batilHitage story•ot theatrical folkW
Wadbeaday., Tbtir eisy *ild Enda;
Matinee Tbureday Kt 4M 4).121.tsa+
sasttaY ter
Summer Millinery
Large Hate in the new
pastel shades, all white and
the popular black awl white.
We invite \'011 to e;tll.
Universal Hat Shoe
uM a WlRlrta $ogle. hospital, to express re1
Mt r. uud Mrs. Bert ti"Yia• oltt1 •oudeparture of Mr. and lire. Cox from
E .rt. .{sent Sunday tNigleehes Iutrruta, the neighborhood. apd ut the same
title to r1Ww titetr appreciation of the
o. be good
Yr. Howard•Armin and stater, way In which both Mr. and Mrs. Cox
CN-ulN$uudhi awlthal1• 4Ad hadproved
When mall tutdtarrl ed Mr.
lies. W 1)i and Mrs. Cox •ant .Melbourne were
11. Armrtroaat '
Mr. and Mrs. Perdue sad trteat t, catlwl torwttnl rod the following ad-
Mr. rad Mrs,. Cox 11114 Mel -
Mr. Angus Gordon .peut a day last bourne, -It was with feelings of deep
sroosk in Stratford. gad Miss Mary regret that we. your friend,. and
Gordon. of town. stayed- w•tt7t"Mra neighbors, learned of your intention
Gotrdwhile be was Nay. to 1erye our cowwuulty. You have,
Mrs.uu Aggle Foster spent Tuesday 111 I8r•I1 -tu•h good neighbors to us all that
Belgrai'e, the thought of your departure came
to us with something ut a shock.
\When we remember how you always
caws to our assistance In Meknes, or
LAVES. . 1. -Then• will he a ill trouble we begin. to realise how
joins martinloi uurt 1_R°• you never
W.O. next Friday evesttug n ib! club spared yourselves if you thought you
room. A good progress ie help% pre- I semi help 11. and in doing this yon
pared, Ylee IA•lla FaRleh will give a have set us alt ail example of nelgh-
report of the convention xhe.attebe a t'urly kihdnewr and Christian thought-
r ,will he a f lltetut that we shall not forget.
- recentl` at L0uduu. Knowing all this. however, ice did not
QARLOW ntiaiu- tic contest. Iatu. t. Will %vent to let you leave ns without show -
sect ed.
(`.\IthOVY. June Mr. and Yrr.11rs. Carney. of (:read Valley. has tut you our appreciation in some more
D. Creel -ford and three children. of returned to her home after ependint pi-molestway than just'aorde. And
so therefore we ask you to accept
Flint. Mich.. also Mies Pearl Wilson of Detroit.
silo) a week with friends here.
Mr. Foreman came up to ahead Mr. Moore turd flint!) tlo•sr gifts as a ark orf our sepals
the week -end and holiday at the home silent the week-endwith \1r. and Mr-. regard for >ou. We want them to be
of Mr. and Mrs. A. \Vilasrn. Mrs. _\ramie Johnston. the expression of the esteem and the
4'raweord and children will spend aJiw duo} Charlie Sherwo,al 'sere affeetlon that you. have woo for your-
houte from Detroit furs r• di' day- lett „e{,,.8 whilst tieing in our midst. It
few % her parents
Mrs. TT. . Anndd erton. of Gdndlheleh, and week, is our rnc•en• huge that you %111 be
her niter, Mrs. Walker. of Toronto, Mr. Harvey Miller to.: family uln- -paned to .pseud many a quiet and
[orad to Kitchener u, vi- ' Lie friends" happy hone together seated In these
called on Mendel here on Friday. ,-hair.. 1)11)1• as •ant dire w. may there
Reece Robertson is attending the there.
county wnuncfl meeting Goderich Mr, George Lane and fi:MY spent some to you fond memorise of the days
this week. Sunday with friends s' Port Albert wheel .you lived hereand of the friend -
Anniversary services will be held In and, Gode'rich..hip. you made. We may that God
Smith's 1Ill church on June 20th. Mr. aid Mrs.'%ion vl-ited tyle isle Iwo bless you with wealth and
Rev. Nell Leckie, of Motherwell, will tees t at Clinton lie• week. tetn•ngth and that•tlu• evening time of
our days a+dt be Thuratlrl . J our 3. 1926 -5
parents c one of rest and joy
Iso the speaker for the day.
There J s richest bless -
will iso special music dry the choly. • W HITEC1UI" H and peace. . May t3od'
Yr. Tote Vt'llson pipped cattle on `
Eng be upon yol►rfb your new borne
plea WHITEOf1CRCI: Jin. 1 --Mr. and and amid newadrronnatatts.
Petunias' and on Monday be sthl
hope is „r
At of the
North Side of Square elri
oit tan xA MF >c d,. lir tl Ls. t the release sit the reading
k and with address Mr. and b
Den'1 tura :teeing this
1i s m chmy&s
eu.e.d. dd . t idly spw{
pia 7
Pathe Comedy
Evenings: Adults '35e, children 20e
Matinee Thursday at 4.15: Adults 26e,
•I • - children 15e
Saturday only
The cowls.)• with the fourteen -asset
smile. In a ring tolled snorter of a gal-
loping Western story
Universal (comedy
Matinees Thursday at 4.15 p.m.. Satur-
day at 3.00 p.m.
Join Our Women's
We can still add n few n em-
•bers to our Women's Ex-
change. Membership fee, 61
a year, giving the member the
privilege of cont ributing Fancy
Work and kindred articles to
be Bold on commission.
- MISS S. Noble
- British E:ckange Block -
Your Family and
Friends want your
Make the appointment today.
Benmiller Nurseries
flea. ac a Meg. Cox wee
Mr. and ,Mrs. Lee and 4400. Howard . of Brantford, spent the «e--
of the Maitland block, visited Mr. allyl Nlre. Kerr. presented %1111 two beautiful chairs
l Mrs Alec. \adl•.r and fun- and Melbourne with +t ttashliptttt p
W mefl$
.Summer Dresses
Ili scores of styles, new summer models and new summer
fabrics. Dresses that include printed silk crepes. silk rav-
es» and fuji silica. elbow and long sleeves. and a beautiful
range of colon.
Prices from $3.95 up
Royal , Ladies' Ready -to -Wear Co.
East side of Square
Mrs, Maedel on Sunday.
Giant Asters
in white. shell Mak, larapier
rose. purple, crimson. or mixed.
of enormous size, st.ell pink,
rose pink, or mixed.
Slagle F701fy Petunias
fringed and ruffled in a great
variety of colors; also a great
aseortment of other plants.
R. g{;, Ne. 4. Goderleh
Mem s tptrlets In
Baby Chicks
S. C. White Leghorns
Pens with male birds wh''se
dem laid 226 to 267 eggs• in
their pullet year, etch ...15e
Pena with male birds whose
dame laid 200 to 225 n their
pullet year. each
Barred Rock Chicks, each 16e
By text in the Fag Contest at
Ottawa from year to year there
are no better egg producers in
Drop us a card saying how
many chicks you want. We
will write yon by return mall
when we can supply you.
1000 year-old White Leghorn
Hens for June delivery.
each 11.40
Brussels Ont.
11 o. auc t 'alloy with
ily. of 1'almrraou, spelt u tier reser. ithtrr•whmmt$
11r. and Mrs. B. S. 'Naylor. then nerved ands the remainder of the
Mr. Alec. Emerson has purchased a evening was spent lu a .eclat way.
T ALBERT, June 1. -The new Ford sedan. " ' Mrs. Cox left on Monday for Flint.
Misses (:race and Anal! Green. of Miss Maggie Ma.rt1111 has joined rill* M1hlgan. to visit her son Ralph. On
the pare spent the week -end under Women's Miseionary United Church here 1)r aolife of the her meitder. sidercturn Mr. in Goderich. Theyt'dtakeiiwith
he p. and.al roof. visiting with
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Johns. of De. )Ire. \\'m. I urdon V g thettl the best wishes of the whole
troit. are *lending a few days with her brother. Mr. Andrew Stein. of c0mmnnity.
heir relatives, Mr. and 1)[n. D. Mar- Paramount. r. George Wraith has purchased a ASHFIELD
tin_ sf ring car.
Rev. T. nays fa organizing Mrs. Alec
1 Ing a Claes new
1- or Nut Ogilvie end
fur oon0runti„n to take place some Mr. and daughter Jean. of Toronto. are visit- JessielandLCa hernee 3MacD)otnald
time in June. rents Mr. and Mrs. Detroit, are visiting at the home of
Mr. and tr t Peter Green and ram- Jackag with her y1) ' their parents. Mr. and Mrs. .1. K. Mac -
days with the former's brother, Mr. for nuns it, Brula arrieris ssels tbl•vwlte ll Miss, bB. ear lttl keltlenf Goderich, Is
Tom Green.rs. „lifting at her home near Kb:usu. .
Mr.family.and Mrs. Elliott Drennan ande familyr. uafl t,sbde141sprit `Su Sunday with lira. B4'ltton and firs. Williams, of
with of l Jah. t Cn ion and other with Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Cousins of reof
latives here. PttFd Miss Annie MacRae. return totDe.
this place. troll 00
Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. r.w,I . , , is tune t Saturday.
George Adams on the arrival of a son. Blyth. spent Sunday troitrr.andre Mrs. Johng at Matheson, of
of De -
We are sorry to report that Mrs. Mr. Chas. Wightman• lira ie 1),d
Woodrow. who U with her daughter, el flet and
spent Sunday w.th Mrs. Wal- J. The K. MacDonald
in b .d Presby
Mrs. It. J. Hoy. 1s very
eases aaaat
Wbed ite F'EI)BRAL Kt KlLAR ALAIIM is attached to your
obieken-house )our hens are safe ---nobody eau steal them.
• The Federal Is a very simple spring -steel dri•Id•e that works like
., a trap when A chicken thief oAa•nx any dour or wnahtw to which it
is connected; the alarm makes a very loud 'report, searing the thief
1 and awakefting >our whole household.
r,r ,
Bu! alalia of the absolute protection FEUER.•►L affords. it Is •
' quite barmiest; it cannot harm eve* the burglar , lout it thoroughly
-rare* him, protects your ebb -kens and awakens you.
The Fedteral Cannot Fail - Absolutely Guaranteed to Last
A Lifetime.
Ten -Day Money Back Guarantee
The Federal Burglar Alarm Is returnable, if after ten days you
find the ijrederal Burglar Alarm unsatisfactory in un, way. Simply
mail 'the e,k•ral Burglar Alarm back to us collet and your money
wUi be cheerfully refunded. -----------
-Federal Sale. t'ot'poration, 81 Vietitria St., Toronto 2.
131c8, -
Please scud me postpaid one Federal Burglar :Varna,
f rwhich I enclose my postal note for $1.65, oitthe under-
011pt$ilig that my money be refunded should I find it un-
satis actory
Name ,
ill o wen
Rt will of attended crowded ---`--`-- ------
t will maks alt necessary arrangement* Irin*IP andmes Alba and May Wltfhtadan and Mr. two excellent sermcrus which were
fol their anniversary. mutein enjoyed by all.
Mr. Fred Dickson.ioopera formerly of n a Ha•rlo \\'Ightw:tn, to \•a0c,niday mo Mr Itntn Stewart: of Guelph • Is
plae' had a serious operation in a turgid to Southampton on Friday• vlsitng at S hoar' of lila mother.
too -
Detroit covert., We hope for his )ire. eet Beecroft and Mrs. Geo. ei s Dive the
hStewart. of Lochalsh. -
specdy re 'da with Mrs. Brown-
terlan chut•elt on Sabbath wire
The Indies of Christ church. Port Eder, of Belmore. Arcola. Sask., The church was aro
Albert. will hold theft Guild meeting )ire Geo. 't'd Hamilton.
at the rectory. Dnnh*nnon, and also is rletthug relatives a4 both morning and evening to hear,
tale fox and , M. Oliver. 01 Chesney• who sacs
recovery. Cottle meet Friday n.
ng. at Kincardine_ -_ Miss Katherine Murdoch. of natant.
M, sere. Roy McGee. lh, S. Naylor. is visiting at the items Mil
ms of .. uttcaa
I I John McGee and J. D. Beecroft at- Cameron, of Lusrbalsh. -
tended the Masonic district meeting \ire un,T M M. Bowler, of God-
yHI:Mahal f18" June Clinton2.Mr. and banquet in Kincardine on Friday. ,.mein. are visiting With Mende in
Thug )leuary' wsa down n q
\xlndeld is
last Friday seeing his daughter. Mae.
in training 1n the Clinton ho
a. e• ; AUBURN 1Ir. Kalil 1laelta,• 4,1 -Toronto.
0rvt 1 vI•'itina; 81 - the - home of h14Larents.
ital. a
Mr. and Mrs. CeFll H°d8hathof eir ro liBls cisttl Run her `o MrER II. alai,and• ilr . John MacRae. Ot Loch•
aunt. Mrs.r. spent Sunday.Munro, of Mitchell. We are sorry to report that Mrs.
Hunt. Robe mode Robert MacDonald, of Kintell, founder
Mr. William Rome. who hash been ie Yr. and Mrs. Jenkins
the the ,kx•tor'a care. We hope %nota to
new hhis h s eer-In•law building hie London, spent obi Nice, O. Z. Errata. hear of her recovery:
new home, has returned to his home in i formerfi ajster.
Mr. and Mea. A, al. Rice and ern. _i. _Sudden ('all. -Thr community
]Ira. Armstrong, of Godsis Garth. uwt ting to T" week-roato end 1 S witth Mas lty 26. when 11It ittl became. generally
visiting at the hems of her son.Mr. day. .tending lite
frlendtt there. known that Mawr Annie MacRae, who
W. D. and Mrs.
E had been staying at the home of Mr.
Mr. Mra. Elmer Bennett. of De- . Mr. Rome. of Tor. ato, sprint the and Mrs. Albert Beckett for over six
troit. spent the week -end with his week -end with. his n, Itbew. Mr. Tlur and
had mimed away while ensu`
1 mother, Mrs. A. Bennett. i old Bogie a She was taken
Mr. Frank Hayden is sporting a Mrs. hual.1 I'atttr • who spent her breakfast In bed -
the winter with i et iln*tbter, Mrs. A. with s heart attack. and although Dr.
newM car. visiting vim ne and I)r. Hunter. of Goderich,
Mrs. Nekton Graham has gone to V. BhaNtletun. of 'C„robto, is w•erlrcalhrl In nothing could 1* done:
visit friends at Toronto and Hastings. her daughter. Mrs.. Wm. Anderson. at , she had called
away world a sone;
I. H. is burg made someSaturday.
fly 1 present. Mr. and Mrs. Not; .,ed' daughter. of The dwrsawd wits a most devoted Prea-
fng calls this bWg last M MacMillan
byterian and ens esteemed by all who
Mr. and lira. Will MacMillan and Londeelwro'. are vt ir'ttt with Mr. and knew her. She Was a daughter of the
faintly, from Auburn, spent one day l Mrs!. . W. .D hatntbauh and children are
M late Mr. and Mrs. s a dal daughter
of of
I s with her sister. T.ochntwh Her
We have a new range of ladies' black Silk Coats. There is only one of each style. These
are being offered ata very attractive price.
We are offering our balance of ladies' Cloth Coats at a great reduction in price.
See our new line of ladies' Georgette, fiat Crepe and Crepe -de -chine Sport Dresses.
New lines of Silk -knit and Voile Underw ear.
A wonderful showing of men's Straw Hats in a big range of correct styles.
West Side of Square Phone 4
Ladies' and Men's Wear Goderich, Ontario
Mrs. R. 1). ante : austere. Mica Maggie
Wendi+t a few weeks rtIka-
Meg. Wm. reit e . -
Mr. •Frank Wood,. • 1 Londeaboro'• is ton of Detroit. and her niers.. Mr°.
visiting friend. here.}/ ' Williams of Detroit, attended the fun -
Mr. and Mrs. R. Deficit,- of Detroit• prays otb'h took kart piece
n rh at
.)lass C unrfaill oft. Wlf;ham. Mrs I• - nF r,
Duncan, )flan I. G, ri.T ' services were conducted by Rev. Mr.
W.11.Pattereon'e on Snaky.
Gorier, of Paris, were visitors at Mr.. Maclronal,l ..f T.ucknow, and were at -
W. B. •
JT r. and Mrs. JohnCunningham. of tended. by n large number from all
Brussels, visited at Mr. S. ('ox's on parts. The pellhenrers were Messrs.
from* hlsn nelghl.orlicod els JePnrtnrP ' Mex.Duncan *McLennan.ta e
m camerae.
Among the vIsltor< torn Detroit for John MaeRa'ntt'1 PIIfelt the aa slue,
the week end to th• r old homes here Much aytnpnhy is
were: Messrs. (eons Tlntlam. Clar- in their sorrow.
epee hoer, Clayton Ladd. Roy Rohrr-
ton. Mr. and Mrs. Ile Semite. Mr. and I.
lire. Hy. Rlnderknee1.6
1 of the The pare from her late
reed- S. 44. NO. 3. ASAFIELD
SeatAtts• took place
deem ea Wednesday to Ball's cent- Report for May: .
Orli. She bad rein led the advanced Jr. IV. -Margaret Simpson' 7o per
age of eighty-two year!. ' and had ceJt. IV.-M'th itowler 6fr, Jack Cet-
been a ltfelnng r.•, ,111111 of Anhurn. Ilnaon Eli. Ttrace a11•Tw011iM''9 ' 4'^®
Her heshand - pr, ', seaweed her ten Goebert 50.
years. she leaves mourn her loss Sr. iii. -Duncan Simpson 70 per'
one son. Norman. • t Neepewa. Man- rent, George McGregor 67, Cecile Row-
,tnhs : also one granddaughter. May ler e6.
Evans. who has 1„r1) residing with Jr. 111. --Grace McGregor 64 per
her. Ret. P. S. Bone. conducted the cent., humid McKay 63, David' Mc-
fnneral aerelce, entti+ted he Ree.. W. R.
Alp. Kenzie 63, Joseph McIntyre 62.
Rev. F. 9. Clifton.A., will speakJr. 1I._ Margaret' Hibben.
Sr. 1Ethel McKenzie. Donald Mc -
`n Knox chntch next Sabbath morning Gregor.In Nle Inlerrwts of th! ftntnri,. Profit- Average attendance, 17.
altlon Union. F. E. ANDREW. Tenehet.
Farewell Preematatialt •On Satnr--_.------
slay evening last some flay friends and long as the robber planters
of Mr. and Mrs Nmmuel So,
,ox and and Mr gathered at the deal balls life won't be tow Ottery hope -
e and we eau still get golf
oma of lar, and Mer. H. s. Cos on u lesa-.Klspton 'Milli.
' e Basle line, where Yrs Cot was
Your friends can
anything you can
them except your
No other relnentl,rane will stye
such happinewt. -
Teleptiese 187
Try s Want Ad. in The Signal.
BRING hi those pretty cal-
endl1,rs and phots you
found _w.lua House-eleatning,
and have them framed 'to
adorn .-your walls,_ before
your etroit -visitors arrive.
Also h "ng your viroitgre in
to see -all r pretty thing,..
Store open 'Sunday stem
GIF% Sim -:-
East Street. i'hone IAR.
alt elaborate or simple ns your taste
..e pocketbook dictates are to be ares
here In many styles. All are well
matte and •will give good service no
int. Mo hen shouldhat price come you
come I and ere
these go-carts and carriages which
still make life happier for both moth-
er and baby'.
Furniture Funeral Director
Hamilton Street. Goderich, Ont,
Residing Plants. flanging Hesitate,
Dahlias, Perennish, ete.
none His
and the great outdoors
NOW is the time -4o get your Outing Shoes, cool, light,
and easy. We have them in great variety for GOLF, TEN-
NIS, BOWLING, ETC. The celebrated "FLEET FOOT"
hrand is unsurpassed for quality and construction, and,
hest of all,
"Tile t.aading Shoe Store^ -
pbone trill WV RK,(;. SHARMAN (IODERICi1